Newspaper Page Text
T- i^. 1^1 ,!! 1 1 GERMAN SCARES ALARM BRITONS Wild Rumors Constantly Be fore English People. LATEST STARTLING STORY Member of Parliament Declares Ger mans Have Established a Depot of Arms in the Heart of London for the Use of Sixty-six Thousand Trained Soldiers of the Kaiser Now Em ployed in England. London, Hay 13.—The "German •care" grows a paw and no sooner is one wild rumor laid at rest than an other arises to try the nerves of the English people. Last week there was tke story of a big German liner filled with troops, which, it was alleged, hart »rstered the number, surveyed ih- possibilities of making a landing mod departed without being sighted hy the British warships with which the North sea is supposed to be close ly dotted. Now Sir John Barlow, a Liberal member of the house of com mons and a well known merchant, ytartled the country with the sensa tional suggestion that the Germans liave established a depot of arms con taining 50,000 .Mauser rifles in the oenter of London, together with 7, 800,000 rounds of ammunition for the use of 66,000 trained German soldiers now employed in various capacities in England. As an evidence i.'iat Sir John at taches some credence to this remark able story he has notified War Secre tary Haldane of 1:1s intention to ques tion him concerning it in parliament. RELEASED BY CZAR'S ORDER General Stoessel and Admiral Nebo gatoff Pardoned. St. Petersburg, May 19.—Lieutenant General Stoessel and Rear Admiral Nebogatoff have been released from confinement in the fortress of St. Pe ter and St. Paul by order of Emperor Nicholas. The health of both men has been gravely affected by their confinement. General Stoessel was found guilty by courtmartial of surrendering the fortress of Port Arthur to the Japa nese and was serving a sentence of ten years. Nebogatoff was sentenced for the same length of time for sur rendering to the enemy at the battle of the Sea of Japan. Stoessel began his sentence March 20. 1908, while Nebogatoff took up his quarters in the fortress April 15, 1907. ONLY ARMENIANS PUNISHED The Really Guilty Parties in Adana Massacre Immune From Arrest. Adana, Asiatic Turkey, May 19.— There are still 100 Armenians in prison in Adana and many of them are in chains. Christians alone are being punished for the recent out rages and it is apparent that those really guilty are immune. Further more, the government has failed com pletely to make good its promises to return the property taken from Arme nians. The special commission sent to investigate the circumstances of the recent lighting is forcing the Ar menians from the refugee camps, out in the country where there Is no pro tection. The crops in this vicinity are ruined and the reactionaries pre vail in the Adana vilayet. INDIAN IS CO-RESPONDENT London Divorce Case Attracts Unus ual Attention. London, May 19.—A divorce was granted in this city in which White Cloud, a North American Indian, was cited as co-respondent. This is the first time an American Indian has so appeared In England and a big crowd flocked to the courtroom In the hope of seeing the co-respondent, but he did not put in an appearance. The suit was brought by a Mr. Oreen, who alleged that while White Cloud was playing In this city with a Wild West show he captivated the affections of Mrs. Oreen and Induced her to leave her husband. PYR0MANIAC IS SUSPECTED Incendiary Fires Cauae Heavy Lots at Chicago.. Chicago, May 19.—Four fires, be lleved to have bees of Incendiary ''''JIEJorigin apd In which one life was lost V'*?,V and property valued at 9100,000 was destroyed, caused increased activity 111 th* March for Andrew Hanson, a pyromaaiae who recently escaped from Elgin asylum. In all since Hanson's escape there bave been nineteen fires of question origin, with losses aggregating %j Vt" Newspaper Wina Libel Suit. Albert-Lea, Minn., May !».—The rait of Congressman James A. Ir^Tawney against the Albert Lea Trlb -*?s-.ime apne to a sudden halt when Judge Ktagalay upheld the contention ef the publishers of the Tribune that criticism of pubHe ofBeer was it* rights and a matter of priv- Uege. Congressman Tawaey gave ao -llee 9t appeal. SALE WILL BEGIN ON JUNE 2 Government to Dispose of Costly Smuggled Gowns. New York. May 19.--The govern ments much heralded sale of costly smuggled gowns will start on June 2, when the contents ol one trunk con taining sixty-seven shirtwaists will be offered at auction. These waists, ap praised at from $50 to $300 each, are taid to be among the finest produced In Paris in many years. Trunk No. 2, the contents of which will be offered for sale on June 4, con tains thirty magnificent lace waists, each one described as a "dream" and not one appraised at less than $200. In trunk No. 3 there are forty-nine princess gowns, the minimum ap praisal being $250. .They will be of fered at auction on June 8. Forty three princess costumes in trunk No. 4 will be offered at auction on June 30. Among these are several dinner gowns appraised at $1,000 and more. On June 12 the twenty-one shirtwaists in trunk No. 5 will be offered at auc tion. The total appraisal of the smug gled goods was $52,000. SHOT DEAD BY HIGHWAYMAN Minneapolis Fireman Attempts to Cap ture Fleeing Footpad. Minneapolis, May 19.—John McNa jnara. aged forty-one, lieutenant of hook and ladder truck No. 2, was shot and killed by a highwayman who was trying to escape pursuers. McNamara was sitting with others In front of his engine house when a man rushed by chased by- Detectives Hansen and Duffy. McNamara grabbed the fugisive iround the waist. As he did so the captured man shot him in the stounuh. Other firemen held the murderer until the detectives took charge of him. The murderer gave the name of Frank Krickson. It is claimed Erick son held up two men a few minutes before the shooting in the Milwaukee railroad yards. CARRIERS REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE Lake Strike Discussed by Six Boards of Arbitration. Detroit. Mich., May 19.—Represen tatives of the boards of arbitration- in six states bordering on the Great Lakes met here in an effort to bring about a settlement of the marine strike on the lakes. Representatives of tho boards in New York, Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Mich igan were present, with delegates from the Marine Engineers' Beneficial association, the Lake Seamen's union, the Marine Cooks and Stewards' un ion and the Marine Firemen. President William Livingstone of the Lake Carriers' association, against whom the lake strike is particularly wsged, was absent. Mr. Livingstone repeated statements previously made that his association has nothing to arbitrate that the open shop prin ciple for which they are contending will not admit of arbitration and that he will not participate in the confer ences. Bi«hop Cotter Near Death. Winona, Minn., May 19.—The con dition of Bishop Cotter is most seri ous. Death is expected at any time. His heart weakness is aggravated by kidney trouble. GRAIN AND PROVISION PRICES Minneapolis Wheat. Minneapolis, May 18/—Wheat—May, $1.27% July. $1.26 Sept., $1.07%. On track—No. 1 hard, $1.3044 @1.30% No. 1 Northern, $1.29% @1.29% No. 2 Northerrt, $1.27%@1.27% No. 3 Northern, $1.25% @1.26%. St. Paul Union Stock Yards. St. Paul, May 18.—Cattle—Good to ehoice steers, $5.00 @6.50 fair to good, $4.50@5.00 good to choice cows and heifers, $3.00@4.00 veals, $5.00(0)5.75. Hogs—$6,85@7.10. Sheep—Wethers. $6.50@6.50 yearlings, $6.25@7.00 lambs, $7.50@8.00. Duluth Wheat and Flax. Duluth, May 18.—Wheat—To arrive and on track—No. 1 hard, $1.30 No. 1 Northern, $1.28% No. 2 Northern, $1.26% May, $1.26% July, $1.26 Sept., $1.08%. Flax—To arrive and on track,. $1.7S May, $1.72 July, $1.71% Sept, $1.60*4 Oct., $1.44%. Chicago Unlen Stock Yard a. Chicago, May .18.—Cattle—Beevee, $5.10 ©7.25 Texas steers, $4.60® 6.1$ Western steers, $4.7606.00 stackers and feeders, $3.60 @6.16 cows aad heifers, $2.6006.40 calves, $5.26® 7.60. Hogs—Light, $6.8607.82% mixed, $7.00®7.4S heavy, $7.06®7.50 rough, $7.05®7.20 good to. choice heavy, $7.20 @7.50 pigs, $6.80® 6.76. Bheep—Native, $4.00® 6.40 yearlings, |6.20@7.30 lambs, $ Chicago Grain and Prevlelene.§ff| Chicago. May 18.—'Wheat—May* $1.28% July, $1.18% Sept. $1.06% Dec., $1.0401.04%. Corn—May. 72%e July* 68%o Sept. 66%e Dec., 67%c. Oats-May, 68%c July, 61%®51%c 8opt, 43%c Dec., 44%®44%c. Port —May. $18J0 July. $rt.$6016.S7% Sept* $1M0. 30% 034c dairies, l$®33e. lt%031c. Poultry—Taifceya, lie eWckeas, li&c sprlnshlle. yi -v 1 Victory Vor the Written Law. The verdict in the Hains trial will be widely accepted as substantial pun ishment, and-It must stand as a re pulse for the doctrine of the unwritten law. The failure to convict Captain Hains' brother as an accomplice in a previous trial was a surprise to the country. The accused brother was es pecially callous in. his conduct through out and in his cynical contempt for the exactions of law. The plea of insanity put up by Cap tain Hains is a valid and proper de fense against the accusation of mur der. Its acceptance by a jury does not tend to encourage violent crimes. The slayer does not go unrestrained, and there is none of the posing as a hero, which is a disgusting and dangerous sequel to acquittal by the unwritten law. Justice is too often outraged in this country by deeds of the kind for which Captain Hains will pay the pen alty. The verdict is a triumph for the people and a vindication of the spirit of fairness, firmness and faithfulness In the lawful guardians of public or der. A world's court of peace such as was advocated at the Chicago congress may be much nearer than seemed possible a few years ago. Its powers at first would be merely advisory, but in time it could speak with an authority which no self respecting nation would flout. The late Augusta Jane Evans did not write als much fiction as her pop ular contemporary. Rev. E. P. Roe, but the output of her pen held in the south about the same place in literature that the indefatigable Roe held in the north. Those United States sailors who were arrested for walking on the grass in Boston Common shouldn't be dis couraged. There's plenty of grass just as good with no police around looking for cheap glory. Princess Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina of Holland even has a grandma 'to see fair play just like oth er lucky babies. The peace party shouldn't make the mistake of calling off the war on flies, hoboes, the white plague and Black Handers. Even in French there's nothing in a name when anarchism stalks forth as "syndicalism." Agitating for a sane Fourth should also be done early. Many a "joy ride" has a "grief walk" at the end of it. The late Augusta Jane Evans was hailed by many as "the great Ameri can novelist" when her most popular book, "St. Elmo," appeared. That work is said to have held the sales rec ord until "David Harum" displaced it. As a rule, "best sellers" are short stay ers, but "St. Elmo" sold well for a gen eration and still finds admiring read ers. Green peas at 75 cents a peck and cucumbers at 15 cents each make town dwellers wonder why last year's pota toes and onlonB taste so good all of a sudden. The St. Louis yarn about a rat that turns on the gas at night to suffocate folks may not be a nature fake, but anyway "Rats!" Soldiers and sailors never fight un less civilians bring on war. Peace ad vocates sbould go hot footed after civilians who stir up strife. If the wise old Martians are really looking at us they might take our sig nals to be a touch for a loan. Sort of leze majesty for the peace party not to recommend Dreadnoughts as makers for peace. Legal Notices. 9*Noticei pubHshed under this heading will be charged legal rates in accordance with the ruling ef the McLean County Press Association, and no affidavit will be Issued until all publication charges are paid. [FirstPublication May 7.190#.] State of North Dakota In District Court, County of HDIMD. Sixth Judicial Dist Isador Schnlkin, vs. SUMMONS.^ Paulina Schulkin.) The State of North Dakota, to'the above' namd'ttefMidant Paulina Seholkin Greeting. You are hereby raiamoned to smrwer thecom plaint in the above entitled action, and toaerve a copy of your answer Upon the eabacribert at theizoBcein the City of Washburn, XcLea'n county, North Dakota, within thirty day* after' the aerrieeof this aummoni upon you, exclusive of theday of aerviee, and in case of jour fail ure to appear or answer, Judgment will be taken against you br defaul' manded in the comi NOTICE S. default tor the relief de- ~Dated at Washborn, North Dakota, this {3rd day of April A. D. ISOS-: LAKDMAXX & NKLSOK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. forth Dakota. PLAINT, the verified abate ean Ace of the eler far theeoaatrof ^JL Vvl 1 K&A W* "3, rfll r7 .tffi V*)J $L*5(^ J* 1 Ordinance No. 28, Au Ordinance Granting the Rightof-Way to Teiephi the Oliver County Telephone Company, (a co of Charles Henry Wil- partnership) consisti cox, Clarence Elmer Wilcox and Roy Loran Wilcox, through the streets and alleys of the City of Washburn, ITilcox, Burton Stevens Wilcox, through the he City of Washburn, North Dakota, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a telephone line. Be it Ordained by the City Council: Section 1. The Oliver County Telephone company is hereby granted the. right uf way for setting of poles and stringing of wires through the following streets end alleys of the city of Washburn, commencing at a point at the city limits at Park Addition of the city of Wash burn as near in lineuspossible with the alley in Blocks Nine 9), Eight fi), Seven (7), ana Six (6) in Park Addition to the city o' Wash burn thence in a straight line to the alley in Block Nine (9, Park Addition to the city of Washburn thence through the alley in Block Nine (9), Eight (8), Seven (7), and 8ix (6), in Park Addition to the city of Washburn: thence through the alley in Block Six (6). and Ten (10). Veeders Addition to the City of Wash burn, to Willow street thence in a southerly direction alon* Willow street to the Missouri subject to the restrictions and conditions river, following. 1. Sufficient space shall be left for side walks between telephone poles and abutting lots. 2. The location and change of saialine shall at all times be subject to the control of the City Council of the city of Washburn and their successors in office. All telephone wires shall be strung at least twenty [20], feet above ground, except at crossings where said wires shall be at least twentv-five [25], feet above ground. 4. This grant shall be in full force for a period of twenty [20J years from and after the passage of this ordinance and no longer, sub ject to each and all of the foregoing restrictions and conditions. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the day of publication. Read first time, March 1st. 1909. 3rd, 1909. THEO. J. HAUGEBERG. Mayor. [Scal'J THEO. SERR, City Auditor. Published May 21st. 1909. Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Sale Notice is hereby given that that certain mort gage, executed and delivered by Christian Mill er and Katharine Miller, his wife, mortgagors, to Otto Grethen, Mortgagee, dated the 23d day of November, and tiled for recprd in the 61907,f 4vw• ouU UtCU 1U1 Alt wilt? egister of Deeds of the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1907, and recorded in book 'B' 13 of mortgages at page 372 and duly assigned by said mortgagee to 5. S. Renfrew by 'an instrument in writing dated the 21st day of May A. JJ. 1908, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county of Mc Lean and state of North Dakota, on the 12th day of December A. D. 1908 and recorded in book 'H' 3 of mortgages at page 458, and as signed by sa assignee, S. S. Renfrew, to T. S. Saby by an instrument in writing dated the 24th day of February A. D. 1909, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, on the 4th day of March A. D„ 1909. and record ed in book 'H' 7 of mortgages at page 450, will be forclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in the city of Washburn, county of McLean and state of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the 22d day of May, A. D. 1909, to satisfy the amount due on such mortgage on the day of sale The pi emises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are des cribed as follows: the east half of the north west-quarter (e% of the nw!4) and the west half of the north-east quarter (w% of the neM) of section four (4) in township one hundred ana forty-seven [147] north of range seventy-nine 179] west of the ath P. M., in the county of Mc Lean and state of North Dakota. That the power of attorney authorizing the foreclosure of the above ana herein described mortgage was on the 15th day'of March A, D., 1909 duly executed and delivered to U. J. Bessesen and H. L. Berry, the undersigned attorneys, by T. S. Saby, the assignee and owner of aforesaid mortgage, that said Power of Attorney was du ly tiled tor record in the office of said Register of Deeds on the 25th day of March A. D. 190# and was duly recorded in book 'G' 7 of miscellan eous records on page 255. That the affidavit of attorneys fees as provided by section 7176 of the Revised Codes of North Dakota for the year 1905 and amendments thereto, was duly tiled in the office of said Register of Deeds, reference thereto being had. There will oe due on such Mortgage at the date of gale, the sum of $236.00 for the costs of foreclosure and sale. Dated Harvey, N. D., April 2, 1909. T. S. Saby, Assignee and Bessesen & Berry, Owner of Mortgage. Attys. for Assignee, 4-16 Harvey, N. D. Notice of Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby given that that certain mort gage executed and delivered by Lars Dahl and Barbro Dahl, his wife, M. Barnes, mortgagee, March A. D. 1907, and 1 lice of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, on the 14th day of March A. D. 1907, and duly recorded in book 'B' 8 of 395, will be foreclosed" in said mortgage and the frontdoor of the court house Washburn, county of McLean and state of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on the 5th day of June A. D. 1909, to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage at the date of 8afee 8 of mortgages 1 by sale of the thereinafter desci in the city of on premises iribed, at premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are as follows:— Under and by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage, and the conditions thereof, and by reason ordefaultin the payment of the sev eral sums thereon when due, tne mortgagee has elected to declare the whole amount of said notes, secured by said mortgage due and pay able. There will be due on said mortgage on the day of sale the sum of one hundred fifty-seven and 85-100 [$157.85] dollars and the eosts of this foreclosure. Ben E. Combs, Nathan M. Barnes, Atty. for Mortgagee. Mortgagee. Donnybrook, N. D. 4-16 [First Publication-May 7th, 1909.] :5 Notice for Pnblicatioa. I' V' Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Bismarck, N. IX, Notice is hereby given that Walter K. Williams, of Washburn, N. D., who, on April 17th, 1906, made H.E.No. 31017, serial No. 06248, for Lots 1,2,3 and 4,Section 2, Township 144N. range81. West of the 5th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before -G. Ohreirson, Judge of tike County Court, at his office, at Washburn, N. D., on tho 7th day of June, 1900. Claimant names as witnesses: W. It. Pope, Robert Laughlin, Stephen Pais ley and Oscar Marty, all Washburn, N. D. 45-50 M.H. Jewell, Regiscer. Notice for Publication. rtment of the Inferior, United States Laixfoffice at Bismarck, N. D., April Notice is hereby given that Horyonk of Wilton, N. D.j who, on Jr Homestead Application, No. OMW.torSH NEK, Section »f the fifth itention to make final five ilalm to the laad abom taoinst. oltrk of tho et oourt, at WakhtxuafNTD., on the 1st day of June, 190B. "Claimant names as witnesses: Asafat Krnsck, Mike Krusoh, *ed Prokup, Theodor Kruieh, all of Wilton, N. D. M. H. Jewell, Register. BIOS WANTKD Notice is tgrCona. re sealed bids for furniture tor building Comndsdan^b^^Lean^mw^^W lag as per In ilia Afldfipy win be opened et 8 o'clock p. m. Jnne M. Board reserves the rl^t to ra)eet any of oil bids* PAUL S, MXYXR, County Auditor. •ID,I WANTjBO* Notlee Is hmtyjrfvea flonaty Coaamissfoaeri reoeive. sealed^rpiKyalsJox MOOAOdi «^Y ^vfeSS* Notice of Mortgage Sale by Advertisement. Notice is hereby given that that certain mort gage, executed and delivered by Paul Lorntsen and Elen Lorntsen, his wife, mortgagors, to Security State Bank, mortgagee, dated De cember 17th, 1907, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, on the 18th day of December, 1907, and recorded in Book 13 of Mortgages, at Page 490, and assigned by the said Security State Bank on the 14th day of January, 1909, WC.W. McGray, assignee, which assignment was filed for record in the office of the said register of deeds in and for said McLean county on the 20th day of January, 1909, at 11:30 o'clock A. M„ and re corded In Book 7 of Mortgages, on Page 229, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage, aud hereinafter described at the front door of the courthouse in the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P.M., on the 12th day of June, A. D., 1909, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and as signment, and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are described as follows, to wit: The east half of the northwest quarter and east half of the southwest quarter of section three [3], in township one hundred forty-seven [1471, north of range eigbty two [82], west of the fifth principal meridian. There will he due upon said mortgage, at the date of sale the sum of one hundred sixty-six 49-100 dollars [$166 49^1 G. OLI gagee, ,W McGray, Assignoe of Mortgage, ei'rson, Attorney for Assignee of Mort Washburn, North Dakota. 44-49 Notice of Mortgage Sale. Notice is hereby given that that certain mort gage executed and delivered by John Wesner and Sarah Wesner, his wife, mortgagors, to Wells and Dickey Company, a corporation, of Jamestown, North Dakota, mortgagee, dated October first, A. D. 1907, and filed for record in the office of the register ot deeds of McLean county, North Dakota, on the seventh day of October, 1907, at 9:00 o'clock a. and record ed in book 'B 9' of mortgages on page 461, will be foreclosed by sale of tne premises in such mortgage and hereinafter ''escribed at the front door of the court house in the city of Washburn. McLean county. North Dakota, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. on the fifth day of June, 1909, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are des cribed as follows, to-wit: south half [s%] of the southwest quarter [swH] of section two [2], township one hundred forty-eight [148], range eighty-three [83], in McLean county, North Dakota. ment first, and the mortgagee having paid interest nine teen and fifty-one hundredths dollars [$19 50] due November first, 1908, on a prior mortgage on said land, the mortgagors having failed to Seclare ay the same, the mortgagee hereby elects to the whole amount due ana payable, and there will be due on said mortgage at tho date of sale, eighty-two and ninety-five one hundreths dollars [$S2.9.*] and attorneys fees and costs and disbursements of this fore closure. Dated this thirteenth day of April, A. D. 1909. Wells and Dickey Company, Mortgagee Hager & Corwin. 4-23 Attorneys for Mortgagee, Grafton, North Dakota. Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Fore* closure Sale. Notice is hereby given that that certain mort gage executed and delivered by Samuel B. Han son and Mary Hanson, his wife, mortgagors to J. W. Yelland. mortgagee, dated on the 19th day of March A. D.'1907, and filea for record in the office of the register of deeds in and for the county of Mc Leah, state of North Dakota on the 23rd day of April A. D. 1907 and duly record ed in book '13' of mortgages at page 7, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in the city of Washburn, county of McLean and state of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the 5th day of June A. D. 1909 to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage on tho date of sale. That the premises described in said mortgage and which will he sold to satisfy the same are those certain premises situated in the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, described as follows, to-wit: east half of the northeast quarter of section thirty-four, and the west half of the northwest quarter of sec tion thirty-five, township one hundred fifty, range eighty [eVi of the neM of section 34, and the wV4 of the nw!4 of Sec. 35, Twp. 150, Rge. 80, McLean county. N. D.J The power of at torney authorizing the foreclosure of the above and herein described mortgage was on the 7th day of January A. D. 1909 made, executed and delivered to H. J. Bessesen and H. L. Berry, the undersigned attorneys, by J. W. Yelland, mort gagee, that said power of attorney was duly filed for record in the office of the said register of deeds on the 11th day of January A. D. 1909 and duly recorded in book 'G 9' of miscellan eous records at page 182. That the affidavit of attorneys fees provided by law has been duly filed in the office of said register of deeds, re ference thereto being had. That said mort- the mortgagee may declare the whole sum cured by said mortgage-to be due and payable. That two of said notes are due ana no part on either of them has been paid, therefore, the mortgagee hereby declares the whole sum se cured by said mortgage to be due and payable. That said mortgage above described contains a provision that "if default be made in the pay ed by said mort declare the ment of any of the notes secured gage when due the mortgagee whole sum secured by said mortgage to be due and payable. That two of said notes are due and no part of either of them has been paid, therefore, the mortgagee hereby declares the whole sum secured by sai" and payable. said mortgage to be due There will be due on said mortgage at the hundred eighty and 36-100 dollars and costs of foreelosure ana sale date of sale the sum of two hi 36-100 dollars and costs of fori which sum of $280.96 includes the sum of $175.18 of principal and interest due upon the said mortgage and the notes secured thereby, and the sum of $105.18 of principal and interest upon two interest coupon notes secured by a super !h ior mortgage upon said land, whic! mortgagee took mortgage' the said I up and paid to protect his said hereinbefore described. at Harvey. N. D., April 16.1 J. W. Yelland, Mortgagee Dateaa 1909. & Berry, s. for Mori' AttVL Harvey, No. 4-28 Notice for Publication.^ Department of the Interior. v'* U. 8. Land Office at Bismarck. N. D. HWLf. Notice is hereby given that Snyder, of Washburn N.D., who.'onOctober 12,19u8, made H. E. No. 2Q061, Serial No.05246, for Northwest !i, Section 8. Township 144, Range 82. west of the fifth principal meridian, nas notice of intention to make final five proof to establish claim to the described, before O. Olgeirson, county court, at his office at Washburn, on the 10th day of Jnne. 1900. Claimant witnesi Charles M, Griffith, Andr Andrew ?thlg6B« AxaI Johnson, Aiignst Fahlgren, all'of Washburn, North Dakota. .. M.H.JEWELL, Begigter. Notice of Mortgage Sale by Advertise* Notlee la hereby givwi, that that certain mortgage executed and delivered by Christian flled for record in the office of. the register of UOT atSdBo'elockp. m.and recorded in book •B of mortgage* .on pane jM, will be fore closed by a sale ofthe cage ana! hereinafter door of the oourt Jafiicstr&F* 19th du of Jnne A* amooat doe upon said •ale. in such mort at the fioat eitv of Wash, state of North p. a. on the to The prtmisee described In said which will be sold to satisfy the flMtftin pnaiMa titaitnl In thi ILMB ud itito of tiortk Mote astollowsijfho west half ofthe north east quarter aad the east faAtt of the north wort quarter in section four (4), township oaa hand. octr-eeven (147), .rr~- oflhe Hth P. M. in oto. 1 'Ubedoft tohTojsa MhffS ^reofeaet*. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. M. H. SAWYER, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON OFFICE Haugeberg Block WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA* W. L. NUESSLE, Attorney-At-Law, U. S. Commissioner, WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA Haugeberg Block. COCKRANE& TAYLOR Attorneys-at-Law. Bismarck. North Dakota J. O. HANCHETT Attorney-at-Law, Harvev. North Dakota AUG. E. JOHNSON On Improved Farm Property Offi :e Opposite Leader Office. J. E. NELSON, Attorney-at-Law Washburn, North Dakota. Q. OLGEIRSON, County Judge. Filings, Final Proofs, Etc. Washburn. North Dakota Nockler, Smith, Olsen & Raenoel Law and Real Estate Farm Loans-Collections. WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA. ANDREW MILLER, attorney at Law, Practice in State and Federal Courts Special attention to Trial Cases and U. S. Land Office practice. Office over First National Bank Building Tel. No. 285. BISMARCK. N. D. J. A. HYLAND... ATTORNBY-AT-LAW J. T. McCULLOCH... at the no-ISO ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: Opposite the Court House WASHBURN, 1 C. 8. Commissioner Wtihburn. North Dakota ..MONEY TO LOAN.. v'^' REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. oney to Loan on Real Estate and Homesteads. Haugeberg Block WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA: L. J. PALDA, Jr. Attorney-at-Law MINOT, NORTH DAKOTA THEO. LANDMANN, Attorney-at-Law, Washburn, North Dakota NORTH DAKOTA T. L. BEISECKER, Attorney-at-Law, Fessendeo. North Dakota BESSESEN & BERRY Attorneys-at-Law, Harvey, North Dakota, More than 12 years' experience la all' branches of the land Dept. H. R. BERNDT Law, Laad Office aai DcpartaMat Practice aad Real Estate v-vv' CONTESTS A SPECIALTY 1| We Speak German, -3 First Natl Bank Blk. BISMARCK R. S. TOWNE Doctor of Dental Surgery of: Blamarck ill in Quality of goods and fitting guaranteed Cleaning- PreMlnf -and fUpairiaa Bepreeentedin Washbnra by b. 6. Berlot •t the Ooaw Again Stovs IK 1 •jro ?, I 1^ -1 1 if. #i:4fI l|j iif 19 l&v Ill' 8Sf OFFICE IN HAUOEBBRO BLOCK VjC:! Practices in Wilton and Max iron 20th to 9Q|h of each month. V. ^'iiuaama -st 4^ WASHBURN, N. 0 Kaiser