Newspaper Page Text
V, r-, Slf J-, felpfc fi!: dfe'' St V4 *. Commissioners Proceedings July Meeting. Washburn, N. D., July 7., 1913. Board of County Connnieaioners met in regular session at 4 tp. m., present Chairman Wright, Commis sioners Bergquist and Miller. On motion the following bills were allowed and Auditor instructed to Issue warrants in payment of Bame: Nels O. Herried, road work Buffalo coulee $ 6.00 John 8atterlund, road work Buffalo coulee and river road Gottlieb Klein, road work Twp. 144-82 Jacob Rundert, road work Twp. 146-81 W. F. Richard, repairing road tools Dist. No. 21 John Schuimeier, repairing road tools D. C. Wrigiht, viewing roads and mileage Robert Laughlin, road work .. 48.50 B. H. Brewer, road work .. 76.50 C. O. Hjelle, road work .... 85.50 H. C. Hauge, road work 9.00 Dewitt Flinn, road work 43.86 Hugh Wright, road work .... 63.00 Ira Wright, road work 13.50 S. S. Knock, road work 48.36 J. M. Hammack, road work .. 98.67 C. C. Wright, road work 168.00 On motion the bill of W. F. Rich ard $50.50 for repairing road tools District No. 18 was reduced and allowed at $30.05. On, motion the bill of Thos. Mangar $77.00 for hauling material for bridges was reduced and' allowed at $60.50. On motion the following bills were allowed and Auditor instructed to issue warrants in payment of same: Ole Kvanne, road work $ 16.80 P. R. Fahlgren, road work Twp. 144-83-84 Runt Knutson, 'road work Twp. 144-83-84 Otto Anderson, road work Twp. 144-83-84 ... Twp. 143-81 141.75 John Dixon, road work Twp. 143-81 ..... 148.50 Fred Johnson, road work Twp. 143-81 72.00 Emery Johnson, road work Twp. 143-81 72.00 Elmer Schoolcraft, road work Twp 143-81 9.00 Dan Gill, road work Buffalo coulee Twp. 144-81 ... Afiton Peterson, Twp. 144-82 Peter Wiese, road work Twp. 146-80 Hans Hultberg, road work Twp. 145-81 Martini Peterson, road work 145-81 Fredi Rieser, road work Twp. 145-81 John Twietan, road work Twp. 145-81 Peter Rlester, road work Twp. 145-81 A. E. Felland, John Heme, road work Twp. 148-83 David Henne, road work Twp. 148-83 Daniel Bogert, road work Twp. 148-83 John Bogert, road work Twp. 148-83 1 Harry Nelson, road work Twp. A 148-83 Jacob Bogert, road work Twp. 148-83 Jocob Stark, road work Twp. "'lit" 148-83 W&Wi Jacob Wesner, road work Twp. $fj 1483 ^'.vAdolph Weber, 148-83 Jobji Ulrich, pfl'' Twp. 148-88 Hummell, W&- 148-83 W- O. Hummell, Twp.- 148-88 .... ^feSTbeo. Mittlelder, 148-83 Emanuel Eslinger, road work Twp. 148-83 Herbert Thompson, road work 99.00 22.50 61.85 John A. Barlow, road work Twp. 144-83-84 38.25 Alfred Fahlgren, road work Twp. 144-83-84 93.38 W. E. Partridge, road work 144-83-84 49.50 Joihn Fahlgren, road work Twp. 144-83-84 47.25 C. E. Bade, road work Twp. 144-83-84 41.63 Andy Fahlgren, road work Twp. 144-83-84 70.90 O. C. Stone, road work Twp. 143-81 61.87 Albert Sheldon, road work 143-81 64.12 W. A. Hodnett, road work Twp. 143-81 100.00 C. O. Hanson, road work Twp. 143-81 126.00 Arthur Fritz, road work Twp. 143-81 72.00 Harry MoGahey, road work 10.00 Floyd Lathrop, road work Buffalo coulee 14.0Q P. A. Sundstrom, road work Buffalo coulee 8.00 Manuel Tjenstrom, road work Twp. 144-81 36.00 Emanuel Meyer, road work Twp. 144-81 27.00 Oscar Oberg, road work Twp. 144-81 75.00 road work Arthur Tjenstrom, Twp. 144-81 ... Gottfried Rieser, Twp. 148-83 Christian Hummell, road work Twp. 148-83 H. R. Allers, road work Twp. 149-82 Grover Thompson, road work 5.00 97.50 13.30 .90 37.50 to On motion the 'board adjourned meet at 9 a.m., July 8th. Washburn, N. D., July 8, 1913. Board met at 9 a. m., pursuant to apjournment present Chairman Wright, Commissioners Bergquist and Miller. On motion the following bills were allowed and Auditor lustrum3] to .issue warrants in payment of same: John Karonyk, roadi work —$ 27.00 O. B. Tr indie,, road work .. 20.25 Twp., 149-83 28.12 Theo. Allers, road work Twp. 149-83 23.25 John Metzger, road work Twp.' 148-84 13.50 Jacob Huber, road work Twp. 148-84 4.50 .R Weinberg, road work ..... 29.25 Twp. 148-84 David Fast, road work Twp. 148-84 J. E. Bayne, road work Twp. 148-84 Otto Sather, road work Twp. 148-84 Clayton Condci., Twp. 148-84 G. F. Schempp, road Twp. 148-84 Gottlieb Schetmpp, road work 28.75 Twp. 148-84 '. Jacob Brenneisse, Jr., road work Twp. 148-84 Jacob Flath, road work Twp. 148-84 Edmund Wacker, road work Twp. 148-84 John Nehrer, road work Twp. 148-84 Jacob Schempp, road work Twp. 148-84 Tom L«yman, road work Twp. 148-84 Christian Eslinger, road work Twp. 148-84 Adolph Hoch, road work Twp. 148-84 Harry Allen, road work Twp. 148-84 L. L. Nehrer, road work Twp. 148-84 Jenklin Williams, road work Twp. 147-84-85 Eric Larson, road work M. E Johnson, clerk treasur er's office, Jun« A. H. Nygaard, clerk treasur er's office, June Homer Wallin, clerk treasur er's office, June P. Wahl, deputy sheriff.. J. H. Olson, deputy sheriff .. W. G. Hendricks, deputy auditor, June Harry Wahl, deputy register of deeds, June Selma Peterson, clerk regis ter of deeds office, May .. Mary Yanken, clerk register of deeds office, June .... Josephine Indseth, clerk regis ter of deeds office, June.. H. O. Simon, boating prisons ers and mlscl -expense .. 36.00 road work 27.00 road work 54.00 63.00 870.50 11.25 23.88 15.75 10.38 road: work Twp. 148-81 .... Charley Martin, Twp. 148-81 ... A. E. Felland, 49.0 road work Twp. 148-81 John Ranne, road work Twp 148-81 Jacob Metz, road work 148-83 18.00 road' work 16.00 18.00 Twp. 22.50 20.25 15.75 22.50 22.50 1.35 10.50 18.75 12.40 road work 23.65 road work 13.50 rosM work road work road work Twp, 148-83 .... Gottlieb Hummell, f: Twp. 148-88 job** Bogert, road work Twp. 148-83 ... 3John Webere, rood work Twp. road work Jobs Scbumeier, £v,. Twp. 148-83 •lie Kingsley, children 27.00 10.15 23.65 47.25 12.38 Twp. 149-82 Hoi tan Wick, road work Twp. 149-82 25.86 H. O. Thompson, road work 54.00 Twp. 149-82 David Hummell, road work Twp. 149-82 Wm. Engel, road work Twp. 149-83 Frank Ulrich, road work Twp. 149-83 9.00 Gotthilf Bngel, road work 13.50 26.40 Twp. 149-83 48.38 John J. Mehlhoff, road work Twp. 149-83 9.00 Chris Abel, road work Twp. 149-83 36.00 Claud Meier, road work Twp. 149-83 21.35 Jacob Bogert, road work Twp. 149-83 10.57 James Reed, road work Twp. 149-83 13.50 L/udwig Jungling, road work Twp. 149-83 40.50 George Freese, road.' .work Twp. 149-83 28.12 Frederick Ulrich, road work Twp. 149-83 72.00 Anton Friese, road work Twp. 149-83 23.25 Heinrioh P., road work 10.15 work' 63.00 18.00 36.00 12.35 32)50 Twp. 148-84 J. J. Steinjke, road work Twp. 148-84 Roy George, road work Twp. 148-84 95.85 John Mehlhoff, road work 50 .'60 Twp. 148-84 13.50 Fred Ross, road work Twp. 148-84 14.75 Albert Bakker, road work Twp. 148-84 Martin Olson, road work Twp. 148-84 Wallace Van Dyke, road work J. R. Hamilton, road work On motion the following bills were allowed and Auditor instructed to iqaue warrants in payment of same: Institute for Feeble-Minded care of Mary Swanson $ 15.00 I. 8. Maxwell, assessing first district Chris J. Hill, assessing second district Victor Erlckson, assessing second district W. J. Flynn, assessing second district C. F. Huston, assessing third district A. L. Maxwell, assessing third district Brown Bros., mdse furnished Mrs. Wick 22.50 S. K. Lalka, mdse furnished Mrs. M. Bandarenko C. C. Wattaxn, stenographer's fees 13.50 14.65 67.50 20.25 13.50 road work 23.65 road work 41.65 wypwp 7." State Treasurer, fees deputy state examiners E. J. Jones, publishing com missioners proceedings .... Geo. P. Gibson, fees member board of Insanity ........ J.A Hyland, fees member board of insanity .......... M. H. Sawyer, fees member board of insanity 14.00 J. A. Hyland, fees member board of insanity 2.00 Geo. P. Gibson, fees member board of insanity Mrs. Wm. Rost, fees witness board of insanity Mildred' Jorgenson, fees wit ness board of insanity .... Wm. Rost, fees witness board of insanity Agnes Jorgenson, fees wit ness board of insanity .... Improvement Bulletin, publish ing notices for bids L. C. St.' George, road work Allen's coulee* Paul H. Mitchell, road work Allen's coulee Bruce Merrill, road work Allen's coulee Matthew Maloney, road work Allene's coulee Sami C. Johnson, road wark Allen's coulee John Twietan, road work Allen's couleee Burleigh County, costs insani ty case Mrs. Wickham .... C. A. Huntley, livery C. A. Huntley, hauling dirt.. Geo. B. Barnard & Co., sta tionery C. A. Huntley, road work 1.15 58.50 25.85 road' work Twp. 148-84 Si Ulrich, road work 148-84 Ed. Drexler, road work 148-84 .. Julius Haugness, road 33.75 Twp. 25.00 Twp. 4.50 work 34.88 30.50 67.50 69.75 20.25 2.25 11.25 13.50 On motion the applicati. mack and Telenga for operate ferry across the 24.75 64.35 15.00 72.00 19.75 57.69 9.20 2.31 83.33 60.00 83133 73.26 23.20 60.00 60.00 110.95 On motion the bill of A. Scbulz & Sons $80.94 for merchandise was reduced and allowed at $65.94. On motion board' adjourned until 2 p. m. Board met at 2 p. m. pursuant to adjournment present Chairman Wright, Commissioners Bergquistand Miller. On motion the bill of Dr. M. H. Sawyer $150.00 for post mortem examination and expert testimony was reduced and allowed, at $30.00. 232.00 112.00 .148-84 G. Landseidel, road work Twp. 148-84 Hager & Dilley, road work 296.0t 80.00 108.00 218.50 11.05 10.20 10.80 Wilton Merc. Co., supplies for-v.?--. road overseer 1.28 M. H. Sawyer, professional ser vices rendereed prisoner .. 2.00 C. F. Maennel, expense states attorney's office 16.63 The Pioneer Store, mdse furnished Wm. Onaan. .... 29.88 L. W. Peck, attending asses sors meeting .. 6.50 School' for Deaf, carei Mautz ,Tl 5» 14.50 22.76 T3.60, 13.60 "of Ham rmit to Missouri river at Big Bend was granted. On motion the report of H. O. Simon, Sheriff, showing $55.70 collect ed in fees on civil actions during the month of June, was not approved. On motion the report of J. L. Brekken, County Supt., showing $12 collected as fees during the month of June, was approved. On motion the report of A. S. Reitan, Register of Deeds, showing $489.70 collected as fees during the month of June,was approved.' On motion the reports of the fol lowing Road Supervisors were ap proved Peter Wiese, District No. 31 A. E. Felland, District No. 15 Fred Laib, District No. 32. On motion board adjourned until 9 a. m„ July 9th. Washburn, N. D., July 9, 1913. Board convened at 9 a. m., pur suant to adjournment, present Chair man Wright,' Commissioners Berg quist and Miller. On motion the following bills were allowed and Auditor instructed to issue warrants In payment of same: Frank Friese, road work Twp. 149-13 $ 28.13 George Huesers, road work 149-82 $ 28.13 Roy E. Thompson, road work Twp. 149-82 65.25 Wm. Strobe, road work Twp. 149-82 29.25 Nic Allers, road work Twp. 149-82 41.63 Thos. Thompson, road work Twp. 149-82 .... 33.75 Rudolph Steinwand, road work Twp. 149-83 22.50 Henry Ulrich, road work Twp. 149-83 2.25 Joseph Ulrich, road work Twp. 149-83 32.10 C. M. Condcn, road Work Twp. 148-84 152.90 Hareld Foaberg, Twp. 6.00 64.15 103.50 Twp. 148-84 Thure Luthender, road work Twp. 144-83 C. K. Quisel, mdse furnished to M. Ayre C. K. Quisel, mdse furnished to L. Miller, Sr. Alex Miller, inspecting roads and mileage 29.25 26.05 26.75 52.25 On motion board adjourned to meet at 9 a. m., July 10th. WMUburn, N. D., July 10, 1913. Board met at 9 a. m., pursuant to adjournment, present Chairman Wright, Commissioners' Bergquist and Miller. Oik motion the application of A. S. Brewer for cancellation of penalty and Interest on personal property tax for ti$e yean 1905 and 1906, was granted. On motion the following bills were allowed and. Auditor instructed to issue warrants In payment of same: Frank Daniels, balancee on bridge contract .. .$ 40.00 Wm. Raftery, road work Twp. 148-84 in 24.76 Washburn Leader, publishing commissioners proceedings..' 13.35 100.00 H. C. Hanson, postage and telephone 10.95 13.15 John Stoltz, road work C. A. Hanson, salary deputy clerk of court Washburn Athletic Assn., rent 4.50 2.00 4.50 2.00 9.50 2.00 9^50 3.30 9.00 16.88 22.50 33.75 Allen's coulee 33.75 Dakota Printing & Staty.C o., stationery and supplies .... Dakota Printing & Staty. Co., stationery and supplies .... Geo. D. Barnard & Co., sta tionery and supplies Walker Bros. & Hardy, sta tionery and supplies Washburn Confectionery Co., stationery and supplies .. Washburn Telephone Co., tele phone rental C. A. Brummund, dray age .. Frank O. Johnson, road work 17.90 69.8C 107.17 .50 12.00 9.25 82.50 18.00 57.25 27.0& 67.00 12.00 Twp. 144-82 64.50 C. A. Huntley, coal for court house and jail A. S. Reitan, recording and postage M. H. Sawyer, professional ser vices rendered juror E. C. Stocker, telephone and freight C. G. Forbes, mdse for coun ty offices W. G. .Crocker, supplies for 41.37 20.40 2.00 14.48 20.95 County Supt Thompson Hhw. Co., mdse for county offices and road over seers 145.51 Metropolitan Supply Co., suplies for County Supt 10.20 Benedict Banner, publishing notices Joseph Kugler, road work riv er road Metropolitan Supply Co., sup plies for County Supt J. L. Brekken, visiting schools 60.25 Axel Nelson, paint etc 30.05 J. L. Brekken, postage June 14.50 T. J. Haugeberg, supplies i't court house G. W. Stewart, printing J. L. Brekken, expense 5.45 1.50 3.35 16.28 6.75 60.00 85.00 T. C. Madden, salary Asst. State's Attorney 50.00 J. L. Brekken, expenses school convention 28.30 J. H." Starbuck, night watch man 38.00 Jacob Abel, road work Twp. 149-82 55.13 On motion the bill of the Red Cross Pharmacy, of Underwood, for drugs furnished to Mrs. M. H. Smith for $12.75, was reduced and allow ed at $10.00 On motion the bills of H. L. Whit lock and Wm. Benn $10.00 each for work at Opera House, were not allowed. On motion the report of H. C. Hanson, Clerk of Court, showing $258.50 collected as fees during the month of June, was approved. On motion the report of E. C. Stocker, Auditor, showing $27.50 col lected as fees during thie month of June, was approved. On motion the Auditor was instruct ed to advertise for bids for de posit of the County Sinking Fund. On motion the board adjourned to meet at 2 p. m. Washburn, N. D., July 10, 1913. Board met at 2 p. m., pursuant to adjournment, all members present. On motion the following bills were allowed and Auditor instructed to issue warrants in payment of same: Jacob Heil, road work Twp. 146-80 $ 3.15 John Klein, road work Twp. 146-80 6.30 John Korner, road work Twp. 146-80 86.63 Mandan Mercantile Co., bridge material 341.40 On motion M. E. Fosberg was grant ed lease to operate a ferry across the Missouri river from a point in McLean county two miles north of a point directly east and across the river from Stanton, Mercer county, North Dakota. On motion the application of Krist Kjelstrup for reduction of real estate tax for the year 1912 on lot 7 block 12, village of Underwood, was not granted. On motion the application of Fred ericka Bucholz for reduction in real estate tax for 1912 in the Village of Underwood, was not granted On motion the application of Mc Lean TownsiteC o., for abatement of real estate tax for the year 1910 on lots 8 and 9, block 1 in the Village of Mercer, wasnot granted. On motion the application of A. A. Hubbert for abatement of 1911 per sonal property tax, was not granted. On motion the application of Lars Haugen for abatement of 1905 per sonal property tax, was not granteed. On motion the application of Chas. Okerstrom for abatement of personal property tax for the year 1911, was not granted On motion the Auditor was in structed to issue refund order for 1909 and 1910 real estate tax on SE1-4 of NB1-4 section 5, township 149, range 81, on account of double asgjsssment. On motion the Anditor and Treasur er were instructed to transfer the sum of $12,000.00 from the Penalty and Interest Fund to the General Fund. On motion the quarterly Justice re port of M. H. Sawyer was approved and bills reported therein allowed as follows: M. H. Sawyer, justice fees ..$ 6.45 H. O. Simon, sheriff fees .. 5.10 E. Houchin, witness fees.. 15.00 B. Brugh, witness fees 15.00 Chris. Leonard, witess fess .. 15.00 Geo Smith, witness fees .... 15.00 On motion the bill of Mathilda Oberg $282.00 for meals for Jurors, was reduced and allowed at $197.40. It was moved by Mr. Wright and seconded by Mr. Bergquist that the follownig resolution making the an nual tax levy for County puTpoces for the fiscal year 1913 be adopted on roll call the following Commis sioners voted "Aye"—Wright, Berg quist, Miller. The Chairman declared said resolu tion adopted. WHEREAS, the Board- of County Commissioneres of MtoLean County, North Dakota, have estimated and determined the expenses of the said County for the fiscal year of 1913 to be as follows: Auditor, deputy and clerks $4,000 Treasurer, deputy and clerics.. 4,000 Register of Deeds deputy and clerics Cleric of Court States Attorney Sheriff and deputies County Physician County superintendent and dep. County Judge County Assessors Court expenses Sinking Fund Interest on bonds.' Bridge Bridge Road. Insane County special road Gopher bounty Emergency 1 4,000 1,500 2,200 8,000 1,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 1,200 1,200 7,000 8,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 And whereas, there is an outstanding indebtedness against said county as fol lows, towit: outstanding and uncan celled warrants amounting to the sum of $1173.15, bonded indebtedness of the County to the amount of $27,000.00 for which a Sinking Fund has been created mm» in which, there is collected the sum 1 $15,131.00. NOW THEREFORE, Be It Resolved •by the Board of County Commission em in and for McLean, County. North Dakoto, that there to and to hereby levied upon all the taxable property within said County as taxes for all county purposes for the ensu ing fiscal year of 1913, the sum of $65,100.00 as follows: County General Fund County Bridge ...... Road ...... ...... Special County Road Insane Singing Fund .. Interest on Bonds .. Emergency ........ $38,700.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 ..... 8,000.00 ...... 3,000.00 ...... 1,200.00 ....... 1,200.00 3,000.00 AND Be 'Further under the provisions of Section 1036 of the Revised Codes of 1906, thdna be and is hereby llvled upon all tbe reaj .estate la Mid county a Resolyed, that, MSM tax for the purpose of promoting the extermination of gophers In the sum of $2,000.00. On motion the board adjourned to meet at 9 a. m., JulylOth. Board met at 9 a. m., pursuant to adjournment, present Chairman Wright,. Commissioners Bergquist and Miller. On motion the following bills were allowed and Auditor instructed to issue warrants in payment of same: L. Bergpuist, attending commis sioners meeting and mileage $ 27.00 L. Bergquist, viewing roads and mileage Alex Miller, attending com missioners meeting and mile age D. C. Wright, attending, com missioners meeting and mile age It used to make a man enthuse If be could keep the babe in shoe*, But modern mankind but aspires To keep a motorcar in tires. —Louisville Courier-Journal. Enthusiast—Oh, don't you love a good play? Modern Girl—Yes. indeed. It adds so much to the scenic effect and cos tumes.—'Life. The old basket picnic Is with us again. The day It Is planned "I am going to make that boy stop whistling!" said the nervous man. "Don't If you knew the words of that song you'd be thankful!to let him whistle it instead of singing it"— Washington Star. A ben after laying will vainly Stand and cackle absurdly, insanely. Though you wonder, no doubt. What she's talking about She's egging you on very plainly. —Los Angeles Express. "I saw a cubist painting of a man on horseback yesterday." "How did you know it was a man on horseback?" "Why, anybody couid see that" "Then it was not a cubist painting." —Houston Post Adam had an easy time Back in the garden there. When he was late In getting In There was no chance for him to skin His shin against a chair. —Chicago Record-Herald. Proprietor What would you sug gest as a sign for a first class second hand shop? Sign Painter—How would "Up to Date Antiques" do?—Exchange. Thin kin' on the life way You're still the upper crust But, though you bear your dally load Or race like lightning on the road, Tou don't raise all the dust —Atlanta Constitution. "Bo Miss Brown Is man led. Well. I'm not surprised. Bhe always despis ed her own name for its commonness and declared she would change it at the first opportunity. By the way, whom did she marry?" "A Mr. Smith."—Boston Transcript No doubt the coming income tax Will rake the green stuff down in stacks. Then let 'em tax for further greens The folks who live beyond their means. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. "It Is only a question of time when the suffragists will sweep the Country." "Nonsense! Not half of them know how to handle a broom."—Town Top ics. ?v m\ sv -v ^,\ ,. ,j i* 1S 19.00 29s5a 27.50 and Petition of Gullick Jaastad others asking that Township 148,.Ran 80 be segregated from Crooked Lake Schools District No. 26 and formed into a new1 and separate School Dis trict was, upon motion, granted. On motion the board adjourned meet Monday, August 4,1913. D. C. WRIGHT, Attest: to Chairman.. E. C. STOCKER, County Auditor. tor I hope It will rain. —Detroit Free Press. "Dearest, I told your father I meant to prove my love for you not by words, but by deeds." "What did he say, George?" "He asked me If they were deeds."—Baltimore American. title The newest freak of fashion. The latest fad in dress, May rouse some angry passion Or cause mere man distress It may arouse his laughter Or move his tongue to scorn, But women follow after The fad—and it Is worn. —Cincinnati Post Mrs. Angus—She has a terrible time training Henry In the polite language of our set Mrs. Datus—les she was a year get ting him to say "haberdasher" instead of "gents' furnisher." New York Globe. The iceman grins a fiendish smile As warm days grow still hotter, And sUU the busy ice cream man Don't cool us like he "oughter." —Spokane Spokesman-Review. W! Our legislator's with us. We're proud of him, by Inks! He showed his fellow members a: 5$$ A lot of brand new kinks. His laws were most all freakish And gained Mm widespread fame, And hs's signed up fer ten thousand In the lecture circuit gams. —Denver Republican. Visitor—Ars you going to get a new bat* Congressman's little Paugbter I don't know yet Mamma has passed the appropriation, but I'm awfully afraid papa will veto it He Is oppos ed to every bill we send In.—Brooklyn Oitlsen, The female of the spedes. Is mors dsadiy than ths male, But nowadays in England Thsar put tbem all in Jail. r'%? —JPhllsdelphls: 'Mv ^riyw* ft-s^tnw FATE OF A WORLD Its Course From Chaos to Its Hopeless Death Struggle. THREE ACTS IN THE TRAGEDY Ths First Is Shown by Jupiter, the Sseond by ths Earth and the Third by Mars, While ths Moon Shows the Empty Stage After ths Play Is Dene. No stage was ever set for such a tragedy as the planet Mars presents. It is the last act In the drama of a world's history I The first act in such a drama consists of scenes from chaos. The huge plan et Jupiter offers us a spectacle of that Und in Its streaming belts of thick clouds and its whirling vapors, glow ing like steam above a furnace The second act is represented by the earth, with its fertile crust its cool, in vigorating atmosphere and its life sus taining seas that give birth to the clouds which, condensing on the mountains, furnish the rains and set the rivers flowing. The closing act is the role of Mars, where the seas have vanished, the at mosphere has thinned out the rivets have disappeared, the continents have turned into deserts, and life, driven into a corner, is battling against final ex tinction. That there is yet intelligent life on Mars is the universal belief of all the observers whom Mr. Lowell has gath ered about him at his Flagstaff ob servatory, where the extraordinary phe nomena of that wonderful planet are studied as nowhere else in the world. More than that, they tell us with ever increasing emphasis that the peo ple of Mars, compelled by necessity, have developed a command over natu ral forces which would seem miracu lous if exhibited upon the earth. With tbem It has become simply a question of brain power against the inanimate powers of nature. They have nights and days of the same length as ours. They have sea sons almost precisely corresponding with ours, except that they are each twice as long. But their oceans are dried up. no rains fall (though there may be dews), and nearly all the at mospheric moisture is alternately lock ed up in one or the other of the polar gnowcapB. In such a situation no vegetation can flourish unless artificially stimulated by a gigantic system of irrigation. And without vegetation animal existence Is Impossible. But whence can the inhabitants of Mars derive the water needed for irri gation? The answer given is that they get it periodically from the melting of the polar snows. Being without seas and rivers they have no other source of supply. On Mars the reign of universal peace must have begun ages ago, introduced not by moral or sentimental consid erations, but by the necessity of unit ing all the engineering skill, all the in ventive powers and all the physical forces of the entire population of the planet in a common battle for life: The only thought of their inventors Is of improved means for controlling the slowly lessening supplies of mois ture that once in about two of our years may be drawn away from one of the poles while the summer sun shine is dissolving its thin snows. This universal concentration of men tal energy upon a single aim is con ceived as having developed upon Mars a knowledge of the hidden forces of nature such as has up to the present merely been dreamed of on the earth. We have Just begun to learn how to use electricity In the mechanic arta, but they may have unlocked the secret forces Inclosed In the atoms of matter which our science has recently assured us exist without showing us how to utilise tbem. Only by such suppositions can the "canals," hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles kng, be accounted for. if. as the Flagstaff observers in sist those objects are really of arti ficial origin. It should be said, bow* ever, that In Mr. Lowell'a opinion the bands called canals are. In fact. Irri gated belts. The real canals within tbem are In visible, while the progressive darken ing of these belts, as the polar melting Increases, Is due to the growth of veg etation. stimulated by tbe water. After the world life drama closes there Is left an empty stage, and this Is represented by the moon. The lunar world has lost all Its water. Its bar edy is finished. Tbe actors steal! dead. Millions of years ago there may have been a battle for life there like that which now appears to be raging on Mars. And millions of years In tbe future tbe stage of tbe eartb will prob ably be set for similar tragedy. For, to tbe eyes of tbe overlooking gods (to Changs a little Shakespeare's figure): All ths sky's a stags. And all ths worlds and suns ars merely actors. —Garrett V. Bervlss In New York Jour nal /t •fir -1 «s fr :'W •I- .. & Wm illit SSIS •V'5 mAt Folding a CeaL Here is tbe way to fold a man's coat when you want to pack It te a bos or a trunk. Lay tbe cost out perfectly flat right aide up. Spread tbe sleeves out smoothly, then told tHn back to tbe elbow until the bottoms of tbe cuffs sre even with tbe collar. Fold the revers back and double tbe coat over, folding it on the center seam. 8mootb out all wrinkles and lay it ss ieve) surface in tbe trunk. Half the Joy of life to In little things taken on the run-—David Starr Jordan,?! •. -.J"-.