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ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME VOLUME XXV, NUMBER 6. Miss Nita Mitehjell, daughter "of Rtev. D. D. Mitchell of Wash burn,, is spending her vacation A a a She wiitt^n a very iteaws^g lelttier of her trip oh thiei ship The Jefferson* It isi not a very large boat, there being only 150 paseengersi on board ibut it-i» vieir comfortable., .Just b.eforei the bloat started a whirring spufcd was heard aiid directilyl overhead sailed' an airship, "which Hooked like* a large flying fish. Jit made four circlesi over the. harbor and then disappeared. It' was probab Jy filling in' honor of tihie opening of the "Patlatch," a kind of In dian celebration .which Seattle has in placet of the Rose Festival of PortJland'J i:i Miss Mitche'1 left Seattle Wednesday eiveming, Juljy 15. It took until Friday evening to reach Kj^hi&an. The! passage through Queen Charlotte Sound is vtery rough and many piassen gero fear sea sicknietssi but by pas sing through in the middle of the night many are savted this ordeal. The greater part of the trip is taken through a beautiful nar row channel' with. Hand' near on botfti sidles—great high hilts and mtountaina, some- oouiip'Letedy fur covered and otjhetra snow peacked and w&P'! hsautifal A watch while sailing Jby. Illkjhing v&flages are' passed erviea«y' 0nce in a while.. Puiing: tihe/ 'd^iy a ®wieater «nd)v winter coat were comfortable, while sitting out on deck/1' Miss Mitfchlelll sjpient one hour at Miitfal&tlta,"an Indian village,, and the folj/pwing is her deecrip tdon of it: The town is not large btat has^some very good buildings .which are well' painted* Thene are good' board) walkai everywhere and the! trees are so luxurant that they almost meet over the wallk. (It wili be rememlhereid •fihetreai-e no atiie^t)s'! aid Ar i'-S ts rf Pleasant Trip Is The Scenery is Beautiful All.Along the Way-Gold I Mines ih Alaska Are Being Reopened and Rich Gold Ore Found .J in. Malay" '6f the AlfcSkan towri&. They /ire btoillfcou the. sidee of the moun tains and tfcensbreette are! only the width of the'board walks. They toave no userfor wider sftreertsi as they have no horseb.) In Khis village liw Saltier Duncan, a man who is now 83 yeanar old. He came from England! in 1856 and started a Mission on the) coast of 'British Columbia but could ob- 'V AUSTRIA-HUNGARY FORMALLY DECLARES WAR AGAINST SERVIA Austria foratally decilared war on Servia Tuesday, July 28^ .Geniuany: favors localizing thie wa~ between Setyia and. Austria,' All Balkan of their attitude in. ike conflict. Senaa. Greece has !zM^ If the Chicago commimoik m^b .are right in their statement that •ordinary beef eattiei will sell at $12 .pies hundred poundfe before RH. wj if iJ.'j il ii! I i-'rfl If 'i't t(.v tain no'pentianfent grant of land nor any rights for the Indians," so albout 27 yieta,ra age t$uey all mov ed tP Metltakatia, an islland abkyut 1?i'miles'fri&iii Retchikl&n. 'Father Duncan is the only whitte man at thie1 mission. He teaches the Endiahs and' does all he can to improve their condition. He will Bot take money i, but he. needs medicalhelp. So many of the Ii* diaps wio have been away to government schools' havei returm with tubereukwas. All' the build ings in this town"' are biuilt so there wiOi be plenty of ventila tion. The opera house, has a bwieivie gablled roof. Bj is only one. hiour's1 ride frtom MjetUaka4-1 tto Ketchikan. In the. latber city some purchases were madle andj -prices found to be lower than in Seattle". In Kel chikian as well as the Indian vil lage dle«9C(ribed: above, there are no dirt sitreetB', planks are laid on pilling. This is a town of aWut 2000 people and is situa ted on tihe edige of a bleautaful snow cappied peak. White on the ship Miss Mitjohell had a wireitess from her sister Mary, whom she will1 visit at Petersburg. She. reachied there Saturday efvening, July 18. Twenty-two mileB down' from Petersburg, ^trough the Narrow^ are the Olym^a mines. Along the Narrows is the xniost bfeauti ful scenelry oimaginablle. The is lands are elbse together and the water cjllear and. as. smooth: as a mirror, reflects the mountains and trees perfectly. There arie so many branching channels that it must ble hard to keep directions. Buoys are placed all) along the Narrows to keiep the boats in the channel. The trip to the mine wiag madle in a house jbotat. These mines havle been abandoned six or setven yearsi. The llarge build Al'l were elecjtric lighted and finely equij^ped at great es^nse. inigs ajrje still iny gn^d wndi^n In iii^» buildings the 'ore was ertusheid, washed and sepiaratJed. A new mine has just been opened a millet from the ofld one where rich golld' ore is be ing found. The miners live in smialli log cabins.: Miss Mitchell expects, tj»' see donefiderabie of AibaskliL and we mlayiihave the plteaaiurie of pub lishing some more of her travels. states will be1 askled for already said an It expression is expiected they Will all as much. 'Tfee actual cause of Austqa4Sungary 's decuion to enten into^ confMot was the reply sent ly tlie.'BialbAn state to ^e fi^i|i "V&e^a '^imi^^ing thAt Servia takie steps to put a stop to the Pan-flterviani itory and also puniah those iildiret!*ly Coticeiti'ed in the assassanation of Ardidnkte Francis Ferddnand it. •I ft'li tii i'l CSiriabvas, the ordinary man might toe well! cultivate a liking fo^ veget^iblps while the season is on. rA* *3 i&Ji -it p.-'' i! ,v YEARLY PRIZE GIVEN IN HONOR OF LATE JUDGE' The Department of Education has declared the result of the ex amination in arithmetic for the Winchester Memorial prize. This prize is twenty-five doll ars in cash' and is awarded teach yiear by the family of the 1'ate Walter H. Winchester, as a memo rial to him, to the pupil com pEUetfing the eighth grade in the public* schools of Burleigh coun-. ty, who shall excel in the study of arithknetie. The pupilfe having the highiest HAVE YOB BEEN ABLE TO KEEP COOD Reform Should Be Made in Menfc Clothing and President Wil son's Example Followed. If presidential example, is wor" anything in the realim of cdlothes, wie may hope for sensiblDe summer styjles before, the present adlmin isltration ends. Mr. Wilson has defined tradition and replaced the- traditional statesman's togs with cool white dueks, white shoes and Panama hat. He not only wears this tropical' garb in the executive tent on the White Housle lawn, but he broke all ptremdlential precedent1 by going to Philadelpia on the Fourth and making a sjpeech in his white suit. assuming his secretaryship. The senate and house, tod, have an unwonted air of doolne&a and co'miforti. Wihy, indeed, should men not w|ear summer clLothes in the. sum mer? The question has never been satisfactorily answered'. The average citizen, wil put on his ducks at a summer resort and thien stow them away when he gets black to the city and don his woollen clothes! again. He wili take, his leisure comfortablybjut must make hiinse'lf unco-mfoit- When he wor^si. Some day man will rise su perior to the coat bondage. It is amazing that the sex sholiHd have submifcttled to this silly fetish, of "good' form" for so long. There are. tropical coun tries in South America where a man exposes hiipself to insults and brickbats if he, vientures on the street or into a car with his coat on his arm. In America a gentleman is liable to expulsion from a ball room or theater if he appears in simple trousena, belt and soft shirty without the blanket like coat, though- the wouien, in flimsier shirtwaists than men would dream of wearing, are con sidered ptroperlydressed This eyil pjj^yailiB whier«Vier dvilisation extends. Only savages a^e ^e^4i»l|fi enpfigh not to coats wheri it's hot.—Ex. :«'1 •:f, Tiou will notice about the sloughs north of town quite a new growth of cottolMrop4, awl qrees aomie of w^iich are 20 to 30 feet high. These wouliob/ $aye growi^liMig^ago tnd» 1E"b(0en tt««s t^:tibi4'tlnMi bttt- fior lite fires. Thte past few years pr^rie fire#rhave been kept from Hifse sloughs by the suitounding farm &nd. fhs result 2s a young for est growth that is iyeginning. to makevA- bveak in the prfiirie mon otony. It is a pleasure to- see that tiie fanners iVer the cpuntr, axe* not molesting the growth these U'Gcs.—Turtle LaUe Wave WASHBURN LEADER WASHBURN. NORTH DAKOTA, JULY 31, 1914. sltjanding in this study are seiected a means of teaching pers,ons to from both the county and the city schools and given an examination the Statei Educational Depart ment. This1 is the ffiqsft yiear the prize has. been awtardied and is wo-ni by Hugh Spangler of Bis marck.—Tribune. TAKE-IT-BACK WEEK FOR MASSACHUSETTS Bloston, July 27.—"Take it black week" will be observed! in Massachusetts August 3 to 8, to encourage public integrity. If you havie borrowed-an um birella, take it black. If you have borrowed a book or a pen (il some mucilage, don't" borrow, any paore. Secretary Burnstad, in urging ^his week, said: ''This is mierely reniembier they have Obligations to others." the parties was arrested. a J, certain Harviey has a public bath {iouse and the public are invited to clean up. STATE ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Condensed News For thie Farm en Who Are Too Busy to Read (Long Items Governor L. B.' Hanna is bkok from his trip to Norway. Geeral Huerta is Jamaica and- will sail for Europe next week. It was estim'ated that at ..least' 10,000 people were in attendance at the Fargo sitate fair last week. direw six mlonths vacation and a fine. Thie citizens of St. Paul have sent in petitions to thie presidents of the railroads for a new Union dfepot/ .MjiiotJ claims a oWr^lpjOOO. !An '^alMHinot'.'. ban qu«i3 wiil bte jipyten to celebrate the city's largeness. Three pairs of twins have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of Blrittin, a boy and a girl each timet pjortion to population. The club has 163 members. Btoth farmers and' citizens belbng. .s: flour piersons have died of the Uubonic pilague in Niew Orleans since thalt dread dlisease firsrt de vfeioped in the south, ... serves what the Senate wants to Many of the report j(j0 with his appointments. gpod rains after the hot day® the first of the week. The Equity fai-mers inear Veh a A man at Alieie forgot havie bought an elevator and will gtame law and was found ™, The examiplie has proved in-? feotious at Washington. Cabinet members have taken to duck, crash aiid alpiaca, eveni mcHadm^ Mr. Bryan, who is addicated! to a sfilk tile and Plrince Albert sine3 Herald Firth of Square Butte countrymen to leave the United Slagg, has been engaged1 in farm- iU !. -t®'"the edlitonals Two booze peddU'evs were arrest drowned acme time ago in the ed at' Upham lasit week and each Knife river near Stanton, found last week, lodged in some b|rush on an island a short dis tance from the mouth: of the pnpulation: of The ranchmen around Schafer 0f' large leejp andfiati ttfx'^e Turtle Iiali»: Way*, /,!. i. a wt I ,1 I I The Northern Ptacffio train of Last Saturday, Sunday and Monday werfe scorchers in this vicinity. Dark ciOuds gathered each' evening which looked like a sftorm but still it did not get cooler. There was no hail in this, vicinity but other places! wtere visited and consider ablie damage was donei. In Stutsman county, SatlUrday night, hail fell for half an hour in a strip from 20 tto 30 miles in ed of their money, which said to total about $3,000. findl work in the North. Dakota harvest fields. op»rafe it this fall. He paid $25 for has fun and ,"^7 ral hSv *lT* an engine and1 three cars, that burines* will be wfetamie tk,rerit went into the Knife river three land refresh themse!ves and for a weets ago, has been taken out ff TsiSf "j mm» Lansford has the largest com-! this branch of its service really December, but they are moving mercial club in the state in pro- being in the course of formation, their stock back to Washburn Servia's pilot aviators^ however, this week. are extremely expert. There was a rumor aflbat somd SETYYST flAianhunm {Giarrison, d. «,« Hk. the wh.k»to sUugh. prio.-G.^u wftb doiirineP°Se I ai^d across the line, has gone dry. It ed- his^ trouble as appendicitis.— accept the appointment, as post was ftvidentl^ sque^zed too hard (Benedict -r-iwhen thfeiiwnse, man called. I Grafton.-4The Qommeieial dub j?ffB W N .^i^^fekHik- has takten an eWceSient step for ,place. Ijinnt' er.r— 4j«e -bauk Ith* good of the public,in arrang- tsdue_Mr^ .Eich with a priH au^ef^ feet, with Mn. J. FHtrry to op«Q hoist in his undertaking pii her home as a pubttc rest rooob There at fU times of tbe day the' wives of farmers or. straagem who are in Gfeaftpai. transacting 'wiall sum Mra. Fwy willi |wo- and* sent to Mandan for repairs. vide lunches. Eta# ice water will bte provided at alll times i« the Thirtynfive coaciies were held' retst rown and everything pbaaible up in, the Yeliowstone National done to make it attractive and Park and 165 passengers reHev- hoove-like for the visitors. c-v -j, f, «vi j. i, it*** yA Hail Did Much Damage In State The Heat For Three Days Was Almost Unbearable But the Rain Tuesday Night Was Fol lowed by Cooler Weather is W. J. Bryan devotes a cou siderabfle space in the last issue of hist Commoner to the advocacy of woman's suffrage. This mat ter is up for diecision at the polls in Niebirasika this faE Sioux Falls Press: life in the White House is just one tut-tut thing after another, doubtless amuses the president as he ob- A Medina store was burglariz-1 em railroad company at St. Paul, beautiful gown of white- silk voite —A XI,„ during the last week. They can .trimmed with shadow lace ed anjl the following day one of om^ir fi..,. I Rarrip^ a hfln^Am^ hnnmu More than 1,000 men have been MUs Agnes Peterson, sister of discharged by the Great North- the out. 'may have to'report to the fede- l*', goV(ernmttnt. the Dfeplatch theire has been pvWn»ivp young ladies and wiU make a gome hot .weather in St: Paul. ^1 .' I good helpmate for the man of The Austrian government has her choice. 'The"groom* the eMh 1 Mrs. Vicek of Jjankin and- issued a proclamation calling its I est1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Jbe» atte were killed by lightning Sunday. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Itength and from 3 to 5 nidl in width causing a loss of abbut $500,000 to grain. About the samte amount of damage was done near Jamestown. There '.re heavy losses in the north ern part of the. statle also*. The crop condition continues favorable around here. The rain on Tuesday cooled thie atnros »here and gave the grain the moisture needed. Conkling Correspondence A pretty home wedding occur* red on Saturday, July 18, 1914 at two p. m., a* the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Peterson, one mile east of Washburn, when their daughter Anna L. was unit ed in marriage to William Slagg, Rev. Finch performing the cere mony. The bridal parity entered the parlor to the strains of "Melodjy of I/ove" rendered by (the bride. The bride wore a manv Dueks ^Q1 b„f^ut'fV of this I8 States and return home and help ing at Conkjing' for the. pMt in the coming war. Thousands twelve years, to which place hie have already responded to the brought his bride Saturday eve call. ning where they will be at home to their many friends who all -y 0,1 of Howard Bivwiittr who was was' Knife river.—Underwood Journal .HOTS? KP,V W--BY"S '"^UIZU"LX 1 fonnerly known as the Schulz Qus wias here. ^They would' have and, th6y have a good many others. i€Pected last fall by A. Schula & Austria is superior in military Sons of Washburn. The store is aviation to Servia, not only in better known to. many of the the, number of machines at its readers of the ader as the Ger command, but in organization, man store. It has been operated Servia has only twenty machines, by th/e Sehulz bfoys sincie last tSzszzt A1.i the other batches sent out from, iISS is sure tb bring the top to be affected with doumne. the way home from Wash- 'by him and see that he gets his Every county of the state, is jwm last Wednesday, Lester, the grain that wil{ be represented at the Valley City1 HUehaugen was taken very ill marketed here the near futures Normal summer McLean county has twelve SBudento there^ "w brother-in-law, Albert are we have not learned' but we Heliiekson at Ruso. Dr. Stone of! hope he will put in a good stock The town of Liemin*ny just BWIiour was cafflfed and'pronoun© f- 1 *Ur ts and carried a handsome, bouquet of bridle's roses. Onl" the immediate were present. They relatives received! a ,d The f"de js one of Washr lu?Wy.n est^med' join in hearty congratulations and wish' these worthy young people a prosperous and happy journey through life. Minden Correspondence! nZhhorst elevator, aiid Carl ^e store building -tfiAtwas ERA'S SASTUR nitinknAMi a 9 tfc&ti this 19 not tfl6 OUT* HSS.TSSFTO' 9FHSE^« b"sines® was compelled to stop over Wihat Mr. Eichhorst's intentions 0f "tt general merchandise and also^ Banner. master which is all that is tack-' ing a. ne^ir town upon thK Jiap,.* little over a .year agQv the- matter up with the fijoo railroad cocnpany And! Showed them that by putting in a sid2 ng at this pioint considerable grain wou'd be marketed herck Mr. Eichhorst owns the land sn all sides and he will no doubt lay out a townrite in the near fufc^rei and hen watch out and jou filt see Minden boom. -i '•. t' $?r A 1 & lAsi St^* ft '•••1 itfarourfi his fahr and wlw) will stay right 1 j? •m