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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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C*r«»rtW«» FutXIiilMn t-t |V. 'i'," hr IV •**f •m. 5* Hans Holtan & Sons Light Colored Outing Flan nel, pe^ yard That is what you are looking for, and we have them. Our shelves are rapidly filling with good, sea sonable merchandise, and you will find "real values in every depart ment. Space will permit us to mention only a very few items Light Colored Outing Flan nel,' regular 12£c per yard 90 Highland Suitings, regular 17c per yard, now 14* Suitings, good patterns, reg ular 25c per yard, now... 19* Ladies' Blk. Petticoats, reg ular 90c each, now 69* Boys' Hv$33*K«-at (V CLOTHING Men's Suits, good patterns, regu lar §12 to $13.50, for $9 .50 Men's Suits, good lar §11.50, for.. patterns, regu- .95 $7 *5 Men's Suits, good patterns, regu lar $7.50. for .59 Knee for Pants Suits, regular to, .95 *1 Boys' Knee $4.50, for Pants Suits, regular $0.95 DRY GOODS SECTION BUTTERICK FASHIONS WINTER J9Q9-IO GROCERY SPECIALS Evaporated-Peaches, good quality, per pound. Good Whole Rice, per pound "Live (ak" Brand Peaches, per can WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA LOCAL NEWS A. T. Danielson and family spent Sunday at Painted Woods Lake 4 Life Fire— Hail Insurance. Frank E.F'ink. Mrs. Wm. Richards entertained the Deoimo club Friday afternoon. J. I. Case threshing machine ieold by F. A. Gallahan, Washburn. It is reported that Dr. R. S. Towne had an opera! ion for appen dicitis in Bismarck this week and bad quite a serious time of it for a number of days, bat is now im proving. •WL 7?r tree Price 25c Pattern 10* •7* 15* Geo. Battey Jr. was a business visitor in Bismarck Tuesday. For Sale—a good house and lot in south Washburn. A bargain Martin Holtan. Peter A. Larson was a Bismarck visitor the first of the week. Talk life insurance to G. O. Rau gust, general agent. Pioneer Life Ins. Co. of North Dak. Mrs. Alex Southy went to Bis marck Wednesday to'spend a few days with friends. Your well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking some of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets, yon can improve both. Sold by C. G'. Forbe6._ kv Soo Time Card West Bound Trains. No. 257-passenger departs 9:20 a No. 65-freight departs 9:25 a East Bound Trains. No. 265-passenger departs 2:10 No. 64-freight departs 3:20 All trains daily except Sunday, effective Aug. 15th 1909. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schweitzer and family were in Bismarck Tues day visiting friends. FOR RENT a few houses Enquire Frank E. Funk, 1st Nat'l. Bank. Miss Eline Holtan from Byron, Minn., is here visiting her sister Mrs. A. T. Danielson. Eighteen Reliable old line Fire and Hail Insurance Companies. Frank E. Funk First Natl. Bank F. A. Gallahan has moved into his new cement garage where he can make all of his customers happy. Any make of old cream separat ors can be exchanged for a U. S. separator at the F. A. Gallahan Hardware Store. Services will be held in the Congregational church next Sun day evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. John Rood. A splendid Gasoline stove for sale cheap also several Rocking chairs and other household goods Inquire of A. T. Danielson. Miss Mabel Ammer returned to Fargo Thursday after spending two weeks in the city with her cousin Mrs. Walfred Anderson. Why pay high rates for land loans? I can save you money. F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Wash burn, N. D. Ranard Larson spent last Sun day with his family on the farm He has a crew of men at work near Garrison and returned to that village Monday. MORE CHEAP MONEY Lana loans. See Frank E. Funk, First National bank of Washburn, North Dakota. Miss Mabel Sheeks returned Saturday to Mitchell, S. D., after spending two weeks with Miss Anna Peterson at her farm home near Washburn. All threshers or those interested in threshing machines should look over the J. I.. Case catalogues at F. A. Gallahan's. Rev. D. D. Mitchell will re turn from his claim across the river and will hold services reg ularly in the Congregational church beginning Sunday October 2. ONE DOLLAR will start a saving bank account with First National bank of Washburn, N. Capital and surplus, $50,000. Wm. and Henry Richard* left yesterday for the coast where they expect to spend the winter. Mrs. Wm. Richards and Gordon will not leave until about the first of October. Help!—is the general cry when too late. Secure a home for you and your family while you have an opportunity. See Klein's Land Agency. Mrs. Carl Wittmayer returned from Bismarck Monday morning where she had been at a hospital for some time. She had several operations from which she is very weak but is recovering nicely. Old magazines are wanted. Leave word at this offi:- if you have any and they will oe called for. Many calls have already been sent in from the country by those who wish good reading matter daring the wintre. Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea Rentedy is to-day the best known medicine in use for the relief and cure of bowel complaints. It cares griping, dys entery ard diarrhoea and should be taken at the first unnatural loose ness of the bowels. It is equally valuable for children and adults It always cares. Sold by C. G. Forbes. 1 j^4 3.^ Will Help Out Mrs. J. Weise left Monday for Blackwater to spend a few days witli her 6on Ben and family. Threshing begins on their farm this week and a good yield is anticipated. A Cement Walk Jim Every was in Washburn the first of the week and s/iid that he had the cement walk around his hotel about completed. He is now trying to get the farmers in terested in a farmer's picnic to be held this month at Painted Woods lake. Reports Wanted During the summer season the correspondents from our nearby' precincts have not been sending many news items but as soon as threshing and haying are over they will send in weekly notes which all are anxious to read. News items are welcomed from any one even tho lie is not one of the Leader regular correspondents. Had a Good Hunt Lloyd Titus and "Young" Cochrane came up from Bismarck Saturday to hunt ducks. They camped with the Wallin boys near Painted Woods lake Saturday and Sunday and walked back to Wash burn Monday, each with a good supply of game. They returned home Monday afternoon. A Good Position Can be had by ambitious young men and ladies in the field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the H-hour law became ef fective. and since the Wireless companies are establishing stations throughout the country there is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay beginners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance of advacement. The Na tional Telegraph Institue operates six official institutes in America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless officials and places all graduates into positions. It will pay you to write them for fall de tails at Davenport, la., Cincinnati, O., Portland, Ore., or Memphis, Teun. Washburn School Notes The city schools are well on in the second week of the yearly ses sion, and the work of the different departments is progressing nicely. Most of the necessary material has been procured for the work of the session ,repairs have been made on the school building and fixtures, and the board is making every effort to provide in as far as pos sible for a successful year's work. The program of studies has been made as practical as possible the number of branches taught being limited so as to give more time for each class. In the eighth grade and high school classes have been instituted in English 1, American Literature Elem. Algebra, Civics, Ancient History, Latin I. Penmanship and Spelling, English am mar, Arithmetic, U. S. History and Reading. In addition to Civics, Penmanship and Spelling, other commercial subjects will be offered, if a sufficient number of pupils at tend who are qualified to pursue work in such branches. These subjects will be half-year courses in Bookkeeping, Commercial Law, Advanced American History, Com mercial Arithmetic and perhaps typewriting and shorthand. Atheletic enthusiasm is very marked, and prospects appear bright for a good season in basket ball. Numerous letters have been received from young people in other places inquiring about our high school, and some state that they will surely attend in Wash barn if they can secure places to work for their board. This is certainly a commendable spirit in oar American youtji, and it should be remembered by all that any effort they make to provide places for thesg young people' will be rightly considered as a method of working in behalf of our city and its schools. Stop These Things Are Worth Thinking About Gone Back to Work Miss Alys Patterson came up from Fort Yates Saturday and spent the day with her sister Mrs. Aug. Johnson. Is Again Well Mrs. G. Olgeirson returned this morning from Painted Woods where she had been to see her sis ter Viola. The quarantine was raised last Sunday since the case of infantile paralysis did not prove contagious. A Prominent Visitor A. E. Felland, who owns a fine farm near Turtle Lake, was a busi ness visitor in this city Monday. He reports threshing as well un derway in the Wiprud district and AND Think Of the many advantages that a banking connection puts with in your reach. It protects your money. It. lends you money without de lay or red tape. It gives you advice and assist ance free of cost. It offers you a safe place of de posit for even small sums which, if persistently saved, will eventually develop into a snug balance. It will assist you in placing your money where it will be safely and profitably invested. Good' standing with the bank establishes your credit in the community. Responsibility $500,000.00 Reliable Fire Insurance Written in 18 Old Line Companies First National Bank We Will Not Charge You a Cent- To figure your IuniImt hills and we may save you dollars by doing it Hollandsworth -Hart Lumber Co. Washburn, N. Dak.— H. E. Heying, Manager JOMIN HOIKUP Merchant Tailor DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Suits Made to Order STYLE ANI FIT GUARANTEED Cut This Out and Mail With Remittance For the enclosed One Dollar and Fifty Cents please renew rny subscription, for one year, to the "WashBurn Leader." NAME. ADDRESS SUBSCRIPTION PRICES To any United States address, $1.50 the year Foreign, $2 the year of WASHBURN. North Dak. wheat yields being between 4 and 8 bushels. Young Couple Married John Weise and Miss Pauline Meyer were married in Washburn Wednesday afternoon. The an nouncement of the wedding was a big surprise to ad their friends. They will make their home in the city for the time being. Sold a Large Farm RENEWAL BLANK To Johe Washburn Leader Washburn, North Dakota P. A. Sundstrom sold his 340 acre farm this week to Jacob Hoff of Bridgewater, S. D. for $25 an acre. Mr. Hoff expects to move his family here at once. The Sundstrom family will move into the residence they bought iu Washburn. A fJ