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& A I •f {. J] I I- pi--- me I? I- i«i Np|?ssfi?£ •"Wir li rk trpisijiji BK MINOT, NORTH DAKOTA Washtorn Leader JOHN SATTERLUND L. L. SATTERLUND Proprietor Manager Published every Friday at Wash burn, McLean Co., N. D. Entered at the Postoftice at Washburn, N. as Second Class Matter. The "farmers' delegation that went to Washington to protest against the reciprocity agreement is the laughing stock of the state says an exchange. They were led by the editor of an agricultural pa per and there was not a real farmer among them. The Palladium at Bismark came to the conclusion that because a man was seen "ambling down the street carrying a most comprehen sive jag" that he was "gloriously drunk." That is no safe conclusion to make after reading the Cow an trial. The raising of small frnitiB can be tucoessfnily done in the Mercer district. Gooseberries only half grown measure 15 inches in cir cumference. Rhubarb have never been as large as reported in sev eral localities.: a prosper ous year all aroudd and there is great rejoicing. North Dakota is a good place to live in after all. In Colon, Pana ma, wher* the climate is said to be the best, the mosquitos plague is now interferijjH&pith sooial and intorup^ tp»ve fer^eis wbffe "tbfr'twrtiefcpauts rush for lotions. In Connecticut there are said to be 22 varieties mosquitos. They have not arrive* here but when they do they wil likely be all of the one variety, at least they will all bite alike. The different commercial clubs in the state have taken up the mat ter of farmers' institutes sinpe no appropriations were *made at the last session to carry on this work. Funds are being raised in several cities and public spirited men are to be commended for their in terest in this matter. These men realize the importance of farming interests, for without prosperous farmers there can be no growing mtms& UN ABSTRACT OF TITLE is as necessary as a Deed to stow yon to goed title to j. D. JUNE 16th., 1911 THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO 1RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES The Bowden Guardian is for sale. The editor gives no reason for wanting to dispose of the pro perty. ".Some people would rather hear something mean about other peo ple, especially if they are prosper ous, than listen to the greatest opera ever sung." tf nrf c. Every preparation is being made to accommodate the visitors in Washburn next week. Many prominent attorneys, wittnesses, jurymen and visitors will attend the trial of an ex-state officer which commences next week. The new Washburn hotel is ready for the visitors and every home in the city has made known its willing ness to help care for the overflow. It means something to a city this size to be able to accommodate the number that are said will be here. It will advertise Washburn to show these visitors what can be done in a wide-awake little city. Join the boosters, work and wear a smile for the "visitors. North Dakota is famous as a ce real state and bids fair to gain a reputation even in growing corn, has produced more flax than any other state. However, farming is yet in its infancy. There remain thousands of aores of good, tillable and to be brought under cultiva tion. What the state needs is more arming of the better class, such as many of the best farmers are now practicing. The census bureau credits us with about 600,000 pop ation, so there is room in its 71, 000 square miles for many people. This state is making a strong bid or many new settlers. Of the mil ion or more immigrants coming to the United States in 1910 only about 50,COO ever reach the agri cultural districts. Perhaps a third of the total number of immigrants were originally farmers or farm laborers, and it seems unfortunate that so many of these are, through force of circumstances, compelled to remain in the crowded cities of the east. This, if nothing else, should be an incentive to encourage by all available means the drift of surplus population to these western pr&iffcs. Every spoken or written word should lend encouragement to direot immigration to thif section. (Continued from page tee.) The school house is now finish, ed at Elm Point ready to receive the many eager little ones looking for knowledge, who have been de prived of an education on account of having to go so far to school. Another heavy rain fell all last Thursday afternoon and put the ground in fine shape. The wheat which was pounded into the ground during the hailstorm a week ago is looking better than ever before. Farmers have now almost complet ed their spring work. Sadie Chesworth came out from Washburn Thursday and spent a few day* with Mattie Thomson. Joe Slagg and family are enjoy inga visit from their daughter and sister, Mrs. Charles Buffington and little daughter, Beulah, from Man* ilia, Iowa. They will spend their summer vacation here. Delber Hosoh called on his little friend Albert Thomson Sunday afternoon Tf C- mM tobp NO. 6327 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Washburn, N. D. at Washburn, N. D., in the State of North Dakota, at the close of business on June 7,1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 134,702 41 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 184 59 S. bonds to secure circulation.. 25,000 00 Bonds, securities, etc 3,538 12 Banking house, furniture and fix tures 3.6(7 06 Due from National banks not re serve agents 17,389 15 Due from state banks and bankers, trust companies, & savings banks 12 23 Due from approved reserve agents.. 28,265 78 Checks and other cash items 648 64 Exchanges for clearing house 410 00 Notes of other nations banks .900 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels andcents Specie $11,160 00 Legal-tender notes 6,000 00 demotion fund with U. S. treas urer 5 per cent of circulation Total Capital stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits, 107 80 17160 00 400 00 $251,735 73 LIABILITIES 25,000 00 7,000 00 20,240 15 24,160 00 1,115 65 17,320 07 75,277 57 5,587 40 71,628 88 4.416 01 .$ expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding .. Due to other national banks Due to state and private banks and bankers Dividends unpaid Individual deposit subject to check Demand certificates of deposit .... Time certificates of deposit Certified Checks Cashier's checks outstanding- Total $ 251,735 73 State of North Dakota, county of McLean, ss:. I, F. E. Funk, cashier Of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. E. Funk, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12thdayof June 1911. K. Klein Notary Public. McLean county, North Dakota. My commission expires June 15,1914. Correct—Attest: [SEAL] Geo. L. Robinson, Theo. J. Haugeberg, James T. McCulloch, Aug. E. Johnson. Directors. Report of the Tdtiil.. Condition —OP T3 WASHBURN STATE BANK at Washburn, In the state of North Dakota at the close of business Jane 7,1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts S Overdrafts secured and unsecured... Warrants, Stocks, Tax Certificates, 70,612 05 15 96 Claims, Etc Banking house, furniture «nd fixt ures Current expenses, taxes paid, Due from other banks $ lauj 1.73 Checks and other cash items 188.20 Cash 1763.30 14,63 38 102 00 5,763 88 1,412 95, Total .$ 92,530 32 LIABILITIES $15,010 00 3.000 00 Capital stock paid in Swnlnafnad.w. Individual deposits sub ject to check $ 13570.52 DwMjod certificates of de Tut certificates of d& posit Savings accounts 8)7.71 fl' 58919.24 1792 75-74,530.22 $ 92,510 22 SUteof North Dakota, Gouty of McLean: I, T. H. JeSen, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is trne to the best of knowledge aud belief. T. H. JeSery, Notice Cashier, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of Jon* 1911.: L*L*8ft(torland Notary public, McLean Co., N.^ Dak. My commis-iiou expires June 22,1916 Correct. Attest: [SEAL] i• JLowhMAIW, T. L. BTOIKUT Directorg.* for Bids fob h""lby Road Work ttot on the 6th day of,at the County Auditor's office at Washburn, McLean county, North Dakota, the county commissioners will open sealed bids for 'he followiwrMd work between sections 18 and 19 in Tomibipl46, range 81. Bids must be by ttie cubic yard and the successful Wddfer must file bond for twice the amount of bid, for the faith •ul performance of work according to contract. Plans and specifications are on file in thci County Auditor office. The Boaid reserves the right to reieet any ana all bids. By order of County Board, E Thompson, Wright, Chairman. [sealV m°r' Dated the 12th of June, 1911. -u y/, u« x. The wouiau of today wlio has good health, good temper, good senise, bright eyes and a lovely coitipluxiou, the result of correct living and good digestion, wins V«e nduiiratiou of the world. If your (iigestiuu ix faulty Chamber lain'* Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it For sale dealers land. Haw yen got one? liiot, I st and 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS Remember we make second mortgage loans as readily as first if your security is good. Option to pay any part of principal on any interest due to date, "the note so stipulates." See us about a loan or send for application and we will see you. HAIL INSURANCE—We will insure your growing crops at $6.00 at $100.00 without a cent of cash—absolutely safe and reliable. Fire and tornado insurance 12 companies. RAUGUST AND COMPANY Commissioners' Proceedings Washburn, N. D., June 5,1911,2:30 P.M. Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present Chairman Wright and Commissioners Bergquist and Mackesr. On motion the follow irg bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn: llellie Oearhart, clerk in Reg. of Deeds office $ Alma Brummund. Clerk Reg. of Deeds office Bessie Benn, Clerk in Reg. of Deeds office Henrietta O'Hara, Clerk in Reg of Deeds office A S Reitan, Deputy Reg of deeds Adolph Wacker, Typewriter repair and cleaning S E Dahl, Clerk in Co. Auditor's office S Westmiller, Deputy Co. Auditor... O Simon, board Chas Tracy, 10 days Harry Wahl, Clerk in Reg of deeds O Simon, Jailor for Month of May-.. John Brekken, to visiting schools for month of May Sawyer, member of Insanity Board E Thompson, cleaning typewriter, telephone and postage.'. John Brekken, misc l. expenses Olgeirson, Member board of Insanity Harris Peterson, cleaning around court house and jail- Sherman Win Benn, removing Storm windows and potting on screens A Hill, coal for Mrs Rink... A Hill, coal for Joe Smith Olgeirson. teh E JelMo%xpenses for May„ Fred Pflster, coal Sam Fairman, completing road piats.l Arthur Steiahoose, Mileage ana attend ing Insane wonuui- Hall, Mileage and attending if ane woman James T. MeCnlloeh, Asst States Atty. p. »f r-.<p></p>FARM 50 00 15 40 50 00 60 00 100 00 9 50 42 50 100 00 7 50 65 00 62 00 77 90 7 00 10 00 20 85 Whitlock, cleaning court house teachers exam. 10 00 Hanson, salary Drug Act, cleaning typewriter and postage 28 25 Whitlock, Janitor for May 50 00 Washburn Telephone Co., Telephones forcourt house..- 12 30 E Paul, Deputy Co. Treasurer. 100 00 ken, postage k, cleaning Dr. E Paulson. Prof, services ren John Brekken, HL Whitlock, c\ and washing dered to O Nelson Herald Printing Co. Legal blanks Herald Printing Co. Misl'l books Herald Printing Co.. Mechanic's lien Records and misc'l Herald Printing Co. 500 field slips Herald Printing Co., Legal blanks Herald Printing Co. rubber bands Thos. Thompson Hdw. Co. Hdw. W Stewart, Publishing com. proc. Emil Anderson, express, freight and Misc'l expenses...: 14 75 480 15 00 13 42 124 75 92 25 600 1 85 1 11 20 30 24 48 289 51 4 50 19 75 10 50 200 board of Insanity ,, pub. proceedings and notice of Exams Jahr-Eastman Merc. Co. Mdse Mrs.' Sherman Jahr-Eastman Merc. Co. Mdse Mrs. 21 15 5 09 500 12 00 6 80 11 75 690 45 50 7 16 400 980 11 00 50 00 On moUon the warrant of admission of Mrs PMl Isehenko was approved. On motion the monthly report of John if -strands Brekken was approved. On motion the bill of House for $151.80 for estrays was not allowed. On motion the board adjourned to meet Tuesday, June 6, at 9 o'clock a. m. D. C. Wright, Chairman. E Thompson, Co., Aud. By S Westmiller, Dpty. Washburn, N. D., June 6,1911. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members present. Upon motion the following bills were al lowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment of same: Washburn Leader, Cora, proceedings and supplies 27 60 Robert Cotton, Fees in Joseph Keller case 8 75 Robert Cotton, team hire inspecting roads 10 50 .Washbum Tel. Co. Dec. March, April and May tolls 17 05 Robert Cotton, inspecting roads 2 00 Robert Cotton, Fees Edinger case 4 80 Robert Cotton, coal, Mrs. Sherman...... 3 40 Adolph Wacker, Recording seed grain contracts and release Iowa Land Co.—Elisabeth Wise ... 410 25 Thos. Thompson Hdwe. Co., Hdwe sup. 63 34 Bobert Chesworth, drayage 1 50 Monthly statement of $1018.95 of Adolph Wacker, R. of D.. of fees collected was ap proved and ordered filed. Upon Motion the Board adjourned to meet at 1:30 P.M. Afternoon Session Board Met—All members present: The bill of H. W. House for the taking up of strays and not allowed. _ipc_ estrays and caring for same was upon motion lot allowed. Brekken's statement of $9.00, fees col lected and turned into the Institute fund was upon motion accepted. warrant of Admission of O Simon for trans- Mrs Paul Isehenko to the hospital for the insane was upon motion approved. Bill of A Perley of $47.35 for surveying county roads was upon motion allowed. The following bills were allowed. Winter Lbr. Co., Desks for Reg of Deeds office .... 41 63 North Dakota Institute for Feeble Minded *27 30 Quisel, mdse furnished Ed Harris PsUDOf qq The Mil of GO Batgnst for $148.50, Insurance premium, for insurance on jail building was upon motion allowed. Bill of Wm Rost for boarding Nels Edlund for part of one month was upon motion allowed at $10.50. The road petition for the establishing of a road beginning at the South-East corner of section 4, township 143, range 80, thence wast one mile and thence five miles to the Burleigh county line Was upon motion approved and road declared established, and the Auditor authorised to plat same. The petition for building a bridge across Painted Woods creek on Section Line road be tween Sections 28 and SI—Township 144, Range M, McLean County. North Dakota, was upon motion allowed and Auditor instructed to The petition for grading the road on Section line between Sections and 19 in Township 146. Range 81 was upon motion allowed ana Auditor was instructed to advertise for bids for. said work. Upon motion the Board adjourned to meet oi^ GUARANTEE OF QUALITY AND PURITY Copenhagen Snuff is made of the best, old, rich, high% flavored Jeaf, tobacco, to which is added only such in gredients^as^are component parts of natural leaf tobacco and absolutely pure flavoring extracts. The Snuff Pro cess retains the good of the tobacco and expels the bitter ana acid of natumlieaf tobacco. AMERICAN SNUFF COMPANY, 111 N.Y. This is a picture- of Ellwood hog fence/, ikn than of all other makes combined. Av jATmWllATAfATAliTAfmTATATAlAWAfirATiTififAtm 1 .Y.i 'iTATATAnUUTATAUtATAUTATiTATATAJATAUTAUUTAnTi' I A i¥A?An*A¥AT4TATATA*AJAU*ATATAlVATA*iT*Ti'rTAfi?4TAlATi ol plain barbed wire, it puts up a fence th*t is abso* lujtety pig.tight and will also turn large stocks fV5 Zt? ft m$ fr'0- WASHBURN, NORTH DAKOTA Wednesday, the 7th., at 8:30 a. m. Wednesday, 7th. 1911. Board met pursuant to adjournment: All members present. The following bills were allowed: Louis Bergquist, Mileage and Diem 23 40 Mackey, Mileage and Diem—Two sessions 31 40 Wright, Mileage and Diem. 19 90 khir Hanson, clerknire May.. 17 GO Opon motion the Board adjourned to view roads and to meet again on tne 5th of July, 1911 at 2:30 P.M. Attest: E Thompson,Co. Aui Wright, Chairman. idltor. horse drawn vehicle arouses the wonder of tbe natives of Tibet. Raw silk caa now be delivered in Moscow In twelve days from Japan. More tban 58,000 patents along elec trical lines have been issued by tbe patent office at Washington. Four whaling vessels, which are be ing fitted out at Cape Town, will give South Africa a new industry. A game of chess lasting thirty-seven hours has been played at Vienna by Count Orsinl and Herr Tennenbaum. The American craze of roller skates is now in full sway in Malta. But the skating is called, after the British fashion, rinking. The American oil product for 1910, aggregating 204,000,000 barrels, Is more tban that of the entire world seven years ago. The mortality rate among farmers, according to English .figures, is lower than among any other:class of men except clergymen. In its 767$00 square miles Mexico contains more mines and richer ones tban can be cited in any other similar area in the world. Flower tea—a tea made of a very small orchid that has a perfume like vanilla—has made its way from Mau ritius to New York. The $780,000 inheritance tax paid to the state of Utah by the Harriman es tate will be used in building a new state capitol at Salt Lake City. The chief' competitor of apples In Germany Is the apple the Tyrol, which has long enjoyed a reputation for quality and flavor. More. of this style is used In connection with several FOR 8* LB BY $ 0 h- jr* cvswvc |"j .£ 7y "M'-! I 5 f' W 4 it J, ifa: wx-p 1 1.1* MS? b" -vfSSS