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-p- E 'A ??^U 3-1 I I 1 I VVJ I' & v» 4: -7-: I l- 1 & Wis •&f iT -it *4»V 3Tf 4' HH ,:J0 VOL. XXI 27 New Officials Take Office On Tuesday ft ctaigtt win be Haft ta Swe IT- of the Offices While in Others an Entire New Force The next regular meeting of the county commissioners will be held in January and "at that time the personnel of thi9 body will will retire take up his duties ou the Mr. Hultberg has been a member of the board for 4 years and has proved a capable official. He will be succeeded ou the board by D. C. Wright of Wilton. Swan Hanson, who was appointed a member of the board two years ago when Mr. Jasmann was not able to qualify, being a resident of Sheridan county, will ba suc ceeded by Louis Berquist. Mr. Hanson has been au efficient^ and economical official and his suc cessor will no doubt prove the same. L. F. Mahowald of Gar rison commissioner of the second district, will retire this week, his place to be taken by Alexander Miller of Greatstone. Mr. Ma howald was elected two years ago to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of F. L. Mackey. Mr. Mahowald has ably filled his po sition on the board and proved to be a painstaking official. The new members of the board are all experienced and capable men and •are well able to cany the responsi bility of the management of the county's affairs during the next two years. The tax payers should congratulate themselves in having such able men on tht, board. Tom Thompsou will not take the office of county auditor until the first of April and has made no Announcement as to who will be his deputy. Emil Anderson, now deputy treasurer will be the new .county treasurer, when A. T. Danielson retires this week, and his place as «leputy will- be filled by C. E. Paul of Underwood. Mr. Paul has been in the office during the last month to learn the details of office -work. Mr. Anderson has been the deputy in that office for three terms and is thoroughly acquainted with the work to be lone. Cy Dahl, who has been the efficient clerk in the office under A. T. Danielson, will be retained. Mr. Danielson will spend the winter- on the coast where he ex pects to regain his health. He has beeu troubled with rheumatism considerably and the change of climate will no doubt be benificial. There have been no rumors of any change in the offices of the register of deeds, states attorney nor county judge. These officers were all re-elected -and they will undoubtedly retain their office forces. p--' J. A. Beck will retire from the -office of sheriff to be sucoeeded by Hal Simons of Garrison. 'His deputy and the jailor will be named next week. Mr. Beck has been untiring in his effiorts to catty out the many and hard duties of his. office and his place could only be filled by as ener getic a man as Mr. Simons. Herb Hanson will succeed G. O. Raugust in the office of clerk of /X court. Mr. Hanson has been the Bismarck but they think they have deputy in the office for the last room for another at Baldwin. i5#two years so knows the duties to' perform in his office. Mr. Raugust' H. L. Brekkeu of. Tnrtle Lak. Mr. Loftsgaarden has not made any definite plans for the future but will look after his interests on the farm for the present. All county offices will be closed holi officers will ^,l beinB 1 day, and the new their work begin January 3 Tuesday on District Court Notes Judge Winchester adjourned the court last Friday evening to con the vene on January 3th. In the case and again of Dan Kuk for forgery the defend- all be changed. Hnns Hultberg, -chairman, farm.'ant was found not guilty as the money received was said to have been spent for family purposes. As so as Kuk was released he was arrested again on a similar charge and will have his trial when court convenes as will J.Russel of Turtle Lake. The five blind piggers who plead guilty and ones who were found guilty by the jury will receive their sentences next Tuesday as a New Year's present. There are a number of civel cases on the calendar but it is expected they will be olened up in a few days. Want A Clean Town The recent raid on Turtle Lake blind- pigdom reveals to the pub lic the fact that, this community has been supporting seven blind piggers. Board and room at Turtle Lake costs seven dollars a week These piggers have all been boarded and roomed with profits from the sale of booze therefore we know we have been donating $49 a week $200 a month and $2400 a year toward keeping a set of booze venders iti Turtle Lake We know it takes $2400 to feed and board seven blind piggers a year. We also know that we pay them at least $8000 besideB what they eat or they'd not bother about staying. The truth of the matter is about $15000 hhs passed through the hands of Turtle Lake booze venders the past year. In return for this the piggers get us drunk, short change us and someone rolls us for our wad. They sell fools booze, who fight and use the foulest kind of language on the streets and in business places re gardless of the presence of ladies and gentlemen. They promote gambling by furnishing the resorts and liquor. They send men off to take the Keeley Cure, and worst of all they are always stirring up a mess and costing the county a lot of money. It is best to soak. them good and hard and be through with it There is no sense in harboring blind piggers and all the disagree ableness that goes with the voca tion. We need all the money that this country can scrape up to buy our groceries with anyhow.—Wave. A Change in Time A change has been made in the time Sunday school is held in the Methodist church. It will now begin at 10 a. m. in place of 11:45 and will be followed by the regular morning services which begin at 11 a. m. Another Creamery A meeting of the farmers near Baldwin. Burleigh county, will be called on January 7th to talk over the proposition of establishing a creamery. There is one at I: A Number is the manager of Urge abstract! Mrs. G. Olgeirson went to Un orce in the oity and will now de- derwood Wednesday to attend a :v vote his whole time to that work. party"at the home of Mrs. C. W. H. 0. Loftsgaarden,'. who has McGrrv. She returned the fol been county superintendent for lowing day accompanied by Mes height year*, will be succeeded by Of Visitors 1 dames C. W. McGray of Under wood, Glarum of McClusky and Onsrud of Coleharbor «fc»E«=H£^THE LEADER t' 1*1 many Old Tim-1 ers Passed Away The Christmas Season Was Sadden ed in Many Homes hyDatl After Lingering Illnesses g| Mrs. Fairman Passed Away Mrs. Isaac Fairman's death which occurred Dec. 22nd, was an nounced in last week's issue. jShe had been in bed from a genjeral breakdown since early, last spring and later diabetes set in. Death came as an angel of mercy after so much suffering. Her husband died suddenly about two years ago and her brother, D. E, Swan, district manager of the Union Telegraph Company in Minneapolis, died last summer shortly after being cSlled here by the illuess of this sister. Mrs. Martha Fairman was $orn in Ireland nearly 67 years ago. In 1883 she and her husband and on ly sou, Sam, moved from New York to Painted Woods tvhere they have always remained. The funeral was held in Bis marck last Saturday and interment made in the Fairview cemetery. Mrs. Fairman had made her home with her son since the death of her husbani. She will be great ly missed by all the old timers in her community and all extend sym. pa thy to the bereaved son. Death of Mrs. Olson Mrs. Gilbert Olson died at her home near Turtle Lake Satur day evening, Dec. 24tb, after, an illness of two months from inflam atory rheumatism and other com plications. The funeral services were held Thursday at the home. Mrs. Olson had had rheumatism before coming here six years ago but the change of climate seemed to have benefited her until lately. Her death came when she was only thirty-six years old. She leaves besides her husband, one daughter, eight years old, one sister, Mrs. Halvor Kittelson of Stewartsville, Minn, and two broth ers, D. T. Danielson of Turtle Lake and A. T. Danielson of this city The sorrowing relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of the com munity. Death Of Mrs. Falck The death of Mrs. B. D. Falck occurred Sunday morning at one of the Bismarck hospitals, and re suited from pneumonia followed by complications. Mrs. Falck had beeu ill only a short time and her death came as a distinct shock to her numerous friends in this com munity. Mrs. Falck was a native of Nor way and was 68 years of age at the time of her death. When she and her husband imigrated to the Un ited States they lived for a few years in Minnesota. In 1882.they moved to North Dakota and settl ed down on a farm about three miles from Washburn. They re sided here for .many years, later moving to Burleigh county. Mr. Falck died some time ago and for the past few years Mrs. Falck has made her home with her sons, Os car and Albert who now live near Bismarck. The deceased is survived by three sons, Oscar and Albert of Bismarck and Herman who is still a resident of Norway and by fiv* daughters, Mrs. Eriok Sundquist of Bismarck. Florence Falck of Bismarck, Mrs. W. T. James of Winnipeg, Mrs. John Anderson of Chicago and Mrs. John Quinn of Arizona. The funeral" services were held Tuesday afternoon from the McCabe Methodist church, Rev. Alfson of the Norwegian Lu theran church officiating. Inter ment, was made at Fairview ceme- (Oontinned on page four.) I \i»r*\' ».•<p></p>WAHHBUBX -iAft ¥••!. WASHBURN, N D. DECEMBER 30,1910, T.- •,.? :..Jl'.: Co. Commission er's Proceedings They Are In Session Again Daring This Week And Will Get AlHn Order For New Officers Washburn, N. D. Dec. 5,1910. Board of County commissioners convened pursuant to adjournment present chairman Hans Hultberg and commissioners Swan Hanson and L. F. Mahowald. On motion made by commis sioner Swan Hanson and second ed by comr., L. F. Mahowald the official bond and oath of John L. Brakken as superintendent of schools was accepted after having been approved by the states atty. Petition of Peter Orluck et al requesting this board to issue bonds to procure seed grain for needy farmers who are residents of McLean county was on motion laid over. The following bills having been approved were on motion allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment of same. A Schulz&Sons clothes line$ 50 Whitlock, janitor for November 50 00 Whitlock, on ballot boxes and washing twls. 7 30 Wm Rost, board for Nels Edlund 25 20 Palace Drug Co. supplies for county 5 95 Anton Peterson, grading on Washburn Turtle' Creek road 61 (57 A S Reitan, deputy reg of Deeds 100 00 Mellie Gerhart, clerk reg deeds office 50 00 Henrietta O'Hara, clerk reg of deeds 50 00 Bessie Benn, clerk reg of deeds, 50 00 Hugh Westmiller clerk reg of deeds 65 00 Jennie Rudd, clerk reg of Deeds 50 00 Bertha J. Wacker, clerk reg of deeds 40 00 Margaret Westmiller, clerk reg of deeds 27 55 Anna Peterson clerk reg of deeds 15 00 Adolph Wacker stamped envelopes 44 08 Herbert F. O'Rare asst States atty and exp 2 mo. Ill 75 Olgeirson clerk hire for November 18 00 A McKinley, witness fee insanity case 9 50 Olgeirson chairman board of insanity 3 00 Sawyer examining physician insanity board 7 00 A Hyland member in sanity board 2 00' Albert Hill witness in sanity case.. r' 9 50 Fred Falck building snow fence 1 '50 Harris Peterson 1 load wood 3 50 E Paul, repairing bridge 145-83 5 00 Olgeirson chai r.m a board of insanity 3 00 Sawyer examining Physician 7 00 A Hyland member board of insanity 2 00 The following resolution was on motion adopted all membere^pres ent and voting aye. Whereas it has been made to appear to the Board of county commissioners of the county of McLean, state of North Dakota that there is an action pending in the Distriot court of McLean county, North Dakota, wherein Joseph Jackson is plaintiff and Thomas Cullen is defendent, in volving the title to the northeast quarter of section twenty-eight, township one hundred fifty, range eighty-fire, (NEJ28-150-85), said -i action been commenced in tbe district court of McLean county on the 30th day of October A. D. 1908, and it further appears that the said plaintiff did at the time of his death have an interest in and to 6aid land above described and Whereas it further appears subsequent to the commencement of said action, and about the first day of January. A. D. 1909, the plaintiff Joseph T. Jackson, died and that prior to his death this county had furnished provisions for the said Joseph T. Jackson, in the amount of one hundred two & 25-100 dollars, (102.25), and there by became a creditor of his estate, and, Whereas it further appears that aince the death of the said plain tiff no administrator of said estate estate has been appointed, and that there is no one legally autho rized to prosecute said action to a termination, Therefore, be it resolved that the States Attorney of McLeau county is hereby authorized and directed to proceed in the pro bate court, and secure the ap pointment of an Administrator of said estate, and that the claim in favor of the said county be filed with said administrator, and the proceedings be commenced for the purpose of reimbursing said county for the amount expended. Signed and dated this fifth day of December. A 1910. Hans Hultberg, Chairman Board of County Comr The following resolution was presented by commissioner L. F. Mahowald and was on motion adopted. Whereas, the hand of death has been laid upon Mrs. Jessie Mackey, the honored and beloved wife of Frank Mackey, a former member of this board, now there fore be it Resolved that we express our heartfelt sorrow and regret over the death of Mrs. Jessie Mackey, and that we extend our sympathy and good-will to Frank Mackey in this his hour of trial and be reavement. Resolved, further, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and be come a part of the permanent record of this Board, and that a copy of these resolutions be for warded to the said Frank Mackey at Garrison, North Da kota. Dated at Washburn, McLean County, North Dakota this 5th day of December A 1910. Hans Hultberg Mahowald Swan Hanson On motion Board adjourned to meet next day at 9 o'clock A m. Tuesday December 6,1910 Board convened with all mem bers present. On motion the fol lowing bills were allowed. E Knutson, one load wood for court house 3 00 Naomi Meyer clerk auditor office 12 00 S Stevens services on canvassing board 8 00 Theo Serr deputy county Auditor 100 00 Paul S Meyer stamped envelopes and postage.. 43 88 Aug E Huber mdse for Mrs, Kate Earl 7 55 S E Dahl clerk treas office 65 00 Emil Anderson deputy county treas 100 00 Washburn Telephone Co phone rent and tools... 36 90 Arthur Nelson, janitor dur ing institute 7 50 Fred Pfister ooal for co... 90 81 Parker 4 days insti tute work 20 00 A Beek serving notice expiration of time for redemption 16 75 J^K'": ,v' The Leader Has ta Gaaacdfca the Host Confide fob OMce in the Cmatr. Get Ov Men $1.50 PER TEAR Revetment Wort For Washburn AU Depends on Quick Work by the Bidders asOnly a Short Time Given Them to Figure The government may mean to do the $10,000 worth of revetment work promised at this harbor this winter but it looks doubtful after reading the bids published in this issue. Bids for 4)0 cords eaoh of willow brush and nigger heads are to be left with Mayor T. J. Hauge berg not later than January 1. The bids are to be opened by the lT. S. engineers on January 5. The wil lows most be freshly cut. not less than nor more than 2 inches in diameter at butt, and from 15 to 30 feet in length. Has anyone ev er seen them that high around here? The nigger heads are just ordinary boulders and now will be the time for the farmers to yet rid of all the rocks they have gathered from their Helds by selling them. The government puts a limit on the size of the rocks. They must weigh more than 10 and less than 200 pounds. Revetment work is badly needed at this harbor and also the work by th% many farmers who had poor crops but itis regretted that the gov erument does not see that it is nec essary to give more time in which to send in bids. More persons would send them in and probably lower bids would be sent. A House Party Little Miss Marine Reitan is entertaining as her guests at a week-end house party the Misses Weatherliead and McGee of Bis mark and Ulness of Wilton. Adolph O Aakej medical services to Mrs Jacob Free A Gallahan repairs and work gas engine at jail. Hans Holtan & Sons mdse Henry Mantz digging grave for McGregor 31 00 44 55 14 64 8 00 Sawyer professional services rendered Harry Thomas, Mrs. Hendrick son and Mike Smith Mrs Sawyer railroad fare and expenses paid deporting Mrs Hen derickson The pioneer store mdse furnished Anderson pauper 10 00 Dr. E Paulson profes sional services rendered oo 57 95 Anderson and family. 150 00 Chas West drugs for Anderson family 17 40 Chris Wacker, McGregor burial expenses 5 50 Jim Dever constructing casket for McGregor... Knute Knuteson 2 loads wood for county 8 00 6 00 Olson depty sheriff fees A Beck, stamps for de linquent tax list. A Beck jailor for Oct. and Nov 122 00 A Beck" board prisoners Oct and Nov 91 A Beck sheriff fees case of Frank Junek 5 A Beck delivering ballot boxes precinct No. 23... A Beck sheriff fees case of Ryan O Pfister delivering bal lot boxes precincts Nos. 34,35,37,38, 28 40 48 10 50 0. 7 00 7 85 16 60 Olson delivering bal lot boxes to precinots Nos, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11,12,13,19, 20, 21, 22, 30,31,32,33, and 39... Ole Evame to grading 1116 yd* at 15 cts per yd 167 40 \«?s 73 00 (Continued on page wven.) 'A -•v. ^-4