Newspaper Page Text
.*«?»* It ®a£"^*OT! %A: Go to Holtans for your screen doors-—Adv. Found—a razor, brash and soap in the yards of the Washburn Eivery Co. Thv brush was wrap ped in an envelope addressed to Oskar Johnson,.Otiscc, Minn. Call at the Leader office for same. Notice for Bids Notice is hereby given that the school Board of Turtle Lake school District No. il will receive sealed kids np till May first, 1915 for painting interior ceiling and wall of five (5) school houses, two coats. The District will furnish all paint and oil. All black boards must be taken off as the schools will be replaced with new ones. No paint spots shall be left on floor or furniiure. A good job will be required. First coat shall be thoroughly dried before second coat is applied. Board reserves right to reject any or all bids. By order of school board. H. E. Britton, Clerk. rAk! Thuei Invigwraljng Whiff off the Pine Foreet. How it clears the throat and head' of its mucous ailments. It is this spirit of Newness and Vigor from the. health-giving Pin ey forests brought back by Dt. Bell's Pane-Tar-Honey. Amtisep tie and healing. Buy a bottle today. A11 druggists, 25c. Elec trie Bitters a spring tonic.—Aidv We have four gold watches to be given to the Boosters or to persons who are not Bolsters* They will be given during the next sixteen weeks the following way: Olio watch, will be given at the eiitd of each four consecu tive weeks after the count on. Monday, May 3rd, 'to any in dividual wiho casts the moat Booster Coupons1 during the period of four weeks. All coupons cast in these contests count on the Grand prize for the best Booster In the Booster Club Campaign, but all Boosters start even in each waittfi contest of four weeks thius each Booster, high or low in the club, has the same opportunity in each watch contest. Any individual having won a wabch from the store will not be allowed to enter the following waitch contests, neither may any member of the Immediate faultily of a winner, nor a helper. An individual who is not a Booster may enter these watch contests and coupons onaiy be oarit in the name of some. Booster, in. which aase, to get the credit, Hhe cou pons nnust be counted by us before they are put in the bal lot box. However, these coupons collected by persons not Boosters must be cast all for one Booster. In case of a tie the preaniiuim will be sold at auction and the money divided. The first Watoh Contest is from Monday, May 3Td, to Mon day, May 3let. See the Poster at our store for biig special offer im free Boost er Coupons. Ask us about it. One thousand coupons will be giivein to any person for music which will bo rendered ait our store In one ho.ur periods from one to six, Saturday afternoon May, 1st, 1915. lioltan Merc. Go. THE BOOSTER STORE. Washburn, Winded Com press and Vactram WASHER IN. The machine that has solved the wash day problem. Every home needs one—every home buys one. Wash a tub of clothes in from 3 to 6 minutes. I am ready and willing to place one of these machines in your home on trial, without obligation on your part. Every, mach ine sold on a money back guarantee. A child can use it. Will wash the finest lace cur tain and the heaviest blank et. No wear and tear. Abolish labor of wash day. I?-,. -1' 25 sold in March in one day local agents wanted. Call on or ftlitBr- VACUUM WASHER CO. Box 26, Max, N. D. Dak. Go to Hoi tan's and see their new shipment of Detroit Vapor Oil or Gas stoves.—Adv. Notice of Mortgage Sale Notice is herein given that that certain mortgage executed and de livered by Emma Matihescn, formerly Bmima Anderson, widow of Fired erick Anderson deceased and Nep tun Mathtison, her husband, dated the 25tih day of January, 1903 and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deedis of .tihe County of McLean and State of North Dafkota on the 16th day of March 1908 and recorded in bcok "FM9" of mortga ges on page 106, given to the United States Land, and Investment Company, a corporation of Mtaot, Njrth Dakota, which corporation has duly and legally changed its name to the Savings Loan & Trust Co., a corporation, will be foreclosed by sale of the premises described in. said mortgage and hereinafter de scribed, ait the front door of the Court House in the City of Wash burn, County of A&cLean and State of N^r.ih Daikota, at tihe hour of two (2) o'clock P. M. on the 12th day of June 1915, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage on. the date of sale. The premises described in said mortgage and wbicfh will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows, bo-wit:- The West Half of the Southwest quarter and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty seven, in Township One Hundred fifty North of Range Eighty six West of the Fifth P. M. (W &W>4 and NE& SWYi of Sec. 27 Twip. 150 Rge. 86.) default having existed in the terms, of said mortgage by reason cf the mortgagors failure to pay the Interest coupon note of $35.CO due on prior mortgage on December 1st., 1914, wftiich amount this mortgagee was compelled to and did pay. and the mortgager® failure to pay installment of $25.00 due on this mortgage on December 1st., 19,14 The mortgagee does hereby elect and declare the whole of said' mortgage due and pay able according to the terms cf said mortgage and Includes therein the said $35.00 coupon interest note paid by this mortgagee on a prior mortgage, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per annum •from December 1st 1914. There will be due on said mortgage the date of sale the suim of $1.37.90, together with ccsbs and attorney's feas. Dated at Minot, North Dakota this 2'7th day of April A. D. 1»15. The Savings Loan & Trust Co., A corporation, Mortgagee. D. C. Greenleaf, Attorney tor mortgagee, Minot, N. D. Join the Back Yard Farmers. "An hour's work every day In the back yard will serve substantially to reduce the high cost of living," says C. L. Smith of Portland. Ore., agri culturist for a railroad company. "The profit that can be made from the back end of an ordinary city lot is hard to realize. It Is possible to crow not only all the fresh vegetable* needed for the ordinary family, but to produce enough small fruits and vegetables to supply them through the greater part of the winter:" IF BUSINESS IS DULL TRY AH ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN IT WORKS WONDERS I S -t «Wi* Go to Cverson Bros, for Your Farm Implements Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sal* Notice is hereby given that that certain mortgage made, execut ed and delivered by Peter E. MicfLaf fcirty, a single man, mortgagor, to The Savings Deposit Bank, Minot, North Daikota, a corporation, mort gagee, dated November 15, 1*913 and recorded! in the office of the Register of Deeds for McLean County, North Dakota, on December 8th, 1IH3, at 8: 4h5 o'clock, A. M. in Book "B-45 of Mortgagee on page "264", and duly assigned iby said mortgagee by am instrument in writing to First International Bank, Miinct, North Da kota, a corporation, recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds on Ajpril 20tih, 1915, in Book "H-il2" of Assignment® at page "83", will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises contained in said mortgage and here inafter described by the sheriff of said County at the front door of the Court House in the City of Wash burn, in McLean: County, .North Da kota, on May 29th, 1915, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said d&v to satisfy the ajmount due on said mortgage on the date of sale Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of the sum of Ninety Dtollars ($90.00) according to the terms of certain promissory notes, and default exists by 'the terms of saiid mortgage in the non-payment of one of said notes, and in the non payment of delinquent taxes and interest on a prior mortgage of re cord, whiich taxes and interest the undersigned has been compelled to pay and by the terms of said mortg age, the undersigned has dieclared the entire mortgage debt, due and payable, and said mortgage contains a power of sale, which is now oper ative. The real estate described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same is situated im the County of McLean and State of North Dakota, and is known and described as follows: Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) of Section twenty (20) in Township one hundred fifty (150) Range eighty-four (84.) There will be due on said mortgage on the date of sale including inter est and taxes as aforesaid, the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150. 00) together with the costs of this foreclosure as provided by law. Dated April 21st, 1915. First International Bank, Minot, N. D. A corporation. Assignee of Mortgagee. W. G. Hendrlciks, Sheriff of McLean County. North Dakota. Thompson & Wcoledge, Attorneys tor Assignee of Mort gagee, Minot, North Daikota. Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale By Advertisement Notice is hereby given that thai! certain mortgage executed and de livered by EJmamuel Fuerst and Dorothea Fuerst, bis wife, mortgagors to John Holland, dated the 27th day of November, 1909, fined for record in the office of the Register cf Deeds of McLean County, North Daikota, on the 2nd day of December, 1909, at 10:30 o'clock, A. M., and recorded in Book B-28 of Mortgages, on page 560, and which said mortgage was by the said mortgagee, by an in strument in writing dated Ajpril 11, 1:913, duly assigned to J. A. Ross, which said assignment was. filed for record in. the office of the Register of Deeds cf McLean. County, North Dakota, on the 16th day of April, 1913, at 10:20 o'clock, A. M., and recorded in Bcok H«1iU of Mortgages, on page 04, and which said mortgage was thereafter amd on the Sftth day of April, 1913, duly assigned by said assignee of mortgagee by an instru ment in Writing to First State Bank of Dogdem, which said assignment was filed' for record in the office of the Register cf Deeds of McLean County, North Dakota, on .the 23 id day of July, 1-913, at 8 o'clock, A. M., and recorded In Bcok H-.10 of Mort gages, on page 171, will be fore closed by a sale of the premises to such mortgage and hereinafter de scribed, at the front door of the court house in the city ofc-Washiburn, County of McLean, State of North Dakota, at the hour of two o'clock, P. M., on tihe 12th day of June, 1i9l5, to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgiage on the day cf sale. The premises described in said mortgage and wfoteh will be sold satisfy the same, are those ce-Kaia premises situated in the Cciuis'y cf McLean, State of North D.aJicita, de scribed as follows, to-wit: The North east Quarter (NE'/i) and Northwest Quarter (NW'4) cf S- tlon Twenty two (22), Township Ono Hundred Forty-eight (148), North cf Range Seventy-nine (79) West cf tiha 5th P. M., And whereas, said mortgage pro vides that in case of the failure of the mortgagors to pay the taxes, the mortgagee or his assigns may pay the same and such sum paid shall be come a part of the mortgage indebt edness and draw interest at the same rate. And whereas, said assignee has been obliged to pay delinquent tax es upon said' land in the sum. of 1106.13, said payimeut being made on the 27th day of November, 1914. And whereas, the sadd assignee, in order to protect said mortgage,, hav ing been obliged to pay interest on a prior mortgage inpon saiid land, in the swi of $79.75, said .payment being made on the 12th day of November, 1914, and to further pro tect said mortgage having been ob iged to pay a comtmdasion for re newing the first mortgage upon said premises, said payment being made on.the 12th day of November, 1914, in the sum of $66.00. That including the amounts so paid tor taxes, interest on prior mortgage^ and commission on renew al of first mortgage, as aforesaid, there will be dUe on said mortgage ait the date of sale the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Bight and 7*9-100 Dollars ($1708.79.) Dated this 28th dJay of April, A. D., 1MB. First State Bank of Dogden, Assignee of Assignee, of Mortgagee. 7-V4 Hiytand ft Madden, :j Attorney for Aasignee of Assignee of Mortgagee, Bismarck, N. D. •&?<» J" & i£taTV^/ 1 Wf '•y 1,1 Scientific Farming GRAVE PERIL TO ALFALFA. f/eevil From Europe Threatens Crop. Close Watch Advised. Alfalfa growers everywhere should be on the lookout for the alfalfa wee ,ril, which was introduced Into Utah several years ago from Europe and Is doing much damage there and has spread over Into Idaho. There is no reason to doubt that it would spread and multiply in the states farther east If it were once in troduced. This is an impending calamity to the whole country. By keeping watch we may be able to call its appearance to the attention of our experiment sta tions and the United States depart ment of agriculture, so that war may be waged on the pest In time. The alfalfa weevil Is a small beetle about the size of a grain of wheat. The mature bugs eat holes In the FIELD OF ALFALFA IN FIiOTTBISHINa CONDITION. alfalfa leaves and lay eggs in the holes. The eggs are of a lemou yellow color. They batch out into grubs which are greenish in color, with a white line along the back, and of course are rather small, being the off spring of a beetle no larger than a wheat grain. The grubs feed on the alfalfa leaves and sometimes destroy them com pletely. No more serious danger confronts the agriculture of the country than is found in the possibility of the spread of this little bug Into the states east of the Rocky mountains. Inspect your alfalfa plants for the little holes close to a bud. If they are made by a little grub seud one specimen to the entomologist nt your experiment.station and another to the bureau of plant industry at Washing ton. nml write a letter to go with each specimen, telling the story of your find. Professor Gillette of the Colorado station advises farmers not to receive shipments of bulky merchandise like potatoes, fruit or nursery stock from those regions of Utah or Idaho where this insect occurs, unless the goods have been thoroughly disinfected. It would seem the part of wisdom for the government to adopt preventive nffeiw uras. Alfalfa For Hogs. There Is really no more profitable pasture for hogs than alfalfa. It should not be stocked too heavily In pastur ing. tlic-Kur|lns growth being mowed whenever It needs It. Good hay re sults from that portion which the hog* do not eat. and the new that comes up Is fresh and well liked by the bogs. If is not mowed swine are apt to eat It in patches, killing parts altogether. Weight of Peking Duck*. Peking ducks should weigh more tlian five pounds. The standard weight of the duck is seven pounds and that of the drake eight: They are creamy white, with bright orange colored beaks mid legs. A well bred, well cared for Peking duckling should weigh five pounds at ten weeks of age. THE PROFITABLE CAPON. The best capons are hatched in early spring and operated upon during early summer, before extremely hot weather begins, says the Country Gentleman. The birds are then ready for market during and after the holiday season. Cockerels of any breed can be made to Increase in weight by being capon lzed. The larger breeds will permit of much greater gains apd are therefore more desirable. For the production of capons on the farm the Plymouth Rocks are among the best fowls to keep, since the females may bis kept for eggs and all surplus cockerels ca ponlied. June and July are the best months for the work, becaqse spring batched chicks! reach proper Size then and also because birds caponized at this time ar the proper age and weight for torkettng at the season when there Is the greatest demand and the best prices prevail. ir X* •-t. Summons State oC Ntorth Dakota* County of McLeu. In District Court, Sixth Judicial Dist rict. John Frey, Plaintiff, VIS. W V/. Jidhn Erikson, deceased, and Anna L. Joihnscai, deceased, and Charles Brlkson, heirs and all other un known heirs of Jotun Erikson, de ceased, Andrew Johnscn, Albert Johnson, Blenda Johnson, and Os car Jotanison, heirs of Anna L. Johnson, deceased, and all other parties unknown., claiming any es tate or interest in or Men or en cumbrance upon the property de scribed In the complaint or against the estate of Jdhn Erikson, De ceased. Defendants. State of North Dakota to the above named Defendants known and un known: You are hereby summoned to ans wer the comfplaint in this action which is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the District Court in and for McLean County' North Da kota, and serve a copy of your ans wer upon the subscriber at his office in the City of Washburn, McLean County, North Daikota, within thirty (30) days from and after the ser vice of this summons upon you, ex clusive of the day of such service, and in case of your failure to ap pear or answer judgment will be taken against you for the relief de manded In the complaint. Dated this 30th, day of April, 1915. James T. McCulloch, Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post office address Washburn, No. Dakota. To the above named Defendants: Please take notice that this action is brought for the purpose of deter mining the heirs of John Erlkson, deceased, who made homestead en try for the NW?4 of Section 11, Twp. 145, N. of Range, 82, West fifth P. M. in McLean County North Da kota, and which was by the Govern ment of the United States Patented to the Heirs of John Brikson, deceas ed, under An Aict. of Congress, and that no personal claims is miade against any of said defendants. Dated this 30th. day of April, 1915. James T. McCulloch, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Washburn- No. Dak. 8ocial Clearing House In 8t. Leu is. St. Louis is the first city in the Unit ed States to establish officially a gen eral co-operative clearing house of all organizations interested In the welfare of the city. Mayor Henry W. Kiel recently an nounced the formation of a mayor's conference to which all organizations active tn public matters (about 3501 may send delegates. This plan is the suggestion of representatives of lead ing organizations of the city. The con ference will meet on call of the mayor forthe discussion of all Important move ments for the city's progress.—8urvey. A Drop of Printer's Ink Makes Thousands Think. THIS WAY IN The Oil Stovi With the PATENTED Kerogas Burner It Burns Common Kerosene Oil Makes a large amount of blue flame di rectly in contact with the cooking vessel. Perfect combustion. Most economical stove. Cooks at much less cost and faster than any other stove or any other fuel. Easily operated and controlled. Brass direc tion plate on every burner. Made of steel* cabinet style. N enameled burner drums, heavy solid brass burners. Large free oil channels warranting perfect flow and feeding of oil, Clogging and similar trouble impossible.' TH0S. THOMPSON HDWE. CO. WASHBURN, N. D. III. •*«..» *t 4. THE GREATSERIAL •v •\-£fp£ y:^ "Trey O'Bearts" will begin on Friday Evening May 7th at the Opera House To be continued one night each week. As good if not better than "LUCILLE LOVE." Be there for the first installment. HOME MEAT MARKET Smoked and Fresh Meats of all Kinds Wm. Rost, Prop. WASHBURN, N. D. Town's Ugliness Kills Family Life. Declaring that Pittsburgh's hilly to pography is most favorable to artistic and sanitary homes. Albert Kelsey. a Philadelphia architect, told the con irress of women's clubs In Pittsburgh that what Is needed Is a higher birth rate, especially among the middle class es. who are In a position to give .their children a wholesome if not an elabo rate rearing. Mr. Kelsey said that most town plans In this country suffer from monotony and that In part at least this accounts for the fact that women will prefer to put their money Into theater tickets and the movies rather than Into caring for families. i1W Porcelain '3 'S§ 4 & 4s ,3 -iS*