OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette & advertiser. [volume] (Alexandria [D.C.]) 1822-1824, October 09, 1823, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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fctning Drw#.—ft*ml the dree*
fri„„ colored Gage de Venus, triimu*
a with whit® lull®, di*po*®d in tbraa
m 0f those dee> fold* c*lled zoohe's
\«th pfoe®d irregoUrlj and at win*
dUtance from each other, a half-blown
rose is pat under each fold, and partial
Jvieen throu-h it. the upper row i* fi
nished by a cordon of pa*- 1 he
triage is cut low and made full, the
fuiineiicootiued oy *iring» of pearl* di*
u„ed in a •fooling direction on each
,idr of the bust Short full sleeve* to
correspond. Ceinture of white *atin.
'Pirn front hair is di-posed in a protu
•ion of light, full curl* on the temples
the hind hair i» arranged 1.1 n largo full
bvw on the crown of the nead; theend*
deposed in full curfo form a bunch at
tJ hack of the head The only oroa.
tnent is a diamond comb placed on one
rie Necklace, etc etc diamond*
*hi * bid glove*, and white gros de
Naples slipper*._
fiuriM >re Oct. 7 —By the *cbr Cad
mus at port tbe editors ot tbe Jm«n
' (11vt received from their corre-pon
Ld Ibe Havana Mercantile Weekly re*
o uts o' the 13 b and 20th September
V An extract o' a letter Irom Vera Cruz,
dated Aug- 25th. says:—The last mail
lrotl, Mexico brings the intelligence that
ft,- govemmer.' had concluded a loan wilb
Mr Richards, the agent ot the House o
Me.-rs- Barclay, Herring Si Richardson ot
London tor twenty Millions of foUarsmi
70 percent, the brat million to be paid
6 months, and the remaiuder in month*
|r pivisrnts ol a million.
3 “The elec'ions torthe new Congress ace .
ffomg on, which is to hold its 6rst meeting
5 Ocober Should its acts be wwe there
is little doubt tut this country will be ex
tricated from its difficulties, as the work
ing of the mine* will t>e resumed and tbe
consequence ot ihts will be tbe revival of
From the Norfolk fneon of Oet. 6.
There is serious cause tor apprehension,
that me arrival of thi* fine vessel will not
again be welcomed m our port A gwn
tl, (iHO, (.m- ol thirty passengers in her
from New York.) arrived here yesterday
by land from the Capes bringing the un
pip.vint intelligence ;b3t she went ashore
on Cipe Henry, io a thick fug, on Satur
dir morning. near 11 o’clock, about halt a
Hi |p 'o itie Southward ot the tight. Other
pi-ienger« who came up lr*un her late last
pvenmg. slate that when they b* t her, a’
one o’clock, she was only about 3U y.ris
fr ii tbe hp*ch, and although a9 yet uu
injured, there wa> little probability ot her
filing off again- All the passengers
crew m 1 freight are sale, and a list ol the
consignees will be lound under our ma*
noe head.
PiiDuaut to orders ft on Government, H
C Majesty’s Consuls hereby give notice
to u-u rals in the present war, that the im
pnr'mion into the Spanish dominions ot
Sunils, the growth or manufacture ol
France, Russia, Prussia and Austria, is
prohibited; and that to prevent any moles*
Ishon from Spanish Cfuiners, the usua<
f vt'ular Certificates wilt he required.—
AV-.fis mailing without the provisions ol
th necessary Consul v Document, and es
prci.dly the Clearance and Bill ot Health,
will bp regularly reported, and subject,
on their arrival at a Spanish port, to the
most rigorous observance of the Healtn
Custom House Laws [JVorfolk pap.
Tne government ot Batavia has receiv*
ed a detailed account of the volcano Ga
Wngtit-og in October last* In tbis terri
Me visitation 1011 persons perished, and
114 cunpoiigs were destroyed and 5361
injured; the num *er of coffee irees de
stroyed amount to 775.795, tho«e injured
to *.871,742; ?.983 rice plantations were
lotilly destroyed, and 5,361 injured.
Inte'ligeoce troin St Petersburg to the
lS*h of Miy states the affairs between tbe
P >rte and Russia w**re in an amicable
tmn Fhe Porte had given order* tor the
enure evacuation otW diachia and Molda*
On Friday morning, she 8th instant, a
J'.-ung nan, named f h unas Clemeots, lost
his life in a manner as dreadful as it wa9
•vraordiu«ry. He was fishing with a draw
se', with <mme of his friends, near Eliza
!‘p>h Ca*!le Jersey, and taking a little
tolenutnf the net, he put it betweeo his
tp*»b to kill it, when the fish. With a sud
Censoring forced itsell into bis tfcroat, and
ehoak-il him. Thu unfortunate man had
Just time io call for assistance, and it came
too late, be expired soon after in dreadful
>?ony. English pap.
In speaking of the recent experiment at
Salem, ol drawing a brig out of the water
upon an inclined plane, the editors ol the
National Intel'igencer remark:—“Captain
John Gardner had no *ort of occasion to
to all the way to England for a model ot
Ibis ingeniou* Invention. If be had call
ed at the Navy Yard at Washington, he
might have seen a forty four gun frigate
' Hrawn twice two hundred leet, and quite
eotirely “oof of 'he water.*' too I* is «e
»*nl years since Com- Rodgkrs designed
ih* motel .»i tr i- great com tuna (ion ol me*
chamcal power; and we have no idea of
the merit of it htdiig thus taken from our
<iwn *hores transported to England, and
,!henc« brr»u»ht back, as an original inven
‘M>, tor the merchants of Salem to expe*
»»«eu*. upon ”
,ve are gnti6ed to learn »h.it the Vnion
n^nk of Maryland, the Mechanic’* Hank,
'’heCommercial and Farmer’s Bank, and
1^ I inner’* and Merchant’s Rank h ye
^ Hr matured their arrangements « r he
accommodation of the public, as now to
^ceive from their customers as cash the
f,0,!3 of all speri** paying hanks in Mary
and the District of Columbia, and
hat though they now Hke ihe notes ol the
'tt-reni banks in V.rgi'iia, an Hi se of
-^Oik^Gettyaburg, Cbanaberaburj and Car
, lisle, upon t few day's credit,'it b expect
ed they will, in a abort tune alsdtake them
as cash.
Tbe efforts made by a tew of tbe banka
in this city to equalise tbe currency be
tween Baltimore and those districts ol tbe
surrounding counties & neignbonng states,
with which it is intimately coonected by
trade, is highly creditable to tbose insti
tutions, and gives them a strong claim up
on tbe gratitude ol the public, and parti
cularly of the mercantile and mechanical
portion ol our citizens who are now re
Jieved Irom those perplexities and losses
to wntch they bad been too long subjected
liom a depreciated, and perpetually duc
tuating currency, Bali. Morn. Chron.
Btat this if you can—Deacon Enoch Lit
tle, of Boscawen, has this season rai*ed a
heiier call, which at £ months old weigh
ed two hundred pounds, and at 3 months
weighed three hundred. The calf is now
6 months old, and is estimated by good
judges (o weigh siz Hundred pounds.
S. H.
A Great Turnip.—Taken from the gar
den of Mr. John B. Swasey, in Meredith,
on tbe 15th ult. a turnip, the circumfer
ence of which wa« three feet and two in
ches, length of root two feet three inches
aod weighing 43$ lbs. Weighed and mea
sured by Kev. Parker Fogg aod Maj. Da
niel Hilton—Sept 18, 1823.
A I'rge swarm of Bees, taken up by
Richard Bradley, F?q. in this town last
week, yielded in weight of honey & comb
one hundred and sixty live pounds.
The President of the United States it at
present in the city, having arrived hereon
Thursday. JVaf* Ini
Major General Jacob Brown has return
ed to the city, from his visit to the Norlh,
we are glad to learn, in improved health
Among the present visitors to the city
are Captain Renshaw and Captain Finch,
ot the Navy. lb.
The last accounts from Mr. Secretary
Crawford, we understand, are to the 29ih
ultimo They represent him as improving
in health, but as having been seriously
ill. Ib•
From lh* Boston Palladium.
The following information iroin Lima,
t$*c was furnished by passengers in the
the Panther, who left Callao some ti me
after Capt. Austin, and came on board the
ship at Kio Janeiro,
“ Lima, June 1 —The whole force of
the Spaniards is concentrated at Xanxa, £
amounts to 7ooo infantry and looo cavalry,
under Halde« and Canterac. The ac
counts of yesterday slate the former to
have resumed his march hack to (lie coast, ,
which had been left wholly unprotected.
The liberating expedi • • 10 the interme
diate parts which failed o • • May 24, in
2l transports, is composed ot 04oo men,
under the command ot Gen* San a Cruz ;
25oo more from Chili, are to jm * them
and both divisions will arrive abo »• the
-same tune a» their places ol destination.
Oo the arrival ol Bolivar, hourly e
pected, he i» to command the united ar
mies, and will march to Xanxa, with 8000
troops accustomed to service.
The Government is very popular, and
uncommonly active. Riva Aguero, the
President, is a man of abilities, and tbe
u'-nost confidence is placed in him, by all
classes. An Agent has arrived on account
ot the Loan effected in England, with au
thoiity to draw for 3 millions. The res:
of the amount is expected in specie*
Capt* Austin, of the Panther; last from
Rio Janeiro, furnishes the iotlowing :
The Brazilian trigate Uni m, capt. Jew
ett. was at Kio, repairing, and would sail
soon for the coast of Africa, to intercept
the Portuguese trade
A small squadron would sail immedi
ately, to blockade Monte Video. The
Brazilians bad 5ooo men, under Gen.
Lacore. before it.
A difficulty, ot a serious nature, was
likely 10 arise between Buenos Ayres and
Brazil, in relation to tbe Banda Oriental
The Cor»es were in session at Kio, and
were daily acquiring an ascendancy, and
only waited tbe acquisition ot Deputie
tiom the Northern Provinces, to establish
the ba«t> ot a Constitution tor the empire.
Th»- Panther ha9 despatches fiorn Judge
Provost, at Lima,and Iroin Mr Kaguet at
Kio. lor Government.
Spoke, Sept. It. lat. 24, S. long 53,
Br. Brig Shamrock, 14 days from Para
the Captain of which inlormed, that Lord
Cochran had, after pursuing the Porto
guese tleet tor several days, and captu -*
ing a large number of their merchantme
entered Maranham, and despatched oiv
ot hi? ships tor Para, Those place?, ai
most of the northern province?, d de
clared «r favor of the Lmperor.
The P.aiPber put into Kin, July 6, for
wood, water, &c and made a report of
all she hid on board, and the object for
which she stopped. On the l2lh, being
ready tor sea, she wa? boarded by an offi
cer from the Custom Hou«e, with a large
retinue of subordinate officers with him ;
the ship unloaded, and earned further up
the harbor, all the specie seized, and car
ried on shore, and capt. A. thrown into
the common jail, and alter remaining there
a month, obtained his release, and the res
toration of the money, through the perse
vering exertions ol the American Charge
The English brig Esther, with D?0,000
on hoard, had been seized |and the captain
thrown into jail under circumstances some
what «imilar to the above. The captain
was released. Aug. Iafter four weeks
imprisonment* The specie was expected
to be refused
Passengers in the Panther, Capt. G. G.
Geary ot Alexandria, late of the schooner
Primrose, sold at Rio; Messrs. Charles
Moore and Wm. Hawkins,of Philadelphia;
D S RaNtone, New York; W. L Hud
son, of do. [attached to the U. S. echr.
l)olpbin;J Geo. J* Weaver, ol V^rg. mid
shipman of the Franklin; Wm.G. Cutter,
ot Boston; W m. Martin.
The following news we have received
from the captain and pa- engers in the
O’Cain, whicj* left Valpa *iso middle of
The government of Cb<li was in a very
disturbed state. Friere bad become ue*
popular and was about to resign hi? Direfc
torsbip. A new Reglemento had appeared
which changed iht duties and mode ol do*
ing hu-mess. The Members ol Congress
had been elected, and were soon to meet.
It was thought they would change the mea
sures entirely.
The Council had given leave to O’Hig
gins to quit the country, his party still ve
ry strong- A sloop ol war and some trans
ports had sailed lor Lima to bung away
the Chilian troops, who were said to be
much h^atisfied with thePeruvian service.
There was a report that San M-rtin was a*
bout to put hnnsell at the bead of some
followers at Mendoza; but little confidence
was placed in it
The crops in Chili were said to be abun
dant. but great tears were entertained si»ce
the gale* Flour was D17 ashore
The last arrival trom Lima brought ac
counts of an expedition having sailed, con*
sitting of 5000 men lor Ihe Inlermedios.
(Upper Peru J The Royalists had aban
doned the attacked of Lima, as the Patri
ots had been reinforced by 3000 ot Boli
var’s troops B. was daily expected, with
more troop«, which would make the Pa
triot lorce 9trong enough to resist any at
tack. The Royalist forces in Upper Pe
ru. were said to amount to 12,000 men—
the most part were with Canfarac at Xan
xa. 60 miles in the interior, Iroin Lima;
the remainder under Valdez, near Angui
pa. The Peruvian squadron had com
menced another Mo< kade Iron 12 to 22, 30
■S on the 8ih of May, under Adm. Guise,
i with a frigate and sloop ol war.
It was not generally supposed that the
Patriot expedition would succeed, as their
measures were not conducted by any kind
of system.
On Tuesday evening, by the Rev. Mr.
Kyland, Mr Edward 1 Dorsey. to Mias
Jinn Ross, botn ol this town.
DIED, in this town, <>n Monday even’
ing last, Mr. Jeremiad Priee, in tbe 46lh
year ot his age.
From the Norfolk Herald.
Died, in command of the (J. S. ship
John Adams, on the 13th Sept, at Key
Wpm, of malignant fever, WILLIAM
| HENRY WATSON, Esq oi the U. S
Navy We can give but a faint outline of
the character of this gallant oflkerand esti
mable man.thu" cut off in the me rdian blaze
ol hi? glory. I’»» his country he was known
by a lo*g course of honorable services,
crowned by an achievement which secur
ed to him imperishable tame, and con
ferred eternal renown upon her arms —
Near the -»poi where his intimate triend
Allen was killed, .it was hi? fortune to be
made 'be m-trumenf of signal and erem
plarv vengeance. T he conflict was san
guinary, and the deep sea wa9 dyed with
the blood of the Pirates.
As an 'fficer he was remarkable for a
steady urbanity of manner, and inflexible
presence of mmd. Rapid in his percep
tions and prompt in his decisions, be evin
ced on all occasions a becoming zeal in ex
ecuting his designs. Formed for deeds oi
high emprise, he was deeply per etrated
wPli a love of honorable fame.
In his private relations he wa9 peculiar
ly end-are I 'o his friends. Possessing an
afive benevolence ol disposition. and an
undisturbed equanimity of temper, he
gained the confidence and esteem of all
who approached him. Open, frank and
manly in his sentiments, he never practis
ed deceit, and wa? unsparing in his ef
forts to promote the bappmes of others —
In'elligent and enterprising he courted di9
'inctmn because it enlarged the sphere of
his usefulness, and in the pursuit of it was
dike ind flerent to piivatinn and peril —
An a flee ionate relative he was the delight
and honor of his family, and his attach
ment*- were never broken by the inroads ot
adversity or the importunities ot di?tre*s.
To «uch a mind notiiing within the coor.
pa«» of human skill and energy was im
possible, and had he lived we have a right
to predict, that the laurels which now wi
ther on his grave would have had a pereo
nial bloom
VI A RINK 1,1ST, ilk!
ARRIVED, Oct. 7,
Sohr. Green, Johnson, Kingston, (Ja
maica) 30 days; logwood, coffee, and
specie to J. S. Miller and gen. Smith,
Georgetown. 8ohr. Phenix, Kelley
arrrived at Kingston, Aug. 29, from Oo
cracock, N. C.
Brig Baltic, capt. VV. Snow, 9 days
from Boston; ballast Wm. Fowled, Co.
Schr. Stagg Nevitt, 3 days from Bal
timore; freight to merchants of the dis
Schr. Romeo, capt. Norton 14 days
from Providence; mess pork, macke
rel, gin, potatoes, &c. to Wm. Good-j
dell, domestic goods to A. C, Cazen
ove Sc Co.
Steam-boat potomac, Jenkins, Nor
For Amsterdam.
JkR\ The coppered ship PIONEER,
5£|jfcEleazer Crabtree, master; the prin
cipal part of her cargo being ready—she
will be immediately dispatched and will
take 150 hhds. on freighr. Apply to
Who have for sale, received by said ship
6500 bush coarse Liverpool silt
180 sacks blown do
100 hod) table do
106 boxes tin
6 casks Bridport shad and herring
twine oct 9
— ■■■■ — ■ -. - ■ — ■■«, ,,
For Amsterdam,
JL&L\ The coppered brig BALTIC,
SfifcSnow, master; a first rate vessel;
will be immediately dispatched and lake
100 bbds. tobacco on freight. Apply to.
WM. FOWLE 4' Co.
ort 9
G3* \ns* BbainthiVaitb,
from England, a minister in the Society of
friends, proposes to attend a religious
meeting at the Friends meeting bouse This
Hay at eleven o’clock. oct 9
New Cash Store.
THE subscriber bas just opened an ex*
tensive assortment of
purchased on (be best terms in Philadel
phia, and invites the citizens of Alexan
dria, and neighborhood to give him a call
at his new cash stare, adjoining Messrs. R.
McCrea Hr Co ; where they may expect
good bargains.
oct 9 tf
Brandy and Sugar
JOHN H. LADD At Co. have received
per sloop Java and brig Spartan, and
offer tor sale
3 pipes cognac brandy, Seignett’s
10 hhds muscovado sugar,
net 9 _ r
PATOV 4* BUT' H K I'lave imported,
per the ship Pioneer, trow Liverpool,
their Fall
Assortment of Hardwarei
among which are the following:
Anvils, vises
Stone and sledge hammers
Sheet ,hoop and routw iron
Crowley and English blistered steel
Trace and Halter chains
Iron wire, shovel and Ioqjjs
Fenders and skate9
Brass and iron rim lock!
Butt and HL hinges
Spades and shovels
Shot bags and powder flasks
Commode nobs
Stock and pad locks
Sad irons and wagon boxes
Tea kettles, bell metal do
House and sleigh bells
VVafel iron*, kc. kc- kc.
10 mo 9 tbslm .
The National Intelligencer will insert
the above twice a week tor two weeks.
Dying mill Scouring,
ES • AH 1,1 SH *1 E N T.
On Prince-street, opposite Al. Miller's Store.
JOSEPH v\ ILL IA VIS, Silk. Colton, &
Woolen Dyer has lately commenced
the above bu*mes- in the town ol Alexan
amir a He dyes canton crapes, silk dress
es; and ladies’ dresses ol ail kinds, dyeci
and finished in the neatest manner, to any
shade or pattern. Gentlemen's wearing
apparel, scoured and finished in the heatesi;
manner Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Leg !
born and Straw Hats, Shoes &c. dyed
and finished in the neatest manner.
Those who please to favor him with their
cu«tom will do well by calling, as Itis pri -1
ces are made to sutl the times, tor Cash.
N B Watch Case.’, and F Articles,'
guilt on silver, copper or brass, in the
most appmved manner, and on the moM
reasonable terms. oct 9
To fhe Public.
rHE respect felt by every good citi j
zei> lor society renders him Imp*
tient un Ipt a public calumny, however J
absurd nay be its character or mean and
contemptible its source— I air therefore in
duced to notice, very briefly, a publication
in the Alexandria Gazette ot the 4th ir.st.
signed ‘‘Presley Jacobs ” When he
made the clothes for me, which it men
tions» I was uncertaintain. amidst my nu
merous accounts for tuition, whether or
not he was still in my debt. On a subse
quent investigation, 1 found that after
charging my sell with his hill for making
these clothe*! I was his creditor in a small!
sum. The means for paying it which he
adopted, were to threaten me with adver
tising a claim already satisfied, and,a
gainst all the pobabilitie* arising from lime
and place, to impute to me an anonymous
letter, the authorship of which, would not
only entitle me to the abusive epithets he
has uttered, but would even degrad* me
to the level of his own scurrility, Incapa
ble of retorting the language of a libel, of
whose falsehood my friends need no as
surances. and its malignant assumptions
must convince strangers, t now take the
only notice of its author, which I shall be
stow upon bitn, until his conduct under
goes a solemn, judicial examination —He
may, then perhaps, learn from an authori
ty more impressive than precept, that tho’
the baseness of a slanderer shields him
trom the resentment ol a gentleman, it
sometimes exposes him tc the punishment
of the law, , «
bet 9
District of Columbia,
County of Alexandria, tct:
Cl EORGE W. WISE has applied to
T the hon. William Cranch, chief
Judge of the United States' circuit court of
the District of Columbia to be discharged
from imprisonment, under the act for the
relief of insolvent debtors within the Dis
trict of Columbia, on the 16th day of
October at 9 o’clock, a .m. at the court
bouse in Alexandria, when and where bia
creditors are required to attend.
oct 9 _ 3t
Earthen Ware, China, and
HUGH SMITH 6 CO. having receiv
ed by the ship Pioneer, from Liver*
pool, their
they are enabled to offer a very larye and
general assortment, which they will sell
either in the original package, or repack
ed, at (be lowest prices. They also keep
constantly on band
A general assortment of stone ware
Window glass in boxes
Tobacco pipes in do.
Blk quart bottles in hampers, or coont
ed out
Ad assortment of Liquor Cases
on 1
| landing from schnr. Borneo*
95 hales of Blackstone shirtings & sheet*
10 do bleached and colored dimities
20 do cotton yarn.
From Richmond,
20 kegs ot first quality manufactured Uh
bacco, warranted to be equal to any in the
District, For sale by
Who have received by the Pioneer* trom
Liverpool, and Friends from Greenock,
100 PACEAGP& of
British manufactured Goods*
1 ot every description. ocl 9
Pubi c Sale.
UQn SATURDAY, the 18tjsTnst.
, ILL be sold at the late dwelling of
Elijah Chtnault, dec’d. on Wash
Ji Negro tCnmun and her 3 Children,
Terms at sale. SARAH CHENAULT*
net 9--tOl8 Admr’v ’
MAt 12 M. will be sold on tbe pre
mises, tbe WHARK and frame
warehouse et (be late Isaac Eniwi
sie, dec’d, Situated on tbe south
side of Woli street beginning on W oil st.
20 It. east of Potomac Strand, and.running
on said street 162 leet, and iron Wolf st.
south, parallel with tbe stream 87 tee* 3i
inches* The wharf is substantially built,
and now in good order, and has sufficient
depth of water tor any class ot vessels il at
can ascend the Potomac Terms liberal
and made known at thv time id sale
act 2
irubtee’s Sale.
ON the 22d day ot OCTOBER next, at
near 12 o’clock as may be. t will sell
at public auction, to the highest bidder, ot
The Tract of Land,
lyihg in the county ot Prinee W ilium,Isle
the property ot Charles Hopkins, deceas
ed, and purfchased by him irom the exe
cutor of Dr. George Ijraham The lane
lies not far from the Occaquon Mills, and
adjoins that o, Jan es Savage, and others.
Fora description of it, reference is had to
tbe deed ot trust given by said Hopkins to
the Subscriber, in trust tor the executor of
Dr. Graham, dated the 29th March. 1822,
and recorded in the Office of tbe County
Court of Prince W illiam; and to the de
ceased Irom the executor to said Hopkins,
recorded in the same Office T lie sale
will be made on the premises. It the day
is rainy, it will be made on the tir-t lair
day thereafter.
aug 23—(022 1 rustetr
Marshal's Sale.
I \ r ILL he sold on the premises, by tte
v v Marshal, tor cash, on Wednesday,
the 29/A 'day o/ (Jctobcr next, ai 12 t/inck,
all die rigid, title and interest of Mi W j|.
liatn Herbert in and to the following lot of
ground, adjoining the ton not Afexardria:
Beginning at the intersection ot West and
Oiormko streets; running north with West
street to Montgomery street; thence west
to the northeast corner ot Peter Shermn’s
lot; thence south with »an* lot to Umno
ko-stieet; thence with said street to the
beginning; containing ten acres, more or
less—bold to satisfy an execution in lavof
of the Bank of Ihe United States.
For T. KINtiGOLD, Marshal,
fiept 26 t029
Dotncfitir Goods
30 bales white and brown cotton
Shirting and sheetings
too pieces sattinets ot various colors
60 do flannels
Black, blue and mixed ossitrerr and
superfine blue 4- black broad fcloths—
For sale on favorable terms by
net 7
Pepper, Cloves, &c.
JOHN H. LADD & Co have received
per brig IViedlord and offer tor sale
25 bags pepper
2 barrels cloves
10 barrel* coffee
20 barrels loaf sugar
Also, jutl receivedJrofn Philadelphiay
100 :en catty boxes imperial tea
oct 4.tf
* Duck, &c.
THIS day landing trotn brig Medford,
Jacob Covington master—
100 holts superior quality Russia duck
50 pieces Russia sheeting
60 do heavy Raven-* duck
28 bags good St Donr ingo coffee
For sale by
Who hare in Store, for sole,
100 bolts of Im k 2d qual. Russia duck
150 pieces Raven* do
300 do Russia sheetings
bOO do broai' diapers
25 tons St. Petersburg hemp
10 casks Russia tallow
15 bales do feathers
6 do do quills* cont’g Id0,000
2 tone American cordage
10 bhds 1st qual. St, Croix sugar
70 hags St* Domingo coffee
50 do Surtiatra pepper
20 pipes brandy—a Seignett's
brand, of luperirn qutli y
10 puncheons 4tb prtoi Jdin. Rum, old
Holland gin
30 hhds molasses
5 P*pe» ) Sicily Madeira
20 quarter casks : VIJ | v t1
30 half quarter casks y » ▼ I >
6 pipes London particular Madeira do
10 quarter cask* Teneriffe do
* of superior quality
400 casks cut nails, assorted sizes
800 Liverpool filled sacks of blown salt
20 hampers wine and porter bottles
80«i tons plaster paris
14,000 busbeia St. I'Uiand Cadiz salt
«ct4 tf

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