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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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1 Soo Time Carl West Bound ^Trains. I^o. 257-passenger departs 9:20 a ta, "No. 6®-freight departs 9:25 a ta East Bound Trains. No. -265-passenger3eparts 2:10p No. '64-freight departs 3:20 All trains daily except Sunday, effective Aug. 15th 1909. 1 ILOCAL NEWS! HOUSE FOB SALE—W. Richards. F. B. Cottrell was over from Eensler transacting business with \the local merchants. Life Fire—Hail Insurance, Frank E. F*mk. Attorney 'Nuckols of 'Mandam transacted'legal business in Wash T" burn Wednesday between trains, J. 'Gase threshing raachisM5. sold by F. A, Gallafoan, WashbnTa. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph VVactaer and s©n wect to Denhoff Tuesdcy to visit relatives. For Sale-—a good house sad lot in south Washburn. A bargain Martisn Hakan. Mr. and .-Mrs. Bicknrt went to Garrison from where tiiev wail^o out oia a sereral dayss&unting to:p. Wanted—a competent girl for general house work. Mrs. Aseg. E. Johnson. A daughter was torn Aiagast 26th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Edwassls in Hamilton, Moet. Talk life insurance to G. O. Ken gust, generci agent. Eioneer foife. tns. Co.. of'North ©at. Eraiil Anderson want to JiLiau eapolis .ftwsfcarday tw attend ifche state fair. Eighteeniffieliable line Fire and Heail S-asuranoe Companie6. Frank E. Fuak First jNatl. Ba»k Henrj -Currier camealown froric I ?Minot a»d spent .several days in ithe city sisitiisig his oMifriends.. Any ma&e of old cream sepai:at-.: ors can be euciehangediifor a U. fi| separator at the F. JL. Gallak-an Hardware Store. Mrs. L. 3L Wallin wiSS sell at .auction to-morrow the .goods that is left in the store. Tie place wills-then be recnedeled for a resta urant which the Misses Ofearg will "Open in a short time. Si ft*** TRUST f" •yams Yours for uni formity. Your* for great est leavening power. Yours for never failing results. Yours for parity. Yotirs for economy. Yours for every thing that goes to make up, a strictly high grade, ever dependable baking powder. That is Calumet. Try it once and note die im provement in your bak ing. See how much mora economical over the high priced trust brands, bow much better than the cheap and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest in quality —moderate in cost. Received Highest AwM*— World's Par* Food Threshing is going on in the ^onkling district this week. Crops •will not average as high «s usual.: FOR RENT a few houses! Enquire Frank E. Funk, 1st Nat1!, Bank. Mrs. B. L. Babb returned to the city ttoo first of the week from a summers vacation spent in the east. Why pay high rates for land loans? I can save you money. F. E.'Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Wash burn, N. D. Leslie Brcrgum came 'up from Bismarck Saturday to visit his grandmother. He returned to •school on Tuesday. MORE CHEAP MONEY Lanci loams. See Fpank E. Funk, First National bank jf Washburn, North Dakota. The 'county officials and the postmaster were a/bout the ©niy ones im'the city who observed ®ja bor day as a holiday. AM threshers or those interested in threshing machines should look over tike 0. I. 0ase catalogues at F. A. (Gallahasfs. Mr., and Mrs, C1, E. Pawl ®f Un derweod were in -Washburn. Satur day oc. their way to Bistaattck for a visit with relatives. OBEE DOLLAR will -start a saving bank -account wiiih First National bank 41 Washburn., N.D Capital and SKT^IUS, $5O.,Q0©. M'ies Margaret Westsniller is speAiiiing a week in theeitjntaking care«f the Ha»e.on childee^. dur ing tihair mother's absence in St. Paul. F«IT. SALE—(?ine solid *)»K bed rooui! euite fw -oale at 4ese- than half (price, aisa? other (household furnc& AF^oly to A. T-iBaniel son. Mre. C. A. iBrummoadi and daughter Delossc returned 'Sues day Biseaarck where they had spent sevesal days wiitk re latives. Tornado and &re insozauce is «rery eiaaap. For •.something reli vable-seeHFrank EL funk, Fii»t3Iat. iBank, Washburn, J?. D. John ,fi. Sloane, the government boat inspector, wae .in Waslatoucn the, first of the week inspeetiag the boats -ibefore tbe fall wazk Oheap money for land loans -al ways xin hand. Make yoqr own rate—no red tape. F. E. Funk. FirstiSSat'l Baak, Washburn, N. D., Mrs. Gr. #lgeirson went to Painted Woods last week to see her sist^ Viola Hagen who is re covering from .&n attack of in fantile paralysis. A big .eiosing out sale com mences to-morrow ait the A. tichulz & Sons store. It will only last one week. Tbeibatg&insare worth looking over. Help!—is tiie general cry when too late. Seeuxe .a home for yau and your family while you have a« opportunity. See Kleinls Land Ageney. Th# county cooimHsionera were ta seBsiou the first of the week. They pawed the usual number of bills and spent some time looking over dew roads. Mrs. O. Raugust entertained the Birthday club. Friday after noon at her home in Park Addition. She was assisted by Mesdames Holtan and Jertson. Your complexion as well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets, you can improve both. Sold iy C. tr. Forbes. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is to-day the best known medicine in use for the relief and cure of bowel complaints. It cures griping, dys entery ard diarrhoea and should be taken at the first unnatural loose ness of the bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by C. Forbes. A New Clerk Hiss Naomi Meyer, who re cently arrived from Colorado, is one of the new clerks in her brother Joe's bakery. Gone to School Miss Lillian Leach left Satur day for Jamestown where «he will again enter the academy after spending the summer with her pa rents, Captain and Mrs. Joe Leach. Wffl Teach School Rudolph Dahl arrived last Satur day and wiSl teach 'the Sheldon •school seven miles oorth of Wash burn. He was a guest of his brother Cy while im the city. Back to ?N. D. Fred Hanson left about a month ago to attend a business school in Nebraska but »£id not like the country and will now attend the Grajad Forks University. From Hie Hospital Mrrs. Albert Holtan stepped over in Washburn a few days this wetfe on her -way to her home t*t T©rtle Lake from Bismarck -where she has been in the hospital fer s®me time. Went to Chard Sir. and Mrs. August H. Wahl ®nd Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Daniel sou attended the Diesen church, ®siae miles north of Washburn ilast Sunday.. The trip was .inade in the auto. BasReturned Hoase Miss Liiy Hanson returned &est Saturday from her home in 'Wisconsifflwvhere she has 'been since the ilast of Jun«, :£be is •again in tfee employ of the Secur ity Abstract Company. Has From the fast Dr. M. H. Sawyer is enjoying a •*tfisit this -week with his lather ajad mother who arrived Thur-cday aborning ftnasni Leland. Wis. His sister, Mrs. Robert Fraser is .atrthe Sawyer home. IsJIow Ready Osptain I. P. Baker of His oiarck has completed a warehouse on the Missouri river just below the mouth of the Little Missonni. Theiisrops wene splendid there «.nd all well be hauled to Washburn on the buaats this fall. To Boy£srnitare Mr«- Herb Hanson went to Minneapolis Monday to get furni ture foriher home in this city. All ithe:furniture was destroyed in the iTOcent fine. Her h»sband who has rbeen'traveling thro^ghCanarla for ^harvester company, will return with her. Jbpy are Killed It iis reported that the battle ship jKorth Dakota was aground in lower Chesapeake Bay on Thursday with all the oiiil tanks afire. Tiree men were killed and eleven injured on ehat day a ad .sev eral were overcome by smoke. .No details have been reported aknut the disaster. Wasttom School Notes The city schools opeaed for the ensuing term on Tuesday the fit'h. The regular work in the grades and high school has beec taken np, and at the present writing all classes are well started in their work. The total enrollment to date is 109, of which IB are in the high school. This number will un douptedly be materially increased before winter. All patrons should make every effort to send children as early as possible, and thereby avoid confusion in their classifica tion. Notes will be pr.Misbed occa sionally showing points of interest in connection with the work ot the school, and pupils will allowed to contribute towards these notes to some extent. Great interest is manifested in-Nuessle, Gray \b Battey and athletics and commercial work,' Brentou vs Westtniller. Another G.iand these will be taken up iu the game will be playen beiore the I near future. season is over. On a Hooting Trip R. N. Stevens and H. R. Berndt vif Bismarck were in this vicinity hunting on Thursday but the weather was too cool for thein to enjoy the outdoor sport. Some Good Spuds of Ueo. Rhude has a line crop potatoes this fall. He had one that weighed lb pounds. His cabbage patch can also outclass any in the city. He expects to leave the cabbage in the ground foT soine time yet if frosts do not come too early. A Bad Eye T.-.I. Haugeberg returned Wed nesday eveuing from Minneapolis. One eye has been very trouble some of late and when Mr. Hauge berg first consulted an eye specia list, he said it would have to be taken out. Mr. Haugeberg would not consent to that so it is being treated. Are Both Improved Mr. and Mrs. Sundstroin and daughter returned last week from Minneapolis where they went to see ati eye specialist. They feel as tho they have now found one who can aid them after a trial with seven in about that many years Have Ship Fever A Hungarian family recently arrived in Wilton from the old country. On the ship there was several cases of ship fever and the two children contracted the de sease. The youngest ehikl. a girl of two years, died Monday aud the other, a gir{ of four., has a very bad case and at present her con dition is very critical. Even,Fine Seeks Ben Weise, who lives near Blackwater, expects to thresh a good crop of grain next week. He has corn that is almost as high as the kind grown in Iowa. He also has about 30 tame ducks that would bring him a neat price should he desire to sell. Mr Wiese's farm is near Klackwater lake where there are always plenty of wild ducks. Lav is Forgotten The 7th. of September seemed such a long ways off on Monday that hunters left town -through back allies and returned after dark on that and the following day with igood sized bags of game. Evident lytthegame wardens took to the ^oods or received game as hush money as not an arrest was made and the fellows who did the hunt ing srriile when they tell about it. A Work Day (Last Monday was supposed to be a iiolida.v for the county officials, but wheu it was found to be Labor day .in the wash tu1) at home, one of the officials decided that the county .duties could not be shirked and went t« work an hour earlier. The flowing day the wife heard of he county holiday and proceed ed 'at onoe to haare another Labor day with the wash tub in ull its pleasant surrounds tigs. She was ably assisted by the conscientious .county official. A to* Gave The tennis players of Wash burn went to Wilton last Satur day afternoon and played several good giijnes of tennis. The Wilton boys are known to be good players and when the home team won a couple of the doubles they had more interest in the game. Wash burn won in the following doubles: Thompson and Garness vs Land in ami and Nuessle, and Marcellus and Btenton vs Wackerand West miller. Wilton won in the doubles: Gray and Cohill vs Battey and Dahl, and Pitzer and Stocker vs Funk and Loftsguarden Not all of the singles were placed on ac count of darkneBs. The four gam^s k® played were nil won by Wilt-n. Those who played were: Thomp son vs Landmann, Oarness vs CLASSY CLOTHES Our standard is different, and we are go ing to be different to t'ne end of the chap tei"—ly doing tilings little better than the average best. The styles here are al ways a few ticks ahead of the watch— tho we realize that some men prefer to have their clothes suggest, rather than emphas ize the newer style innovations. 1 here are FRIEND MADE STYLES all ages—from sedate business or profes sional man to the chap in his school year.s Good Clothes $15.00 to $25.00 These Things Are Worth Thinking About SPECIAL Lot 1--Boy's two and three piece suits values 95 i5.:)0 to 4.50, sizes nij^ht to fifteen, to close at Let 2—Boy's two piece suits, sizes six 1o six- QJj teen, best quality, regular price. Lot —Boy's knee pants, To figure your lunsher hills and we may save you dolhirs by doing it Hollandsworth -Hart Lumber Co. Washburn, N. Dak. H. E. Heying, Manager JOHN HOUKUP Merchant Tailor DUY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Suits Made to Order STYLE AND FIT GUARANTEED Stop here for men oi :2.7."). to close value Hans Holtan & Sons We Wffl Not Charge You a Cent- 39c from 55 to cents good quality of goods and fine lookers special price AND ThSnk Of the many advantages that a banking connection pnts with in your reach. It protects your money. It l«nds you money without de lay or red tape. It gives you advice and assist ance free of cost. It otters yon a safe phice of de posit for even small snm» which, if persistently saved,, will eventually develop into a snug balance. It will assist you in placing your money where it,will be safely and profitably invested. Good standing with the bank establishes your credit in the community. Responsibility $500,000.00 Reliable Fire Insurance Wrlttt in 18 Old Line First National Bank" WASHBURN,