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kr ky I J:r ft 1 I I & v% '1 1 1/ COUNTY DIVISION IS WEILL ADVERTISED ll&iiiia county is tlx1 latest pro position. A petition to the county com missioners that it be created o-ut of the north piart of -McLean county has been i'il-d at Wash burn. After outlining tlhis proposed county a glance at it makes it appear a ridiculous proposition, tout upon investigation of condi tions it isn'" so bad after all. and is said to meet the. approval of the greater number of Mc Lean. Proposed Ilanna county con cisits of the north two triers of townships of McLean, the upper containing 14 townships and the lower, 13 townships. It will be. 84 miles long and 12 miles wide 1b all probability Max will Ibe the county seat, as it is the Oinly town near the middle of the long string of townships, besides' it is the junction point of the Dlrake line and the Waza line. While the furthest resident twill be about 50 miles from Max yet he will be 50 miles nearer the county seat than he is now. There being about 25 miles of railroad in the. proposed county east of Max, that part of the county will be within easy reach of the county seat. It is reported that the pro position is quite agreeable to all interests in McLean comity, for tiie reason that there is a senti ment favoring some, kind of a di vfision of that county, and be tween this one and another, wliic is viery liable to come up, Ilanna county is far less objectionable and will receive little opposition, ib will be voted upon this fall.— Bismarck Tribune. The county division question has taken on new aspects since our last issue. The Max people have circulated a petition divid ing the county east and west leaving two rows of townships in the north, with Max as the fa vored county seat town. Garri son is in old McLean, as close to the north boundary as they could fix it without violating text which says, "Do unto others as they would do unto you." There are many who are ready to quit at this frightful' appari tion of opposition from the north crying, "It has beeai Humbled— all is lost. Wmi unto us that we should have thought to slip anything over in a rush!" Bosh, Prunes. The very i-dee ar! The sooner the people of the north forget that county seat jargon and remember that coun ty division is a real necessity, will come before long anyway and might as well be taken into consideration while there is a chance of getting an equitable division—as soon as Max, Gar rison, and the other northern towns forget anything but the lasting enmity to the scheme which the south part has al ways had—the better. The »ditorial in The Washburn Leader placed that paper with The Independent on this issue. We are for divlision, but we alBo are in favor of dividing it fairly, and if there can be a meeting of all parts of the county to de cide where the line shall be drawn, no delay ought to be made in holding that meeting. Anyone who has studied thy question at alll soiuided the senti ment of the people of the ex tremes in the county, knows that the northern part has never had adequate represent ation and wants to get away from Washburn. Everyone also knows that the west part, in cluding the reservation lias clier rished plans of making itself into a separate county, and that if this were done, it would com plicate another division which would be even more necessary :to the convenience of the people. So the time seems to be now. The Garrison business men are prime movers in getting the cam paign started, but their idea is mot the selfish one attributed to them by Max, but to divide the county, and let the fight over the county seat take care of it self two years from now. Max hag no cause to complain, for her location in the proposed Robinson county, it is better than that of Garrison. She, however, wishes a cinch, and is willing to sacrifice county division on the alter of pure selfishness. We would like to ask a ques tion or so. Do the towns in the northern part regard this agita tion as a joke? Do they not realize that signing and filing the petition simply brings the matter to a vote, and what could be fairer? Let the people kill the issue in the falil if they want i», but it seems to this paper 3utrdly fair to' prevent its being -y •--SV v. :"i.. *.«. •brought to a vote—Garrison In dependent. It does' not seem to ins that Ilanna county would be the bettei of the two propositions. The Robinson county proposition leaves the old county only 24 townships while the new county would contain 38. Of course this would be unfair to the south end. The Hanna county proposition takes- in the two northern tiers of townships and that part of the Bertihold Indian Reservation, included in old McLean county. This divides the townships and railroad property about equally leaving McLean county in good compact territory which insures itfei support by the south end. Garrison has now come to the front with another proposition which places all the. territory efrist of Max in, the old county. Without a doubt this proposition is more favorable to the south end then the first but leaves Ben diet, Ruso and Dogden in a bad predicament as they would have to go about 30 miles through the new county to get to Wash burn.—Benedict Banner. ("has. W. Morton, John KeJling and F. E. Wright, were in town Tuesday and Wednesday of this week and called at tjhe office of the editor twice, but were. unable to locate him. The presumption is that the editjor is out trying to get acquainted with the new {boundaries of Ilanna county and we feel sure that upon his retlurn he will agree with us that the Hanna county proposition is the best proposition ever put up to the voters of this county. Boost, d—n you, Boost! •Contributed to, Benedict Bann er. The county division proposition' '8 I .1 il which wgives the new county two rows of townships off the north seems to meet with considerable popularity. Dogden, Ruso, Max and Benedict will be in the new county and every settler up there will have a direct railroad route to the county seat no mat ter which town it is located in. The new count?" will have 33 townships and the old county 37. Turtle Lake Wave. So far as Dogden and vicinity is concerned the vote will be unanimous for county division. The proposed Ilanna county will halve 1130 square miles of terri tory while McLean county after the division will contain 1191 square miles. The proposed new county is raither long but the Soo railway either runs in or near the nor+h side of the coun ty which, with Max the county seat,, accommodates 95 per cent, of ithe people of, the new coun ty. Parties having business at the new county seat can go tfiere and return the same day. either by teaim or team and rail. Another thing wry auspicious for county division is the at titude of the voters that wijll still remain in MoLean county. They are almost as strongly for county division, as are the peo ple in the proposed Ilanna coun ty. Garrison has taught t(hem the necessity of this. Six times has Garrison sprung hoggish county division, schemes and six times has she been thwarted. These county division scares are disturbing and costly therefore the old county is for peace, hon orable peace with the Hanna county division j.roposition bring tlio it adorns the faces. of the peoplte of Max with ruddy smiles and halos them very sweet amd cheerful dispositions. —Dogden. News. COUNTY DIVISION IS AL!L THE TALK of McLean and the, reservation Isouthern part of he county is McLean county is again enter ing. another campaign for divi sion. It is but a short time ago that the last county division fight was ended but it has been long enough to fit us for another The proposition as now offered is a much better one than the one over which we havie just finished, the long drawn out fight. We. believe that this pro position is going to be viery ac ceptable to almost everyone, both in. the old and the new proposed county. We are strongly in favor of county division and always have been and while some may raise the hue and cry that we will have tiwo sets of officers to pay and that taxes will be higher, we do not agree with them that division is going to work any ad ditional! hardships on anyone. FVr years we have paid our taxes into the treasury at Wash burn as the county seat of all this territory and as a matter of fact this p'art of the county has What are we getting for our taxes? What are we getting for supporting Washburn as the county seat and holding McLean county as it is? Nothing, and we will be getting the same re turns fifteen years hence. We believe it to be to the benefit of every tax payer in Northern Mc Lean tovvote for this division. Wihile we are well aware that Wilton, N. D., Oct. 20, 1914, Editor Leader: In the past neighbors and myself have al ways opposed county division and have encouraged everybody to vote against it. In doing this we have figured that the lines and the shape of the carving was such that it was not right and the, proposition looked, to us as though it was the schem ing of some fellows who had an ax to grind or who had some thing up their sleitive that they, wanted to hand somebody in place of a proposition, to divide the county. The dliues propos ed by some of the county divis ion schemers have certainly been ludicrous and there is no wonder that the voters rejected them. We have been studying the map that shows, the lines for the new county of Ilanna and this appeals to us as a real division proposition. The terri tory is about evenly divided and the lines are straight and the proposition looks as though it was on the square, and not the work of some political schemer. I can not figure out lines that would look better or that would be more, equal. We have also been looking into he merits of this thing and we have decided down here that it would really be a business proposition for us to divide 'lit 'this time. The people up in the north end are the ones that have always been doing the kicking ever since this county division agitation start ed and have been complaining that they were getting the worst of it. It has been the talk that they have been paying the taxes and getting nothing in return and that the south was running things to suit themselves and that the only recognition the north end people got was pay ing taxes. If I am correct in my conclusions pretty much of FORD and STUDEBAKER Automobiles FOR SALE by The Washburnl mplement Co. not received a dollar in return for it. As a proof of this as sertion we call your attention to the public highways from Dog den to Max and then on to Gar rison. There are numerous plac es aliong these roads that are almost implassable and there is not one half the distance where roads follow the section lines. On a stretch of grading done on the main road between here and Max, it is impossible to drive and this' piece of road has been in that condition for more than three years. All this time the rullers of the county have put up the cry of "no money to build roads" and at the same time have spent thousands of dollars for Jaw suits and county affairs. The roads are good in the south ern part of the county and of course, the opposition will claim tiiis. is due to the fact that part of the county is older, more closo Ify settled and has more taxes to make roads. We admit they have more, but we should have some, enough to plow a ditch anyway. That is just where the rub comes, the southern part of the county is too strong for us at the polls and the northern part of the county gets no rep resentation a* the county seat, unless its some "bone head" that the southern part of the county knows they can work easier than what they have got. exPected that the fVAl ^4li.1a A ma an going to vote for tins, we are as their subjects and when they get the cream we are given the whey. To verify these statements one has only to drive from here to Washburn, and compare the work done on the roads in that part of the county to the roads and the woirk done on them in this .part of the county and the proof lies before you.—Benedict Banne County division will be the chief issue up at the fall election. The northern part of the coun-' ty is ready to raise again and as sert its rights to have represen tation at the county seat, and since they have stood little chance in the past to get it, they are going to withdraw and form a county of their own to be known as Hanna county, and get some of the money that hag been spent for roads in the south ern par* at the expense of the wholie county.—Garrison Inde pendent. THEY FAVOR THE COUNTY DIVISION1 kr A -i «ArtVr 1 3: V?! J? -Ii&l & all of the territory that goes to make up this new proposed county of Hanna is a detriment to the McLean county organiza tion, as I figure that the ex pense to the organization is really more than they pay in to it in the way of taxes. I have noticed in the commissioner's proceedings that whenever we havle court that the bills for jurymen and witnesses from the north and always look exorbit ant. This, o* course, is due to the long distances that they havJe to travel and the time that they spend coming and going. The same is true with expenses for election—the expense of a precinct is twice as much up in the north end as it is in the Walton precinct. Every year there are several hundred dollars expense on the Indian reserva tion and not a cent in taxes are ever paid from this territory. Take it all in all I think that the north end is really a dead load to us and I am in favor of pitehing in and helping them get a county organization of their own and they will then be satisfied and they can. adjust things to their own liking and we will be saved a lot of trouble and expense with the good set of county officers that were nominated at the primaries we will be assured of good, econo mical handling of the county's business during the next two years and I think it would really be a business' proposition to dispose of this county divlision (business this fall. I have talked with many of the voters around here and the sentiment is all in favor of dividing this fall. Taxpayer. COUNTY DIVISION BEFORE PEOPLE IN NOVEMBER That the people of McLean county feel that the time has come to divide the county, goes' without saying. The question has been the bone of contention for a number of years and the peo ple in general feel that it is about time it is settled once and for all. At various times dur ing the past eight years the question has been raised and di vlision proposed and up to the present time the voters have kept the county intact, due more to the fact that the division proposed were palpably so' un fair than to any real opposition to county division. The real trouble has always been that in proposing a division no thought was ever given to the reall wel fare of the resident of the coun ty the only aim of the promoters of county division being seeming ly to divide the county in such a way as to give political pres tige to the promoters and ,to build up a county about their town with the object of getting the county seat for their home tpwn, no thought being given as to what condition it would leave the part of the county in, which, was not included in the division. Six years ago a division was up before the peop'lle known as the Stevenson county division which would have left a bootleg in the northeast corner of the county which would have been an ever lasting disgrace not only to Stevenson county but to McLean as well, had carried, which it very nearly did. Again this spring a division was startled for a proposed county of Robin son which would havie stripped McLean county of practically all its territory leaving them barely enough townships to constitute a legal county. After the Han na county proposition had been circulated and i,t was plainly see that the Robinson county peti tion was dead, the Robinson county boosters went down to Washburn and offered to giw the old county a number of town ships on the northeast corner if the south end of the county would only stand by the fight, but the people in. the south part of the county would have nothing to do with the proposi tion, for it made a worse boot leg than the old Stevenson coun ty proposition did. So it can be plainly seen that the people are anxious to have the matter settled, if possible, at the coming election. There has been a strong sentiment in the north part of the county for county division for a long time, as the county is too large. A large precentage of the voters in- the north part of the county will vote for division in anx form but the only thing that, ha# sav ed the county so far was .the fact that a fair and equtable division never was proposed unti this fall. But the Hanna county propos ed division, unlike the other pro posed divisions, was not gotten up by a bunch of political) trick if, ,». sters but as the result of a com promise. It was gotten up with the sole object in view of putt ing a division before the eopple which treated both the old and the new counties alike and one which gave no heed to county seat fights or the political fut ures of some certain politicians. It divides the county into two allmost equal parts, geographic ally, and the lines were drawn, with the object in view of giv ing the best possible working county to both the new and old counties. If the Hanna coun ty division carries it will settle once and for all time division in this county and eliminate any chance in the future for a division M-fee that of the old Stevenson proposition slipping through. The people in the south part of the county, we believe, real ize that the county is too large at the present time and that the people in the north part of the county have good grounds for a kick. One trip to the county seat from any place along the north line of the county •costs a farmer as much as the. taxes* on one quarter section of land amounts to for one year. It seems to be the sentiment of the people throughout the coun ty that the question should be settled this fall and eliminate expensive campaigns and law suits over subjects.—Max Enter prise. County division of McLean county has got to come some time in the near future and the proposition now offered the peo ple is the best and most fair pro position. that has ever been pro posed. Some look at the two tiers of townships'along the north in the proposed Hanna county, shake their heads and mutter, goose neck." Call it what we may, this strip of the new pro posed county, traversed its en tire Itength by the Soo railroad which will bring thousands of dollars to the county each year, besides affording ample facili ties for those who live in the goose neck" to reach the coun ty seat by rail. Those who call this strip the'goose neck'should remember that Ithe nepk is at part of the hard and everything must pass through- the neck to reach the body and its a mighty poor neck that can't get. chok-_ ed.—Benedict Banner. There is no question but that McLean county is going to be divded at the coming election. The new county will be com posed of the two north rows of townships and the reservation. This gives the old county 37 townships and the new cpunty 33 townships. The new county is to be callied Hanaa and contains the villages of Dogden, Ruso, Max and Benedict. Max will get the county seat without oppo sition. Both the new counties will vote for this division. Only Gar rison is opposed to it. Garri son's schemes will never materia lize.—Dogden News. SUPREME COURT HA8 HANDED DOWN DECISION The Supreme Court baa handed down a decision in the Mountrail County case denying the application of Baker for a writ restraining the officers of Mountrail County from exercising jurisdiction, over the ter ritory embraced in the Port Bert hold reservation. Rivals In the Milk Trade. The milkman bad been discarded for a rival vender and was botly indig nant. "I don't want to say anything against him. but if you prefers milk that's been knocked about on the railway for hours to good milk fresh from my own cows—well, you'll get it. That's all." "But he nssures me that this milk is brought direct from his own farm In the neighborhood." "Does he? Well, he may be speaking the truth, but it's a funny thing that when 1 go up to the station for my milk every morning there he is putting milk cans into his cart."—Manchester Guardian. Glaeial Wondars. The grandeur of nature's forces may be understood when one of the glaciers of Disco bay. Greenland, is studied. Helland estimated that it had a thick ness of 020 feet, with a breadth of 18. 400 feet, and was found to be moving at the rate of forty-seven feet per diem And this Disco bay glacier was only one of the many. Rink estimates that on the west coast of Greenland there are 120,000 square miles of territory, all contributing their supply of ice bergs. Always Hoping. ifeSxft "When does Maud aspect to get mar ried?" "Ob, every season T—Boston Transcript i/ 1 'A 2,* V« rvi* V* 5 J- Professional Cards Dr. W. L. Gordon Physician and Surgeon Office in Holtan Merc. Block PkMC Office No. 16-Hemc N*. Night calls answered at residence Washburn, N. D. 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Hay at you DnssM ui ask fur CDI^mTCBl DIAMOND BRAND PII.I/8, for twentv-flve years regarded aa Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Keep Your' Stotaaoh and Liver Healthy A vigorous stomachy perfect working Liver and regular act ing bowels is guaranteed if you use Dr. King New Life Fills. They insure good diges tion, correct constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the whole system—Purify your blood and rid you of all body podsons through the bowels. Only 25c. at your druggist.—Adv. HARNESS, A fine line of light and heavy harness, collars, harness goods have just been re ceived by the Mandan Mercantile Co. Prices are right and all goods guaranteed.—Adv. f. 1 'Jr 1 $ 7 «8» North Dakota G. A. Brummund Dray L»ine Deliver Water and Ice Washburn, N. Dak. Dear Doctor, Friend Lawyer O Professional Card In This Paper Would Increase Your Business. OVER as YEARS' EXPERIENCE It S* vl't,s 'JA I t'li ')r •it fag