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I I A -1 •V A $ Si f' I fe t& I f/ I i-\ -i :k &V LEGAL NOTICES ET~Noticea published under this leading will *e charged legal rates according othe law and no affi davit Will be issued until all publl cation charges are paid. SUMMONS SmU ot North I taikic fca, County of McLean, ss. Xa District Court, Sixth Judicial District. Mwis Kesselring, Plaintiff. 4 vs. I 5»»«i W. Mc.Kinuey, Sarah McKinney, sanmtimis written Sarrah McKin tmy and other tiniws written. Sarra MoKmney, Augiust Eriksson, and Manistiquo Bank, a oorpora 4if Miinistique, Michigan. Defend ant. Tho Slum of Dakota to the above named' Defendants: You and each of vou are hereby auHBRtonod to answer the oomiplaiinit in tiiis action a -copy of which is •hereto annexed and herewith served upon. you. and to serve a copy of youx answer upon the subscriber at bto ctfk-e in tho City of Washburn, McLean County, North Dakota, with in (SO) days from and after the ser vice otf this S luminous upon viou, ex clusive of the day of such service, wud in case of your failure to ajp Tffutt or answer judgment w.ill bo -aa'kon against, you for the relief de cmajid'-d in: the Complaint. Bwtiwl at W'ashiburn, North Dakota, this jsth, day of September, 1915. James T. McCulIioch, Aittorney for Plaintiff, Office and iPiusit Office address, Washburn, Nbr.h Dakota. Tc the* Above Named Defendants: Please take notice tfluait this action is brought for the purpose of quiet ing title in the Plaintiff to the fol lowing real property situated in the CSouuty of McLean and State of Btorth Iaikota, and described as fol lows, to-wit: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter (boing Lots 3 and 4) of Section Eighteen (IS), Twp. 144, Range 81, West of the Fiflth JVin/dijial Meridian, and thaft no personal claim Is miade against any «tf mid defendants. Doted art: Waishburn, North Dakoita, this 13th, day of September, 1915. James T. McOulloch, Attorney for Plaintiff, Wash burn, North DaOcota. The summons and connplaiinit in the above entitled action have been- filed in the office of tihe Clark of the Dis trict Court in and for MioLean Ooun *v. Niorth- Daktata, September 14th, 181S. Jiaiues T. McOulloch, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice For Bids. Sealed bids will bo received until 2 p. m., October 5thi, 1915, by the Board of County Commissioners of McLean County, North Dakota, for furnishing and installing an electric Sighting plant, for the Office Build ing and Jail Building at Washburn, 2i. D. Itoeh bidder is to submit his own plans wiiith bid. The Board reserves the right to Teje-ol. any or all bids. E. C. Stocker, 3-t. County Auditor Sale of Land. Notice is hereby given, that in vrorsuanie of an order made 011 the i*th day of July, A. D. 1915, by the Hon. J. T. Berdahl, Judge of the County Court., in and for the County of Pierce, State cf North DakiaUi. the undersiigncd the T. A. Toner, •She Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Phillip William Cook ing, late of th/ City of Medicine Hiait, in the Pimineei of Alberta, in the .Dominion of Canada, deceased, will on Tuesday, tin 28th day of Seipteim SKT, A. D. 1.915, at 4 o'clock in the afterncon of that day, at the front door of the Court House in the City «f Washburn, Count'/ of McLean and Sltafe ot North Dakota, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the Mghcst bidder for cash, subject to •confirmation by the Judge of said Gounty Court, these certain lots, jiecos or parcels of laud siituate, ly ing and being in the County of Mc Ijeau and State of North Dakota, and described as follows, to-wit: The South-west quarter of the North-west quarter (SWViNW^) Lot Sour (4.) Section five (5,) and South east quarter of the North-east quart er (SEViNEVi). Lot one (1) of Sec. S, Twp. 149. Rue. 80. West hialf of lie South-east eiuarter (W^SE'/i) and East half of the South-west •Hoarter (E'/iSW'/i) of Seic. 32, Twp. 3G8, Rge.. SO. United Aug. 25th, A. D. 1M5. T. A. Toner, Kxocuttr cf the Last Will and Testament of Phillip William Cocking, Deceased. Residence of Executor, Grand Forks, N. D. albert. E. Coger. Aittorney for Executor, Rugby, N. D. Notice for Publication. iDepa rtnient of the Btteriior, U. S. liand Qfifioe ait Biairteundk. No. Dak. Seipt. lnttih, 19(15. Notice is hereby given that Era 4Bt -H., of Sanger, No. Hah., who, on March 27, 19113, made Homestead Entry, Serial Nlo. 016766, fcr the N'/n of SE14 and NV2 Sw»4 •f Section 4, Fowinshiip 143 north., Baoge 82 west, of the 5th, Princiipal •eridian, has filled notice of Inten tion to make Final three year Proof to establish claim to tihe land above incribed, before Willlaan T. Haimmel CSerk of Court at Center, No. Dak., «B Nov. 3, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: James MoCone, of Hensler, No. 3Mr., James A. Locke, of Hensler, Mo. Oak., George E. Dltfyy, ot San. No. Dak., Archibald F. MoMas r, rf Sanger, No. Dak. P. E. Byroek .-f 8ummons State of North Dakota, County of McLean. In District Court, Sixth Judicial Dis trict. W. J. Bkkcrt, Plaintiff. vs. Bismarck Loan & Trust Company, B'simarok Loan & Trust Company of the Territory of Dakota, a cor poration, and Joseph W. Brewer, Defendants. The State cf North Dakota, to the above named Defendants: You are hereiby summoned to an swer the complaint in this aoti/on, which saiid complaint is on Cile in the office cf Clerk of the District Court of McLean County, North Da kota, and to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscribers within thirty days after the service of this summons upcin. you, exclusive of tho day of service, and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judg ment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded) in the complaint. Dated this 14th. day of Sept. A. D. 1915. C. F. Maennel and John E. Williams, Attorneys tor Plaintiff, Wash burn, North DaJkota. Notice of No Personal Claim: To the Defendants above named: You, and each of you, are hiorefoy notifJcd and given to undersitand thiat the above action' is commenced Cor the purpese of quitting the title in plaintiff to the following real •estate, to-wit: South Eiast quarter of Section Three, Township One Hun dred, Forty-four, Range Eighty-two, McLean Co. N. D„ and further, that no personal claim is miade against you the saiid' defendants herein or any of you. Dated this 14Kh. day of Sepit. A. 1915. C. F. Maennel and John E. William Attorneys for Plaintiff, Wash burn, North DaOcota. Notice of Chattel Mortgage Sale. is hereby given that default bias been made In the conditions of thiat certain Mortgage miade by Henry Iverson of Coleiharbcr County of Mc Lean and State of North Dtaltoba, Mortgagor, to John G. Maloney of Underwocd, County of McLean and state of North Dakota, Mortgiagee, dated tho 20* day of July 1912 to seciir:' the foMcwiin.g indebtedness to-wit: Se.ttejiilbej' 15, 1913 and bearing In terest at the rate cf 12 per cent per annum on which $71.50 was paid October 2.4, 1913, and which Mortgage was duly filed i« the"o7- fi of Register of Deeds of McLean County, Sitate cf North Dakota, oil' the second day of AwgjUElt 1912, and which default is of tho following nature, to-wit: tliat said incites are due and umpaiid and that there isi claimed to be due 011 said Monasage ait the date cf this Nlotice the sian of Seven. Hundred Sixty-three audi One n.cte dated October 30, 1911 for One Hundred Eighty-five and 95 100 ($185.95) Dollars, due October 1, 1913 and bearing interest at the naite of 12 per cent per annum and cm which intereist has been paid to Oatober 1, 1912. One note dated October 30, 1911 for One Hundred Elghlty-tfiive and 90-.100 (18®.90) Dol lars due G11t.cL.e1r 1, 1912 aind bearing in.:ere.£it at the rate of 12 per cent per annum and 011 which interest lKis be 11 paid to November 1, 1912. One no't diatfd Jily 20, $2CO.OO wHilcli has been paiid in full. One note dated July 28,1912 for Two j*P«J*fully rcpreseiuts that cn the Hundred Fifty ($230.00) Dollars due!a3rd 1912 for I John G. Malouey, Mortgagee. R. O. Mason, Attorney for Mortgagee, Underwood, North Dakota. Rheumatism and Allied Pains They Must Go! flow freely. The body's warmtli is renewed the pain, is gone. The "man or woman iwho has rheumatism, neuralgia or other pain and fails to keep Sloan's liniment in their home is like a drowning man refusing a rope." Why suffer. Get a bottle of Sloan's 25e and 50 $1.00 bot tle hold six times as much as 25c size.—Adv. r/ A. Hf Bankrupt's Petition for Discharge' fat the District Court of the United States, District of North Dakota. In the maittxr of Erva J. Tune 11, I Bankrupt in bankruptcy. To the Honorable Charles F. Ami-1 dan, Judge of tihe District Court of the United) States for the District I of North Dakota: Bva J. Tunell, of Dcgden i.n the County of McLean, and Sitaite Of Month Dakota, in said District, re spectfully represents that on the 23md day of February, 1915, last past she was duly adjudged bankrupt un der the acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy that she has duly SUT pandered. all her property and rights of property, and. has fully complied, wiith all the requirements of said acts and of the orders of the court touching her bankruptcy. WKE3RJ3FORE, she prays that siie may be ducirecd by the court to have a full discharge from all debts provable against her estate under. such, discharge. Dated this 2.nd day of August A. D., 1915. Eiva J. Ttwiiell, Bankrupt. Ord«r of Notice Therteon. District of North Dakota, ss: riipt, it is, ORDJ3RED by the count, tihat a hearting be luad upon tihe same on the 30th day of Noveimiber, A. D., 1915, before said Court ait Fairgo, in said. District, at ten. o'clock In the forenoon amd tfhait notice thereof be day of prcpCT:y' princi- of 2 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, the 9ith day of October 1915 That .per sonal property which will be ^old to satisfy said Mortgage is described as follows, to-wit: One 35 h. p. Engine (Geiiser) and One Aidvaince Second Hand Separator. {dhange. 'S61IOO (7«3.56) Lollars fcr Ial and interest. Aaid that saiid Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the personal property in such Mortgage and here inafter described., at public auction, air e.-.bly to the Statutes in such case made and provided, in, front of th". Post Office im the Village of Underwood in the County of McLean Exchange State cf North Dakota., at the hour The ccwigestaoii of, the blood in! mail to all known creditors cotpfes its flow causes pain. Sloan's Lini' of said petition and this order, ad* roent pencitirates ta the conges- dressed to them at their plaices of tioni and starts the blood to residence gus stated. x. v-u Ytth On this 3otih day of Seipitennibcr, A. ter. From November, 1914, to June, D. 1915, on reading the Petition for J. A. Montgomery, (SEAL) Clerk. Bankrupt's Petition for Discharge. Kn the District Court of the United States, District of Niorth Dakota In tlho matter of Robert B. Tunell, Bankrupt in bankruptcy To tihe Honorable Charles F. Aan.i d,3n, Juidge of the District Court of the United States for the District o? North Dakota: Rj'bent i.!. Tunc 11. cf Dogd.en in ^le County cf McLean, and state of Nicrtli ), in said. District, Pebrniary, 1915 last past ho was duly adjudged bankrupt under the aclts of Coasr ss relating to bankrujpt.f'y that he has duly surren dered all his property and right® of a,ld lias W'HEIREiFORE, he prays that he miay be decrsed by the court to have Datedi this 2nd day of Ainsus't A. D., 19.15. Rlobert B. T11n.cH, rujp ls a newspaper printed in said, district, and that all kinown creditors and CONVICT ROAD WORK IN STATES Recent Reports AH Go to Show Success of System. FINE HIGHWAYS BUILT. Continuance of Convict Road Work In Most of the States Will Depend on Its Economic Value—This Is Being Proved by What Has Been Done In Several 8tates. Does convict road work pay? The continuance of the work in most of the states depends on its economic vfUuc The sa'id bankrupt acts, exce.pit swoti de- prisons and prison labor has been in ttts as are cixcepibed by law from vestigating this side of the convict road question and has received an encouraging report from A. D. Wil 1915, Discharge of the above named Bank- Maiden rond constructed by the con ..., 408 linear feet twelve re-enforced vltri published in The Wasihlburn Leader a f)ed pipe. newBJuaiper printed in said district, 8® cubic yards foundation excavation, and that alii known creditors aind other, persons in interest may ap- .. .... ed to $11,589.92, while the lowest of pear at the said time and place a«id show .cause, If any thiey have, why tractors Tfor this same work amounted the prayer of the said petitioner to $15,418.06, or $3,819.13 more than should not be granted. the work actually cost when con- Amd it is futheo* ordered by the structed by the prisoners. Twenty-five oourt, that the clerk shall send by Per -v: ful1^ COf',lied wi^ of the orders of the court touching his bankruptcy. national committee on Uams, chief road engineer of the state of West Virginia. The report covers the work at Dana. Kanawha county, and has been con ducted under the supervision of M. P. Walsh for a period, of ten months, half of which was through the win- the measured quantities on the victs from the Dana camp were: 207 cubic yards rubble masonry In ce ment. 115 cubic yards rubble masonry In dry. 245 cubic yards re-enforced concrete. 22 linear feet twenty-four re-enforced vitrified pipe. 220 linear feet eighteen re-enforced vit rified pipe. 22,386 cubic yards unclassified excavation. The total cost of this trork amount- four wdg from prlvate con cei»t mail to all knaw.n. creditors copies "[J8' therefore, saved by the use of the of said petition and.' this order, ad dressed to fhiem ait their plaices of residence as stated. WITNESS th.e Honoraible Charles efficient and desirous of success, and F. Ann Won, Judge of said court, and the seal thereof, ait Fargo, in said district, on the 30tJv day of Septem ber, A. D. 1915. re- of the total cost of the work prisoners. I The sucecss in this work is pointed out by the committee to be due to the fact that the men in charge were v* 1 ail th3 requiremenits or saiia acts ANA CONVICTS AT WOKK ON SECTFON OP NEW HIGHWAY IN COLORADO. a |so jjad Ordieir of Notice Thereon. Disitrlcit of North Daikcita, ss On th.!s 1st day of Oici: &be r, A. D. other persons in, interest may ap- structed by convicts. pear at the saidi time and place and show caiuse, if any they have, why the prayer of the saiid. petitioner should not .be granted. Ahd it is further ordered by tihe Count, thiat the clerk sthall sand, by W1TNE3SS the Hjonoraible Charles F. Aimidon, Jtidee of the said Oourt, and the seal thereof, ait Fargo, Jn aaid district, on the 1st day of Octo ber, A. D. 1915. J. A. Montgomery, (SBAiL) Clerlt. Co«d will be delivered at bn6e if you telephone the Brummund Transfier.—Adv. A Ls the we 1915, on. residing tihe Petition for which could in many cases be used to support a prisoner's dependent family. Discharge cf the above named Bank- ^loradol OREiEiRE'D by the court, that a the Pikes peak ocean to ocean road, hearing be hadi upon, the same 011 recently completed by Colorado's sys the 3Qt/h day of November, A. D., tem of convict labor, are two of the 191a, before said. Oourt, at Fargo, in most perfect mountain roads in the said District,, at ten o'clock In the United States. forenoon and that notice thereof be Tjie Ute pass road follows the ancient a I a a ,published in, The Waehtounn Leader ual-e a 0 the prisoners j. jjeurt, go that they secured interest ant good will in the work. a full discharge frc/m all dehts prov- A hundred and nineteen miles of aJble his esliaite under said ro.ul were completed during 1914 by bankruipt acts, such debts as ^'"ntana state prisoners, many uiiles iare excepted by law from such dis- "r which were through rough and hilly country where the work was very diffi cult. Warden Couley of the state's prison says that the prison labor Is worth $: a day to the state, as it equals free labor, which receives that wage. No wage is paid the prisoner, however, and his total cost to the state is only 00 cents per day. For this rea son the warden urges that the state allow him a wage from its profits. Sprlngs and Canyon Citv highway and the Ute pass section of mounta|ns ln tbe ast few that pnrt Qf ,t aud between Colorado Sprlngs Cascade has been entirely recon- Under the Colorado system tbe con vict has ten days taken off his sentence for each month of labor on the roads. This is in addition to tbe usual reduc tion for good behavior. Thomas J. Tynan, warden of the state penitentiary, under whose super vision the work of the last three years has been done, estimates that in the next ten years 5,000 miles of the best roads will be constructed at a cost of less than 1500,000. He says 1,000 men have been used in the road work in tbe last three years at a cost to the state of 25 cents a day for each man. Tbe men Jt go about their work unguarded, and less than 1 per cent have violated their pledges and made successful escapes. Thirty states at tbe beginning of the present year had on their statute books laws providing for tbe employment of state prisoners in road building. ti! & mm •fjp Bids will bo received by the Sup erintendent of the Fort Berthold In dian Reservation, Elbowoods, N. Disk., until 2 o'clock p. m., October 30, 1915, for the following described tracts of land within the Fort Bert hold RetservatioJi, to be solid for cash to the highest bidder. Each bid must be accompanied by a duly certified check on some solv ent bank., payable to the cinder of the Superintendent for ten per cent of the amount offered, as a guaran tee of the bidder's faithful perfor mance of IKS proposition. If the bid shall bo accepted and the successful htddier shiall, after thirty days due No. Owner 2116 Millard Watkins 705 Paint. 2159 489 96 Crows Arm 2,2-14 223 No Arm 2i-2-'14 3S5a George R. Deano 1552 Floyd Monte lair 301 William Conkiing (Sold subject to leases 324 Sun 858 Frank Heart, or Australia's Wheat Farms. Typical wheat farms in Australia ex tend from 600 to 1.000 acres and are usually worked single handed by tbe farmer and his, family, labor saving machinery being used in every possible direction. NOTICE SALE OF INDIAN LANDS Date Listed 5-5il3 8-2S-13 3i51a Skunk Woman 2.2-14 Howard Raibbit Head Hoiilis Moutclaxe 2-2-14 2-2J4 2-2-14 PRINTERS INK I I is the notice, fail Do comply wtith the terms of his bid, such cheidk shall be for feited to tbe use of the owner of the land. All bids shall be enelcseid in a sealed envelope which nuuHt be mjarkad by the bidder, "Bid® on In dian. Land" and sitaite the date O0 opening. No hid will be received for lass Uian. the aipipraised value. Tbe» right is reserved to reject any and) alii bids. Checks of unsuccessful bid ders will be returned to them. Purchasers shall pay the cost of 'oonivieyanciinig, and in addition thie fol lowdng sums, to wit: If the purchasa price is $1000.00, aaid not more than $2000.00, $2.00: If the purchase price is more than $20*00.OOi, $2.50. Description Ara.^™:-4 Ny2SEW, 2.6-147-90 80 NE%jg®% & W%-NE^4 10 & NW%iNW& 11 147^89 160 Lots 1-2 & 2-2-14 2-2-14 92a Johin White Tail 2-2-14 which exipdmes December 1, 1916.) 5-20-14 SE% 6-150-01 White Owl No. 1 5*20-14 Lota 1-2 & E^-NTW'/i 7-146-88 158.12 800.00 74a Harry White Oal£ 5-20-14 W»/4iSWy4 16-147-87 80 880.00 840 Thomas Rogers, Jr. 5.20-114 Doit 3 of 5-147-S9 40.06 200.00 (Windy Grass) 5113 Indiian Wcanaai, or 132.9 Nora Good Bear 5-120-14 Lot 4 and SE%-SW% 19-148-89 74.64 860.00. 1338 Jerome Giood Bear 5-20-144 Lot of 30-148-80 .. 34.78 400.00 2ff7 Glen Smith 5,20-14 W%-MWU 13-150-91 .. SOac 1200.00 798 Soldier 4-26-il5 SE% 8-146-88 160 800.00 739 Fox 4-26-15 B%-iNE% 2-.147-87 .... 80 1280.00 (SoM sulbjeot to lease which eocpdres March 31, 1916.) 365- Carrie Grow 4-26-15 SW%-NE% & NW% 1010 NE% 2-147-87 80 1280.00 (Soldi subject to lease which expiree March 31 1916.) 210a Weasel Woman 4-26*15 N% 8-il4®^90 320 2560.00 1.01 Coyote 4JW5 NE% 19-140-90 160 1600.00 14(5' Henry Smith 4-26 5 0%-NW?4 13-150-91 .. 80 800.00 169 Hlawk 4-26-15 & WVa-NEVi 19-150-911 ...: 160 1600.00 179 Sitamds Up in the Air 4-2'6-15 NE%-NW% 11-150-91 40 500.00 (Johai1 Hunts Along) 32i6 William Weeks 4-28-15 SE%-.SW% 6-150-91 .. 40 400.00 1468 William Weeks 4-26-15 NE%-NE% 34il50-92.. 40 300.00 293 Bulls Head 8-31-15 Hot 1 & SEi4-NE% 4 150-91 .: 7949 1000.00 451a Two Teeth (Mrs. Geo. R. Dickeins) 2-S-14 NE% 31-150-90 160 Further informat/ion will be furnished interested parties plicaticn iir person, cr by letter. Port Berthold Agency, Eiibowoods, N. Dak., Aug. 31, 1915. Eugenie and Crinoline. Empress Eugenie helped to drive crinoline out of fashion. "In January, 1850." writes a chronicler of nineteenth century modes, ''when crinolines had reached their largest circumference, the papers throughout Europe reported that Empress Eugenie had appeared at. a court ball without a crinoline. This was an event which completely overshadowed Napoleon's famous New Year speech to the Austrian ambassa dor. In the autumn of the same year, when invitations were being issued for Compiegne. the empress spoke the word—no crinoline! Shortly afterward Queen Victoria also abjured the crino line. and her example was followed by the empress of Austria." 640.00 ItiOO.OO Si/6-NEft 4- 150-90 159.1 Latt 3 of 7-149-90 .. 39.29 N%-NW»4 & SV^-NE% 14-14i9-»l 160 SE»4-18 & NEM, 1.94418 90 ..320 SiW%-WtW% & NE% SW% 24il 50-91 801 SW% 1M5041 160 SEiA 20-150-90 160 SE%-SW% 21-148-90 .. 40 S^HNE*4 34-149-80 .. 80 954.60 235.74 1600.00 2560.00 400.00 2000.00 1440.00 360.00 1000.00 160 1280.06 2400.00 upon aj- E. W JERMARJK. Superintendent.' Joys of Hope Deferred. 'Hope deferred mnkcth the heart sick,' says the proverb but," said Mr. Glimmerton. "it has never struck me that way. if I could have all my hopes fulfilled I feel that 1 should be dull and logy, satiated, without interest, but with hope deferred I have always something to look forward to. And has it not often happened that reali zation has proved less joyous than an ticipation? Why. certainly. We may find success when we reach It but an empty shell and laugh to think that we had struggled for it so easeriy. Hope's the thing. "Let me have my hopes, or at least some of them, deferred. I like the picture."—New York Sun. In the Game. "I am in the hands of my friends," said the political sidestepper. "Yes," replied the harsh critic, "and every time your friends look over their bands the.v seem impatient for a new deal."—Washington Star. S of scores of the v-K 1 of this country 1 1 ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS ON YOUR LETTERHEADS AND BILLHEADS OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Mr 'I »si| A V,K ii AM .**1 tiff r5 1- .ift. viA rifr 4 5