Newspaper Page Text
I ,1 w! i&t Yi it 4: Vr. I I Soo Time Card, West Bound Trains. No. 257-passenger departs 9:20a No. 65-freight departs 9:25 a East Bound Trains. No. 265-pa8seriger departs 2:10 No. 54-freight departs 3:20 All trains daily except Sunday, effective Aug. 15th 1909. Market Report. Quotations made each Friday by the Farmers Klevator and Hans Holtan & Sons. GRAIN "Wheat No. 1 Nor $1.00 Durum ., 88 Oats .'f Flax 2.04 PRODUCE Potatoes 75 Butter 20 Eggs 20 [Corrected Fridays by Southey & Schweizer.] LIVE STOCK Heef, It) 2% and 3c Voal, It) 4c Hogs. ll 7c Poultry Chickens, lt» 7 to 8c Gceso, lt 8 to 9c Ducks, 11) 8c Lard, 11) DRESSED STOCK Beof, B) 6to6i4c Veal, .It) 7c Hogs, lh 9 to 9!4c Poultry Chickens. 11). .10 to 11c Geese, lt 11 to I2(4c Ducks, A) 11c 1") to 17c LOCAL NEWS An auto will be traded for a good piece of land. See F. A. Gallahan. A Boy who was shot last Sept* ember while out hunting in Oliver •county died last week. Received a new lot of trunks, suit cases etc. at Holtan's. John Satterlund transacted busi ness in the city between trains on Saturday. W. O. Anacker was down from Blackwater transacting business in Washburn several days this week. The Ladies Aid of the E. -church will meet at the home of Mrs. Southey Feb. 23. Visitors are cordially invited to attend. Rev. F. W. Grass went to Center Wednesday to hold the 1st. Quar terly Conference for Rev. A. W. Brown pastor of the M. E. church at Center, Rev. S. A. Danford, the Diet. Supt. being unable to meet all his engagements. Several ser vices are contemplated in con nection with this Conference preparatory to beginning a series of revival meetings by the pastor. rt/1 $ Hr-f Economizes aMEggs %AXw®Ym'am The only baking powd€? gBade from Royal Grape €resn» Tartar Alum—no We Have Money, Penge, Geld,: Rhino, $ Phosphates Those boys suits at Holtan's are real bargains. Nothing is better than a good laugh before going to sleep. You can have it when you see, "Are You Crazy." Washburn Opera House 3 nights Feb. 22-23-24. Miss Hilda Wahl is recovering rapidly from typhoid fever* and will be home from the Bismarck hospital in a short time. Seed Corn—Every's Native Dent Seed Corn for sale. R. M. Brown. Get your Monitor gasoline en gine, two, four or six h. p. at the F. A. Gallahan Hardware store. I Why pay high rates for land loans? I can save you money. F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Wash burn, N. D. J. E. Severson, Leonard Borga and John Jackson were business visitors from Ruso in Washburn oyer Wednesday. Sunday evening Feb. 20th. a special program of interest tq all will be rendered at the M. E. church, at 8 o'clock. The pro gram has been prepared by the Freedman's Aid Society, and is the best of its kind. All are welcome and urged to be present and par ticipate in the service. For Sale on Easy Terms: NW 35-145-82, near Washburn. Re serving Coal rights, $2800. In cluding Coal rights, $3000. Carl A. Fuglie. Coleharbor, N. D. 30tf The two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gaylord has been very low with pneumonia but is now improving. A few minutes delay in treating some cases of croup, even the length of time it takes to go for a doctor often proVes dangerous. The safest way is to keep Chamb erlains Cough Remedy in the house, and at the first indications of croup give the child a dose. Pleasant to take and always cures. Sold by C. G. Forbes. It $ Mezuma, Dough, :J Stuff, Long-Green No matter what you may call it—we have it. Loans Made AT ALL TIMES on personal notes, farm mortgages or city proper ty. Our rates are the cheapest our terms the most liberal. Moneyis OurStock in T-'*'X,8ee 114 when yon NEED IT.*1 The First National Bank Of Washburn, N. .Dak. Responsibility Half Million Dollars. Fire •,,Vi-'y'EtjjbtikMi Corop&Qi68« ..<p></p>Trade «V mm Written •y't.' mmm v* Qet the habit! Read th$ market report. Corrected Fridays. Wm. Merry'g Jjarn was burned this morning about three q'olock It is not known how tlie fire started Wallpapeir—See Wm. for samples. \f Richards 38-36 J. A. Hyland bought a half sec tion of land from. Mrs. W. L. Nuessle the first of the week. The land is about seven miles north-, east of Washbnrn. ?1® Cheap money for land loans."al ways on hand, Make your own rate—no red tape. F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Washburn, N. D. Another shipment of dress ging hams, basti^ts dimities, lawns and suitings received at Holtan's. Sunday school will be held in the Congregational church Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. The usual evening services at 7:30, Special harness. If you are in need of a harness this spring. get one of* those special made harnesa from*the Mandan Mercantile Co. Every, strap guaranteed. Over 500 sold in.this territory and not a dissatisfied customer in the lot. What do you know about that? Mrs. Lewis Hanson was taken to Qismarck Thursday where she will receive treatment in the hos pital for a short time. She is troubled with neuralgia in her head. ./ If troubled- with indigestion, constipation, no appetite or feel bilious, give Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets a trial and you will be pleased with the re sult. These tablets invigorate the stomach atid liver and strengthen the digestion. Sold by C. G. Forbes, -1,* It is.easy to claim that you have the best show on earth. It is easy to fool people once, but you can't fool them all the time. No flowery adjectives are necessary to get business for the Claman Co C. Jennings of Pace is very sick with pneumonia this Week. Mr. Jennings is 84 years old-and there are grave doubts as to his recovery which his numerous tfriends will regret to hear. Farmers, if interested in clean seed grain call at the Mandan Mercantile ,,Co and see the new Fosston Automatic grain cleaner. We can demonstrate to you in a few minutes thai this is the b$st cleaner made. Last Saturday was Lincoln's birthday and the day was observed in only the county offices which were closed. The farmers cele brated by coming in bunches to do their weekly shopping. Few indeed are the people in these days of money madness who go to the theatre to be instructed What they seek is amusement, a' hearty laugh,-a chance to forget business cares and worries. Wash burn Opera House Feb. 22-23-24. Do you know that croup can .bis prevented? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as- the child becomes hoarse or even aftdr croupy cough appears, and it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup and has neve? been known to fail. Sold by O. *. Forbes".! The Claimans are more than willing to leave it to- the theatre goers of this city if the play of fered by this company with th? assistance of the orchestra is not the best performance theyt ever attended. Washburu Opera bouse Feb, 22-23-24. for gov Scandi- Prof. Aaker, candidate ernor, is a member of the navian Republican League served as its president a ytear ago. He is a member of the & D. Total Abstinence Association, an honor* ary member of the W. G. T. U., a member of the sons of Norway, and belongs to the United Norm. Luth church. He was born 48 jreard ago in Winneshiek Co., Ipm, educated at. ^rather College lind Valporoiso University and married in 1900 .': Chicago Swedes. Mrs. Aaker was bom n4 tin and her parents are. Coming. To the Washburn Opera House the 22th for a three night, engage ment.:^. The Claman players a company of 14 people band and orchestra, in the funniest play ever written. "Are You Crazy." A musical 3 act comedy dra^a with vaudeville specialties between each act. A special musical pro gram by our 6 piece orchestra, the best on the road. A change of program each night. A positive guarantee with each ticket sold. Claman prayers played your town before: Bigger and bett er than ever. *f Out For an Office. In this issue of the Leader is the announcement of John L. Brekken for the office of countv superintendent of schools. Mr. Brekkeft is the first one in the county to make public his plans for the coming campaign. He has been a resident of the county for, a number of years., and has made his home at Turtle Lake while teachings An elderly, lady as a house keeper for a family of two on a farm near Washburn for the com ing summer. Call or write Jerome Stevens. 38 Inspectors Appointed. (Continued from page 4) on sec 29-149-79. Chairman board of supervis ors, inspector, Precinct no IT, consisting of twp 149, rge 78, Vote at school house no 1. John Armstrong, inspector. Precinct no 18, Malcolm civil township, con sisting of twp US, rge 83. Vote at Malcolm school house no 1. Chairman board of super visors, inspector. Precinct no 19, consisting of twp 148, rges 83 and 84. and twp 147, ranges 84-85 and 86. Vote at Garrison school house. President of village' board, inspector. Precinct no 30, St Mary civil township, con sisting of twp 148, rge 85. Vote at school house no 1. Chairman board of supervisors, inspect or. Precinct no 21,-Emmet civil township, con sisting of twp 148, rge 86. Vote at school house no 1. Chairman board of supervisors, inspect or. Precinct no 22, consisting twps 148 and 147, rge 87. Vote at school house no' 1. Jerry O'Shea inspector. Precinct no 23, consisting of twp 147, rge 83. Vote at school house in Coleharbor. Cald well inspector. Precinct no 24, lander civil township, con sisting of twp .147, rge 82. Vote at school house no 1. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector Precinct no 23, Turtle Lake civil township, consisting of township 147, rge 81. Vote at us sual polling place. Chairman board of super visors, inspector. Precinct no 26, Lake Williams civil township consisting of twp 147, rge 80. Vote at Turtle Lake school house. Chairman board of super visors, inspector. Precinct no 27, Wise civil township, consist ing of twp 147, rge 79. Vote at school house no 1. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct no 28, Mercer civil township, con sisting of twp 146, rge 79. Vote at school house in Mercer. Chairman, board of supervisors, in spector Precinct no 29, consisting of twp 146, rges 80 and 81. Vote at school house on sec 22-146-81. Herman Hanson, inspector. Precinct no 30, Underwood civil township, consisting of twp 146, rge 82. Vote at jail in village of Underwood. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector.' Precinct no 31, Longfellow civil township, consisting of twp 146, rge 83. Vote at usual poll ing place. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 32, consisting of twp 146,rge 84 twp 145R.84jVqte at Hancock-school house. N W Solenberger, inspector. Precinct no 33, consisting of twp 145, rge 83 and twp 144, rge 84. Vote at Basto postofflce. Andrew Roseberg, inspector. Precinct no 84, Buffalo Lake civil township, consisting of twp 145, rge 82. Vote St school house on sec 23-145-82. Chairman board of sup ervisors, inspector. Precinct no 35, consisting of twp 145, rge 81, and twp 144, rges 81 and 83 and twp 143,' rge 81. Vote at old court house at Washburn. A Hyland, inspector. Precinct no 36, consisting of twp 145, rges 70 and 80. Vote at school house on sec 22-145-80. W Wagner, Jr.inspector. Precinct no 37, Heatoh civil township con sisting of twp 144, rge 80. Vote at school house on sec' 21-144-80- Chairman board of supervis ors,, inspector. Precinct no 33,'consisting of twp 143, rge 80. Vote at usual polling place at Wilton. Walter Graham, inspector.'3 The following resolution was presented by Commissioner Swan Hanson,, who moved its adoption, seconded by Commissioner Leo 'Majiowald: Whereas It becomes necessary un der the provisions of sectibn 2432 of the revised code, of 1905 that this board designate three papers in which to publish the proceedings of the board' for the ensuing year therefore be it (wolfed, that we do ^hereby designate the Washburn Leader, Max Enterprise and 'Turtle Lake Wave as such papers, saiti designation to be in effect for a term of one year commencing Feb 1,1910. The resolution wrs declared adopt ed, on call of the roll all members voting aye. Basignatlon of 'Harry- Carnahan, justice of til* peace was received and read. On motion the resignation of Harry Carna ihah as justice .of the peace was accepted. On motion the applications of the Benedict Baiuier, the Dogden Observer and the Dogdea Neiis to become the official papers of McLean county for th? yepr 1910 were rejected. de motion the following bills were allowed ^ad warrants-ortler *d drawn in payment of LeiDtt''Mahowald, comand mileage 9M.00 Ban* Halberg, com and mileage IB 60 g#an Hanson, com and mileage 17 SO )o motiofi the board (tdjourned to irntf on ipoadAy,March7th, IMA. .--- 4^^ mi, 4 tie ?w Wanted. 5 Hans Hultberg, Chairmani&' itUwt: Paul S Meyer.Co. Audiior. $¥ A fe- •'•V \*v Jookim Wiese sold his farn^ last week and on March 4 will sell bis farm machinery and household goods.and shortly afterwards 'leave for Iowa where they will make their future home. Their son John will accompany tb em. Store Burned. Adolph Wacker received word Monday of a-fire at Denhoff that burned the general store belong ing to his brother-in-law John Eoth, Jr. The origin of the fire is unknowm It was partly cover ed by insurance. Editor Kehrer's old print shop was partially de stroyed. land High Near Goodrich. John JaBsman was down from Goodrich on Monday and while in .the city was a guest of Adolph Wacker. Mr. Jassman is in the land business and last week made two very good sales. One quarter sold for $35. an aqre and two others for $35. an acre. One of the latter was one mile from Goodrich. Pretty Heart Party. One of the prettiest and most thoroughly enjoyed parties that has been given in this city for srome time was that given last Monday evening by Mrs. P. E. Funk at her beautiful home. Ten tables pf "Hearts" pleasantly pass ed the evening hours which ended with a service of dainty refresh ments. Mrs. Funk was assisted by Mesdatftes Loftsgarden and W A artistically decorated with red and white hearts which color scheme was carried out in the refresh ments. Two*Minute Title Talks. The Completeness of Oor Records KLEIN S LAND AGENCY ,They are -'too Buying And Selling Land a: Hove to Iowa. have one/in dex that*leads with unfailing [accuracy to ivery record ed transaction affecting the title of any lot or par cel of land in the county. It is a dragnet that no thing can escape. To get this information from the public records at the court house would be like hunting a needle in a hay stack. You could never know when your search was ended. Besidesvthis index, we have all the necessary modern helps to finding out things about the title, photographic copies of the records in the Regis ter of Deeds office, taxes, gem s, liens, de crees, and theiike. All right here.under one rdof-~-you need not go any further. Afflllated with i,„ 1 mm Dakota Abstract 4 Title McLean Coonty Abstract Company G^O. RAUOUST. to, Mv. MinotWfalibuni W& & To Write Advertisements Si Snowbound in Plaza. F. A. Gallahan went to Plaza Monday on business and expected to return the following day but on account of the train blockade did not return until Thursday., I Funeral Services Held. The funeral Services of Walter Klein were held at the residence last Sunday morning by Rev. D. D. Mitchell. Only a short sermon was given with appropriate se lections by €he choir, when, the remains were taken to the Koenig cemetery and interred. Mr.- and Mrs. Earl Klein appreciated the assistance given them by friends during the sickness -and death of their little one and wish to thpnk, them., Changed.Hands, The Coal Harbor lumber yards,, numbering six were sold last week to the Hallandsworth-Hart Lumber Co. of Minneapolis. D. Tedw'oh, will be the traveling auditor, the place formerly occupied by I. Rovig and later to have been by L. Mackey. The new owners have a number of yards in this state well as in South Dakota. Some of the agents will retain their po sitions. THE 1910 DE LAVAL ii CREAM SEPARATOR In keeping with the estab lished De Laval custom of making the De Laval Cream Separators as mnbh better each year as possible, the De Laval machines, fqr 1910 show even greater, perfection than they have in the past. The dairy farmer who buys a 1910 De Laval can feel as sured that he has by far the best cream separator ever made anywhere at any time.* The dairy farmer who lete| the year qr ^even the month| pass by without at least seta*^ ing and examining the 1910, De Laval will be doing hifif selfan injustice. 11 The opportunity' of oitiS mining and trying .a 1910" De Laval right at his own home is open, free of all qo^t^ or trouble, to every dairyman who will simply say the wbr Next to a De Laval ,m chine is the De Iiaval '-oatiu.11 logne, ftree for the »sltii|g^j({& containing a separwtftt^lfr. itself. Wathlttn), & v'.t 5 kl .|t W J-: ft1 M4 r^- J» a