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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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ri & LOCAL NEWS HOUSE FOK SALE—W. Richards. Rooms for rent, inquire of Martin Holtan. Life Fire—Hail Insurance. Frank E. Funk. A son was born at the Harry Sol enberger home August 21st. For Sale—Another good second band top buggy. Martin Holtan. J. I, Case threshing machine sold by F. A. Gallahan, Washburn. A. S. Reitan has bought the W. P. Dean cottage in Riverview Ad dition, For Sale—a good house and lot in sooth Washburn. A bargain Martin Holtan. Wanted—a competent girl for Igfeneral house work. Mrs. Aug. E. Johnson. Talk life insurance to Gr. O. Rau- gust, general agent. Pioneer Life Ins. Co. of North Dak. Will Lantz has accepted a posi tion as clerk in the Holtan store and began work Monday. Get your Monitor gasoline en gine, two, four or six h. p. at the F. A. Gallahan Hardware store. When ready to paint your buggy use & Climax Buggy paint. It is good. Thompson Hardware. Eighteen Reliable old line Fire and Hail Insurance Companies. Frank E. Funk First Natl. Bank Miss Pauline Shoemaker, who has been in Washburn since the first of July, left last Saturday for Dickinson. Any make of old cream separat W6 can be exchanged for a U. 8. separator at the F. A. Gallahan Hardware Store. Tornado and fire insurance is very cheap. For something reli able see Frank E. Funk, First Nat. Bank, Washburn. N. D. Cheap money for land loans al ways on hand. Make your own .rate—no red tape. F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Washburn, N. D, Proofs taken on any date con venient for you. Send for appli cation blanks to G. O. Raugust, clerk of district court, Washburn, N. D. Help!—is the general cry when too late. Secure a home for you and your family while you have an opportunity. See Klein's Land Agency. Henry James paid the mortgage on his father's farm last week. A business course at the Mankato, (Minn.) Commercial College a few years ago enabled him to do this. College of law, University of North Dakota. Strong faculty of able lawyers. Good library. Fall term opens Sept. 20th. For infor mation address, College of Law, Grand Forks, N. Dak. Word was received this week of the death of the three days old daughter at the W. P. Dean home at Lahgsford last Saturday, which the many friends of the family will regret to hear. Your complexion as well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets, you can improve both. Sold by C. G. Forbes. The.Buffalo Bill circus was a big drawing card in Bismarck last Saturday. The Soo put on an ex tra coaoh to accommodate the big crowds who went down from (Jar gon, Washburn and Wilton. It a noticeable fact that vary few tildren were on the train. WANTED—Cosmopolitan mag gine requires the services of a re Bentative in Washburn to look after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by special meth ods which have proved unusually successful. Salary and commis sion. Previous experience desir ed but not essential. Whole time or ipare time. Address, with refer |neM H. C. Campbell, CcsmopoU it an Magazine, 1780 Broadway, |faw York City. TDK REST a "few "houses Enquire Frank E. Funk, 1st Nat'l. Bank, Rev. Frank Peterson was down from Elbowoods Monday on legal business. Mrs. Richards of Douglas spent Tuesday in Washburn calling on friends. Miss Margaret Casper is spend ing the week as a guest at the Rau gust home. A report comes from Canada of the arrival of twins at the John Bergdorf home. Auditor Bickert left last Satur day for Minneapolis on a short business trip. Joe Meyer bought the Zolnow sky bakery and took charge the first of September. Attorney J. E. Nelson feft Mon day on a short business trip to Benedict and Garrison. Fred Anderson went to Stanley Monday where he will work in the Dakota Abstract office. Why pay high rates for land loans'? I can save you money. F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Wash burn, N. D. MORE CHEAP MONEY Lana loans. See Frank E. Funk, First National bank of Washburn, North Dakota. A. W. Persey who owns a large garage in Garrison, was in Wash burn this week visiting his broth er, W. A. Persey, All threshers or those interested in threshing machines should look over the J. I. Case catalogues at F. A. Gallahan's. ONE DOLLAR will start a saving bank account with First National bank of ^Vashburn, N. Capital and surplus, $50,000. Miss Genevieve Manard of Wil ton spent several days at the Wm. Richards home in Washburn last week aud returned home Saturdey. FOR SALE—One solid oak bed room suite for sale at less than half price, also other household furniture. Apply to A. T. Daniel son. Not a minute should be lost when a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy if given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent, the attack. Sold by C. G. Forbes. Don't waste your money buying plasters when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for twenty-five cents. A. piece of flan nel dampened with this liniment is superior to any plaster for lame back, pains in the side and chest, and is much cheaper. Sold by C. G.Forbes. "Can be depended upon" is an expression we all like to hear, and wheu it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails to cure diarrhoea, dys entery and bowel complaints. It is pleasant to take and equally val uable for children and adults. Sold by C. G. Forbes. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is to day the best knowu medicine in use for the relief and cure of bowel complaints. It cures griping, dys entery ard diarrhoea and should be taken at the first unnatural loose ness of the bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by C. G. Forbes. Soo Time Card West Bound Trains. No. 257-passenger departs 9:20 a No. 65-freight departs 9:25 a East Bouud Trains. No. 265-passeuger departs 2:10p No. 64-freight departs 3:20 All trains daily except Sunday, effective Aug. 15th 1909. Old Virginia Farms FOPSal© Send for free illustrated catalog largest list in Virginia. CaMelman & Co. Richmond Public School Opens School will open here next Tues day and from reports there will be a large attendance. Had a Bad Fire Last week three of the business places in Mercer were burned. Not very much insurance was carried. Prominent Visitor Judge Fiske was in Washburn a few hours on his way to Bismarck on Saturday. He made the trip by auto. Was Called Here Dr. Householder of Center was in Washburn, Wednesday in con sultation with Dr. Sawyer on pro fessional business. No Hunting Here Get your "no hunting" signs at once if you wish the hunters to keep off your farm. The signs can be bought at this office. Has Gone to Oakes Mrs. Fred Boethling, once Flor ence Sheldon, came up from Oakes Tuesday for her brother Ralph who will attend school in Oakes during the winter. A New Editor In Wilton E. A. Hull has sold the Wilton News to G. Stewart who will take charge this week. Mr. Stewart is not a new one in the business and is sure to make a go of it. Had a Vacation Miss Bessie Benn returned from Blackwater Saturday where she has been visitieg for a couple of weeks. She resumed her duties as clerk in the register of deeds office Thursday Dog Was Poisoned The Forbes family are mourning the loss of their pet dog Dandy which was poisoned last week. It is about this time every year that the dog killing season begins and the guilty parties are being hunt ed out. River Is Very Low The Missouri river has never been so low as it is at the present time The island below the city is now joined to the Oliver county banks by a sand bar leaving only one channel. There are more large sand bars than ever. Bring In the Reports A news item that is of interest to all, whether in this county or the next, is the crop yield. The farmers who have threshed and get above the average this year is news desired by all. Any reports brought to this office will be ap preciated. Has Some Good Hay Adolf Reimers was in the city from Basto Saturday with cattle be sold to local parties. He says they had a slight frost in their neighborhood Friday evening but it did no damage. Hay is fairly good and about all put up but the threshing will not begin for some time. Is Getting Better Last Saturday morning Viola, the daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Hagen, wasr taken with infan tile paralysis. During the day she could not move but is now getting control of her muscles and is im proving rapidly. She was at her home at Painted Woods when tak en sick. Is To Be Married Rev.. Hild of the German Bap tist church will be married to an Ellendale young lady Se| lumber 14. Invitations to the wedding have been issued. Mr. ITild has been a resident of Washburn for the last six months aud his bride will be welcomed by his many friends. Has Returned Home 1 Mrs. J. Zolnowsky returned on Tuesday from Bismarck where she has been for the last two weeks re covering from an operation for ap pendicitis. As soon as she is fully recovered she expects to go west with her husband who has sold out his business here and will look up a ne location. ... Get Your "No Hunting" Signs Get your "No Hunting" signs before the season opens. For sale at this office. Making Improvements Herb Hanson is remodeling his residence since the fire and build ing on a small addition. The fam ily expects to move in this week. Has Returned Home Postmaster August H. Wahl re turned Monday from his stay in Minneapolis where he went to avoid the hayfever season. He now finds that he returned a little too soon. Has Resigned Position Miss Annie Peterson has resign ed her position as clerk in the county auditor's office where she has been for the last six months' She will remain at home during the winter. Now a Schoolmarm Miss Gladys Forbes is a recent graduate from the Valley City Nor mal. She was to have been through in June but took extra work in the summer school and completed her course last week. She will not re turn to Washburn but go directly to Larimore where she will be the instructor in music and drawing. A Large School The Valley City Normal still con tinues to grow and still the demand for teachers who are graduates can not be filled. There were 133 grad uates this year and when the school board in this city was looking for teachers they were not able to get one from that school. It speaks well for the institution when their graduates are so readily placed. More Work Done The excavating for the two set tling basins was completed this week. Each is 10 feet high aud 30 feet in diameter. The work on the cement pump house was commenc ed this week. It will be 20x25. The well, only 25 feet deep, will have cement curbing. All work will be done before the first of Oc tober. A steam excavator will ar rive soon to do the digging through the streets. Had Family Reunion At the family re-union held at the Hans Holtan farm last Sunday every one reports a happy time, Mr. Holtan enjoyed having his ten children all with him for tho first time in twenty-four years. He has thirty-one grand children bat only seventeen were at the re-union. A number of friends were also pres ent to help them enjoy the day which will be a memorable one for Mr. Holtan. It Costs Nothing to Investigate On the other hand, it will PAY you to investigate the unusual op portunities we are offering in REAL ESTATE. Money invest ed in goxl real estate is safe—it can't be carried away, lost, or stol en. The real estate investments we can offer you are safe as Gov ernment bonds—and will pay big ger dividends. REAL ESTATE is our specie alty. We know the business thor oughly.. We buy and sell, rent and handle loans on real estate. Why not let us show you what we can do for you KLEIN' LAND AGENCY Washburn, N. Dak. What Better Present What better present could there be for your'fainily or yourself than an investment that will mean in dependence for the future? We offer you the opportunity to make such an investment in REAL ES TATE. We .have a few exceptionally good bargains just now both in improved and unimproved proper ty—town or country, as yon pre fer. Our success in this business is the result of specialization. We can give you expert and confiden tial service in any REAL ES TATE transaction We buy and (sell, rent and han dle loans. KLEIN'S LAND AGENCY N DAK. CLASSY CLOTHES Our standard is different, and we are slu ing to be different to the end of the chap ter—-by doing tilings a little better than the average best. The styles here are al ways a few ticks ahead of the watch—tho we realize that some men prefer to have their clothes suggest, rather than emphas ize the newer style innovations. There are FRIEND MADE STYLUS here for men of all ages—from sedate business or profes sional man to the chap in his school years. Good Clothes $15.00 to $25.00 SPECIAL Lot 1—Boy's two and three piece suits values QC jO to 4.50, sizes eight to fifteen, to close at Lot 2—Boy's two piece suits, sizes six to six- QR teen, best quality, regular price. 2.7", to close S* Lot •{—Boy's knee pants, value from ."•" to ().") cents QQp good quality of goods and tine lookers special price Hans Holtan & Sons Washburn School Notes THE KEAL STARTING POINT OF A BUSINESS IS THE START «8» 8» O «& of a systematic savings account. If he begins right he opens a bank account and gradually builds up both his account and his credit. If you begin now it will bring your day for starting a business of your own nearer. Open an account with us today—one dollar or more will do—whenever you can spare a dollar add it to your account— the lump sum will be ready for you whenjyou want it. Reliable fire insurance—eighteen companies. (Continued from page 1) Courses will be offered in Book keeping and Commercial Law these courses being The First National Bank of Washburn, North Dakota Responsibility $500,000 JOHN HOUKUP Merchant Tailor Dur CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Suits Made to Order STYLE AND FIT GUARANTEED designed to meet the needs of such students as had in tended to enter business college. The board is also making every possible effort to introduce work in typewriting and shorthand, in the event that a sufficient number of students elect these subjects. Students who have completed the common school and desire a good practical elementary business course, would do well to give the Washburn schools a trial rather than go elsewhere, as the commer cial course offered in our schools will include all that will be of prac tical use and which can be learned elsewhere in the same length of time. This work will not be open to eighth grade pupils, as the work of the eighth grade is sufficiently heavy without the addition of any extraneous work. Systematic work will be done in athletics and for the coming months basketball will perhaps be the cur rent sport. Some of the lady mem bers of the faculty have bad con siderable experience along this line and one in particular has done work in coaching girl*' teams. It is to be hoped that, girls as well a8 boys will avail themselves of the opportunity for athletic work and there is no reason why our schools cannot develop a good girls' ath letic club. It may be of interest to the boys to know that Prin. H. T. Parker has done considerable athletic work and coached the Vel va high school biys' btsketball and baseball teams last season. Any student desiring to com plete the full four year high school course can do so in Washburn and it is to be hoped that some at least will avail themselves of this opportunity. Students can make no more profitable investment than a full high school education, and it might be well to state that cred its in commercial branches will count the same us other subjects towards securing a high school diploma. It is to be hoped that all pat rons will make occasional visits to the school, aud thus do all in their power towards making the present school year a successful one. Visited at Hancock •Joe Mann and family accompan ied the Robert Mann family to their home at Hancock on Tuesday where they spent a couple of days visiting.