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& tMpSfefl LEGAL NOTICES KVNotices published under this heading will charged legal rates according othe law and no affi davit will be issued until all publi cation charges are paid. Mortgage Foreclosure Sale Notice is hereby given, That de fault has been made in the terms and conditions of that certain mort gage made, executed and delivered by Ervin..W. Trapp and Myrtle Trapp, hfie wife. Mortgagors, to M. E. VV1I son & Company, a corporation, Mort gagee, dated and bearing date Nov ember 19,1908, and filed for record in the office of the Register of DeedB of McLean County, North Da klcrta, on the 20th day of November 1908, at 5:15 o'clock P. M., and there in duly recorded in Book "B-23" of Mortgages on page 548 thereof that sadd default consists in the failure of said mortgagors to pay wihen due or a4. all, the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, the balance of the Indebtedness secured by sadd mort gage, to wit: the Bum of Thirty-four ($34.00) Collars falling due on Nov ember 14, 1913, and in also failing to pay the following sum falling due on a certain prior mortgage of record covering said lands hereinafter de scribed, to-wit, Fifty-eix ($56.00) Diollars falling due November 14, 3913, which said sum so falling due on eaJd prior mortgage, the under signed mortgagee has heretofore and after the same became due and de linquent paid to protect his said mortgage aforesaid. Now therefore, notice js hereby further given that said mortgage hereinbefore par ticularly described will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in said mortgage and hereinafter described' at the front door of the court house in the City of Washburn, McLean County, North Dakota, on the 6th day of June A. D. 1914, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said' day to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage and hereinbefore par ticularly described, on the said day of sale, including the said sum of Fifty-six ($56.00) Dollars so paid as aforesaid on said prior mortgage with interest thereon at 12 per cent per annum from November 14, 1913. The premises described in said' mortgage, hereinbefore particularly described, and which will be sold to satisfy the same, are those certain premises situated in McLean County, North Dakota, and particularly de scribed as follows, to-wit: The East half of the Southwest quarter (B^SW4) and the South west quarter of the Southwest quar ter (SW'/iSW'/i) of Section Tiwenty three (23) and the Northwest quar ter of the Northwest quarter (NW% NW%) of Section Twenty-six (26) Township One Hundred and fifty (150) North of Range Eighty-two (82 West, according to the United States government survey thereof. There will be due on. said mortgage hereinbefore particularly described, on the said day of sale, the sum of BIgfaty-flve and 41-100 ($85.41) Doll ars, including the sum so paid as aforesaid on said prior mortgage, and the pretmisesi aforesaid will be so sold as aforesaid, to satisfy the same together with the costs of sale and statutory attorneys fees. Dated this 21st day of Ajpril A. D. 1914. M. E. Wilson & Comfpany, vm Mortgagee. Palmer, Craven & Burns, Attorneys for said Mortgagee, Office and P. O. address Williston, N. Dak. Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Sale by Advertisement Default having occurred in the conditions of the mortgage hereinii. after described by which the Power of Sale therein contained has become operative, and no action or proceed ing having been instituted either, at law or in equity to recover the debt socured by sadd mortgage or any part thereof, and a Plower of At torney authorizing the foreclosure of said mortgage having been made, executed and delivered to R. A. Piaimeter, the undersigned attorney, by T. L. Beiseker, the mortgagee therein mentioned, on the 18th day of Ajpril A. D. 1914, which power of At torney wae filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of McLean and State of Nbrth Dakota on the 22nd day of Akril A. D. 1914, ait 11:45 o'clock A M., and wa» duly recorded in Book "6-16" of Miscellaneous Records, on page 340, notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage made, execu ted and delivered by Anfin Arneson, a single man, Mortgagor, to T. L. Beiseker, Mortgagee, dated the 21st day of October A. D. 1910, and filed for record in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds in and for the Coun ty of McLean and State of North Da kota on the 22nd day of October A. D. 1910, at 3:30 o'clock P. M., and duly recorded In Book "B-36" of Mortgages, on page 238, will be fore closed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter de scribed at the front door of the Court House in the /City of Wash, burn, County of McLean and State of Nbrth Dakota, at the hour of ten -o'clock in the forenoon, on. the 25th day of June A. D. 1914, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are those certain ^premises situated in the County of McLean and State of Nbrth Dakota, vand deecribeed as follows, to-wit: The Southwest quarter (SWK) of 'Section twenty-four (24) in Town ship One hundred forty seven (147) pNlorth of Range seventy-nine (79) West of the Fifth Principal Merl JdJan, containing One hundred sixty f' '(140) acres, more or less, according '.',to the Government Survey thereof, t, There will be due on said mortgage on the day of sale the sum of Three hundred twenty-four and 40-100 Del eters ($324.40) exclusive of costs and disbursements and attorney fees al lowed by taw. Dated at Fessenden, Nbrth Dakota this 6th day of May A. D. 1914. T. L.- Beiseker, lfoMMM. B. A. Palmeter, Attorney for 1. Notice of Real Sstate Mortgage Foreclosure 8ale by Advertisement Default having occurred in the con ditions of the mortgage hereinafter described by which the power of sale therein contained has became opera, tive and no action or proceeding: hav ing been instituted edther at law or in equity to recover the debt se cured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and a Power of Attorney authorizing the foreclosure of said' mortgage having been made, executed and delivered to R. A. Palmeter, the undersigned attorney, By T. L. Bei seker, the assignee of the mortgagee therein mentioned, on the 4th day of April A. D. 1914, which Power of At torney was filed for record in the office at the Register of Deed® in and for the County of McLean and State of North Dakota on the 6th day of April A. D. 1914, at 4:15 o'clock P. M„ and was duly recorded in Book "G-16" of Miscellaneous Rec ords, on page 305, notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage made executed and delivered by John W. Aldrldge and Ethel Aldrldge, his wife. Mortgagors, to T. L. Beiseker, Mortgagee, dated the 22nd day of September, A. D. 1908, and filed' for record in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds in and for the County of McLean and State of North Dakota on the 28th day of September A. D. 1908, ait 5:30 o'clock P. M. and duly recorded in Book "P-21" of Mort gages, on page 69,' and assigned by the said Mortgagee to C. C. Webber, Wm. G. Mixter and Ben C.' Keator, by an instrument in writing dated the 5th day of October A. D. 1908, and filed for record in said office of the Register of Deeds on the 2nd day of November A. D. 1908, at 5 o'clock P. M., and duly recorded in. Book "H-3" of Mortgages, on page 443, and thereafter assigned by C. C. Webber and Wm. G. Mixter to T. L. Bei seker by ail instrument in writing dated the 20th day of March A. D. 1914, and filed for record in said of fice of the Register of Deeds on the 4th day of April A. D. 1914, at 3:50 o'clock P. M„ and duly recorded in Book "H-10" of Mortgages, on page 480, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described at the front door of the Court Hjauee in the City of Washburn, County of McLean and State of North Dakota, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 10th day of June A. D. 1914, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are those certain premises situated in the County of McLean and State of North. Dakota, and described as follows,to-wit: The Northwest quarter (NW'/i) of Section three (3) in Township One hundred fifty (150) North of Range eighty six (86) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, containing One hundred sixty (160) acres', more, cf less, according to the Government Survey thereof. 1 There will be due on said mort gage on the day of sale the sum of Six hundred seventy five and 99. 100 Dollars ($675.99) exclusive of costs, disbursements and attorney fees allowed by law. Dated at Fessenden, North Dakota, this 21st day of April A. D. 1914. T. L. Beiseker, Assignee of Mortgagee. R. A. Palmeter, Attorney for Assignee of Mortgagee, Fessenden, North Dakota. Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Sale by Advertisement Default having occurred in the con ditions the mortgage hereinafter described by which the power of sale therein contained has become opera tive and no action or proceeding hav ing been instituted either at law or in equity to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof, and a Power of Attorney authoriz ing the foreclosure of said mortgage having been made, executed and de livered to R. A. Palmeter, the under, signed attorney, by John W. Shelby, the mortgagee therein mentioned, on the 27th day of March A. D, 1914, which Power of Attorney was filed for record in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds in and for the Coun ty of McLean and'State of North Dakota on the 4th day of A/prll A. D. 1914, at 3:50 o'clock P. M., and was duly recorded in Book "G-16" of Miscellaneous Records, on page 301, notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by John W.. Aldridge and Ethel Aldrldge, his wife, Mortgagors, to John W. Shelby, Mortgagee, dated the 22 day of September A. D. In Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure 8ale Notice is hereby given that by reason of default therein that certain mortgage, executed and delivered by Wilhelm Delzer and Emilie Delzer, his wife, mortgagors, to The Home stead Real Estate Loan Company, a corporation, mortgagee, dated Sep tember 28th, A. D. 1909, and record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds, in and for McLean county, State of North Dakota, on the 19th day of October A. D. 1909, at 3:30 o'clock, P. M., and duly recorded in Book B23, of Mortgages on Page 296, and by it assigned to Gold Stabeck Land & Credit Com|any, a corporation, on the 22nd day of Nov ember A. D. 1909, which assignment was duly recorded in the aforesaid Register of Deeds office on Novem ber 26th, A. D. 1909, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and duly recorded in Book H-6 of Mortgage Assignments, on page 196, and by it assigned' to Northern Farm Security Company, a corporation, on the 2nd day of April A. D. 1914, which assignment was duly recorded to the office of the aforesaid Register of Deeds, on the lOith day of April A. D. 1914, at 4 O'clock, P. M., and duly recorded in Book H-10 of Mortgage Records, on Page 490, will be foreclosed by a pale of the premises in'said mortgage and hereinafter described at the front dioor of the'court houses in the city of Washburn, County of McLean, State of North Dakota, on the 12th day of June A. D. 1914, at two o'clock, in the afternoon, to satisfy tiie amount due on said mortgage on the dajte of sale. By reason of the said default in said mortgage hereinbefore described .the assignee and holder thereof hereby elects to declare the entire principal sum now due and payable as provided by the terms and con ditions of said mortgage, in case of default therein, which said default consists of non-payment of interest when due December 1st, A. D. 1913, and the non-payment of taxes by mortgagors, assessed against the said land described in said mortgage be fore they became delinquent. No action or proceeding at law or otherwise, has at any time been had to recover the debt or any part thereof secured by said mortgage. The premises described in said mortgage and which will be fore closed to satisfy the same are de scribed as follows, to-wit: The North east Quarter (NE%), Section .Twenty six (26), Township One Hundred Forty-nine (149), North, Range Eighty-two (82), west of the Fifth Principal Meridian, situate in the County of McLean, State of North Dakota. There will be due on said mortgage on the day of sale the sum of Ten Hundred Ninety-five and 65-100 Dol lars ($1095.65), together with statu tory attorney's fees and costs of foreclosure. Dated at Lanstord, No. Dak. this 217th day of April A. D. 1914. Northern Farm Security Company, (a corporation) Assignee of Mortgagee. H. O. Simon, Sheriff, McLean Couhty, No. Dak Morton & Mohr, Attorneys for Assignee of Mortgagee, Lansford, No. Dak. 1908, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and Township One Hundred *ifty for the County of McLean and State North, of Range Eighty-five of North Dakota on the 28th day of September A. D. 1908, at 5:40 o'clock M., and duly recorded in Book B-25" of Mortgages, on page, 97, will be foreclosed by a 'sale of the premises in such mortgage and here, inafter described at the front door of the Court House in the City of. Washburn, County 'of McLean and State of North Dakota at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 10th day of June A. D. 1914, to satis fy the amount due jipon said mortgage on the day of Bale. Hie premises described in said mortgage and which will Be 'sold to satisfy the same are those certain premises situated in' the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit: The Northwest quarter (NW%) of Section three (3) in Township One hundred fifty (150) North of Range eighty giz (86) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, containing One hundred sixty (160) acres, -more or less, according to the government Survey thereof There will be due on said mortgage on the day of', sale the sum of Twenty five and 76rl00 Dollars ($25.75) exclusive of copts disburse ments and attorney, fast a|kw6d by by l*w. Dated at Fessenden, Nbrth this 21st day of AprtlA. D. 1914, John W. Shelby, Mortgagee. R. A. Palmeter, h-vi Attorney tor Mortgagee, Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Sale Default having been made in the term and conditions of that certain real estate mortgage hereifaafter de scribed, in that the. mortgagors have failed to keep up and pay the in terest and taxes due under said mortgage: Now therefore: Notice is hereby given that that certain real estate mortgage made, executed and delivered by Daniel A. Kline and Eva L. Kline, his wife, of Douglas, McLean Ccunty, North Da kota, as mortgagers, to J. F. Loomis, as mortgagee, dated on the 5th., day of October, A. D. 1911, in the sum of Fifteen Huidred ($1500.00) Dollars and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for McLean County, North Dakota, on the 10th., day of October, A. D. 1911, at 4 o'clock P. M. and recorded in said office in Book "B-35" of mort gages at page 211, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such' mortgage and hereinafter described by the Sheriff of McLean County, North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday the 13th., day of June, A. D. 1914, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on the day of sale. The premises described in said mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: The Southwest Quarter (SW%) of Section Twenty, (20) in (150) (85.) West, containing one hundred/sixty (160) acres, more or less, aooonUng to the government survey thereof. That ihere will be due on sai& mort gage at the date of sale the sum of One Thousand, Mine Hundred' Two and 25-10Q ($1902.25) Dollars, besides the costs of this foreclosure. Dated this 20th., day 'of April, A. D. 1914. •V r- %h\ J. F. Loomis, /Mortgagee," C. O. Bangert, Attorney for Mortgagee, Whose office and post offlttce Address is Enderlin, No. Dak/ Child Cross? Fevwrifih? 8iek? A cms, peevish, listless child} with coated tongue, pale, doegiii sleep eats sometimes very little then' again ravenously stomach' sour breath fetid pains in the (kdmach^ Vwith diarrhea grinds teeth labile asleep, and starts up with temor-^all" suggest a Worm Killer—something th?t expels, worms* and ahjibpt every ohald )ia» them. Kicloapoo Wiorm Kill er iieeded. Get a box today. Start at once. You won*t have.t Worm Kiel coax* a? i«a the worms, the 'cause child's trouble. 25c,, ection Expel* of your S# fvr-t i- 5 ABSTRACT.OF STATEMENT For the Year Ending. December 31, A. D., 19t3. Of the condition and affairs of the McLean County Fanners' Mutual, Hire, Lightning and Cyclone Insurant Comipany of Washburn, No. Dak., organized under the laws of the State of North Dakota, made to the Commissioner of. Insurance of the Sitate of North Dakota, in pursu ance of the laws of said sitate. President, Hermon Hanson. Secretary, O. B. Wing. Principal Office, Washburn, No. Dak. Attorney for Service of Process in the State of North Dakota: Name, Commissioner of Insurance Location, Bismarck, N. D. Organized or Incorporated, Decem ber 17, 1904. Ootmnienced business, April 20,1905 Balance cash on hand in bank December 31 of pre vtous year, 19J2 ....... $ 415.26 Income During Year 1913. Cash received as first pay ment of policies issued during year .... $417.58 Cash received from all oth er sources, viz: interest on.depos'ts $24.39 TVxtal amount of cash receiv ed during year ........ 441.95 Disbursements Qurina the Year 1913* Pai'.d losses incurred during year .$88.57 ,, Plaid commitssiona' to agents $88.00 Paid directors $25.30 Pa!d salaries of officers, President $3.30 Treasur er $5.00 .$8.30 Plaid postage $1.67 Plaid for printing $18.15 Paid insurance department fees $4.00 Total amount of disburse ments during year .... $ 233.99 Balance cash on hand to end of year, 1913 ...... $ 623.22 Policy Exhibit No of policies in force Dec 'Cennber 31 of previous year, 251 $412745.00 Nlo of policies issued dur ing the year, 38 new and 12 additional, 38 65798.00 Total 289 ..' 478543.00 Deduct No. of policies expir ed and ceased to be in force during year, 29 •. 38382.00 Nio. of policies and amount in force at end of year, viz: Decemiber 31, 1913 260 440161j00 No. of loss claim® present ed during the year, three. Nio. of losses paid in full as adjusted, three 88.57 STATU OF NOItTH DAKOTA, Office of Csmmlssloiicr of Insurance. I. W. C. Ta.vlor. Commissioner of In surance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a trne abstract of the original statement how on file In this office." In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my blind and affixed the seal of this office at Bismarck the 1st day of April* A. IX IBM (SEAL) W. C. TAYLOR. Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OF AUTHOR- ITY. Whereas, the McLean County Farmers' Ma tial Fire and Lightning Insurance Company, a corporation organized under the laws of North Dakota, has filed in this office a sworn slitemeBt exhibiting Its 'con dition and business for the year end ing December SI. 1013, conformable to the requirements of the laws of this state, regulating the business of Insurance, and. Whereas, the said company, has filed In this ntUce a duly certified copy of its charter wfrlt certificate of organisation In compliance with the requirements of the lnsiiriin-e-laws aformniil. Now. therefore. I, W. C. Taylor, Com missioner of Insurance of the State, of North DtikM*. pursuant to the provisions of ifl laws, do lereb.v certify that the above named company is fully empowered, through its authorised agents, to transact its appropriate business of authorised in surance in this state according to the lawa thereof, until tile 31st day of March, -A. D. If 15. In estimony whereof, I have hereunto set it-, band and seal at Bismarck, this 1st dt of April. A. D. 1014. (SEA W. C. TAYLOR. Commissioner of Insurance. Meeting of Shareholders Ttieie will be a ir eeting of the shareholders of the Firet Na tional Bank of Washburn, N. D. at their banking room on Tues day, June 9, at 4 o'clock p. for the purpose of electing a board of directors. Dated at Washburn, N. D. April 29,1914. Aug. E. Johnson, Cashier. Indigestion? Can't Eat? No Ap petite? r.- A treatment of Electric Batt ers increases your appetite stops indigestion you can eat everything. A real spring tome for liver, kidney and stomach troubles. Cleanses your whole gjysfcem and you feel fine. Elec tric Bitters did more for Mr. T. D. Peeble 's stomach troubles thaa any medicine he ever tried. Get a bottle today. 50c. and $1.Q0, at your .druggist. Bucklen's Arnica Salve for Eczema. —Adv. ^. 1,v I iiS&i Bids Advertisement for The Committee ou Equity Pic nip will receive waled Bk|s Sox, privilege and exclusiv^ rights for running, the folloiWi.^ 'stand* at the- Bffwty Kcnic/ .to be held, at Underwood, N. D., cih the Fair Grounds June 18-19. Lunch and Meals,, Gane Racbi*. Knife Rajeks, Doll Batiks and Shifting Gallery. AH bids to bje acciampanied with 50 per cent of the bids, bal ance to be paad the, morning of June 18, and- all b&ds must be filed with the aeetetufy on or buf fer- Jun? V1914 Board reserv es the right In reject any and: all bid!. wmmm as AB8TRACT OF STATEMENT for the Year Ending December 31, A. D. 1913. Of the condition and affalra of the Mich Inn Commercial Insurance Co. of Lansing, Hicb., organised under the lawa of .the State of Michigan, made to the Cdtnmls sloner of Insurance of the State of Tiortn Dakota, in pursuance of the lawa of said atate. President—F. 0. Bennett. Vice President—K. F. Caole/. Secretary—A. D. Baker. Principal Office—La'nsing, Mich. Attorney for Service of Process In the Btate of North' Dakota: Name, Insurance Commissioner Loca tion, Bismarck. N. D. Organized or Incorporated December, 1904. Commenced, business January, CAPITAL. Amount of capital atock- paid up in full $ 1803. Value of real estate owned by the company .....9 Loans on bonds and mort- gages 400,000.00 ASSETS. 15,198.08 696,428.73 State, city, county and other bonds 128,952.00 Cash on hand and-in bank... 118,893.06 Interest due and accrued .... 11.399.20 Premiums in course of collec tion and transmission 59,318.19 9 930,189.28 Unadmitted assets, agents' balances written prior to Oct. 1, 1913 9,099.86 Total assets ..' ..$ 921,089.40 LIABILITIES. Uross claims for losHeg ad justed and unpaid $ 27,823.10 Gross claims for losses upon which no action has been taken 62,075.56 Losses resisted by the com pany 16,708.16 Total gross amount of claims for tosses $ sal- Deduct reinsurance and vage claims thereon All other liabilities 106,606.88 61,942.52 Net amount of unpaid losses.$ 44,664.36 Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks.... 277,822.14 Due for commissions and brokerage 350.00 339,586.50 Total liabilities KBCEIPTS. Premiums received during the year In cash .$ _496,257.52 Interest and dividends receiv ed during the year 36,717.44 Rents received during the year 1,577.28 Total receipts -$ 534,552.24 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid during the year. .$ 241,321.68 Paid for commissions and brokerage 84,813.63 Paid for salaries, fees and other charges 21,487.23 Paid for taxes 11,392.28 Amount of all other disburse ments 107,800.86 Total disbursements $ 466,815.68 NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS. Total risks taken during the year ...» 801^95.00 Total premiums received dur ing the year 5,531.41 Total losses Incurred during the year 96*85 Total amount of losses paid daring the year 1,790.26 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, W. C. Taylor, Commissioner of Insur ance of the State of North Dakota, do hereby, certify that the foregoing a true abstract of the original statement ww on file In this office. In testimony whereof. 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this office at Klamarefc the 1st day of April, A. D. 1914. (SEAL) W. C. TAYLOR, Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA. Office af Commissioner, of Insurance. COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE: OF AU THORITY. Whereas, the Michigan Cogrmereial In surance Co„ a corporation organised un der the lkwa of Michigan, has filed in this office a sworn statement exhibiting its condition and bhalness for' the year «M ing December 31, 1913, conformable to the requirements of the laws of thla state, regulating the' business of insurance, MM). Whereas, the said company hars filed fa this office dtaty certified copy of its char ter with certificate of.organisation In com pliance with the requirements of the In surance laws aforesaid. Now. therefore. T, W. C. Taylor, Commis sioner of Insnrance of the State of- North Dakota, pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do hereby certify that..the abflve named company Is fnlly empowered, through Its authorised agents, to transaet its appropriate business of authorised in surance in this state according to. the laws thereof, until the 31st day of Mareb, A. D. 1915. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal at Bismarck, this 1st day of April, A. D. 1914. (SEAL) W. C. TAYLOR, Commissioner of Insurance. WisMmra, No. Dak. Joes your fanii maddnenr iie#flxUglf| Bring it in» We will potttin, coodittai at atowprice Ca rieri ef Blackuntth Ceal far Silt. TtiLIE HAS PROVEN THIS STATEMENT imp** a 'i •, -v mm-- siiyspr Attorney for Servlcc of Process In tne State of North Dakota: Xiisnc, Commissioner 'of Insurance cation. Bismarck. N. D. Total cross amount of claims for losses ...» 2,055,159.93 Deduct reinsurance and .sal vage claims thereon ...... 870,909.08 Net amount of unpaid losses. 1,184,259.90 Amount- of unearned pre-. mi urns on all outstanding risks 13,447.976.00 W'¥$M0 ABSTRACT OF STATEMENT Far the Year Ending December SI, ,"j A. O. 1913. Of the condition and affalra of the Home Insurance Co. of New York, organlzed un der the Inws of the Stfcte of New York. made to the Commissioner of Insurance or ,, the State of North Dakota, In pursuance of S/v the laws of said state. President—Elbrldge G. Snow. ,. Vice President—E'rederlc C. Buawell. v: Secretary—Charles L. Tyncr. Principal Office—56 Cedar Street, New York city, N. Y. ,3 Commissioner of Insurance. STATE OP NORTH DAKOTA,' Office of Commissioner af Insurance. COMPANY'S CERTIFICATE OP AU THORITY. Whereas, the Heme Insnrance Co., a corporation organized under the lawa Qf New York, has filed In this office a sworn statement exhibiting its condition, and Imsiness for the .year ending' December ST. T!iI3, conformable to the requirements of the laws nf this state, regulating the business of iitsui'iim-e, anil.. Whereas, the sulil company haa filed In this office a dulv certified copy of lta (•barter with certificate of organisation In eompiiiiuce with the requirements of the Insurance laws, aforesaid. Now. therefore. 1. W. C. Taylor. Com missioner of Insurance, of the State of North Dsrfcotit. pursuant'to the provisions of sahl laws, do hereby certify that the. above named company Is fully empower-. ed, through Its authorized agents, to,: transact ita appropriate hushiees of au thorlsed insurance in this state according to. the lawa-thereof, until the Slat day'of: March. A.. D. 1915. In testimony whereof, I. have 'hereunto, set my hand and seal at Bismarck,' this 1st day of April, A. D.. 1914. (9KAL) W. C. TATEOft. Commissioner of Insnrance. Cife- W Lo- Organized or Incorporated April, 1858. Commenced business April 13, 1853. CAPITAL. Amount of capital stock paid up In full 9 6,000,00».( ASSETS. Lonns on bonds and mort sn^es I 10,809.00 United States stocks and bonds 162,000.00 Railroad bonds and stocks... 18,511,570.00 State, city, county and other bonds Bank stocks Other corporation stocks .... Cash on liand and in bank.... Interest due and accrued .... Premiums In course of collec tion and transmission .... Unadmitted assets 2,248,730.! 7,980,240: 407,790.1 1,519,000.00 1,810,185.35 244,719.00 Total assets $33,139,915.81 LIABILITIES. Gross claims for lossea adjust ed and unpaid 9 236,688.00 Gross claims for losses upon which no action has been taken 1,742,299.98 Losses resisted by the com-. pany 76,172.00 $14,632,235.90 634,660.22 1,800,000.00 All other liabilities .... Reserve as a conflagration sur plus 322,836.50 16,750.00 Total liabilities $17,006,896.12 RECEIPTS. Premiums received during the year In cash .$14,603,434.72 Interest and dividends receiv ed during the year 1,411,091.73 Amount received from all oth er sources 3,051,886.65 Total receipts $19,066,323.10 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses paid dnring the year. .$ 7,580,649.10 Dividends paid during the year .• 4,200,000.00 Paid for commissions and brokerage 3,019,640.12 Paid for salaries, fees and other charges 971,069.45 Paid for taxes 335,560.93 Amount of all other disburse ments 1,589,013.63 Total disbursements $17,695,923,32. NORTH DAKOTA BUSINESS. Total risks taken during the year 88,347.36 Total premiums received dur ing the year 75,180,44 Total losses Incurred during the year 101,086.0? Total amount of losaes paid during the year 75,180.44 STATE OP NORTH DAKOTA. Office of Commissioner of Insurance. I, W. C. Taylor, Commissioner of Insur a nee of the State of North Dakota, do hereby certify that the foregoing la a -true abstract of "the orlgiaal statement now on file- In this office. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of this, office at Blsmarek the 1st day of April, A. D. 1914. (SEAL)' W. C. TAYLOR. •f iili imm fk |S§& ti: r»iir'iv 1 SSSK.v.