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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
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SrV'i^ t-?r US tt & St 3? (i. /•gfj •J" •^vsi •_ &VCs §P* ^v-. r" nr? *j 0137 Ladies' patent sole, suede leather &/>e mad* £r at We will be glad to have yon call and see our line of shoes, oxfords and pumps, for ladies, misses and children. These are mede over the veiy latest lasts from leathers that Dame Fashion has decreed. Gun metal & patents are most popular, 'Ohildrens' gun metal pumps, sizes, eight one-half to twelve Misses' gun metal pumps, sizes, twelve and one half to two Look for Our Window Display r-v* -t l4- HANS HOLTAN V. V, —. t* rtisfiA'.V makes it possible for us to sell delicious satisfy ing breads, cakes and pastries—the kind moth er made years ago. Bread, cakes, and cookies always on hand. We cater to banquets and social gatherings. Our baking will convince. City Bakery Mattis Bros. It is our purpose to handle any busi ness entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal manner as to make the custom er's relation with this bank satisfactory tha hold In Washburn State Bank A Perfect Baker Economical In Fuel That* wha* mqr bonaewlto soaks In »'range—one that la abtolotaly dopondablo, litfirr Mir. TOT in T«ar mil Built on honor, of the bast material*, tha Ofnf aaftwr wtoay wi* a^w Mnjmtie endable c, IttCMaft 2r We will give a brief de scription of a few numbers 2228 Ladies' gun metal, Two strap Regent mm pump, thin sole $£• IO 2371 Ladies'- gun metal, Puritan tie low cut a a oxfords, med. wt. 8. $d«UU 2248 Ladies' gun metal, 2 strap pump, good year welt, med.sole $d* I leather, medium weight d»^ flfP top, Cuban heel, very dressy vO* I 0 and $1.50 $1.75 AND SONS It If cAmoumtfkrmmUrnStmt.turn. mmi mmttmhU bnak—ehmrmmliram wmm't rmt She m«i ara rivated (dbt pot tocathar with bolta and stove puttir)—thay In air UM naltbar taea% nor eold nffectrthom. Jh» .AU dean tap The Great and Grand Mace by an ft _. allda outautomat- scsfs'sss MAJESTIC swrastt. !«V?jXuSdw!5 mteM Ctmatfk" iabesto» llnlnr •horMln* aaba« avaiu da% A Mftg winViVTaApHpre .bafcln* fiVARIpBf Tanta floor Irom aatohlocflra-»h •ap QfttohM nhfn The w*w*U H—If and haatallka tea kettle, throntfia oopper pocket, Mnmped Irom ona piece, of copper, aattlng aaalnat left hand Unlnf of Are box. It holla IB gallona of water In a rery few minntes •ndbytornlngalevarthafmmaandreMryolrmoTeaawayfronitha Are. Thla featnra la pataotad and la naad only in tha It fa tha beat lanaa at any prlea—a run with a reputation •ndltahoaldbalnyoarkltohen. FOR SALE BY I I- tha mmtr tmmgrn Miflnth itm emn't MUf—He. T. THOMPSON HOWE. CO. itchen "Nat Issue No. 257-paMenger departs 9:24 a No. 65-freight depart* 9:30 Ea»tBound Trains. No. 265-passengor departs 2:10 No. 64-freight departs 3:20 Life Fire Hail Frank E. Funk. rjtz.jw SooTiaeCaitf West Bound Trains. All trains daily except Sunday, effective Aug. loth 1909. ./ LOCAL NEW8 Insurance. Farm Loans made at the Wash burn State Bank. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Robin son of Garrison are rejoicing over the arrival of a son on Monday. Mrs. Hubert Edgerton came up from Wilton Thursday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weise. Lay in a supply of coal now that you can get it cheap. Only $1.20 a ton at the Black Diamond mine. Eighteen Reliable old line Fire and Hail Insurance Companies Frank E. Funk First Natl. Bank Why pay high rates for land loans? I can-save yon money. F. E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Wash burn, N.D. The Ladies' Aid of the Congre gational church will meet with Mrs. L. M. Wallin, on Thursday, March 2nd. Mrs. Ben Weise and son return ed to Blackwater this morning af tera pleasant week's visit at the J. Weise home. ONE DOLLAR will start a saving bank account with First National bank of Washburn, N. Capital and surplus, $50,000. I do hereby express my appre ciation and thankfulness for the generous gift of the. members of the Knights of Pythias at the close of the services last Sunday night D. D. Mitchell. As an evidence of their faith that spring is near the Thompson Hardware Co. has removed the large heater from their store. It is hoped their faith is well ground ed. Parties wishing to purchase stove wood are requested to com. municate with the undersigned I have the wood all cut in proper lengths. H. M. Merry, Phone River Line No. 93. It is now thought that Minof will not get the $200,000.00 appro priation wanted for the new normal. It is claimed there are not enough funds in the state ant many will have to receive less than the appropriation asked. A piece of flannel dampenet with Chamberlain's Liniment unt bound on the affected parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest give it tria and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt re lief which it affords. Sold by al dealers. The Birthday club was very en joyably entertained last Wednes day evening by Mrs. Walfred An derson. The evening was spent in playing five hundred. Mrs. C.-irmi han'proved herself the lucky per son of the evening while Mrs. Sim on needed consolation. Delightful refreshments were served at the close of a happy evening. The opportunity of listening to Rev. C^ W.Harris in his famous lec ture on the Passion Play was taken by a laige per cent of the citizens of Washbnrnlast Tuesday evening. The evening was ideal, Mr. Harris was at his best and the stereopti con was without fault. The sub ject was one of interest to every person therefore it is useless to add that the silent enthusiasm was a great oMnpliment to the speaker. Never before have we listened to Knptidtfth^intwfirtedinJ in 'ncted ui as those that held our closest attention that evening and llibtares never spoke toi our inner selves- producing purer emotions than djd those steieoptican views. We vegret that all ebuld not hnve jwa ?ro wr- "'ji^" -J »v j*5*.'•"•«iif^i J"* Afcftcpvflg It is feared that Bossia and China will have tronblein the near fntnre. Troops have been or dered out to strengthen the watch on the frontier. Tfaey Bate Agree* The apportionment committee of the two houses have agreed and if the measure becomes a law there will be 46 representatives and 101 senators at the next session. Mc Lean will have one senator and three representatives, which is one more house member than at pre sent. Nay Have Extra Session The house of representatives doe's not want to be responsible for the extra session of congress that may be called. The members are making haste to dispose of all bus iness early. If an extra session is called it will be through the sen ate and for the purpose of voting on the Canadian reciprocity agree ment. Senator Defends Self William Lorimer. United States senator of Illinois, this week made his defence against the oharge that his election to the senate was ac complished by bribery and the corruption of the legislature of his home state. His talk lasted fonr hours and is said to have been the best one ever given in the senate. Lorimer's opponents may be un able to get a vote before adjourn ment that will declare his seat va cant. Aim to Tell the Troth In reporting the court proceed ings in connection with the Jay Russel trial The Leader erred in stating that there were 500 signers to a petition praying Judge Win chester for clemency. Since hav ing our attention called to this matter by Brother Jones of the Turtle Lake Wave we hnve exam ined these petitions and tind that tpe "clemency petition" has 259 names attached to it and reads as follows: "We the undersigned citizens and tax payers in and around Tnr tie Lake in the county of McLean and state of North Dakota, who have been acquainted with Jay Russel during the last past year and more do respectfully petition and request of the Hon. W. H. Winchester, judge, that as lenient and use as much clemency as possible in the passing of sen tence on the said Jay Russel who on the (5th day of January 1911 plead guilty to the charge of keep ing and maintaining a common nuisance at a certain place within McLean county and state of North Dakota." To the above petition we tind the name of E. J. Jones. This E. J. Jones is the editor of the Tur tle Lake Wave. There was also a second petition presented which was signed by 20 and reads as follows: Turtle Lake, N. D., Dec. 23,1911 To the Hob Judge Winchester, District Court, Washburn, N. D. We the undersigned and free holders of Turtle Lake, N. D., do hereby earnestly pray that Jay Russel, who is up for "blind-pig ging" this term of court, be prose cuted to the limit of the law and we see no reason for a change of venue or continuance being grant ed this man, at this time, as the evidence is so plain that it must convict him in any county in the state. Furthermore this man has always been known to sell "booze" when out on bail and if left out, will sell enough "booze" to pay his bond by the time his case comes to trial and we are tired of his "booze" business and want it stop ped now." To the second petition the name of E. J. Jonss is also signed. This E. J. Jones is the same E. J. Jones whpfigned the 'clemency petition* and' is editor of the Turtle Lake Wave. This explanation of the facti will probably be occasion for Brother Jones tp explain to his readers why he should persist in wanting to "hang" Jay in one of lis petitions and theu be "easy" with him in the-other. 'J,-fe*- Sr fM Every load, come to Take 1 tt. T. Smith of Underwood suc cessfully passed the state embalm ing examination this week. MORE CHEAP MONEY Lana loans. See Frank E. Fnnk, First National bank of Washburn, North Dakota. Cheap money for land loans al ways on hand. Make your own rate—no red tape. F. E. Funk. First Nat'l Bank, Washburn, N. D. Ole Gradin called on old friends in Washburn this week. He is all ready for spring and will pul in a big crop again this your. He says as long as lie has been on a farni he has never had to buy a load of hay. Neither has he sold any If you find my sub-' stance in your baks ing injurious to, health mode* from bak ing powder/ this dmei There are no other shoes at popular prices that in any way com pare with these classy, fashionable, good fitting shoes. They are made on lasts that insure the ntmost comfort, and yet give your feet that trim and stylish look. A pair will convince. BARRETT & ZIMMERMAN'S Mpls. & St. Paul car from either city. "LEADISO LADY" shoos combine style & wear ing qualities to a de gree that easily makes them the most popular, dressy and serviceable ladies' tine shoes ob tainable at a eost no greater than that of the ordinary shoe. Sold exclusively in Washburn by W.ML! AND SOBS STAR HOTEL Schulz's sell Occident flour made by Russell Miller Milling Co. Grold Heart flour is the best Try some. For sale by Hans Hoi tan & Sons. AS often he is in need of what has been left over lh»- year before and is glad to use it when hay reaches the ten and twelve dollar mark in the spring. wmKm. wily GIEAT MIDWAY H0ISE MAIIET IT. PAUL, •INN Rev. J. S. Rood is visiting Rev. D. D. Mitchell this week and will preach in the Congregational church Sunday evening. A thorough course at the Ali not College of Commerce will bring you, without delay, face to face with the opportunity for which you have been looking. The handsom est catalogue in the country free for the asking. How to cure a cold is a question in which many are interested just a a Remedy has won its great reputa tion and immense sale by its re markable cure of You are probably aware that pneumonia always results froin a cold, but y( never heard of a cold resulting in pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. Why lake the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle? For sale by all d- uler j. $1000 In it for ou Calumet has been backed for years by an offer of $1,000 for any substance injurious to health found in the baking prepared with it. Does not this and the fact that it complies with all pure food laws, both State and National, prove that Calumet is absolutely better results—and is pore? With the purity question settled—then Calumet is undoubtedly the best Baking Powder. It contains more leavening power it is more uni form—every can is the same. It assures moderate ID price. ffirrtrsil Hfrfcnl fhrsril Wmrlil*i Pan rr-TrpmiUna CALUMET UMN6P0WTO V? 1 4 coiils. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all dealers. t1 -•Skfii ..L, n. 1 #5