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"I v? sWPBSa^SPWa Men of The Hour Have you paid your subscription? meet the hour by the time of a South Bend Watch. Poor time has its ending—good time its beginning in a South Bend Watch—the Standard for pocket timepieces. These master minute men" are marvels of accuracy. Every South Bend Watch must pass 411 inspections and run on-the-dot in freezing cold boiling heat before leaving the factory. This takes a full year. But the result is chronometer like accuracy. Buy A South Bend Watch and end forever the incessant annoyance of an inaccurate watch. South Bend are the watchwords among men who know. When you buy a South Bend watch from us you secure our expert regulation service. This is important for watches don't run the same for everybody. They've got to be regulated to one's person- If yc ality. you will come in we will tell you why. Prices Very Reasonable Don't think that because the South Bend Watch Are you in need of a loan on your farm at a cheap rate of interest? If so write me. Joseph Mann, Washburn, North Dakota. We are now ready to sell you 160 or Running up and down stairs, sweep ing, and bending over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beauti ful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two every day and take Cham berlain's tablets to improve her digest ion and regulate her bowels. For sale by all dealers. The advertising material for a good lecture course has been received by Manager Forbes. There will be five numbers and the manager will make the course tickets so cheap that all will buy. This is the best form of enter tainment that reaches the small towns and each number is always warmly welcomed. The Washburn band gave its first concert of the season Tuesday evening. These concerts are becoming more popular than ever. The large audience was pleased with every number. There were many, strangers present and they cannot help but speak highly of the music, thus advertising the town as well as the band. After the concert the floor was cleared and dancing en joyed for a couple of hours. 3 .-J""** v, is high class in every respect that the prices are 'way up. On the con trary the cost of a South Bend Watch is very reason able. Come in and look over our stock prices. Both will prove a pleasant surprise* Today's a good day to drop in. C. I. Walls, Jeweler Washburn, N. Dak. Local News it it Farm Loans made at the Washburn State Bank. Found—a pair of boy's leather mit tens. Leader office. Bank drafts on the Old Country, at First National Bank of Washburn, N. D. I can make you a loan on your land at a cheap rate of interest. Joseph Mann. Threshers' special note blanks are for sale at this office. Call and look them over. For sale cheap—household goods. Must be sold before Oct. 1. Mrs. G. 01 geirson. Land loan money always on hand. Frank E. Funk, First National Bhnk of \yashbarn. Watch for the display of the Reming ton U. M. C. goods in the Thompson Hardware store. The frost was on the pumpkin vine Tuesday night. 1,000 acres on the reservation at re-' duced prices on the ten-year time plan °une ^Har w.ll start a savings account at 6%. First come, first served. Klein's *e °'d reliable Fnrst Natior Land Agency, Washburn, N. D. I The Bismarck Tribune has quit the "credit" business. Buy your sand from Chas. Huntley, manager of the Washburn Livery barn. Ice for sale by the ton or carload. Inquire of F. A. Gallahan, Washburn. Threshing began Tuesday afternoon after a week's lay-off on account of rain. Many homes were opened this week to accommodate the teachers during their stay in the city. Lost—on Wednesday a package con taining two woolen shirt-waists. Kind ly leave same at this office. Homer Wallin left Saturday for the state university where he expects to take a course in the law department. Life, Fire, Hail Insurance. 18 relia ble companies. Frank E. Funk, First National Bank of Washburn. N. D. For sale—two heaters, one large and one small, cheap if taken at once. Stove pipes free. Mrs. L. M. Wallin. The sun soon dried out the roads that were almost impassable after so much rain. It looks now as though the roads wj)i stay good untji snow Bank falls. Washburn, North Dakota. Re- (sponsibihty, half million dollars. I If your crops are good, protect at least part of them with reliable hail insurance. See Frank E. Funk, First National Bank of Washburn. Adolph Wacker has a booth at the McLean County Fair displaying some goods from his new music store. It is an advertisement that should bring re turns. Misses Blenda and Esther Anderson and Ada Johnson will be among the number who will attend the Valley City Normal this year. They leave next Monday. If you knew the real value of Cham berlain's Liniment for lame back, sore ness of the muscles, sprains and rheu matic pains you would never wish to be without it. For sale by all dealers. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Holtan came in from their farm in the auto Monday. It was a case of where it was too muddy to take the team out. Mr. Holtan has all his threshing done with the exception of oats and is rejoicing because- he got through before the rainy weather started. We Are Receiving Al most Daily Fresh Fruit and can furnish you with any amount of PEARS, PLUMS, PEACHES, etc., on short notice. Our prices are right and goods are the best. •••••',' ,:• Our Candies—the best on the market and we guarantee them to be FRESH HAVE YOU TRIED OUR BAKERY GrOODS? If not, you are missing something worth while J, H. StarbucK & Company Cameras can be had at the Studio. You can use them or buy, as you wish 114 school children and 6 teachers at tended the Wilkins & Ervin perfor mance at Arlington, S. D. Miners wanted at once at the Bitu mina mine. Inquire of Edw. Kugler, Washburn. Archie Nygaard will accept a position as clerk in the county treaserer's office beginning next Tuesday. During the hot weather get ready for the cold by ordering your coal from the Bitumina coal mine. We can sell you money orders cheap er than the postoffice. First National Bank of Washburn, N. D. Miss Hilda Wahl will leave tomorrow to take up her studies at the Valley City Normal. She will finish her course this year. Manager Forbes announces that he has booked the Wilkins & Ervin Au stralian Animal and Vaudeville Show for Saturday Oct. 12. J. P. Peterson, a pioneer of this county but now a resident of Ryder, spent a couple of days in Washburn this week meeting old friends. Mrs. A. P. Aune and three children of Alta spent a week here visiting Mr. Aune who is engineer on one of the boats owned by the Benton Packet Co. Miss Matilda Oberg, proprietor of the Washburn Hotel, returned Friday from a vacation of two weeks spent with her parents in Northern Minne sota. Coal can now be had at the Bitumina coal mine on short order. Save your money by doing your own hauling and getting cheaper coal at home than you can get out of the county. Free tuition to one from each county in business, shorthand, normal, etc. Board and room $2.60 a week. Books rented. Opens Oct. 8. Humboldt Col lege, Humboldt, Iowa. 12-16 Reinhold, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Klein, was kicked by a horse Saturday and as a result has a fractured skull and several teeth missing. He is gett ing along nicely but his injuries have been very painful. The Wilkins & Ervin Australian Animal and Vaudeville Co. played to the largest audience and gave the best satisfaction of any show that has ap peared here for 12 years. H. Powel, Mgr., Bellingham, Minn. Any person found cutting or remov ing any timber or dry wood from Black's Land, known as the "Reserva tion," without a written order from the undersigned will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Karl Klein. Agent. M. F. Wilson spent the week in Un derwood. He has a couple of race horses that he expects will bring in some returns from the McLean County Fair. Frank Boomer filled Mr. Wil son's place in the Thompson store dur ing the week. The implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is found ed on their experience in the use of that remedy and their knowledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that it has ef fected. For sale by all dealers, Few, if any, medicines, have met with the uniform success that has attended the use pf Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The remark able cures of colic and diarrhoea which it has effected in almost every neigh borhood have given it a wide reputa tion. For sale by all dealers. Jas. Every was in from his' hotel near Painted Woods, lake Saturday and said about fifteen were at his place to attend the Old Settlers' picnic on the 17th, others had heard of the postpone ment on account of the rain. Joe Mann took Warden F. O. Hellstrom down from here and the farmers were glad of the chance to hear him. An article that has real Tnerit should in time become popular. That such is the case with Chamberlain's Cough Re medy has been attested by many deal ers. Here is one of them. H. W. Hendrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, coldB and croup, and is my best seller." For sale by all dealers. Wanted Nellie Wilkins and her Australian Cockatoo Circus will appear here Sat urday Oct. 12 in the grandest^ moat wonderful of all bird acts, chariot races, doiibie bar, feats, waltzing' to music, cake walks, somersaults and a dozen others, performed -by 60 Cocketoos, Giant Macaw birds and all jcinds. of Australian, South American, African talking and performing gyv. '-.?% cw* -,war^ Potato digging is the order of the week. For Rent A big farm, 2J miles from Under wood. Inquire of Karl Klein. Uncle Ezra Says "It don't takemore'n a gill uv effort to get folks into a peck of trouble" and a a little neglect of constipation, bilious ness, indigestion or other liver derange ment will do the same. If ailing take Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick re sults. Easy, safe, sure, and only 25 cents at all druggists. What We Never Forget according to science, are the things as sociated with our early home life, such as Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that mother or grandmother used to cure our burns, boils, scalds, sores, skin eruptions, cuts, sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove its merit. Unrivaled for piles, corn?, colds-sores. Only 25 cents at all druggists. Metbodist Church The regular services at the Methodist church are as follows: Morning service 10:30 Sunday School 11:30 Junior League, Saturday 2:30 Senior League 7:00 Evening Service 8:00 Prayer meeting Thursday evening in the church prayer room at 8:00. J. C. Cooke, pastor. For Sale Cheap 20 horse Buffalo Pitts engine 32x54, Gaar Scott Separator in first class con dition, is now thrashing at Kleins' farm 7 miles south of Turtle Lake. Will sell at one-third its actual value. No money needed. Best opportunity ever offered. Party too old to handle. Write or see K. Klein Washburn, N. D. Many Driven From Home Every year, in many parts of the coun try, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and lung diseases. Friends and business are left behind for other climates, but this is costly and not always sure. A better way—the way of multitudes—is to use Dr. King's New Discovery and cure yourself at home. Stay right there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and lung troubles find quick re lief and health returns. Its help in coughs, colds, grip, croup, whooping cough and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggist. For Sale Cheap 20 horse Buffalo Pitts engine 32x54, Gear Scott separator in first class con dition, is now threshing at Klein's farm 7 miles south of Turtle Lake will sell at one-third its actual value. No money needed. Best opportunity ever offered. Party too old to handle. Write or see K. Klein, Washburn, N. D. More Made Happy Aaker's Business College received nine requests for office help this week and made the following happy by plac ing them in good positions: Ed. Axberg, Helen Givens, Olga Tuff, and John Flaa. Two of the above are bank po sitions and we could have placed four more with banks if we had had grad uates. The A. B. C. does more for its graduates than any other school in the northwest, because it is more favorably known and has the confidence of business men. Send for catalog to A. B. C., Fargo. «hsw: tiiv- 'At I *1 -The Cosmopolitan Group re- quires the services of a representative in Washburn and surrounding territory to look after subscription renewals, and to extend circulation by special methods which have proved unusually success ful. Salary and commission Whole time or spare time. Address, with re ferences, Charles C.Sfehwer, The Cos mopolitan Group, 381 Fourth Ave., New York City, 1 -w a Just to Remind Too That We Have Some SNAPPY CAPS "Gordon" Make Ren's Caps 65c to $1.50 Boys'Cans 50c to $1.00 Ask to See Them illAriJRR&CO. -aes*.v riO \:f ECONOMY—that's You don't une money when you buy cheap or big-can baking powder. Don 'I be midcad. Buy Calumet. It's more economical—more wholesome— fleet best result*. Calumet is fat superior ta tour milk and soda. LANPHER Hats, Caps, Furs, Sheep-Lined Coats DRAB DOMESTIC MOLESKIN, BEAVER SHEEP COLLAR UL STER, Price $14.50 BROWN WHIPCORD, BROWN SHEEP COLLAR, ULSTER.... $16.50 iS-'i BROWN IMPORTED MOLESKIN, MUSKRAT COLLAR, ULSTER. Price. $25.00 City Meat Market J. J. SCHWEIZER, Proprietor ..... Phone No. 2J We Pay Highest Prices for Fat Cattle "ife one thing you are a of high living cost—Calumet insures a wonder ful saving in your baking. But it does more. It insures wholesome food, tasty food—uniformly raised food. Calumet is made right—to sell right—to bake right. Ask one of the millions of women who use it—or ask your grocer. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS World's Pure Food Exposition. Chicago, in. Pari* Exposition. Franca, March. 1912. w:m /wS'ik: Costs less Bakes Better CALUMET ^BAKING W POWDER When you are buying goods with the LANPHER trade-mark stamped on, or ticket attached, you the mer LANPHER merchandise is not cheap goods, but is sold at a rea- L.ANPHEU sonahle price. LANPHER goods are guaranteed against all imperfections in material or workmanship and are sold to give entire satisfaction with ordinary wear. Your money will be cheerfully refunded for any goods not entirely satisfactory. LANPHER SHEEP-LINED GOATS SCHULZ'S FORBES* DRUG STORE, Washburn TF THE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE DONE BY THE COMMON HOUSE FLY, throughout the country, was more generally known, people would be more energetic in the destruction of the pests. Don't forget that we have in stock SERVICE on Soo Line to BISMARCK INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION October 3,'12 (Leaves Washburn 10:16 a. m. I I Leaves Bismarck 1030 p. m. Arrives Bismarck 11:56 a. m. (Arrives Washburn 12:24 a. m. SPECIAL RATES. Ask the Soo Agent f§ fcr Choice Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Fish and Fly Swatters, Poison and Sticky Fly Killers, Holders for the sticky paper, and !. Insect Powder. Formaldehyde is also a great aid in its destruction: DO IT NOW! iUv* *1 •1 4 •1 4 Poultry ii Fresh Vegetables *n4 "18$, fe? iat s§