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r'w' -i "5 & -V j**' Si x/i & ii 1$ ?4 '{&• »3- RETURN LOCAL NEWS The Lemley Musical went broke at Willison. Mrs. Aug. E. Johnson went to Bismarck Monday and remained several days visiting her sister. Rev. Ira Hammer, pastor of the Methodist church of Turtle Lake, spent last Friday and Saturday here. Lot of dresser scarfs, center table covers, embroidered end towels, etc., for Holiday selling at Holtans.—Adv. Mesdames Mann and Southey went to Garrison Saturday to spend Sunday with Mesdames Sutton and Nelson. Several farewell parties were given in Underwood last week for Mrs. W. L. Gordon before her departure for this city. Mrs. Mathison was taken to the hospital at Bismarck Mon day and may have to have an operation before she recovers her health. The last of the evangelistic services was held at the Metho dist church last Sunday evening. Rev. Tullis has returned to Hett inger after holding these suc cessful services. to the grocer all sub stitutes sent you for Royal Bak •b ing Powder. There is no sub stitute for ROYAL. Royal is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub stitutes are made from alum. •T?! IC-2S vL Savory roasters. The sale of the delinquent tax jes "was held in the office of the county auditor on Tuesday. Not Comedy' much interest was taken in the sale this year. The beautiful Indian summer is still with us. All week the {weather has been exceptionally warm. This has cerainly been an unusual winter. The serial story, A Christmas Honeymoon, begins in this is sue. Be sure to read the open ing number as the story will be very interesting. The clubbing offer that the Leader has made will close Dec ember 25th. Call at this office and look over the papers that are described in this club. Martin Holtan bought the An drew Peterson house and has made many improvements on it. When completed it will be rent ed by Harris Peterson. Mrs. E. Hedlund of Under wood underwent an operation in Bismarck this week. She is getting along nicely and will be home in a couple of weeks. Miss Nellie Connolly made proof Monday on her claim in Oliver county. She has a valuable piece of land and with a railroad near by it will bring in some money as a farm. *V Salad dishes...- Salad sets Sugar and cream sets Cracker jars _—_ Fancy cups and saucers— Vases 1 Baby A. B. C. plates Star cut glass water sets 4-piece glass sets finely polished, set ._ $1.00 to ___„30c to For the House Wife r_-i Aluminum coffee potsij:. Kitchen cabinets .. _:. China closets Library tables. Vl/E invite you to come in and see our assortment of holiday mer W chandise. In selecting our Christmas goods, we have kept in mind articles that are useful as well as appropriate. We will mention some of the Jines which we trust you will examine before jnaking your holiday purchases We are headquarters for everthing in China from a 10c plate to decorated Haviland china fiS In China Department Cake plates ___! 25c to $2.00" 25c to 2-OOfS 3.oo|f 1 4 0 1.10 15-20-25-40-50-60C -50C to $1.25 15c $1.50 1.00 S I.50 3.25 $3,00 and ...$25.00 and ,_u 10.00 35.00 and 14.0 Oil (j H*»fc ehp in a^V -V Mrs. Geo. Thallis, who lias been visiting her mother, Mrs. Indseth, and sisters, returned to her home at Minneapolis Monday after a stay here of six weeks A dinner party was given at the Mann home Tuesday evening at which Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Sawyer were the honor guests. They expect to leave next week for their new home. Mrs. Bertha Peterson, mother of Herman and Emil Peterson who own a farm ten miles north of here, was taken to the hos pital at Jamestown. She is 80 years old. She was taken to Jamestown by one son and the deputy sheriff. Wanted At Once—your suits, coats or anything in the clothing line, whether Ladies or Gents, sent to me by parcel post to be cleaned and pressed or repaired. Prices the lowest satisfaction guaranteed. John Ilolkup, Mer chant Tailor.—Adv. 20-27. I Mr. and Mrs. Martin Holtan celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary by giving a dinner Wednesday evening. A number who attended their wedding were invited to the dinner. A pleasant evening was spent re calling incidents of the wedding. Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Gordon moved down from Underwood Saturday and are now comforta ably settled in the Funk resi dence which they bought. Dr. Sawyer has turned over his prac tice to Dr. Gordon and he is already administering to the sick. Geo. W. Tilton, editor of the Center Republican, was here Tuesday to meet F. T. Williams of Calgary, Alta., father of Mrs. Tilton, who dropped dead Sat urday evening without warning. She leaves her husband and two grown up daughters to mourn her loss. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tilton lived in Under wood at one time so have Mends in this neighborhood who regret to hear of her death and extend sympathy to the bereaved. See Our See Our /TvHc .Novelty Goods Suspenders, arm bands and gart ers in holiday boxes $1.25 Arm bands and garters in box 50c Suspenders and arm bands $1.00 Suspenders in holiday boxes 5oc Silk suspenders in boxes $1.00 6 pairs men's mercerized hose, black, tan or gray, box. 1.35 Work boxes, necktie boxes, brush and comb sets. _"_ !t :_35c to $3.00 card albums _______________10c to 1.50 For the Boys Daisy air rifles King air rifles V- r8K- It- Pocket knives_:_.______^4 ^------10c to 25c Games, Harmonicas, Boy scout purses 25c ir VS Y' Igiving, I a to $1.75 :-JL25 ft L50 T'S RATHER HARD to buy Xmas gifts, isn't it? Not that you dis like the idea of but you are at a loss to know what will please Father. You will not have this trouble if you will consult us, for we are specialists in the selec tion of the right gift for the rig ht person. Here are just a few of the many sugges tions we can make to you: FOR MOTHER— A beautiful piece of silver gift that would be in excellent be greatly appreciated by her. FOR FATHER— A South Bend Watch, a real man' A South Bend Watch will give him a lifetime of accurate service. It's the most durable and ac curate watch we know of You very thin design if you wish. He be proud of a gift like this. FOR SISTER— A locket of the latest ami design. She would certainly be gift like this, with a nice chain to wear it on. FOR BROTHER- A high grade fountain pen—one that never clogs up, scratches or refuses to write. He will find it a mighty handy convenience and. fore, a very acceptable gift. FOR BABY— A spoon—it's about the nicest gift can give a baby. These are only a few of the things which we are able to sug gest. Come in and look over our very complete stock and you will get a great number of sugges tions. rtiutcn Your Dressy or csmw woaas with ormhx, Now t&at women are wearing frocltt cut «o low at tbe neck for every oc casion both indoora and out tbe acarf Cor piotncttoB against tbe wintry winds fa almost a neceaaity with street cos tnmca. Of conrse, mi|ady envelope ber pretty throat in handsome furs, bat •t ^iurcb, the matinee and the like, tbere aai apt to be drafts, so one la gentooe couturier has lent along with Ua cbie little hat a scarf of dilffon edged with oetridL Theee ecarfa, In •ddltloft to pfotectton, are very smart ,v- plated ware. A taste and would can get it in the will certainly most exquisite pleased with a C. I. WALLS Agent for SOUTH BEND WATCHES Mrs. S. A. Floren came up from Bismarck yesterday morn ing to pack up some of their household goods. They will make their home in Bismarck until spring and then returai here. Mr. Floren has recovered his health and is working in the Bismarck office of the Benton Packet Co. there .V The infant daughter of Mr. and of Garrison spent Wednesday in Mrs. Ole Stefferud passed away the city as the guests of Mr. and Monday evening after a short Mrs. J. T. McCulloch. Mr. and life of one week. The little one Mrs. Robinson were on their way only weighed four pounds at, to St. Louis where tliey expect to its birth and was not well at any time. Many friends extend sympathy to the sorrowing par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Robinson (Reer spend a month visiting relatives On January (ith they will cele brate their fiftieth wedding anni versary in the house in which they were married. Some of the guests will be those who attend ed the wedding. Notice of Meeting The annuaj meeting of the stockholders of the Fii'st -^a* tionul Bank of Waj hlurn will b" held at the banking rooms of the corporation Wednesday, januarv 7,1914. Aug. K. Johnson, Of Interest to Women Hat With a 8carf. Miss Wilson's In tbe matter of a trousseau Miss Jessie Wilson reversed the order of ttae .verage bride of tbe period, again prov ing that she has a conspicuous amount of common sense. Every gown except tbe wbite satin wedding gown Is said to bave been selected from ready to wear stock presented by a high class specialty bouse. Tbe lingerie, on the other hand, has all been made to order under the personal direction of tbe bride and her mother. Furthermore, most of tbese dainty belongings are of exquisitely fine material and hand\t made, to Insure the old time elegance/ of our grandmothers as well as an ex- .' cellence of construction rarely found in tbe modern trousseau. s. Cashier. The ten room bouse at Wllliamstown. Mass.. where Mr. Sayre and bis bride will begin their married life, will be|:. one of the best equipped in that land of good housekeeping with a large parts of tbe linen exquisitely Initialed byr Miss Wilson aud ber sisters. Beyond the fact tliat one of Mlss^(( Wilson's bridesmaids will be ber sister Eleanor, tbe list of attendants so far bas not been confided to anv one be yond tbe family circle. Cuban Women Intellectual. Cuban women are very intellectual,' said a Spanish visitor to tbe States re*, cently. although tbey haven't had that reputation. Even in the old days Cuba' bad its intellectual women, and we are very proud of tbe fact that the, greatest woman In Spanish literature, Oertrudis Gomes de Avellaneda, «|v born there. She la regarded. In fact, aa one of tbe world'a great poets, be ing ranked wltb Sappbo and Browning. number of statuee ba^t^ been erected to ker memory on Island, and great preparatlona are no# being made for tbe celebratlonot* centenary on March 23, 1914, »&!. "Qne cartons difference between trudis de Avellaneda and the tnouna^^i intellectual woman was that the wi« 'f very masculine. In thoii days a man bad to be a man to do anything^ Sbe couldn't afford to be womaaly." -n* &