«k, 't
IS &
Local News
Leave your orders for coal at the
Leader office.
Strawberries were picked in Devw
els Lake last week.
Life Fire—Hail Insurance.
Frank E. Funk.
Fighting is still going on in
China but neither side is gaining.
C. W. McGray was a business
visitor from Underwood in Wash
burn Saturday.
Mrs. Joe Brown, returned Mon
day from Bismarck where she
spent a week visiting friends.
J. M. Casey of the Casey Land
Company of Underwood, was in
Washburn Saturday on legal busi
I can make you a Heal Estate
Loan at cheap rate of interest.
Write or call and see me. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Persey and
daughter, left last Saturday for the
west where they will look up a
new location.
"The Unfinished Sermon" will
be the subject chosen for the
services at the Congregational
church Sunday evening.
ONE DOLLAR will start a
saving bank acoount with First
National bank of Washburn, N.
Capital and surplus, $50,000.
Mrs. J. B. Fleming and daugh
ters returned last week from Har
vey where they spent the summer
with relatives. They have rented
the Thos. McCann residence for
the winter or while the McCann
family spend the cold months in
If you want to get up early, get
an Alarm Clock—the good kind,
the reliable kind. Prices from
$ 1 to $3.75
The latter buys an 8-day alarm
Bring In Your Watches for Repairs
Drug store
Farm Loans made at the Wash
burn State Bank.
Schulz's sell Occident flour made
by Russell Miller Milling Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stol of
Malcolm were business visitors in
Washburn Monday.
Why pay high rates for land
loans? I can save you money.
E. Funk, First Nat'l Bank, Wash
burn, N. D.
Mrs. Joe Leach and daughter
returned Tuesday from a visit in
Missouri. They will occupy the
Graepp houde during the winter.
Cheap money for land loans al
ways on hand. Make your own
rate—no red tape. F. Funk
First Nat'l Bank, Washburn, N. D.
Cy Dahl enjoyed a visit this
week with a sister and brothor who
spent a couple of days here while
on their way to other points up
the line.
Camilla (Ga.) Clarion—He is
simply irresistable, and his laugh
is as natural and contagious as
poverty. Washburn Opera House
Oct. 21 1911.
T. L. Stanley of Energy gave
his prize winning squash, which
weighed 80 pounds, to the gover
nor. It will make a number of
Thanksgiving pies.
Mr and Mrs. Ed. Richards spent
several days here visiting at the Joe
Brown and G. Olgeirson homes
They expect to leave for their home
in Oregon soon.
An Indiana man landed in jai
as the outcome of a nap taken in
church. If that were the usual
thing what a time the sheriff would
have on Sundays.
Will have a spec
ial sale on all of
their ready made:
Hats. A
of 25 per
will be given for
one week only
The championship ball games were
called off two days on account o:'
President Vincent of the Uni
versity of Minnesota was inaugur
ated Wednesday.
Lana loans. See Frank E. Funk
First National bank of Washburn
North Dakota.
The Washburn Flour Mil
is now running and it wants
everbody that needs flour and fee
to come to the mill and buy it.
The Washburn flour mill is now
in good running ordef. The
morning and noon whistle is
welcome sound after the long si
The Ladies Aid of the M. E
church will meet with Mrs. Wiese
on Wednesday afternoon Oct. 25
Everyone cordially invited to at
Miss Hilma Anderson went to
Bismarck Monday to take- the
civil service examination. She
hopes to get a position as a steno
New subscribers to the Leader
this week are: Lewis Hanson
Scotts Mills, Oreg. Maurice Finn
Blackwater and J. Brunmeier,
Many of the farmers are com
pleting their threshing now since
the grain has dried enough to
permit it. There has been more
rain than usual this fall.
Miss Elia Daniels left last Sat
urday for a visit with her parents
at Brainard, Minn. Her place in
the central office will be filled by
Miss Edna Lorentzson.
Lame back is one of the most
common foams of muscular rheu
matism. A few applications o:!
Chamberlain's Liniment will give
relief. For sale by all dealers.
Judge Crawford, B. L. Bick
ford, Judge Engerud, Attorney
Geo. L. Bangs and other attorneys
interested in the Bickford case
arrived in Washburn this morning
It is said that they are killing
rattlers by the wholesale in
Montana. Over a hundred men
went out to kill them and they got
300 at one time.
Some grain buyers at Harvey
got into trouble by trying to bring
trade to their town by including a
bottle of beer with the proceeds oi
each load of grain. They now. see
the error of their ways.
Among those who went to Bis
marck Saturday to attend the last
day of the exposition were: T.
Haugeberg, Alex Southey, J. A
Hyland, J. E. Nelson, Frank
Thompson and H. O. Simon.
The best plaster. A piece of
flannel dampened with Chamber
Iain's Liniment and bound on
over the affected parts is superior
to a plaster and costs only one
tenth as much. For sale by
all druggists.
Rev. D. D. Mitohell spent the
week at Sanger completing the
arrangements for the erection of a
new church. All the farmers in
that neighborhood have been in
vited to help haul the material and
assist in other ways in getting a
Don't trifle with a cold is tood
advice for prudent men and
women. It may be vital incase
of a obild. There is nothing bet
ter than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for coughs and colds in
children. It is safe and sure. For
sale by all dealers.
Rev. Hume left Wednesday
tnorning for Grand Forks to at
tend the annual Methodist con
ference. During his absence
William Peterson will conduct the
morning and Leslie Burgum the
evening services at the Methodist
church on next Sunday, October
For bowel complaint* in chil
dren always give Chamberlain's
Italic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and castor oil. It is cer
tain to effect a cuve and when re
duced with water and sweetened is
pleasant to take No physician
presoribe a better remedy. For
sale by all dealers.
There was a blanket of snow on
the ground early this morning but
it soon disappeared.,
Maxwell McNeil with the Bis
marck Tribune company was in
Washburn Tuesday soliciting sub
scriptions and sonnding the
politicians on the Hanna guber
natorial qilestion.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Wallbreoht
moved into the rooms above the
Forbes' Drug Store this week.
Mr. Wallbrecht is the new miller
and is fortunate in getting rooms
so near his work.
Emil Reich will hold an auction
sale on the last day of this month.
After the sale he expeots to move
his family to California where he
has bought a fruit farm near the
one his father bought last year.
F. W. Soule the eyesight specia
list will be at the hotel again
Saturday Oct. 28 all day, prepared
to examine defective eyes and fit
glasses when needed. Don't miss
this chanoe. Last visit this year.
Mrs. Annie Reimers of Basto,
died last Saturday afternoon while
on her way to the hospital at
Bismarck. She leaves a husband
and six email children. Interment
was made at Underwood on Tues
The Washburn Flour Mill
is now running and it wants
every farmer in the neighborhood
that haB good milling wheat to
save two or three loads and bring
it to the mill between now and
January 1.
Gust Brostrom a prominent
pioneer farmer east of here was
shopping in Washburn Saturday.
Mr. Brostrom says the threshing
season is not over in his district
yet and although the crops were
not as good as expected he is not
discouraged and plans on a profita
ble year next year since there is so
much moisture in the ground this
Billiousness is due to a dis
ordered condition of the stomach.
Chamberlain's Tablets are es
sentially a stomach medicine, in
tended especially to act on that
organ to cleanse it. strengthen it,
tone and invigorate it, to regulate
the liver and to banish biliousness
positively and effectually. For
sale by all dealers.
Troy (Ala.) Citizen's Journal
Ws were touched, tickled deep
and highly entertained. Mr.
Kemp laughs and you laugh. By
sudden transformation of at
titude and expression you are led
to believe a graveyard tale is on
hand when one word from him
and you roar, grunt and get over
it the best you can.—Washburn
Opera House Saturday Oct. 21,
You are not experimenting on
yourself when you take Chamber
ain's Cough Remedy for a cold as
that preparation has won its great
reputation and extentive sale by
its remarkable cures of colds, and
can always be depended upon. It
is equally valuable for adults and
children and may be given to
young children with implicit con
lidence as it contains nohairaful
drug. Sold by all dealers.
A number of our subscribers
lave not remitted as promptly as
we would have liked. Crops are
about harvested and if payment is
not made now, it will probably be
another year until you will feel
able to pay your small arrears.
There is a government ruling that
no paper should be sent to a sub
scriber who is more than one year
arrears. We. do not want to
ose any of you so bring this
matter to your notice again.
The weather has turned decided
colder the last few days and
there has been some frost but not
what would be called a killing
Tost. There has been snow all
around us but the flowers are still
blossom even though the
eaves have fallen from the trees,
he Indian summer has been
beautiful and is not over yet.
befle cold days are only to re
mind us of tfae days to come and
what to prepare for. Get the
•asement filled with coal from the
litnmiuia mine and keep warm
all winter.
Pickups at
Men's Heavy Gray Sweater Coats $ 1.00
Men's Heavy Blue Flannd Shirts 1.25
Men's Corduroy Shirts 1.75
Boys' Flannel Shirts, 75c, 95c 1.00
Men's Underwear, odd sizes, regular $1.50 1.00
Men's Heavy Plush Back Underwear, reg. $1.25 1.00
Men's Wool Ribbed Underwear, worth $1.50.., 1.25
Men's Corduroy Suits, good quality 9.00
Boys' Corduroy Suits coat, short pants size 10-15 3.00
Boys' Whipcord Suits, sizes 5 to 15 2.00
Ladies' Nat. Wool Underwear, odd sizes, 75c val. .50
Men's Sheep Lined Ulsters 10.00
Hans Holtan
& Sons
Deposit your money with a good bank and
pay your bills by personal check, thus keep
ing a complete record of your business
The security afforded and the conserva
tive methods pursued by this bank are
worthy of your consideration.
The Washburn State Bank
An Even Tension
Always When
Yll ordinary supporters,
even when the body is
in a normal position, are
necessarily stretched in
order to hold up the
stockings. But when the
wearer assumes a differ
ent position, one side is down still tight
er and the other side is released. So there is a pull and strain
the corsets the underwear and the system. With the
the case i» different. There is always a smooth, even hold on
the stockings, no matter what attitude the wearer takes. A
small compensating loop whicli very gently, but instantly, yields
to every strain and absolutely does away with all tugging and
jerking, and which always keeps your stockings free from wrin
kles and holes. Save your underwear and yopr corsets and be
much more comfortable, y.
Made foi? Boys, Girls and Women at
25c per pair
'i "5