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I- j.. if I !f i'.f 8 'J 1 If ti Ti. 2 LEGAL NOTICES GTNotices published under this needing will charged legal rates In accordant: th the ruling of the McLean County Press Association, and no affidavit will be issued until all publicatoin charges are paid. NOTICK OF SALE UNDER SPECIAL KXE CTTTION Slatunf North Dakota. 'u District Court. Coupty of McLean. Sixth Judicial District. Rogers Lumber Company. corporation. I'lninliir. I Notice of Sale vs. MJnd«r Spwin! Trofln Pivar I'. W. Horbmikn Execution, and John J. Diede, Dcfeudaat?. Whereas, on tho "tli day of April 1H12. jydRment was duly rendered, entered and docketed in the above entitled action in the oflice of tho Clerk of the district court within and for .McLean County. North Dakota, in favor of the above named plaintiff and iicaiu^t above named de fendants, wherein it was adjudged and decreed tlbat the plaintitf do have and recover of the defeudaut, Trofln Pivar. the Mlm of Ninety-six R.nd Dollar- (SW.fiTi). and wherein it was farther adjudged and docr^ed tfiat said judg ment was a valid and subsisting licit upon all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described real estate situate in McLean Comity. North Dakota, to wit: The North half of he Northeast Quarter (N!4NEW) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter tKE'i NE'i) of Section thirteen (l!tl Township "Ml' 1!II2 at hundred and fifty linO) North of liniiKu sevrnty-ei^ht ("Ki West, of the Fifth Princioal Meridian, and that said li"' attach to said premises as of the 7th day of July, tftO!l, and wherein it was further ad .indged arid decreed that, said lieu tie foreclosed by a sale of said premises by and under the direction of the sheritV of McLean County. North Dakota Now therefore, notice is hereby (riven that, by virtue of a Spicial Kxecution issued upon said judgment in the above entitled action out fo t.he ollice of the Clerk of the District, Court of McLean County. North Dakota, tome directed said judgment and decree and above describ ed and delivered now in my hands I, H. O. Simon sheriff of McLean County, North Dakota, shall offer for sale^aud sell at public auctiou to the highest bidder for cash, the premises described, on the 2!tth day of .laynary, 1 !!•-!. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the Court House in the City of Washburn, McLean County. North Dakota, to satisfy the amount due on said judgment lien said plaintiff. There will be due upon the said lien on the day of sale the sum of One Hundred One and IfrlOO Dollars ($101.Hi) and one and .Vi-lttO I)oI iais ($!."i0) cost.- of issuing and return of exe cution. together wit the costs and expenses of miid y'S sale as provided by the law. Dated at Washburn. North Dakota, this 18th day of 'lecemhcr. I1,'I. North Dakota. H. O. Simon Sheriff. .McLean Comity. North Dakota. Thompson A Wooledge. Attorneys for Plaintitf. fee Klork. Minot. NOTICE OF REAL KSTATE MORTCAtiK FORHCLOSCHE SALE HY ADVERTISEMENT Default having occurred in the conditions of the mortgage hereinafter de-cribed by which the power of sale therein contained has become operative, and no action or proceeding having been instituted either at law or in equity to re cover the debt secured by snid mortgage or any part thereof, and a Power of Attorney author izing tho foreclosure of said mortgage having been duly made, executed and delivered to R. A. Palmeter, the undersigned attorney. bvT. L. Beiseker. the assignee of the mortgagee therein mentioned, ou the Second day of December, A. 7)., l'.M'J. which power of attorney was tiled for record in tho ollice of the Register of Deeds of i.ho County of McLean and State of North Da- KI a i!"ta on the-jrd day of December, A. D. 1 I- at writing bearing date the 19th. day of October. »'.c- •f Decetruji.*r« A. D. HM»b. aud HiedI .or rooor-l in ,.tj L'Tth. iuy of March, A. D. I!H7 of Deeds on the at 1 o'clock P. on page Livingston to T. L. Heiseker by ail instrument iu writing, dated the ftth. day of November. A. D. 1912 and recorded in said oftice of the Keg Ister of Deeds on the ll'.th. day of November. A. i:'IO If o'clock 1'. M., in Book H-7 of Mortgages ou riagu !N. will be foreclosed by a -ale of the premises in .-itch mortgage an here inafter described at the front door of the ,o.irt. House in the city of Washburn, County of Sic Leau and State of North Dakota, at the hour 'if ten o'clock A. M.. on the 'JStli. day of Janu ary, A. D. l'J13. to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in such mortgage au.l which will bo sold to satisfy the same are those certain premises, situated in the Couuty ol McL«ean aud Stale of North Dakota, aud de scribed as follows, to-wit: The East Half of tho Northeast Quarter (K'i NEW) and the Northwest Quarter of the North east Quarter (NW'iNKli) and the North East quarter of the North West quarter (NK1 NW! of Section Thirty-one (:I), Township One Hund red Forty-Nine (H'.l), Kange Eighty (S01. There will be duo on said mortgago on the day of sale tho sum of Seven Hundred Fifty three Dollars aud Ninety-three Cents ($7^).®) exclusive of costs, disbursements aud attorney's fees allowed by law. Dated at Fessenden North Dakota this Fifth day of December, A. D. 11112. T. L. Beiseker. Assignee for Mortgagee. .H. A. Palmeter, Attorney Assignee of Mortgagee, Kessendeu. North Dakota. NOTICE OF SALE ON SPECIAL EXECU TION Notice is hereby given that, by virtue of a judgment and dccree in foreclosure reudered and given by the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District, in and for the County of Mc Iiean and State of North Dakota, and eutered aud docketed in the oflice of the Clerk of said court in aud for said couuty 011 the '_'tid day of January A. D. 191:), iu'au action wherein the Sim mons Hardware Company, a corporation, was plaintiff, and Ernest E. Wilson aud Anna Wil son. his wife, were defendants, in favor of said plaintitT aud against said defend ants, for the sum of Nineteen Hundred Fifty-nine and r.0-lX) Dollars ($lfl".!'.,T0), which judgment and decree, ainoug other things, di rected the sale by me of the real estate heroin after deseribod to satisfy the amount of said judgment with interest thereon aud the costs ana expenses of such sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds of such sale applicable thereto will satisfy, and bv virtue ofa writ to me is sned out or the otlice of the clerk of said court in,and for the County of McLean and under the seal of the said court, directing me to sell said property pursuaut to said Judgment and de cree, I, H. O Simon, Sheriff of said county and the person appointed by said court to make Haid sale, will sell the nereinafter described real estate to the highest bidder for a a a a door of the courthouse in the city of Washburn in the county of McLean and state •of North Dakota on the 21th day of February .A. 0.1918, al che hour of throe o'clock P. M., to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs 'thereon and the costs and expenses of said sale, or.ho much thereof as the proceeds of said sale applicable thereto will satisfy. v.- The premises to be sold, as aforesaid* pursu mat to said judgment and decree, and to said writ, and to this notice, are described in said judgment, decree and writ as follows: .Lot Nine (9). of Block Nine (9), of the Town site of Benedict, according to tlio plat thereof now an file in the oflice of tho Register of Deeds *t the County of McLean and Stute of North Dakota. Dated January 11th., 1913. rr & H.O.Simon, Sheriff McLean County. Bosard & Twiford Attorneys for Plaintiff. Minot, North Dakota. !,, 1 '*l tfi NOTICE OF PUBLICATION lryf Department of the Interior: li'/0.8. I^and Office at Bismarek N. D. ir XI. Notice ia hereby given thatNeta^ Xooiumniilt ofConkling, N. D„ who. on flec. 19,' fMvinade' atead Entry, No. 32577, Serial No. 07571, ife gSfei.BDv 8 '\fA v{» NOTICK OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby given, that by Virtue of a •Judgment and Decree in Foreclosure, render ed nud given by the District Court of the Sixth Judicial District in and for the County of Mc Lean and State of North Dakota, and entered and Docketed in the Office of the ulerk of said Court, in and for said County, ou the 2nd. day of December. 1912. in an action wherein •(. W. Russell is Plaintiff and Daniel Tschantz and Mayola Tschantz. his wife, and Ora W. Rupert and Lizzie Rupert, his wife, A. H. Evanson, J, F. Chapman, Samuel Kounts and K.F. Ramsey, co-partners as Kounts & Ramsey are Defend ants, in favor said Plaintiff and against said Defendants, Daniel Tschautz and Ma/ola Tschantz, his wife. Ora W. Rupert and Lizzie Rupert, his wife, for the Sum of Eight thous and seven hundred ninety nino Dollars and forty-two cents ($8790.42). which Judgment and Decree among other things directed a sale by me of the real estate herein described to satis fy the amount of said Judgment, with interest thereon, with costs and ezponses of such sale, or mo much thereof, as the proceeds of such sale applicable thoreto will satisfy. And by virtue ora Writ to me issued out of the otlice of the Clerk of said Court in and for said Couucy of McLean, and under tho seal of said Court, di recting mo to sell said real property pursuant to said Judgment and Decree, I. H. O. Simon. Sheriff of said County, and person appointed by said Court to make such sale, will sell the hereinafter described real estate to the highest bidder for cash, at Public Auctiou. at the front door of the Court House, in the City ot Wash burn, County of McLean and State of North Dakota, ou the 25th. day of January was duly recorded in Hook j),, HM'2. nd filed for record in said office of (il2 of Miscellaneous Records ou puge .il. no- tin, eg st,cr of Deeds on the 23rd day of Oeto t:ce hereby given Unit that certain i, i-'iige. |)or. l)„ l'.H'J, at OiW o'clock A. M. and duly ixecuUid .md delivered by ..melius .1. O Krieii recorded in Hook il-7of Mortgage Records on »uJ ,M av Hnt'it, his wile, morli: *.' i. to pa^» tft,will be foreclosed by a sale of tho pre jRCob \V. Mde. fiiortgagm*. rhu.pd tjio day I (ni»*s s_aid office of t.he i.i»ed.on tc *.t h. Washburn. County of Mcl«ean, and State of dpy of I ebrunry. \. J). 190, n', -.c A. North Dakota, at. the hour of ten o'clock A. M., II., and duly reenrdod in book IMf of Mori- Mm nth day of February. A. IUI3. to sat tfatfes on LI-, am! ussmii'ta by^aid raori- t-jfy the amount due upon the said mirt!Jfaffo on (^ageo to barah r. Liviuurston by an lustruinenr the day of sale •n writing, dated the .ith. da of March A. D. Th(» premises described in such mortgage and 3907, and recorded said olbco »f the Renter which will be sold to satisfy the sauie are those A. D. 191 t, at two o'clock p. m. of said day to satisfy said Judgment, with interest and costs, there i,u, and the costs and expenses of such sale or so much thereof as the proceeds of such sale applicable thereto will satisfy. The premises to lie sold as aforesaid, pursu ant to said Judgment, and Decree, and to said Writ., and to this notice are described as fol lows. to-wit,. All of Section Thirtty-five. (35) township. One hundred forty-six (I4G). North of Range, Eighty (80), West of the Fifth P. M. containing(U0 acres more ou less according to the U. S. Government, survey thereof situated iu McLean County North Dakota. Dated at Washburn, McLoan County. North Dakota, this lHth. day of December 1012. 11. O. Simon Sheriff of McLean Couuty, North Dakota. -McCiilloch & Nelson, Attorneys for Plaintiff, VYashburu, North Dakota. NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE BY ADVERTISEMENT Default having occurred in the conditions of the mortgage hereinafter described by which the Power of Sale therein contained has become operative and no action or proceeding having been instituted at law or iu equity to re cover the debt secured by said mortgage or auy part thereof, and a Power of Attorney author izing the foreclosure of said mortgage having been duly made, executed and delivered to R. A. Palmeter. the undersigned attorney, by T. L. Tieiseker. the assignee of the mortgagee therein mentioned, on the 24th day of October. A. D„ 191'.!, which Power of Attorney was filed for record in the office of tho Register of Deeds of the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, on the 31st day of October, A. D., 1912, at 10:110 o'clock A. M., and duly recorded in Hook 1- of Miscellaneous Records ou rage 370, notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage exocuted and delivered by Harry H. Fleming and Sarah E. Fleming, his wife, mort gagors, to Hattie B. Holley, mortgagee, dated the 2()th day of August. A. D„ 191)7, and tiled for record in the oHico of the Register of Deeds of the Couuty of McLean and State of North Da kota, on tho 2Sth day of August, A. D., 1907, at "i P.M., and duly recorded in Book B-Ki of Mortgages on page Itt, and assigned by the said Hattio B. Holley, to Horace V. Howlaud. by an instrument in writing bearing date tho 18t.h day of December, A. D., 1909, aud filed for re- ij^?'ofr ?, ii certain premises siuint./.l iu the County of Alc- slock P. 41. in Hook H«l ol' Assignments Lciiii and State of North Dakota, aud described .117, aud assigned by the said tsarah a., follows, to-wit. The East Half of the South West (piartor (E',» ..f SWS4) of Section Two ('J) TownshtpOne Hun dreo Forty-four tl+l) Huuge Eighty (80). 1 There will be due 011 said mortgage on tho I liay of sale, including taxes for the years 1910 ,tin1 1911, 011 ti. premises hereinbefore snid mortgage d.-scribed, which have been paid by the assignee of the mortgagee herein named in order to protect tho mortgage under fore I el..sure, the sum of Four Hundred and Eighty (•light Dollars and Five Cents ($188.05) exclu |si\v..f costs, disbursements and attorneys fees 1 all-• v/cl by law. I Dated at, Fosseu.len, North Dakota, this 'i'ird .lay of December. A. D.. I'.'i-- I gage Records on page 35. and assigned by the said Horace V. Howlaud, by an instrument in in Mich morttffttte aud horeiuaftordescrib- a t. tlie frontdoor of the court house iu the city T. Heiseker. Assignee of Mortgagee. I A. Palmeter Attorney to. Assignee of Mortgagee. Fesseudcii. North Dakota. 2.-S2 NOTICE OF KHAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FOKECLOSU BE SALE HY ADVERTISEMENT Default having occurred iu the conditions of the mortgage hereinafter described by which the power of sale therein contained has become operative, and no action or proceeding having been instituted either at law or in equity to recover tho debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and a power of attorney auth orizing tho foreclosure of said mortgage having been duly made, executed aud delivered to C. F. Macunel. the undersigned attorney by Min nesota Fire Insurance Company, a corporation, created aud existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, the assignee of' the mortgage herein mentioned, on the 20th., day of December, A. I). 1912, which power of attorney was duly filed for record in the ollice of Register of Deeds of the Couuty of McLean uud State of North Dakota, on the 7th dBy of January A. D. 1913 at 4:3! P. M. aud was duly recorded in BookO II of Miscellaneous Records ou page 27i, notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage executed and delivered by H. C. Nelson and Lillie Nelsou his wife, mort gagors, to A. L. Ober, mortgagee, dated the 13th. day of September, A. D. 1909, and filed for record iu the said otlice of Register of DeodB in aud for McLean County, North Dakota, on the 1-ith. day of September. A. D. 1909, at Si-30 P. M. and duly recorded in Book B28 of Mortgages on Slinnesota.and age 472, assigned by said mortgagee to Fire Ins. Co., by an instrument in' writing dated the 30th. day of November A. D. 1909, and recorded in said office of Register of Deeds in and for McLeau County North Dako ta on the 9th. day of December, A. D. 1909. at 1 P. M. and was duly recorded in Book of Mtg. Roc. on page 487, will be foreclosed by sale of the premises in sueh mortgage as here inafter described, at the front door of the otiurt house in the city of Washburn. County of Mo Lean and State of North Dakota, at the hour' of lo'o'clock A. M. on the 17th day of February A. D. 1913, to satisfy the amount dun upon said mortgage on the date of sale. The premises described in such mortgageand whichwill be sold tosatisfy the same are those certain premises, situated inthe County of Mc Lean and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit West One Half (WVi) of North-west quarter (N. W. M) and the North one half (NV4) of South-west quarter (8. W. H) of Section Twentjr-six (28) Township One Hun dred Fifty (150) Range (Seventy Nine (79), con taining one hundred and sixty acres. There'willbe due on said mortgage on the day of sale the sum: of-Fourteen Hundred Sev enteen and 30-100 Dollars exclusive of costs, dis bursements and attorney fees allowed by law. Dated at Washbnrn, North Dakota, this 31at.' day of December, A. D. 1913. Minnesota Fire Insurance Company. A corporation ,, *.: Assignee for Mortgagee. F. MaeoaeJ, Attorney for assignee of Mortgage, "w Washburn, North Dakota. Any one desiring to break any of the following tracts for 1918 crop may write the Menigped, 80 Section 14, Township IU M., Range 83, P. Meridian, has filed notice of in vito make Five Year Proof, to establish to the land above described, before 11. C. 1 Clerk of Court, at Washburn N. D., on ,1918. lent names as witnesses: acres, Sec. 4444-81. 100 acres, Sec. 8-144-81. 40 acres, Sec. 11-144-81. 200 acres, Sec. 21-144-82. 120 acres, Sec. 25-145-80. lpO acres, Sec. 21-14M1. 120 acres, Sec 17-U64&. A 1 For terms write fElebi I^imd Afctiicy.' vv w&arosev* NOTICR MORTGAGE SALE Whereas default has occurred in the condi tions of that certain mortgage executed and de livered by Anna Rozen ana Esak Rozen, hus band ana wife, to the Scand inavian-Aroerican Bank of Minot, North Dakota, dated February 15th, 1910, whioh mortgage was tiled for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Mc Lean Couuty, North Dakota, oa th614th day of March, 1910, and recorded in Book F-22 of Mort gages. page 91,'said mortgage being given to se cure the payment of 100W and interest accord ing to the terms of one promissory uoto dated on said date and due as follows: Twenty Dollars ($20.00) February 15tb, 1911 Twenty: Dollars ($20.00) February 15th 1912 and Twenty Dol lars ($20.00) on the fifteenth day of February of each of the years 1913, 1914 and 1915, and which note aud mortgage provided by their terms that, if there was default made in the payment of any of said payments as thev become due, or interest, tho said mort gagee and holder of said note might declare the whole principle sum and interest due aud payable and forclose the said mort gage. and Whereas the said mortgagors have made de fault iu tho payment of Twenty Dollars ($20.00), due on the 15th day of February, 1912 and Whereas the mortgagors have failed to pay the sum of Sixty Dollars ($00.00) interest ou the first Mortgage, due the 15 day of February, 1912. which sum has been yaid by tho Scandinavian American Bank, which interest note draws in terest at the rate of toil per cent per aunuin after maturity, and Whereas the said Scandinavian-American Bank, mortgagee, has elected to declare the whole sum secured by said mortgago due and payable because of such defaults.— Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage above described will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter aescribed. at the front door of the courthouse in the Couuty of McLean and State of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock P. M. ou the 12th day of February A. D. 1913, to satisfy the amount due upon such mortgage on the day sale. Said sale will be made by the sheriff of McLean County or his successor. The premises described in such mortgage aud which will be sold to satisfy the same are de scribed as follows: The West One-half (W'/:) of the Northeast One fourth (N EH) and the North One-half (NVs) of the Southeast One-fourthiSKU), of section thir ty-four (31). Township One Hundred Fifty (150) Range Eighty-two (82) West of the Fifth Principle Meridian, in McLean County. North Dakota. There will, lie due ou sucli mortgage on the dato of sale iucludiug the amount paid for in terest ou the first mortgage, the sum.ofOnc Hundred Forty-six and 96-100 Dollars ($146.98). Dated at Minot. North Dakota, this 19th day of December A. D. 1912. II. O. Simon, Sheriff of MoLean County, N. 11. Scandinavian-American liauk of Minot 3 Mortgagee, hosard & Twiford, Attorneys for Mortgagee, Miuot, North Dakota. NOTrCE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE BY ADVERTISE MENT Default haviug occurred iu the conditions of tho mortgago hereinafter described by wuich the power of sale therein contaiued has become operative, an no action or proceeding having been instituted either at law or in equity to re cover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and a power of Attorney authori zing the foreclosure of said mortgage having been made, exocuted aud delivered to R. A. Pal meter. the undersigned attorney, on tho 2ilrd day of December, A. D.. 1912, which Power of Attorney was tiled for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean and State of North Dakota ou the 28th day of Dec ember, A. D. 1912 at 11:00 o'clock a. m., and was .. ...- duly recorded fn Hook 12 of Miscellaaeous hl'-t!'? nL?lu,e register of deeds H11 Recor(i3 on pago -183. notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage executed and delivered A, M.. and duly recorded iu Hook H-i Uort-11». t^rtwin RmnHul nnrl f.mvra nalnrtnl kinwift. by Edwin Reindal and Laura Reindal. his wife Mortgagors, to John W. Shelby, Mortgagee. 1 dated the First day of May, A. D. 1909. and filed for record in tho otlice of the Register of Deeds of the Couuty of McLean aud State of North Dakota on the 13th. day of May. A. 0.1909 at 9:20 o'clock A. M., and duly recorded in Book B-2r of Mortgages ou page will be foreclosed by a sale of tbo premises iu such mortgage audi hereinafter described at the front door of the court house in the city of Washburn, in the: County of McLeau and State of North Dakota, at the hour of teii o'clock A. M.. ou tho Nine teenth day of February, A. D. 1913. to satisfy, the amount due upon said mortgage 011 the day, of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are those certaiii premises, situated in the County of Mc Lean and State of North Dakota, and de scribed as follows, to-wit: The West Half of the Northwest Quarter (Wi4 NWffi) ot -ectiou Seventeen (17) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast .Quarter (SENES4) of Section Eighteen (18) in Town ship Ou* Hundred Forty-Nine (149)^ North of Range Eignty-oue (si) West of the Fifth.Prin cipal Moridiau. containing One Hundred Twenty (113)) acres, more or less, according to the Government survey thereof. The mortgagee having elected to dec'ar.) tho whole sum secured by said mortgage due and payable, there will bo due on saia mortgage on t'jo day of sale, including three certain interest coupons for Thirty-Six Dollars ($36,00) each which became due November 1,1910, November 1,1911 and November 1.1912 respectively on a prior mortgage and tho .taxes for the years 1910 and Hill covering the premises hereinbefore and in said mortgage described, all of which have been paid by the mortgagee herein named in order to protect the mortgage under fore closure, the sum of Three Hundred Two Dollars and Eighty eight cents ($392.88), exclusive of costs, disbursements aud attorney fees allowed by law. Dated Fessendeu, North Dakota this 30th day of December, A. D. 1912. John W. Shelby, R. A. Palmeter, Attorney for itortgagee, Fessenden, North Dakota. Mortgagee NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SAUK Notion is hereby given that default existing ,in the terms of the hereinafter described mort gage in the failure on .the part of the mortgag or to pay the interest, and the mortgagee does hereby elect to and 'does hereby declare the whole sum under said mortgage due and pay able said mortgage made, executed and de livered by Charles Fredricksen, single, mort gagor. to Henry A. Barnes, mortgagee, dated tho, 26th day of October, 1910l and filed for re cord in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of MoLean, and State of North Dakota on the 12th day of November, 1910, at 10:90 o'clock A. M., and was duly re corded in Book-B-29 of mortgages, on page 482 thereof, and being in the sum of$S00.00. Notice is hereby given that the said mort gage will be foreclosed by a sale of the prem ises in said mortgage hereinafter described at the front door of the cMirt house in the city of Washburn county of MoLean, and State of North Dakota on the'lSth day of February 1913 at the hour of 2 AO o'clock P. M., of said day to satisfy the sum due themon at tnat date. The premises described in said mortgage and whioh will be sold to satisfy the same are d scribed as follows, to-wit: The Northwest one quarter (NW)i) of Section Eleven (U). Town ship one hundred forty-eight (148) and Range EiRnty-oneTsl). There will be due on,-said mortgage at the date of sale the sum of fS69.Z5 principal and in terest on the sum secured brabove mortgage, and the further sum o£$tl.W5 by reason of cer tain taxes which were'past dne a lien upon the land and paid, by. the-. mortgagee, and which makes a total sum due on date of sale six hun-1 dred eleven dollars and twenty cents (1811.30) together with the costs and disbursements of this notion. That prior to the institution of this action mortgagee executed his power of at torney in writing to A. W. Gray, of Kenmare, N. Dak'., and that no notion at law or otherwise has been: instituted for the recovery of the money hereby secured. Dated at Kenmnro N. Dak., this 6th day ot Jan. 1913, Henry A. Barnes, -spf Mortgagee, -, iV" MinneapolisTMinn, A. W.Gray, Att. for mortgagee,1 Kenmare, N. Dak. 4 4 WuiedBrcaking Doie Best Cough Medicine for Children "I am yery glad to say a few words in praise of Ghamberlain'a Cimgh Rem edy" writes Mrs. Lida Dewey, llil waakeeriWis.v. |h|weused itforyeus botii for iiky chfllnw snid myself and it never fails to relieve and care a cough or cold. No family with children should be without it a* it gives, almost immediate relief in case of .enmp/' C3iamberlain'a Cough Remedy is pleaa ant and safe to take, which is of great ^'W^MW M^W'W4 1 1 By the Coprt. State ot North Dakota ^rs#V, "f NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Notice is hereby given that that certain mort gage, executed ana delivered by Joseph 3. Hen sler. a single man, -mortgagor, to William F. Rieckhoff, of Orange City, Iowa, mortgagee, dated the 7th day of October A. D., 1907, and filed for record in the office of tho Register of J'eeds of the County of McLean and State of Nortlr Dakota, on the 25thdayofOetober«A. D.. 1907, at 10:30 o'clock A. M„ and there duly recorded in Book B10 of Mortgages, at page 156, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described,' at the front door of the Court House in Washburn in the County of McLean and State of North Da kota,-at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on the 19th day of February. A. D.. 1913, to satisfy the amountdoe upon said mortgage at the date of sale.. The premises described insnch mortgage and which wilr be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows, to-wit: Lot Four (4) of enty-eight (78) west of the 6th P. M., contain ing 169 and 80-100 acres more or less according to the Government survey thereof, situated in the County of McLean and State of North Da kota. There will be due on said mortgami at the date of sale, the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Two dollars and 53 cents ($120'2Ji3), be sides the costs, fees and expenses of foreclos ure and sale, which sum of $1202.53 includes the sum of $1110.00 of principal and interest due up on the notes secured by said mortgage, and the sum of $92.5:1 taxes, penalty and interest, against said land for the years 1908, 1909,1910 and 1911, which the said mortgagee was compelled to pay and did pay in order to redeem said land from tax sale aud protect his interests under said mortgage. Dated January -1th, A. D.. 1913. William F. Rieckhoff. Mortgagee. I. .1. Bessesen, Attorney for Mortgagee, Harvey. N. D. State of North Dakota 1 In County Court, [-Before Hon. G. Olgeir County of McLean son, Judge. In the matter of the Estato of Edward H. Riler. Decoased. Claud Riley, Petitioner 1 vs. Citation JessieGilliland, MyrtleMcClune, I and Notice Tayne Riley, Burdet Riley, Max of Heariug Riley, Chester Riley. Edwin P. Proof of For Riloy. and Catherine Hiley. eign Will Res|ondents. Tho State, of North Dakota, To the above nam ed respondents and nil iwrsous interested in the Estate of Edward H. Riley. Deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that Claud Riley, the Petitioner herein, has filed in this court a copy of the Last will and Testament of Edward H. Riley, late of town of Rippey.Coun ty of Greon and State of Iowa, doceased, aud tho Probate thoreof in the State of Iowa, duly authenticated, with his Petition, praying for the admission to Probate of said document as t.he Last will aud Testament of said doceased. and lor the issuance to E. Funk. Esq.. of Letters of Administration thereon, and that the said Petition and the proofs of said pur ported will, will be heurd and duly considered by the court on Tuesday the 18th day of Febr uary 1913. at 10 a. m. o'clock in the fore noon of that day, at the Court room of this court in the court house in the City of Wash burn, County of McLean and State of North Dakota, and you aud each of you are hereby cited to be and appear at said time and place and answer said petition and show cause if auy there be. why the prayer of said petition should not he granted. 1 1 Geo. P. Gibson. Judge of the County Court. Dated this Kith, day of January. 1913. James T. McCulloch Atty. for Petitioner. SHERIFF'S SALE ss 1,1 District Court County of McLean sixth Judicial District. Minot Grocery Compony. a cor-) poration. plaintiff. vs. Peter Orluck. Defendant. I Notice is horebv given that, by virtue of an execution t: me directed aud delivered and now in my hands, issued out of the Clerk's of fice of the Sixth Judicial District, State of North Dakota, and in and for the County of McLean, upon a judgment rendered iu said court'in favor of tho Minot Grocery Company. flaintiff, and against. Peter Orluck, defendant,, have levied upon the following described real estate in said copnty, to wit: The North-west Quarter (NWH.) of Section Twenty-five (-J5). Township One Hundred Fifty (l,r0) North, of Range Eight-two (82) West, McLean County, North Dakota, and that I shall, on Monday, the 31th day of February A. D. 1913. at tho hour of two o'clock P. M.. of said day at the front door of of the courthouse, in the City of Wushhuru in said county and state, proceed to sell the right, title and iuterest-.of the above named PeterOr luck in and to the said property to', satisfy the said judgment and costs, amounting to Twelve Hundred N ino aud 3'MOO Dollars (1299i33), Three and 50-100 dollar«($3.50). accrued costs, together with the accrued costs of sale and interest 011 I! MERCHANT TAILOR jN ^vfl1 anei iuda the same from tho rth day of October, 1911. at the rate of seven per cent per annum, at public auction to the highest bidder fur cash. Hated at Washburn. N. D.. this 11th day Jan uary A. D. 1913. H. O. Simon. Sheriff of McLean County Bosard Si Twiford. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Minot. North Dakota. JOHN HOLKUP Tailor-M ido Suits, Cleaning, Press ing and Repairing Washburn, North Dakota lady Wasted To introduce our very complete Spring line of beautiful wool suitings, wash fabrics, fancy' waistings, silks, etc.. hdkfs. laces and pettf e'lats. All up to date N. ¥. City Patterns: Finest line on the iqarket, Dealing direct, with the mills yon will find our prices low. Profits. (10.00 to $39.00 weekly. Samples and full in atructions packed in a neat .sample case, ship ped express prepaid. No money required. Ex clusive territory. Write for particulars. Be first to apply. Standard Goods Co* Sept. 10 Binghamton, N. Y. 1 Hsnl-H«nthol Plasters la flffeotiyetpa|h relieving plaster oontam iflg Menthol. Brb^ weldotne rdief in ibago, Rhewnatwni/Boiatioa aodother ful affections. Yard rollB.ftl.OQ •be* 'SoU?brdiiiggistaormaiiedoa «^ipt0f prib.lDa^:4kiiawienMCo.,New Totfc. Samples ma&*0 npoa reqnMt, Be. stamps. K*«plSfcy •avB iumaw,i dittrdi y, l1ie regular services at the Methodist ^lurch are as follows: Morning service 10:80 School Senior League. !..... 11:30 Saturday2:30 1 fhrenijpgSetyice.. 8»*00 'j.i P»yer jne^ting Thursday evening in the ctarch prayer rqom-at 7:80. G. A. Finch, pastor. I make you a Joan on your land at cheap rate dt injeirpst- ilosfpli t. 7 One 2 -.v_ to those who act as the local representa tives of EVERYBODY'S MAGAZINE and THE DE LINEATOR—all in addition to liberal commissions. Let us-show.' you how you can. Secure a Share i~2 Horse Fairbanks- Morse £ngine witk Pump and Pipes 1 5 Horse Howe Engine.. 1 Roller Feed. Mill A, Huntley Washburn, N. D. simply by forwarding the subscriptions of your friends and neighbors and collecting the renewals of our present subscribers. Try for THIS month's prizes. There are lots of prizes that can be won only by persons living in towns same size as your own. Write at once to the BUTTER1CK PUBLISHING CO. BUTTERICK BLDG. NEW YORK Be Iowa Is the only separator on the MOltet that wfli ddm Cool Milk.taa.tncc. You Let us SHOW You How to Get MORE BUTTERFAT OUT OF YOUR MILK THOS. THOMPSON HDWE. CO. Washburn, North Dakota 4^ O. Cafe Meals and Lunches, All Hours Fresh Oysters in Season All Kinds of good Candies and Cookies. Best Brand of G gars at Lowest Price F. J. Harnahn, prop. Washburn, NorU* Dakota WE DELIVER YOffi ADDRESS 500 6 1-2 Envelopes 1000 500 regular Statements $2.55 1000 fe.50 500 Uote ^)*h2V Sh J" ,000.00 BEING GIVEN AWAY You surely are interested iu learning: haw you can make more money from your cows*. Come to our store and let us show you the separator that-is guaranteed to Skim the closest rerardless of. temperature. The. Iowa Is Guaranteed To Be Hie CLOSEST SKIMMER On The Market This kind of a. guarantee from unbacked up by the lareest cream separator factory in the. world, is surely worth while. Ifi yoA will just-, let us show yott the machineyan-wiUunder-, stand how it can be guaranteed so broadly.. Then, too,, it is the easiest naming, easiest cleaned, most simple and duraiie. can bu% Game and see it. A ft r* ......$2. id .$330 ^eads fll ,.... .,$2. $0 itfoo /..\..,$3.45 500 Letter Heads.' rooo :.:$2.8O $4.00 FOR SAMPLES AND SEE tHE m**0BDE8ING "w •wmfc-'t.'-, JOB D3 WASHBUKN, N. D. pW* tvt a |W 'ft A f7i