Newspaper Page Text
^ALEXANDRIA: THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 6, 1834. rphp Northern Neck District.—Instructions to 1 ' Mr. Chinn. We are glad to see that the intelligent and respectable people of the Northern Neck of Vir ffinia have made a demonstration in favor of constitutional liberty. We have, for some time past, been convinced that a majority of the peo ple of that Congressional District were opposed to the Administration on many of the important political subjects of the day. Their Represen tative in Congress does not, we believe, feel as satisfied of this as we do. On the subject of the Deposites, however, we hazard little in saying, that a great majority are opposed to the course of the President. It would have given us great pleasure, then, to have seen their Kepiesenta jjve—whose intelligence and worth are acknow ledged by all who know him—ranging himself, on this question, with the State from which he comes, and with the high-minded and generous people who have honored him with a seat in the National Councils. This would have required no sacrifice of principle—involved no inconsis tency of purpose; and we therefore the more re gret that his sense of duty does not permit him to pursue such a course. We come, however, to the design of this article. A public meeting of the citizens of Westmore land was held at the Court House of that Coun tv on the 27th ultimo. Daniel Payne, Esq. pre sided. The object of the meeting was explain ed in an appropriate address by Willoughby Newton, Esq. and strong resolutions against the Removal of the Deposites were presented by Dr. Robert Murphy, and against the usurpation of power on tike part of the President by G. W. Lewis, Esq.; which were adopted with two or three dissenting voices. The names of these gentlemen will show the respectability and cha racter of the meeting; and we particularly re joice to see the course that Mr. Newton has ta ken—he having been formerly, we believe, one of the most ardent supporters of the President in his county. Alter the adoption of the regular resolutions, on motion of Willoughby Newton, Esq. it was Resolved, That the following letter of instruc tion to our Representative in Congress be sign ed by the members ofthi3 meeting, and that the Secretary forward copies of the same to such persons in every part of the District as he thinks will further the object of this meeting, with a re quest that they will, alter procuring a sufficient number of signatures, transmit them by mail as speedily as possible to Joseph W. Chinn, Esq.: “The undersigned, voters of the Congres sional District at present represented by Joseph W. Chinn, E>q. understanding that their Repre sentative has determined (unless instructed to the contrary) to oppose the proposition now pending in Congress, to restore the Public De posites to the Bank ©f the United States, take this as the only practicable method, at this in clement season, of expressing to him their views and wishes upon this interesting and important question. The undersigned, therefore, express distinctly to their Representative, their deliberate opinion that the removal of the Public Deposites from the Bank of the United States by the Executive, under existing circumstances, was unwise, ille gal, unjust to the Batik, and in its consequences, likely to affect most injuriously the great com mercial, agricultural, and manufacturing inte rests of the community; that it has in fact pro ducer! most extensive embarrassments in the commercial cities, which is rapidly extending to the country, and is already very seriously felt by his immediate constituents. That the only (hu avilc flnvi irm1 frnn> tliic linwie** measure is to be found in the prompt and decid ed action of Congress, in repairing as far as is now possible, this breach of the national faith, by annulling the lawful proceedings of the Ex ecutive, and providing for the future deposite of the public money in the Bank of the United States. ‘‘Firmly convinced that this measures is alike necessary to the vindication of the nation al honor, the protection of the public in terests, and the restoration of public tranquility —we, the undersigned, in the exercise of our un doubted right as electors, respectfully, but de cidedly. instruct our representative in Congress, Joseph W. Chinn, Esq., to use his best efforts to procure the adoption by Congress, of such measures as will ensure the future deposite of public money in the Bank of the United States.” That these instructions may be speedily and extensively circulated and signed, active mea sures ought to be taken. We trust the people of Mr. Chinn's district will lose no time in forward ing the expression of their sentiments on this important question—a question which involves public liberty. Should time not be given for the voters generally to sign the instructions, we hope, if decided evidence of the wishes of the people is given in any other way, that it may be regarded as a virtual instruction, and acted upon accordingly- The people ought, in this matter, to be obeyed; for it is a matter which intimately and directly concerns them. In any remarks which are here made, we trust the Representative from the Northern Neck will see nothing unkind or disrespectful. There is nothing of this intended. The repre sentations of all w ho have the pleasure of Mr. Chinn’s acquaintance induce us to entertain no other feelings towards him but those of respect and esteem. The Canada papers state that Lord Aylmer, die Governor, has refused the Representatives flf the People certain information requested by them in relation to subjects of a public nature. He has also refused them the usual warrants for money, as he claims to have exclusive pow7er over the Treasury. • f o/. Crockett.—It may interest the friends of this genuine son of the West to learn, that he has lately completed, with his own hand, a nar rative of his life and adventures, and that the "ork will be shortly published by Messrs. Carey &, Hart, of Philadelphia. The work bears this excellent and characteristic motto by the author: I leave this rule for others, when I am dead: Be alway sure you’re right—then go ahead! The Richmond Compiler, heretofore tak | ing but little part in politics, has at length enter ! ed the arena boldly and decidedly. It nomi* ' nates Henry Clay as the next President—to be supported against Martin Van Buren. A public meeting of the citizens of Cumber i land, New Jersey, has been called to take into consideration the present deranged state of the currency. The call is signed by a number of the friends of the National Administration. Mr. Booth has been playing at Louisville and with entire success. The Louisville Journal says that “ popular sentiment is undivided in pro nouncing him the first of living tragedians. When the elder Kean died he left Booth without a com petitor.” _________ [communicated.] Mr. Editor:—1 see from your paper that the ! friends of several gentlemen have proposed them as candidates for the suffrages of the peo ple of Fairfax County, at the ensuing April elec tion: and as the time has arrived when the poli tical principles of each candidate should be well known and understood by the people, I have taken the liberty of calling upon them, through the medium of your press, to know their sentiments upon the important subject which now agitates the minds of the people. Mr. Editor, we feel insecure—we know not where we stand. The commercial spirit and enterprise of the country is destroyed: all busi ness is at a stand: dismay and ruin stare upon us from every quarter; and every thing portends the near approach, not only of the ruinous con sequences of a depreciated paper currency, but, Mr. Editor, of the entire destruction of our hard earned liberty—for all history, the example of other nations, teach us a lesson not to be mis understood; it teaches of the danger of permit ting the control of the public revenue to go out of the hands of the immediate representatives of the people, even for a limited time. At one time, liberty itself was in danger of becoming extinct, in the whole British empire, from this very cause: and I am well convinced, that the Representatives of the People of these United States will see the importance of preserving the power over the revenue in their own hands, which has been placed there by the people of the United States;—if they do not, let them sanc tion this dangerous assumption of power—this gross violation of chartered rights; and let them permit Andrew Jackson, now dizzy and drunk with power, (which in an evil moment was com mitted to him.) to assume the “ responsibility’* of usurping powers not vested in him by the laws or the Constitution,—and what, let me ask, will there be to prevent him from placing a crown upon his head and transmiting it to his successor, the present heir apparent. But, Mr. Editor, there is some consolation that one portion of the United States will not quietly submit to this outrage upon their rights and liberty. Already has Virginia, good old Virginia, stepped forward, in all her majesty, and snatched the bleeding Constitution from under the feet of the despot, and told him, in language plain and unequivocal, that he has vi olated the Constitution, and trampled upon the rights of the people. And, Mr. Editor, as I well know that it is the wish of the people of Fairfax that Virginia may always present an unbroken rront in resisting enuruauumems anu assump tions of undeleguted powers, from every quar ter, I am induced to ask of the gentlemen now before us their sentiments in relation to the Re moval of the Deposites from the United States Bank. A VOTER. Fairfax County, Fa. Feb. 4, 1834. [communicated.] Mr. Snowden—It is well known to the public at large, and to several individuals in particular, to whom the gentleman who is supposed to be a Canal Stockholder has addressed himself, that he has not ceased to speak of many of the Di rectors in such style as to justify the language used by “ Civis,” and it is not surpi&ing that the substance should find its way to your co lumns. If any should doubt of the truth, they may refer to the President. But I trust that neither “ Civis” nor any other will further in trude this matter on your time and valuable pa per. _______ X- Y* Airival of the Hon. Mr. Hamm, from Chili— The brig Lady Adams of Baltimore, anchored in Hampton Roads on Saturday evening last, in the remarkably short passage of 70 days from Valparaiso, via Coquimbo. Among the pas sengers in the L. A. was the Hon. John Hamm, Charge d’affaires of the United States to the Re public of Chili, who came up to this place last evening in the steam boat Pocahontas, for Bal timore, via Annapolis. We have been oblig ingly favoured with the following extract of a letter from a passenger on board the Lady. “Mr. Hamm is the bearer of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation which he conclud ed with the Chilian Government some time ago, and which was duly ratified by the President and Senate of the United States;—but the time limited for the exchange of ratifications at Washington having expired, and' sundry amendments having been proposed by the Chil ian Congress, it became necessary, as I learn, to enter with the Plenipotentiary of Santiago into an explanatory Convention, and to have again the whole matter submitted to the Chilian Con gress for their approbation. These Prelimina ry arrangements were all satisfactorily settled in November last, by the ratification of the trea ty as well as explanatory Convention, and an envoy was appointed to proceed directly to Washington for the purpose of exchanging the ratifications, and reside near the Government. Senhor Don Manuel Carvallo, the Chilian Envoy, is also a passenger in the Lady Adams, and will proceed to Washington with Mr. Hamm, 1 for the purpose of laying the whole before our Government, he being the bearer of the Treaty and Convention in the Spanish Language. “ It will be found that in the performance of his highly responsible duties, few men have had more embarrassment and difficulties to encoun ter and contend with, and few have more per fectly accomplished the objects of their mission than Mr. Hamm. How gratifying therefore it must be, on his return home, after so long an ab sence, to congratulate with kindness, and receive with a hearty welcome the public servant who has thus so sucessfully and honorably filled the i most sanguine expectations of his old friends and acquaintance, in rendering such essential and important services to his country, by firmly es tablishing with a most flourishing section of the South American continent, relations so flatter ing and encouraging to our enterprising and commercial community. “ And allow me to add, that to have discharg ed the difficult and complicated obligations of a Foreign Minister, (particularly in South Ame rica, where revolutionary movements are so frequent among a people so peculiarly consti tuted, and this being the first Treaty that the Re public of Chili has ever entered into,) to the en tire satisfaction of the Government by which he was appointed—and that, also, at which he has so long resided, is truly a public claim to respect and confidence which few diplomatic agents have the abilities and rare good fortune to achieve. “ Mr. Hamm’s friends will rejoice to hear of his safe arrival, in good spirits, and his health much benefited, by the sea voyage; and that af ter having enriched his mind with the treasures found in the Southern hemisphere, he may re turn to his much loved adopted State, Ohio, so improved in health as to serve his country again, is the sincere wish of one who is well acquainted with his firmness of character, personal merits, his frank, patriotic purposes, and safe judgment. f Norfolk 1 hr aid. COMMERCIAL. Price of Produce in Alexandria yesterday, from Wagons and Vessels. Flour, per barrel - $4 50 a $4 62 1-2 Wheat, per bushel, 0 75 a 0 90 Corn, do - 0 50 a 0 55 Rye, do - 0 55 a 0 60 Oats, from wagons, bush 0 37 1-2 a 0 40 Do from vessels, do 0 33 a 0 35 Corn Meal, white, do 0 58 a 0 60 Do do yellow, do 0 55 a 0 50 Cloverseed, do 6 00 a 6 25 Faaxsf.ed, do 1 25 a 0 00 Whiskey, per gallon, 0 25 a 0 27 Bacon, per cwt. - 6 50 a 7 00 Butter, fresh, per lb. 0 20 a 0 25 Do lirkin, do - 0 12 a 0 15 Lard, do - 0 07 a 0 08 Plaster Paris, retail, ton, 6 00 a 0 00 Wagon Pork, per 100 lbs. 5 50 a 6 00 Flour.—Tuesday, the wagcn price of Flour was currently $4 50, though two or three loads were taken at $162 1-2. Yesterday we heard of no change in the market, and but little sold from wagons. Sales from stores at $4 75. NEW YORK MARKET—Fee. 3. Some few sales of Pol Ashes were made this morning, at $4 25, last year’s brand. 25 bbls. Pearl, same brand, at $4 25. Cotton— The transactions this morning have not been large: from 40 to 50 bales of Georgia at 11 cents cash; 25 do. Florida, 11 1-2 do. and 30 do. Mobile 12 1-2 on time. We quote the following cash prices: Louisiana 11 a 12 1-2; Mobile 11 a 12; Florida 11a 12; Georgia and South Carolina 10 a 11; North Carolina and Virginia 10 a 10 1-2. Flour—After our statement of Saturday was prepared, 1000 bbls. of Western were dis posed of at $5 3-8. About 300 tierces of Rice were nt ft*? 7-8 a $3 .- li.r i time—Com. Vr mt SH IP _ NEWS. PORT OF ALEXANDRIA, f). C. Sailed, Ferruary 5, Schooner AbH, N'^1. cr^cn. New York. ri_Jr» We are authorized to announce Henry Fairfax as a candidate for a seat in the Legisla ture of Virginia, from the County of Fairfax, at the ensuing election. Many Voters. £l3= Major George Beard is recommended to the voters of Fairfax to represent the County in the next General Assembly. Many Voters. ILf* We are authorized to announce William S. Daniel as a candidate to represent the Coun ty ofFairfax in the next Virginia Legislature. ETT We are requested to announce Dr. 11. C. Mason as a candidate to represent the County of Fairfax in the next General Assembly of Vir ginia. Many Voters. 113s We are requested to announce Arthur F. Lane, Esq. as a candidate for a seat in the next Virginia Legislature, from the County of Fairfax. Many Voters. * ITT Thomas B. Hooe, Esq. will he run as the Working Men’s candidate to represent the County of Prince William in the next General Assembly of Virginia. A Working Man. SEINE TWINE. OA Bales of Bridport Shad and Herring £i\3 Twine, at reduced prices, for sale by feb 5 W. FOWLE & CO. NEW CROP SUGAR. 5 Hogsheads handsome quality new crop New Orleans Sugar, just received and for sale by feb 4WILLIAM NVMcVElGIL PORTO RICO SUGAR, &c. QA Hogsheads of Porto Rico Sugar f 20 tierces and hogsheads Refined Sugar 200 boxes Bunch Raisins 200 do Muscatel do ^ 50 casks Sun Raisins. For sale by A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. Also, No. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel, late inspection. __jan 31 NEW-ORLEANS SUGAR. A O Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar, of the *A:Yj new crop, for sale by jnn 29EDW’D. DAINGERFIELD. ASSISTANT TEACHER WANTED. A GENT LEM AN well qualified to teach the Latin and Greek Languages may hear of a good situation by making immediate applica tion to the Editor. One qualified to teach the Mathematics also, would be preferred. feb5—tf TO LET, The DWELLING HOUSE at the cor UsHt ner of King and Columbus streets, with im mediate possession. Apply to jan 17—eo7t JNO. D. VOWELL. CONGRESS. In the Senate yesterday, Mr. WEBSTER from the Committee on Finance, made a Repori on the subject of the Removal of the Deposites, j The Report is a most able and conclusive one, i in opposition to that measure. It occupied bet" ! ter than an hour in reading it. Upon the mo ! tion to print G000 extra copies of this Report, a most interesting and animated debate took place —in which Messrs. FORSYTH, WEBSTER, CLAY, WRIGHT, WILKINS, and others, took part. The debate involved the whole subject. At half past four o’clock, the motion to print was agreed to, and the Senate adjourned. In the House of Representatives, after the pas. sing of a number of private bills, Mr. ARCHER resumed and concluded his speech in opposition , to the Removal of the Deposite. After he had concluded, Mr. PEYTON, of Tennessee, took the floor in favor of the Removal; but before he concluded, the House adjourned. MARRIED, In Baltimore, on Tuesday morning, the 4th instant, by the Rev. Mr. White, Mr. George W. Gordon, Merchant, of Providence, Fairfax Co. V a. to Miss Jane Eagleston, of the former place. DIED, At 3 o’clock yesterday morning. Mrs. Eliza beth Day, consort of Mr. Horatio Day, of this place, in the 37th year of her age. The friends and acquaintances of the family are re spectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the dwelling of her husband, on King street, This Afternoon, at 3 o'clock. In Georgetown, D. C. on the 2d instant, Lo renzo Dow, a well known Itinerant Preacher.— He was one of th<* most remarkable men of this _c i.:_ l ] it....... i.i n cJ£iu 1UI tins tea. attu lauuius in me: tauw U1 I c ligion. He was a native of Coventry, Con necticut; and in early life became deeply im pressed by the truths of religion, and felt urged, by motives irresistible, to devote his life to the preaching of the Gospel iu various parts of the world. His eccentric dress, and style of preach ing, attracted great attention; while his shrewd ness, and quick discernment of character, gave him no inconsiderable influence over the multi tudes that attended on his ministry. lie travel led extensively in England and Ireland, and re peatedly visited almost every portion of the Uni ted States. He had been a public preacher for more than thirty years, and it is probable that more persons have heard the Gospel from his lips, than from those of any other individual since the daj^s ofWhitfield. He wrote several books, particularly a histo ry of his own life, so singularly eventful, and full of vicissitude. His purity of purpose, and integrity and benevolence of character, can hardly be questioned. He was a Methodist in principle, and though not in connexion with that socicfy, was held in esteem by many of that bo dy. A wanderer through life, it is believed he was a sincere Christian pilgrim, seeking a hea venly country, and that he now rests in the Ci ty of God.—Nat. Int. Five hundred and forty-two deaths occurred in the city of Charleston during the year ending on the 1st of last month. Of these, ninety-two were by consumption; ten intemperance, fifteen lockjaw, &c. Me,. VANIUA Bean, of excellent quality Rowand's tonic mixture for the fever and ague Jujube paste in sheets and boxes Wistar'9 cough lozenge-; Jackson's pectoral do Compound syrup of liv. rwort for coughs ami hoarseness; liquorice bull of first quality English peppermint bo Fruit l)o (linger Jones's chlorate matches tor smokers, in pocket cases; Watts's chlorate matches German taoers; machine do Cupping instruments Best French sulphate of quinine Henry’s caicined magnesia, genuire Condon do do light London do do ponderous Adhesive plaster, spread, of superior quality; pre. pared by a celebrated manufacturer in England Nail brushes and tooth brushes, an assortment Soda for washing; scented bar soap English scented soaps, a variety Hayden’s balsam for the tooth ache Fire King’s tooth ache drops Edinburgh tooth ache paste Chlorine tooth wash; do do paste M ox on’s magnesian aperient, a pleasant medicine Soda water ) . .... o „ , > m bottles Saratoga do S Preston salts; English pungents English flesh brushes; long pepper; blue saucers Best Bermuda arrow root Mexican black lead for cleaning stoves, a superior article; Paris white; nursing bottles Swaim's panacea; do vermifuge Trusses of various kinds and for persons of differ ent ages, a full assor merit Surgeons’ instrument.-; patent pump syringes Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, prepared bv a process that extracts and retains the ac tive part of the medieine. This is an excel lent remedy for the Rheumatism, King’s Evil, and for the depraved state of the system pro duced by ulcers of long standing. And almost every other article in the DRUG LINE The subscriber respectfully informs Physicians and others that he selects or prepares, as the case may be, the articles which he offers for sale, with unremitting attention, endeavoring to have every medicine that goes from his store of the first quality in all respects, and put up in the safest and neatest manner WILLIAM STABLER. 11th mo 15th, 1833. [Warrenton Spec.] tieU-U&ng\ug, ’Lock SjW \vvU SM1THISG. THE subscribe- respectfully informs the Public, that, in consequence of the liberal encourage ment he has received during the present year, he has been induced to buy a general assortment of materials in his line of business, consisting, in part, of Silver Plated Bell Pulls Brass do do of every description Base. Surbase and common Cranks Bell Springs and Carriages & licet Brass, suitable for Bell Plates New Keys of every description Brass handles and Spindles for Lrcks With every other article necessary for the business, dec 23—d3t&w3w GEO. 11. DUFFEY AUCTION SALES BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. FLOUR AT AUCTION. ON Saturday next, 8th instant, at 12 o’clock, will be sold at the Warehouse on TJiomp | son’s Wharf lor the benefit of underwriters anc’ all others concerned, 497 BARRELS FLOUR 9 CASES SEGARS damaged on board the schooner Robert Gor don, Baker master, on her voyage from George town, D. C. for New York. Terms cash. WM. D NUTT, feb 6 VaYuabYfe iMropert^j for aivYii. The subscriber offers for sale dggj A TRACT OF LA N D situated in Fairfax County, about 12 miles from Alexandria, and one mile and a quaiter ruin Occoquan. containing, bv the last survey, 497J ACRES OF LAND This laud is of good quality; about 400 acres of which is well timbered, consisting principally of Oak suitable for building ships, erecting wharves, pumps, &c. and would probably average 20 or 30 cords per acre, exclusive of timber The land is not hilly or bro ken, but presents a moderately waving suiLee, sothai every part in sufficiently level for cultivation. There is a fine stream of water running through it; its situa tion is healthful and beautiful, and by a system of good husbandry, may become a delightful and profitable re sidence. The improvements are inconsiderable, though there is a SAVV MU.I., convenient, for sawing plank and scantling, which adds greatly to the facility of building. To persons wishing to enter into the Wood or Timber business, this would be a de.iirable purchase The tract may be so divided as to afford two produc tive Farms, and will be sold on very reasonable terms If not sold before Saturday, the 7th day of Decem ber next, I shall, on that day, off r it for sale, for cash to the highest bidder, at Otis’ Tavern, West Knd o~ Alexandria. L) MINOR, nov 8— dl wfcr'?awt7th!>ec Id/’ The above sale is postponed till Sa(u.' day, 21st instant. Terms m:*de known 8t sale dec 6 The sale of the above described property is further postponed until I he 2 la* day o' January next The sale of the above property is further postponed till Tuesday, the 25th February next jan 21—2awt25thFeb Liwivd for fen\e. IOFFRH fur sale my Plantation called CLOVEh LAND, ly ing in the County of Prince M illiam, 3t miles distant from Alexandria and Washington. ! contains 12 00 ACRES, Has on it a large DWELLING* HOUSK, Barn, and other improvements; and an excellent Mill Seat, on which »• i Saw Mill is erected. The land lias r'etn weil tilled, and for several vears past unproved by the u*>e of clover and plaster; the eflects of which are n'v where more visible, or mure fully proven !’ is divid ed into lietds of an equal and convenient sze, and u«* der the beat enclosures. ’I his Plantation is justly cot? sidered among the best in the upper country; its shut tion is healthful and bpautiful. Ah purchasers wi I view the premises before maktry an offer, farther particulars are deemed unnecessary. If desired, immediate possession may be given ‘.Li ters addressed to me (po*t paid) in t> he directed this place. CHAIR.KS SHHtRKV CAIM'KK. Bichmond City, Oct. 10'b, 1823. N B. In my absence, Mr Kdinund New man, Agent on the premise*, will attend to gentlemen wishing to view the premises. C. S C. To Uire, TWO I.ADS, one of 1(5, the other 12 years old- — I he eldest a complete Dining Boom Servant; »h„ youngest accustomed to House-work Ir quire of thw Printer. ian 3—2awtf ROGERS’S VEGETABLE PULMONIC DU - TERGENT, JUST received and for sale by jan 29 WILLIAM STABLER From the lion. Gideon Lee, Mayor of the Cu < of Ne w York. “ Few men in the community have a greaic contempt for nostrums in general than myself. Patent medicine and catchpenny, with me, hav* been synonymous. I am constrained, however to relinquish these sentiments as respects Dr. Rogers’s Vegetable Detergent, the effects of which I have recently witnessed. A young lady in my family, by using two papers, I have rea son to believe, is effectually cured of an alarm *ing Pulmonic Complaint, which in all its symp toms gave evidence of immediate consumption I communicate this with a view of usefulness, and sincerely hope that such persons as haw* complaints similar to the above, will make a tri al of the medicine. Gtoeon Lee.” 100 DOLLARS REWARD. ON Tuesday morning, between Fredericks burg and my plantation, in the upper <nc of Stafford, a NEGRO MAN, and the MARE on which lie was riding, both belonging to me were stolen by a man who seems to have bee* a stranger in this part of the country. Whor seen in possession of the Slave and of the Marc he was inquiring his way to Stafford Court House. He is described to me as a person be tween fifty and sixty years of age, with :.*c markably white hair; his stature stout and wel set. He wore a brownish colored stuff cloak The negro is between twenty-five and thirty years of age, as well as is remembered; stout f his person, and about five feet ten or eleven in ches high; has a drawling manner of talking, and appears to be much less sagacious than he really is. His name is Jack. His dress was r. blue cloth cap, a grey great coat, and his under clothing drab cloth. The Mare is a fine large sorrel, without any spot of white about her, unless perhaps there may be some few white hairs in the centre o the forehead, not covering more than the size r. •' a four-pence-halfpenny.* She is, as well as i : recollected, going on seven years of age; is markably long in her body; has a long tail, and it is remarkable where it joins the rump. The: * may be discerned in the film ofoneofher cy; an incision which was made a year or two eg to cure the hooks. One Hundred Dollars Reward will be given therecovery of the above Slave and Mare, o*- i the proportion of four and two for the recovery o either. JNO. TAYLOE LOMAX. Fredericksburg, Jan. 23, 1331. The white man calls himself Ashberry. jan 27—tf_____ ORHPANS* COURT, Alexandria County, ' January Term. 1331. HARRIET MASON LLOYD, Administrr trix de bonis non, with the will anne.: ed, of Edward Lloyd, deceased, exhibited totfi^ Court her fourth Administration account, win the vouchers in support thereof, which accoue is received, will be allowed and duly recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary on or b:* fore the first Monday in March next; of whici all persons interested or concerned will take no tice. A copy: Test, jan 13—w6\v A. MOORE, Reg. Wills