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I ft t! •V'V f-.v jja 3 ,1 NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice te hereby given that on Tuesday, the third day of Novein Va1 next, A. D. 19(14, at the estab lished polling places in the several vottog .precincte in the county of McLean, State of North Dakota, and hereinafter described, an election •will be held for ConigrBssionad, State, District and County officers to-wit: CONGRESSIONAL— Owe United States Senator. One Reprise illative in Congross Third Distrkt. STATE— One Justice the Suii'( ni- Court. One Governor. One Lieutenant Governor. Otio Secretary of State. One Stale Auditor. One Sta-to Treasurer. Oiw SuiH'rintcudent, of Public hi atriution. Ome Connniissioner of Insurance. One Attorney General. One Commission^!- of Agriculture and Labor. Three Coinmissiciiens of Railroads. DISTRICT— 0 ie Senator to Represent, the 4tth XieignsJative District. Three Members of the House or Re resenlativcs to represent the 46th Legislative District. COUNTY— One Sheriff. One Auditor. One Treasurer. One Clerk of the District Court. One Register of Deeds. States Attorney. One County Judge. One Surveyor. One Coroner. One Superintend* nt of Schools. Panr Justices of the Peace. F.our Constables. One County Commfissioner for the 1st District. One Couinty Commissioner for the 2nd District. One Assessor for the 1st CoinmiK •ioners District. One Assessor tor the 2nd Comimis •loners District. One Assessor for the 3rd Comimis aiozters District. Which election will be opened at eight o'clock jn the morning and •Ul continue open until five o'clock Id the afternoon of that day. The various election precincts and voting places for said election are as follows: Precinct No. 1. Dogden Township ISO Range 78. Vote at Dogden Sahool House. Chairman Board of Supervisors, Inspector. Precinct No. 2. Butte Townships 150 Range 79 and 150 Range 80. Vote at Ruso School House. Chair man. Board of Supervisors, Inspector- Precinct No. 3. Andrew® Township S5t) Range 81. Vote at udual polling SJace.. Chairman Board of Super visors, Inspector. Pricinct No. 4. Township ISO Range 82. Vote at School House on Section 2.0. Albert Freitag, Inspector Precinct No. 5. Economy Townshl IW Jtange 83. Vote at Village Hall Mt Max. Chairman Township Board, inspector. Precinct No. 6. Township 150 Range 84. Vote at School House No. li Conrad Enders, Inspector. Precinct No. 7. Douglas Township ISO Range 85. Vote at School House No. 1. Chairman, Township Board Inspector. Precinct No. 8. Blue Hill Town ship 150 Range 86. Vote at School House. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 9. Townships 140 and ISO Range 87. Vote at Rose gkn. Postoffice. John J. Hill, In spector. Precinct No. 10. Township 149 Range 86. Vote at School House on Section 16. John Griimm, Inspector. Precinct No. 11. Piatt Township 349 Range 85. Vote at usual polling jiace. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 12. MtlGtnnis Town ship 149 Range 84. Vote at usual poling pla: e. Chairman. Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 13. Township 1.49 Range 83. Vote at School House No. 1. Anton Ulrieh, Inspector. Precinct No. 14. Greatstone Town ship 149 Range 81. Vote at School Bouse No. 1. Chairman Township VtOo rd, Inspector. i-recinct No. 16. Township 149 Hau-ge 80 and Township 148 Ranges ..« a.ivd 81. Vote at Wlprud School ye use. EJl:ing Stenson, Inspector. recinct No. 16. Aurena Township 249 Range 79. Vote at usual polling place. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 17. Byersville Town ship 149 Range 78. Vote at School House No. 1. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. IS. Malcolm Township 348 Range 82. Vote at Malcolm School House. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 19. Township 147 Sange 84 and Township 148 Ranges *3 and 84. Vote at Garrison School Inspector. Precinct No. 22. Blacfwater Town ship 148 Range 87. Vote at School Bouse No. 1. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 23. Victoria Township 347 Ranee 83. Vote at Goleharbor Schocl House. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 24. Linder Township 347 Range 82. Vote at School House Mo, 1. Chairman Township Board Inspector. Precinct-No. 25. Turtle Lake Town Jlblp 147 Range 81. Vote at usual Dolling place. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 26. Lake Williams Township 147 Range 80 and Townshi 146 Range 80. Vote at Turtle Lake School House. Chairman Lake Wil h«tit Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 27. Wise Township 347 Range 79. Vote at School House No. i. Chairman Township Board Inspector. Precinct No. 28. MercSr Township 14€ Range 79. Vote at Mercer Schoo Souse. Chairman Township Board, Saspector. Precinct No. 29. Township 146 Bouse. President Garrison Village Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 20. St. Mary Township MS Range 86. Vote at School House jfo. i. Chairman Township Board U» 'V V" Inspector. Precinct No. 21. Emmet Township 148 Range 86. Vote at School House No. 1. Chairman Township Board Range 81. Vote at School House on Section 22. Herman Hanson, Inspec tor. Precinct No. 30 Underwood Town ship 146 Range 82. Vote at Hall in Village of Underwood. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 31. Longfellow Town ship 146 Range 83. Vote at usual polling place. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 32. Townships 145 and 146 Range 84. Vote at Hancock School House. J. R. Mann, Inspector Precinct No. 33. Township 144 Range 84 and Towmship 145 Range 83 Vot,e at School House on Section 23 Township 145-83. A. Rcsebirg, Inspector. Precinct No. 34. Buffalo Lake Tow ship 145 Range 82. Vote at School House on Section 23. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 35. Township 144 Ranges 81 and 82 and Township 145 Range 81. Vote at Old Court House in City of Washburn. C. M. Diesen, Inspector. Precinct No. 36. Range 79. Vote at house on Section Inspector. Town-ship 145 Phillip Wanner's 15. John Kurle, Precinct No 37. Heaton Township 144 Range 80. Vote at School House on Section 21. Chairman Township Board, Inspector. Precinct No. 38. Township 143 Range 80. Vote at usual polling place. J. C. Anderson, Inspector. Precinct No. 39. Township 147 Range 90 aqd Township 148 Range 90 and Township 148 Range 91. Vote at Hiall at El'bowoods. Saim Newman, Inspector. Precinct No. 40. Township 143 Range 81. Vote at usual polling place. C. O. Hanson, Inspector. Precinct No. 41. Township 147 Ranges 85 and 86. Vote at School House on Section 23 Township 147 85. Geo. Barrow, Inspector.. Precinct No. 42. Township 147 Ranges 87-88-89 and Township 148 Ranges 88-89. Vote at Armstrong School House. Alfred Bear, Inspec tor. Precinct No. 43. Township 149 Range 94 and Township 150 Ranges 90 and 91. Vote at Shell Creek School House. Conrad Smith, Inspec tor. Precinct No. 44. Township ISO Range 88. Vote at Mrs. M. M. Wcod's residence on Section 15. A. R. Reinertson, Inspector. Precinct No. 45. Township 149 Ranges 88 and 89. Vote at Jacolb Rauib's residence on Section 23 Township 149-89. C. G. Knudson, Inspector. Precinct No. 46. Township 148 Range 79. Vote at School House on Section 28. Knute Sondrol, Inspec tor. Precinct No. 47. Township 149 Range 82. Vote at School House on Section 17. Swan Nealander, Inspec tor. Precinct Nc. 48. Township 145 Vote at School House on E. A. Philbrick, Inspec- Range 80. Section 22. tor. Precinct No. 49. Township 144 Vote at School House on H. H. Dahl, Inspector. Range 83. Section 15. Precinct Range 89 No. 50. Township 150 Vote at I. T. Sdvert's res- indei-ce on Section 21. VV. G. Kot, Inspector. Notice Is furthor given that the question of permit ting stock to run at large between December lat and April 1st following of each year will be submitted at the said election to the voters of the following town ships: Twp. 143 Range 81. Twp. 145 Range 80. Twp. 145 Range 81. Twp. 145 Range 84. Twp. 146 Range 80. Twp. 146 Range 84 Twp. 147 Range 79. Twp. 147 Range 82. Twp. 147 Range 83. Twp. 147 Riange 84. Twp. 148 Range 79. Twp. '148 Range 80. Twp. 148 Range 87. Twp. 149 Range 81. Dated at Washburn, N. D., this 26th d:iy of September A. D. 1914. E. C. Stocker, Said election will be opened ait eight o'lock in the morning on Tues day the 3rd day of November A. D. 1914 and will continue open until five o'clock in the afternoon of that day. Dated at Washburn, N. D., this 26th day of September A. D. 1914. E. C. Stocker, County Auditor of McLean County, (Seal) North Dakota. Certificates of Nomination I, E. C. Stocker, Auditor of Mc Lean County, North Dakota, do here by certify that the within and fol lowing is a true and correct list of the Constitution Amendments and of persons whose names have been certified to me, by the Secretary of State, the County Canvassing Board, any by (petitions duly signed as re quired by law, as nominees to be I f*A J. I voted for on Tuesday, the third day I of November next, for the offices which appear opposite their names. Dated at Washburn, N. D., this 9th day of October, 1914. E. C. STOCKER, Auditor of McLean County, N. D. (Seal.) United States 8enator—. Asle J. Gronna, Republican. W. E. Pure ell, Democrat. W. H. Brown, Socialist. Sever Serumgard, Progressive. Representative in Congress, 3rd. Dis- P. D. Norton, Republican. Halvor L. Halvorson, Democrat. L. Griffith, Socialist. Henry R. Ringoen, Progressive. Governor— L. B. Hanna, Republican. Frank Oscar Helistrom, Democrat. J. Arthur Williams, Socialist. II. H. Aaker, Progressive. Lieutenant Governor— John H. Fraine, Republican. James E. Hall, Democrat. H. E. Thompson, Socialist. D. L. Campbell, Progressive. Secretary of State— Thomas Hall, Republican. Wm. J. Anderson, Democrat. W. G. Johnson, Socialist. State Auditor— Carl O. Jongenson, Republican. Frank Shanley, Democrat. J. E. Kulstad, Socialist. C. H. Starke, Progressive. State Treasurer— John Steen, Republican. M. F. Heggie, Democrat. L. S. Jones, Socialist. L. B. Garnaas, Progressive. Attorney General— Henry J. Linde, Republican. Scott Cameron, Democrat. J. L. Koeppler, Socialist. Dorr Carroll, Progressive. Commissioner of Insurance— W. C. Taylor, Republican. C. S. Whittlesey, Democrat, f. Spath, Socialist. J. P. Read, Progressive. Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor— Robert Flint, Republican. E. A. Lillibridge, Democrat. Robert Grant, Socialist. Karl Klein, Progressive. Commissioners of Railroads— W. H. Mann, Republican. O. P. N. Anderson, Republican. W. H. Stutsman, Republican. San A. Hall, Democrat. Oscar Greenland, Democrat. Wm. Loughland, Democrat. G. E. Anderson, Socialist. Herman Rieache, Socialist. L. A. Knoke, Socialist. J. A. Hyland, Progressive. O. L. Engen, Progressive. M. P, Johnson, Progressive. State Senator 46th District— C. W. MoGray, Republican. John J. Behles, Democrat. J. E. McAdoo, Socialist. E. E. Cowell, Progressive. Representatives 46th District— R. L. Fraser, Republican. H. R. Freitag, Republican. Simon Jahr, Republican. J. J. O'Brien, Democrat. Fritz Giffy, Democrat. Hollis Montclair, Democrat..,.. J. T. Grimes, Socialist. Anthony Wagner, Socialist. J. W. Willoughby, Socialist. Anton Larson, Progressive. Gottfried Johnson, Progressive. Sheriff— W. G. Hendricks, Republican. M. L. Markert, Democrat. Enunett Duffy, Socialist. L. W. Peck, Progressive. Carl, L. Okert, Individual Nom. County Auditor— E. County Auditor, (Seal) McLean County, N. IJ. Notice of Election on County Division Notice is hereby given that pur suant to an older of the Beard of County Commissioners cf McLean County, North Oakota, made on the 8th day of September, A. D. 1914, there will be submitted to the vot ers of said McLean County at the general election to be held therein on Tuesday the 3rd day of Novem ber, A. D. 1914, the following ques tion: "Shall the County of McLean be divided and a new county to be nam ed HiANNA COUNTY be formed out of that territory now included with in the boundaries of McLean County, described as (cllcws, to-wit All of the Townships numbered 149 and 150 lying and being within Ranges num bered 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87, west of the 6th principal meridian, and all of the Townships and parts of Townships which now form a part of said McLean County and which are west of the line betwee Ranges numbered 87 and 88 west of the 5th Principal Meridian, the Townships and Ranges above named biing those designated toy the United States Government survey thereof." C. Stacker, Republican. Samuel Fairman, Democrat. Fred Reibhcff, Socialist. County Treasurer— G. L. Yackty, Republican. Joseph Mann, Democrat. G. O. Balkan, Socialist. I. T. Siverts, Progressive. Clerk of District Court— M. Telleiscn, Republcan. C. M. Fndley, Democrat. A. P. Mat.sen, Socialist. E. C. Fritz, Progressive. Register of Deeds— J. E. Heck, Republican. Leslie R. Burguim, Democrat. E. E. Simmons, Socialist. States Attorney— J. E. Williams, Republican. Henry Golden, Socialist. County Judge— Geo. P. Gibson, Republican. G. M. Hougbtaling, Socialist. W. L. Keller, Progressive. County Surveyor— J. A. Perlcy, Republican. John Tordson, Jr., Socialist. Riley Foster, Progressive. Coroner— P. E. Schulstad, Republican. A. S. Nicholson, Democrat. E. C. Stucke, Socialist. G. E. Heinzroth, Progressive. County Commissioner 1st. District— 0. B. Wing, Republican. EM. Fuerst, Democrat. L. S. Smith, Socialist. County Commissioner 2nd. District— Henry Martin, Republican. Thos. Fitzgerald, Democrat. John A. Erlckson, Socialist.. Assessor 1st. District— 1. S. Maxwell, Republican. Assessor 2nd. District— W. J. Flynn, Republican. C. J. Hill, Socialist. Assessor 3rd. District— C. F. Huston, Republican. Justices of the Peace— M. E. Miners, Republican. L. O. Anderson, Socialist. W. T. Cooper, Socialist. Ole Vedo, Socialist. A. A. Gower, Republican. P. N. tiangbell, Republican. Jacob Raub, Republican. Constables— H. H. Erbe, Republican. Arthur Solberg, Republican. John Stein, Republican. C. A. Webster, Republican. Walter Cedergreen, Socialist. W. M. McElwain, Socialist. Walter Harris, Socialist. A E, E. Doten, Progressive. 9„ n'l'T an im PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION The following proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of North Dakota, having passed the Twelfth and Thirteenth Legislative Assemblies will be submftted to the electors of the State of North Dakota •t the gftneral election to be held November 3rd, 1914, for approval or rejection. faw NON-partisan'^B^^! Judiciary Justice of the 8upreme Court— it B. F. Spaulding. ,-» A. M. Chrlstianson. NON-PARTI8ANR 8chool Superintendent of Public Instruc tion— fe E, J. Taylor Richard Heyward County Superintendent of Schools John L. Brekken M. E. McCurdy. $ "Si 7s PBS JHrtf'-'* "f tri" THOMAS HALL, Secretary of State. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION Chap. 93 (S. B. No. 5—Bessesen) 1911 Session Laws. Chap. 101 (S. B. No. 32—Overson) 1913 Session Laws. PROVIDING FOII THB INITIATIVE! A\D IIHFHUEMILM AS TO LEGISLATION. To amend Sec. 25 of. Article II off the CoiiNtltution to provide for the en. act ment or repeal off l*wi or parts off InwK liy the people by mean* off a vote taken at the pollH, thua reaerv lug to the people a part the power, now granted exclusively to the legislature, to enact or reject laws. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION for an Amendment to the Constitution Providing for the Initiative and Re ferendum. Be It Resolved by the Senate ot the state of North Dakota, the House of Representatives concurring: That the following amendment to the constitution of the state of North Da kota, adopted by the Twelfth Legisla tive Assembly of the State of North Dakota and by it referred to the Tnlr teenth Legislative Assembly of sala state for approval or rejection, is here by agreed to and such amendment shall be submitted to the quallfled electors of the state at the next general elec tion for approval or rejection In ac cordance with the provisions of sec tion 202 of the constitution of the state of North Dakota. AMENDMENT. Section 26 of Article S of the constitution of the state of North Dakota is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 25. The legislative authority of the state of Norita Dakota -shall be vested In a legislative assembly con sisting of a senate and house of repre sentatives, but the people reserve to themselves power to propose laws ana to enact or reject the same at the polls. Independent of the legislative assem bly, and also reserve power, at their own option, to approve or reject at the polls, any act. Item, section or part of any act or measure passed by the legislative assembly. The first power reserved by the people Is the Initia tive, or the power to proiftse measures for enactment Into laws, and at least ten per cent of the legal voters to be secured In a majority of the counties of this state shall be required to pro pose any measure by initiative petition, and every such petition shall include the full text of the measure BO pro posed. Initiative petitions shall be filed with the secretary of state not less than thirty days before any regular session of the legislative as sembly he shall transmit the same to the legislative assembly as soon as it convenes. Such Initiative measure shall take precedence over all other .measures in -the. legislative assembly except appropriation bills, and shall be either enacted or rejected without change or amendment by the legisla tive assembly within forty days. If any such initiative measure shall be enact ed by the legislative assembly it shall be subject to referendum petition, or it mav be referred by the legislative as sembly to the people for approval or rejection. If it is rejected or no ac tion is taken upon it by the legisla tive assembly within said forty days, the secretary of state shall submit it to the people for apprQV'il or rejection at the next ensuing regular general) election. The legislative assembly may reject any measure so propojed by initiative petition and propose a different one to accomplish the same purpose, and in any such event both measures shall be submitted by the Secretary of state to the people for upproval or rejection at the next ensuing regular election. If conflict ing measures submitted to the peo ple at the next ensuing election shall be approved by a majority of :he votes severally cast for and against the same, the one receiving the highest number of affirmative votes shall thereby become valid, and the other Shall thereby be rejected. The second power is the referendum, or the power to order any act. Item, or part of any »ct to be referred to the people for their approval or rejection at the p-ll.*, ctiid It may be ordered (except as to laws necessary for the immediate preserva tion of the public peace, health or Safety.) as to any measure or any parts, items or sections of any measures passed by the legislative at. sen-, biy either by a petition signed by tc-ji percent of the legal voters of the^tate from a majority of the coun ties, or by the legislative assembly. If a majority of the members elect vote therefor. When it Is necessary for the immediata preservation of the iublic peace, health or safety that a shall become effective without de lay, such necessity and the facts creat ing the same shall be stated In ons section of the bill, and if upon aye and no vote in each house two-thirds of all the members elected to each house shall vote on a separate roll call in favor of the said law going into instant operation for the immedi ate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, such law shall beroms operative upon approval by the gov srnor. The filing of a referendum petition sgainst ons or more items, sec lions or parts of an act shall not d-slay the remainder of that act from becoming operative. Referendum petitions againit measures passed by the legislative as sembly shall be filed with the secre tary of state not m%re than ninety days after the final adjournment of the session of the legislative assembly which passed the measure on which the referendum is demanded. The veto power of tye governor shall not extend to measures referred to the people. All elections on measures re ferred to the people of the state shall be had at biennial regular elections, except ss provision may be made by law for a special election or else* tlons. Any measure referred to the people shall take effect when It -is ap proved by a majority of the votes csst thereon and not otherwise, and shall bs in force from the date of ths official declaration of the vote. The enacting clause of all the initi ative bills shall be. "Be it enacted by the people of the state of North Da kota." This section shall- not be con strued to deprive any member of the legislative assembly of the right to Introduce any measure. The whole number «t votes cast for secretsry of State at the regular election last prs ceding the. filing of any petition for the Initiative or for the referendum shall be the basis on which the number of legal voters nsceSsary to sign such petition shall be counted. Petitions and ordsrs for the Initia tive "and for the' referendum shall bs filed with the secretary of state, and In submitting the same to the people be and all other officers shall be guided by the general laws and the Set submitting this amendment until legislation shall be specially, provid ed therefor. The amendment shall be self execat Ins., but legislation may be enacted te fMllltats Its operation: S PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION Chap. 89 (S. B. 1S3—Glbbens) 1911 Session Laws. Chap. 98 (S. B. 78—Gibben) 1911 Session Laws. PROVIDING FOR THE INITIATIVE AS TO THE CONSTITUTION To amend See. 202 off Article XV oi the Constitution permitting Amend ments to the Constitution to be pro posed by the people and requiring that they be submitted to the people at the next general election, thus dividing the power, now held exclus ively by the legislature, off proposing Amendments to the Constitution. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Amend ing the constitution of state of North Dakota, providing for the future amendment thereof. Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of North Dakota, the House of representatives concurring: Sec. 1. That the following proposed amendment to section 202 of Article 15 of the Constitution of the State of North Dakota adopted .by the Twelfth Legislative assembly of the State of North Dakota and by it referred to the Thirteenth Legislative Assembly of the said state, for approval or rejection, is hereby agreed to and such amendmeni shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the state at the general election for approval or rejection in accordance with the provisions of sec tion 202 of the Constitution of the State of North Dakota. AMENDMENT. Article 15, section 202, of the constitution of the state of North Dakota is amended so as to read as follows: Sec. 202. This constitution may be amended so as to read as follows: First: Any amendment or amend ments to this constitution may be proposed in either house of the legis lative assembly and if. the same shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of the two houses, such proposed amendment shall be entered on the journal of the hous^ with the yeas and nays taken there on, and referred to the legislative as sembly to be chosen at the next gen eral election, and shall be published, -as provided by law, for three monthe previous to the time of making such choice, and if in the legislative as sembly so. next chosen as aforesaid such proposed amendment or amend ments shall be agreed to by a majority of all members elected to each house, then it shall be the duty 'of the legis lative assembly to submit such propos. ed amendment or amendments to th« people In such manner and at sucli times as the legislative assembly shall provide and If the people shall ap prove and ratify such amendment ot amendments by a majority ot .the elecr tors qualified to vote for members 0l the legislative assembly voting' there on, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of the constitution of this state. If two or more amend ments shall be submitted at the same time, they shall be submitted in such manner that ths electors shall vote for or against each of such amend ments separately. Second. Any amendment or amend ments to this constitution may aiso be proposed by the people by the filing with the secretary of state, at least six months previous to a general elec tion, of an initiative petition con taining the signatures of at least twenty-five per cent of the legal vot ers in each of not less than one-half of the counties of the state. When such petition has been properly Aled the proposed amendment or amend ments shall be published as ths legislature may provide, for three montl# previous to the general elec tion, and shall be placed upon the ballot to be voted upon by the people at the general election. Should any such amendment or amendments proposed by initiative petition and submitted to the people receive a majority of all the legal votes cast at such gener al election, such amendment or amend ments shall be referred to the next legislative assembly and should such proposed amendment or amendments pe agreed upon by a majority of all the members elected to each house, such amendment or amendments shall become a part of the contltutlon of *hi3 State. Should any amendment or amendments proposed by initiative pe tition and receiving a majority of all the votes cast at the general 'election as herein provided, but failing to re ceive approval by the following legis lative assembly to which it has been referred, such amendment or amend ments shall again be submitted to the people at the next general election for their aprpoval or rejection as at the previous general election. Should such amendment or amendments re ceive a majority of all the legal votes cast at such succeeding general elec tion such amendment or amendments pt once become a part of the constitu tion of this state. Any amendment or amendments proposed by initiative pe tition and failing of adoption as here in provided, shall not be again con sidered until the expiration of six years. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION Chap. 97 (H. B. 78—O'Connor) 1911 Session Laws. Chap. 95. (S. B. 219—Ganssle) 1913 ^esslon Laws. TO CHANKK THE SAME OF THE STATE BI.IND ASYLUM. To amend Sec. 21( of Article XIX of the constitution off the State off North Dakota by striking out the wordn "A Blind Asylum** and insert ing In lieu thereof, the "School for the Blind off North Dakota," ao as to read aa follows A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To amend section 216 of the confltltu tion of the state of North Dakota, Pertaining to Public Institutions. Be it resolved by the Senate of the state of North Dakota, the House of representatives concurring therein: That the following proposed amend ment to the constitution of the Stats of North Dakota adopted by ths Twelfth Legislative assembly and by It referred to the Thirtieth legislative assembly for approval or rejection, Is hereby agreed to and such amendment shall be submitted to ths qualified electors of the state st the next general election for approvail or re jection In accordance with the nrovl slons of section 202 of the constitu tion of the state of North Dakota: AMENDMENT. That section 216 of the constitution of the ststs of North Dakota is amended to read as follows: Sec. 216. Ths following named pub lic Institutions sre hereby permanently located as hereinafter provided, each to have so much of the remaining grant of one hundred and seventy thousand sores of. land made by the United. States for "Other Educational t.nd Charitable Institutions," ss is allotted by Isw. vis: First. A soldiers' home, when located or such other charitable institution a« the Legislative Assembly mav ietcr. mine, at Lisbon. In the county cf Ran som, with a grant of forty thousand acres of land. Second. The school (or the blind off North Dakota, at Bathgate, In the county of Pembina, with cant off thirty thousand acres. Third. An industrial school and school for manual training «or such other educational or charitable institu tion as the Legislative Assembly may tffovide at the town uf. Ellenduie, in the county of Dickey with a grant of forty 'houband acres. Fourth. A school of Forestry, or 'such other institution as the Legisla tive Assembly may determine, at the city of Bottineau, in the feounty of Bottineau. Fifth. A scientific school or such other educational or charitable insti tution as the Legislative Assembly may prescribe, at the city of Wahpeton, county of Richland, with a grant of forty thousand acres. 8izth. A state narn.'l school at Mm city of Mlnot. in the c. unty of -y*A Ward provided, that no other institu tlon, of a character similar to any one of those located by this Article, shall be established or maintained without a revision of this constitution. .- PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION Chap. 95 (H. B. 25—Nestos) Wit Session Laws. Chap. 108 (H. B. No. 116—Norheim 1913 Session Laws. TO PERMIT THE CLASSIFICATION... OF PROPERTY FOR THE PUR POSE OF TAXATION. To amend See. 176 off Article XI off the Constitution and See. 179 off Article XI off the Constitution as amende* by the Fourth Amendment to tho Constitution off North Dakota to authorise laws to be passed, clnasl ffying property tor purposes tax« atlon and requiring -kI within the various classes, within the territorial limits off the authority levying the tax. A. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION A"1®*1™: ing the constitution of the state of North Dakota relating to uniformity of taxation, and permitting the classilication of property for the pur pose of taxation and relating furtn er to the assessment and taxation ot certain public utility companies. Be it resolved by the House of repre sentatives of the state of North Da kota, the Senate concurring: The following proposed amendments to sections 176 and 179, as amended by article 4 of the constitution of North Dakota, of article 11 of ths constitution of North Dakota, adopteJ by the Twelfth Legislative assembl/ and by it referred to the Thirteenth] Legislative assembly of said state for approval or rejection are hereby agreed 'to and such amendments shall be sub mitted to the qualified voters ot tilt state at the next general election tor approval or rejection, in accordance with the provisions of section 202 of the constitution of the state of North, Dakota. Sec. 1, AMENDMENT.) Section 17* of the. Constitution of the state fl North Dakota is amended to read follows: Sec* 176. Taxes shall bt uniform upon the same class of property, including franchises within tho ter ritorial limits of the authority levying the tax, and shall be levied and collected for public purposes .. only, but the property of the United States, and of the state, county and municipal corporations, shall "be ex empt from taxation and the legislative assembly shall by a general law, ex empt from taxation property used ex clusively for school, religious,-'ceme tery. charitable or other public pur poses, and personal property to ally amount not exceeding In value two hundred dollars for each Individual liable to taxation, provided that all taxes and exemptions in force- when this amendment IS adopted shall --re main In force, in the same manner and to the same extent, until otherwise provided by statute. Sec. 2. AMENDMENT.) Section VI9, as amended by- article 4 of the consti tution of the state of North Dakota, Is amended to read as follows: Sec. 179. All taxable property tex cept as hereinafter in this vided, shall be assessed in the coanty. city, townhlp, village or district" in which it is situated. In the manner prescribed by law. The property In cluding franchises of' all railroads operated in this state, and of all express companies, freight line companies, dining car companies, sleeping -ear companies, car equipment companies, or private car line companies, tele graph or telephone companies or c6r porations operating in this stats and used directly or indirectly in thl car ryng of persons, property, or- mes sages, shall be assessed by the state board of equalisation in a manner prescribed by such state board or commission as may be provided by law. But should any railroad allow any por tion of its railway to be used for any purpose other than the operation of a railroad thereon such portion of Its roadway, while so used, shall be as- sessed in the manner provided for the' assessment of other real property. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION Chap. 91 (S. B. 247—Wefo) 1911 Session Chap. 100 S. B. 67—Albrecht) 1911 Session Laws. STATE AID TO THE BUILDING OF To amend Section 183 off Article XII off the Constitution by adding thai words "That the state may appro »rl ate money In the Treasury, or to be thereafter raised by taxation, for the construction or Improvement of public highways," ao as to rend as follows! A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Amend ing section 185 of the constitution of the state of North Dakota, re lating to state aid in :h- construc tion and improvement of Public Highways. Be it resolved by the Senate of, the state of-North Dakota, the House -of representatives concurring: The following proposed amendment to the constitution of the stats of North Dakota adopted by the Twelfth Legislative assembly of the state of North Dakota and by it referred to the thirteenth legislative assembly of said state for approval or rejection, is' hereby agreed to, and such amend ment shall be submitted to the quali fied electors of the. state at the next general election for approval or rejec tion in accordance with the provisions ot section 202 of the constitution of the state of North Dakota. AMENDMENT,) That section IBS of article 12 of the constitution of the State of North Dakota is hereby amend ed to read as follows: Sec. 185. Neither the state nor any county, city, township, town, school district or any other political sub-division shall loan or give its credit or make donations to or in aid of any Individual, association Of cor poration, except 'for necessary sup- Secome ort of the poor, nor subscribe to or ths owner Of the capital stock of any association or corporation, nor shall ths state engage In any work of internal improvement unless auth orised by a two-thirds vote of the- peo ple. Frovided, that the state may ap propriate money In the trenrary or to be thereafter raised by taxation (or the eonstrnetlou or Improvement of public highwnya. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE STATE CONSTITUTION geSSTn £w.(8 1 m-P,aln) 3esalon' Lava. (& TERMINAL GRAIN ELK A TORS WITHIN THE STATE. authorise the legislature to pN*M« *7 Inw for the erection, parchnslns. or lesslng and operation of oae or more terminal grain elevntors In tho State of North Dakota te be "r« !"tae-J!5d JHtMN ky the state, and to provide for the Inspeetioa, weigh. taj^and grading «f nil grain i. CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Amend- 'i North Dakota, empowering the legis lative assembly to provide by law for erection, leasing, purchasing and op erating terminal elevators in the state of North Dakota. Be It resolved by the Senate of the state of North Dakota, the House of representatives concurring: rs?«t th« following propose.] amend r.esr to the constitution of the state of Norti^ Dakota adifUel by the Twelfth LeiiiB.aMve assembly of the state of North Dakota, and by it referrjj to the Y-v ^i '•1f /K'