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i! III 4 r»*» 6. Professional Cards DR. E. L. RICHEY DENTIST Office in Haugeberg Block WaBhbarn, North Dakota DR. M. H. SAWYER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Haugeberg Block Washburn, North Dakota W. L. NUESSLE ATTORNEY AT LAW Otiice in Haugeberg Block Washburn, North Dakota COCHRANE C& TAYLOR ATTORNEYS AT LAW Bismarck, North Dakota AUGUST E. JOHNSON U. S. COMMISSIONER Office Opposite Leader Office Washburn, North Dakota J. E. NELSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Washburn, North Dakota G. OLGEIRSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Washburn, North Dakota C. F. MAENNEL ATTORNEY AT LAW Telephone: Office83J, Residence 83i* Washburn, North Dakota ANDREW MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in State and Federal Courts Special attention to Trial Cases and U. S. Land Ottice practice. Office over First National Bank Building Bismarck, North Dakota J. A. HYLAND ATTORNEY AT LAW iicul Kstate and Insurance. Money to Loan 011 Real Estate and Home steads. Otiice in HauKeberg Block. Washburn, North Dakota J. T. McCULLOCH ATTORNEY AT LAW Office Opposite the Court House Washburn, North Dakota BESSESEN BERRY ATTORNEYS AT LAW Harvey, North Dakota H. R. BERNDT Late Special Agent of tlie Govern mi-lit Laud Office. More than twelve year-* experience in all branches of the Land Department. Law, Land Office and Department Practice and Keal Kniate. Contests are our Speci alty. First National Hank Hloclc. Bismarck. North Dakota GEORGE P. GIBSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Office next to the Leader office—phone II Washburn. North Dakota W. C. JERTSON PUBLIC AUCTIONEER 1 am prepared to cry sales in lie Lean ana adjoining counties. Prices reasonable"." For terms write ine at Walburn North Dakota McLean Co. piat Book—just Out! OwiKTshiii,Homesteaders shown on de scriptions, to June 1. Hills, coulees, swamps, lot in is. & uSreafecs,1'streams, rys., etc. Litno grapheri. wpll bound,-handy, durable. 2 years work. Just what you want. Nuff said. Address "Van Valkenburgh Map & Litho. Co., Rockford, III., Or Carrington. With every dozen of Sunkist Oranges and a small fee of ten cents you get a beau tiful orange spoon. Come in and examine them before you buy. The Confectionery trnmam- Wasfibnrn Leato JOHN SATTERLUND L. L. SATTKRLUND Proprietor Manager Published every Friday at Wash, burn, McLean Co., N. D. Entered at the Postoffice at Washburn, N. D. as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, SEPT. I, 1011 THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES The Fourteenth Regiment band will play at Bisnisrck during the big exposition. A man recently made a trip around the world in thirty-nine days, breaking a former record of a trip in sixty-three days. A newspaper man was the speedy traveler. The president will visit twenty four states on his trip through the west. He will start on September 15. This state is not included in hid trip but he may be persuaded to be in Bismarck one day during the exhibition. The limit for registration for reservation land closes at mid night tomorrow. A rush is ex pected at each registration point on the last day. The drawing will begin on the sixth at Minot. 6,000 names will be drawn at first. There will be no more short term rural schools. A new law has just gone into effect which compells every county school to hold at least a seven months school term to be able to get its apportionment of the county funds. A democrat candidate is said to be in the field for governor. States Attorney George P. Jones of La Moure county will be put up to succeed John Burke. Jones had been a politician for a number of years in Minnesota before coining to this state. There are a few farms who are selling for a smaller price but it will not be long before every one should get $54 per acre as the farmer in Cass county received for 6000 acres. Farm lands will be selling for that amount in this county inside of a few years According to the Minot Demo crat the printer has just as good grounds for asking the business men of the town to leave their job work'at home as'tlie business man" has to a£k- the comuiunity~*to pat ronize him instead of the mail or der houses. Iu fact the home pa per does more for a town than any other enterprise located therein. Let the business men join hands with the home paper and both their interests will be greatly ben efited. An Invitation to You Rev. D. D. Mitchell will choose for his subject' Suuday evening "Attendance upon f)ivine Service." The Sunday schcol convenes at 11 a. m. and preaching at 8 p. in. Mrs. D. D. Mitchell as superinten dent is putting forth every etfort possible to make the Suuday school interesting uud helpful in bible study for all who may attend. We would again renew our invita tion to this community to attend these services. To all strangers who -may have come into onr midst or are spending the day at our hotels, we would say there is a welcome for you at the Congre gational church. D. D. Mitchell, Pastor. Pleasant Surprise Party A surprise party was given Miss Helling at the H^tns' Reeshagen farm a short.lim^ago. Miss Hel ling 'had fjnsfc'' closed a. successful teffflr *)f gdh(5flr 'xti t*hai_neiirhbor- where she is now teaching. The evening was spent in dancing and playing games and all had a de lightful time. Rev. Lane Win Be Here Rev. David J. Lane of Under wood will preach at the Methodist church on Sunday September the 3rd at 10:30 o'clock a. m. and 8:00 o'clock p. m., also at Conkling in afternoon. Rev. Lane has been pastor of the M. E. church at tJn derwood for the past two years and has enjoyed a very successful pas torate there. You are cordially invited to attend these services. Auction Sale Nels Herried is arranging to have an auction sale on sec. 6-145 81 Thursday September 28. At this sale will be offered horses, cat tie, machinery and all kinds of household goods. Watch for an nouncements later on. FINANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Criticising the action of the presi dent with respect to the wool bill, the farmers' free list bill and other meas ures of tlte extraordinary session of congress which has just closed, Sen ator A. B. Cummiiigs of Iowa has c5me out with the endorsement of some other Republican, preferably Senator La Follette, for the leader of the party in the campaign of 1912. That to grant the demands of the Federation of Shop Employes of the Haniman lines would mean ohoas, and that it would diminish the ability of Ihe corporations to fulfill the duties imposed upon them by law, was the statement made at Sari Francisco by Julius Kruttschnitt, vice president and director of maintenance and operation of the Harriman roads. Radical action, with a decided prob ability of a general strike order, is ex pected to follow the meeting in Kan sas City of the presidents of the Har riman lines, following the refusal of President Lovett and Vice President Julius Kruttschnitt to treat with the federated unions. Twenty-two sawmills in Louisiana and two in Texas have been closed down and 8,000 men are Idle, a move, it is said, taken in the fight being waged by sawmill operators against the unionizing of their employes by the Brotherhood of Timber Workers. E. P. Ripley, president of the Atchi son, Topeka and Santa Be railroad says that unless business conditions improve it will be necessary to reduce the 60,000 employes of the company. A layoff of from 20 to 33 per cent of the shopmen in various departments of the Southern Pacific shops was an nounced at Sacramento, Cal. The rea son given is scarcity of work. THE DEATH BECOBP. Although be lived in abject poverty and died from lack of proper food, the will of Dr. Charles F. Myers, an eccertric New York physician, shows that he was worth hundreds of thou sands of dollars. His lawyer places the value of his estate at $500,000. Walter Hubbard, a ufacturer of Meriden, Conn., is dead. Mr. Hubbard, who was eigthy-three years of age, was one of the founders of the Bradley & Hubbard Manufac turing company of Meriden, Conn., and a well known philanthropist. NOTICE OF MPJtTQAGE SALE Notice is hereby tfiven that that certain niort«a«e. executed and delivered by Charles 1. E. White, a widower, MortKaKor, to J.. W. I _3'. T-, Yellaud. Mortgagee, dated the 29th 011 lfly February A. D., 1908 aud tiled for record in the otiice of the Register of Deeds of the Couuty of O-lU McLean and State of North Dakota on the 11th day of March' AI D.' 1908 and recorded in Hook F20 of Mortgages on page 40. and a.ssi»,'nc?il liy1 said Mortgagee to James A. Wilson, which said assignment was dated the 25th- day of Jauuary A. D., 1910 and was tiled for record in tho otiice of the Register of Deeds of.the County of McLean and State or North Dakota. the °Jnd day of April A. D.. 1910, and recorded iu Hook H-7 of Mtg. Rec. on page 49.. will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in srt&h mortgage and hereinafter described,, at' -the front door of the Oourt House in the City of Wn-hburn. County of McLean and State of' North Dakota, at the hoiir of 2 o'clock the al ternoon on the 7th day of October A. D«r llill, to satisfy'the amonnt due on such mort gage on the day tuf sale. The premises de scribed iu such .mortgage and which will bo told to satisfy thfe same are described as fol lows: The Southeast Quarter (SEU) of Sec tion Eighteen (18) iu Township One Hundred Fifty (150) North of Range Eighty One" (1) West of the Fifthl'rincipal Meridian, iu Ale- Lean County, North Dakota. There will Uo due oil such mortgage at the date of sale the sum of One Hundred Ninety Four and 88-100 Dollars, which amount .in cludes a certain coupon note on a prior mort gage and the 1909 taxes oh Said land paid by assignee of mortgagee umier tha -teems of the mortgage hereby foreclosed, besides statutory. attorney's fees and the costs of this foreclosure. Dated this 28th.flay of August A. D„ 1911, James A. Wilsoli. Assignee of Mortgagee. N. O. lnlve, Attorney, for Assignee of 41 ortgagee. Residence and' pnsbitttce address: Velva, North Dakota. 10-1.1 Wants FOR RENT For Rent— A few good warm houses Enquire Frank E. Funk, 1st Nat'l Bank. FOR SALE For Sale or Rent—a For Safe—a For Sale- good house in south Washburn. Martin Holtan. For Sale— a practically new Oliv er type writer also nearly new lat est model Smith-Premier type writer. Frank E. Funk, First Nat ional Bank, Washburn, N. D. good store safe, very cheap. Frank E. Funk, First Nat-' ional Bank, Washburn, N. D. For Sale—about 200 pounds fo native grown brome grass. C. A Huntley. Tornado and fire insur ance is very cheap. For some thing reliable see Frank E. Funk, First Nat. Bank, Washburn, N. D. For Sale—Cheap For Sale-j. i. Rumley Ideal sep era tor 35 by 56 inch cylinder. $25 will put it in good running or der. Used two seasons. Enquire of J. iese, Washburn, N. D. Case threshing mac hine and steam left plows and au tomobiles for sale by F. A. Galla han, Washburn. N. D. For Sale—Cheap, one Champion binder 8 foot cut, in running order. Hans Holtan. For Sale —One Galvonic foradic madical battery. Price $6. Hans Holtan & Sons. For Sale Thorough bred Shropshire bucks. E. L. Gilmore, Dogden, N- D. For Sale Cheap A Bradley & Clark windmill, 40 ft tower. K. Klein. tf. Bids Wanted The Board of Directors of Wash burn School District Will receive bids up to 7 o'clock p. m. Sept. 4, to furnish Washburn School Dis trict during the school year 1911 12 with do tons of lignite coal ancj 5 cords of diamond willow or solid body cottonwood stove wood. Right reserved to reject bids. Dated Washburn, N. D.. Aug. 1(, 1911. V" Aug E. •Johnson, clerk. Taken Up On August 13, 1911, one brown ish red Durham bull branded of iJaun.(lui $40,000.00 6 Ldati* ,. |Jir v-? if 4 TX-II i8ter, Blue Hill Twp Address, Ryder, N. D. !4U' U#* ELLWOOD i'S®' ^.1.?$ On Improved Lands in McLean, OMyer and Mercer Couiities "Optiuiito pay principal on Wny int^rpfet i}uet(Jate^'^ «lie sa stj• W, Jtiakc s^onl jiipr^rt^' lgauS as rjeadUy as firstfif.yQ^r jam*). If joo are in« a I .1 sw» tw NOW r.r writf." W'L-li I rgtt if 7 DP. Holmes' Wit. One of the best repartees ever credit ed to a habitual maker of happy phrases was that made by the beloved "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table" on a certain social.occasion. Going to dine with a Boston neighbor, Dr. Holmes wns met by her with an apology: "I could not get another man. We are four women, and you will have to take us all in." "Forewarned Is fourarmed," he said with a bow. Flics and Filth. The fly is born in, lives and thrives upon filth. If no flltb Is allowed to ac cumulate in bouse or Its neighbor hood it will not be troubled by flies, for they do not ordinarily stray far from their breeding places and their sources of food. In a thoroughly clean neighborhood they cannot live In the face of screens preventing their access to food and to the absence of manure heaps and other receptacles for filth In which to deposit their eggs.—Survey. i.. Helping Thing* Along. "The family in the next flat has three phonographs and four boys with toy express wagons.", said Mr. Growcher's wife. "What on earth shall we do?" "Send for the piano tuner and ask him bow much he'll take to work the day."— Wasliinsrtoa Star. FREE g. OKe horn turns up, and one horn turns down. -. j,: Christ Linnertz, Feed Oats, Hay, Ground Corn and 'Oats, Blrah, Bran Shorts Mixed, Shorts and Oil Meal. Ssu V* 1 FOR CHICK SUPPLIES Crescent Chick Feed, Charcoal, Crushed Oyster Shells Mica Crushed Grit, Sun Chick Starter, Crushed Clam Shells. See C. A. HUNTLEY. "V" YOU can change the color and style of fin ish on the woodwork of any room at a cost of only 2 cents per square foot and have a dining room, den or sitting room without the expense of removing old paint or varnish- old furniture can be made to match. Chi-name THOS. THOMPSON HARDWARE COMPANY 8InI^EADS^ffBM'ALL, a"ttendanceTequipment.course# lies for placing ite stu' denfa in positions it is unsurpassed. O a a by ft LET A I ff 0 mf N A E S 4 6 E E PRESCRIPTIONS HEIDELSER0 MEDICAL INSTITUTE IIQMM frltr' Incorporated ui^er the State Lawi of Mlnneeota Over U0.000 MM have applied to HI (or Treatment This is a picture of Ellwood hog fence. More of this style is used .y* than of all other makes combined In connection with several tistrands of plain barbed wire, it puts up a fence that is abso- lutely pig-tight and will also turn large stock 26INCH KApwisT'fi rt'W' Larjje faculty of experienced. teacWs. A course in tins rfrMtachooljeads to success:. MANKATO COMME/ZC/ALCOU£GE^"^ MAMKA TO.'M/NNX W Runner Hedlund to Rest Up. It is pleasing to note that Oscar P. Hedlund has decided to quit racing for a time. He has been running almost continuously since last winter and wants a much needed rest. Clarence H. DeMar, the wonderful distance runner of the North Dorchester A. A., who has done what few winners of the American Marathon run have ever done in winning so many contests to such a short space of time after the B. A. A. event, also intends to retire for a short time. There Is no Mara thon er in this couptry who has 8ueh a grand chance of making the American Olympic team which goes to Sweden next year. It is the hope of all New Bnglanders interested in athletics that he will follow his intention of not com peting until the fall at least. Jo* Jackson Groat 8lugger. Joe Jackson of the Cleveland Naps has been three years in baseball and has played in four different league*. In each organization he led all hands' In batting. He started with Greenville in the Carolina league, and topped the field with a batting average of .346. With Savannah he led With .358, and With New Orleans he was the pace maker with .354. Last year with Cleveland in twenty games he led the American league, beating out Cobb and Lajoie with .387 per cent Jack a a a eareer is ,3fi2 per cent. EVERT© 8UFFERIN8 WRITE FOR THIS ROOK A Reliable Authority on Nervous, Blood and Chronio Diwawt 242 Paget. 48 Free Prescription!, prepaid to all who write. AU wa uk I« to limply lend your name and addren, mentlonlag this paper and dawrlbe yqpr.trouble. and we will vend you our MS pag* lladloal Book Free prapald. containing*6 Free Receipts and many ch*p tora ofadTlce to young, middle-aged hnd old men about tbemtelvet and their dUeaiei tailing bow to get Cured and how to avoid dleas«u We want no'money for the book orror sending it. nor doet It place you under any obllgat iona to ua of any klnd whatever. WHAT DO YOU MOW ABOUT'THESE DISEASES? Bladder trouble. Diseased Blood,..Kuxema, Biifrht'n Vi&ea?*, Kidney Trouble, Catarrh, Enlarged Prostate Gland, Diabetes. Liver Trouble, Varicose Veins, and Varicose Ulcer, Nervouanes*, NerToua Diseases. Rap* ture, Scrofula, Obstruction and the many contagious diseases Anti dotes (or Poison, care of the Person. Biarrlapre, Ktc. T)ils book tells about these diseases and other subjects mentioned and more too, £yd°nUjM^dr& geta tttM^TuOvledfrebrlnnfeWltb and.feappliiMsT'^ail ence atrlcMy«oafldcntlal. R. M^^^TKouiandi ol men are in need ol.thie valuable work anf are tending fer it write today to the FOR SALE BY T. THOMPSON on First & Second Farm Mortgages If ®SJS SB#* I- ipa ft i-4 Or