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la .V tf* !i tkA I You can get one at $1.00 down. JOHN •ATTERLUND proprietor L. L. SATTERLUND Manager Published every Friday at Wash burn, McLean Co., N. D. Catered at the Postoffice at Washburn, N. as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1913 Energy Corrospondence. At the time the Washbiirn Leader issued its first publication June 15, '83, Hancock bottom, then known as Walkers bottom or Walkertown, quite a number of settlers were located here and farming was being carried on to a considerable extent. Our best recollection is that there were 1200 acres sown to wheat and oats that year. The first real pettier was James Walker who drifted down the Missouri in 1878 and located down next to the riv er. Subsequent settlers in order named were: Wm. G. Edwards, Sargent Murray and family, Sar gent Gray and wife, E. T. Win jston, Wm. Smith, Jas Boyle, G. D. Rohrer, Henry Rohrer, F. G. Mattoon, Dan Lewis, Robt. Mann, Richardson. Aside from this list •were the following who were em ployed in the main by E. I Win ston who by theway, was the bananza farmer of the county at that time: James Tower, .Ed. Gray, Ausel Colby, Jas. Diliing Jbam, (Longhaired Jim), Dan Con nell, Jack Hinton, (Dutch Jake), James McDermoth, Tim Harris, (Atheron), Joe. Burruss, 'Sim 4 Graham and several others whose ii names cannot be called to mind. Why We Sell ... -THE-. ....... SOUTH BEND WATCH A. B. Rohrer, Billy Mann, Thos. week these A. B. C. graduates are Mann, Jos. Mann, Taylor Davis, made happy by going into re John Wagner, Frank Earnheart, sponsible positions. Would you Walter Lipscomb and James like a position? Prepare and the Fully 50 per cent of this last WE SELL THE RELIABLE MAKES OP HARVESTING IMPLEMENTS %MD MACHINERY. YOU CAN DEPEND UPON THE KIND WE SELL. '.km JOHN DEERE Thos. Thompson Hdwe. Co. Washburn, N. D. 3 -9 jtfi tern aj. tJU sell this world-famous watch because we honestly be lieve that the South Bend Watch represents more real dollars and cents value, more service satis factory, more everything you have a right to expect in a time piece than any other watch made or sold for the same price. If you expect to use your watch a year or so, it's not so important what kind you get. But if you want one that will give you a lifetime of service—one that you can always rely on—a model of accuracy—get a South Bend. The Man Who Owns a South Bend Watch never hesitates to tell you so. He it proud to carry it—and with reason. For the South Bend knows no rival in reliability. It is unfailingly accurate year in and year out. That's the kind of watch YOU want, isn't it? Call look over these master time pieces today. C. I. WALLS E W E E Washburn. Washburn Leader in and No, Dak. list became actual settlers with in a year or two, and as nearly all of the land on the bottom was taken they located on the high lands in the immediate vicinity. Of all the names mentioned, on ly one real, genuine old timer is included and that is James Boyle now of Cole Harbor. The reason for the omission is that we have included in our list only those who were bonefide residents of the flat at the time the Washburn Leader first made its appear ance. Jim was employed by the government in the building of Old Fort Stevenson in 1873, and we have no knowledge when he first came to Dakota Territory. We have heard it intimated that Jim helped to dig the Missouri., We might, by going outside of our flat, write a long list of old and well known characters who came here in the early 70's but positive data is not at hand. An Old Timer. MADE HAPPY. The following Aaker's Business College students bid goodbye last week to school work preparitory to going into fine positions: Nora Melander, Emma Aashein, Etta Briggs, Earl Orr, Edw. A. Nord quist and Mabel Gullickson. Day after day, week after A. B. C., Fargo, takes care of the position. Send for catalogue. Methodist Church. The regular services at the Methodist church are as follows: Morning service ...» 10:30 Sunday School 11:30 Junior League, Saturday.. 2:30 Evening service 8:30 Prayer meeting Thursday even ing in the church prayer room at 7:30. G. A. Finch, pastor. (, ij (TA* $t\ a. --miaiqt&r •UY YOUR HARVESTING MACHINERY, NOW, AND BE READY FOR CROPS WHEN THEY RIPEN CROPS WONT WAIT. 'Singer Walls'. H. A. Pressler, agent for the Middlewest Hail Insurance Co. was here Friday adjusting hail losses. We can sell you money orders cheaper than the postoffice. First National Bank of Washburn, N. D. Adv Success or failure—which you attend Mankato Commercial Col lege, Mankato, Minn., your suc cess is assured. HARNESS. Get a set of those made-to-order harness sold by the Mandan Mercantile Co., every strap guaranteed. Adv. Misses Jo and Florence Indseth went to Garrison last Friday to be the guests of Mrs. Frank Mc Gray for a week. A son was born at the Robt. Mann home last Saturday. Mrs. Joe Mann went to Energy Mon day to see her new nephew. Fargo is to have a big cele bration next year to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of statehood in North Dakota. One dollar will start a savings account with the old reliable First National Bank, Washburn, N. Responsibility, half million dollar Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holtan came down from Turtle Lake Monday and went on to Painted Woods lake to enjoy the good fishing. Mrs. C. M. Packard entertain ed a number of the young folks Wednesday evening in honor of the Misses Veeder and Stark of Mandan. Weed cutting is the order of the week in town while the farmers have started to cut hay. No rain has interfered with the work this week. Misses Ethel Veeder and Mary Stark drove over from Mandan last Friday and are spending the week as guests at the Packard and Haugeberg homes. Mark Zavolney, who was held here on a charge of slandering Mrs. S. K. Lalka of Dogden, was bound over to district court and let out on $1,500 bond. The firm of A. Schulz and Sons has sold four headers this sum mer. The grain this year is very short and in almost all cases headers will have to be used. Prairie chickens are going to be plentiful this fall. It is un lawful to train dogs out of seacor so there will be no excuse for the early hijnter to braek the law. The frame work for the new German Baptist church was put up *his week. The work wiirpro gress rapidly from now on. The members are already preparing for the ded'cation services. Otto Schulz of Parkston, S. D., arrived Monday and is spending the week transacting business and visiting old friends. He re ports grain as not very good in his home' county this year. Six carloads of cattle are be ing shipped from Washburn to day. Andrew Fahlgren brought in four two-year-olds and sold them to the shipper here for $88.40 each. All cattle are bring- ing in good prices this year. The loss from hail last week was from light to seventy-five per cent. Among those who lost grain were: Karl and Frank Fahlgren, E. E. Slagg, W. E. Furst, all of Qonkling, L. Holz son and Chris Lecknar of Wash burn. A marriage of popular young people last Friday was that of Miss Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred Miller, and Fifed Swan son, son of Mr. and Mrii. Martini Swanson. The wedding took plape in "^Vashburn anS the happy The "Best" four. You should buy flour made at home. Washburn Milling Company LOCAL NEWS Sewing ng Machin Machines at W' Adv Mere. Co's., adc Adv See Holtan in this issue. Reduced prices on Alberta cor sets at Holtan's. Adv, Wanted—A dining ^oom gir at the Star Hotels- Adv Farm Loans made at the Wash burn State Bank, Adv New lot of Lucille corsets re ceived at Holtan's. Adv Karl Klein returner Monday from a business trip to South Dakota and Minnesota. Oscar Fahlgren proved up on a fine quarter section of lam near Conkling, Tuesday. Adv. Rev. J. A. Diesen will preach school house at 11 a. m., and at the coming Sunday in Washburn the Oberg school house at 3:30 p. m. couple left at onee for their farm home a few miles from here. Their many friends extend con gratulations. Cameras can be had at the Studio. You can use them or buy, as you wish. Adv. For your vacation trip take along a Janus Bottle, keeps liquids hot 30 and cold 80 hours. C. I. Walls.—Adv. Found—A man's suit coat. It was picked up on the road one mile northeast of town on July 5th. Call at this office for same. The Wilton ball team came up last Sunday and played a losing game with the Washburn nine. The score was 3 to 17. The many spectators decided Wilton would have to hire a few players before they could beat the local team. If reports are true it will not be long before the town of Mann haven will be abandoned. Seven large buildings will be moved to Stanton. Mannhaven will not be on the railroad, according to present plans, so the people will move.. Lost—a tan three-quarter length balkan coat, no lining also a blue serge suit jacket, with white satin lining, ecru lace collar. Lost Monday July 7, between En ergy park and Myer's farm. Find er please notify Mrs. Joseph Mann, Washburn.—Adv. 4-5 Those who enjoyed the week end at Strawberry Lake were: Messrs and Mesdames Simon, Gallahan, Jeffery, Reitan, Maen nel, Sawyer and A. E. Johnson. They report fishing very good, also swimming and bathing. This ake is more popular than ever this year. My little girl had dysentery very bad. I thought she would di Chamberlain's Colic,C holera and Diarrhoea Remedy cured her, ant can trtuthfully say that I think it is the best medicine in the world," writes Mrs. William Or vis, Clare, Mich. For sale by all dealers.—Adv. Packages that weigh twenty pounds can now be sent by par cel pos+, according to announce ments made from the postoffice department. A reduction is also made in the rates of postage within the first and second zones. Since July many packages have jeen sent C. O. D. which is also proving popular. When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic constipa tion, don't imagine that your cas is beyond help just because yours doctor fails to give you relief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Painfield, N. J., writes, "For pver a month past have been troubledg with my stomach. Everything I ate upset it terribly. One of Chamberlain' advertising booklets came to me. After reading a few of the letters :rom people who had been cured Chamberlain's Tablets, I de cided to try them. I have taken nearly three-fourths of a package everything I want." For sale by of tthem and can now eat almost all dealers..—Adv. Malcolm Correspondence. Swedish services were held in Malcolm school house Sunday forenoon. Bora to Mr. and Mrs. Dahl a iaby girl, last Monday. The dance given at Nels feel's last Tuesday was well at tended and everybody reported good time. Norwegian services were held in Reuter's school house on Sun- day* "if, fci'i Mr and Mrs. A. Johnfon visit ed with A. Olson's on Sunday. Quite a few young people of tla'colm attended the dance given in Coleharbor Saturday evening. Mr. Willie Edd and Misses ilia Edd and Lilly Liner visit ed at Nordean's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Long and iHr. and. Mrs. Reighboff return ed home on Saturday from an auto trip to Cfenada. ^Unsightly Face' Spots Are cured by Dr. Hobson's Ecz ema Ointment, -which heals all skin eruptions. No matter how long you have been troubled by itching, burning, or scaled skin humors, just puta little of that soothing antiseptic, Dr. Hobson's EczemaO intment, on the sores and the suffering stops instantly. Healing begins that very minute. Doctors use it in.their practice pndi recommend it Mr. Alleman, of Littletqufrij- Pa says:: "Had ecz ema on forehead Dr Hobson's Eczema Ointment cured it in two weeks.'' 'Guaranteed to relieve or money refuntt?d All druggists, or by miil,' Price 5Qc l»heiffer Ch^pical Co.,yPhUade]ip)iiia aqd Si $ Mjk V*- SAFETY—First t: VfJ 5 t-i-i SAFETY City Meat Market J. J. 8CHWEIZER, Proprietor Phone No. 2J We Pay Highest Prices for Fat Cattle and Hides. :-v' t-l i£t W- of For Sale One 2 1-2 Horse Fairbanks-Morse Engine with Pump and Pipes One Roller Feed Mill Chas, A. Huntley Washburn, N. D. •NORTH DAKOTA' STATE FAIR GRAND FORKS July 21-26 Inclusive LOW FARES For the ROUND TRIP On Sale July 21-25 Inclusive Return Limit July 28 1913 SEE THE THOUSANDS SPECIAL FEATURES Which Makes This Great F.Thiwtfffn of Splendid Interest to EVEKTONE SPECIAL TRAIN FROM BISBEE via ABDOCK JULY 23rd, 1913 the AGENT A. Gallahan As M:-U$ All is the first essential in good banking. This bank never loses sight of this fact and our depositors may rest assured that their funds will be properly handled at all times. Xh? Washburn State Bank" Choice Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats Fish and Poultry Fresh Vegetables Livery O'sii SW}!» Bought, Sold and Repaired *l ill A "vVVi| •I'^l IV, I :l j£ it v.* '•$r pb "Slpfs mi & %v 4x? if %•**&: (9