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I THE G AZE T TE: By EDGAR SNOWDEN. & Daily paper $8 per annum. Country paper 5 per annum. The ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE for the coun try is printed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. All advertisements appear in both papers, and are inserted at the usual rates. CONGRESSIONAL. In Senate, Tuesday, February, 4. The following message from the President of the United States was received by Mr. Donelson, liis Private Secretary: To the Senate and House af Representatices: 1 deem it ray duty to communicate to Con gress the recent conduct of the Bank of the United States, in refusing to deliver the books, papers, and funds, in its possession, relating to the execution of the act of Congress of June 7th, 1832, entitled an act supplementary to the “Act for the relief of certain surviving officers and soldiers of the Revolution.” The corres pondence reported by the Secretary of War, and herewith transmitted, will shew the grounds assumed by the Bank to justify its refusal to make the transfer directed by the War Depart ment. It does not profess to claim the pri vilege of this agency as a right secured to it by contract, nor as a benefit conferred by the Go vernment, but as a burthen from which it is willing to be relieved. It places its refusal up on the extraordinary ground that the cor poration has-a right to sit in judgment upon the legality of the acts of the constituted au thorities, in a matter in which the Stockholders are admitted to have no interest; and it impedes and defeats, as far as its power will permit, the execution of a measure of the Administration, because the opinion of the corporation, upon the construction of an act of Congress, differs from that of the proper officers of the United The claim of this Corporation, thus to usurp the functions of the judicial power, and to pre scribe to the Executive Department the manner in which it shall execute the trust confided to it bylaw, is without example in the history of our country. If the actsofthe public servants, who are responsible to the people for tne manner in which they execute their duty, may thus be checked and controlled by a irresponsible mo ney corporation, then indeed, the w hole frame cfour Government is changed, and we have established a power, in the Bank of the United States, above what we derive from the people. It will be seen, from the accompanying state ment, marked A, that, according to the latest accounts received at the War Department, the Bank of the United States and its Branches have in their possession near half a million ol the public money, received by. them under the law of 1832, which they have not yet accounted for, and which they refuse to pay over to the — proper agents, for the use of those persons for whose benefit it was withdrawn from the Trea sury. It is to be regretted that this attempt on the part of the Bank to guide and direct the Executive upon the construction and execution of an act of Congress should have been put for ward and insisted on in a case where the imme diate sufferers from their conduct will be the surviving veterans of the Revolutionary War; for this evil falls exclusively upon the gallant defenders of their country, and delays and em barrasses the payment of the debt which the gratitude of the nation has awarded to them, and w hich, in many instances, is necessary for their subsistence and comfort in their declining years. The character of the claim set up bv the Bank, and the interest ol the parties to be im mediately affected by it, make it my duty to sub mit the whole subject to the consideration of Congress: and I leave it to their wisdom to adobt such measures as the honor ol the Government and the just claims of the individuals injured by the proceedings, may be deemed to require. W jirlmr /--.I I ml fur thp rtnininn Aflhfl Atlnmpv General upon this occasion, with a view to a thorough investigation of the question which has thus been presented for my consideration, I enclose a copy of the report of that officer, and add my entire concurrence in the views he has taken. ANDREW JACKSON. February 4, 1834. The message having been read— Mr. CLAY cose and said, that he had heard, early in the last month, that whilst the conduct of the Executive, in relation to the seizure of the public money, was under discussion, and before any decision of Congress on the subject, the Executive not choosing to wait for any expres sion of the legislative will, was proceeding in the execution of his design of September last; and that an attempt had been, or would be, made, to take away from the United States Bank the agency which had been confided by law to that institution, in relation to the pay ment of the Revolutionary pensions. He would not say that he was surprized at this. He was surprized at nothing which had been, or might be, attempted, by those who had obtained the practical possession of the Executive power of the Government. He had, he said, looked into the question concerning the payment of the pen sions, and it was Ins opinion that this agency had been confided to the Bank of the United States by law; that the Executive had no right to take away this agency, from the institution; and that the doingso could only be regarded as a continuance of that career of assumption and usurpation which had been commenced during the last year against the Bank. He was glad that the Bank had now resisted. We had heard nothing of this subject until yes terday, when my friend from Mississippi (Mr. Poindextek) made a motion to call for a copy of this correspondence. The resolution, pro posing this call, was to have been again called up to-day, and this may account for the com munication being now made to the Senate.— This agency, Mr. C. repeated, had been confi ded to "the Bank by law; this fact was acknowl edged by the Executive, when the Secretary of War retraced the steps which had been taken to remove it at Albany. Thus it appeared that the agency had been confided to the Bank, and that the Executive had recognized the fact that it was so confided. And now, what had been done? A message had been sent to the Senate by the Executive, in uursuance of his plans for the annihilation of the Bank, denouncing the in stitution because it had not violated an obliga tion which was imposed upon it by an ac^of Congress! Mr. C. said he had considered it to be his du ty to make these remarks. He hoped that the message would be referred to a committee which would enter into an examinative, for the purpose of discovering whether there had been any such violation of duty on the part of the Bank. If it should appear that there had been any such vi olauon of duty on the part of that institution, no one would be more ready than himself to ap ply a proper and prompt correction of the evil. But if the committee should find that the Ex ecutive and not the Bank, had violated its ob ligations and its duty, he hoped that there would still be found a determination in the Senate to apply a corrective. He moved that the message be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. GRUNDY had not very closely exami ned the question, but he rather thought that the Bank was not the legal agent for paying the pensions under the law of 1832; upon which the opinion expressed in the Message of the Presi dent, just read, had been predicated. Mr. G. went on to express his disapprobation of the Senate’s giving any expression of its opinion, one way or other, on the subject, at this time. The President had laid the whole matter before both Houses of Congress; and until an action by their Committee was had in relation to it, it seemed to him premature to express any opin ion upon it. He concurred with the Senutoi from Kentucky, (Mr. Clay,) that the message ought to be committed to the Judiciary Commit tee; and, in addition to the motion of that gen tleman, he moved that the papers be printed. Mr. CLAY stated that it was not his intention, at this time, to enter into any arguments on this question. lie had explicitly avowed this be fore; therefore it was not necessary for him to insist upon it. In reference to the opinion of the Attorney General, accompanying the Message, (which had been alluded to by Mr. Grundy,) Mr. C. said he had long ceased to respect the acts or opinions of the different Departments of the Government, being well aware that the Ex ecutive was, as he had called himself, a unit, and would instantaneously dismiss any officer who did not at once obey nis behests. Sir, said he, when we know, from experience, that dis mission from office is the consequence of a dif ference of opinion between any Head of a De partment and the Executive, I acknowledge that I have lost all confidence in opinions from those sources. 1. for one, can no longer respect the opinions of an Attorney General, or any other executive officer, when such doctrines were avowed as had been maintained on this floor— doctrines belonging not to this Government, nor even to this age—doctrines of passive obedience and non-resistance, Jcc. Mr. C. passed a high eulogium on the personal character of the pre sent Attorney General. Had he remained at Albany, be would have paid as much respect to any opinion of his on a question of law, de livered from his private office, as any man.— But, brought within the pestilential atmosphere of Washington, he must be excused if he could ivm accord full credit to his public opinions.— Mr. C. hoped that the reference would take place; and was satisfied that the report resulting from it would show that the usurpation, of which the President complained, had been here, and not in Philadelphia, and that the Bank, after full inquiry, be acquitted from this, as well as ali other serious charges that had been brought against it. Mr. WRIGHT said, he thought he wasin pos session of a fact which would enable the Senate to decide on this subject. He would state that the gentleman from Kentucky was mistaken in what he said in relation to the powers given to the War Department on this subject. He (Mr. W.) would merely say, that the power claimed by that Department as to the pension law was different; by that it has no reference whatever either to the law of 1S28, which is commonly de nominated the “ pension law,” or the law of 1S32. The officer at present at the head of the War Department, is the same officer who cor rected the decision of his predecessor in that respect, having thought it was wrong that any payments should be made in virtue of the pro visions of the last act by the Bank of the United States, but that the payments should be made elsewhere than by the Bank. He (Mr W.) was sure that the gentleman from Kentucky would not go so far as to say that the officer would thus reverse his own opinion so palpably. He thought the Senator had not thoroughly exami ned the subject, or he would have found a very marked difference between what he supposed to be the facts in relation to this subject, and the real state of the case. When the gen tleman should have examined the matter, he was of opinion that he would be satisfied. Mr. W. said that his feelings compelled him to make a few remarks in reference to what had been said by the gentleman from Kentucky in relation to the Attorney General, whom he had stated as having been affected by the pestilen tial atmosphere in which he was at present mo ving. He (Mr. W.) would say, that the Attor ney" General was not to be affected by any such influence, for he was a man of integrity, truth, & candor, and would not give an opinion which he did notin his conscience believe to be right. The motion was agreed to. Mr. WRIGHT rose to present the memorial of a large number of merchants and other citi zens of the city of New York, on the subject of the condition of the financial operations of the country, and expressive of their opinions of the necessity of a National Bank. He held it to be an act of justice to admit that lie had received this memorial from a most respectable commit tee of gentlemen ofthecityof New York, who had been sent hither for the purpose of present ing it. He was informed by this committee that the memorial bears the signatures of 6.000 per-; sons, a great portion of them merchants and traders in the city of New York, and the ex pression of whose opinion was entitled to very great weight in this body. He knew some of tiie members of the committee personally, and all of them were well known to him by reputa tion; and it gave him great pleasure to bear his testimony to their high respectability. He con sidered that an expression of opinion, coming j from such a body, was entitled to great weight. He then moved that the memorial be read, re ferred to the Committee on Finance, and order ed to be printed. The memorial having been read— Mr. WEBSTER then rose and said, that the great number of the signors of this memorial, and the just testimony which had been borne to the character and respectability of those who had affixed their names to it, might be received as full testimony of the great degree of public distress which prevails at this moment. In the course of twenty years experience in Congress, he had seen no such memorial. He had his doubts if, in the whole history of our Govern ment, any memorial had ever been presented, in which such pains had been taken to give a respectful and an emphatic expression of the deep, wide-spread, and earnest conviction of public sulfering, as were exhibited in this memo rial. It reminded him more of some instances which had occurred in a Government in Eu rope, which was, in some degree, a popular one, but less so than our own, having its repre sentatives real and nominal, but not springing , so directly from the People as under our insti tutions: he meant in the British House of Com 1 mons, where, under a less auspicious organiza tion than happily existed now, a great mass of i l petitions, with a prodigious number of signa tures, was presented. Gentlemen knew how ta bles of the House of Commons were loaded with these petitions at the commencement of the American war. There was presented a memo rial from one of the northern counties, by a Whig member, against the American contest, and when the messenger brought one end of it to the Clerk’s table, the other end was not to be seen. A member remarked that there was the head of the petition, but where was the tail? It was answered, that the tail had not yet left Yorkshire. ,. The proofs of public distress which were now exhibited, were of too earnest a character to be scoffed at, and too plain to be mistaken. The suffering pressed so hard upon the People, that they scarcely could find terms adequate to its expression; they could hardly dare to trust their lips to utter the results of their convictions.— This was the present state of things. A great degree of public distress existed, and the cause of that distress was now to be investigated. It had been contended, on one side, that the cause was to be found in the removal of the deposites, and the breaking up of the U. S. Bank. On the other hand, it was asserted that it was all attri butable to the conduct of the Bank itself, which, notwithstanding the attempts made to put it down, and the obloquy with which it was assail ed, being in possession of the means of relieving the existing distress, ought to have applied its funds for the purpose of affording such relief. He deemed it of great importance, that, in the existing circumstances of the country, the Bank should do what it could, and should convince the People that it extended all the relief in its power to yield. It was its duty to exert its pow er, to the verge of its own safety, for the pur pose of assisting the property and industry of the country to sustain itself under this unprece dented weight of distress. He trusted that the Bank would do so; it ought to do it; it was its duty to do it. But it was necessary that it should keep in view the circumstances of its own situation, that its charter had only two years to run, and that any tiling like an instantaneous collection of its debts would be impossible, without pressing the industry of the country to ruin. Its only course, therefore, was that which was dictated bv strict prudence, and that it ought, under that dictation, to give effect, to the full extent of its power, to the earnest solicitude which he be lieved that it felt to relieve the country. But, on the other hand, the rule of prudence requir ed that it should have constant regard to its own safety, and to the necessity which existed for winding up its affairs within the time prescribed by law. The Government bad taken its stand, and declared its purpose to be the collection and distribution of its revenue by means of the State Banks alone; it bad held out the idea that this scheme would be successful, and bad pledged itself to carry it through; still he trusted that the Bank would discharge its duty; afford evi dence that there was no fault in its conduct; and prove that, while a charter remained to it, it would relieve the public distress,, as far as it could do so with safety; and beyond the line of safety it would not be justified in advancing a step. He knew not what would be the extent to which the public distress would increase, or where it was to terminate; but he thought he could foresee the end of those public men who closed their ears against the cries of distress which were coming in from all parts of the country. The fact of the existence of distress was now evident. He implored gentlemen round him, whose tables were loaded with peti tions from the People, to recollect that, in the history of the last twenty years, there had not been found in this country an equal amount of distress. While this distress was so strongly felt along the Atlantic, from Maine to New Or leans, it must be the result, from settled causes, that the tide will flow inward, and run up all the little streams, in the valley of the Mississippi, until it extended itself into every section of the Union. Mr. WRIGIIT said that he thought that too wide an extension had been given to the facts admitted on the subject of the existing distress. He stated that he differed with the signers of this petition both as to the cause of the distress and the remedy to be applied. The motion was then agreed to, and the peti tion was referred. Mr. POINDEXTER then moved that the Se nate take up the resolutions which he had laid before the Senate on Friday; which motion was agreed to. Mr. POINDEXTER then, bv general con sent, withdrew his call for the yeas and nays. At the suggestion of the CHAIR, who object ed to the fii st resolution, and a part of the third, on the ground that they were similar to resolu tions already offered and referred, Mr. POINDEXTER modified his resolutions by striking out the first, and the latter part of the third resolution. Mr. GRUNDY moved that the Senate ad journ, which was negatived: Yeas 13. The third resolution was resisted as too inde finite in its language, and, on the call of Mr. MORRIS, the yeas and nays were ordered on Us adoption. On motion of Mr. CALHOUN, the third re solution was then laid on the table: Ayes 23, Noes 14. On motion of Mr. MORRIS, the remaining resolutions were then laid on the table: Ayes 21, Noes IS. The Senate then adjourned. House of Representatives. After the ordinary business of routine, the re solution of Mr. Chilton on the subject of ex tending the Pension Laws, with Mr. Bouldin’s amendment, coming up as the unfinished busi ness— Mr. POPE, of Kentucky, addressed the House in support of the resolution. When he had con cluded, Mr. Bouldi.m and Mr. Crockett claimed the floor: The Chair decided against Mr. Boul din, as he had once addressed the House. Mr. CROCKETT then said he had not risen to make a speech. He had had too many of them: but to ask for the Previous Question. The CHAIR said, that unless he rose to speak, Mr. B. must have the floor. Well, said Mr. Crockett, then I’ll make a short speech. He accordingly addressed the House for a short time. Mr. ADAMS then obtained the floor, (Mr. Bouldin conceding it) and spoke in favor of the resolution. Mr. CHAMBERS, of Pa., obtained the floor: when the hour having expired, the subject went over until to-morrow. A message was received from the President of the United States on the subject of a refusal of the Bank of the United States to transfer to the Girard Bank the United States Pension Fund, (which will be found among the Senate Proceedings.) The message having been read it the Clerk’s table— Mr. HUBBARD moved that it be referred, ivith the accompanying documents, to the Com mittee of Ways and Means. Mr, WILLIAMS |called for the reading of the | opinion of the Attorney Genera), (which was one of the accompanying documents ) but, af ter a suggestion as to its length, he withdrew his 1 °Mr/WATMOUGH commenced a speecli in opposition to the reference of the message to the Committee of Ways and Means, and had proceeded a few minutes, when Mr. WHITTLESEY started a question of or der as to the propriety of further debate, after the hour for morning business had expired. The SPEAKER decided that it was so con nected with the communication received as to be in order, provided the merits of the subject matter of the communication was not entered upon. Mr. WATMOUGII then moved that the mes sage and documents be referred to the Commit tee on the Judiciary. Mr. CHILTON moved to postpone the whole subject until to-morrow. On this motion the House divided and passed between tellers: when it was found that the Ayes were 95, the Noes 113: so the House refused to postpone. Mr. HUBBARD commenced a reply to what had fallen from Mr. Watmough: but was cut short by the CHAIR, as the merits were not now before the House. He then argued to shew the propriety of re ferring the papers to the Committee of Ways and Means, as all the other matters in connex ion with the Bank had been sent to that Com mittee. Mr. BARRINGER next took the floor, and having spoken for a short time, called for the reading of the letter of the President of the Bank to the Secretary of the Treasury; which was read, as were the other papers appended to the message. Mr. BARRINGER then resumed, and conti nued to address the House for a considerable time; and he was followed by Mr. CLAY, of Alabama, in reply. Both gen tlemen spoke with much animation, and were repeatedly stopped by the Chair, in consequence of wandering into the merits of the matter of i l« .x • * kv « /-» .«+■ r* % ■> i 1 /I /-* nil *- i\ w ¥ c% \ 5 1* 4 * t A If I UU V/UUllil UlUV/M Liwtl C*. I I * I VIV/VUIIH m.J. Oil • V/ Uii * was also called (o order by Mr. Watmocgii. Mr. CHILTON followed, and he also was cal led to order on the same ground. Mr. B1NNEY discussed the question of refer ence a good deal at large. The debate was further continued by Messrs. BELL, of Term., WAYNE, LANE, JONES, BEARDSLEY, and McKINLEY. Mr. REED demanded the yeas and nays. Mr. DENNY moved instructions to the Com mittee of Ways and Means, to bring in a bill to order the Bank to pay the pensioners. Mr. MANN, of New York, now demanded the previous question, and it was seconded—ayes 109. Mr. DENNY asked for the yeas and nays on the previous question, and they stood as follows: Yeas 119, Nays 90. So the House ordered the main question to be put. It was put, being on referring the papers to the Committee of Ways and Means, (in prefer ence to the Judiciary,) and decided by yeas and nays as follows: YEAS—Messrs. John Adams, William Allen, Beale, Bean, Beardsley, Beaumont, John Bell, James Blair, John Blair, Bodle, Boon, Brown, Bunch, Burns, Cambreleng, Carmichael, Casey, S. Clark, Clay, Coffee, Connor, Cramer, Day, Dickerson, Dickin on. Dunlap, Forester, Fow ler, Wm. K. Fuller, Gillet, Joseph Hall, Thomas II. Hall, Halsey, Hamer, Hannegan, Joseph M. Harper, Harrison. Hathaway, Hawkins, Hawes, Heath, Henderson, Howell, Hubbard, Abel Huntington, Inge, Jarvis, R. M. Johnston, Noa diah Johnson, Cave Johnson, Benjamin Jones, Kavanagh, Kinnard, Lane, Lansing, Lawrence, Luke Lea, Thomas Lee, Leavitt, Lyon, Lytle. Abijah Mann, Joel K. Mann, Moses Mason, Mc Intyre, Me Kim, McKinley, McLene, McVean, Miller, Henry Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, Mur phy, Osgood, Page, Parks, Patterson, Dutee J. Pearce, Peyton. Franklin Pierce, Pierson, Polk, Pope, Schenk, Shinn, C. Slade, Smith, Speight, Standifer, Stoddert, Sutherland, William Tay lor, Francis Thomas, J. Thomson, Turner, Tur rill, Vanderpoel, Van Honten, Wagener, Ward Wardwell, Wayne, Webster, Whallon, C. P. White—107. NAYS—M essrs. J. Q,. Adams, Heman Allen, C. Allan, Archer, Ashley, Barber, Barnitz, Bar ringer, Bales, Baylies, Beaty, J. M. Bell, Bin ney, Bockee, Bouldin, Briggs, Bull, Burd, Cage, Carr, Chambers, Chilton, Choate, Claiborne, William Clark, Clayton, Ciowney, Corwin, Coni - ter, Crane, Crockett, Darlington, Warren R. Davis, A. Davis, Davenport, Deberry, Doming, Denny, Dennis. Duncan, Evans, Edward Eve rett, Horace Everett, Ewing, Felder, Fillmore, Foot. Foster, P. C. Fuller, Fulton, Gamble, Gil mer, Gordon, Gorham, Graham, Grayson, Gren nell, Griffin, Hiland Hall, Hard, Hardin, James Harper, Hazletine, Heister, Jubez VV. Hunting ton, William C. Johnson, Seaborn Jones, La porte, Lay, Lewis, Love, Martindale, Marshall, Mardis, McCoinas, McKay, McKennan, Milli gan, Muhlenburg, Parker, Patton, Pinckney, Potts, llamsey, Reed, Rencher, Scliley, Selden, William B. Shepaad, Augustus H. Shepperd, William Slade, Sloane, Spangler, Stewart, P. Thomas, Tompkins, Tweedy, Vance, Vinton, Watmough, Edward D. White, Elisha Whittle sey, Wrilde, Williams, Wilson, Wise, Yopng— 106. So the papers went to the Committee of Ways and Means. And the House adjourned at sunset. ALEXANDRIA LIBRARY COMPANY, np HE Stockholders in the Alexandria Library -L Company are hereby informed that an Election for a President and eleven Directors of said Company, for the ensuing year, will be held at the Library Room on Monday, the 17th instant, from 12 until 2 o’clock. feb 5—5t_GEO. DRINKER, Librarian. BARTON’S COUGH DROPS. AFRESH supply received for sale by E. KENNEDY; price 25 cents per bottle, feb 1 CUT & PLAIN GLASSWARE. JUST received, six packages Glassware, Cut and plain Tumblers Do do Table and Hall Lamps Britannia Castors, four and five bottles, a neat and cheap article Also, 30 boxes English Pipes 1 mo 25R. H. MILLER. WANTED, AS an Assistant in Grocery Store, an ac tive Young Man, of good moral habits; one j ! from the country would be preferred. Satisfac- ! J tory references, as to capacity, &c. will be re- 1 quired. Address, through the Alexandria post- . office, (postage paid) C. P. Y. jan 28 A SPLENDID FINE TONED PIANO, OF American manufacture, for sale, low, at the Book-store of ’ ’ { jan 28AUGUSTUS JACOBS. j JQB PRINTING |aeatly executed at office GREAT PUBLIC MEETING IN PHiy DELPHIA. Yesterday afternoon, the spacious saicor y the Musical Fund Hall was crowded at an a ly hour, by a part of those who had signed «;h memorial to Congress for the restoration <y~ lb deposites. Precisely at the moment indicated in the call, Mr. Gideon Scull, called the meeune to order, and nominated John A. Brown. Mer chant, as President. The following named y . tlemen were also officers of the meeting VICE PRESIDENTS. Samuel Richards, George Mille; William Gill, Thomas FI etc he . Mathew Carey, Benjamin Nagle:. Israel Roberts, Robert Burton John Scholfield, Bela Badge:* SECRETARIES. Jacob M. Thomas, Richard Morgy, Henry C. Corbit, CliarlesJ. Wolbeii. Mr. Caleb Cope, merchant, introduced id, some pertinent remarks, a classification into pro fessions of the signers of the memorial. The whole number returned is about ten thousand jive hundred, but a large number of names hy not yet been received by the secretary. Mr. Riddle, merchant, offered a resolution .. a nominating committee, to report to the m ing a number of persons as delegates to * as ington. Mr. Charles Massey, Jr., merchant, thcr . ; a series of resolutions, which will be found . another column. They were seconded in a mo. able address by John M Scott, Esq. The fl ings of the meeting were enthusiastically my fested, as Mr. S. pressed upon their conto tion reasons for adopting the resolutions, .q, Scott’s style, always happy, was on the ; occasion peculiarly felicitous, and v.a*5 t ly appreciated by his attentive auditor,. An incident occurred during the addl es,.. . may be considered worthy of notice. Ah*, :;<■ . was remarking upon the attempts made by sons to drown the voice of public complaint*. !.,•» declaring that there was no suffering, nod' ; in me curmnuriuy, \\ neu some one in u; -in exclaimed, “Judge Wilkins.” As soon • .-> n. noise had subsided which was consequent n „ this “palpable hit,” Mr. Scott continued Mr. President, was the honorable gentleman mentioned by the person on the hum. nev. sent, we could satisfy him that there i- verv a. pecuniary distress—we would give him - u ■ tion in the voice of the people; and.” coniinii •<.. the speaker, pointing to the list of narno . tooned along the four sides and acno> d,. tre of the Hall, “*we could afford him the o u i ,, proof by pointing to 'the hand uritiv r cu wall.' " “And a Daniel,” said some of the cn \ “ will see and expound it to him.” Professor Hake, addressed the meeting eloquence and effect, and the resolutions v. * carried with acclamation. A resolution w <», fered by Mr. Scholf/eld, that the thanks of ik* meeting be presented to the Hon. Wm. Du.*:.; for his manly and independent conduct a 8. cretary of the Treasury, and a committee v : > appointed to convrey to him the resolution. A committee of twenty-four was appoint?*: a convey to Washington the proceedings of frra meeting and the memorial. A comnua .* « i five was appointed to convey copies of the morial and resolutions to the Governor and gislature of this state.— lr. S.Ciaz. DR A \VS THIS DA V Literature Lottery of the State of Dciav.n Claes No. 6 for 1834, To be drawn at Wilmington, Thursday. v j CAPITAL PRIZE $10,000. Tickets 84 00; halves 2 00; quarters • Virginia State Lottery, For the bcneft of the Diurnal Swamp Con. Class No. 3 for 1 S3 f, To be drawn at the house of Mr. Samuel f (West End) on Saturday, Feb. 8 scheme: 1 prize of 820,000 1 prize of 1 do of 10.000 1 prize of 20 capital prizes of 82,000! &.c. Tickets 89; halves 450; qrs. 2 25; eighths 1 i° 1 To be had in a variety of numbers at J. W. VIOLETTA Lucky Lottery Office, Upper end King Sreet, near the Diagonal UCr* Orders from the country, enclosi: : cash or prize tickets, promptly attended m DHAltS Tins DAY Literature Lottery of the State of . Class No. 6 for 1831, To be drawn at Wilmington, Thursdav, ‘V. HIGHEST PRIZE $10,000'. Tickets $4 GO; halves 2 00; quarters 1 f Virginia State Lottery, For the benefit oj the Dismal Sir amp ('a-'at Class No. 3 for 1S3 L Will be drawn at Catts’ Tavern, West Saturday, February S SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 prize of $20,000 1 prize of 1 do of 10,000 I prize of 20 Capital Prizes of $2,000! &c. &c. Tickets 9; halves 4 50; quarters 2 25; eighi.’ • On sale in great variety by JAS. S5IORDIS U33 Uncurrent Notes and Foreign OoL; ; chased. ___ I DRA tf'S THIS DA V Literature Lottery of the State of Deiawar* Class No. G for 1S34, Will be drawn in Wilmington on Thur-d February 6 HIGHEST PRIZE $15,000. Tickets $4 00; halves2 00; quarters 1 Virginia State Lottery, For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp ( Class No. 3 for 1834, Will be drawn at Catts’ Tavern, We>t r- : Saturday, February 8 SPLENDID CAPITALS: l prize of $20,000 l prize of I do of 10.000 20 do of 1 do of G,000 &c rickets 9; halves 450; quarters 2 25; eigluf* To be had in a Variety of numbers "1 ' J. COKSfc fjottery E.vchan&e Rroksr, Alt ^ NOTICE. IN order to accommodate my custom^'• v. dersfor Patent Cordage, White lAnefy,*' 2ords, &c. may be left at the Store-h,,u VIessrs. James & George I. Thomas, if i»c° bent to be forwarded to the Rope Walk* , 3 feb 5_JOSIAH I\. j SILK! Jfl [ A BLACK man brought to my house e-. t,. I on street on the 4th instant several ;r « I ind parcels of SILK, which I stoppC(1; t>rin )wner or owners are requested to call a'1'1' heir property. DICKERSON NAlb feb 5—lOt *