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Local News £4
Maxbass Monitor: It looks like Bu
chanan here.
Life—Fire—Hail Insurance. Frank
E. Funk, Washburn, N. D.
The Washburn band has decided not
to go to Garrison the Fourth.
Bicycles and Sundries—John Swanson,
route I, Washburn N. D. Box 37. 49-51
A few good houses for rent. En
quire of Frank E. Funk, 1st Nat'l
The Ryder papers report the arrival
of a son at the Henry Holtan home in
that city.
Miss Hilda Grotha returned Monday
after a pleasant week spent on the E.
H. Holtan farm.
More cheap money—Land loans. See
Frank E. Funk, First National bank of
Washburn, North Dakota.
Hugh Westmiller, J. W. Starbuckand
Emanuel Schulz went to Bismarck Mon
day to attend the Barnes circus.
One dollar will start a saving bank
account with the First National bank
of Washburn, N. D. Capital and sur
plus $50,000.
The ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Holznagel is suffering from an
attack of appendicitis but is getting
along nicely at this time.
Frank Masteller, a pioneer settler in
this county, spent Sunday in Washburn
calling on friends. He returned to
Dogden Monday morning.
Estrayed from Elm Point some time
since Jan. 1, 1912, one gray stud colt, no
brand. Shows white of eyes consider
able, 2 years old this month. Notify C.
A. Huntley, Washburn, N. D.
Three of the state republican candi
dates will have no opposition. State
Treasurer Olson, Insurance Commiss
ioner Taylor and Carl Jorgenson for
state anditor are the fortunate ones.
Premier Walter Scott of Regina of
Sask., in a manifesto declares for wid
er and unrestricted market with the
United States. This question promises
to be a big issue to last year's grain
blockade in Canada.
There is no real need of anyone being
troubled with constipation. Chamber
lain's Tablets will cause an agreeable
movement of the bowels without any
unpleasant effect Give them a trial.
For sale by all dealers.
There will be a big celebration at
Stanton on the Fourth. The first regu
lar train over the Mandan brand) will
be made that morning, Indians from the
Fort Berthold reservation will help en
tertain the visitors.
Mrs. J. T. McCulloch and daughter
Hazel returned from Minneapolis Tues
day. Miss Hazel completed her course
at the University of Minnesota and will
be one of the teachers in the Washburn
public schools next year.
The balance of the reservation in
McLean Co., N. D., comprising of
about 87 quarter sections has just been
turned over to Klein's Land Agency of
this city to be disposed of at very rea
sonable prices and on 10 years time.
:.' /.'X'i*-'^.. .»?:
Standi Tools
Do yon find yourself trying .to solve the difficult problem of selecting
a suitable wedding gift for some friend or relative? If so, we shall be
pleased to have you call and let us help you. An assortment of the
Oneida Community 5Q yr. guaranteed
and Rogers Bros/ 1847 Silverware
always kept in stock. Also some very acceptable gifts in CUT GLASS
C. I. WALLS, Jeweler
Think for a minute—accurate to
the finest possible adjustment—
they last a lifetime. Can you
make a better investment for
yourself or a finer gift to a friend
Farm Loans made at the Washburn
State Bank.
The town of Energy will also cele
brate the Fourth.
Ray Thomas of Wilton was in Wash
burn Wednesday on business.
Cameras can be had at the Studio.
You can use them or buy, as you wish.
Sweet cream for sale daily. 25c per
quart, delivered. Phone 102. 50-52
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson Went to
Bismarck Tuesday to spend a couple of
days on business.
Mrs. C. A. Brummund and daughter
Marie went to Bismarck Monday to
visit relatives a few days.
Harness—for a driving harness, a
heavy work harness, or any other har
ness go to the Mandan Mercantile Co.
Are you in need of a loan on your
farm at a cheap rate of interest? If so
write me. Joseph Mann, Washburn,
North Dakota.
B. J. Tweeton, of Forest City, Iowa,
is here visiting his two sons who own
farms north of Washburn. He will
spend a couple of weeks here before re
Get a new steel or wood harrow, and
at the same time get next to the latest
thing in harrow carts at the Mandan
Mercantile Co.
Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Mitchell are en
joying a visit with their two daughters
who arrived this week, one from For
man and the other from Sorocco.
The semi-annual meeting of the Di
rectors of the First National Bank, of
Washburn, N. D. will be held at its
banking house Tuesday 4 o'clock p. m.
July 9th 1912. F. E. Funk, Cashier.
E. H. Holtan, who left for the Fort
Berthold reservation some time ago,
has seeded 300 acres to flax and has 200
more broke which will be seeded this
week. Conditions are splendid at pres'
ent for a big .crop.'
Hon. Nels Olson of Mercer was in
Washburn Wednesday evening and gave
the voters a good talk on the political
situation as it is today. He had an at
tentive audience and no doubt made
many votes by coming here.
The ladies at Energy made a success
when publishing one issue of the Sun.
Now the ladies at Benedict will try
their work on the Banner. Why don't
a few men get together and try it? We
would not want them to hegin here.
The balance of the reservation in
McLean Co., N. D., comprising of
about 87 quarter sections has just been
turned over to Klein's Land Agency of
this city to be disposed of at very rea
sonable prices and on 10 years time.
Rev. J. A. Diesen returned last
Thursday from attending the conference
of the United Lutheran church held at
at Fargo, and left the following day for
Sims where he will remain a month
and substitute for the Lutheran minis
ter of that city. ss*
7* -.
The band gave an open air concert
Wednesday night which was the best
one given this summer. J. E. Racicot,
the leader, was here to help the boys.
They played for an hour and a half and
many were out to listen to the music
and enjoy the beautiful evening.
When your child has whooping cough
be careful to keep the cough loose and
expectoration easy by giving Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy as may be re
quired. This remedy will also liquify
the tough mucus and make it easier to
expectorate. It has been used success
fully in many epidemics and is safe and
ur e. For sale by all dealers. -1-
The Turtle Lake Wave tells of a field
of rye on the Wm. Lierboe farm that
is headed out and oyer three feet high.
These kind of reports will become more
numerous as soon as the farmers find
out the big profits in winter rye. There
are several small patches near here
that were pint in as experiments and all
seem to be in fine condition. •$
Editor Abbie drove across country
from Krem to Washburn, a distance of
.40 miles,, to catch the train for Bismarck,
on Monday. Mr. Abbie started a paper
in Kiem about three months ago. He
says the town will soon move about
seven mitosto the railroad. Mr. Abbie
is also 1 minister And finds'plenty of
good work to do iijt bis community..
Hop. P. D. Norton cameup from
Bismarck Wednesdayby auto and gave'
a talk at the tail following the ope giv
en by Nels Olson. ."Mr,, Norton is cov
ering this part of the s&te in the inter
est'of Buchanan's candidacy. This was
the' first time he had ever' spoken
Washburn and the voters were giad.to
have this chance to hear the next con
Go to Holtans for Crisco. ,/
Miss Sarah Hanson was a Bismarck
visitor over Tuesday.
Buy your sand from Chas. Huntley,
manager of the Washburn-Livery barn.
I can make you a loan on your land
at a cheap rate of interest. Joseph
T. H. Jeffery went to Jamestown
Wednesday to attend the state bank
Geo. Weber returned Tuesday from a
two weeks vacation spent with relatives
in South Dakota.
Send orders for the photographs of
the School Officers Convention to W.
H. DeGraff. 35c each.
Frank Westmiller has let the con
tract for a large house on his farm
north of Washburn.
Dr. Gordon of Underwood passed
through Washburn Monday on his way
home from Bismarck.
"Our Vacation Time" will be the
subject for the evening services at the
Congregational church next Sunday
Cheap money for land loans always
on hand. Make your own rate—no
red tape. F. E. Funk Nat'l Bank
Washburn, N. D.
The school officers held their annual
meeting here yesterday. There were
53 in attendance. An account of same
will be published next week.
A number from here went to Turtle
Lake'last week to attend the German
Babtist conference. The meetings be
gan June 12th and closed the 16th.
Came to my place sometime ago one
heifer calf about 4 months old. Owner
please prove property, pay charges and
and take it away. Andrew Rosberg.
Grain drill. Before buying a new
drill calLon the Mandan Mercantile Co.
and see the new Hoosier with the au
tomatic spring lift, a boy can handle it.
K. Gullick8on proved up on his home
stead Tuesday. The witness who came
down from Malcolm with him were O.
Lee, Fred Reibhoff and H. P. Han
A sprained ankle may as a rule be
cured in from three to four days by ap
plying Chamberlain's Liniment and ob
serving the directions with each bottle.
For sale by all dealers.
Among those who went to Turtle
Lake to see the farm special were:
Adolph Wacker, Aug. Wahl, A. S. Rei
tan, H. C. Hanson, Emil Anderson, C.
F. Maennel, Karl Klein, Frank Thomp
son and Geo. P. Gibson.
The balance of the reservation in
McLean Co., N. D., comprising of
about 87 quarter sections has just been
turned over to Klein's Land Agency of
this city to be disposed of at very rea
sonable prices and on 10 years time.
The balance of the reservation in
McLean Co., N.. D., comprising of
about 87 quarter sections has just been
turned over to Klein's Land Agency of
this city to be disposed of at very, rea
sonable prices and on 10 years time,
•Thos. McCormick, of Heaton town
ship, paid us a call Monday. He says
that the frosts the fore part of the
week did not do any damage and that
crop prospects in his neighborhood
seem better than they have for years,
E. S. Bigler of Conkling, sold an un
usually fine young beef to J. J.
Schweizer, Tuesday which appears on
the block in the shape of choice steaks
and roasts. "Jakes" long experience
in buying accounts for the high quality
of the meats he sells. ,v
It is said that the wealth of the state
would be greatly increased through bet
ter soil and weather conditions if wil
low trees were planted across the state
in rows one mile apart A bill may be
introduced in the next legislature mak
ing it compulsory thatland owners
plant trees,
Mr. and Mrs. Lynne and children
came over from Turtle Lake Tuesday
to meet Mis. Lynne's sister Mrs. A. J.
Morstad, of Boyd, Minn., who stopped
here on her way to Fort Berthold where
she will live on a homestead. While in
the city they were guests at the J. E.
O'Hara home.
John Happley was brought up from
Wilton Monday and will spend fifteen
days in jail. He haa an uncontrollable
temper and recently shot a horse six
times because it would not mind him.
The horse was found later still trying to
walk and in terrible agony. A peniten
tiary sentence was what he deserved.
Each age of of our lives has it joys.
Old people should be happy, and they
will be if Chamberlain's Tablets are tak
en to strengthen the digestion and keep
(he bowels regular. These tablets are
mild and gentle' in |heir aetion and es
pedallysuitablefor people of" middle
age and'older For sale by fdt dealers.
It is now well known that not more
than one case of rheumatism in ten re
quires any iaM'rnaltreatment whatever.
All that is needed tree application
of Chamberlain's Liniment and massag
ing thepartsat each application Try
it and see how quickly it will relieve
the pain and soreness.' Sold, by all
A pair of black leather gauntlet
gloves in the pcstoffice on Tuesday.
Same can be had at this office.
Taken Up
Came to my place a red mooly year
ling bull. Owner can find same by
writing John Reiser,
62-2 Washburn, N. D.
Notice of Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of members of
the McLean County Mutual Insurance
company will be held at Underwood
on June 28.
Herman Hanson, president
O. B. Wing, secretary.
Taken Up
Came to my place about the 21st of
May a dark bay colt about 2 years old.
Has white star in forehead, black mane
and tail, front legs are crippled. Rob
ert Schmidt, sec. 2-49-150, Ruso.
say a policeman to a street crowd, and
whacks heads if it don't. "Move on
now," says the big harsh mineral pills
to bowel congestion and suffering fol
lows. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't
buldoze the bowels. They gently per
suade them to right action, and health
follows. 25c at all druggists.
Makes the Nation Gasp
The awful list of injuries on a Fourth
of July staggers humanity. Set over
against it, however, is the wonderful
healing, by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of
thousands, who suffered from burns,
cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explo
sions. Its the quick healer of boils, ul
cers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25 cts.
at all druggists.
Metbodist ChttrclL
The regular services at the Methodist
church are as follows:
Morning service 10:30
Sunday School 11:30
Junior League 2:30
Senior League 7:00
Evening Service 8:00
Prayer meeting Thursday evening in
the church prayer room at 8:00.
J. C. Cooke, pastor.
Ends Hnnt For Rich Girl
Often the hunt for a rich wife ends
when the man meets a woman that uses
Electric Bitters. Her strong nerves
tell in a bright brain and even temper
Her peach-bloom complexion and ruby
lips result from her pure blood her
bright eyes from restful sleep her elas
tic step from firm, free muscles, all tel
ling of the health and strength Electric
Bitters gave a woman, and the free
dom from indigestion, backache, head
ache, fainting and dizzy spells they pro
mote. Everywhere they are woman's
favorite remedy. If weak or ailing try
them. 50 cents at all druggists.
Man Coughs and Breaks Ribs
After a frightful coughing spell a
man in Neenah, Wis., felt terrible pains
in his side and his doctor found two ribs
had been broken. What agony Dr.
King's New Discovery would have saved
him. A few teaspoonsful ends a late
cough, while persistent use routs obsti
nate coughs, expels stubborn colds or
heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sure
its a God-send to humanity," writes
.Mrs. Effie Morton, Columbia, Mo. "for
I believe I would have consumption to
day, if I bad not used this great reme
dy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you
can get a free trial bottle or 50 cent or
$1.00 size at all druggists.
Why C. A. Johnson
The Optic has been asked "why sup
port C. A. Johnson again—why not
jump in andlielp Hanna, Buchanan or
Midtbo into the governor's chair." To
this we can only say that we do not be
lieve that any of the other candidates
can serve the state.as well and with as
free a hand as Mr. Johnson. Of course
Midtbo is not to be considered, as his en
try into the race is but his perennial cam
paign joke. On the other hand both
Messrs. Hanna and Buchanan are tied
to various machines and interests, and
if either one secures the nomination and
election the successful candidate will be
compelled to consider ties that bind
first and the wishes of the people last
There never has been a time in Mr. John
son's career when he was as free as he
is now. He has made absolutely no
promises to any gangs, machines or
lues—and he is asking no support
whatever from them. He is running
on his own hook. He is absolutely in
dependent and his only appeal for votes
is. to the people. Considering all cir
cumstances and conditions, where could
you find a more ideal candidate then he?
—Minot Optic. Adv.
.'si «£?lAsvJ
Notioe is Kereinr firen that on the 8th day of
July. 1912, at tf» eonnty auditor'* office
Washbnrn, N. Dak., the county eonuniiuiooeri
will open —lea bids (or road work twit ween
•eetions IT asd 18 and 19 and 8) Tarp. 118 Bj».
0. Bids moat be br the enbic yard and all the
suooeuful bidders most file bond.fpr twice the
anoant of bid for faithful performance of work
aceordinc to contract. Plans and specifications
ire on file in the Comity Auditor's office. The
oard\regerves the right to reject any and all
Suit-time. There is nothing so grat
ifying to yourself and nothing more
impressing to the public eye than to be
clad in apparel appropriate to the sea
son. The public judges you by your
will give you just this desireable appearance with the distinct
ive style and unsurpassable quality of these clothes you will
form an impression of satisfaction to yourself and others.
1 Some of the leading numbers:
Men's Navy Blue Serge..
Men's stripe effect, solid navy blue
Men's dark brown tweed..
Young men's grey worsted
4^ t.
D. C. Wright,
T. E. Thompson,
Coontr Auditor. S3 2
We make it a point to close all our loans promptly so cus
tomers do not have to wait for their money.
If title to your land is good, the loan can be closed the same
day the papers are signed.
All interest coupons are sent to the bank for collection and
you are not put to the trouble and expense of sending the money
away to eastern people.
For Driving
We give good service at all times. Try one of oar
teams on your next trip in the country. Phone 65
Washburn Jt Livery A Barn
new Your
Farm Loans
With Us
Washburn State
Our bread is "like mother used to make"
and our cakes and pies are almost fit to eat
HUNTLEV. Manager
Meat Market
Gus Grunwald, prop.