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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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|irK ir- &% |#lv ," 'JMr i-Tff HMB» PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. M. WA6EBUBN, NOBTH DAKOTA Haugeberg Block. COCKRANE & TAYLOR Attorneys-at-Law. Wiibboro, North Dakota .MONEY TO LOAN.. On Improved Farm Property Office Opposite Leader Office. Theo. Landmann. J. E. [Nelson Attorneys-at-Law, .* '^v KEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, oney to Loan on Real Estate and Homesteads. WASHBURN. NORTH DAKOTA. Haugeberg Block. E. A. LAMB... ..ATTORNEY AT LAW.. Practice before the United State* in terior Department a specialty. I alio (wve on hand a complete copy ot the United States Land Office rlats and Records for McLean. Oliver and Mercer Counties. J. T. McCULLOCH. 1 1 H. SAWYER PHYSICIAN ANU SURGEON Haugeberg Block N6RTH DAKOTA. I OFFICE WASBBURN, W. L. NUESSLE, •. Attorney-At-Law, U. S. Commissioner, Bismarck. North Dakota J. O. HANCHETT Attorney-at-Law, ffarvev. North Dakota AUG. E. JOHNSON U, S. CommlHstoner Washburn, North Dakota G. OLGEIRSON, County Judge. Filings, Final Proofs, Etc. Y\ ashburn. North Dakota T. R. MOCKLER Attorney-at-Law BISMARCK WASHBURN Practice in all Courts. ANDREW MILLER, attorney at Law, Practice in State and Federal Courts Special attention to Trial Cases and u. 8. Land Office practice. Office over First National Bank Building. .... Tel. No. 285. BISMARCK. N. J. A. HYLAND... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: Opposite the Court House T. L. BEISECKER, Attorney-at-Law, Fesseoden. North Dakota BESSESEN & BERRY Attorney s-at- Law, Harvey, North Dakota. M. R. BERNDT, Late Special Agent 6. L. O. More than 12 years' experience in all branches of the land Dept. H. R. BERNDT Law, Land Office and Department Practice and Real Estate CONTESTS A SPECIALTY We Speak German. First Natl Bank Blk. BISMARCK R. S.T0WNE Doctor of Dental Surgery OFFICE IN HAUGERERG BLOCK Practices in Wilton and Max from 20th to 30th of each month. KeaUcat DeitUt WASHBURN, N. Chas. Kaiser of Bismarck "r7' Quality of goods agd fitting guaranteed jw Cleaning, Pressing- and Repairing •life Benrtsentedirf!Wa£ibam:te y'V w: WASHBURN LEADER JOHN SATTERLUND L. L. SATTERLUND Published every: Friday at Wash burn, McLean ^Co., N. D. Entered at tlio Postoflice at Washburn, N. D. as Second-Glass Matter. OFFICIAL PAPER-'OF MCLEAN CO. AND CITY OF WASHBURN. FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1909. An extra- session of congress will convene March 15. Bismarck has received an ap propriation of $30,000 for a federal building. Congress is now making plans to raise the battleship Maine, the wreck of which still remains in the Havana harbor. The state superintendent has made the February apportionment for McLean county which is $2,352 .06 to 13.222 school children. craze on in California. The heavy rainfall has exposed nuggets which are valued at $125.00 and now everyone is after a mine in that vicinity. United Sates Senator M. N. Johnson, his secretary Skuli Skulison, Representative elect L. B. Hanna and his secretary Wesley Morrish are now all at Washington ready for the inauguration. It is believed that the irrigation project will be underway in the early spring. Those living in this vicinity are anxiously looking forward to the time and will do all in their power to make it a suc cess. The vital statistics of North Dakota show there was increase of 3,811 during the year 1908, 6,321 children were born during that period and there were 2,221 deaths, an average birth rate ot 511 per month. William Jennings Bryan says that in all probability the house of representatives will be demo cratic in 1910. He also thinks the president-elect cannot possibly satisfy the expectations of both elements of the Republican party. Some time ago the citizens of Washburn held a meeting and sent a petition down to Bismarck to the members of the legislature from this county asking them to introduce a bill establishing a normal in Washhurn, now they are wondering what became of the petition. Big preparations are being made for. the Taft inaugural at Washington. It is said there will be more than 31,000 men in the parade on next Thursday. A great many from all over the United States will be there to attend the celebration on that day. •W"-*.' v. .• •1• 1 1 1 .'Z'i'-yp-' Altho the North Dakota re presentatives were not placed on the bbaxd iof -grain appeals. they may yet getonthe bo&rd, not as a tbe Coipe Attain Store 1»* o£ it but no they wiU ha?e r«CTiU?. l«T^« bwo j^ly»il cur«l -T" .?•••.•••. ••. •... •-•/V .. Mr'T* Confines its. business to the safe-keeping of its deposits and to loaning its resources in such a manner that they will be perfectly safe and can be collected when due benefiting, at the same time, the bank and the borrower, and through the borrower, the entire community. These are considered sound principals by the managers of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WASHBURN IT INVITES YOUR BUSINESS. ^Capital and Surplus, $50,000.00^ Proprietor Manager full access to all books and records of the boards. This would give the North Dakota members every thing except a vote on the boards, and would probably accomplish the main effect sought. In the North Dakota notes writ ten at Washington, D. C., it is said there are more than fifteen North Dakotarts. on the sixteen* battleships which comprise the fleet that returner! Sunday from its memorable trip arcund the world. The greatest dam in the world is to be built in New Mexico by an irrigation company. It will be three times as high as the government project at Elephant Buttes and three times the size of the Assuane dam in Egypt. The dam will have a reservoir with a capacity four times that of any in existance and will irrigate half a million acres. Senator Hansbrough has in troduced a bill providing for old age annuities. It extends to all citizens including government There is ^another gold mining|^mpjoye8 Under the bill if a person contracts with the govern ment at th,e age of twenty years and pays 25 cents per week until he is 0 years he will thereafter be entitled to an annuity of $130. per year. Larger sums than this miy be deposited and. the annuity would be in proportion to the de posit. The chief virtue of the bill is in the absolute security of the investment and it would beget the habit of frugality among all the people. The bill is fashioned after the Canadian law now in force. NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS Captain t'dward F. Qualtrough of the battleship Georgia, having been found guilty by courtmartial of being intoxicated while on duty and of con duct prejudicial to the good of the navy, has been suspended from duty for six months, with an additional punishment of the loss of ten num bers in rank. The tellers who have been can vassing the vote cast last December for national officers of the United Mine Workers made their report to the Indianapolis convention. Thomas L. Lewis of Bridgeport, O., is re-elect ed president by a majority of 16,269 votes over John H. Walker of Dan ville, III. Carrie Nation became acquainted with the London police courts when she was fined $7.60 for thrusting her umbrella through a window of a car In the underground railway upon which a'cigarette advertisement-was pasted. President-Elect Taft baa completed his Inspection of the entire line of the Panama canal, having traversed the Pacific channel. He expressed himself as greatly gratified at the re sult of the labors of the engineers. E. H. Harriman was elected a mem ber of the board of directors of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway and the Michigan Central railroad. In each case he succeeded Samuel Barger, resigned. Miss Helen E. Maloney, the Phila delphia heiress, and Herbert Osborn of New York, principals in a "joke" wedding several years ago and who were divorced but recently, have re* married. President-Elect William H. Taft and party left Colon on board the United State's 'cruiser North Carolina for New Orleans, accompanied by the cruiser Montana. Ruth May Bversz, daughter ot Gus tavus Swift, the millionaire packer, filed salt for divorce against Ernest H. Bveras In the circuit court at Chi cago. Ciprlano Caatro, former president of VenMuela, has left the German sanitarium where ^he was operati on ltW I vv?-. Farm Loans Are Made by us on First and Second. Mortgages At Low Rates of Interest Don't let improvements lag: for the want of~inoney. 'A" few hundred" dollars but lay now may greatly increase the value of your farm. "No time is lost in making the required advances. We push business of this kind through quicldy. Come in and let us talk it over Town Property and Real Estate Loans WASHBURN, N. D. know it is good Policy to be prepared for emergencies. Dreamers never know dan ger until it is upon them. To which class do you belong? Are you still without the pro tection of Then wake up. Let us write you a Policy i# a good Company today. We represent twelve of them. You are not exempt from fire any more, th^n anybody else., Fire doesn't care whose house it burns.. Viv:.. General Insurance and Surety Bends /j.' „J5^. .. ^v&ry %ALA. V- *VV'S 1 tUt 'i-'-'t .!.•'( "i ,'d' rJ ... 1. o.4» l" ..i •"ijf :S'-SS&rJ.i 'j r: •v--* 96M W seasym1ifStaj•' -Al