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ill II I A ri "ii &• p$:v ':g VIS -f:- •W'fe'v:- V' -&~r-xr LEGAL NOTICES C^~Notices published under this heading will be charged legal rates in accordance with the ruling of the McLean County Press Association, and no affidavit will be issued until all publication charges are paid. "T North lakit t. County of McLean In District Court Sixth Judicial dis trict Frank Srlimiilt. l'liiiiititl, v. A. I!, (iuptill. as n'coiver of tlm MortpHK" Itimk unit luvestmeiit Comiiiiny. ii corporation. Tho tiuarant.pi' nnnv 'if North lliikotii. a corporation, Norman T. Mcars. B. S. Hrynjolf.-ou anil all I'rrsons claiming anv iut»?rost'lit or ritfht to the South \V««t Quarter of Scction Kourtottu, in 1 owusbip On« Hundred Korty-Thrrr. Kntun* Kiirhty-ono. MrLcaii county. North Dakota. lofoT»danN. Sinnmous Till! Statu "I' North Dakota to tlif nliou ciaim'd clefmidniits: VOII aro hereby suinnioiipu ami nwiinrcti to -answer Uw complaint of the plnintiji iu tins action, which complaint was on the t-)th day of September I!UO. filed in the oHice of the clerk of the district comi iu awl for the. county of McLean anl at• of North Dakota, ami to -ervc a copy of your answer to SHIM complaint upon the -lih-crihor at his oHice. in the city of Washburn. County of McLean and State of North Dakota, within thirty HO) days after the -ervici! of Luis uininon* upon you, exclusive of he day ot' service and in case of ..vM|r to appear or answer the plaintiff will take jud^menf'a«ain-.t you by^ieiniilt for the relief d« inandetl in the complaint. Dated at Washburn. N. Dak., thi »tlr day of September UHO. Theo. Landinann Attoi uey for the I'laintiil. Iieidcneu and |»o.-totlice addre.^.-: Wa.-hburn. McLean County. North Dakota. To A. It. (iuptill, as receiver of the Mortoauc Hank And Investment Company Norman T. Menrs. U. S. Ilrynjolfson and all persons claim in# an interest in or ritfht to tho South WeM -Jimrt«r of Section Fourteen, in township one hundred forty-three, ran^o oiultty one, McLean -county. North Dakota. Defendants. Yon. and each of you, will please take notice •i hut the above entitled action brought to ji»et-Title and determine adverse claims, if any there be to tho above described premises. and that no Personal Iveliel' js sought against either of yon and that tho Suuimon and complaint in Iii- action are on lil^ and of reci»rd in he otlic1 of he Clerk of the District Court iu and f»r in* County of McLean and State, of North Dakota at his oflico in the city »f Washburn in said county and state. Dated at Washburn. N. Dak., this V.\h day Frank Schmidt. of September 11*10. TIM-O. Landinann Mtorney for the Plaintili. l{e-ih.»u'*e and Post otlice add re.--: Washburn. McLean County, North Dakota. State of N.irth Dakota County of McLean In District Court Sixth Judicial Dis trict Plaintiff, v-. The Dank of Minot, a corporation. A. I!, (iuptill ns receiver, The Guarantee Company of North Dakota, a corpora)ion. Andrew P. Peterson, Norman T. Mears. Ii. S. Ilrynjolfson and nil porsons claim ing any interest in or right to the South West, Quarter of Section Twent.y-Kight, in Township One Hundred Forty-four, Kange Fighty-one West, Mcl.enn county. North llakota. Defend ant-. Summons The State ol North Hai.ot:t to the aliovn named defendant.-: You are hereby summoned anil retiuireti to aUr-.wer the complain! of the Plaintiff iu this action, which Complaint was on the liitli day of September Win. tiled in the otlice of the clerk of the district court in and for the comity of McLean and state of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer to said Complaint, iilKin the-iiht-eriher at, his otlice in the city of Washburn. County of McLean and State of North Daliota. Within thirty (30) d.iys after this service: or this summons tipou.von exclusive of the day of service :and iu case of your failure to appear or answer, the PlitintilT wiil fake indg ment against you by default for the relief de manded in the Complaint. Dated at Washburn, X. Dak., this l.'ith day ol" September t!'I0. 'Theo. Landmanu Attorney for the I'laintiil, Residence and post olfice address: Washburn. McLean County, North Dakota. To A. II. Guptill, ns Receiver of the Hank of Minot. Andrew P. Peterson. Norman T. Mei:rs. I!. S. Ilrynjolfson and all other Persons claim ing an interest in or right to the South West ouartcr of Sect ion Twenty-Might, in Township One Hundred Forty-four, Kange Eighty-One West.. McLean County. North Dakota, Defend ants. YOII. and cacti of you. will please take notice hat the above ent it led action is brought lo ,niet, tille and determine adverse claims, if any there tie to the above descrilied premi.-e-. anil that no personal relief is sought again.-! you or either of you and that tho Summons and Complaint in 111iaction are on file and of record in he office oT the Clerk of the District Court in and for the. County of McLean and State of North Dakota at his office in the City of Washlmrn in said County and state. Dated this l.'ith (layof September ltd" Theo. Laiidnuimi Attorney Tor the Plaintiff, lic-idence and PostOllico Address: Wa-Mnirn. McLean County, North Dakota. "NOTit i: or RLAI, INSTATE MOKT I AT I FORECLOSURE SALE Xoticc i* hnrobytfiven.that that certain r»»«l I'stafo mort^a^e, executed and delivered by John «. Putnam, a single man, mortgagor, to McLean County Townsito Company, mortga irc«\ dated on the loth day of May. A. D. 1907, and filed forieeord in the oflico of register of deeds in and for the county of McLean, -fate of North iJnkota. on the 1st day of \uKiist. A. L. I HOT. and recorded there in Book )M of Mortgage:* on page will be foreclosed by a sale of vhe premises in said mortgage de "crihnd, at the. front door of the courthouse in thxcityoi' Washburn, county of McLean and -tato of North Dakota, on the 12tb day of No* ember. l'.MO. at 1 he hour of 10 o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, to satisfy the amount due said mortgage on tho day of sale, together with the costs of said sale. The premises described ii: said mortgage and which will be sold to .satisfy the same are de -rribed as follows, to-wit: Lots numbered four (I«. tive ^r»i mid ^ix in block number seven (7) of the village of Turtle Lake, North Dakota, according to the plat tiiereof recorded in the oUice of tin* register of (l«-ed- of said county of McLean. There will be due on said mortgage on the day of sale the sum of Eighteen Hundred High ly l)ollar- {$1880.00), together with thecostsaud disbursements of the said sale. Dated this 1st day of October, A. T. 1910. McLean Townsile Company. Mortgagee. Kdwaru V. Kelly. Utoniey for Mortgagee. Harrington. N. Dak. Stateof North Dakota In District Court (-SS County of McLean Sixth Judicial Dist Die Soderouist, plaintiff, versus J. G. Miller, .1. M. Carnahan, J. M. Quinii, H. IJ. McGowan, Alfred J. Grange and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in, or lien or incumbrance upon the property described in the complaint, defendants. Summons. The state of North Dakota lo the above nam ed defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint iu this action which complaint will tie tiied in the office of the clerk of the district court of McLean county, North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscrib ers at their otlice in Washburn, McLean coun ty, North Dakota, within thirty days after the service of this summons upon yon. exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to upiiear or answer judgment will be taken against yon by default for the relief demanded v'n the comulaint. Dated this 8th day of September, A. I). 1910. llyland & Nuessle. Attys. for l'laintitV, Postoflice Address, Washburu, N. D. To defendants above named: You. and each of you, are hereby notified that the summons and complaint in the above -entitled action was tiled in the olfice of the clerk of the district court in and for the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, at Wash burn, North Dakota, on tho 7th day of October A. D. 1910, and that this action is brought for the purpose of quiting title in olaiutiff, free from all incumbrances, to the following de scribed real property, to-wit: The northwest ouarter (NW!j), section twenty-six (26), town ship one hundred and forty-six (140), north of range eighty-two (82), west of the fifth P. M. in the county of McLean and rA,i- ,, tW '4 -a PKOPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION The following propped amendments to tbe constitution of the state of North Dakota, hav ing passed the eleventh legislative assembly, will 11© submitted to the twelfth legislative as sembly for approval or rejection. Pf:orosKi CoNsTi ri'TloN'.M. AMKNIIMKNTS Section 11-' of tlin constitution of the state of North Dakota is amended so as no read as fol lows Section 112. The legislative assembly shall provide by law Tor the election of justices of the peace iu each organized county within the state, but the numher of said justices to be elocted iu each organized county shall be limited by law to such a number as shall be necessary for the proper administration of justice. The justices of tin pcace herein provided for shall have con current jurisdiction with the district courts and with all the county courts in all civil actions when the amount in controversy, exclusive of cost s, does not exceed two hundred dollars, and they shall have sucli jurisdiction to hear and ami determine cases of misdemeanor as may be provided by law. but in 110 case shall said jus tices of the peace have jurisdiction when the boundaries of or title to real estate shall come in nuostion. The legislative assembly shall have power to abolish the otlice of ju.-tice of the |eace and confer that jurisdiction upon judges of eouutv com ts or elsewhere. I'ROPOMHIJ Section l.'iS. No land shall be sold for less than the appraised value, and in no case for less than ten dollars per acre. The purchaser shall pay one-lifth of the price in cash and the remaining four-fifths as follows: Oue-fifth in five years, one-fifth on or before the expiration landi Monday and thereupon the contract of sale for such lands shall, if the board of university and school lands so determine, become null and void. Any lands under the provisions of section 158 of the constitution of the state of North Dakota that have heretofore been sold, may be paid for, ex cept as to interest, as provided herein: provid ed further that any school or institution lands Mint, may be required for townsito purposes, school house sites, church sites, cemetery sites, sites for other educational, or charitable institutions, public parks, fair grounds, public highways, railroad right-of-way. or for other railroad uses and purposes, reservoirs for the storage of water for irrigation, drain ditches or irrigation ditches, and land- that may be re quired for any of the purposes over which the right of eminout. domain may bo exercised un der"constitution and laws of state of North Da kota, may be sold under the provisions of this section, and shall lie paid for, principal and in terest. in full, in advance, at the time of sale, or at any time there after, and patent issued therefor, when principal and interest are paid. Ptiot'Osup State of North Da k°t8' Hyland & Nuessle. Attys. for plaintid, P.O. Address, Washburn. N. D. CONM rm'TioN 1 CONSTITUTION.W. .\IKMMI- I'HOL'OSKII ST Section 111 of the constitution of tho stale of North Dakota is amended to read as follows: Section !M. The term of office of the judgesof the supreme court, except as in this article oth erwise provided, shall be ten years, beginning 011 tin- tirst Tnosday after the first Monday in January of the year uext following their elec tion. and they shall hold theirofliens nutil their successors aro duly qualified. This section shall not be construed as extending the term of office of the judges serving at the time of the adop tion of this amendment, except ns herein pro vided. Terms of otlice of judges of supreme court elected at the general election in t!h() shall he as follows: The one receiving the highest num ber of votes at such election shall hold lii- of fice for a term of ten years tho one receiving the next highest number of votes at such elec tion shall hold his office for a term of eight years, and the one receiving the iowest num ber of votes at such election shall hold his of fice for a term of six terms. ('(INSTITUTIONAt, AMENDMKNT Articlesection l.'iN of the constitution of tin state of North llakntn. is amended so as to read as follows: of ten years, omvnfth on or hoiorc tho oxpira- spoctor. tion of fifteen years, ftn'l oiio-fifthon or before, Precinct No. a. Economy civil township, con the expiration ot twenty years, with interest at .sistin^ of township 150, range 83, vote at vill thc rate of not .ess than five our cent per an- |,a)| at Max. advance: provided, nuiii. payable annually in advance: provided, that, when payments arc made before due they shall be made at an interest paying date, and one year's interest in advance shall be paid on :iII money so paid. All sales shall bo neld at uuty seat of county in which land to bo sold situated, and shall be at public auction and Chmii. board of supervisors, inspector. to the highest bidder, after sixty days'adver tisement of the same in a newspaper of gener al circulation in the vicinity of tho land to be sold, ami one at tho seat of government. Such lauds iis shall not, have been especially sub-di vided shall be offered in tracts of one-quarter section, and those sub-diveded in smallest sub division. All lands designated for sale and not sold within two years after appraisal shall be reappraised before the.v are sold. No grant or patent for such lauds shall issue until payment is made for the same provided, that the land cont racted to bo sold by the state shall be sub ject taxation from the date of such contract. AIJ TK'i". u' to AMENDMKNT The legislative assembly is hereto' authorized and empowered to provide by law for the erec tion, purchasing or leasing and operation of one or more terminal grain elevators in the -tales of Minnesota or Wisconsin, or lioth. to be maintained ami operated iu such manner as the legislative assembly shall prescribe, and provide for inspection, weighing and grading ol'all grain ri ceived :II such elevator or elevators ALFRED BLA1SDKLL. Secretary of State. I :i,marc!,\ N. Dak.. August S. 1!H0. 1{EA I I'lsxATi:Alt A is J"'i 11 :t si t: SALE IS A u- VIJRTISEM ENT Notice is hereby gi%'en that that certain mort gage, executed and delivered liy K. .J. Burgess and liertha M. Hurgess, his wife, mortgagors, to lr. I'. Bergman, mortgagee, dated the l.'ith dav of January. A. D. 19tH), and Hied for record in tho oflico of the register of deeds of the county of McLean, and state of North Dakota, on the 27th day of February. A. D. 1909, and there recorded iu Hook 1128, of mortgages, at lage 2S7, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter de scribed at the front door of the court house, in thecitvof Washburn, county of McLean and state of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. m.. on the 19th day of November. A. D. 1910, satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The promises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same arc de scribed as follows, to-wit: The east one-half of the north we.-l iiuarter (K',4N\VJ4) and the south one-half of the north east quarter (S'-NE!4) of section twenty three (23) of township one hundred fifty (IStH north of range eighty (80) west. Default having been made iu the terms of said mortgage by failure of the mortgagors to pay the installment duo thereon on December 1st, lttt)9, and by failure to pay interest on a prior mortgage against said land due December 1st, 1909, and the. mortgagee by virtue of the I conditions of said mortgage, having declared and hereby does declare the full cured by said mortgage, due and payable. Now. therefore, there will be due on said mortgage at the date of sale, the sum of one hundred thirty-one and 60-llM) Dollars ($l:*1.6(l), which sum includes !M6.90 interest on a prior mortgage paid by tho mortgagee to protect his interest under his mortgage, together with the costs and fees of this foreclosure. Dated this 28th day of September. 191". L. It. Nostdal. Attorney for Mortgagee. Rugbv. N. T). F. P. Bergman. 15-20 Mortgagee. Chamberlain's cough remedy Ims couehs. colds, gives prompt relief. G. Forbes. become famous for its cures of, 'T-recrnc't'eN^r^a- ,^-,,, croup and influenza, Try it when in need. It contains no harmful substance and always Sold by C. Wm. Lierboe sold 320 acres of land to Walter Leroy for $40.00 an acre. The land is about 18 miles west of Washburn near the Solemberger farm. It is a good farming country and well worth the price paid. Hoarseness in a child subject to Notice of Election Notice is heroby given that on Tuesday the eighth day of November next, in the year of Our Lord I0IO, at the established polling places in the several voting precincts in the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, and here inafter described, an election trill be held for the electiou of state. legislative, county and district officers, to-wit: STATU OFFICERS Two Congressmen, Three Justices of the Supreme Court. One Governor, One Lieutenant Governor, One Secretary of State, One State Auditor, One State Treasurer, One Superintendent of Public Instruction, One Commissioner of Insurance. One Attorney Qeneral, One Commissioner of Agriculture and Latior. Three Commissioners of Railroads. LEGISLATIVE One Senator to represent the 46th District. Two Meinlicrs of the House of Representatives to represent tho -Kith District. COUNTY OFFICERS One Sheriff. One Auditor. One Treasurer, One Clerk of tho District Court. One Kegister of Deeds. One States Attorney. One County Judge. One Surveyor. One Coroner, One Superintendent of Schools, Four .Justices of the Peace, Four Constables. One Assessor for the 1st District. One Assessor for the 2nd District, One Assessor for tho 3rd District, One County Commissioner for the 1st District, One County Commissioner for tho 2nd District. One County Commissioner for the 3rd District, (to fill vacancy.) Which said election will open at eight o'clock in the morning -and will continuo open until five o'clock in the afternoon of that day. The various election precincts ana voting place for said olection are as follows, to-wit: Precinct No. 1, Dogden civil township, con sisting of township 1"I0, range 78, vote at Dog den school house. Chairman board of super visors, inspector. Precinct No. 2, Jiutte civil township, consist ing of township 150, range V'.t and 80, vote at school house in Kuso. Chairman board of sup ervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 3, Andrews civil township, con sisting of township 150. range 81, vote at Nel son's school house No. I. Chairman board of .-upervisors. inspector. Precinct No. I, consisting of townships 149 & i."i0. range M-. Vote at school house on section Albert Freitag.iu- 0. township 150, range ^0. Chairman sors illspf.ctor. Precinct. No. ti. consisting of township 1"0. range 84, vote at, school house No. I. Ciust. Arndt. inspector. i'ret. No. 7. Douglas civil twp. consisting of twp. l.'iO. rge ,s.i, vote at school house No. 1. 1'rccl. No. s. lllue Hill civil twp. consisting of twp. 150, rango Sti, vote at school house. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 9, consisting of townships l.'iO & 11'.', range 37. Voto at Roseglcn postoffice. A. I*. Mattson. inspector. Precinct No. 10, consisting of township 149, range MS. vote at school house on section afore said. A. J. Hoefert, inspector. Precinct No. 11. Piatt civil township, consist ing of township 14!), range 85, vote at usual poll ing place. Chairman board of supervisors, in spector. I'rcct. No. 12, Mctiinnis civil twp. consisting range S3. Vote at school house No. I. J. W. Reed, inspector. Precinct No. 14, consisting of township 149, range *1. Greatstono civil township. Vote at school house No. 1. Chairman board of super visors. inspector. Precinct No. 15, cousistiug of township 149, range so. and townships 148, rango 79,80 and 81. Vote at Wiorud school house. Ellitig Steenson. inspector. Aurena civil twp., consisting of twp. 119, rge. 79. Vote at school house on sec. 29-149-79. Chairman board of supervisors, inspec tor. Precinct No. 17, consisting of township 149, range 7s. Vote at school house No. I. John M. Armstrong, inspector. Precibct No. 18, Malcolm civil township, con sisting of township 148, range 82. Vote at Mal colm school house No. 1. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 19, consisting of townships 148, range 34 and 8'. and township 147, range 84 and V. Vote at the Garrison school house. President of the tiarrison village board, in spector. Precinct. No. lie. St. Mary civil township, con sist iii\- of township 148. range 85. Voto at school hoii.-I' NIL. I. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 21. ivniiuet civil township, con sisting of towu-liiu HX, rge.88. Vote at school No. I. Chairman board of supervisors, inspec tor. Precinct No. 22. consi.-ting of townships 14*. range ST. and 117. range 8ii and 87. Voto at school hou.-e N I. Fred Ker/.man, inspector. Precinct, No. 2:t. Victoria civil township, con I sisting of to\vn-.!iip 117. range 83. Vote at school iu Coteharbor. Chairman board of sup ervisors. inspector. I I'reciuct No. 24. Lindcr civil township, con sisting of townshi|i 147. range K2. Vote at school bouse No. I. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 25. Turtle Lake civil town?hip. consisting of township 147.'ange SI. Vote at usual polling place. Chairman board of super visors, inspector. Precinct No. 2li. Lake Williams civil town ship. consisting of township 147, range 80. Vote at Turtle Lnk"-C'IOO! house. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 27, Wise civil township, consist ing of township 147, rge 79. Vote at school house No. 1. Board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 2s. Mercer civil township, con sisting of township 146, range 79. Vote at school house in Mercer. Chairman board of supervis ors. inspector. Precinct No. 29, consisting of townships 146, range 80 and 81. Vote at school house on sec tiou 22-146-S1. Herman Hanson, inspector. Precinct No. 30, Underwood civil township, consisting of township 149. range 82. Vote at village hall in the village of Underwood. Chair man board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 31, Longfellow civil township, consisting of township 1 in. range 83. Vote at usual polling place. Chairman board of super visors. inspector. Preciuct No. 32, consisting of township 146-81 and township 145-81. Vote a* Hancock school house. J. R. Mann, inspector. Precinct No. 33, consisting oT townships 145 SS, and township 144-81. Vote at Uasto post of fice. Andrew Roseberg. inspector' Precinct No. 31. ISufl'alo Lake civil township, consisting of township 145, range s2. Vote at school house on scction 2S-145-S2. Chairman board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct No. 35, consisting of townships 145 81, township 144-81 and 82. and township 143-81 Vote at old court house in Washburn. J. A. Hyland. inspector. Precinct No. "t. consisting of townships 145. range 79 and SO. Vote at school house on sec tion 22-145-80. 1). Schliechenmeycr Jr.. inspec I tor. Precinct No. 37. Heaton civil township, con isting of township 144, range SO. ote at choot house on section 21-144-80. Chairman [board of su] school house on section 21-1+4-80, I board of supervisors, inspector. Precinct urn' 1 croup is a sure indication of tbe at the moment, Then it is that approach of the disease. If Cham- Chamberlain's Liniment is never berlain's cough remedy is given at' found wanting. In cases of sprains, once or even after the croupy cough cuts, wounds and bruises Chamber has appeared, it will prevent the Iain's Liniment takes out the sore attack. Contains no poisons. Sold Land drives away ,the pain, Sold by by C. G. Forbes. iC. G. Forbes A Jt, ,Y I Certificate of Nominations In accordance with the provisions of section 630, of the revised code of 1900,1. Paul 8. Mey er, auditor of McLean county, North Dakota, do hereby certify that the within and following is a correct list of the proposed constitntional amendments, and of tho persons whose names hav« been certified to me by the secretary of state and the county canvassing board, as tho nominees of their respective parties, to be vot ed for in the county of McLean, at the comins election to be holden on Tuesday, the eighth day of November 1910. Dated at Washburn, North Dakota this 14th day of October, 1910. Paul S. Meyer. Auditor of McLean Co., N. D. JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT (non partisan)— W. M. Anderson- E. T. Burke Charles M. Cooloy S. E. Ellsworth.' Charles J. Fisk RBPJ^MTAWVESISWWRESS-* L. Hanna H. T. Helgeson Tobias D. Casey M. A. Hildreth Arthur Hagcndorf N. H. Bjornstead GOVERNOR— C. A. Johnson John Burke I.S Lampman LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR- P. D. Norton W. F. Robertson G. K. Esval STATE AUDITOR 1). K. Brightbill Peter G. Rooks Joseph Schollaert STATE TREASURER- Gunder Olson .... Halvor L. Halvorson M. C. Wartenbe SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Edwin J. Taylor Mrs. Ella C.Payne Arthur Le Sueur C. W. Maude board of supervi- Alex Morrisoy J. E. Williams Joseph Mann REPRESENTATIVE, 4fitli District JohnT. Hoge Jerry O'Shea John J. O'Brien John A. McCutcheon SHERIFF— H. O. Simon John P. Majeres AUDITOR— Paul S. Meyer T. E. Thompson TREASURER- Emil Anderson.../ Theodoro Serr CLERK OF COURT— H. C. Hanson Chas. M. Findley REGISTER OF DEEDS Adolph Wacker Adolph Wacker STATES ATTORNEY- J. E. Nelson J. E. Nelson.. COUNTY JUDGE G.Olgeirso M. F. Minehan SUPT. OF SCHOOLS- John L. Brekken Mrs. Edward Han lor. COUNTY SURVEYOR J. G. Overholzer Samuel Fairman CORONKK- lPwuiu'Wil- ^ip^ range 80. Vote at usual polling place of thc Fort jte'thold Indian reservation situated iu Mc 6 Lean conuty. ote at Good Bear store at El- h"WOO(is- Joseph Packmeau^nspector. County Auditor. Why pay high rates for land loans? I can save you money. P. E. Funk, First Nat'i Bank, Wash- It is in time of sudden mishap or accident that Chamberlain's Liniment can be relied upon to take the place of the family doc- tor, who cannot always be found G. E, Heinzeroth C. G. Forbes COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 1st District O. Oberg A. E. Saner COUNTY ASSESSOR. 2nd District- W. .1. Flynn Albert Bakke ... COUNTY ASSESSOR. 3rd District- No names... JUSTICE OF THE l'EACE 15. M. Hansou Wm. Schmidt Jr. E. G. Burgess Adolph Reimers TA1U ssfgf- ... rep ...rep ...dem ...dem soc .... soc ... rep dem soc Usher L. Burdick -rep W. L. Richards dem J. E. Kulstad soc SECRETARY Ol? STATE- ..rep dem ..soc .rep dem soc rep dem soc rei sou ATTORNEY GENKRAL Andrew Miller "jnp S. L. Nnchols dem soc COMMISSIONER OK INSURANCE— Walter C. Taylor Chas. L. Whittlesey dem 500 COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE AND LABOR— W. C. Gilbrcath »P ,lem K. A. Mever —soc COMMISSIONERS OF RAILROADS— O. P. N. Anderson W. H. Mann W. H. Stutsman.. J. 1. Hanson Geo. L. Mateer F. L. Walker S. A. Johnson William Tarns Harry N. Fisher STATE SENATOR, 46th District reI' rel rep dem dem dem ?oi' rop dem rep rep dem dem rep dem ..rep dem rep dem rep dem rep dem rep dem rep dem rep dem rep dem rep ..dem D. C. Wright -top August Fahlgren COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 2nd District Alexander Miller •reP Fritz Giffey COUNTY COMMISSIONER, 3rd District- Louis fksrquist.. Louis Uertiuist .... COUNTY ASSESSOR. 1st District dem ...rep dem ...rep dem ...rep ..dem ....rep ...rep ....rep ..dem dem CONSTABLE PROPOSEDaAMENDMENTS TO "CONSTfTU TION— AMENDMENT) Section 2115 of the Constitu tion of the State of North Dakota is amended to read as follows: Section 216. Tho following named public in stitutions are hereby permanently located as herein nfter provided, each to have so much of the remaining grant of one hundred seventy thousand acres of laud .made by the United States for "Other educational aud charitablo institutions" as is alloted by law, namely: First. A soldiers home, when located, or such other charitable institution as the legislative assembly may determine, at Lisbon. 111 the county of Ransom, with a grant of forty thous and acres of land. Second. A blind asylum, or such other iusti. tution as tho legislative assembly may deter mine at such place in theconntyof Pembina as the qualified electors of tho said county ma de termine at an election to be held as prescrined by the legislative assembly, with a grant of thirty thousand acres. Third. An industrial school and school for manual training, or such other educational or charitable institution as the legislative assem bly may provide, at the town of Ellendale, in the county of Dickey, with a grant of forty thousand acres. Fourth. A school of forestry, or such other institution as tbe legislative assembly may de termine. at such place in one of tho count les of McHenry. Ward, Bottineau, or Rollete as the electors of said counties may determine by an election for that purpose, to be held as provid ed by the legislative assembly. Fifth. A scientific school of such other edu- forty thousand acres. Sixth. A state normal school at tho city of Minot. in the county of Ward provided, that no other institution of a character similar to any one of those located by this article, shall he es tablished or maintained without a revision of this constitution. SALE OF PUBLIC LANDS- AMENDMENT) Section 158 of tbe constitu tion of the state of North Dakota is amended so as to read as follows: Section 158. No land shall be sold for less than the appraised value, and in no case for less than ten dollars per acre. The purchaser shall pay one-fifth of the price in cash and the remaining four-fifths as follows: One-fifth in FITE years, one-fifth on or before the expiration of ton years, one-fifth on or before the expira tion of fifteen years, and one-fifth on .or before tho expiration of twenty years, with interest at the rate of not less than ft ve per cont per annum parable annually in advance provided that when payments are made before due they shall be made at an interest paying date, and one yeBrs interest iu advance shall be paid on all moneys so paid. All sales shall be held at the county! seat of the county in which the land to be sola is situated, and be at public auction and to the highest bidder after sixty days ad vertisement- of the same in a newspaper in gen eral circulation in the vicinity of the land to be sold, and also published in a newspaper pub lished at the county seBt, and also in a news paper published at the seat of government Such lands as shall not have been especially sub-divided shall be offered in tracts of oue ouarter section and those sub-divided I'V in the smallest sub-divisions. All lands designated for sale and not sold within two years after ap praisal shall be re-appraised before they are sold. No grant or patent for such lands shall issue untirpayment is made for the same pro vided, that the lands contracted to be sold by th« state shall be subject to taxation from the date of such contract. In case the taxes assessed against any of said lands for any year remain unpaid until thc first Monday in October of the following year, then and thereupon the contract for sale of such lands shall, If the Board of University and School Lands so determine, become null anc void. Any lands under the provisions of sec tion 138 of the constitution of the state of North Dakota that have heretofore been sold mav be paid for, except as to interest as pro vided herein provided, further, that any school or institution lands that might be re quired for townsite purposes, may be paid for at any time and patent issued therefore. CHICHESTER SPILLS OIAMONO BRAND LADIES JUk yew UrugUt for CHI-CKES-TE&'S 'DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Ri:o and GOLD metallic boxes, sealed with Blue* Ribbon. TAKE NO OTHER. Buy «r yoi BrantM aa* auk for CIU-CHES-TKB DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded aa Best,Safest. Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TKIRL EVERYWHERE The regulations of the postottice de partment of course require that the utmost care shall be taken by the postmaster at the office of mailing to ascertain that the person who desires to withdraw the letter is really the one who is entitled to do sv. and a postmaster is responsible for his error if he delivers the letter to an impostor W jtn unauthorized person. The vital principle iu our political system lies at the bottom of this mat ter. In this country the state is the servant or agent of the citizen, not his muster. It remains merely his agent throughout the transmission of a let ter. The state may prescribe regula tions uuder which its own servants may carry a message for the citizen, but it cannot shirk its responsibility to him..—New York I'ress. ST. BERNARD DOGS. These Famous Life Saving Animals Ara Said to Be Mongrels. Among American tourists iu Switzer land there is much rivalry for securing "real" St. lleniards to take home with them. They evidently do not know that the St. Bernards it re mongrels. The original St. IJernards saw the light toward the eml of the fourteenth century. The mother was a Wallis shepherd dog. the sire a mongrel of a Great Dane and a Spanish mountain mastiff. In the winter of t^l'J nearly all the dogs lost their lives iu the snow. In 181C the last St. Hernard dos died. But a monk of M-irtinguy had a mon grel St. Bernard, and this was crossed with Wallis sheep dugs. The breed ing being done in scienlitlc manner, the present race of St. Bernards, though mongrel, like the tirst, is better and stronger than the old ones, it is said. The railways have made use of St. Bernards almost unnecessary now, yet they continue on the old stand in win ter when the snow lies high. Only the male dogs are used t'or reselling men in distress. Taey are followed by men on snovvshoes. who carry provisions. Each of tin.' older dogs has one or more young companions, which he teaches the business.—Boston Tost. Seen In a Dream. Mr. Hilprecht. professor of Assyriol ogy in the University of Pennsylvania iu 1893. when puzzling over sketches of objects excavated at Babylon, learn ed in a dream the solution to the difli i-tilty that confronted him. Two draw ings represented fragments of agate in seriiiod with characters. They were supposed to be bits of linger rings and, being apparently of (lifr'etvnl colors, wese not closely associated together by the professor. 15ut iu a dream lie saw an Assyrian priest, who told him how tho priests of Hie, ,VL." Iff? XE&TEJD MAILED LETTERS. Belong to the Senders Until Delivered to the Addressees. Under tho postal regulations aud the rulings of the highest courts of the United Stales a letter does not belong to the person to whom it is sent until it is delivered to liiui. The writer has a right reclaim aud regain posses sion of it. provided he can prove to the satisfaction of the postmaster at the office from which it was sent that he was tho writer of it. Even after the letter lias arrived at the oflice which is its destination and before it has been delivered to the person to whom il is addressed it may lie re called by the writer by telegraph through the mailing otlice. Temple of l!el. hav ing received a volive cylinder of agate from their king, were ordered "to make earrings for their god. They made three by cutting up the cylinder, and the professor would find by fitting the fragments together that these were two of them. He did this and found that they gave a continuous descrip tion. Helping Him Out. For years Squire Latham, of whom many amusing stories are told, was a resident of Bridgewater, Mass., and It was while he was living there that the incident occurred which is related be low. It illustrates his habitual coolness and whimsical temper. lie was awakened one night by his wife, who told him she thought there were burglars in the housie. The squire put on his dressing gown and went downstairs. In the back hall be found a rough looking man trying to open a door that led into the back yard. The burglar bad unlocked the door and was pulling it with all bis might. "It doesn't open that way, you idiot!" shouted the squire, taking In the man's predicament instantly. "It slides back!" Ws. THEY BORED HIM. I And They Came Mighty Near Bering Him Again With Lead. The dread ot boredom is stronger characteristic of the present age, but few hate it with such intensity as the artist who lived in Paris iu the days of the commune and of whom C. E. Ilalle speaks iu his "Notes of a Painter's'e." "A frleinl of mine," says Mr. Halle, "told me that lie was in the studio of an artist when it was visited by a de tachment of soldiers. The usual ques tion about the possession of arms was asked and answered in the negative, but one of the soldiers lound a gun in the corner of the studio, and on his evidence the owner was told that he must come out and be shot. My friend was very fond of him, so he asked to be allowed to see the gun. It was given So hint, and with the help of a pencil he passed his handkerchief few inches down the barrel and brought it out brown with rust. He pointed out iiiat if the gun had been used the inside- of the barrel must have been black with powder and not brown with rust, so the artist was let off. "My friend asked the artist why h? hatl not himself suggested this simple test, and all the answer he got was: 'Oh. they bored me. I would rather any day be shot than bored.*" A POET AT WORK. The Bumming May Have Helped Wordsworth Out a Bit. To see a poem iu the making, tiic uninitiated arc apt to think, should prove an interesting sight. Unfortu nately they wiil probably be disap pointed if the description, quoted by the Itev. H. D. Kawnsley in "Literary Associations of the English Lakes," of Wordsworth tit work is to be credited. An old retainer of the family furnished this account of Wordsworth walking up and down his terrace composing: "Mr. Wordsworth went bummiag and booing about, and she. Miss Dor othy. kept close behind him and pick ed up bits as he let fall, and she'd take 'eui down aud put 'em on paper for him, and vou may be very well sure as how she didn't understand or make sense out of 'em. and I doubt that he didn't have much idea aboot 'eui either himself. But. howiver, there's a gey lot of fowk as wad. 1 dare say. "lie would start a-buiundug at one end of the walk, aud it was 'Buru, bum. bum till he stopped, and then 'Bum. bum. bum!' back again. Then he'd set down and get a bit of paper out and write a bit: then git up aud 'Bum, bum, bum!' aud go on a-butn ming right down the terrace aud back again. I suppose the humming helped him out a bit." France Has Run the Gamut. No other modern nation has under gone changes more frequent, more radical, more smlden, bloody and dra matic. Iu forms of government Franco has boxeil the compass—has been feudal, inonaivhial, imperial, repub lican and revolutionary. She h*» sounded the depths of royal abso lutism and of communistic anarchy lias made and unmade constitutions in the pathetic effm-' to get one that would tit: has known a military des potism which bluntly told the women to marry ami bear children in order that Napoleon might be continuously supplied with troops has known an absolute monarchy where a graceful manner was more effective at court than a head well tilled with sense arid has known a government of the rabblo under which there was au insurrec tion against property and death sen tences passed against citizens for tho sin of wearing aristocratic names and clean shirts.—From "The Story of France." by Thomas L-:. Watson. The Point of View. The world in which a man lives shapes itself chiefly by the way in which he look at it. and so it proves different to different men. To one it barren, dull and superficial to another, rich, interesting and full of meaning. Ou hearing of the interesting events which have happened iu the course of a mail's experience many people will wish that similar things had happenec, in their lives, too. completely forget ting that they should be envious ratliei of the mental aptitude which lent these events the significance they pon Bess when he describes them. To a mat of genius they were Interesting ad ventures, but to the dull perceptions of au ordinary individual they would have been stale, everyday occurrences. —Schopenhauer. A Tinge of Suspicion. "That speaker always starts off," said Farmer Corntossel, "by tellin* what the country needs." "Naturally and properly." "I s'pose so. Only I notice that when a man goes out of his way to tell me what I need It's always some thin' in his particular line of goods." —Washington Star. Hard Work. v- "Why did you tell me you were working your way through college?" "I am." "But nobody seems to know shout it." "Certainly not my work consists of getting money from dad."—Buffalo Ex press. Her Weekly Allowance- Freda—So you have a weekly allow ance from your father? Hilda—Tea he allows me to have a gentleman caller two nights a week.—Llppin cott's. i'l y.*