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LEGAL NOTICES lotieaa published under this nwadlnt win be charged legal rates aoeordlngt othe law and no affi davit Will be issued until all publi cation charges are paid. Netice iOT Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Bale Ntatice is hereby give® that that eestain real estate morfcgaige made, •BMcuted' and delivered by Ndete C. Nielsen, unmarried mortgagor, to W. B. Clow mortgagee, which mort gage bear* date on hbe list day of Daoemtber A. D. lftl.2 and. was filed for neocTd kn the office of tbe Reg ister of De-eda in, and tor the County «f McLean and Sitate of Nortlh Da kata, on the 2d day of January A. D. 1W3 at tihe hour of 8:00 o'clock A.' If. of said day and was duly record ed tberetoi in Bfook "B-i4f4" of M'ort any'8 on Page 42 will be foreclosed by a sale of the pmemUses in sadd mortgage and hereinafter described at ttoe front door of the count house tn the Olty of Washburn, County mt McLean- and State of Nlontih Da kota on, the Stih day of May A. D. 1916 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in. the forenoon of said day to satisfy Ike amount due upon sadd mortgage en the dav of sale together with the c«*« and disbursements thereof. Notice is herelby funtber glivesi that 40m mantgaigcr is ia default for faid aoe to pay the installment due on Iwt dtay of December A. D. 1914' and thiat under the terms of said *ortgage, sadd mortgagee hiais elected to declare and' does declare the wthoJe amount remaining unpaid lin ger sadd miortgiage due andi payable atid notice is hereby further given' hart the mortgagee has been, requir ed to pay and has |aSd asi interest wpom a first and prior mortgage here to tihe sum of Sixty Oolflans ($60.00)' and that under the provisions of lew said .mortgagee has, elect ed to declare and does declare the amount so paid to be and the seime is a part of this mortgage 4etbt. The premii&ns described! in •aM mortgage and which wail be sold to satisfy the same are describ ed a« foH.o,WB toiwilt: The North Bast, quarter (NE%) of Section twenty-four (24), Township One Hun drod ftrty-six (146) Nortlh of Range (80) West of the 5-tih P. M., Mc lean. County. N. D. Th-ere will be due upon saidi mort C^ge on. the day of sale and for wftfclh said premises will be sold to satisfy the same, the sum of One hundred forty-four and 08-100 Dollars ($144.08) together witih the costs and disbursements of said sale. Waited this 30th day of Mbrdh A. ©, iai5 W B. CLOW, Mortgagee, St. Paul, Minn. Iklward P. Kelly, Attorney for Mortgagee, Caxrington, N. D. Notice of Execution Sale Snate of North Dakota, County of McLean. im District Court, Sixth Judicial District. B. M. Brown, J. K. Hill and' Axel Nelson, as Trustees of Farmers and Merchants Lumber Company, a corporation dissolved, Plain tiiffe, vs. Jtamcs C. Every and Every, Defendants. NOTICE is herelby given, that bv virtue of an execution to me direct ed) and delivered, and now in. my tendiB, issued out of the above Oowt, upon a judgment duly rend •ered and entered in, the above en •Hksd action on tihie 2)4tt,h diay of M«r«b, 1915, in. faivor of saild above aaraed plaintiffs and aigaiinst said above named defendant in the amount of Seventeen Hundred Thirty and 8.1-100 Dollars ($.1730.81), wbich said judgment wsusi dealered to be a }iesi upon the west Half (W%) and Sioutbeast Quarter (SE',4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW"!4) of Sec tfon Seventeen (17), Township One Hundred Forty-thnee (143), Range Bl|gbty-cne (81), McLean County, ftarth Dakota, and wbkfh sold judg ment decreed that said premises be acid to satisfy-said judgment and 4K costs and expenses of said sale, I have levied upon the premises above described', belonging to said defendants, and ttvait I shall, on, the Mb day of May, A. D., 1915, at the fuur of tiwo o'clock in the afternoon said day, at the front door of tine eowt house in the citv of Washburn, Qoanity of McLean and State of NortiH Dakota, proceed to sell the JCtove dr scribed real propemty of Hie sadd, defendants to satisfy sold judgment and the oosits and expens es of sale, at public amotion, to the bluest bidder for cash. Thtait there mil be due upon sadd judgment on the daite of sale tihe sum of $1747. 22, in addition to the costs and ex tenses of sale. Eafc'd at Washburn, N. D., this Slat day of Marcb, 1916. W. G. Hendodioks, Sheriff of MicLean County, North Dakota. Byland ft Madden, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Biemiarck, N. Are Ym.Rheumatifl?-try Sloan's you want quick and renl relief from Rlieitmatisin, do what sa many thousand other people are doing—wlienever an attack comes oni, bafche the sore muscles •T joint with Sloan's Ldnimeut. Nb oe«d to ruib it in—just apply tie liniment to *he surface. It as wonderfully Denetrating. It goes right to the seat of trouble and draws the pain almost im mediately. (Jet a bottle of Sloan 's liniment for 25c. of any drugg ist and' have it in .the house— again«t colds, sore and swollen joints, lumbago, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied), but it #doee almost instant relief.—-Aldv. give I Notlea of Sale en Real Eatate Mart gaga Foreclosure WHBRBAS, Default existo to the mortgage hereinafter described In (bat tbe principal mortgage debt, bas not been paid, nor the Interest there on slnoe April 26, 1-913, nor the tax es upon the mortgaged premises sub sequent to tiie year 1911 and Wlhereao, Hie bolder of eald mort gage on April 28, lftl-3, paid the sum of $6.56 andi baa this day paid the sum of $19.44 Dor taxes against .the mortgaged premises, wfeiciv sums form a part at the mprtgi«e debit and Whereas, No aottoii nor proceed ing at low bas been. taaMituted for the recovery of any part of said ntortgaige debt: Now, Therefore, Ntat4ce is hereby given that pursuant to the power of sale therein contained, that contain mortgage executed and deddvered by Cha-ietapt Martin and Stoiphda Martin, bis wife, mortgagors, to William F. Riookhafif, .mortgagee, dated April 25, 190,7, filed for record in the office of tbe reigister of doeds of McLean County, North Dakota, at 1:30 p. m. on Aipril 26, WW, and re corded in book B-ilO of montgiages at .page 7i2, wfhich said mortgage was assigned by safri WdiUiiaim F. Rleck boflf to iGeorge S. Kent by an in strument in writing dated July 8, 1907, filled Cor reaard to tbe office of sadd reigister of Deeds at 1:55 p. m. on Jiuly 10, 1907, amdi recorded im. book .Hi4 of assignments at page 91, audi vrfhlch siaid mortiauge was reeiESignied, by said George S. Kent to said William F. Rleckbaff by am instrument tn writing dated Decem ber 21, 1914, filed for record In thie ofifiLce of sadd reglister of deeds at 10:30 a. m. on March 18, 191.5, amd recorded in book U-.12 of as sdgniments at page 52, wild be fore clcsied by a sale of the real pro-' perty in said mtoattgage and her-eim-1 after described at tbe front door of tine ccuntv court house in the city of Wtasihiburn, county of McLean, antd The premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to saitlisfy tihe same are situated in the county of McLean and state of N'cxrbh Dakota and are described as follows, to-wdt: The Elaist Half of the North Bast Quainter (E1V2 of NEV4) of Section, Thirty (30) to Townslhlilp One Hun dred and Forty-five (1415) North of Rang« Sevemty-mdne (79) West of tihe FUCtih Pminciipal Meaiidian. 1 state of Nonth Dakota, at the hour of two oWock post meridian,1 on Wednesday, the fiifit/h (5Aih) day of May, 1915, to satisfy the amount due ugnon sadid mortgage on. the day of sale, besides costs and fees of foreclosure, and that saild sale will be miadie at ptuhliic auction) by the sheriff of sadd McLean County. There will he due on saiid mort-' gage on the day of sale the sium, of nine hiundred and etghty-two dol lars and twenty-two cents ($982.22), besides costs and fees of foreclosure, Dtated this 23rd day of Mkrdh, 19,15 WILLIAM F.. RIEX5KHOFF, Assignee of Said' Mortgage, Orange City, Iowa. JOHN L. KOEPPLESR, Attorney for said Assignee, Beacb, North Dakota. Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure Sale by Advertisement Notice is hereby given that that certain, mortgage, made, executed and delivered by Frank Flynn. and Hannah Fly 11,11, formerly Hannah Ramsaas, his wife, of Mc Lean Co unity, North Dakota, mortga gors, to H. E. Jolniiaan, mortgagee, dated the lSlth, day of July 1912, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds cf McLean, coun-: ty, North Dakota, on the 20th day of July 1912, at 3:50 o'clock P. M., and recorded in Book B-88 of Mort-. gagas, page 6S4, and assigned to C. J. Johnson, will be, foreclosed, by a sale of tbe premises in such mort-1 gage and hereinafter described at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Wasihiburn, County of McLean, State of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock P. M., on the 1st, day of May, 19)115, to salbla fy the amount due on. such mortgage on, the day of sale. Tlbe premises described in said mortgage and wfyicth wffll be sold to 'Batisfy the same are described as Collows, toiwit: North Bast Quarter of Section Pour, Nortlh Hallf of the Souit'h Bast Quarter of Section flour, North EJaist Quarter of Section Three, all in Townahftp One Hundred Forty'nine North of Range EMgihty-six west, Bast Half of the South Bast Quarter of Section Thftrtv-three and the West Hialf of the South West Quarter of Section Thirty-four, all in Town ship One Hundred Fifty, North of Range Eighty- six West, all in Mc Lean County, North Dakota and con taining Five Hundred Sixty acres more or less according to the United States Government survey thereof. Sadd mortgage wais given to secure the payment of one installment note for tlbe sum of Two Hundred. Sixty nine Dollars due in 'nstallments and whereas the installment due Dec ember first 191i3 and the lostail'inemit due December first 1914 tor (50.00 each has not been paid. Now, There fore, the holder of totalis mortgage de clares the balance of tbe instal ments secured by sadd mortgage due, and does hereby elect to collect the full amount unpaid on tbe said in stallment note and secured by this mortgage. There wddl be due on. said mort gage at the date of sale the sum of Two Hundred Sixty-one ($2161.00) Dollars. C. J. Johmson, Assignee of' Mortgagee, Ryder, North Dakota. H. E. Johnson, Attorney fior Assignee, Ryder, N. D. HARNESS, A fine line of light and heavy harness, collars, harness goods have just been re ceived by the Mandan Mercantile Go. Prices are right and ^11 goods guaranteed.—Adv. Summsns State ot North Dakota, County of McLean, as. In District Court, Sixth Judicial Dis riot. Martin Haraseth, Anton HanseMi, and Randl FVHS, Plaintiffs, vs. Christian Haraseth: and all of tfue unknown hedrs of Jens B. Haras eth, 'Deceased, and all other per sons unknown, claiming any in terest or estate in, or lten or en cumlbrance upon- the land deeoribed in the oamipialnt herein, Defendants, The State Of North Dakota To The Above N aimed Defendants, Greet tog: You, and each of you. are barefby Summoned to Answer the OompHaint in the above entitled aictdon, 'wlhicJi will be fl'ed in the office of 81 Clerk of tbe Ddstrict Count in and for tihe County of McLean and State of North Dakota, and to serve a copy of your Amswer upon the sub scriber at his office iti the Cditiv of Washiburn, County of McLean q.tad State of North Dakota^, wltbin thirty (30) days after tbe service of tills Summons uipon you exclusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear or answer Judgment will be tatkem against you, by default for the relief demanded in tbe Complaint. Dated at Washburn, N. Dak., this 261th, day of Marcb, 1.915. Geo. P.. Gibson, Attorney for tihe Piltatntiffi^, Washiburn., North Dakota. To The AJbove 'Named Defendants: Take Notice, that the ajbove en titled action is brouglhit for the. pur pose of determining the heirs of Jens B. Haraseth, Deceased, who made. Homestead Entry during hds life tdme for the Easlt Half of the Southwest Quarter and the Lots three and four of Section Thirty oae in Township One Hundired Fifty North of Range. Biglhlty-three West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, North Dakota, that no personal claim Is made agadnst any of satd Defendants named thereto, and that the summons in said action was filed wiith, the Clark of the Dist rict, Court din and for the County of McLean, and State of North Dakota on the 29th day of March 19ilS. Geo. P. Gibson, Attorney for the Plaintiffs,, Wasbburni, North Dakota. Notice of Mortgage Sale By Adver tisement Notice is hereby gliven., That that certadn Micrtgiage, executed and de livered by Major Implement Com pany, a ccmporatdon under the laws of the State of North 'Dakota, Mortga gor, to Leonard M. Bane, Mortgagee, daited the 24tih day of October A. D. nmedaen hundred and (thirteen and filed for record in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean, and State of Nortfh Da kota, on the 27th day of October A. D. 1913, and recorded in. Book "F*-26" of Mortgages, at page 226, will be foreclosed by a sale of tthe premises in sucih Mortgage and hereinafter described,, at the front door of 'tihe Court House in the City of Washlbuirn, in the County of McLean, and State of North Da kota, ait itihe hour of 2 o'clock P. M., on tthe 22 id, day of May 1015, to sat isfy the amount due upon, said Mort gage cu the day of sale. The .premise® described in. said Mortgage and wlhich .wtill he sold to satflafy (die same, are those certain ,41remises situated in the County of McLeaai, and Sitate of Niomtlh Dakota, and de^criibsd as foliicywia, ton wit: The South half (SV2) of Section Twenrty-tiwo (22), in Towmeihdip One hundred and1 £oity-five (1.46), North of Range Sevemty-iidne (79) West of the Fifith P. M. and containdng 320 acres more cr less acoorddng to the United States Government survey thereof. There wiiU be due on such mort gage at the date of sale the sum of Twelve hundred fifty-ft wo and mo-100 ($1252/0) Dollars, together with tihei sum of Elghity-two and 30-100 ($82- 32) Dollars, being interest .padd bv said mortgagee on first mortgage cf |1,€00.00 to Holland IinveEitment ComjpanyH making the total amount due on d&i> cf taie the sum of Thirteen hundred thirty-four and 32 i:ic» ($1334.31) Dollars LEONARD M. BANE, Mortgage?. LAWRENCE & MURPHY, Attorneys for Mortgagee, Fargo, North Dakota. Notice For Bids Notice is hereby givrn that sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of McLean County, North Dakota, at the office of the undersigned at Washiburn, N. D., .until 2 p. m., May 4th, 1915 for furnishing metad cudverts for Mc Lean County as follows: 30-,18 inch 2& feet long 1« gauge. 30^24 inch 22 feet long 16 gauge 30.30 Inch 22 feet long 14 gauge. Sixtv to be delivered at WaBhiburn, N. D., and ithirty at "Garrison, N. D. The Board reserves the riglht to re ject any or all bids. E. C. Stacker, County Auditor. Notice For Bids Notice is hereby given' that sealed bids will be received at the office of the undersigned at Washiburn, North Dakota, until 2 ip. m., May 4th 1915 for furndslhing 16 five foot Fresno scrap ere, six to be delivered at Washburn, N. D., and ten at Garri son, N. D. By order of .the Board of County Commissioners of McLean County, N. D. 16-30 E. C. Sftocker, .: County Auditor. Ah! 1bc| Invigorajinff Whiff of. the Pine Forest. How it clears the throat and heed of its mucous ailments. It is this "pirdt of Newness and Vigor from the health-giving Pin ey forests brought back by Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Hloney. Amtisep tic and healing. Buy a bottle today. All druggists^ 25c. Elec tric Bitters a.spring tonic.—-Afclvi V& No»l«« sf Martgsgs Forsolosurs S«ls Notice is hereby «hre» (tat tiMt certain mortsage executed and de livered by Myrtle E. AftcMch, mort sagor, to The Alliance Mortgage ft Investment Coreipany. Liimited, miort «agee, dated tlbe 2Mb day of July, 1007, and filed for reoord in the office of the Register of Deeds of the County of McLean, State of North Dakota, on (the 20th day of July, lfli07, at 6 o'clliock P. M., amd duly recorded in Book "A. L." of Montgiages, page 129, of the records Of said County,, wffll be foreclosed by a sale of the ipremises in, suclh mortgage and hereinafter described, at tbe front door of tbe Court House In the CUty of Washiburn, County of McLean, State of Nlorth Dakota, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the atternocn cC ,the 24th da^ of May, 19115, to satisfy the amount due on sadd mortgage on the date of sale, tie said amount consisting of cer tain installments of interest due and unipadd and the principal of said mort gage, the mortgagee electing to de clare the wihole amount of the mort gage due and payable, and centaitn taxes advanced by saiid mortgagee. The premises described in the said mortgage, aind w&iah will be sold to HBltdafy the same, are those certain premises situated' in. the County of MjcLean, Sitate of North Dakota, de scribed as follow®: Tihe Bast Half (E%) of the Northwest Quarter (N:W%) and the Elaist Hialf (Er^) of the SoiuUbwest Quarter (SW%) of Section TTwenty-eight (28) fo. IVywn shiip One Hundred Btoity-nine (149) North of Range EligbitywGaur (S4) West of the fMtih Principal Meriddan, and containing one hundred and slxt" (160) acres, more or lees, according to tiie Undted States Government' survey thereof. There will be due on the dlate of sale, principal, interest and taxes ad vatneed, ,the sum of Eigiht Hiundred' and Tiwenty-five Dollars and ninety nine cents (|82i5.99), together with the costs of this foreclosure. 'The Alllilance Mortgage & I11, vestment Comlpany, Liimiiited, Mortgagee. ssrs. Watson & Young, Attorney® for Mortgagee, Fargo, North Dakota. Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale By Advertisement Notice is hereby given that that certain, mortgager executed and de livered by Rasty Eftnrich and Effie Bmrich, hds wtlte of McLean County, North Dakota, miortgiagors, to H. E. Johinson, micrtgagee, dated the 13th day of December, A. D. 1910, and tiled for record in the oCfiice of the Register of Deeds of McLean, Coun ty,, North Dakota, on. the 30it!h day of December, A. D. 1S10, at 3:40 o'clock P. M. and recorded in Book B-38 of Mortgage Records on page 3417, and assigned by eald mortgagee to C. J. Jlohneon w'ill be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described at the fnont door of the Court Housei in the oity of Washburn,, County of McLean, State of North Dakota, ait the hour of two o'clock P. M., on the 15lth day of May, A. D. 1915, to saitifisiy the amount due upon satld mortgage OIL the day of sale. Ihe premises deeoiiibed in said moitjgBge and wfhich wdl1 be sold to satisfy the same are those certadn promises situated in the county of McLean, State of North Dakota, de scribed as follows, to-iwit: The SouitQt Ekbst Quarter (SB) of Seotlion. Twemty-tcine, Township One Hundred Fifty (Twip. 150), Nicrth of Range Higto y-seven (Rge. 87) West. Whereas, sadd mortgage is given, to secure the payment of one install ment prcimi&Eory note for the. sum of T)*vo Hiundred Ftorty-seven ($2*47.) Doll.rit, and Whereas, the Install me: f:r the sunn of Twenty-five (|2i5.00i) Dollars, due the fiinet day of Decemlber, A. D. 1913, has not been padd,, and also the installment for the sianie sum due December first, 1914, has not been, paid, Nlow, Therefore, tbe bolder declares the balance of the Installments secured by said mortgage due, and does hereby elect to collect the. full amount unpaid on said installment note and secured by this mortgage. There will -be due on sadd mort gage at the date of sale the sum of Two Hundred Dollars. C. J. Johnson, Ryder, N. D. Assignee of Mortgagee. H. E. Johnson, Ryder, N. Dak. Attorney fcr Assignee Notice of Forecloaure Sale Notice is hereby given, that a certain mortgage executed and de livered by Frederick W. Boettcher and Riuth H. Boetticher, mortgagors, to F. B. Gannon, mortgagee, dated tbe 11th day of August 1910, and fil ed for recordi im the office of the Register of Deeds of the County cf McLean and State of North Dakota, on tbe 12th day of December 1910, and recorded in Book B. 2(1 of Mort gages at page 261, and assigned by said mortgagee to First National Bank, of Aberdeen South. Dakota, which said assignment was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of McLean County, North Dakota on the l3tih day of January 1015, in Book H. 11, of mortgages, on page 398, will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in such mortgage and hereinafter described, at tbe front door of -tihe court house in the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, at the ihour of one o'clock P. vM. 011 .Saturday the 2flth day of May 19il5, to satisfy the amount due uponi such mortgage on the day of sale. The premises de scribed in such mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows: The East ot tbe South west quarter, and the West of the South east quarter at Section 2$, in Township 14$, in-Range S3 West of tbe 5th P. M. There will be due upon such mortgage ait the date of sale the sum of $2801.58. First National Bank, -of Aberdeen, South Dakota, Assignee of Mortgagee. Cameras can be had at^ the Studio. You _can use them or buy, as you wish. Adv. Notlea of MortfSfa Ptoivclaturs 8*1* Notice la hereby given that (bat certain mnrtg^e made, execut ed and delivered by Pater E. MdLsf ferty, a single man, mortgagor, to The Savings Deport* Bank, Mlnot, Nlorth Dakota^ a corporation, mort gagee, dated November 15, IS 13 and recorded.1 in tbe office of the. Register of Deeds for McLean County, North Dakota, on- December 8th, 1®13, at 8:46 o'clock, A. M. in Book "B-45" of Mortgages on page "294", and duly assigned by said mortgagee by an instrument 1ft writing to First International Bank, Mlnot, Nicrth Da kota, a corporation, recorder in tbe office of said Register of Deeds on Aipril 20th, 1915, in Book "Hil2" of Assignments at page "83", will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises contained in, said muntgage and here inafter described by the sheriff of salid County at the front door of the Court House In. the City of Wash burn, in MciLean County, iNorth Da kota, on, May 29th, 1»15, at ,2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage on the date of sale Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of the sum of Ninety Dollars ($90.00) according to the terms of certain promissory notes, and default exists by tbe terms of sadd mortgage in the non-payment of one of said notes, and, in tbe non payment of delinquent taxes and interest on a prior mortgage of re cord, which taxes and interest the undersigned has been compelled to pay andi by tbe terms of said mortg age, the undersigned has declared the entire mortgage debt, dJue and payable, and said mortgage contains a power of sale, which is now oper ative. The real estate described in said mortgage and wfbich wdQ be sold to satisfy the same is situated in the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, and is known, and described as follows: Northeast Quarter (NE1^) of Section twenty (30) in .Township one hundred' fifty (150) Range eighty-four (84.) There will be due on said mortgage on the date of sale including inter est and taxes as aforesaid, the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150. 00) together with the costs of this foreclosure as provided by law. Dated April 21st, 1915. First International Bank, Minot, N. D. The French government has Just con ferred the bigb distinction of Les Pnlmes d'Officier d'Academic- on. Mme Itegina de Sales, the American tem-b er of singing. Mme. Y. Ozaki. wife of Japan's min ister of justice, is English on her ma ternal side, ber mother having been a Miss Morrison before ber marriage. Her grandfather was a profound schol ar and linguist, and was tbe tutor of many of Japan's great men who were sent to England to study. Town Topics^ One of the pressing economic prob lems in Chicago just now is tbe bigb cost of murder.—Detroit Free Press. St Louis refers to itself as tbe fourth city of the nation- Tbanks to Greater Boston's love of home rule.— Boston Herald. Cincinnati turned down ber reform charter, but wants individual drtnkinK buckets for horses. Isn't that Cincin nutlesque?— Memphis Commercial-Ap peal. We have no mosquitoes. In Washing ton. Those that you see here occa sionally belong in Baltimore and have just strayed off from borne.—Washing ton Herald. Train and Track. A recent speaker on railroad motive power declared, from the returns on a division 440 mileslong. that electricity was 25 per cent cheaper than steam. Railroads of the country in tbe last six years have increased steel passen ger cars from 620 to 9,492 and steel underframe cars from 673 to 3.935. an increase of 1.409 per cent In Berlin mirrors have been attach ed to the sides of street cars at the height of a passenger's bead when standing on tbe lower step. This gives tbe passenger a view of tbe traffic that is nnproacbing behind him and will, it is hoped, prevent accidents.' Fashion's Frills. It mint take considerable skill to affect the debotantq slouch and yet not fall through one's clothes.—Toledo Blade. Married men with slender Incomes are beginning to speculate on the cost of tbe Inevitable Caillaux gown.—In dianapolis News. Those dresses with the gunny sack hip effects won't be In style long. Yon remember what happened to tbe pan nier skirt If a girl is built right she Isn't aping to bang 4 lot of portieres over heir curves when she can display them In a glove fitting effect—Cincin nati Rnqnlrer. 1 A corporation. Assignee of Mortgagee. W. G. Hendricks, Sheriff of McLean County, North Dakota. Thompson & Wooledge, Attorneys for Assignee of Mort gagee, Minot, North Dakota. DAMES AND DAUGHTERS* Adeline Robinson of New York weigfui 600 pounds. Marjorie V. Kinhnu. San Francisco^ Chinese girl. Js a dentist Princess Josephine von Lobkowitz won the chief women's prize in tbe so ciety fencing tournament held at Prague. Mrs. Edith W. Pierce, inspector of streets in Philadelphia, interested: over 5,000 boys and girls in tbe work, and they assisted ber in cleaning up- the city. Making the Little ii Farm Pay s- By C. C. BOWSFIELD Dock fanning is becoming more prof itable year by year. People are learn ing that ducks are the hardiest of do mestlc fowls and are the easiest to feed. Matured ducks of the larger breeds are worth $1 to $1.25 each dressed. The feathers add a few cents I to this. Ducklings grow fast and reacb a nice 1 roasting size at two months, it beinig quite common to get a four pound fowl at this age. They are a great delicacy then, and as they bring a higher rate per pound than when matured it is considered most profitable to market them at a weight of three to four pounds. Their feed up to this time should consist mainly of hran or shorts wet to a thin mash with sklmmllk, adding a little cornmeal. Stale bread or crackers soaked with skimmilk will also do nicely. They need a clover patch to run In. Garden stuff is 'ex cellent. A little cracked corn is need ed in tbe last two weeks. In rais ing ducks to an age of six or eight months considerable grain ft required in addition to the mash and green stuff. From time of batching to five days old provide the following mixture: Cracker or bread crumbs and corn meal, equal parts by measure bard boiled eggs, 15 per cent of tbe total bulk of crackers and meal sand, 5 per cent of the total of crackers and meal. Mix with water or milk .and feed four times a day. From five to twenty days old the following mixture: Wheat bran or shorts, two parts by measure corn meal, one part rolled oats, 50 per cent of this bulk beef scraps. 5 per cent AYIIBSBUBY DBASE. sand, & per cent green food, 10 per cent. Mix witb water to a dry, crum bly state, and feed fonr times a day. From twenty to forty-two days old tbe following mixture: Wheat bran or shorts, two parts by measure corn meal, one part beef scraps. 5 per cent of this bulk sand. 5 per cent green food, 10 per cent. Mix with water to a dry, crumbly state and feed four times a day. From forty-two to seventy days old the following mixture: Cornmeal. two parts by measure wheat bran or shorts, one part: beef scraps, 10 |cr cent of this bulk coarse sand or grit. 5 per cent green food. 10 per cent. Mix with water to a dry. crumbly state and feed four times a day. Of all ducks for farm and practical put-poses none stands higher in popu lar esteem than the White Peking. It ts valuable for raising on a large scale and is the most easily raised of all. It Is a very timid bird and must be bandied quite.carefully. It was Im ported from China in the early seyen tles and lias steadily grown in popu larity since its introduction into this country. The White Aylesbury ducks are sec« ond to tbe popular Peking for market purposes and are bred in large num bers in Europe. In tbls country they are not so extensively bred as the Pe king neither have they been found so good as tbe latter. The Colored Rouen duck Is called deservedly popular throughout this '•ountry and is considered. one of the most profitable varieties to keep. By some raisers the Cayuga is considered to be as good as the Peking for early markets, and the claim is made that It can be grown as chenply. The In tllan Runner Is best for egg production. but Is not equal to the others for meat Ducks should have a snug shelter for nighti. A swimming pond or 4 creek is not heeded, but they need a trough for splashing and washing. They consume a lot of clean water, Ducks usually lay their eggs eartlr| in the. morning, and they often prefer to drop those eggs In any mud puddle about the barn lot, or as they swim In tbe creek. But if a bouse Is pro vided they will lay in their nests I kept up until 9 or 10 o'clock in t|ke morning. Nests can be made for the layers along one of the' walls by lng little boards about fifteen inches •part to this wall. These form a sirt of stall, into which yon place sf Nail low cleat along the nest close to tbe floor. Tbls prevents eggs rolling out and does not hinfler the duck stepping Inty her laying stftlL Keep the Bull In Bounds. Tbe bnllpen is a McaMdtf on every Harm. It Is unwise and injudicious to allow the bull toina at liberty with tiie cattle.