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F ^ ATTENTION IS respectful!* solicited by the subscriber, to an in valuable preparation, the merits of which have . been tested by time, and are sustained by undoubted ‘“dO/RELFE’S BOTANICAL DROPS are every year increasing their long established repu tation. They have outlived many rival preparations, and are continually gaining upon public confidence. The Botanical Drops have been successfully admin istered for many years, as a thorough remedy tor tns well known and prevalent class of inveterate diseases which originate from a vitiated habit of body, or reditarv predisposition in the patient, an g y Appear under the various and distre«mgshapesof . Scrofula, Salt Rheum, LepW. St Anthony s Fire, Fever Sore*. White Swellings, Scurvy, Foul and Ol» stinate Ulcer*. Sore Ueg^and Byes, Scald Head, and ^Trfthe* last mentioned condition of the system, the Bviunical Drops wiH be found to eradicate the lur ing poison, where mercury has totally failed, and thus prevent the patient from entailing the seeds uf un he reditary disease on hi? offspring. . Dr. Relfe’s Botanical Drops are used in cases of violent eruptions after the measles red blotches—pimples on the face-festering eruptionson the skin—and other diseases of the external surface; Hnd are one of the best Spring and Autumnal physics known, to free the svstem from humors A physician of eminence, who had witness ’d the et* ficaev ot this article, had the candor recently to ack nowledge to the proprietor, that he considered it the best medicine known, for the complaints for which it la intended, and that it ought deserved y to stand at the head of the whole c’ass of such remedies. Price $1 a bottle, o- 6 bottles for *5. WHITE TEETH & HEALTHY GUMS. m ios£ who would retain or restore thes? dt^irnb e 1 personal advautages, are assured that no compo sition can be obtained “uperiortc the DJ„frp BRITISH ANTISEPIIC DLNTRIFICE. This is an elegant and pleasant preparation in every respect, and hJ, for many year, past, given universal satisfaction wherever it has been used. . , The Antiseptic Oentrifice is exempt from acid and other deh-lerL< ingredients, which too frequently enter the composition of tooth powders in common use and it wh tens the enamel of the teeth without doing it the least injury. The regular use ot this ad mired oowder by purifying the mouth and preventing the accumulation of tartar, a. the beat pre ten thre'of the'Tooth Ache. The Uantnhce remove. firS'r^TXTlU »o" braces and strengthens lhe Gums, it secures to them their healthy and florid hue, and, by removing alt offensive foreign accumulations from the teeth, preserves the natural swe-tneas of the breath. Price 50 cents - * • None genuine unless signed on the outside punt - w S,~sxstf? I SStt-K ' S?sr5f.i,.«»« Counting Room. No 99. next door to J Kidder s Urug Store corner of Court and Har.over stree s, near Oon cert lid. Custom and, by his special • -v Fairfax street, Alexandria. *.* Large discount to those who buy to scM agrm. _ CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA & CATARRH. TM that long train of diseases which seem to grow - I with the growth of civilized society, Consumption takes the lead in its relentless inroads upon human U^Vet its dreadful disorder is easily overcome u, its earlier stages. It is only when neglected that it ar rives at the terrific maturity which so often baffles the sagacity of professional science. An obstinate cough is the customary forerunner of the pulmonary con sumption Improper neglect in the timely adminis tration of simple and salutary remeoies, is sure to be reoroved by a dreadful succession ot consumptive symptoms -oppression of the breast; greenish and bloody spittle; ulcerated lungs and hectic lever; i.m veiled extremeties, and general emaciation ot the - 3 whole body; prostration of strength; flushed chcefcs; ■wollen feet and legs; and at last, in ^e tull ^ossea sion of the mental faculties, and while hope stid whis. pen her Battering tale—cold extieroities, and a pre - For the various stages of this complaint, one oi the most approved remedies ever yet discovered is DR. RELFE’S ASTHMATIC P LLS. This exceeding** powerful, and y et equally safe and innocent preparation, has effected thorough and rapid cui^'3 upon patients supposed to have been far adv*-»c eilna confirmed Consumption, and who have exhibit ed the appearances which usually indicate a fat.u ter ffe initiation of ‘he disorder. As the Fills require in ordinary cases no conhne. roent, they n;av be administered with confidence and •»fctv to all ages and c'asse’ of Peol’le‘ Unexampled sneers, has hitherto attended their admim.tnttmn ,n a ercat variety of cases; and the proprietor can refer to i multitude, which testify to their efficacy in reviving 4i,u ah.nt.mntik/1 uir.tun irom the bt^cl ot disc&sd, Rfitl rt? storing him to the blessings of accustomed health and Price #1 for whole boxes of 30 pills, and 50 cents for half do. of 12 pills, with directions DEBILITATED FEMALES. fllHW complaints peculiar to the female part of the 1 community, have been long successfully treated by the administration of the Aromatic Pills, originally prescribed and compounded by Dr lielte l hey cleanse the blood from those disorder* ot the temnle constitution, for which the pills are an effectual spec* fies they restores fire*- circula ion, reform the irregular operations of the sunsufer»us system, and rectify tie disordered habits. The proprietor's confidence in the • superior excellence of this equally innocent and pow erful preparation, is founded on the most decisive u*s timony from many reaiaired patients. He can assure th's oopt»on the pubuc, that when DR RELFE'S AROMATIC PILLS FOR FEMALES are reirulsrly taken, according to the directions, ac companying them, they revive and establish the desir ed healthy habits, and restore to the palud counte nance the natural glow of health and good spirits. Married ladies will find the equally useful, ex cept in cases of paegnancy, when they must not be taken; neither must they be taken by persons ot hec tic or consumptive habits. They may be used success fully by either men or women in all Hypochondriac, Hvtteric or Vapourish disorders. In all cases ot tins description, the pills purify, invigorate, and revive the disordered system. Price #1 50 a box. • * None genuine unless signed on the outside print ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, T. Kidder, imme diate successor to the late l>r. W. 1 Conway. For tale, with all the other “Conway Mediates, at his Counting Room. No. 99. next door to J K.dder s Drug Store, corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston; and also, by his special appoint WVI. STABLER, ** ^ Fairfax street, Alexandria. %• Large diacounts to those who buy to sell again. . lot Vjftab. OXtUi JOSSEIVYN, Agent, (comer of King and Hoyal street*, opposite Wright Maddox,) re spectfully inform* hi* friends and the pubhc, that he ha» on hand, and continues to manufacture, first, me dium, and low cnitHty, SUPERIOR BLACK HATS, A which, for color and durability, will compare with any found in the District. JL!>Of A variety of CAPS, of the different fashion*. A share of patronage «* respectfully solicited All kinds ofFura purchased. Old hat* taken in part pay for new ones. dec 3 * VjOoVt wantcit. A FEMALE COOK '»• wanted, ei'her by the month or year, where liberal wage* will be given, and •Be from the country preferred. Apply to the Printer, - s'.*' . •- *' c'.;* iV--'. ■* ' '■ !•• ■■■; ' ' fATE NT RIGHT SECURED. i beware of imposition. SHEPHERD’S PATENT SPECIFIC OINTMENT, (formerly Judkins’,) Prepared by C. HERSTOSS, near Frederick town, Maryland. Hichmowu. Va- July 15, 1810. THE public will be pleased to understand that I was the original discoverer of Judkins* Ointment, Rnd sole proprietor of the patent from September, 1817, until the expiration of the same; but, having connect ed myself with Dr. Judkins in the commencement, l permitted the Ointment to bear his name. The term of the patent having expired on the 26th June, I have made an improvement in the same, and !;:®ntl°cunPa tent thereon. N. SHEPHL • nr> Imposition having been practised upon the nub lie by a spurious article, bearing the name of Jud kins* Ointment,** the proprietor avails himself authority granted to him in his letters patent, now to call the Ointment after his own name. Henceforth it will be known by the name of SHEPHERD’S PATENT SPECIFIC OINT MEN r, (formerly Judkins'.) When I first made and prepared this Ointment, and had, in several instances, experienced its good effects, I sent it to several physicians, with instructions in what case9 to apply it, who were of opinion that the Oint ment would be a valuable public benefit. I concluded that the Ointment would occasionally fall into many hands, some of whom would probably undertake to make it, and knowing the difficulty of the process-iie vertheless, it might be progated in this adulterated si tuation,as it might in some degree resemble the ongi nal—and in this way its good effects would be oblitera ted Under these considerations, 1 secured the origi nal and certain remedy for those obstinate diseases, some of which have so long baffled the skill of me dical science: . . 1st White, swellings of every description? 2d Sore legs and ulcers of long standing, 3d Schirrus or glandular tumors, particula rly those hardened tumors in worn m*s breasts, which oftentimes terminate in ulceiated cancers? 4th Felons; or what some people know by the name of catarrhs, of every description. 5th Rheumatic painsofthe joints; * 6th Sprains and bruises of every description, or i n whatever part situate; 7th Tetters of all kinds. In this complaint the pa tient, in applying the ointment, must keep the pari out.of water; M *li 1 *__ M ^ a! A.l fenof OUI hllllDIAlllD VJi It is also one of the best remedies for burns and sea Ms. It eases the pain and draws the fire out in a short time. For inflamed women’s breasts and glandular swel lings, it is superior to any medicine yet known to the medical faculty It is much safer than mercurial ap plications, (a* it does not contain the smallest atom of any preparation of the mineral,) because it does not lay the patient liable to injury from exposure to cold. This Ointment has cured sores of many y ears stand ing. Where it is impossible or imprudent to heal th* external sore, in consequence of the bones becoming carious oi rotten, it will stop the progress of the curies, increase the quantity of discharge, remove the offen^ sive smell, and ease the pains It cures the worst Felods ami Whitlows, on applica tion of forty-eight hours CERTIFICATES. Fromthe Hon. John Cocke Member of the House of lie presentatives in Congress. U aihivoton, Mar- h 22, 1826 Sir—My SQn having been afflicted for five years with white swelling, and having applied every reme dy recommended by the most eminent physicians within my reach without success, I at length procured one jug of Dr Judkins' Patent Specific Ointment and made the application according to the directions ac companying the Ointment, and state, for the benefit of the afflicted, that before one jug was used, a perfect cure was effected. My son has enjoyed good health ever since. I have no doubt that to the Ointment alone he is indebtedi for nothing else was used for more than nine months before the application of the Oint ment. Respectfully, John Cocks Dr. Wm. Gunton, Washington City. From L P. W. Bttlch, Esq Counsellor at Law, F ede rick. Md I* u .bEitrcR, Md. May 6, 1831 i Mr. C Herstons—I det in it proper to state, for the benefit of the public, that, several years since, two ot i m*; children were atfec'ed with scald head of an inve terate character My family physician, l)r John T Wilson, of Leesburg," Va who was very skilful and ju 1 dicious in his practice, in vain endfavored by every i means to effect a cure. At length Judkins* Ointment was applied, and the affection w*s permanently reliev ed. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, < L- P- W Balch. Pr ain't he Honorable John Taliaferro, Member of Con gress. dated •v AsmifGTos, Janua»y 2 2, P829 Sir—It has been my wish fora considerable time, to communicate to you the good effect with which ) have used the Ointment invented by a M>. Judkins and watch I now understand is made and sold by agents appointed by yourself, I have applied this Ointment during the last three years to every species of tumor and wound, without failure to produce a cure in every instance. I consider it the most decided ami efficient remedy in all cases of tumor, be the cause whatit may; and l have fouud nothing so good for wounds of any description It may be proper to add, that the cure of a tumor called white swelling, given over bv the most distinguished physicians as in curable, and which they decided would, withoutampu tation, prove fatalto the patient, was, under my imme diale notice, effected by the use of Judkins' Ointment, and the patient is in fine health His limb affected by the tumor being restored to a perfect state of sound ness. * Iso that the leg of an aged man which had been wounded, and exhibited one dreadfully ulcerated sur face from the knee to the foot, and which, -for more than two years, had been considered mcuraole, was ef fectually cured by the application of Judkins* Oint ment. I mention these two cases, which fell under my t immediate notice and management, as a decided evi- i deuce of the efficacy ofthis remedy in cases of tumor j and of ulcers: I have expo lenced, as decidedly, the : good effect ofthis remedy in the cure of Felons, and ; of every species of fresh wound. It seems to me that any one who wll observe on tiie operation of this Oint ment, must be satisfied as to its beneficial effect lean with the utmostooniidence recommend the use ofthis ! valuable remedy. lam, sir, very respectfully, John -t aliaferuo. N. B. To more fully guard the public, (the proprie* ! tor) G. Herston*s name will appear in his own hand writing, written through the circle outside the ointment pot. xy Sold by appointment, in Alexandria, wholeude and retail, by WM. S 1 ABLhH, oct 13 Druggist, Fairfax strut. j 0 Aft\\ Yft WE will pay Gash for any number of LIKELY NEGROES, (of both sexes) from 12 to Z5 years j of age, Field Hands. Also, Mechanics of everv de scription. Apply to K C- Ballard & Co Richmond, Va. J. M. Saunders & Co. Warrenton, Va. George Kepheart & Co. Fredericktown, Md. James F. Purveis & Co. Baltimore. John Ware, Port Tobacco, Md William Hooper, Annapolis, Maryland A. Grimm, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Or to the subscribers, at their residence in Alexandria, J Persons having likely Servantsto dispose of, willdfin well to give us a call, as we, at ail time^, will p;l tr higher prices in Cash than any other purchaser wjf .yj now or may hereafter come into market. jj accor All communications pmmpth attended to. ^ I t\on t FRANKLIN & AHMF1F * town 4 -oct 1—tf JW VLeoVth aecxrtefc, BY the use of the HyBej*" Y,'*eta.r « a|tniJVr”*. Medicines of the British College of Health, Lon don. whS? hove obtained the spprobat.m ajtd recom mcndatfon of thousands who have internally sumptions, chole® morbus, mflammations^tenially or externally; dyspepsia, fev®rs*na?. ’ -fv the liver• lious or nervous affections, and a * < doloreiix* yellow fever, gouf, rheumatism,lumbago. tjc dol e^ , dropsv, St Vitus’s dince, epilepsy, apoplexy, para y sis, palsy, green sickness, and all obstructionsto which the female form is so distressingly liable, c sends so many of this fairest portion of the creation their untimely graves; small pox, measles, w loop g coueh, scarlet fever, asthma, jaundice, gravel, stone, and all urinary obstructions; fistula, piles, strictures, ruptures, and syphilis in all its stages; constipated bow els, worms, scurvy, itchings of the 6kin, king s eyi , and all cutaneous disorders; in short, every complaint to which the human frame is so direfully subject, un der all their varied forms and names; as the Hvgeian conviction is, that man is subject to one only> real Disease,—that is, TO THE IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD, -fromwhence springs every complaintthat can possibly assail his complicated frame; and that it is the perpetual struggle of this vital, pure stream ol life, (the gift of Almighty power) to disencumber it self of its viscous, acrid humours, with which it has be come commixed, through the negligence of P»re"ta» the ignorance or maltreatment of the Doctors; oi the vicious or gormandizing propensities of us all. This valuable Medicine, being composed only ot vegetable matter, or medicinal herbs, and warrantee, on oath, as containing not one particle of mercuna , mineral, or chemical substances, (all of which are un congenial to the nature of man, and therefore destruc tive to the human frame,) is found to be perfectly harmless to the most tender age or weakest frame, un der every stage of human suffering; the most pi asant and benign in it operation, and at the same time the most searching out the root of every complaint, how ever deep, and of perfoiming a cure, that was ever offered to the world. This wonderful effect, too, is produced by the least trouble to the patients, by merely swallowing a certain number of small pills, and being called a few exira times to the purposes of eva cuation, with the least possible sensation of pain, or exhaustion of bodily strength, and without the tear ot catching cold, orattention to dress or diet, in any way different from their accustomt d habits. These pills cure all cases, and cannot be taken to excess Experience, which is the touchstone of all human knowledge, has long borne testimony to the fact; and extensive use ot them lias already verified its truth in this country. These medicines cure by purging; and yet the weak, the feeble, the infirm, the nervous, the delicate, are in a few days strengthened bv their operation, been ise they clear the body of its bad humours, and invariably procure sound sleep- They are the salesl and most efficacious menicineto take to sea; preventing scurvy, costivenesp, &c, The Vegetable Cleansing Powders are of great as sistance to patients, and facilitate the evacuation ot bad humours; they soften, cleanse, and detach the acrimonious phlegm; are cooling, and allay the thirst. One, two, or three powders may be taken throughout the day, mixed in halfa wine glass of water. Extract of a Letter to Dr. Moat. Sm: The motive which has induced me to writethis letter to \ou, is, that I might be instrumental in the recommendation of Morrison’s Universal Vegetable Medicines to the ffl.cted, which, by the Divine bless mg has cured me of the Scarlet Fever. My case was is follows: Whilst returning from Washington to Alex indria, I was taken very ill, which obliged me, on my iirival, to re»ire suddenly to bed, bat could not sleep, md die next day my throat became so much inflamed, that I could scarcely swallow; and my face, breast, and indy, presented evident symptoms of the great dan ger I was in. and 1 knew not what to d»>; Calomel or Mercu’y 1 abhorred as poison, and therefore desired no assistance from the Druggist; but my mother, who Nad experienced ill good effect of the Hygetan l il s in d case or two of her own, most strenuously advised me to try their virtue, which, with reluctance, 1 con jented to, and commenced by taking eight No 1 pills it night, ami eijit No. 2 the next morning and con dnued tuking, increasing daily, morning and evening, until l took sixteen No 2 at a time, which were dis solved in water, as, by means of my sore throat, I cou d not otherwiseallow them. Iconless the dose made me feel somewhat qualmish, 8tc ; but the pihs and the nowders of which I took one or two tea-spoonsful 1 a lay, operated well, and the final result was, that I fell uto a sound sleep, of which I had been deprived, and he next morning awoke in a 9tate of perspiration, freed from fever, cool and comfortable, and my reason (^for I had been deranged in mind) returned; and on the ?th day from the time \ was first taken, I left my room, tnd have ever since enjoyed better health than I did >efore You have my leave to make what use you please of this. I wisli yo,: success, and am, sir, your obedient friend, MARY ANN l*OVVLh,U. Aiexa. P C- March 14 1833. The genuine Medicines can be had of WM. POMKROY, Alexandria, Sole Agent for the District of Columbia and its vicinity. By whv>m the Pills are sold in packets ot one, two, md three dollars each, and the Powders at 37$ cents per box, with printed directions; and also by the fol lowing 'uo- Agents; It. VV. Polktnhorn, between 9th md 10th 'treets, Pennsylvania Avenue; John Stillins, Navy Y»rd, Washington; and Thomas C. Wright, Georgetown; of whom alone can the Medicines be warranted genuine. By appointment of Ur, li S. Moat, tl. P. M., M B- G. H., Brooklyn, New York, ’he sole importer of these Medicines. viorrisonia, or the Family Adviser, price $2 75; Prac tical Proofs, eilustrated by numerous cases of cure,se cond an K;»ird ed lions, price 25 and 37A cents; to be had as above.__, ¥ v anktin \\ mint. v.„g. The above TAVERN has been 5 girt,rented by the subscriber: it is well known tyyjjfcjjESas having been long occupied by Mr. Au »istine Newton; is now in good repair, and every comfort that the traveller neds can be had. The Table is everv day supplied with the delicacies, as well as the suostantials of life. The Bar is well fitted with the best Liquors, and private parties can be accommodated in the most delightful manner. JOHN WEST N B. Beltzhoover’s Line of Stages arrive and de part daily from Bus House; and Gigs, Horses. I Hacks, can he had on the most reasonable tern / nov s~d_a. ~ / *»V\ce to ¥ i&Uer /y;v. an<j „le o I WILL sell out my FISM*G^*/rjv''lege vl™', unexpiretl of one ye„,^te HerrilTr n- ~ the lease being etiended f-r n'lhe pm ^ , moderate rent Vh. *»** » D ' erv. situated on the Uaryl*^“'chard U. led Sandy Point, shore Cap.»to„s, .McPherson s fishery- ,0 carrv .. - . men fishing 32 feet deep. ^TichaRD DUoosf^' inqttt'of^ " n^ ''ear the Lo"S adaj H \V>—___inv'1 oct 7—cotf Xi r at Falls. mil,< T*»e Canal ^ksS3S52CPacket Boat HODGE 1 Aguiar tnps. on Ihf/sdays I h ?f Grommelin, starting antlCk,Ck'a (Georgetown) at 8 o* and "e.t“rn,n& the same dav at or before ^otare to ind from Crommelin, 50 cents. . JtJanal is niw in fine order, and the country pre I beautiful appearance. To those who are fond *ort excurjon, and desire a short relaxation from < ess, atrip tsUhe Great Falls offers a most delight eat. i Parties, 01 »ny other days of the week, can be I [\modated, giving a short notice or applica ( othe propntor, living on Third street, George- < • Z. M. OFFUTT, I m p T]PRY OOOPSr C\\arVea Bennett HAS received by the Brig Belvidera, from Liver pool, and other arrivals— Point blankets, all sizes 10-4 11-4 and 12-4 rose blankets 12-4,13-4 and 14-4 best family blankets 5-4 fine Bath blankets . Shoe thread in bales, various qualities Patent colored and W. B thread - Clark's Mile-End, London, first quality spool and ball cotton . . T . uk English black g doons, single and double width Baizes and flannels Kerseys, drab cloths and flushings Cloths, kerseymeres and vestings Black and colored Circassians First quality camhlets Furniture calicoes and dimities, very handsome An assortment of printed and Madras hdkfs Black Italian cravats and sewing silk Merino and cotton hose, of all qualities He mining's old patent and silver eyed »* • nee dles Gilt pins, 4, 4J and 5 A handsome assortment of gilt buttons Ginghams; cambric muslins Plain and sprigged Swiss muslins Swi£8 and jaconet hdkfs Shad and herring seine twine Of DOMESTIC GOODS, he has /or sale— J A very handsome assortment of bedticks Apron and furniture check* Penitentiary plaids Bleached and unbleached Canton flannels Sattinetts Bleached and unbleached cottons Cotton umbrellas Beaverteens Cotton carpeting; Lowell kerseys Jin assortment of FRESH GARDEN SEEDS From the Shakers. _sept 12 Pc’S Goods. WASHINGTON 1st BRBNT have received,by th< TT late arrivals from Philadelphia and New York. A Handsome Assortment of FALL 4* WIN TER GOODS, Consisting, in part, of— Superfine blue black, Russell brown, invisible green and mixed cloths; Petersham ditto Blue black and fancy colored cassimercs Blue Rod blue black silk velvets Dark blue, brown, cadet and other mixed casainets lto9e, point and striped blanketa Domestic and other carpeting Hearth rugs Black and assorted colored bombazeta Do and assorted colored merino Circassians Superfine black and colored French bombazines Black and blue black Italian lustrings Handsome colored gro de naps Ladies* super black and assorted colored kid gloves Linen cambric hdkfn; a great variety of fancy hdkfs Thibet wool cloth and merino hdkfs and shawls 4 4 it 6 4 bobinets and Grecian do do Booinet and Grecianett quilling S*ansdown and Valencia vestings Furniture prints, a great variety of fancy do DOMESTIC GOODS: Penitentiary and other piaids and stripes Bed ticks; apron and furniture cherks Bleached and unbleached Canton flannels Red, green, ami drab do Brown and bleached shirtings and sheetings 20 bales cotton osnaburgs Also, Burlaps, No. 1, 2, 3, & 4; Scotch osnaburgs Bear, Dutch, and Russia sheetings And a great variety of other articles usual to be met with in a dry goods store, all of which will be sold low at wholesale or retail. j s^pt 26 — tf _- l t&YY and W inlet Goods. / W»l. II. THOMPSON St CO. have just reeuvedj a further supply of SEASONABLE GOODS. \ Amo.ig them are tne foliowing:— 3.4, 4_4 and 6-4 printed and embossed Thibet j sh tw's and handkerchiefs : Merino shawls and scarfs, a large assortment, ot reduced prices Cotton and worsted shaw ls and handkerchiefs tlernani, crape, silk, muslin, and other fancy handkerchiefs , _ Linen cambric hdkfs, some very fine 6-4 French, German and English merinos 5- 8 und 3-4 black and colored English meri handsome assortment Plain Gro de Naples Best black Italian lustrings, very cheap Black and blue black Poult de Soie Black mode and colored Florences Black and colored silk velvets Ladies' and men’s lloskin gloves Cambric and thread edgings otings 6- 4 Grecian nett and Grecian n Boltings, a great variety Silk, cotton and wonted ho pes Black and blue black Italifdo for veils 5-4 do do • (lmbazines English and French bln«txed» Russel brown, 50 pieces blue, blan^d green Cloths, cheap olive, mulberry, cf4' ^ ribb’d cas.shneres 10 pieces plain, pr'*3'netts, very cheap 150 do lowpric d° very handsome 30 do superf^ scarlet flannels White, red, gre4 Green carpel - R°d striped blankets Hose, point,ie. £00;ls for negro clothing A variety r Pr*ced prints 300 piecJUr£8 a°d Russia sheetings Burlaps'08 anfl ‘awns 4-4 Iri"* table diapers 8-4 p.pers and crash. With Ruiges DOMESTIC GOODS—such as and bleached shirtings and sheetings /, yellow, brown an ) leadcol’d Canton flannels .nseys, checks, penitentiary plaids, tickings Cotton oznaburgs, &c. &c.j with many other ar ticles. ur assortment is very large, and prices low. We Le our friends and the public to call and examine hemselves. oc^ 29 Wtight & Maddox AVE received, by late arrivals from Philadelphia and New York, a very large and general assort t of NEW 4- HANDSOME GOODS, ted to the present and approaching seasons’ They e their customers and the public to call and exa 5 for themselves. 52 pieces cloths, blue, black, rifle green, Russell brown, plum, mulberry, claret, olive, drab and grey mixed Blue, black and fancy colored cassimeres, plain and striped Satinets, plain and striped Petershams, various colors Flushings and kerseys, heavy and stout made, for servants Linscys, plain, plaid and striped Rose blankets, 8-4 to 13-4. very superior Point and duffle ditto 3reen printed"1** frie"“ “nd b9iz«, plain and f hite. red, green, scarlet and yellow flannels 3 iuze flannels, extra quality Canton do various colors soat’s hair and common camblets ,adies’ camblets, a beaatifd article for cloaks Freneh merinot, superior quality and desirable co. lore English ditto, in great variety Circassians, well assorted Black and colored bombazeta French and English bombazines Merino scarfs and shawls, warranted wool borderi Thibet shawls, 3-4 to 10-4, very handsome Embroidered shawls, new style Valencia and Prussian shawls Satin fancy hdkfs, a new article, very rich Silk do do Italian lustrings (Matteoni’sgenuine) Do do colored, very beautiful Grog de Naples, plain and figured, in great variety Florences, assorted colors Dounle green and brown ditto, for bonnets India and satin Levantines Satins- various colors, plain and figured Henchews and sarsnets, uncommonly cheap Silk veivets, black, blue black, maroon, green purple and brown, for bonnets Tabby velvets, various colors A very I irge assortment of super chintz and !o pr ced calicoes Mourning ginghams, handsome new style Table diaper* 8-4 to 12-4; damask table cloths Russ.a do; French napkins Irian linens an l lawns, very cheap Linen cambrics and linen cambric handkerchiefs Checked and Griped muslins Damask ditto, a beautiful article for curtains Jaconet and cambric muslins Swiss and book do, plain and figured Gra*s cloth skirts, a new article Silk and worsted hosiery Mohair, merino and lamb’s wool ditto Bead reticules and fancy baskets Super Hoskin and kid gloves Long and short kid mittens Fur trimmed and lined gloves Pongee and Spittalfield handkerchiefs Several boxes handsome bonnet ribbons Bonnet camorics and reeds Cut and plain velvet and other belt ribbons Hearth rugs, floor and table mats Fur tippets, in great variety All of winch are offered on moderate and iiccfr*nit»* dating terms. »«' 11 tifcO. S. ll<iug\i HAS received a very general assorting * ALT GOODS viz: Clotlis and cashmeres Super and common sattinett Plaid and plain linsevs Hose and point blankets Woolen flannels; Canto’00 Plain and figured baize Counterpanes, white a^ c°l°red Petershams, flushings-11^ kerseyi Fine merino wool sh;S Guernsey frocks Men’s white and c(,*'ei^ ‘14®“ s wool ho*e Ladies’ do d du Men’s super Anri* . . do French and Ep‘s,‘ mer,nos »n great variety Merino circas?1,s and b°robazettes Btngups and~averteens Goat’s hair|n j.els “n‘^ P*aills Rattinetts ‘ co,or!-(11 cambrics Fur cape*1 “"J'Jm,, Damask'11:™4*11* ?.,rd rflaPera Fine g( *r,So ,,ne,,a f ine-<4fnbric l*°~n do (cheap) (^or a skirts pjt and common lawns Prop’s lawn, book and Swiss muslins fmestic carpeting, hearth rugs /k lustrings, gro dc naps, variety of color* jattin levantiues, very cheap White, pitik, blue and blk satiins Blk Poult de sole) a superior silk Gro de Berlin frFancy hdkfs and shawls Blk silk ciavats Gloves; men’s raw'silk do Russia and Irish sheetings; burlaps UIK, blue blk, green, purple and brown silk velvets - and fl igg hdkfs some superior Hound and fl »t braids Black galloon and shoe ribbons Black and colored lasting Blue and green table covers; table oilcloth Patent silver head pins 30 packs pins (low priced) Fiilditch’s superior spool cotton Knitting yarn and boas Fancy hair and other brushes White and green blonde veils; crash rtlh a general assortment of DOMESTICS 3000 lbs Cotton Yarn Cotton Batts for q«lilts 9th mo 39 5 Bxy OouAs. TAMES McKKNZIB & Co have received tlirir •-W usual Fall ■*upply o' STAPLE 4- FANCY DRY GOODS and wilt add to it by the first New Vo k arrivals The change they have concluded upon making i„ their i.u smess induces them to offer every article in their »« sorttnent at nxnpcKP pricks, oct 1 —dti’ eVotice. E stibscribers, intending a removal from Aleian . dri® New York in the course of a very short »me, have to ask the favor of all persons indebted to them to call and s-tt!e their respective accountai tueir business must be brought to a speedy close. ^nctt-thr_J \9. McKKNZIB W Co. Cabinet, Cbair anA Sola M manufactory , /m On King street, next door to Washington tired Leonard O. COOK respectfully informs hisfrier.J* and the public generally that he has commenced M tne above business in all its various branch* s. Hi’ Jl Furniture, which, for neatness and workmanship, bf flj warrants eqnal to any ever offered in the District, will H be sold low for cash, or to punctual persons on tbc |fl Host liberal terms Persons wishing to purchase arc respectfully invited to call and examine for theimelvr* PLRNIA (r &. PAR .V/.SY71Nfi handsomely ' cuted. Old Furniture neatly repaired, and all order} punctually attended to. ' oct io—5m Virginia Real Estate Brokct'agc and 6V !■ neral Agency Office, Fourteenth street, (a few doors from Main street,) near I W ~®yP(,,s ?Varehouw, RICHMOND, Va. ' i3 A N O' ice under the above title has been recently fa . ». established, and is now open, in Richmond, Va, flfl m connection with the Emigrant Agency Office, New 1] I ork, for the purpose of making purchases, effecting ^a.esand leases of and loans on Real Estate and other property; also attending to a General Brokerage and .^S Agency Business Also connected with an established Agency Office in the City of New Orleans, l.a , for malt ing purchases and effecting sales of NEGROES (inale and female.) Therefore, owners who have Slavesc»[ W culated for a Southern market, comprising stout, he*' tl>y, and active Mechanics, Field Hands, General La- ® , ;nrer‘n/,ouse s?r?ant8» and Family Domestics, from ~y<;ar8 agr^, can, through the medium ofthii H Office, find speedy ca-h sales. « N B. All personal or written applications will me*1 ^B J with due attention mm p ^rcN° Iet,ters or communications taken from the H Fost Office unless post paid. , 1ft „ JAMES McFALL U Co. _declQ-om_Richmond,Jju Alexandria Canal Office, 1 -Tr.Tmtl> 30//i November, 1833. 5 ■ N aV 1 h«reby given to the stockholders in l Alexandria Canal Co. that an instalment of 2 dollar* t per 8h?re is required to be paid on or before the s * iay of January; and a further instalment of 3 do"9^ H per share on or before the 1st day of February next. ^ By order of the Board: ^B tall dec 2 JOHN H. CREASE, Cleric A C. Co ■ ti,m