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LEGAL NOTICES EB- Notices published under this heading will be charged legal rates In accordance with the ruling of the McLean County Press Association, and no affidavit will be issued until all publication charges are paid. NOTICE OF MORTGAGK SALS South ft 0 E FORECLOSURE Notice is hereby given, That that certain nineteen hundred and nine and tiled for record in the office of the Register of Dei-ds of the county of McLean and State of North Dakota, on the 16th day of March A. D. I90K. nud recorded in Book l!-'-'8 of Mortgages, at page 316, will be foreclosed hy a sate of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the court house in the city of Washburn, in the county of McLean and State of North Dakota, nt the hour of 2 o'clock p. m,. on the 18th day of March 1011, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, aro those certain premise.-situated in tho county of McLean aud State of North Dakota, aud described as follows, to-wit: Northwest iuarter of Section Twcnt.y-tivo, in Township One Hundred and fifty. North of Range Eighty-two. West of the Fifth Principal Meridian (N\V'J Sec. Twp. 1"J) HUB .*2 west) There will be due oil such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of $22!i 20. Dated at Bisninrck North Dakota, tliis2Kth day of January I! 11 Miller ti Costollo Attorneys for Mortgagee Bismarck, Norlh"Dakota. D. T. Owens Mortgagee. Notice of Mortgage Salo Notice is hereby tfivuu that that certain morttfUtfe executed and delivered by Efem Zolotum, and Anna /olotuij), his wife, mortt?a#,'ors to J). T. Owens Mortira^ec, dated tUe 1st day of May MM) and filed for record in the oflion of the Itaffistor of Deeds of tho county of McLean aud State of North Dakota, on tho !8th uay of May l'JOD and recorded in Hook H-2s of Mortgages at pa Will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such niortK&ffu and hereinafter described, at tho front floor of the (%nrt House in theCounty of McLean and State of North Dakota, at the hour ofo'clock p. in., 011 the 1st day of April A. D. HU1, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortk'Ntfe on the day of sale. The promises described in such mortgage and which will bo •old to satisfy the same are described as follows: North half of Northeast quarter (N'j NE'.|) tection Fourteen (,M) Township One Hundred Fifty (lo»» North of raiiKu Ktahty'twn i#2) West. There will be due on uc*h mort^aKO at the date of sale the sutn of Dollars. 1. T. Owens Miller cV Costello Attorneys Hismarck, N. D. Mort«a«ee State of North Dakota, In District Court, County of McLean, Sixth Judicial District. Sakarias Markhus. PlaintiH*. I Torkel Yinje. Anna Lindaas. Lars Markhus, Knur, Markhus. Marrio Djuvc. Guro Markhus, Tormod lldstad, Hrondla lid-! stad, Iugerid lldstad and all Summons other persons unknown, claim- I ing any estate .or intorest in I or lien or encumbrance upon 1 the property described in the I complaint, aud their unknown heirs. Defendants. I The State of North Dakota to The Above Nam ed Defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action, and to servo a copv of your Answer upon the subscribers at heir office, in the City of Washburn, County of Mc Lean and State of North Dakota, within thirty (30) days after the service of this Summons upon you. exclusive of the day of service and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judmeut will be taken against you by default for the reliof demanded in the Complaint. Dated at Washburn. North Dakota, this'.Mth. day of January, A. D. 1011. Hyland Nuossle Attorneys for Plaintiff. Office and Post-ofllee. Washburn. North Dakota. To Tho Defendants Above Named: You. and each of you. arelhereby notified that the Summons and Complaiut in the above entitled action was tiled in the office of the clerk of the District Court in aud for the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, on.the 8aday of February. A. D. 1911, and that this action is brought for the purpose of quiet ing title iu plaintiff, tree from all encum* brances, to the following described real ropertv, to-wit: Lots One and Two (!Jc2) and Half of tho Northeast Quarter (SliNTSU of Section two f2) in Township One Huudred Forty-three (14 O North, of Kange Eighty-one tSI) West, of tho Fifth Principal Meridian, in the County of McLean and State of North Da kota. County of McLean. aty In the Matter of Meyers, Deceased. A f* h' *'2 £, Hyland & Nuesslo Attorneys for Plaintiff, Post-office Address. Washburn, N. Dak. Mortgage Foreclosure Sale Notice is hereby given. That that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Kandolph M. Hoenisc-li and Catherine Hoenisch, his wife, Mortgagors, to I). T. Owens Mortgagee dated the lOth day of December A. D. nineteen hund red and seven and tiled for record in theollice of the Register of Deeds of the County of Mc Lean aud State of North Dakota, on the 20th day of Dehrmber A. D. 1M7, and recorded in Boole 15-211 of Mortgages, at pago tki, will he foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and herimiafter described, at the front door of the Court House iu the City of Washburn, in the County of McLean aud state of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., ou the *th day of April 1911, to satisfy the amount due upou said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy tho same, are those certain premises situated in thecounty of McLean and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit Northeast quarter (NE!a) of Section Nine (9) Township One Hundred and Forty Nine (149) Range Seventy Nine (79) West. There will be due ou such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of $107.52 Dollars, Dated at Bismarck, North Dakota, this 27th day of February 1911. D. T. Owens Mortgagee Miller & Costello Attorneys for Mortgagee Bismarck North Dakota. :iG-40 CITATION-HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT OF ADMINISTRATOR OR EXECUTOR State of North Dakota, SS. Couuty Court, the Estate of Fred A. Flora Richard'-. Petitionees -VS John A. Meyers. Fainie F.) Maltz&hn and Fret'ericka Meyei s, Respondents.) The State of North Dakota named Respondents, Greeting: You and each of you are hereby cited and re* quired to bo and appear before the County Court of the County of McLean in the State of North Dakota, at the Office of the Couuty Judge of said County, at the Court House in the City of Washburn, on the 3rd. day of April, A. D. 1911, at-10 o'clock A. M., of that day, then and there to show cause if anywhere be why the filial account of Flora Richards as administra trix of the estate of said deceased should not be settled and allowed the residue of said estate be distributed to the persons thereto entitled, the said estate closed and said ad ministratrix discharged. to the Above Let service- of this citation be made oil respondents as follows: by personal service of the within Citation upon resident respondents and by publication in the Washburn Leader for four successive weeks. Dated this 23rd. day of Feb. A. D. 1811. v* Oljfcirsoitt Judge of County Court. (SEAL) Hyland A Nuessle ,• Attys for Administratrix 3. -38 tepsi QHfliir iir 11 IUU.1U uu iiwvuum uu ur Binai^iiuiMiaaagMaBmtj^Dg^g^^B^ii^fe^B^ NOTICE OP MORTGAGE SALE ®$L Notice is hereby given that that certain mort- tLoemsch age, executed and delivered by Catherine and Randolph M. Hoenisch, her husband* mortgagors to D. T. Owens Mortgagee, dated the 23rd day of October 1908 and tiled for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, on tho 26th day of October 1903 and recorded in Bo H-iiS of Mortgages at page 7 will be foreclosed by a salo of tho premises in such Mortgage and hereinafter described, at the front door of tho Court House in tho county of McLean and State of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., on tho 31st day of March A. D. 1911, to satisfy tho amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The preimsos described in such mortgage and which will bo sold to satisfy the samo are de scribed as follows: Northeast quarter of Section Twenty, Town* ship One Hundred and Forty Nine, North of Range Seventy Nino West. (NEH Sec. 20. T. 110 N. Rge. 79 W.). There will be due on such mortgage at the date of sale tho sum of $14(.83 Dollars. D. T. Owens it Mortgagee Miller & Costollo Attorneys ftismarck, N. D. Notice of Mortgage Sale Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by No's Vee, a siugle man Mortgagor to Oweus & Kremer Mortgagee, dated the 6th day of March 191)8 and tiled for record in-the otfice of the Register of leeds of tho County of McLean aud State of North Dakota, on tho 9th day of March 190S and recorded in Rook B-20 of Mortgages at page 2»y will be foreclosed by a salo of tho promises 111 .such mortgage aud hereinafter described, at the front doer of the Court House *11 tho County of McLean and State of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. oil the 1st day of April A. D. 1011, to satisfy the amount due upou such mortgage ou the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will ho fold to satisfy tho samo aro described as follows: Southeast quarter [SEy of Section Twenty Six 12(11 Township One Hundred and ifty [150] North of Range Highly Four f,K4| West. Thoro will be due on such mortgage at tho date of sale tho sum of $18tM.O Dollars. Owens & Kremer Miller & Costello Attorneys Hismarck, N. D. KG Mortgagee NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given tiiat that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Gilbert/. Afdahl, a singleman Mortgagor to Tho Haber Mortgage Company a corporation Mortgagee, dated the First day of April 1907 and tiled for record in the oHieo of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean and State of North Da kota, on the 3rd day of April 11*07 and recorded in Book F-14 of Mortgages at Page 014 will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage aud hereinafter described, at the front door of tho Court House in the City of »»ashburn in tho County of McLean and State of North Dakota, at tho hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on the 8th day of April A. D. 1911. to satisfy the amour due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described iu such mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: The East Half of the Houth West Quarter, (E'a, of S. W. &), and Lots Three aud Four (3 &. 4), of Scctiou No. Seven, (7), in Township No. One Hundred and rifty (1.10), North Rango No. Eighty Five (85). west of the 3th. P. M. There will due on such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of Oue Hundred and Three Dollars and thirty-five cents. The Haber Mortgage Company By Geo. O. Stonuier, Secretary Mortgagee, r. \\. Ames. Attorney for Mortgagee, Mayville, N. D. r-41 NOTICE S tL of Inlii'iit(?1 Inclifi:i Lmirl within the Fort iWthold Reservation. ~tii be Mild for cash to the highest liiMcr: S 1 7 1 1 7 N a 89 W.. Fifth Priii. Mcridiau, in North Dakota. Each Bid must be accompanied hy a duly i-ertitied chcck on some solvent bank, payable to the order of the superintendent, for 10 per cent, of tho anioiint otl'ered. as a guarante3 of thri bidder's faithful perfotmnnce of his pro position. If tho bid shall bo accepted and the successful bidder shall, within 30 days a Tier due notice, fail to comply with the terms of his bid such chcck shall bo forfeited to use of the owner of the land. All bids shall be inclosed in a scaled envelope, which must be marked by the bidder "Bid on Indian Lund," iind state tho date of opening. No hid will be received for less than per acre, which is tho appraised value. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them. Purchasers shall pay the cost of conveyanc ing. and in addition, the following sums to wit: If the purchase price is $1101) and. not more [tan 0. S'J: if the purchase price is more than $20IK). Further information will be givec oil ap plication by letter or in person. Charles W. Hoffman. 3-'-42 Superintendent NOTICE Salo of Inherited Indian Land Bids will be received by the Superintenden of the Fort Berthold Agency, Elbowoods. North Dakota, until 2 o'clock p. m. April 10. 1911. for the following described tract of land within the Fort Berthold Reservation, to be sold for cash to the highest bidder: NEW of Section 34, Township 148, Range 91 W, containing 160 acres. Each bid must be accompanied by a duly certified check on some solvent bank, payablo to tho order of the superintendent, for 1(1 per cent of the amount tillered, as a guarantee of the bidder's faithful performance of his pro position. If the bid shall be acceptrd and tho successful bidder shall within 3(1 days after due notice, fail to comply with the term's of his bid, such check shall be forfeited to use of tho owner of tho laud. All bids shall be inclosed in a sealed envelope, which must be marked by the bidder "Bid on Indian Land." and state the date of opening. No bid will ho received for loss_ than $10.00 pe/ acre, wlreh is the ap praised value. The nght to reject anv or all bids is reserved. Checks of unsuccessful bid ders will be returuod to thein. Purchasers shall pay the cost of conveyanc ing, and, in addition, the following sums, to wit: If the purchase price is $10(iO and not more than $2000, $2 if the purchase price is more than $2000, $2.50. Further information will be given on ap plication by letter or in person. Charles W. Hoffman, Notice is hereby given, that default existing in the terms of theliereinafter described mort gage, made executed and delivered by Samuel C. Johnson and Eva Johnson, his wife to Henry A. Barnes mortgagee, dated the 23d day of December 1908 and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of McLean and State of' North Dakota on the 24th day of December 1908 at 8:45 o'clock A.' M. and flied for record in B-8 of Mortgages at Page 035. That said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in said mortgage and here inafter described at the front door of the Court House in the City of Washburn Countv of Mc Lean and State of North Dakota on'the 15th day of April A. D. 1911 at the hour of 2:00o'clock P. M. of said day, to satisfy tho sum duo at that date. That tho premises described and said mort gage and which will bo sold to satisfy the same nre described as follows to-wit Lot One (1) Two (2) Three (3) aud Four (4) iu Section Six (6) Township One-hundred-forty-four (144) Range Eighty-two (82). That there' will be due on said mortgage at the date of sale the sum of Fifty-three and -0 100 Dollars and the further sum of $9S.(1 bv reasoji of certain taxes aud interest which were prior liens upon the land and which were paid by mortgagee before institution this actiop. that there will be due at date of sale the total sum of OnG-hundred-flfty-one and al-lOO*Dollars ($151.31) together with tho costs and disburse ments of this action. That prior to the com mencement of this foreclosure the mortgagee did execute his power pf.Attorney in writing to Geo. M. Gray of Kenmare Notth Dakota, that there has been'no. action at law or otherwire instituted for the recovery of the money hereby secured. Dated at Kenmare N. D. this 8th day of March A. D. 1911 -Henry-A. Barnes Moi Geo. M. Gray Atty. for Mo .. Keumare, N. NOTICE OP MORTGAGE FOBB CLOSURE SALE Notice is horebr giren that that certain mortgage executed and delivered bjr Edward Olson and Annie Olson, bis wife, mortgagors, to Wells and Dieltey Company, a corporation, mortgapeo. dated February 23,1907 and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of McLean County, North Dakota, on February •Ji, 1907, at 11 i30 o'clock A. M. and recorded in Rook B-9 of Mortgages on pave 407, will be fore closed by a sale of tho premises, in said mort gage and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Wash burn, at 2 o'clock P. M. on the 22nd day of April, 1911. to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the d*y of sale. The premises de scribed in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are descrsbed as fol lows: The Southwest Quarter CSW!4) of Sec tion Seventeen (17), Township One Hundred and fifty (150), Range Seventy-nine (79). The mortgagors having failed to pay interest, $48., duo December 1st, i910, on a prior mort gage, the mortgagee herein paid the same. The Mortgagors having failed to pay an installment of Twenty-Four ($24.) Dollars due December 1st, 1910 on the mortgage being foreclosed, the mortgagee hereby elects to declare the whole amount due and payable, and there will be due on said mortgage on the day of sale the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-four and 38-100 ($124. 38) Dollars, together with attorneys' fees and the costs nnd disbursements of this foreclosure. Dated this 23rd day of.February. 1911. Wells and Dickey Company, Mortgagee Hager & Corwin, Attorneys for Mortgagee 30-42 Grafton, N. D, Notice to Creditors :s In tho Matter of the Estate of) Georgo L. Evans Deceased Notico is hnreby given bv the undersigned Margaret E. Evans administratrix ot estate of George L. Evans, late of the City of Redwood Falls, in the County of Redwood, State of Min nesota deceased. to tho creditors of. nnd all persons having claims against, said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within four months, after the first publication of this notice, to said administratrix, at the office of Braatelien & Owens in the city of Wil lis ton, North Dakota. Dnted March 1st, A. D. 1911. Marcaret E. Evans Administratrix, Braatelien. & Owens. Attys Williston. N. Dak. First publication on tho 3rd day of March A D. 1911. 3G-39 NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORT GAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Mikal Abdullah, and Frida Abdallah, his wife, as Mortgagors, to J. W. Yelland, Mortgagee, dated on the 2nd day of November A. D. 1908, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds and for the County of McLean and State of Nor*-h Dakota, on the 2lst day of December A. D. 1908, and recorded in book Bessesen & Berrv. Attorneys for Mortgagee, Harvey. N. Da Superintendent. NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORT GAGE FORECLOSURE SALE wtgagee Minneat nneapolis, Minn.1 If. -'B- 23" of Mortgages at page 553, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage, and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court House in Washburn in the County of Mc Lean and State of North Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on the 2nd day of May 1911, to satisfy the amonnt due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage and which will bo sold to satisfy lie same are situated in the County of Mc Lean and State of North Dakota and described as follows to-wit: The Northeast Quarter fNEH' of Section Fourteen (14). Township One hundred forty nine (149) North of Range Eighty (8!)) West of tho Fifth Principal Meridian. That said Mortgagee duly executed and de livered Attorneys Besscsen & Berry of Harvey.North Dakota, the power of Attorney to foreclose said mortgage, which has been duly liled for record and recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds. That an Affidavit of Attorneys fees as provided by Law, has been duly filed in the office of said Register of Deeds. There will be due on said mortgage on date of salo the sum of one hundred ninoty-flve dollars and seventy-live cents C$195.75) together with the costs of foreclosure and sale, which sum of $195.75 includes the sum of $53.9i the amount due upon said notes now due and secured by said mortgage and the sum of $125.84 due upon interest coupon notes secured by a superior mortgage upon snld land and the sum of $15.99 the 1910 taxes and interest on the same, which last two items the said Mortgagee was com pelled to nnd rl pay to protect his interests under said merenire. Dated March 1'tth 1911. J. W. Yelland, Mortgagee. NOTICK OF HEAL ESTATE MORT GAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Christine Peterson, unmarried. Mortgagor, to J. W. Yelland. Mortgagee, datdtl the 1st day of Dcceinber.A. D. 19U8. and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for tiie County of McLean nnd State of North Dakota on the oth day of March A. D. 1900 and recorded in book 'B-24" of Mortgages at page will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage, and hereinafter described, at the front door of the Court House in Wash burn in the County of McLean and State of North Dakota at. the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. ou the 2nd day of May A. D. 1911, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mort gage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are situated in the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, and described as follows to-wit: The Northeast Quurter (NE!£) of Section Nineteen (19t,Township One hundred fifty (inO). North of Range Seventy-nine (79) West of tho Fifth Principal Meridian. That, said Mortgagee duly executed and de livered to Attorneys Bessesen & Berry of Harvey, North Dakota, a Power of Attorney to foreclose said mortgage, which has been filed for record and recorded iu the office of said lJegister of Deeds, that an affidavit of At torney's foes on foreclosure has been duly made and duly filed in the office of said Reg ister of Deeds. There will be due on said Mortgage on the date of sale tho sum of Oue hundred ninety six dollars and five cents C$186. 05) together with the costs and disbursements of this foreclosure and sale, which said sum of $I9tJ.or includes the sum of $51.55 due upon the notes now due and secured by said mortgage aud the sum of $103.15 due upou coupon notes secured by superior mortgage upota said land and the sum of $41.35 which is the taxes for 1910 and 1909 with penalty and interest which last two items the Mortgagee was compelled to and did pay to protect his interest under this mortgage. Dated March 13th 1911. Bessesen & Ilerry, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Harvey. North Dakota. J. W. Yelland. Mortgagee- NOTICE CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notice is hereby given that default has been made in the conditions of that certain mort gage, made by Henry Iverson of Underwood, McLean County. North Dakota, mortgagor, to Edw. Kugler of Washburn, County of McLean, State of North Dakota, mortgagee, dated tho 12th day of April, 1909»-to secure the following indeptedness, to-wit: Oue note, dated April 12.19U9, for oue hundred twenty-five dollars, ($125), due November 15, 1809,. bearing interest at the rate of twelve per cent (12 per cent), and which mortgage was duly filed -hi the office of the Register of Deeds, McLean County, North Dakota on the 13th day of. April, 1U09 at 4:30 tioto at the date of this notice, the sum of One Huudrod Fifty-five Dollars, ($155), principal and interest. That said mortgage mav be foreclosed by a sale of the personal property in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at public auction, agreeable to the Statute in such case made and provided, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Washburn. County of McLean, State of North Dakota, ait the hour of 2'o'clock, P. M. on Saturday the 25th day of Marjph 1911. That the personal property which Is to be sold to satisfy said mortgage is .described as follows, 'to-wit: -Ono bay norse, named Pat, weight about 1250 pounds, use about 10 years One light bay, bauld faced horse, named Bob, weight about 1100 pounds, age 7 years One nearly black mare, branded "W", named X,ady, weight about U00 pounds, age about 8 years. McCulloch & Nelson, Attorneys for Mortgagee: Washburn. North Dakota. 37-42 V. j, "A- Edw. Kugler, 4*i. United Doctors To Be In Bismarcfc These doctors are considered as America's leading stomach ant nerve specialists and are experts in the treatment of all chronic diseases and so great and wonder ful have been their cares that in many cases it is hard indeed to to iind the dividing lina between skill and miracle. Diseases of the- stomach, in testines. liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys, or bladder, rheumatism, sciatica, diabates, bed-wetting,, leg ulcers, weak lungs and those afflicted with long standing, deep-seated, chronic diseases, that have baffled the skill of the family physician should not fail to call. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis gall stones, tumors, goiter or cancer. They were among the first in America to earn the name of the "Bloodless Surgeons." by doing away with knife with blooc and with all paiu in the success ful treatment aud cure of those dangerous diseases. If you have kiduey or bladder troubles bring a two-ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and microscopic examination. Deafness^ often cured in sixty days. No matter what your ailment may be, no matter what others may have told you, no matter what experience you may have had vfith other physicians, if you want to get well again, it will be to your advantage to see them. Go Have it forever settled in your mind. If your case is incurable they will give you such advice as may pro ong your life. Do not put off this duty you owe yourself or rriends or relatives who are suffer ing because of your sickness, as a visit this time costs you nothing and may save your life. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their fathers. Otfice at McKenzie- Hotel, Bis marck. N. D. Hours 10 a. m. to p. in. Monday and Tuesday, March 20 and 21. South Shore, S. D., Jan. 11,1911. United Doctors, Minneapolis, Minn. Dear Sirs:—I thought 1 would write a few lines to let you know how we are getting along because I think you would be glad to hear. My wife is ieeling lots better than she has felt for 8 years after tak ing about 2 months of your treat ment. I will have you give her 4 months more after these 4 run out if I can hustle the money, I am feeling good myself after your 4 months treatnifcnt. I think a little more treatment is necessary. Please inform me in regard to this matter if you think it best. Yours truly, E. vap Meredith Mrs. A. 6. Olson, of Clark, S D., writes the United Doctors are caring her. Martin Lynstad, of Yolin. S. D., says he is entirely cured of stomach and kidney trouble. ftena Olson, Egan, S. D. cured of nervous break down. Wm. Parsons, Esteline, S D., nearly- cured of bladder trouble that has bothered him for years. v" P. H. Frantz, Aberdeen, says he is doing fine under the United Doctors treatment. Mrs. C. C. Krogh, Huron, 8. D., cured of Blood trouble. E. S. Zimmerman, of Montrose, S. D. says the United Doctors cured him of piles with one treat ment. Miss Lottie Taylor, Egan, S. D., says she never expected to get such quick relief in so short a time. Miss Taylqj's brother is also doing nicely under the United Doctor's treatment. John Mock, Forbes, N. P., cured of chronic stomach tipuble. Mrs. J. H. Unruh, Freeman, S. D,, cured of kidney trouble and lame back. USS tfjft Auction Every Every load, come to -5" BITUMINA COAL! BEST LICNITE SAME PRICE AS OTHER COAL TWENTY PER CENT MORE HEATING VALUE. This coal is from the origi nal Satterlund Black Diamond mine north of Washburn and is shipped from the new station 'Bi tumina" on the Soo Line. It is deep mined, dry, absolutely clinkerless, white ash and no soot, and shown by government analysis to be the best quality of lignite mined in the state of North Dakota. Supply Always on Hand at Mine Storage Capacity 400 Tons Special Accomodations for the Farmers Rail shipments to Bismarck and other points prompt, and placed in your bin by special agents. Try nload of "BITUMINA" the lien rest to hard coal oflignites. EDWARD KUGLER MANAGER AT THE MINE PHONE: Coat Line 525 We Have for Sale The Finest Lot of Imported Percher on Stallioifc and Mares, Shires and Belgians Ever Landed in the United States Young, vigorous horses from two to five years old, weighing from 1800 to 2200 pounds, guaranteed sixty per cent foal gettors, and will be licHiisod free of charge to buyer. References: First National Bank of Fargo, and over one bous and satisfied customers. Burgess & Lukyn Fargo, N. Dak. Barns in the Rear of Milwaukee Railway Depot JOMN nobKUP Merchant Tailor DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Suits Madfe to Order STYLE AND FIT GUARANTEED 1 'v .!?{. .-J» FARM HORSES FOR SALE BARRETT & ZIMMERMAN'S 8K& SS5£ Take Mpts. & St. Paul car from either city. ST. PAUL* MINN. WILLIAM RD8T, Proprietor YooH Surely Like Our Bread ,The. very best home ivikid tread, cookies, cakes, pies, and pastries. Try the City*Bakery. Mattfs Brothers- Washburn v-t ... 'Vrf 'v 3 -V 'r t" 4 v. •••J -:V' W v—' -T' r'-.r* JS'sr-v.:?.'. 7 Priiali Sales r.