Newspaper Page Text
I THE GAZETTE: By E?>GAR SNOWDEN. Terms; Daily paper - - - * - $8 per annum. Country paper - - - 5 per annum. I The ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE for the coun try is printed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. , 1 All advertisements appear in both papers, aim are inserted at the usual rates. MR. RIVES’ SPEECH, On the Removal of the Deposites. I ***■-■■" - . ' fCONCLUDED. J * Sir this is the first instance in the history of this country, where the funds were placed at the disposal of one establishment, with liberty to make anv use of it which they might find con venient; and I hope it will be the last. I am glad that the attention of the American people has been called to the subject; they will better understand the nature of that moneyed powei to which they have been so long subjected; and I shall be sorry if Congress allow the deposites to be returned to the Bank. I think, sir, I have now said enough to show that both with regaid to the government and the public, it has done enough to forfeit its charter, and that the Secre tary of the Treasury has acted justly ill with drawing the deposites: and I think, sir, I have shown that he had legal authority for that act. Sir I might here leave off, but other subjects have bee a brought forward, which ought not to be passed by unnoticed. I understood the se nator from Sonth Carolina to dispute the i tght of the President to surpervise the conduct of the Secretary, and to remove him. Such was not the view taken bv the honorable Senator from Kentucky. The‘first charge brought by that gentleman was, that the Secretary, by remo\ This denunciation .seems to have been resorted to for the purpose of exciting terror. That the ~ power of the purse was usurped with the power - of the sword. What, sir, constitutes the power i>f the purse? The people are taxed only by their own consent, through theii oun lepiesen tatives. The power of the purse is the power of raising money from the pockets of the people, and of disbursing it without their consent or ap proval, in such manner as may suit the purpos es of him who takes it. In England the power of the purse is held by the Parliament, as it is by Congress here. The King there may make treaties, or levy war, but he must go to Parlia ment for the money, and if Parliament choose to withhold the supplies, he may levy war and make treaties in vain. Is it meant, sir, that the power of keeping the purse is not a part of the Executive power? But the Executive has a right to see it done, and to determine on his own responsibility how and -where the money shall be kept. There was for merly no obligation on the Secretary to depo site money any where. It might be deposited in the State Banks, or in the Bank of the United States, and was he ever accused of depositing it wrong? The public money, since the establish ment of the U. S. Bank, was placed there by the act which constituted that Bank, until the Se cretary should otherwise order and direct.— Well, sir, does tfe, in removing the deposites, transgress the law and usurp the power? No, sir. But then we are told that the Bank of the _V,t;jr-I ‘"•*■‘--1-- - ITtkal la tkaoaca, it is so sub-modo onjy. A correct notion of the treasury of the United States is not to be deriv ed from the place where the money is kept, but from the state or condition of the public money in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury. The place of the public deposites is where the proper officer may order them to be deposited. This position was obviously illustrated by a re ference to the documents:—In IS 10 a resolution was passed in the House of Representatives _in___ tnyir r, f Iko rP niiil l~ir tn upvu WUV/ VV«. T * . X.V.WVW ^ — report as to the amount of money in the differ ent places .of deposite. The Secretary replies, “The probable amount of money in the Trea sury, is near two millions and a half.” He did not state any particular place, byt merely the pro bable amount in the different places of deposite and those he called the Treasury. The receipt of money by persons appointed by the govern ment is synonymous with its receipt into the pub lic treasury. Whenever the public money is under the control of the Government in the name of the Secretary and to his credit, and where it is available to the uses of the Government, there . it is in the Treasury of the United States. Sir, it is the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, on the third day of Congress, to furnish a true and perfect account. Does he furnish an ac count of the bank? No, Sir, but he furnishes an account of the public moneys, wherever they may be. Sir, the charge of breaking into the Treasury is one of a grave character, and de serves some elucidation. I will endeavor to show that no such crime has been committed.— Sir, do not the funds of the country still stand to the credit of the Treasurer? Are they still not under his control, as the money of the Govern ment? Are.they any more exempt from the control of the Government in their present situr ation than they would be, if they were still in the Bank of the United States? Yet we should suppose, from the observations that have been made, that they were drawn out of the Treasu ry. The honorable Senator, I trust, when, his mind is drawn more closely to the subject, will see, upon reflection, that all that has been said, has not been said with justice on this subject. Sir, I must be permitted to express great sur prise, that the Senator from Kentucky, when quoting a passage from the speech of Patrick Henry, should denounce the union of the purse ■ and sword, from that authority, as applicable to the removal of the deposites. I could not but be surprised that a mind so patriotic as that of the Hon. Senator undoubtedly is, and so ready at all times to raise his voice against any sup posed violations of the laws of this country, could go so far as to believe that Patrick Henry uttered this deprecation, as applicable to the removal of the public deposites. Henry could got have seen in this, the usurpation of that great power of the purse in union with the sword, which was to give the death blow to liberty. If the Senator had readonly a few brief senten ces preceding his quotation, he would have seen, that Patrick Henry could not have meant such a union as this, of the purse and the sword, without doiug the greatest violence to his lan guage. In his view. Congress had both the purse and the sword; Congress had an unlimi ted control over both. The purse is the power oftaxation; the sword is the power ofraisingan army, and extending a control over the militia. The two powers in question, were not consider ed as belonging to the President, but to the Con gress of the United States. He used this as an argument, at the convention, in regard to the Government considered collectively, and his yery uae of the term is a confirmation of all 1 ! have said. That the power of the purse and. the sword is an indefinite power over the pub lic money, and the military forces of the coun trJ|f the Senator will inspect the passage, the exoression will satisfy him, that it has some per-' tinency. Patrick Henry was against the union of the purse and the sword in the hands of tile General Government; it was the whole power of the country; and under such a union, liberty was gone. His argument was, that if, when the purse and sw^ord are in the hands of the entiie Government, checked and balanced as it is, by means of its various departments, there is still danger, how much more immense when they are in the hand of one of them, when all did not furnish a competent security for liberty. And on another branch of the subject, allow fHere Mr. CLAY said, that in his remarks on the union of the purse and sword in the hands of the President, he did not allude solely to las seizure of the public money, but to the po\vei which he had claimed and exercised, of saving to one 'Secretary, “ You must get out of office, | if you will not do as 1 bid you;” and to another officer, “ I dismiss you, unless you consent to be j governed and controlled by me.”] It still seems to me, contined Mr. Rives, that the Senator’s quotation from Henry, is not ap plicable to the removal of the public deposites; and I understood the Senator’s remark to relate to this particular act; that it was violating the Constitution by putting in the hands of one man, the *power of the purse and sword; that if these powers were dangerous in the hands of the whole Government, they were much more so in the hands of an individual; and that it was not improperly said, that by the removal of the public deposites, they were so consolidated. I wish to show that Henry alluded to the power of the purse and the sword in the hands oi the ma ny; and to designate the object to which his remarks should be applied, submitting for that! object, ministerial power, in supposing a col lusion by means of the public money, when Ex ecutive officers receive and disburse it accord ing to law. It is another matter, if the Senator supposes there is danger in relation,to the du ties of the Executive officers of this sort; all his argument on this point came forty years too late, and all that are applied againstthe power -of removal. There is not one argument brought against the President’s going to an officer and saying, M I remove you, unless you do so and so”—not one, which was not urged in 1789, against that power of removal. As to the President’s abuse of power, I will not say that he may not abuse it; but the single responsibility of the President, looked to controlling the whole Executive de partment, and his responsibility as to the duties of that department, was considered as a secu rity for the liberty and good of the country; and in that light it was regarded by Mr. Madi son. Sir, permit me to advert to another constitu tional opinion, expressed by the Senator from Kentucky. He not only asserts that the Presi dent has wrested the purse from the hands of Congress, but that there is another glaring usur pation, in wresting also from them all power over the Executive department. The constitu tion has devolved on the President the Execu tive department. The Senator has commented on that, and has decided that the constitution devolved upon him no such control of Execu tive authority; that it is not from the constitu tion, but from law; that in particular cases he has such control over the State, War, Treasury and Navy departments as was given him by law; that cr\ far as tho law hue given it ha hue it, hilt not from them constitution. Sir, here is a fundamental error, which must I be corrected—that the people and ourselves may have a just notion of the Constitution. I am not an advocate of Executive power, but I am engaged in a discussion on the Constitution; and the Constitution vests the whole Executive pow er in one person. There were various proposi tions in the Convention for framing the Consti tution; one was for an individual Executive; another for a plural Executive; the plural was presented under different forms; all were con sidered, weighed, and discussed, but the deter mination was—that the public liberty and good required a unity of responsibility in one man; therefore they vested the whole Executive re sponsibility in one person; and it was so vested on the principle, that there would be the highest security oi puuuc lioeriy, in one v.mei magis trate. As a consequence of the responsibility of the President, in regard to the Executive de partments, he has the power of controlling, in specting, and placing substitutes for Executive officers. This power of superintendence and control was so explicitly recognized in the de bates of 1789, at the first Congress after the adoption of the Constitution, that I refer the Senate to them. Sir, in what language could Madison, and every interpreter of the Constitution, more plainly express, that one Chief Magistrate is re sponsible lor the Executive department, and on the principle, that it was under his control and I responsibility, for liberty and the public good? Mr. Ames says, the President has the responsi j bility,for the greater security of the liberty of the American people; I say responsibility, for it im plies the power of control in the President, and the framers of the Constitution would not make the President responsible without control. The Congress of 1789 acted on the ground that the responsibility was in the President; and the Con stitution necessarily gives him the power of control. Sir, the Senator alleges that he has made ma ny researches, and his friends have made them 1 for him. I also have made some, though I have ; not had the benefit of friendly assistance; and I I beg leave to present a few extracts from the de bates of 1789. Madison—“ There is no danger in the choice of Executive officers by the Se nate; they may choose on the nomination of the Executive, who constitutionally has a supervi sion and control over them.” Mr. Lawrence— “ In the departments, the Executive determines the source of control,” &c. Ames—“ The Ex ecutive power exists with a view to inspect and control the officers.” Through the whole de bates, it was admitted, by the majority of Con gress, that the Constitution had given the Presi dent the control of Executive officers, and con sequently the responsibility was placed, by the Constitution, on his shoulders. Does not this show that it is derived from the Constitution, and not from the laws? The Hon. Senator continued. But, Sir, it has been suggested that this great question of the power of removal on the part of the Presi dent, is a party question; that the Federal par ty was in favor of the removal, and the Repub lican party were of the opposite opinion. Sir, there was no such party spirit. With Madison were found many of those who after wards bore ; the character of Republicans. But, Sir, to show that this question was not connected-with these great principles, I call the attention of the Se nate to an authority which all admit to be the highest Democratic authority which can be given I y * . fMr. Hives here read several extracts from Jefferson’s letters; and continued.J SKaS2&$S»i354S tion of Washington no distinction was made be tween officers? Sir, this is a most important ques tion. It is desirable that the people should derstand it, and that they should not be influ enced by bold.denunciations. . . • The Hon; Senator from Kentucky, Sir, has said, that in all the researches which he has himself made, and which have been made for him by others, he has been unable to find any authority for the course which has been pursued by the President. Sir, if the Hon. Senator had looked through ^he debates, l am sure he would have come to a different conclusion. Sir, I un derstand that gentleman to say, that the Presi dent has no authority except when the law is resisted by force; and that he (the President) mav overcome this resistance by force. Sir, I understood the gentleman from Ken tucky to say, that under the law and the consti tution, the President has no other authority than to resist any opposition to the laws or the con stitution, which may be made by force. This is a power more dangerous to the liberties oi the country than any other power that could be gi ven him; and there is not, under the law or the constitution, any such provision. The Congress only has the power to call out the militia. 1 he President is, indeed, commander-in-chief of the forces, and this power is given to him by Con gress. But there is something peculiar in the language which confers upon the President this authority, in the words “ that he shall see the laws faithfully executed.” Mr. Madison, how ever, thought that the duty to see the law’s faith fully executed was not to be by force, but through the action of the subordinate officers of Govern ment. The power to issue proclamations rests exclusively with the President. I understood the Senator from South Carolina to say, that the President has a right to state in what manner the laws are to be executed. Sir, the President never Hnimpfl nnv nfher anfhoritv. It has been argued, sir, that the public officers, so far from being ac countable to the President, were accountable only to the country and to the courts of the coun try. No one has more respect for the institu tions of the country than I have, but I was sur prised to hear the Senatqr from Kentucky quote the opinion ofthe Supreme Court, in reference to the case of Marbury and Benson. There can now be but one opinion, and that is the ground which was taken by Jefferson; he supposed the commissions to be not then consummated, anti he prevented the consummation ofthe commissions. Sir, is not this the plain practical sense of the constitution? Mr. Jefferson said that it was the invariable practice, that a commission, though signed and sealed, was not valid until it was de livered. (Here Mr. Rives cited several instan ces recorded by Jefferson, in favor of that prac tice.) Such was the republican doctrine of the day, though it w'as not the decision of the Su preme Court. It decided that because a com mission was signed and sealed, it was valid, al though not delivered. 1 may now say that the general sense of the country was against it.— Mr. R. then read a letter addressed to Judge Roane by Mr. Jefferson, and cited several other passages from the same works, after which he dwelt at considerable length upon the nature of the tenure of office, and ofthe various duties as signed to the several officers of the Govern ment. \ Mr. Rives alluded to the remark of Mr. Clay, that we are in the midst of a revolution. He accorded with him in th-it opinion, hut in a dif ferent sense. We are in the midst of a revolu tion great and salutary. The American sys tem, of which the Senator was the acknowledg ed champion, was a most unequal system of tax ation, and would, if not laid in the dust, under mine all our institutions. This system was al ready giving way before the power of public opinion. Its chief advocate, fearing the action of a new Congress, had made an effort to save it from destruction by means of the Bill of com promise ol the last session. Internal improve ment, on which the public money had been un constitutionally squandered, must of course fail for the want of the means to cany it forward.— The Bank, the first the system of revo lution, had been exercised in the best times, both lioro nnrl in'hmil In PT. n rrirt twi it vvnc n.-iu’ of no use, because other and less unpopular means had been found and resorted to, for the control of legislation. But in the reign of Wil liam the III., who had acquired his power by a revolution, and who was deemed in a high de gree the friend of freedom, the veto power was frequently exercised. Afier paying a high tri bute to the worth and talents of Mr. Madison, and pronouncing him the most virtuous man in ! the country, he asked how often did he exercise j the power of the veto. In the first two years of ! his Presidency he had vetoed four Bills passed 1 by Congress, and some of them at least, on j stronger grounds ofexception, than those which had been adduced in the case of the vetoes of j the present chief magistrate. Mr. Rives deprecated the counter revolution which might, and probably would occur, if there should be a turn in the present course of public affairs. He thought it would be dangerous to the stability and character of our institutions, to the purity of elections, and the morals of the community". He thought the public money wras now shut up, iri a strong box, where it could not be used for purposes of corruption. Such a use of it was by this means rendered wholly imprac ticable. When Mr. Rives had concluded, on motion ofMr. Pre-tno. he Senate adjourned. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber wishes to sell that valuable Jk RR1CIC STORE & DWELLING at the ^corner of 12th and E streets, Washington City, at present occupied as a boarding house, and recently built, and rents readily at one hun dred aud eighty dollars a year. Perhaps there are but few stands (except those on the Ave nue) more valuable, and is well calculated for any kind of business. For further information concerning the above apply to Arther Warren, Grocer, next door, or to the subscriber, in Alexandria. ‘ MOSES HEPBURN. Alexandria, jan 10—eotf HOME MANUFACTURE: THE Washington Line and Cement Compa ny have the pleasure to announce to the public that they are now prepared to furnish Quicklime of superior quality, at their Kilns, on the Canal basin, near Georgetown. All the Company ask is, that full experiments ma)' be made by the scientific and practical part of the community with the article they are now manu- , facturing, as they reel assured-it will meet pub- ; lie appropriation. As soon as the Canal navigation opens, the Company will also be able to furnish the Hy drate of Liine, or Water Cement, of a quality fully equal, if not superior, to any yet discov ered in this country, or imported from abroad. 1 Washington, jan 20—d2w >y BALTIMORE & WASHINGTON RAILROAD In the House of Representatives on Wednes day, some debate arose on the proper disposi tion to be given to the bill from the Senate, fur ther to continue in force “ An act to authorize the extension, construction, and use of a lateral branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in to arid within the District of Columbia,” now on the table of the House. Mr. CHINN stated that he had been instruct ed to move that the bill be re-committed to the Committee on the District of Columbia. It was j a bill in which the people of the District had a j direct and near concern, and the subject certain-! ly pertained of right to ther own Committee. Mr. McKIM explained. The bill merely pro- i posed a revival of a former law, which had ex- 1 pired by its own limitation. The Company had obtained a new' law from the Legislature of ( Maryland, and they now wished concurrent le-1 gislation from Congress. Thai Legislature bad , granted $500,000 toward the construction of the j road, and they bad therefore added fifty cents per passenger to the rates before proposed, by | way of compensation of this aid. He had no. objection the bill should go to the District Com-; mittee, although he did not see how the people | ofthe District could expect to get any portion of j , the toll for a road, so small a part of which pas-! ! sed through the District; unless, indeed, they ] | would like Maryland, suscribe a part of the ■ capital to make the road. Mr. CHINN only insisted that the people of I the District should have an opportunity of being ! heard. Mr. VINTON had no objection to the recom-! mitmentof the bill, but opposed its going to the j District Committee, inasmuch ns it belonged, i manifestly, to the Committee on Roads and Ca- I nals. He had no idea of the Distr ct Commit-i tee taking it out of the hands of the Committee j j to which it had been appropriately referred.— j I As well might a bill for a road through Michi- j | gan be sent to the Committee on Territories.— < This was not an allair oi tne u,.strict merely, or mainly; this road was part of the great line of communication from Boston to New Orleans, | and, as such, was under the jurisdiction of the i Committee on Roads and Canals. Mr. STODDERT said, he would enter into l no comparison or contest as to the relative dig ; nity of different Committee of the House, but, as 1 one of the representatives from Maryland, he j was anxious to avoid all collision of jurisdiction. The road had been authorized by the Legisla ture of Maryland, but its completion required j the legislation of Congress, as the local Legisla ture of the District. The District had none ! ofher; and the place where its interests were to he presented was the District Committee of that | House. That Committee had no desire to frus i trate the undertaking^ far from it; and he, ! though deeply interested in all that concerned the prosperity of his own State, thought there was weight in the reason why the.bill ought to goto the Committee on the District. The peo ple of his own district were also deeply concern ; ed in the provision's of this bill. The road puss j ed directly through his district. There was al- j so a turnpike road, the stock of which was part ly held in Baltimore and partin Washington, which was likely, if not suitably protected, to be ruined by this rail road. He wished both sides of the question to be fully considered. Mr. VINTON moved that the bill be recom mitted to the Committee on Roads and Canals. After some further conversation, the bill was sent to the Committee on the District of Colum bia. ALBION CORN PIASTER. • Albion Corn Plaster softens the corn, however I. old and tough, and extracts it to the very roots. The relief afforded is gentle, immediate, and tho rough. • The proprietor begs le#ve to submit the following case, from Mr Stowell, who is well known to the in habitant# ofthis city, especiall) at the South Kud and South Boston, as a very worthy and respectable cili £a ' lit A Ca-k Sin I d > not hesitate to give my most unqualified approbation in favor of your valuable Albion Corn Plaster By the use of less than a box, Mrs Stowel! has been cured of a corn on each foot, which had been exceedingly troublesome and painful for rears, and I think it btitjuatice to your invaluable preparation to add, (for the encouragement of those who, owing to repeated disappointments in the various remedies re sorted to, have finally despaired of a cure,) that your Plaster curb'd her corns, after tmng other highly re commended re medies to no purpose: and what in creases mv confid nee in the superiority of your Plas ter, is the fact, that it has been used by several of my neighbors with equally good success (Signed) Seth ‘'Towell, Keeper of the Toll house, South Boston Bridge. Mr. T Kidder, Proprietor of the Conway Medicines Boston, June 17th, 1829. Price 50 cents , SORE AND INFLAMED EYES. IT I "tindous, the weakly, and others, who are 1 troubled with soreness or inflammation of that delicate organ, will be able to obtain a insist pleasant and invaluable application, in > DUMFRIES’ EYE WATER. Tilts well established Wash for the Eye is perfectly ; innocent, and gi\es immediate relief, even in very ag gravated ca*rs of soreness and inflammation. . Price 25 cents __ ] THE TOOTH ACHE. ( r gTllS agonizing disorder is cured in its most painful t stages, by one of the most simple as well as pow- ] erful remedies known in modern pranice I he CAMBRIAN TOOTH ACHE PILLS * afford instant relief, without inflicting the slightest in jury on the teeth They are applied externally to the parts affected, with the greatest ease and expedition, ^ and generally operate as a soothing lenitive to the l suffering patient. Price 50 cents a box. r • dyspepsia, } OF most obstinate character, after having baffled I the skill of the most eminent physicians, and withstood the most highly recommended medicaFpn* parations, has been checked, relieved, and cured, in a number of instances in and about this citv, by using, F for a short time l)r Peeff/s VEGETABLE SPECIFIC, AND ANTI BI- 8 LIOUS PILLS, in connexion, according to the directions accompany- r iog the Specific It is also one of the best medicines d known for Sick Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, Nausea, and Flatulences. Price of the Specific and Pills, 50 cents each. ^ • None genuine unless signed on the outside prin D ted wrapper by t e sole proprietcr, T. Kiddder, im- 1 mediate successor to the late Dr. W T. Conway. "For sale, witli all the other “ Conway Medicines,*’ at his * Counting Hoorn, No 99, next door to J Kidder's Drug Fc Store, corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con- ff sert Hall, Boston; and also, by his special appoint r, ttent, by \VM. STABLER, B Fairfax street, Alexandria */ Large discount to those who buy to sell again, if jan 24 " 11 ALEXANDRIA MUSEUM" a □PEN, daily, from 10 to 12 o’clock A. M. and from 3 to 5 P. M. jan g4 ALEXANDRIA: FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. 24, 1834. MR. WEBSTER. • For a long time past, the official Government paper has been remarkably silent as to Mr Webster. While it bitterly denounced other distinguished Senators opposed to the Adminis tration, that gentleman w as spared. The hypes as well as the fears of the Government were plainly seen in this course. Mr. Webster’s re cent speech in the Senate has, how’ever, render ed further concealment unnecessary; and ac cord, ngly the Giobe of yesterday opened its bat teries, in the usual styfe and manner, to wit; “ Mr. Webster, like the rest of the advocates of the Bank, it seems, can twist the Bank char ter into any form to suit emergencies,” &c. Again; “Mr. Webster, on Monday, opened his views on the subject, and with an expanse quite sufft cient to embrace every speculation in regard u> any system, calculated to set up a Bank govern ment over the government of the people —to transform the principle of free suffrage, giving efficacy and control to the popular will," into that of monopoly and of corrupt influence.” Will the Globe enlarge its positions—or wi’. it, by and by, “ haul in its horns”? Nous vei rons. “ Fire in each eye, and paper in each hand. It raves, recites, and maddens round the land.': The Globe grows furious against the Bank of the United States. That institution, opposed by the whole power of the government—sought “ to be crushed as a reptile”—its branches threat ened—the public deposites taken from it—its ra./'liartfli' yofnto/1 in n>-Ann»!v,.. ._:.. i * ^ vv« • VIWVVMJ AH VjJUl iilg LKJ VYiliU UJI concerns by curtailing its creditors. From motives of self-interest alone, we must know the Bank will curtail so as to do as little injury as possible. Under these circumstances, the •Globe yesterday calls it ‘‘a heartless, son less, MONSTER,” and its directors SHY LOCKS! This is in the true Jack Cade vein. The Washington Correspondent of the Ba; timore Republican speaks in the highest terms of the “ powerful speech” of the new* Senatoi from Maine, Mr. Shepley, as “ replete with wit, argument and sarcasm, in support of tv course of the Administration.”!!! Mr. Shepley’s speech replete with wit! argu ment!! and sarcasm!!! The idea is too Iaugha ble to talk about. The JJcposite Question in the Virginia Home of Delegates.—Mr. Colston’s motion to postpone to 31st March the whole resolutions pending— at the request of Mr. Marshall, he withdrew that motion for the present, and that gentleman then offered the following new resolution: Resolved, That the Assembly does not intend, by the declaration ofits opinion, in regard to the constitutionality of the Bauk of the United States, to qualify, or in any manner to impair, the force ofits disapprobation of the removal of the Deposites. Mr. Roane moved to amend this resolution a* follows: That they highly disapprove the manifold in stances of misconduct, which has marked the management and direction of the present Bank and that our Senators in Congress are hereby instructed, and our Representatives earnestly requested, to oppose all attempts which may be made to obtain a renewal ofits charter, and to co-operate in passing all needful, and proper M laws to compel or to enable it to close its con cerns in a manner least injurious to the curren cy of the country and happiness of the people. d ffiU- /loKnfn . A M ... . ... ' __ _ _ . • J — - vui.j lu » CIO UrgalMvU Mr. Wager then moved to amend Mr. Mar shall’s resolution as follows: Nor to express an approval of the conduct of the officers of the bank of the U. S. in tlicii mar agement of that institution. This amendment, after debate, was also ne gatived. ^ Mr. \\ illiams then moved to amend as fol lows: Nor does it intend by the declaration of it? opinion censuririg the removal of the deposite from the bank of the United States to qualify or impair the force of its disapprobation of tiie ex 3icise of the power by Congress to incorporate i bank. This resolution after debate, was likewise nf gatived— ayes 62—noes 62. Mr. Garland of Mecklenburg, then moved te imend as follows: Nor does the Assembly' by any means inter, o insinuate that the President of the U. S. ha? lot the constitutional power to superintend aft* control the Treasury Department. When this amendment was offered, it being ate, the House adjourned, to give Mr. Gerlarir tn opportunity of expressing his views. Disagreement between the two Houses of Cl Tcss. In the House, on Wednesday, Mr. Pod no ved to take up the subject of the partial de leral Appropriation Bill, with the Senate's ad lerence to its amendment thereto, to which the louse has heretofore disagreed. The House having assented, Mr. Polk moved that the House do insist oi :s dissent to the Senate’s amendment, and a?* conference thereupon. On this motion a debate ensued which ovei an the hour, and, superseding the orders off-' ay, occupied the House until 3 o’clock. The motion was opposed by Messrs. Hardin .dams, Foot, E. Everett, McICennan, H. ;tt, Barringer, and Bouldin; Messrs. Bell, o' ’ennessee, and Gamble explained, declaring iat they, and many others, had voted hr •re under a misapprehension of the wording®1 le clause; and advocated by Messrs. rown, and Foster: when Mr. Foot moved that the House recede ftoP s dissent. On this motion, which had preference, i*n 01 ?r, the debate was renewed. After a discussion on questions of order, Messrs. Mann ef New York, 9