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A man was found near the Washington j Bridge, yesterday morning, who had been ex- J posed to the severity of the previous night, and j died shortly after he was discovered, He was a stranger travelling north. A Coroner’s In quest was held on the deceased, who returned the following verdict, to wit* .i \ye of the Jury find that the deceased came to his death by exposure to the severity of the weather, on the night of the 20th January, 1834;” and that, from the name marked on the shirt found on the deceased, [who appears to be between the age of 50 and 60,] his name is F. G. Settle. A good pack and several articles of! clothing were found in his possession. BIGHT DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. mmi \ After an interval of four weeks, during which we had not received a word of news^from Eng land, the packet ship George Washington, Capt. Holdridge, arrived at New York on Saturday j evening, bringing London papers to Novem- j ber 25th, and Liverpool to the 26th, both in clusive. There is nothing from Portugal so late as i we have received direct. The Accounts from Spain continue to be fa vorable to the Queen. All was quiet in France. London, Nov. 23—Saturday evening—The ! Consol market throughout the morning was ex tremely languid, and bargains very limited, but near to the close of business sales to the amount of £65,000. were transacted at 82 3-4. Consols for the account left off at 87 3-4 to 7-8; Ex chequer-bills 40a?. to 4U. premium. Extensive Forgeries.—A principal topic of conversation in Dublin is the flight of John Scott Vandaleur, Esq., who is charged with forgeries to a large amount The Bank of England is said to be the principal sufferer in forged pow ers of attorneys. The Limerick branch banks are losers in £900; and some bankers in Dublin have sustained considerable loss. London, Nov. 24.—A rupture is reported to have just taken place between France and Swe • den. Ambassadors have been reciprocally with drawn: the commercial intercourse between the two States will continue to be regulated by con sular agents, but diplomatic relations between the Courts of Paris and Stockholm have entire ly ceased. And why all this? we are asked.— Only on account of a play! Precious absurdity —and how delightfully striking! The King of Sweden required the King of the French to suspend the performance of Gus tave, ou le Bal Masque, at the French Opera, and the Camarde au Lit, at the Vaudeville; and because Louis Philippe refuses, offence is taken _a rupture ensues; Mon. de St. Simon is re called from Stockholm, and M. de Lowenheim, who happens to be absent, is ordered not to re turn to Paris. [communicated.] A handsome Hickory Broom was some weeks ago sent down by a gentleman in Shenandoah County, Va., to be presented'to Gen. Jackson. j It is still in this place, but, it is expected, will shortly be presented, by the hands of Major Jack Downing, to the President, who at the same time will hand in the following lines: Lines, on the presentation of a Hickory Broom to ; a distinguished personage. Most “ potent, grave aud reverend5* “ Roman!* Surpassed, we*re very sure, by no man, Accept this emblem and kind token— A Hickory Broom—without words spoken. Money is scarce, and business dull.— Reasons, we trust, you’ll take in fall, Why we can’t leave just now our home, And to the White House duteous come, To tell, pro forma, how much we Think of the K. C. and th’ rest o’ ye. A Hickory Broom! how apt and true Is such a present now for you! The muse inspires us! O the pen! Fire and faggots! at it, then— | Sweep—sweep, great sir, the rabble rout: Leave not behind a single lout Who dares to call his soul his own; Asks he for bread—give him a stone. The rascal set! they to have pap And slumber gently in the lap Of office. Flourish the Broom! Office for us.—Room, boys—Room! We’re out of breath; we’ve said our say We send the Broom—hurra! hurra! MR. RIVES* SPEECH, On the Removal of the Deposites. Mr. RIVES rose, and said—Mr. President: During my connection with this honorable and enlightened body, I have always felt it better for me to appear in the capacity of a listener, than in that of a speaker. There*are questions and occasions, however, upon which an indivi dual must either speak, or suffer his silence to be misconstrued. Such, sir, are the circumstan ces under which I now address the Senate.— Sir, the subject which we are considering, is ad mitted, on all hands, to be one of the greatest importance. Much of the distress under which the country is said to be laboring, is attributed to it. I believe that distress to be considerably exaggerated, and, I trust, it will be of short du ration-still, of the fact, that there is distress and embarrassment in the community, at the present moment, I think there can be no doubt. U remains, sir, for us to investigate its nature, _ and armlir famnrlir Irk /Iiartrina this hiffll » ■* 1 of the United States. Sir, what have we seen within a few short months? The whole face of the commercial community changed; not, as we were told just now, by the bank standing still, but by its making a retrograde movement—thus producing that panic and distress, which is now so much complained of. Sir, it is vain to tell us, that all this has been caused by the removal of the deposites. Even the friends of the bank, have not asserted that this is the case.. The re moval of the deposites, sir, is no new occur rence. They are subject to removal at any time, and for many purposes. Will the honorable gentleman from South Ca rolina, who has alluded to this part of the sub jact, tell us that it has not yet happened that the deposites have been reduced to almost nothing? We are told by a document which is in the pos session of the Senate, that in March, .’33, when the protested bill came back from France, there were only $2,000 in the Treasury. Was not this a removal of the deposites? But was there any pressere on this occasion? No, sir; on the contrary, at that very moment the Bank was en gaged in enlarging its accommodations. It is in vain then to tell us, that the removal of the deposites has produced the present distress. Sir, an examination of the returns of the Bank must be perfectly conclusive in this respect. By the Secretary’s report it appears, that on the *st of August the deposites in the United States Bank amounted to seven millions of dollars; and that on the 1st of December five millions still re mained, leaving the whole* reduction or remov al at two-millions; while the curtailment by the Bank amounted to ten millions. Sir, some oth er cause then must be found for that curtail ment than-the removal of the deposites; and that other cause has been stated in another de partment of this legislature, by a gentleman, whose connection with the Bank gives to every thing he says an almost official importance. We are told by that gentleman, that it is not the removal of the money, but the doctrine with w’hich the removal is connected, that has pro duced the distress which at present prevails; the doctrine that the currency is to depend up on the State Banks; that government has said the people are to be separated from the Bank. And what is the object, sir, of the Bank? Its object is to demonstrate that this separation cannot be affected without producing distress, and involving the very existence of this people. This Sir, is the true motive of the curtailment. The question is then whether w’e are to yield to the direction of a Bank, acting under these principles, or w hether we are not. I will read Sir. an exhibit, showing the influ ence possessed by this immense institution.— Mr. Rives here read a statement of the business of the bank, snowing the amount of domestic bills purchased, collected, &c., and continued:— Thus, Sir, 341 millions is the amount of the operations of the bank, and can any gentleman look at this enormous interest thus possessed by the bank—at its monopoly of the whole circula tion, and at the manner in which it has mixed itself up with the interests of the country, with out feeling a deep sense of the danger of such an institution. It is impossible that such an in stitution should fail to exert an influence detri mental to freedom and the interest of the coun try. The true source of the evil then—of the present distress and pressure—is the existence of the bank. And how are we to remedy this evil? Are we to aid the power of the bank, and assist it to annoy us further? Sir, what will be the effect of restoring the deposites? I wish to consider this subject practically. Will it not lead to a renewal of this institution by which we now suffer? Why are we to restore the deposites if the bank charter expires in two years. If we yield to this bank now—if we suet unab now, how shall we resist the still greater pressure which i will be made upon us when it finally winds up | its affairs—when it will have its circulation of IS or 20 millions of notes to provide for? A re storation of the deposites, Sir, will be a renewal of the existence of the bank. Can any one who has reflected upon the course of things connected with this institution, have supposed that we are tc get rid of this power without some degree of suffering to the community? Have we forgot ten the events of the year 1811? The pressure was then far greater than it is now. Sir, can any one in reflecting on the proba ble course of things, imagine that we were to get rid of this power without some suffering?— Can we have forgotten the circumstances of 1811-2. That pressure excited great agitation. Property in Baltimore and Philadelphia fell from ten to seven dollars. The Senate would acknow ! more practicable than to restore a metallic cur | ledge that if the termination of the bank when its outstanding debts were only 14 millions, cau sed distress it must be much greater now, when they were sixty or seventy millions. It would be singular indeed, if any one could expect to get rid, without pressure, of such an institution, which for a longtime has been sitting as an in cubus upon the liberties of the country. But, Sir. we are told by the gentleman from South Carolina, that the question was not whether we should get rid of the bank, but whether we should have one subject to the Government, as the State banks are. Can he suppose that the State banks are more under the control of the Government than the United States Bank? Can he suppose that the State Banks, under the con trol as they are of the several legislatures in whose appointments the United States have no influence, can be so formidable? Can he sup pose that the paltry pittance of the deposites can j induce them to become servile partizans of the ! Government? In the present reduced state of i the revenue, we have not above four millions to divide among four hundred banks. What has hannenedin our own State? Has the gentleman not seen that there the boon had not been sup : posed by some of the banks, to be worth the trouble which would be attendant upon the charge of the share of the deposites which would fall into their possession. But I beg leave to say to the gentleman from South Carolina, that that is not the true issue presented, or to which we are confined. I understood him to say, that when a proposition was made for a metallic cur rency, then the question would be fairly pre sented. I beg leave to say, Sir, that nothing is rency in a short time. There are vices in paper currency which ought to be guarded against. • The great evil of a paper currency consists in alternate expansions and contractions. Sir, has that evil been mitigated bv the Bank of the United States? No, Sir, on the contrary, is it not obviously increased? The means by which a metallic currency is to be restored are simple and safe; but it is requisite first that the Bank of the United States should cease to exist. It is obvious that in that event gold will at once take the place of notes. This would at once arise from a change in the arrangement in the mint The circulation of bank notes should be discouraged and prevented; and it has been suggested that if it were competent for Con gress to impose a stamp duty on notes below’ a certain value, their circulation would be ef fectually suppressed. I state this preparatory to the establishment of payment in gold and sil ver and I would pledge myself to produce to the Senate a plan to bring about so desirable a state of things. Sir, in contemplation of that measure, we should be rid of an institution | which cannot exist conjointly with it. It may be asked, would I not concur in a • measure for redressing the injuries which the bank may sustain? Sir, if any wrong had been done to the bank, I would feel myself called j upon to redress the injury; but no such wrong lias been done. The honorable Senator from ! South Carolina has said that the question is j confined to the action of the Secretary of the | Treasury, and he observed that the Bank of the | United Staes was no farther involved, than ! with regard to the safety of the deposites. My own opinion on that subject differs from the Senator, who thinks the money is j exempt from the power of the Secretary of ! the Treasury. (Here Mr. Calhoun, as we un : derstood him, said there was doubt on that | point.) I believe, continued Mr. R., that the j whole conduct of the Bank, in regard to the deposites now under consideration, was the cause of the withdrawal of the deposites. The ; Secretary did it on account of the conduct of 1 the Bank, in violating its charter; and this posi ; tion I will now endeavor to establish. [to be continued ] DIED, Yesterday morning, Jonah Thompson, in the 77th year of his age. His friends and acquaint ! ances are respectfully invited to attend his fune ! ral, from his late dwelling house on Fairfax : street, at three o'clock This Afternoon. FOR FREIGHT. The new Schooner WILLIAM\ Stevens, 'master, carries about 500 barrels. Also, The Schooner PIIEBE SALLY] ^•^Fi.nkT.n. master, carries about S00 barrels. Both vessels will be ready for cargo in two days. jan 22 Apply to W. FOWLK & Co. FOR FREIGHT. w-ts: The Schooner ANTI, Capt. Nickerson, stows 600 barrels. A Southern freight, or one to the West Indies, would be preferred. Ap ply to jan 22 A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. * CANDLES & SOAP. I Boxes Mould Candles, Winchester I brand, and assorted sizes 50 boxes Soap Landing from schooner Phebe & Sally, for sale bv ian 22 W. FOWLE & Co. PLASTER PARIS. iYifk Tons Plaster, afloat, for sale by lUU jan 22_W. FOWLE & Co. NAILS. | XX Casks, assorted sizes,.landing from the J schooner William, for sale by jan 22_W. FOWLE & Co. NEW ENGLAND RUM. t Q Hogsheads New England Rum, landing JL O from schooner William, for sale by jan 22 _W. FOWLE D Co._ BEEF & PORK. PRIME Beef and Pork, for sale by jan 22_W. FOWLE, & Co. FOll SALE, Landing from Schooner Anti, Capt. Nickerson, Q W/Y Boxes Soap and Candles © U 40 barrels No. 2 and 3 Mackerel 10 half barrels No. 1 do jan 22 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. SIX CENTS REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber, about the first of November last, LINDSAY REY j NOLDS, an apprenticed House Carpenter and Joiner.- All persons are forewarned harboring or employing said apprentice at their peril. jan 22—3t THOMAS PRESTON. ~ FOR FREIGHT. The Schooner MARY JANE, Captain • Rich, burthen about 500 barrels, will be ready in two days. A Southern freight will be preferred. Apply to A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. For sale, the cargo of the Schooner Mary Jane, 2000 bushels Ground Alum Salt 11 bundles Sheet Iron 75 plates of Boiler Iron 10 tons of Plasterjan 21 FOR FREIGHT. The Schooner PULASKI\ Smith, mas ter, carries 800 whole barrels, will be ready | for cargo in two days; one for the West Indies preferred. Apply to L. McKENZIE, i jan 21 Union wharf FOR BARBADOES. The coppered Brig EDWARD, A. D. ! Crosby, master, will have despatch, and take 200 barrels and small freight. Apply to j jy 16HENRY PAINGERFIELP. FOR SAVANNAH. The Schooner ALCYON, Captain Ja mieson, will sail as soon as the navigation For light freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, at Union Wharf, or to jan 15_A. C..CAZENOVE &■ CO. BUTTER. ** a Firkins Shenandoah Butter, for sale at a reduced price. jan 21 .CLAGETT & PAGE. HERRINGS. 'j ~C Boxes Scaled Herrings i i JL 39 do first sort do 51 do second do do Landing from schooner Mary Jane, from Eastport, and for sale bv EDW’D. C. FLETCHER, jan 21—3tIrwin’s wharf. NEW BACON—A FRESH SUPPLY. Lbs. well cured and handsome-! ]y cut Country Bacon, with a full proportion of Hams, cured with saltpetre. Just received and for sale by ; jan 20—eo3t DANIEL CAWOOD. RIO COFFEE. ! X Bags Rio Coffee, part very superior, just ^received and for sale by ^ jan 19_WILLIAM N. McVEIGH. WHISKEY. Hogsheads of Whiskey, received per & fJ steamboat Columbia, landing this day and for sale by A. C. CAZRNOVE & Co. ' jan 15 _• .V otice TO the Legatees of the late Major Henry Gunnell, deceased, of Fairfax County, Virginia—That they , will come forward and take charge of their properly, which is at this time in the hands of the subscriber, se curing him agreeably to the act of Assembly, as he will not consider himself liable, after this date, for any pro perty under the will of said Gunnell. GKO W GUNNELL, One of the Executors of H. Gunnell, deceased December 26, 183?. jan 3—w3w w 0 , Eli Rewoe, Esq. is recommended to the ■ voters of Prince William County, to represent them in the next General Assembly of Virginia. Many Voters. We are .requested to announce Arthur ■ F. Lane, Esq. as a candidate for a seat in the next Virginia Legislature, from the County ot ..Fairfax. Many Voters. ‘ fL2r* Bazil Brawner, Esq. is recommended to the yoters of Prince ^Yillia^n, to represent them in the next General Assembly of Virginia. Many Voters. ST. JOHN’S ACADEMY. HE public are respectfully informed that the Academy recently established by the Rev. J. Smith, at the corner of Royal and Duke streets, Alexandria, is now permanently in operation, and ready for the reception of stu dents. I The course of education pursued in this Aca demy comprises all the various branches that constitute a sound English and Classical Educa tion. It embraces the Latin, Greek, French and English Languages; Logic; Natural and Moral Philosophy; Mathematics; History, Ancient and Modern; Geography; the use of the Globes; Elo cution; English Grammar, Reading, Writing, &c. &c. The Classical Department of this Institution will be conducted by Mr. H. C. McLaughlin, a gentleman of high classical attainments, and of long experience in the education of youth, hav ing been employed for a considerable time as a Professor in one of the most distinguished Uni i versities in this country. 1 The object of the gentlemen concerned in this ! Institution is to impart to those who may be en I trusted to their charge a solid and thorough knowledge of the Classics, adopting as their j mode the “ ratio studiorum” which has so de i servedly attracted the attention and secured the approbation of the Literati of Europe and Ame ! ricu; a system which, if properly attended to, i can alone store the mind with useful and solid ■ knowledge, and form the elegant and profound ! classic scholar. It need hardly be remarked , here, that this system entirely explodes the prac tice which has of late been introduced into ma ! ny of our most respectable schools, of putting | into the hands of youth books composed of sen | tences and phrases seiected from the different authors, and substituting such ercerpla for the original—a mode which may, indeed, lead to a rapid and superficial acquaintance, but can ne ver convey the beauty, style, or spirit of the Ro j man and Athenian writers. This remark is I II17III tl V>Uli V lUUUll Ul IUC Oil \r\Z riority of this system over every other at pre sent known, without any reference or allusion whatever. In the English Department, the most concise and exact method will be pursued, and compe tent teachers provided. Music wiil be taught without any extra charge. Hours of attendance from 9 to 12 A. M., and from 2 to 5 P. M.j during which time the strict est attention will be paid to the morals of the students. Terms made known by applying to Mr. Hugh C. McLaughlin, at the Academy, or Rev. John Smith. Principal.__jan 17—6t MOUNT ERIN FOR RENT. ^a The subscriber will rent the HOUSE & isilli FARM. The land is now in good cultiva tion. There are about sixty acres in rye and clover. It will be rented for a number of years on reasonable terms. There are an excellent Garden and large Orchard, with a variety of fruit trees. It is one of the most pleasant, heal: thy, and agreeable situations in the County of Fairfax. There is a fine view of Washington, the Capitol and Navy Yard, a part of Maryland, and the surrounding country. Lyingand situ ated between the Colchester and HuntingCreek Roads, about three miles from Alexandria. Please to apply to F. M. TRACY. jan 18—tf_Oil the Farm. “VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber wishes to sell that valuable Av RRICK STORE & DWELLING at the j llj'i corner of 12th and E streets, Washington j City, at present occupied as a boarding house, and recently built, and rents readily at one hun dred and eighty dollars a year. Perhaps there are but few stands (except those on the Ave nue) more valuable, and is well calculated for any kind-of business. For further information concerning the above apply to Arther Warren, Grocer, next door, or to the subscriber, in Alexandria. MOSES HEPBURN. Alexandria, jan 10—eotf TO RENT, And possession given on the 22d instant, MThat well known STAND formerly oc cupied by Dominie Barcroft, deceased, as a Refectory and Oyster House, and more recently by Mr. John West as a Tavern; for either oY which purposes it is well suited, being in the im mediate vicinity of the Market House. For terms apply to EDW!D. BURCIIELL, jan 13—eo2wGuardian. A BARGAIN. M I will let the DWELLING and STORE-1 JMHOUSE at the corner of Water and Prince streets at as low a rent as any property in the j town, (considering location.) It is well calcula- j x_3 c..1_1_i_ ~.. _x1 __ __c.... tcu 1U1 a wiiuimaig wi j cuau j *uv> tory, slop shop, &c. &.c. &c. jaii 17 JOSIAH H. DAVIS. DIVIDEND. THE President and Directors of the Baltimore and Potomac Steam Packet Company have this day declared a dividend of five dollars per share on the capital or joint stock of the Com pany, which will be paid-to the stockholders or their representatives, at the Maryland Savings Fund Institution, on or after the 29th instant. An Election will be held ntthe Office of Chas. Worthington, Agent, on Wednesday, the 29th instant, between the hours of 10 and 12 o’clock, for ten Directors, to manage the affairs of the Company for the ensuing year. S. WILSON, Treasurer. Baltimore, Jan. 20, 1831.—3t THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT the subscriber, of Alexandria County, in the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of said County, letters of administration on the personal estate of Reu ben Roxbury, formerly of said County, and late of Metamoras, in Mexico, deceased. All per sons having claims against the said decedent are hereby warned to exhibit the same to the subscriber, passed by the Orphans’ Court, on or before the first day of November next, or they may, by law, be excluded from all benefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are re quired to make immediate payment. Given un der my hand, this 13jh day of January, 1834. EDMUND ROXBURY, jan 13—eo6t Adm*r. of Reuben Roxbury. AIR-SLACI mure and othi ' 4 AUCTION SALES. PUBLIC SALE. ON Saturday next, the 25th instant, at 11 o' clock, A. M., will be sold onWm. Fowle & Co,’s Wharf, for the benefit of the underwriters, and all others concerned, the Sails, Rigging, and two Anchors, with good chain cables, be longing to the schooner Firm, of Lubec, Maine. Terms cash. W. D. NUTT, Auctioneer. jan 22—4t [Nat. Intell.] PUBLIC SALE. ON Thursday,.the 31st instant, at 11 o’clock, A. M., will be sold at my Auction Store, the i Hull, Spars, and Cargo, of the schooner Firm, of Lubec, Maine, sunk near Boyd’s Hole, Nan jemoy Reach. The cargo consists of about 35 tons Plaster and 225 Grindstones. Terms cash. ! and for the benefit of the underwriters, and all i others concerned. - W. D. NUTT, jan 22—ts [Nat. Int. j Auctioneer. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. j FOR SALE, /Wl A valuable FLOUR STORE & WAGON STAND, situated at the western extremity of King street: the i^_i«!i*St)oUndaries of the Store beginning at the distance of 123 feet 5 inches from the west side of West street; thence northwardly, paral lei to West street, 100 feet, to a ten feet alley; thence eastwardly, and parallel to King street, 22 feet; ’thence southwardly, and parallel to West street, 100 feet, to King street; thence westwardlv, hounding on King street, 22 feet, to the beginning —The boundaries of the Wagon Stand, at present possessed by J Gibson, begin ning at the termination of the line of the Store last mentioned, and at the distance of 101 feet 5 inches from the point where the north line of King street intersects the west line of \\ est street, and running northwardly, parallel to West street, 100 feet; thence, crossing the alley of ten feet wtstwardly, parallel to King street, 22 feet; thence northwardly, parallel to West street, 243 feel 2 inches, to Cameron street; east wardly, with said street, 123 feet 5 inches, to West street; thence southwardly, with West street, 243 feet 2 inches, to the alley; thence westwardly, with the alley, 19 feet; thence, cros sing the alley of ten feet, southwardly, 100 feet, . ir- .i_ ...:iL rr* _ _. __ rvmg auccij iiiciilcj wiiii rvuifc; sum, niov wardly, 82 feet 5 inches, to the beginning. If the property is not sold by private sale be fore the 27th day of December next, it will then be ottered at auction at 4 o’clock in the afternoon, on the premises. The terms of sale, and the ne cessary information relative to the title, will be given by the subscriber. nov 29—2aw9t COLIN AULD. |The sale of the above described property is postponed till Friday, the 3d of January next, at the same place and hour. dec 27 pZJ* The above sale is further postponed till Friday, the 17lh instant. jan 3 ftjpln consequence of the unfavorable state of the weather, the above sale is further postpo ned till Wednesday, the 22d instant, at 4 o’clock P. M., if fair; if not, the next fair day. jan 20 WM. D. NUTT, Auctioneer. f'.nr sale. | 1 I SPALL offer at public sale, on the first Monday in February next, at Prince William Court House, being the Court clay of snid County, jggej* TWO TRACTS OF LAND. CjjSS^ene containing 3Q3 ACRES, per patent and 11 st/'i survey, both of which will be exhibited on JZSS&Si.the day of sale. This Tract lies in Fairfax County, but on rhe line of Prince William, and lias been in the possession of Col. John Hcoe for some time, who now relinquishes all claim to it. It bps on Hull Hun, find on the line dividing the Countiea of Prince William and Fairfax, and adjoins the lands of Col. Hone, Mrs Kincheloe, and the Heirs of Thomas Blackburn, deceased. The other Tract contains 73 ACRES, and lies in Prince William County, near Dumfries, and is at pre sent occupied by Walter Davis I he terms of sale will be accommodating, and made known on ttye day of the sale. Capt Thomas Nehort, Surveyor of Prince William County, knows both tract* of land well, and will give any information relative to ! either that may be wanted. Letters to him on the sub ject must be post paid. As this land will be sold by me as a Commissioner, ippointed by the Federal Court for that purpose, 1 shall onlv guarantee such title as is vested in mej but l consider the title perfectly good GKORGIS IIA MIL. TON, Commissioner, jan 3 - dlFeb-O Trustee’s Sale. 0>J Saturday, the first day of February’ next, the subscribers will, under the authority of a Decree of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for each, THE HOUSE V LOT OF GROUND situate Mat the upper end of Washington street, oppo site the dwelling of P.dmund I. Lee, Keq and which was formerly occupied as a residence by the late Mrs Mary Fendalj. Sale will be made at 12 o'elock.iand on the nrernis es. It I. TAYLOR, dec 31—eotFebl THOMSON F MASON. A V aVuabVfc t ata\ fvjr »a\^. The subscriber will sell his highly improv ed and valuable Farm called R 0 8 R-Hl LL% in the County of Fairfax, four miles and a half from Alexandria, and ten a half from the Citv of Washington, in a pleasant and agreeable neighbor hood, containing 3 9 4 acres. As this Estate is so generally nown, a particular de scription of it will be less necessary. The soil is in a good state of cultivation, having been managed for se veral years past with a view to its improvement. There are about two hundred and fifty acres cleared and divi ded into eight fields, well fenced; the balance is in wood and timber. There arc from forty to sixty acres of meadow land, well ditched and drained, part of which is well set with clover and timothy; the balance designed to be put down in grass the ensuing fall. There is a young thriving APPLE ORCHARD, of about two hundred trees of choice selected fruit, be sides a variety of excellent summer fruits. This Farm is delightfully watered; Dogue Run passes through it, and it abounds in springs of most excellent water, which continue to tun through the farm in the driest seasons. The buildings are good, consisting of a large FRAME DWELLINGHOUSE of two stones, pStj with four rooms and a wide passage, built very 8*1**] substantially and of the best materials, and every necessary out house to accommodate a large family.— The Garden and Y*rd are well designed and improved. From the house there is a commanding view of the Po tomac and surrounding country, and for healthfulnesa and beauty of prospect it is perhaps surpassed by none. The price and terms of payment will be made known by application to Gen. JOHN MASON, or S. H. JANNEY, Alexandria, D. Q. Or to the subscriber, on the premises, JAMES KRSSELL aug 13—wtf Rose Hill, Fairfax County, Va; y JOB PRINTING neatly executed at ffrte mm- J : Vv