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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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.,•? fir r- •K •§§$£ ibtfe' --^r I Soo Time Card West Bound Trains. No. 257-passenger departs 9:24 a No. 65-freight departs 9:30 a East Bound Trains. No. 265-pa6sengerdeparts 2:10 No. 64-freight departs 3:20 All trains daily except Sunday, effective Aug. 15th 1909. LOCAL NEWS Read what Schnlz's say about Mayer shoes. Joe Manu went to Minneapolis ^Monday where he will remain a month with his family- Leather hand bags—a splendid variety. §2 to $7 at Forbes' Drug Store. S. H. Speoht, of Springfield, .Minn., has been in town this week attending court. Souvenir spoons of Washburn at Forbes' Drug Store. Call and see them. |fT i-isi.<p></p>DISCOUNT r... Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Mitchell vis ited at Sanger Wednesday of this week.' j.. The Ladies Aid of the TVI. E. church will meet with Mrs. Batty "Dec. 28. Watches for everybody, guaran teed Elgin 17 Jewel, $10. Per sey's. Rev. J. S. Rood spoke to an in terested audience at the Congrega tional church last Sunday evening. Talk life insurance to G. O. Rau gust, general agent. Pioneer Life Ins. Co. of North Dak. Attorney W. Smith of Bis inarck was in Washburn Tues day between trains to attend a court case. Buy your next Sleep Meter ''(Alarm clocks) at Persy's, they tare fully guaranteed and that by a Watchmaker. Adolph Larson and family left ^Wednesday for Wauseka, Minn .,to 'spend the holidays with Mr. Lar son's parents. ~s Mrs. Robert Marty was called to Rochester, Minn., last week on account oi the, aerioiu illaea* her father. Why pay high rates for land loans? I can save you money. F. SE. Funk, First Nat'l Bunk, Wash burn, N. D. School was closed Wednesday and on Thursday all the teachers left to spend their two week's va cation at their respective homes. jv The Wilton Academy will open the first week in January. For particulars address C. W. Lowry, Wilton, N. D. Mrs. Albert Hall left Wednes day afternoon for her home in Kansas after a-pleasMiit visit of three weeks,, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.Degraff. & ViS1??}-*..- Saturday, Dec. 24th to Saturday, Dec. 31 st order to reduce our stock before taking inventory, we will sell all holiday yoods at TWENTY FIVE PER CENT DISCOUNT. This includes post card albums, post card boxes, toilet sets, tourist sets, music rolls, etc. A beautiful array of Haviland and German China, consisting of salad sets, sugar and creamers, cake plates, bread and butter plates, cups and saucers, fancy salt and pepper cellars, loving cups, children's mugs, crack er jars, tobacco jars, and many other useful articles. ONE FOURTH OFF-DON'T DELAY! H. HOLTAN & SONS Xinas trees at the Forbes' Drug Store. Cut Glass not expensive, Per sey's. Look over the holiday goods at the Confectionary Store. Farm Loans made at the Wash burn State Bank. Mrs. L. M. Wallin sold the Palace Drug storetbT. J. Haugeberg this week. Alarm clocks, $1,25 to $3.50 at Forbes' Drug Store. J. J. Schweitzer was a business visitor at Wilton and Baldwin this week. Do your shopping Saturday as all stores in the city will be closed next Mouday. Holiday Goods cheaper than elsewhere. Persey's Lowney's chocolates and bon bons at Forbes' Drug Store. Carl Fuglie, a prominent banker of Coleharbor, was attending court in the city this week. See the' splendid display of the burnt leather novelties at Forbes' Drug Store. Look prosperous. Buy your Jewelry at Persy's. Small cost. Every thing guaranteed and that by a Jeweler. Miss Mabel Maxwell left for her home in Oliver county where she will spepd her Christmas vacation. Christinas goods are now on dis play at the Confectionary Store. Attorney Nuckols, the defeated democratic candidate for attorney general, was a prominent visitor in Washburn this week from Mandau. ONE DOLLAR will start a saving bank account with First National bank of Washbnrn, N. Capital and surplus, $50,000. Miss Alys Patterson came up from Ft. Yates and spent Wedues lay with her sister, Mrs. Aug. E. Johnson. The followiug girls who are at tending the Valley City Normal are home on their Christmas va cation: Hilda Wahl, Hazel Forbes and Mabel Johnson. MOftE CHEAP MONEY Lauu loans. See Frank E. Funk, First National bank of Washburn, North Dakota. Manager Hageruiau- of the Hollings worth-Hart Lumber Co., left Wednesday for Albert Lea. Mmu, where he will spend his vacation with relatives. The county commissioners were in session about nine days the first of the month but were uuable to complete their work so will hold another session beginning the 27th. Ford, the cartoonist, was enjoy ed by a good house, as was also the' show, "My Uncle from India" on Monday night. The fittruv-{ tion herj tlui-fireni if- biilutr January 2nd. SALE! Received Sad News Treasurer A. T. Danielson was called to Turtle Lake Thursday as his sister Mrs. Gilbert Olson is very low with heart failure and there is no hopes of her recovery. Tried to Starve to Deatb Last week Mike Yetezenko of Benedict, was brought before the board of insanity and committed to the Jamestown asylum. He was slowly starving himself to death and when here could hardly walk. A Dinner Party Mrs J. Weise gave a six o'clock dinner last Friday to a number of friends in honor of Mrs. Wiliis Herron who has been visiting her parents, for some tim Mrs. Herrou left for her home in Iowa Monday. A Christmas Sermon A Christmas sermon will be giv en Sunday evening in the Metho dist church. The text will be: l,For there is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2,11. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Galfahan and son, Diok, and Miss Jennie Ind seth left Wednesday morning for Fairview, S. Dak., where they will spend the holidays at the home of Mrs. Gallahan and Miss I idseth. Reported Better Word has been received that Louis Hanson is recovering rapid ly from his serious illness and is enjoying a visit with his son Herb and wife who will remain until the first, of the year with him at Scott's Mills, Oregon. Will Ship Ice Robt. Chesworth and Jesse Marty who own the two dray linen in the city have contracts to ship ice from here and will begin next week with the work. Before the season is over they expect to send out between 90 and 100 carloads of ice. Marriage Licenses,' The county judge has issued marriage licenses to the following: Emanuel Hermman and Bertha Tifliuger of Garrison Erick Etickson of Elroy, Wis., and Hazel S. Joseph of Garrison mid Frank Schollaert and Mrs. Tillie Schollaret of Max. Are Very GomfartAble It is evident that all men do not enjoy the same things. Some men who are behind the bars in the county jail are anxiously waiting for the time when their term? therein iv.: be»*n -served. It is uot so with A. C. Freitag of Max and J. 3. Anderson. They are members of the jury and Sheriff Bffk is givxn them sue) eoinfortabl! place in the jai where.they spe'id their time vhen it serving as jii i" that tl.ey are inclined to wish o-mrt I I 6 AK Leader Classified HANTS Advertisements inserted under tbls beading JO cents per line per in sertion. S cents per line per inser tion rate if run 3 time or more FOR RENT Ftor Rent-House in south Wash burn. Inquire of Martin Holtan. FCT Rttlt—A few good warm houses Enquire Frank E. Funk, 1st Nat'l. Bank F#r Sile—at a bargain one brass trimmed Iron bed, 2 Rockers and 1 Piano, all in good condition. •Apply to A. T. Danielson, Wash burn. FOR SALE For Sale- Oats at the Mandan Mercantile warehouse For Sale—lOOO bushels of choice Velvet Chaff seed wheat. Win. L. Nnessle For Sale— Tornado and tire insur ance is very cheap. For some thing reliable see Frank E. Funk, First Nat. Bank, Washburn, N. D. For Sale— A good house and lot in south Washburn. A bargain. Martin Holtan. For Sale—A 30X60 frame building by F. A. Gallahan, For Sale—One 1910 Mitchell tour ing car for sale, has entire new tires. F. A. Gallahan, Washburn, N. D. I For Sale or Rent- -Meat market, ice house and ham. Inquire of Mar tin Holtan. FOUND Found—A heart shaped pin in the K. P. Hall. Call i.t the Leader office. 1 'V Fancy Goods -1+ 4 it -^rK Pi LOST Lost-A lady's hand bag on road between Washburn .*ind the irm. "Miss M. Deisen. Strayed or Stolen One white mare, weight 1250 lbs. wind putt's on front nukh FORBES' Drug Store as usual have the largest and best assortment of Christmas goods in the city. It is impossible to mention all the different toys and fancy goods that we have, and only a personal inspection of our stock will convince you. However, below will be found mentioned some collar ni'irks on shoulders. lias Substantial Footwear! Our hobby is good shoes—dependable foot wear. We never buy shoddy shoes, would n't have them at any price. That is why we handle Mayer Custom Made Shoes. We buy to give the trade satisfactory goods, shoes honestly made from solid leathers— shoes that wear the year around and are known to the world as the shoes that give GOOD SATISFACTION When you buy a pair from us you are get ting your money's worth, no matter what you pay for them. We know good leather and how a shoe should be made and can tell you the strong points of a good shoe at a glance. When we sell you a good pair of shoes we are weighing out values to you. You may not know what you are getting, but we do and we see that the scale of good weight tips in your favor. With MAYER MADE SHOES we are in a position to give you the best values in town and satisfy you completely Aug. Schulz and Sons of we have for the yonngsters and grown-ups: RnnU «. Late copyright works. Standard IJUUIVd works in leather. Juveniles, paper bound and linen bound books. Christmas booklets and novelties of all kinds. 'Tsn_7 Mechanical, tin, wooden, iron and electric toys of all kinds. cuff and collar boxes, photo holders, post card holders, box paper, necktie and handkerchief boxes, box stationery, paper weights,ink stands, paper knives, and many other useful atticles. Do you want to get a fancy, holly covered box at only 10c to send your Christmas presents in. Washburn High School pennants and banners from 25c to $1.50. Pillow covers in leather and felt. Pyrography outfits and material. Whether You Buy or Not be Sure and Ask for the Celebrated Chattanooga Calendar and Weather Chart. Free to All for the Asking. FORBES'Drug Store Washburn, North Dakota 1* -V -H A One black horse weight 1250 lbs. rat-tail white in face 1ms col- Lu' marks on shoulders. $25.00 reward for recover)' of same. L. M. Hilton, Wilton. N. L). the things that iV 3 :|S! ?V-