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i'i- li i'.:':'. I R'4 r-.- !.:..• !j fetvis tmi- p. h' W ty.. S&V. II 1 P"! •K. s, M' V, r,v W?"" Good Washburn Leader JOHN SATTERLUND Proprietor L. L. SATTERLUND Manager Published every Friday at Wash burn, McLean Co., N. D. Entered at the Postoffice at Washburn, N. D. as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1911 THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO IRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES A Test Of Moral Calibre The Lorimer case in the Senate in the iinal analysis was not hiere Jy a question of seating or unseat ing an individual, says the Mpls. Journal, but a test of the moral cal ibre of the men who make up the most dignified legislative body in the world. The issue involved was "not a political one, but a moral is sue. pure and simple, and there is no compromise on such an issue: Duties never conflict and he builds his house upon sand who beguiles his conscience with argu ments that any great ultimate good can ever come from even a tempor ary deviation from the path of truth, aud the simple performance of what is decent. Not a few of the Senators who voted for the retention of Lorimer in his ill-gained place in the sen ate, will find that their act of pol S *jr ttt rj -r ^"'1 '^J- GORDON HATS $3.00 1,11 Gordon hats Gaps Our stock of spring hats and caps is ready for your inspec tion. We specialize on Gordon, and Stetson hats, because, we be lieve they are the best hats on the market at the price. We have a large stock to select froin, and we have YOUR particular hat. STETSON HATS $4,50-$5.50 BOY'S CAPS 75C Hans Holtan and Seed Potatoes "Early Ohio" and "Early Rose." Get our prices before placing your order/ .• Cayou Commission Company- Bismarck itical expediency will damn them for years to cooie with the unsoph isticated but honest, constituent who is not interested in the decla ration of technical innocence in a man whom the country has long since adjudged morally guilty. The compromise with conviction has ruined the political careers of greater men than any who now sit in congress. Webster saw'this great moral prestige dissolve when in a bid for the presidency he was guilty, in his "Seventh of March" speech, of virtually recanting his lifelong convictions on the slavery question. The defeat of Henry Ulay for the presidency in 1844 was largely due to his evasion of his true conviction of the slavery question in the Southwest. When such giants as these fall through compromises, it is incred ible that the pigmies of today can imagine that they are building for themselves strength politically or any other way by the evasion of an obvious duty. A compromise with a moral con viction is the leak in the dyke of public opinion and he who is thus guilty can look only to the disinte gration of the esteem in which he is held by the people. His is a house built of sand and when the storm comes, "great is the fall thereof." The army department at Wash ington lias issued a call, for officers of the militia companies of all the states in the union, to direct the regular army troops along the Mex ican bordec. The troops are short about 800 officers and over 1.950 Seed Oats »Seed Oats Car will arrive about March 25th. Will be sold from car at re duced price. Have a half-bushel sample. See C. A. Huntley Seed Oats-Seed Oats Blowing Bubbles! MEN'S CAPS 35C-S1.25'. SPRING HATS 25C-S2.50 CHILDREN'S CAPS 25C-65C militiamen have offered' to go, of this number sixteen are from this state. The governors of each of the stateB will appoint those who will make the trip. There was talk at one time of some guards being ordered to Texas and they have made all arrangements so that they could leave shortly after receiving orders. The war department says the assembling of the national guard officers is for the purpose of instructions only, but from the number of troops being sent there and the continued state of warfare people are of the opinion that they will be putin command of the reg ular army. It costs 2 cents a mile to haul a congressman worth $600 a year in private lite, to a $7,300 job, and a traction engine couldn't haul him away from the job as long as .he can bamboozle the innocent con stituent.—Loisville Couier-iTour nal. There is considerable anxiety over the fifteen Americans said to be imprisoned in Mexico. Noth ing has been heard of them since they were captured and there is some talk of their having been ex ecuted. March 18th is the 75th birthday of the late Grrover Cleveland, ex president of the United States. Many republicans and democrats will join, in a movement to honor the only democratic president since the civil war. Valley City is not entirely a flag station now. Orders are given to stop trains three and four and the city people are rejoicing over the victory. S T-- T7uiDgtto,oon?u.ct .. ,, .. without advertising adver tising well considered, well writ-en, well designed and well printed— is a childlike, babble-blowing off rt. To be successful the meichant or the professional man must iko himself—his wares or his ability —known. To be known—favorably known—is the biggest asset of business. The art and science of making known is the printer's busi ness. Take the printer into partnership with you in your business. He is the specialist who moves your wares or your skill into dollars. Stop blowing by yourself. (Jo to the printer, consider his ways and be wise. He gives free consultation for sick business a business NEWS 0^ NOTED PERSONS! ItPt Talk i6 a' qoUbl» speed! '«te tile cldfihg aession Of the luthera GommWolai oofcersM at At lanta, 5fc, made a plea to the young men of the South to eliminate from their consideration all narrow parti sanship. In referring to his disap pointment at the failure of the last session of congress to ratify the Cana dian reciprocity act he declared he had instructed the American represen tatives to suggest to Canada a free trade arrangement between the two countries,' but that Canada had de clined to consider the proposal. Will|am Jennings Bryan, discussing the "Influence of the Modern Newspa per" before the Contemporary club at Philadelphia, declared that the mod ern newspaper has lost prestige and influence, due in part to the devotion of too much space to crime and do mestic^ Infelicity. Major General F. D. Grant, U. S. A., has been appointed military aide to John Hays Hammond, special ambas sador from the United States to the coronation of King George. It is learned that Secretary of State Knox, now at Palm Beach, Fla., may take a trip to Cuba in the near future under plans discussed before he left Washington. Mrs. Clara Elizabeth Taylor Stir ling, formerly an American musical comedy actress, and Lord George Choi mondeley have been married in Lon don. Major General Charles L. Hodges, for some time past in command of the department of the Lakes, has been placed on the retired list for age. THE DEATH RECORD. Rear Admiral John Charles Fre mont, commandant of the Charles town (Mass.) navyyard, for thirty-six years active in the service of the United States navy and an expert on deep sea soundings, coast surveys and searchlights, fell dead of heart disease in his home at the navyyard. Ad miral Frenmont was born in San Fran cisco April 19, 1849, the son of Major General John C. Fremont, U. S. A. "the pathfinder." William P. Robinson, assistant cash ier of the First National bank of Ken osha, Wis., is dead as a result of shock caused by the explosion of the powder plant at Pleasant Prairie, ten miles distant. l{r. Robinson had been ill, but was convalescent when the shock came. Rev. 3harles Little, president of the Garret Biblical institute of Northwest ern university, well known educator, author and lecturer, is dead at Ids home in Evanston, 111. POLITICAL NEWS. The enfranchised women of Seattle, who, a- few weeks ago, recalled from office Mayor Hiram C. Gill, whose wide open" policy they objected to, went to the polls and elected a reform council. The proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $800,000 for. the construction of a municipally owned street railway carried over whelmingly. Former Mayor Edward F. Dunne, who was defeated by former Mayor Carter H. Harrison for the Democratic nomination for mayor of Chicago and on whose petition of fraud a recount of the ballots was begun, declared i« was convinced there had been insuffi cient fraud at the primary to change the result and the recount was discon tinued. Democratic success in Maine was continued at the city elections, candi dates of that party winning the may oralty contests in four of the five cit ies which voted. FINANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL The interstate commerce commission has turned its attention to the express companies. Within the next two weeks it will announce a decision with respect to the express business which, it is now believed, will be of almost as farreaching importance as the re cent decision denying the railroads the privilege of increasing freight rates. Passenger rate schedules on prac tically every railroad system in the United States will have to be revised during the next few months in order to make them conform to the changes in the long and short haul clause of the interstate commerce act as amend ed last summer. Howard Elliott, president of the Nortl: am Pacific railroad, has. wired his refusal to accept the presidency of the Missouri Pacific railroftC^jtoTa committee of New York men repre senting the controlling interest* in the road. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. Colonel William M. Black, In charge of the operations in connection with the raising of the battleship Maine, announced that the work had so far advanced that it would be possibk within six weeks to pomp out the col fer dam and expose the hull to view. The Wisconsin assembly, by a vote of 52 to 23, adopted el joint" resolution censuring United States' Senator Stephenson for voting in favor of seat ing Senator Lorimer of Illinois and lauding SenatorLa Tonciia for his vote In unseat the Illinois solon. Approval of tile commission form of government in ^uuMcisal affairs char aoterised Col^l Roosf^lt's address to the cltisenSOf Birmingham, Ala-., «kidi are attWrt'to e*peim«toljHth the commission system. 1 Directors. BEPOitT bir T&E CbKDITto^ Kotlce tf EKdloo JMiBORN STATE IK AT WASHBURN,}* In the state of North Dakota at the close of business March 7,1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 70,465 83 Overdrafts secured and unsecured... 33 06 Warrants. Stocks, Tax Certificates, Claims, Etc 135% Banking house, furniture and fixt ures 5,768 88 Current expenses, taxes paid, over undivided profits 1,369 65 Due from other banks $ 20406.66 Checks and other cash ,w:-t Items... 107.87 Safe Cash 3001.48 23,576 01 Total $ 101,343 48 LIABILITIES Capital stoek paid in $15,000 00 Surplus fond. 3,000 00 Individual deposits sub- ... ject to'check 27,080.63 Demand certificates ofde- y--* posit 4,318.36 Time certificates of de- .si posit 50,187.18 Savings accounts 1,757 31—83,343.48 Bills payable Total $ 101,»t3 48 State of North Dakota, County of McLeanss. 'ie above jhe above my knowledge and belief. T. H. Jeffery, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of Marcblflll. Teodore Serr Notary public, McLean Co., N. Dak. My commission expires April 16,1912 AvvOSti JOSEPH MANN, Correct. [SEAL] T. L. BEISEKEB, Directors. NO. 6327 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WASHBURN, N. D. at Washburn, N. D., in the State of North Dakota, at the close of business on March 7,1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 156,21145 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 180 02 S. bonds to secure circulation .. 25,000 00 Bonds, securities, etc 2,164 27 Banking house, furniture and fix tures 3,617 06 Due from National banks not re serve agents 41,054 56 Due from state banks and bankers, trust companies, A savings banks 39 75 Due from approved reserve agents.. 33 110 00 Checks and other cash items 1,335 75 Notes of other national banks ..... 305 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 90 43 Specie $11,354 00 Legal-tender notes. 4,000 00 15 354 00 Redemption fund with U. S. treas urer 5 per cent of circulation .. 1.250 00 TotaL $279,712 29 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 25,COO 00 Surplus fund 7,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 18,007 34 National bank notes outstanding .. 25,000 00 Due to other national banks 9,048 52 Due to state and private banks and bankers 10,547 38 Dividends unpaid Individual deposit subject to check 105,306 08 Demand certificates of deposit .... 0,018 50 Time certificates of deposit 71,160 53 Certified Checks. Cashier's checks outstanding 6.023 94 TotaL .$ 279,712 29 State of North Dakota, county of McLean, ss: I, F. E. Funk, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. E. Funk, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Uth day of March 1911. W.L. Nuessle, Notary Public. McLean county, North Dakota. My commission expires June 8,1914. Correct—Attest: Theo. J. Haogeberg, •Tames T. McCulloch, Aug. E. Johnson. State of North Dakota,) In Connty Court County of McLean Before Hon. G. Olgeir son Judge, In the Matter of the Estate of George B. Doland, Deceased. John H. Hanson 1 Petitioneer VS Mary A erson, Clara Knight, E lien Greeleyi Nettie Childs, Anna Ledbet er, George B. Doland, Elisa beth Rogers, Carrie "Beck, Maggie Getty, Arthur Ward, Ray Ward, and Leonard Ward Respondents, TSBAL] F. Maenn Maennel, Notice of Hear ing Petition for Conveyance of Real Estate un der Contract. W a The State of North Dakota to the above named Respondents and all persons interested in the Estate of George E Doland Deceased. You and each of you are, hereby notified, that Friday, the 21st day of April A. D. 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the Court room of said County Court, at the Court house in the City of Washburn County of McLean and State of North Dakota, have been appointed as the time and place of hearing the petition of John H. Hanson who claims therein that by a certain written con tract, entered into with said deceased during his lifetime, a copy of which contract is at tached to and made a part of said petition, he is entitled to a conveyance by the Administrator of £aid Estate of the following described premises, to-wit: South one half of South West quarter (SViof SW%) and the South one half of the South East quarter (S!i of SEU) Section'Eighteen (18 Township ono hundred and Forty Eight (148) Range Eighty (80) McLean County, North Dakota, and praying a decree of said Court for such conveyance, and You and each of yon, are hereby cited to be and appear before this Court at said time and place, and answer said petition, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. [SEAL] By. the Court. G. Oigeirson Judge of the County Coart. Dated the 13th day of March A. D. 1911. Let the service of the above citation be made by publication in the Washburn Leader for three (3) successive weeks and by mailing. Attorney for Administrator Washburn, No. Dak. G. Oigeirson Judge. Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Sale Notice is hereby given thBt default existing in the terms of theliereinaftnr described mort gage made executed anil delMMdrby.Martin BrTeher alad Barbara nnehterTnuShand'WHd wife mortgMprrto Henry A. Barnes Mortga, datetTthe^Tth aay of April IOCS, and filed. .. record in the office of the Register^of Deeds in andiorthe County of McLean and.State'of North Dakota on the 4th day of May 1908 at 8:45 o'clock A. M. and recorded in Book. W of mortgages at Page 563. That said mortgage will be .foreclosed by a. sale of the premises in .said mortgage and here inafter described at the front door of the court House in this City of Washburn County of Mc Lean and State of. North Dakota on: the 15th" day of April A. D. 1011 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. of said day, to satisfy the sum due on said date. The premises in- said mortgage 'and which will be sold to satisfr the same are described, as follows, to-wit The Northeast one-quarter (NEH) of Section Three (Si in Township One hundred-forty-eight (148) N. of Range Ki| two (831 (being the 8M of NEJi and Lots 1 *2 ». That than mil be due on^sald mortgage at the'date of sale the sum of Ninety and 30-100 Dollars and the further -sun of 488.45 by reason of certain interest, and taxes whiut were a prior Hen upon the land and- whieh were pud -by mortgagee* That prior to the institution of this action. the said Henry A. Barnes did execute Us power of atty. in writing to Geo. M. Gray of Kenmare N. O. and that there hasbeen no action iat law or otherwise instituted for the recover of the money hereby secured, and that there wHlv be due at date of xiilo tho sura of One-hundred Seventy-eight and .VK0'Dollart ($178.75).. Dated ai ivenmarc N. P. .this. 6th day of March A. D. 1011 HenryA. Barnes: Geo.M. Gray: KcnmareM.'D. Attorney for Mortgagee. Three Alderman. .... The city council has designated the following polling place. Cottnty Court Honse. .. ... The noils will be opened at 8 A. M. and will remain open until 5 P. M. ,c. Then J. Haugeberg NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORT GAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby given that that certain mort gage, executed ana delivered by Ingvald John son and Anna Johnson, his wife, as Mortgagors, to J. W. YeUand, Mortgagee, dated the 19th day of June 19Q7,, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, on the 9th day of July A. D. 1907 and recorded in book ''B-lr' of Mortgages at page 3%, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court House at Washburn ia the County of McLean and State of North Da kota at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on the 2nd day of May A. D. 1911, to satisfy the amouUtf due upon such mortgage on the day of saleT The premises described in such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are situ ated in the County of McLean and State of North Dakota and described as follows to-wit: The Southeast Quarter (SEUi of Section Twenty-nine (29) Township One Hundred fifty 1150] north of Range Eighty (80) West of tb«. Fifth Principal Meridian. That said Mortgage contains a clause which provides that in default of the payment of any note secured by said mortgage the Mortgagee may declare the wnole st&n se cured by said mortgage to be dne and piyable, that three of the notes secured bv saidmortgage are past dne and wholly unpaid, therefore the mortgagee hereby declares all of the. notes secured by said mortgage to be due ana pay able. That said mortgagee executed and delivered to Attorneys Bessesen & Berry of Harvey, North Dakota, a Power of Attorney to foreclose said mortgage, which has been duly filed for record and recorded in the ofihe of said Regiaterof Deeds, that an affidavit of Attorney's fees, as. provided by Law, has been duly filed in the office of said Register of Deeds. There will be due on said Mortgage on the date of sale the sum of $546.78 together with the costs of fore closure and sale, which sum of $54&78 includes the sum of $278.85 due upon the note secured by said mortgage and the sum of $250.36 dua upon interest coupons secured by a superior mort gage on said land and the sum of $17.57 being taxes for 1910 and interest thereon, which last two items the said Mortgagee was compelled to and did pay to protect his interest under said mortgage. Dated March 13th 1911." Bessesen ft Berry, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Harvey, North. Dakota. Dated at Washburn, N. D. this 1st day of Sept., 191Q... Hyland ft Nuessle To the Defendants above named and to the unknown Defendants: You and each of you' will please take notice that the summons and the verified complaint in the above and foregoing entitled action were filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for the County of McLean "and State of North Dakota on the 17 day of March, 1911, and that no personal judg ment is, sought against you or any of you in this action, out that the same is brought for the purpose of excluding you and each and^all of you from any, estate, right, title, interest, lien or incumbrance in and to the following de scribed real estate, to-wit. The Northeast quarter [NEJ4] of Section Twelve [12], in Town ship One Hundred Forty-six [146J North, of Range Eighty-three [83] West of the 5th Prin cipal Meridan, McLean County, N, D., and of quieting the title of the plaintiff therein. P. A. Sundstrom, VS. Thomas Christofferson, Tht State- of 'North Dakota to the above named Defendants: Yon and each of you are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer upon the sub scribers at their office in the Haugeberg Block in the City of Washburn, McLean County, North Dakota, within thirty [30] days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against yon by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated at Washburn, N.. D. this 1st day. of Sept. MHO. Hyland ft NUMSIS r.z.-St Attorneys forPlaintiffr 5 Off ice and Postoffice, •«.-%%• %4f WKWW.I.B. To the defendants above named and to the defendeuts unknown: Yun aud each of you will please take notice that the sumttMWs aog verified coinplatnt in the above and foregoini^ entltled action was filed inthe otlice pf.tho vlerk of the District Court in and for tha County of McLean and State of North Dakota tin the 17th. day of March, 1911. and that, no personal judgment is sought ag-Vc ainstyou or any of you in this action, but that rr the same is brought for the purpose of exclud ing you and each and all of you from any estate,' right, title, interest, lien or encumbrance br and to the following described real estate .to wit: The Southwest Quarter [SWii] of Sec tion Thirty-five [35] in Towuship One Hundred Forty-five N6rtn fl45N] of Range Eighty-one [81] West of the 5th Pi ll., McLean County, N. D., ami of qntoting the title .of the plaintiff therein.'.^ lias® ilar annual ashburn. Notice is hereby given that the election will be held in the city ._ North "Dakota, on Monday thethird day of April A. D. 1911, tor the purpose of electing the following named officers. Mayor. Hush Westmiller City Auditor. T- 3M0 Mi J. W. Yelland. Mortgagee.- •V IYY,. State of North Dakota In District Conrt, S9 County of McLean. Sixth Judicial District. Alice Reitan, VS. Plaintiff I William Dodge, Marcus Barden I Summons.' and F. M. Boss, Executors of the Estate of William Dodge, Deceas-1 ed, Samuel C. Dodge, Cora E. I Boyce, Lydia J. Andrews, Fanny ,, A. Healey, William W. Dodge, John P. lodge, Louise Healey, Poison Baillies, Guardian.. Annis C. Cunningham, Rachel J.-Gros uch. Willard Dodge, Benjamin Dodge, Jacob Dodge, and all other persons unknown claiming any estate or interest in or lien or incumbrance upon the proper ty described in tbe complaint, V- Defendants. The state of North Dakota toShe above named Defendants: You, and each of you are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action and to 'serve a copy of your answer upon the subscrib ers at their office in the Haugeberg block in the City of Washburn, McLean County, North Da kota, within thirty [30] days after the service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service and in case of yonr failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Com plaint. & 'itn. e, *&L -.#a Attorneys for Plaintiff,' Office and Postoffice, Washburn, N. Hyland ft Nnessle ...... Attorneys for Plaintiff .- Oft'icn and Postoffice* Washburn, N. D' State of North Dakota ^In District Conrt, ^,1? County of McLean Sixth Judicial District'. Plaintiff, I Summons. Thomas! Christopherson, Grate Chris-1 topherson, Kirsten Christoph-1 erson, Chris Hansen. Executor I. of the last Will and Testament I of Thomas Christopherson, De-1 ceased, and all other persons I unknown claiming any estate I or interest in or Uen or eneum brance upon the~~property de scribed in the com^lMn^^ I mm .r-S 'M IS!* -Ss a€Vf: t" W: 'fl EW.. Irani, N.P "WATCH MOUSE" WASMBUIIN.'N. 0 W