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.attijiujjgfcjjafciirfiBiiliiifr** )&fJf w:* T9je Republican says that iSVuter has lost its distinction .»£ being a frontier town—Attor ney Dunn has installed a bath tub in. his home the first in towr4' If you love a girl—it® your bus •aew.. If she loves you—its her Iktsiness. If yen marry—its no '!»ctly'« business but to sell you a mrm is our business. Klein's £&nd Agency.—Adv. Hev. Reid was taken to the IS! 3m air ok hospital Saturday. Ed. S^uerst bringing him here in his vjittr from the S'iagg home. It was thought that an operation would be neccssary but the doc asirs. are endeavoring to avoid this. We have arranged to give to the' best Rooster or to any one .purchasing a piano through us a certificate of scholarship for one yi-ar to the Northwettfrn School of Music. These certificates are transferable before register tion with the school. Remember we give fffty cooupons free to each person bringing to our store'three or more words. See the poster at our store for fuller explanations'. Wliat Booster wi'Il win the watch next Monday, June 28. tioltan Merc. Go. THE BOOSTER STORE. Washburn, L0CAU1EWS For Sale—heavy fence posts. Sverson Bros.—Adv. "Ehc Ladies' Aid will meet with Jlrs. J. E. Williams Thursday, Jttiy 1. For sale— Buckwheat seed at tfie Mill.—Adv. John E. Sullivan was among ibe Garrison notables here Thursday. ^arf wanted—for general house work. Call or write to Mrs. Edw, Kugler, Bitumina Mine.—Adv. Mrs. A. N. Sutton is down iram Garrison enjoying the week with friends. Ole Soderquist went to Bis asacck Saturday to Sunday with. Ms brother lVte who has had a •two-weeks siege in the hospital with blood poison. Misses Dora Carlson and Hilda Uusta'fison left Saturday and will jpend the week at Jamestown at tending the annual Methodist aarap meeting, IN. Paints Last Longest it' ($+-. AIs I V. LAPOU- "it's In tf0 Oil." The oil &t heart and life ofe very paint. No (matter what else the paint con tains, if it is mixed in jpoor oil the paint ia unsatisfac tory ana will not last. Lin seed Oil is the only oil that wiBmake good paint. The batter the oil the- better the gamt Minnesota. Paints ground in the PUREST [NSEED OIL IN THE WORLD. Itwmade in their own mills from Northwest ern flax—the finest in the world—pressed, refined and aged, and mixed in Minn esota Paints beforeit leaves tbebmldingB* For 40years Minnesota Paints have been Known as "The Beat EttintsMaide." Iftherewas •ay way of making them better thqr'd be doing it. —A StteUl AM tor Evtry PtimU ttUSurfaef' /uflU or (&M4*. Thoa. Thompson Hdw«. Co, MM? 9, Dak. For Ri'iit—Furnished room. In quire of Mrs. Buohholz.—Adv. Keith Barrows and Emmet Bills are among the prominent Garrison farmers in town. For prices on woven wire fenc ing, gates and steel fence posts ask Thompson Hdwe^ Co.—Adv. Joe Grabinger and family are spending the week attending the- entertainments. For Sale—Full blooded Ham shire (belted) pigs, all pedigreed. Pope farm, J. S. Thornton, owner -Adv. 11-25. Cameras can be had at the Studio. You can use them or buy, as you wish. Adv J. J. Schweiaer went to St. Piaul Friday with a car of hogs. Th.e same day a car was shipped •from Hensler. Mr. and Airs. John Samuelson are back from their auto trip to Minnesota where they visited with Mrs. Samuelson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .v'otrg. Jiacob Bender, of Mercer, re membered us with a pleasant call Wednesday. Mr. Bender tells us tliere is general optimism aiinong the farmers in the Mer cer neighborhood and there is much improving going on. Arthur Leidholm, who is one of the younger generation who is making good as a farmer near the home of his parents at Basto, was among those who re membered us with a subscription renewal during the week. A petition has Leen i'ii"d with tlie county auditor asking for the division of Butte School Distv jrict which now consists of two, townships—150 and 79 and 80. I Tlie commissioners will consider jthe petition at their July meet iing* Dr. Thomas E. Story, who un til recently maintained a dental •office here, was found dead in his room at Parshall Friday mori ing. Before coming here the Doctor was located at Minot for many years and was rated as lone of the leading professional men of the state. The opera, house was- well fill ed on Saturday evening the oc casion being the wedding of Tom Thumb. This bad created considerable in terest for the participants Were all local children from 3 to 9 yearn of age. To name all the I children taking part would be a task far too great and to speak of those in an individual way and endeavor to pick out the beet performers would be to dif ficult for an auditor to take upon him. All the children did remarkably well, some of them, were supposa'ble old and by the way their backs' were bent we could picture our ^grandparents 'of days gone by. The young man whom, the bride rejected showed considerable manliness I in coming to the wedding but we saw him shaking his tiny fist at the groom. This enter tainment, which was brightened by the singing of the Glee Club, was enjoyed by all if the merry laughter and the clapping of the handaliad anything to say 'M Mm Get prices on barb wire and woven wire fence. Holtan Merc. Qo.—Adv. Hugh McCulloch arrived from Valparaiso, Ind., Monday where he graduated last week. The aliuminuin ware displayed at tioltan Merc. Co. is, attract ing attention.—Adv. Eric Larson, and family were among the many here Tuesday taking in the chautauqua. A. P. Thyberg of Conkling called at the Leader office Tues day while in town. For Rent—The Jos. Willits house. See Holtan Merc. Co.—j Adv. Editor Jones and family were Turtie Lake visitors several days: during the week. Mrs. E. I. Schulz spent the week at Vailey City attending the commencement week exer cises at the Normal. A ww lot of "BoboLinks" juf-ti •arrived at Walls.' Jewelry store. —Adv. Mrs. Aug. S. Fahlgren. and baby have gone to Tacoma, Wash where they will spend six weeks with Mrs. Fahlgren's parents,' Mi-, and Mrs. Andrew Sundwold. Your dreams of success can be come a reality, but first take a course in Mankato Commercial College. Sen' for catalogue.— Adv. Prof. II. K. Brown dropped in Wednesday and is enjoying the chautauqua fun. The Professor is spending his vacation traveling for the Northern School Supply co- HARNESS, A fine line of Light and heavy harness, collars, harnesB goods have just been re ceived by the Mandan Mercantile Co. Prices are right and all goods guaranteed.—Adv. Axel Fransen and family came down from Cdleharbor Thursday to take in the chautauqua. Mr. Fransen don't come here very often but his many friends are always glad to see him. Norwegian services will be held in the Sverdrup church next Sunday, June 27th, at 4 p. m. Immediately after the service a short meeting of the congrega tion will be held to discuss cer tain questions pertaining to the parochial school. 'We have missed connection on a part of the material for the Garrison Farmers automobile excursion here Tuesday. By al lowing this to go over until next week we will be able to do this important a:xi successful under taking better justice. John- Schuler is irnpro\ing his farm, with a new modern chick en house 16x24 well ventilated and lighted, plastered and back plastered. The Schuiers have 450 young chickens and 150 old ones and find chicken raising profitable. Ed. Fuerst is Sdding to the comforts of his home by an addition to his residence—base ment for a furnace, kitchen and bath room on the ground li .1 and two bed rooms above anu a coat of fresh paint all around on the outside. Mrs. H. C. Hanson has vacat ed the Mrs. Ole terscn resi dunce and lias taken quarters across the strett from the Sctun stcre. Mrs. Peterson is having her house remodeled and over-1 hauled and will occupy it with her children. She has decided to discontinue the operation of her ranch north of Malcolm. The government snag boat. Mandan passtd down river Sat-1 uitlay on its return trip to Sioux Clity after having visited Benton and other up-river points. This snag boat is one of the many government "jokes" that has no reason for existence except to provide easy jobs for some twenty] hands and to eat up an annual approprition of $25,000. ,•/•••••' '--yi County Surveyor Perley 's a very busy man these days. The supervision of work under con struction and the laying out of new work and drawing plans and specifications for proposed grad and bridges require much time and detail work. Mr. Perley is doing goo,d work and it is hop-' ed that the commissioners will give liim a 'free reign for the results obtained in road build ing depends largely on the pre-1 Eminary. work and the super vision of county surveyor. m-tlie •£vw.- -i "B Go to Gverson Pros, for Your Tarm Implements 1 1 Land and Land loans a speeial ly. Klein's Land Agency.—Adv. I Eldred Gradin is the owner of a bran new Ford run-about. Farm Loans made at the Wash burn State Bank, Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Lauris Bale, of Garrison, were here Wednesday. Straw hat season is here. Sep Holtan Merc. Co.—Adiv. Peter Larson made this office a call while in town Thursday. Detroit Vapor stoves are better See Holtan Merc. Co.—Adv. The Norwegian Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Horace Hol tan July 1. Everybody welcome. P. K. Eastman, Simon Jahr and P. J. Cahill were among those who took in the chautauqua on the opening day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Reuter and 'Mesdiames Mason and Hanson of Underwood came down .in. the car Thursday to attend chau tauqua. Anton Peterson is taking a week 'is vacation and is taking i,n the Methodist camp meeting at Jamestown. Newspapers are reporting a big gathering at Jlamestown this year. Miiss Margaret Westmiiler ar rived from Linton Monday where she' lias completed her schooi work. She expects to spend most of her vacation with mother and relatives in this neighborhood. For sale—The Wlashburn Hotel well established business to right party. Building for sale on easy terms. For further particulars call or write. Will be glad to answer correspondence. Oberg Sisters, Washburn, N. D.—Adv. James A. Power, of Leonard, representing the First National Bank of St. Paul, was here dur ing the week. Mr. Power is a member of the new board of Regents under whose super vision a number of state insti tutions pass July 1. Seventy-eight tickets were sold at the "barn storming" party at the Hans Hultberg farm Friday evening. Young people from all parts gathered and all were greatful to Mr. Hultberg for his kindness in giving the use. of his premises for a meeting place. Rev. J. A. Diesen is back from his trip to the exposition. He returned by way of Minneapo lis where he attended the Lu theran conference. C. M. Diesen is returning by another route aaid is, expected home next week. J. F. Jacoby, of Minneapolis, was here Wednesday looking over the field for an electric light plant. He was favorably impressed and expects to re visit us in about two weeks when the matter will be taken up by a committee of the city council. Garrison has a special election Tuesday, July t», to decide on the proposition of bonding the village of Garrison for $3000* 6 per cent interest, .payable 20 vtars from date, for the pur pose of providing electric jights on the stie+ t* of the village of Gariison. A water system would likely be more beneficial for Garrison. Wilton is celebrating the Fourth again this year. Sunday coming on the t4th Saturday will be the day for jollification. Wilton has the reputation of giving its visitors good entei tainment and judging from the elaborate arrangements this year will be no exception to the rule. Go to Wilton July 3. Robert Leroy, youngest 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeRoy— old and respected residents pf the Weller neighborhood—iwas married last Thursday to Miss Haael Brewster. The young people have gone to Valley City where they will spend a part of their honeymoon- and after the return they will live on the Le Roy farm southwest of Under wood. "i* Haael Fofbesf"*Kate Barlow, Diaisy Doepke, Rose Nelson, Pear Bills and Louise Johnson are among the. young girls who are leaving Monday for Valley City to attend the Normal summer school. -TJne summer school opens June 29 and continues for six weeks. The Nkmnal sum mer school afford students an opportunity to take special sub jects desired and isjpiwwing in popularity each One 7x7 tent for sale at Hol tan Merc. Co.—Adv. For Sale—'A large gasoline stove. Inquire at Leader.—Adv. Miss Aldyth Ward has been named as State Organizer for the Suffrage Association. If in need of ash or diamond willoiw posts see Adolph Waoker. —Adv. Bert Gal'lahan has been tak ing the chautauqua talent to Bis^ mairck by auto after the close of the entertainments each evening. A can of Calumet Baking Powder and a Calumet Cook Book will make any housewife a better cook.—Adv. ExtRepresentative Jerry O'Shea and son Joe and a piarty of friends are down from Black water and are enjoying the chauauqua entertainments. Mrs. O "Shea has not been enjoying good health during the last few months. If you don't believe that a w/atch can keep perfect time while froaen solid in ice, stop at the Jewelry store any afternoon during Chautauqua week and see the South Bend do this unusual service.—Adv. The Soo construction train has been working out of here dur ing the week. It is proposed to gravel tfie road bed between here and Dogden during the summer. There is more than fifty men in the surfacing gang. MACHINERY, If rn need of a plow, dr^ll. harrow, harrow cart corn-planter, cultivator, wa gon, buggy or any other farm machinery, go to the Mandan Merchants Co. All machinery guaranteed.—Adv. Sam Russell, who helped pilot the first passenger coach into Wiashburn on the old Bismarck, Washburn & Great Falls rail road in the fall of 1901, and who has served as conductor contin uously on this line since, liajs been transferred to a run out of Duluth. Mr. Russell' has been a sufferer from, hay fever the past five years andhas been treated to annuai forced vaca tions. The new run will take him through the pine country in Northern Minnesota and should be beneficial Sam's hay fever. E. W. Elder, the horse buyer, shipped two cars of horses froon here during the week. These shipments going to the Chicago market. He has a third car just about assembled which will be loaded tomorrow. Medium, .siz ed horses are bringing from $90 to $160. The good big horses are not bedtag bought or is any thing below fifteen hands want ed. FARMERS PICNIC AT THE LAKE A picnic under the auspices of the Farmers' Union was helld at the Avery place on Painted Woods L#ke Thursday. There was a large enowd in attendance and the program provided -was both instructive and entertain ing. Judge Nuchols, of Mandan, delivered a splendid address. Prof. Porter of the Agricul tural College^ gave a talk on mat ters pertaining to agriculture and Dairy Commissioner Miller was there to instruct- on dairy ing subjects. This was followed by a hall game between the Ing ersoil and Wright nines and dancing was indulged in until early morning hours. Dear Doctor, Friend Lawyer, Your Professional Card In This Paper Would Increase Your Business. I June 26th There is a Grati fying Pleasure— Music by Washbiirn brchestra in carrying South Bend Watch. You know that you can always depend upon it. And then too, its refined, graceful build is exceed ingly pleasing to the eye Watch The longer you carry a South Bend the more satisfied you will be with it. You can get them at almost any price you desire from $10 up to $100 or more. Just drop in and let us show you C. I. WALLS Agent'for South Bead Watches WASHBURN, N. DAK. Thirty-six for 25 Cents Dr. King's New Life Pills are now supplied in well-corked' glass bottles, containing 36 sugar coated white pills, for 25c, One pill with a glass of water before retiring is an average dose. Easy and pleasant to t°ke. Effective and positive in results. Cheap' and economical to use. Get a bot tle today, take a dose tonight— your constipation will be relieved in the morning. 36 for 25c., at all druggists.—Adv. Professional Cards I Dr. W. L. Gordon Physician and Surgeon Office in Holtan Merc. Block PhMic: Office Ko. 16-HMaeN*.S Kjfl cell.'tDiwtifd at residence Washburn, N. D. I JOHN HOLKUP I Merchant Tailor Tailor-Made Suits, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Waahtara, (forth Daksta C. A. Brummund Dray L»ine Deliver Water and Ice t^Wasliburit, :Wm. Flienspach General I Blacksmithing Washburn, N. Dak. jT. A. Hinzman* Licenced Auctioneer •Y.f I GERMAN and ENGLISH .. Leave calls at The Leader office ,TJ* or with Everson Bros. WASHBURN, N. DAK. -75I •. I v: t-.v 1 •v. VJ N. Dak« O N ,^4f' jiiS 1 »i _i, At the Opera House 'T *&A> n. •a .'.J.. .Si