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1 [i W Farm Loans made at the Wash burn State Bank, Adv. J. A. Hyland of BJIamarck was here between trains Tuesday. Cameras can be Studio. You can buy, as you wish. had at the use them or Adv. Miss Margaret Westmiller wen to Bismarck Saturday and re turned Monday^ L. A. Schipler, M. D., Diseas es of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Bismarck, N. D.—Adv. Wm. ELerred arrived MJonday from Wttahburn and has accepted a position with the Swanson Aut Garage.—Underwood Journal. Fruit Jar rubbers, Fruit Jar Funnels, Fruit Jar Wrenches,' Fruit Pfarecvee and etc., for sale at Thompson Hardware.—Adv. Mrs. Brownson and her daugh ter-in-law of Wilton are guests at the Hendricks home "this week. They arrived' Wednesday mOrnin L. T. Stanley of Garrison spent Tuesday 'here. Hie is advertising the big corn show that will held in Garrison September 25 and 26. Business education is the key to success Take a course in Man kato Osnuaeraa* College. Man kato, Mum. Send for catalog.— Adv. 24-31. Mys. Aug. E. Johkison and Llouise went to Bismarck Satur day afternoon. Mr. Johtason went down tiie next morning in his' auto after tiheim, MACHINERY, If in need of a plow, drill, harrow, harrow cart corn-planter, cultivator, wa gon, buggy or any other farm machinery, go to the Mandan Merchants Co. All machinery guaranteed.—Adv. Mn and Mrs. Beecher Allen and two daughters of Steele came up in their auto Saturday and visited until Monday at the Dr. Gordon home. Mrs. Hughes of' Steele is a guest of the Gordon's an4 will remain for some time. E. C. Cross, who travels in Virginia and other southern States, was taken suddenly and severely ill with eholie. At the first stsrsh» came to the mer chant rewwmended Chamlber Iain's GUM ft ."?• ta.r, and Cholera Diar rhoea Baaudy. Two doses of it cured in. No one should leave oa a journey without a 'btottle of this preparation. For sale byall iwlwt—Adv. ^JUMW Economy Supply Station for the Thrifty Motorist Everything here to decrease your running expanses and increase your comforts and pleasures. We specialize in "Nobby Tread" Tires These tires are now being sold under the United States Tire Company's regular war ranty—perfect workmanship and material—BUT any ad justment is on a basis of 5,000 Miles FISCHER'S GARAGE Washburn, LOCAL NEWS N. Dak. Fr Sale or Trade Girl Wanted—Inquire at the Washburn Hotel.—Adv. Rev. and Mrs. Broeckle and two children were visitors in Wil ton Saturday. Mrs. VanDyne and daughter returned Wednesday from a visit of several weeks in Illinois' with relatives. Merchant H. G. Boelter, of WlasJibiurn, was among the visi tors in Bismarck last week.—Pal ladium. Miss Alice Patterson left Wed nesday afternoon for Lamoure where she will visit with Miss Anna Brand. F. O. Lathrop has ibeen con fined to his bed for a numiber of Idlays but is now able to be up and around again. Martin Peterson hasi wheat on his farm that measures 5% feet. It is of even growth and thick and will no doubt yield well. Remember our Tin Shop. Boile Bottoms, Furnaces, Eave trough, IigMninw Rods, etc. AM work guaranteed. Thompson Hard ware.—Adv. Mrs. A. S. Sigurdson returned Thursday to Valley City after spending a week here. A num ber of parties were given in her honor while here and her visit m!ade very pleasant. Trunks* Valises, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Canvas Tele scopes. Prices right. Trunks and trunk locks repaired. Thompson Hardware.—Adv. Representative H. H. Freitag tfl Max went to Bismarck last week and had an operation for ap pendicitis. He had a serious time of it at first but is now gett ing along alright. Ole Gradin is the proud pos sessor of a new Sftudebaker, he sold his other car to Jlohn Schtulz. Aindrew Sauer also has a Sfcude baker. We are ""always glad to report new cars on farms, there is where they are needed. Mr. and Mrs. Eknil Leben and daughter Miss Frieda of Velva drove across country in their auto, last Sunday to spend a couple of days with the Hans Hiultberg family. They returned home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. A. S. Sigurdson of Valley City, whowas the house guest of Miss Lu Satterlund, was the guest Of honor at an informal pbrty Wednesday afternoon given by Mrs. F. A. Gallahan. Needle work was the diversion of the afternoon after which an elaborate luncheon was served. The most convenient little hotel in North Dakota. Wm Rostv Prop. ,-r US 1 The fellow who borrowed and forgot to bring iback my opera glassies had better call and get the case as I have no use for it. K. Klein.—Adv. Emil Anderson has withdrawn Ms name from the Bull Moose ticket as a candidate for the leg islature. His term as treasure er of McLean county does not expire until May 1,1915. For Sale—Full blooded Hol stein bull calves and thorough hired Poland China pigs. Hensler Dairy Farm, Schofield and Her ringtton, Prop.—Adv. Mrs. Aug. E. Johnson' enter tained at dinner last Friday eve ning. Covers were laid for ten. The out of town guests were Mrs. Hughes of Steele and Mrs. A. S. Sigurdson of Valley City. Misses Gearart and Satterlund entertained a number of ladies Saturday afternoon at a porch party at their home in compliment to. Mrs. A. Sigurdson of Valley City. The time was spent in card playing and sewing. Karl Klein who wias a guest at the McKenzie Hotel while recup erating after his operation has been enjoying the past week at home—having gained in strengt and is feeling better than he ever did in his life.—Palladium. The fields of grain around Wasfc ibiurn could not look better than at the present time. They are evien better here than in the northern part of he county. The harvesting of rye began this week and the bright siunshine wil soon bring the other grain1 to' a golden color. T. H. Jeffery, former cashier of the Washlbiurn State Bank, re turned to' Fessenden Saturday morning after spending a few days in this vicinity on business*. Fessenden is a town without wat erworks and when Mr. Jeffery saw the home and yard that he left here he said it made him want to come back. Wm. Herred, C. F. Bauer and R. A. Fearseth went to Washburn McLean County Fair St Underwood, IN. P., August 6, 7 and 8th Thursday evening and attended family has the. sympathy of many the dance and basket social, givenj friends. for the benefit of a crippled boy, The crowd was large and every body enjoyed themselves to their heart's content. The proceeds amounted to about $$150.00. -Un- Saurday derood Journal. The Washburn ball team has proven to the Wilton1 team that they are the Champions. The game last Sunday at Wilton was a hot one and although there was Washburn.. The score was 13 to 9. A number from1 hlere attend ed the game. We able to return home for a few iweeks. He will be glad to hear from htis school friends while away and any letters sent to the above address will reach him. Amother enjoyable house party was givien at Strawberry Lake last Sunday and Monday when Mr. and Mrs. Simon had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Maen nel, Mrs. Sigurdson and Misses Gtearhiart and Slatterlund. Fish ing, bathing, and boating are the pleasures one enjoy at the lake. Aibout forty people from Minot were camping there Monday. Some splendid road work is being done near Wiprud. There roads will be permanent as they are on section lines and have a substantial look. The hills are typing cut down and the vialleyg filled in, and the road overseer in that district is cer tainly to be congratulated' on th good work he is doing.. More men like, him are' needed to get other roads fixed up in this coun ty. a little quarreling, it ended commission will be charged on all peacefully and victoriously for golds' sold. Asa Lathrop had an operation caught on fire. No telling what on his foot at the St. Paul hos- I amount of damage would have pital in St. Paul last week. He been done if the fire company got through nicely but will not! had not responded so quickly. A T. J. Haugeberg has a fine garden this year and is already enjoying corn on the cob. J. T. tMicCtilloch does not want anyone to beat him as a gardener and claims tomatoes and cucumbers, home grown, have ibeen served on his jG$ble this week. C. F. Maeunif has cauliflowers full .mediate relatives of grown, but from all accounts W. J. iBickert seeing to be the prise He is UP at. five in the akd' does a good day's •e going' to the bank 'works again in the Everything in his gar den grows a little bigger or high^rf ihan vegetables in any other garden but it is because he lias worked hard' to make it do Come in and see new enamel ware. Holtan Merc. Co.—Adv. Theie has been an opening here for some time for a woman's ex change and now one will be start* ed. It is a good thing for a town| and will no doubt prove a success A white faced Hereford calf about 8 weeks old came to my place June 23. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Harry C. Jones, Washburn, N. D.—Aidv. Martin Holtan of the. Holtan Mercantile Company went to Chicago Monday on a purchasing trip. He was accompanied as far Wlheaton, Minn., by his wife who will visit Dr. Theo. Holtan and his bride. H. J. Wagner, optieal specialist of Bismarck, will visit Washburn, professionally Tuesday, August 4 Eyes tested and glasses fitted, also glasses changed and renewed Call and see me. Office at Washf burn hotel.—Adv. Walfred Hultberp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hailtberg had his foot cut quite badly yester day. His father was driving the mower and the little fellow step ped in front of the knives. A gash was cut nearly to the bone. The doctor dressed the wound and it will not be long before he is alright again. Te Wilton ball team claims they lost the game here, a week ago on account of the high weeds and grass. The weeds and grass grow high here but the boys did not thing they had to clear so much ground for the Wilton team! They pitched so easy that our t)Oy(® tried to send the balls black to Wilton and they were, lost on the way. The five months old son of Mr ahd Mrs. John Schulz died a week ago Tuesday. The little one had never been well but not un til the last two days did they give up hopes of his recovery. Funeral services were held on Thursday, two days after his death, at the German Baptist church by Rev. Broeckel. The An exchange will be opened on Saturday, from 10 a. m., to. 10 p. lin store. It will be open each from 10 a. m., to 10 p. m., All kinds of vegetables, poultry, eggs, dairy butter, bread cakes, pies, salads, etc., will be on sale as well as fancy work, apttonis, caps, etc. If you have anything to sell bring it in and it will be sold for you. A simall During the heavy wind storm Tuesday afternoon the smoke hlouse back of the meat market heavy stream of water soon put out the fire and savied the build ing. In the evening all the hy drants were tested and found to be in good condition. Pie News is in: receipt of a letter from Oliver Pleterson, who! wafc on. his way to Christiana for 'he.Fourth of July where he ex pects1 to meet John A. Johnson. He. will sail for America the latter part of July, but is having a gbod time visiting his relatives and former school mates. Be fore leaving he is planning to g)( to the northern pa/t of Norway* ancj, see the midnight sun.—Wil ton News. The dance and basket social giv$n last week to raise a fund •for crippled hoy, was a big suc cess^ A number of tickets were S0I4 before the dance, everyone seemed anxious to help the good cause along. All the baskets sold for 'a good price and those who hadi the affair in charge were well satisfied with the result of it all. A little more money miay be needed but some other will be taken to raise ft. marriage of Miss Anna Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Anton Peterson, and Will iam' Slagg was performed last Saturday afternoon1 at the home of the bride by Rev. finch of the Methodist church. Only, the im-1 the happy' couple were present. Mrs. Slagg was^born and raised here and be fore the wedding a number of parties .were given in her honofr.1 'Mr. Slagg is one of the. prosper ous farmers of Qonkiing, he came here: with his. parents several" years, ago from Iowa. The newly weds went directly to the farm after the ceremony, They have a large circle of friends who join in the congratulations. For Sale or Trade Tire you bound for a Summer Resort? You're Bilious and Costive! Sick headache, bad breath, sour stomach, furred tongue and indigestion, mean Liver and Bow els clogged. Clean up tn-night. Get a bottle of Dr. King's New Life pills today and empty the stomach and bowls of fermenting gassy foods and waste. A full bowel movement gives a satis fied, thankful feeling—makes yo feel fine. Effective, yet mild. Don't gripe. 25c., at your drug gist. Bucklen's Arnica salve for burns.—Adv. 'Will sell or trade my resid ence for smaller house, good, land or life stock, what have you 'I 'l K. Klein. Has Your Child Worms? Most children do. A coated, furred tongue strong breath stomach pains circles under eyes pale, sallow complexion nervous, fretful grinding of teeth toss ing in sleep peculiar dreams— any one of these indicate child has worms. Get a box of Kick poo Worm Killer at once. It kills the worms—the cause of your child's condition. Is laxativ and aids nature to expel the worms. Supplied in candy form. Easy for children to take. 25c. at your druggist.—Adv. Of course, you provided the-es sential requirements, the gowns and garments, smart and new. but perhaps you'll need, a few accessories. For instance, a new mesh Af/rut for tllr South Bend Watch For Sale Shetland pony with new buggy $115.00 will buy it. Cash or time* Ernst T. KleinN LARGE STOCK OF OXFORDS Now on Sale at Greatly Reduced Prices Bight in the heart of the Oxford Season we have placed our entire stock of Oxtfords on sale at greatly reduced prices. This stock consists of ,'all low shoes, Pumps, Oxfords Comforts, etc., and sizes to lfit every member of the family. You can not buy better styles, or Oxfords made over bet ter lasts anywhere, and.just think of the great saving by buying them from us. LADIES'$4.00 Oxfords, six different styles, at MEN'S $4.50 and $5.00 Tan Oxfords, at "3.29 BOYS' $3.00 Oxfords, at 1*59 MISSES' $2.00 oxfords, at Bvejy dollar invested in these will bring you a great saving. A. Schulz & Sons WASHBURN, N. D. hmg will add a touch of distinction. We show some attractive designs in German silver very close mesh well made and finished in a work mlanlikie manner. $2.00 up. Bracelet watches are in great favor at present. They are both decorative and useful. $16 to 940. A fountain pen is n-ecessary part of any traveler's equipment. Moore's Non-leakable and Swan' $2.50 and up- Soft shirt sets, mother of pearl, with gold mountings. Fins, Lingerie clasps, Coat or Outing Belt Chains, .l/adies' Neck Chains, Sleeve-links, Coilar-button.s. IW pins, Tie-clasps are im.port.ant. Our assortment giv»*s you wide range of choice. C. I. WALLS l- Kior Sale—Having mad:' ar- rangemcnts to move to California I now offer my clock for sale. This, has Iold w-umi an lii'ir loom in our family for KM) years and yet keeps good time. This is a rare opportunity to secure a valuable relic. It. can lw Keen at the Walls' Jewelry store. Th« Mexican war situation la tfcs thing of most Importance BOW bates the pnbllo, so ths BSVS that West •Bros' B!f Show, "A Tms Baa* cr," is soon to bs SSSB la oar dtr is oC crsst interest to sO, ss As Show deplets His sloac ths TmsOsrtMB bar to sad lira aa sight Into tbsrs st ths tins. Ths of ths Italeaas, ths Itssas Kaagars, ths V, •1 toUlsfs, ths balsas, sad hs Om boys sall shova tms to llfs. A MB bsttts Is staged dsrlaf ths show W ttm ths Msstesas sal ladlaas sl ths stockads fort sad ths V. S. 8oldisrs sad Tms Saagsrs Cnilaff ft Ths ssssss laths Indtsa vlllaasi ths Cbnsfl sC War ths l|srt War Bsasst ths spsrts sad yssHisss ef ths Owrtyi sad Onrbojr CUrisr sad ths pstrsWsg ths bordsr ti slow ths Bis Ofaada by ths Tns Baagws Is slss shswa. Tkb ssr totmaaas tsfess »1MS to ths MC tmt vhkh hss sssts tor awrs thsa UOi fsspls sad lasts sf«f SH hson. Ths Osvbsy Baad ptofs ft ssas«t Is frost toft st to. aid flto shSw stttH. WashbUrn Saturday Aug. I. $3.29 129 j. •:_.