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Image provided by: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Newspaper Page Text
«T?r* 'v ..... 4* i,' j^-VtxX LOCAL NEWS For sale—buckwheat flour at the mill.—Adv. Miss Susie Peterson of Bis marck is a guest this week at the Wiahl home. On, Saturday fresh strawberrie will be on sale at the Confec tionery store.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. H. Berg and Mrs. Wiinkelman of Mercer were Washburn visitors Wednesday. Fop prices on woven wire fenc ing, gates and steel fence posts ask Thompson Hdwe. Co.—Adv. Archie Nygaard is again act ing as clerk in the- office of the county treasurer for the month of April. For Sale—Siberian millet $1.25 per bushel. Hans Hultberg. Waehbum, N. D. Sect. 28, Twp. 145, R. 81.—Adv. Mrs. Egan Ekstroni accompan ied-her mother, Mrs. Tordson, to Garrison Wednesday where she will visit for a short time. You must learn before you can earn. Get an education at Mankato Commercial College, Mankato, Minn. Send for cata logue.—Adv. The Dian residence has been improved by a large addi tion built onto the north of the* house. This place is one of the many pretty homes on Williams Avenue. \P LANPHER HAT fc £Vv The Challenge Vaneless LANPHER Wind Mill As safe in a storm as in a gentle breeze For Sale by THOS. THOMPSON HOWL CO. WASHBURN, N. D. For prices on wire nails etc. sec Holtan Merc. Co. —Adv. Henry Sheldon is numbered among the new auto oiwners around here. •jy? For Sale—heavy fence*'- posts. Everson Bi^s.—Adv. Mrs. Joe: Mann went to Un derwood Saturday to spend a ifefw days at the Albert Merchant home. Strawberries for sale Satur day at the Confectionery store. —Adv. Mm N. O. Herred returned Saturday morning from Wiscon sin where she spent the lai.t month with relatives. Rubber hose, cotton hose, sprayers etc. on ®ale at Holtan Merc. Co.—Adv. Mesdames Jalir and Bartholo mew of Wilton were here be tween trains last Friday as guests o'f Mrs. Brownson. Have your friends get you a Friendship Link, Sterling silver, 25c each. Ask about th^m at the Jewelry Store.—Adv. Will Fisher has bought the three lot® south, of the Gibson residence and will begin making improvements on it at once. Word has been received that Theo. Landmann, former cashier of the Wiashburn State Bank, is suffering from cancer of the stomach. He has many friends heire who hope, to hear of his early recovery. LANPHEtt Lanpher Hats Style and quality predominate in Lanpher Hats and Caps. They give you that'dressy and stylish look, the look we all so adore.. ,* The cost of a Lanpher Hat is only a small item in compari son to the value you receive. XT- '4. 4-U 1 Visit the Lanph- -v ef Hat store today and select YOUR SPRING HAT. A. SCHULZ 6 SONS WASHBURN, N. DAK. For Kent—The Willite ho»se. See Martin Holtan.—Adv. The Ladies' Aid of the Congre gational church will meet with Mrs. Joe Brown next Thursday afternoon, April 22. If in need of ash or diaimand willow posts see Adolph Waoker. —Adv. Attorney R. L. Fraser made this town a visit last Friday and returned to his home ait Garri son the following morning. The work on the new Bininir mund residence is 'fast nearing completion. It will be a comfort aiblie seven room house when finished. George Weber is having an addition built onto residence this week. He has a pretty cot tage and this addition will make it more comfortable. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. Mail orders promptly filled. Setting of 15 75 cents. Martin Peterson, Washburn, N. D.-Adv. 39-50. Miss .Mabel Johnson came down from Underwood Saturday, and is spending her spring va cation with her parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Axel Johnson. The subject of the sermon to be given next Sunday evening by Rev. Pengelly will be- "God's Dynamic." The services will be held at the Opera House until •further notice. Mrs. C. W. McGray came down from Underwood Sunday in her car and spent the day with Miss Margaret Johnston. She was ac companied by a couple of young ladies from her home town. Children will bi admitted free to the movies tonight- The pict ures will be such that old and young alike will enjoy them, this is simply a little generosity on the part of the manager. When the Catholic* bazaar was held last winter a pretty linen piece was on sale. The continua tion of Ahe sale of tickets on this piece will take place at the Ex change Saturday until four o'clock when the decision will be made. Mrs. Walla left Wednesday morning for Devils Lake where she will visit for several weeks before going to her home at Spokane. She has been ""a guest at the Forbes home during the last three weeks. She has made many friends here who hope to have her visit Wash burn 'again. Mrs. Walla lived in this state a number of years ago but had forgotten that spring is always late in coming. She noticed the cold here aind says her next vis it will be in the summer. rf LANPHFR L/.: 1 Electric self starter and lights put on fords. r. A. Gallahan. 1 LANPHER You've been reading about the famous South Bend Watch, now being featured in the. Saturday Evening Post and other magazines. More .than likely you've envied their smart appear ance and everlasting 'accur acy. Now you can own one quickly and easily. There are no string to, the offer, no red tape, 110 inter est, no embarrassment and $1 Week Washburn Bead the local news on. the back page. R. R. Kitts is the assessor from Bia.ckwater. He was among those in town Wednesday to come down to get the instructions from the county auditor. While here he became1 a subscriber to the Leader, saying he wanted all. the county news. Geo. Cockrauie, who lives near Underwood, is the latest small pox victim.. He is on a farm and it is hoped the disease will not spread in that neighbor hood. The Wilton schools are still closed although there are few neiw cases of it there: Mrs. Bowman went to Under wood between trains Wednesday. She took little Miss Merrifield home. She had come down the day before to spend her vacation here but was taken pick and did not want, to stay. Her sister will return in the morning. Mike Shawchuk was brought down from Dogden Saturday. He had a preliminary hearing at Dogden and was charged with kidnapping He was bound over to district court and will remain in the county jail until the June term. This makes three boarders for Sheriff Hendricks. John Renter passed through town Tuesday on his way home to1 Underwood after a short stay in. Bismarck. He "says the First, State Bank of Underwood, in which he is interested, expects to build a new bank and he had been to Bismarck locking over plans. Wednesday night the first lightning and thunder storm of the season vtisited here but it did not bring rain. The county from Ruso south for some dis tance had a heavy rain. Rain is needed here and weather reports say it will come in a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Roe return ed to Taylor Saturday after spending a few days here with Mrs. Roe's mother, Mrs. Gust aifisop. Mr. Roe has been, supply ing at Taylor during the ab sence of the local Methodist minister and expects to remain there a few weeks logger. The wind last Saturday mov ed everything that was movable. The streets looked like the kind you read about when the sand storms take place in Oregon. It iblew the coldness out of the aff and by. Tuesday the sun shone as warm as before and true.- Nort Dakota weather is again being enjoyed. N. 0. Green of Douglas is one of the subscriber.*. to the Leader who made us a call while here attending a meeting of the assessors. He is the kind of a1 subscriber we like to have as he brought us the name of an other man in his neighborhood who. wanted an official county papei\ The name he gave us was that of Aimind Bferg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY To Buy a High Grade Watch On This New All that is necessary is quick action. Once the club is filled your best opportunity to con* veniently purchase a high grade watch will be gone. But. Now, today, the offer is open to those who call at once. Farm Loans made at the Wash burn State Bank, Adv. Found—a small pocketbook containing one dollar in silver. Call at this office for same.—Adv The suits for the. Camp Fire Girls have been ordered and it will not be long befoire they will make their appearance in them. "9. Convenient Plan you get the rock bottom (sash price just the same as though you paid spot cash. No one can buy a better watch than the South Bend. Everywhere they are making wonderful timekeeping rec ords. Railroad Men, Business Mem and l^rofessaonal Men —nearly a million satisfied owners can. toll you of tli*ir unfailing accuracy. I W A S E W E E North Dakota Emerson and iioline corn planters and cultivators FOR SALE BY Everson Bros. Drop in and look these over before you buy "Upon Honor" PAINT We have in stock a complete line of paints. A paint for every purpose such as interior flat paint, house paint inside and out side, barn paint, buggy paint, floor paint, varnishes, floor fin ishes etc. These paints are as the name implies made on honor, and are fully guaranteed. Complies with state pure paint laws. Call and get our Prices. Holtan Merc. Co. WASHBURN, N. D. $1 Week Are Yon Going Visiting? Tell Us About It So We Ca* Tell Your Friends and Acquaintances. Not How Cheap, but How Good OUR JOB rararnsra And at That It's Cheap. s»: Si I 'I 4 & i. 1ty (•. •. JX & A