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■t ' ~ ————— Wtr ' SKEKBSI317*&» WlMMSIIWF&SIhf 3HIKL WWW S3S£&£2B9 *W©%$* WMtV* ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY EDGAR SNOWDEN, ,it £$ per annum, payable half yearly. ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE (POR THE COUNTRY) IS PUBLISHED REGULARLY ON TUESDAY, THURSDAY, & SATURDAY, ,3t ^5 Per a’inum' payable in advance. Terms of Advertising: Advertisements neatly and conspicuously inserted at the rate of one dollar per square for the first three in sertions, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. A reasonable deduction will be made in the case of yearly advertisers. FOR FREIGHT. The Schooner PIIEBE SALLY\ 4g£>FixKER, master, carries about S00 barrels. Both vessels will be ready for cargo in two days. jan 22 Apply to W. FOWLE & Co. “ FOR FREIGHT. The Schooner ANTI, Capt. Nickerson, Stows 600 barrels. A Southern freight, or one to the West Indies, would be preferred. Ap qly to jan 22 A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. FOR NEW ORLEANS. The Packet Brig TRIBUNE, Captain um/Smith. will sail (should the river remain open) on Tuesday, 28th instant. For passage only apply to FRANKLIN, ARMFIELD & CO. jan z.5~is ____ ~ FOR FREIGHT. ^ The Schooner JUARY JANE, Captain Rich, burthen about 500 barrels, will be ready in two days. A Southern freight will be preferred. Apply to A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. For sale, the cargo of the Schooner Mary Jane, 2000 bushels Ground Alum Salt 11 bundles Sheet Iron 75 plates of Boiler Iron 10 tons of Plaster jan 21 ~ FOR FREIGHT. The Schooner PULASKI, Smith, mas ~-J-4Aer. carries S00 whole barrels, will be ready for cargo in two days; one for the West Indies preferred. Apply to L. McKENZIE, jan 21_^_Union wharf FOR SAVANNAH. The Schooner ALCYONE Captain Ja- | mieson, will sail as soon as the navigation Is clear. For light freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to the Captain on •oard, at Union Wharf, or to jan 15 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. BEEF & PORK. PRIME Beef and Pork, for sale by jan 22 W. FOWLE & Co. FOR SALEj Landing from Schooner Anti, Capt. Nickerson, Boxes Soap and Candles O • \J 40 barrels No. 2 and 3 Mackerel 10 half barrels No. 1 do jan 22 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. CANDLES & SOAP. f'W'k Boxes Mould Candles, Winchester 1UU brand, and assorted sizes 50 boxes Soap Landing from schooner Phebe & Sally, for sale by jan 22 _. W. EOW LE & Co. PLASTER PARIS. 1 AA Tons Plaster, afloat, for sale by 1UU jan 22_W. FOWLE & Co. NAILS. | X x Casks, assorted sizes, landing from the ■Xtl J schooner William, for sale by jan 22W. FOWLE & Co. NEW ENGLAND RUM. | Q Hogsheads New England Rum, landing Jl O from schooner William, for sale by jan 22W. FOWLE & Co. BUTTER. X A Firkins Shenandoah Butter, for sale at a reduced price. ionOI PT PACT? RIO COFFEE. | ^ Bags Rio Coffee, part very superior, just 1 ^received and for sale by jan 13_WILLIAM N. McVEIGH. AIR-SLACKED LIME, POR manure and other purposes. jan 16JOS1AH H. DAVIS. WHISKEY. Hogsheads of Whiskey, received per ** steamboat Columbia, landing this day and >or sale by A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. WHISKEY. I A Hogsheads Baltimore Whiskey, for sale fv by STEPHEN SHINN, jan 11 Janney’s wharf. MECHANICS’ BANK PAPER, fv AAA Hollars, in Mechanics’ Bank pa v per, for sale by jan 11_S. MESSERSMITH. CIDER & APPLES. I A Barrels Newark Cider 25 barrels Pippin Apples On board schooner Virginia, for sale by jan li STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf. CEDAR POSTS. VliA Cedar Posts, of excellent quality, some large, for sale. 10_ROBT. H. MILLER. J cut & PLAIN glassware. UST received, six packages Glassware, Cut and plain Tumblers Ho do Table and Hall Lamps Britannia Castors, four and five bottles, a neat and cheap article , so> 30 boxes English Pipes •mo2’ R. H. MILLER. 1 PRY GOODS, CBaxYes Bennett a AS received by the Brig Belvidera, from Liver* pool, and other arrivals— Point blankets, all sizes ♦ 10-4 11-4 and 12-4 rose blankets 12-4,13-4 and 14-4 best funity blankets 5-4 fine Bath blankets Shoe thread in bales, various qualities Patent colored and W. B thread Clark's Mile-End, London, first quality spool and ball cotton English black g.tloons, single and double width Baizes and flannels Kerseys, drab cloths and flushings Cloths, kerseymeres and vestings Black and colored Circassians First quality camblets Furniture calicoes and dimities, very handsome An assortment of printed and Madras hdkfs Black Italian cravats and sewing silk Merino and cotton hose, of all qualities Hemming's old patent and silver eyed W. C. nee dles Gilt pins, 4, 4$ and 5 A handsome assortment of gilt buttons Ginghams; cambric muslins Plain and sprigged Swiss muslins Swiss and jaconet hdkfs Shad and herring seine twine Of DOMESTIC GOODS, he ha* for sale— A very handsome assortment of bedticks Apron and furniture check? Penitentiary plaids Bleached and unbleached Canton flannels Sattinetts Bleached and unbleached cottons Cotton umbrellas Beaverteens Cotton carpeting; Lowell kerseys . nn « n T» /• Ti r, P nP P n o Jin assortment oj rnaori Lr.'inujo iv uo From the Shakers. sept 12 Dr^ Goods. j VWASHINGTON & BRENT have received,by the ! ▼ ▼ late arrivals from Philadelphia and New York, ! A Handsome Assortment of FALL $ IVIN j TER GOODS\ Consisting, in part, of— Superfine blue black, Russell brown, invisible green and mixed cloths; Petersham ditto Blue black and fancy colored enssimeres Blue and blue black silk velvets Dark blue, brown, cadet and other mixed casstnets « Rose, point and striped blankets Domestic and other carpeting i Hearth rugs j Black and assorted colored bombazeta Do and assorted colored merino Circassians Superfine black and colored French bombazines Black and blue black Italian lustrings Handsome colored gro de naps Ladies* super black and assorted colored kid . gloves Linen cambric hdkfs; a great variety of fancy i • hdkfs Thibet wool cloth and merino hdkfs and shawls 4 4 k 6 4 bobinets and Grecian do do Bobinet and Grecianett quilling 5 vransdown and Valencia vestings Furniture prints, a great vuriety of fancy do DOMESTIC GOODS: Penitentiary and other plaids and stripes Bed ticks; apron and furniture checks Bleached and unbleached Canton flannels Red, green, and drab do Brown and bleached shirtings and sheetings 20 bales cotton osnaburgs Also% Burlaps, No, 1, 2, 3. &: 4; Scotch osnaburgs Bear, Dutch, and Russia sheetings And a great variety of other articles usual to be met with in a dry goods store, all of which will be sold low at wholesale or retail, sept 26—tf W Tight & Alad&ivx. HAVE received, bv late arrivals from Philadelphia and New York, a very large and general assort* ment of NEW Sr HANDSOME GOODS\ adapted to the present and approaching seasons. They invite their customers and the public to call and exa mine for themselves. 52 pieces cloths, blue, black, rifle green, Russell brown, plum, mulberry,'claret, olive, drab and grey mixed Blue, black and fancy colored cassimeres, plain and striped Satinets, plain and striped Petershams, various colors Flushincrs and kersevs. heavy and stout made, for servants Linseys, plain, plaid and striped Rose blankets. 8-4 to 13-4. very superior Point and duffle ditto Green and scarlet friezes and baizes, plain and primed White, red, green, scarlet and yellow flannels Gauze flannels, extra quality Canton do various colors Goat's hair and common camblets Ladies* camblets, a beautiful article for cloaks French merinos, superior quality and desirable co lors English ditto, in great variety Circassians, well assorted Black and colored bombazets French and English bombazines Merino scarfs and shawls, warranted wool borders Thibet shawls, 3-4 to 10-4, very handsome Embroidered shawls, new style Valencia and Prussian shawls Satin fancy hdkfs, a new article, very rich Silk do do Italian lustrings (Matteoni's genuine) Do do colored, very beautiful Gros de Naples, plain and figured, in great variety Florences, assorted colors Double green and brown ditto, for bonnets India and satin Levantines Satins, various colors, plain and figured Senchews and sarsnets, uncommonly cheap Silk velvets, black, blue black, maroon, green 1 purple and brown, for bonnets Tabby velvets, various colors Avery large assortment of super chintz and lo priced calicses Mourning ginghams, handsome new style 1 Table diapers, 3-4 to 12-4; damask table cloths < Russia do; French napkins * Irish linens and lawns, very cheap Linen cambrics and linen cambric handkerchiefs Checked and striped muslins Damask ditto, a beautiful article for curtains Jaconet and cambric muslins Swiss and book do, plain and figured Grass cloth skirts, a new article Silk and worsted hosiery Mohair, merino and lamb's wool ditto Bead reticules and fancy baskets Super Hoskin and kid gloves Long and short kid mittens Fur trimmed and lined gloves Pongee and Spittalfield handkerchiefs Several boxes handsome bonnet ribbons Bonnet cambrics and reeds Cut and plain velvet and other belt ribbons Hearth rugs, floor and table mats Fur tippets, in great variety All of which are offered on moderate and accommo. iating term9. _oct 11 Oeo. S. tt.ung\i HAS received a very general assortment of FALL GOODS, viz: Cloths and cassimeres Super and common sattinetts Plaid and plain linsevs Host and point blankets Woolen flannels* Canton uo Plain and figured baizes Counterpanes, white and colored Petershams, flushings and kerseys Fine merino wool shirts Guernsey frocks Men's white and colored lamb’s wool hose Ladles’ do do do do Men's super Angola do French and English merinos in great variety Merino Circassians and bombazcttes Bsngups and beaverteens Goat’s hair camblet9 ami plaids Battinetts and colored cambrics r-_ __. i_i'll_ I ui tajicn auu mniiiuiao Damask, Russia and bird's eye diapers Fine soft finish Irish linens Linen cambric hdkfs; linen do (cheap) Corded skirts Fine and common lawns Bishop's lawn, book »nd Swiss muslins Domestic carpeting, hearth rugs Blk lustrings, gro de naps, variety of colors ! Sattin levanimee, very cheap White, pink, blue and blk satiins Blk Poult desoie, a superior silk Gro de Berlin Fancy hdkfs and shawls Blk silk cravats Gloves? men’s raw silk do Russia and I;ish sheetings; burlaps Blk, blue blk, green, purple and brown silk velvets Bandanno and flagg hdkfs some superior Round and flat braids Black galloon and shoe ribbons Black and colored lasting Blue and green table covers; table oil cloth Patent silver head pins 50 packs pins (low priced) Hilditch's superior spool cotton Knitting yarn and boss Fancy hair and other brushes White and green blonde veils; ernsh With a general assortment of DOMESTICS 300U lbs Cotton Yarn Cotton i atts for quilts 9th mo 30 FaV\ um\ Winter Goods. WV1. II. THOMPSON &. CO. have just received a further supply of SEASONABLE GOODS. Among them are the following:-— 3-4, 4-4 and 6-4 printed and embossed Thibet shawis and handkerchiefs Merino shawls and scarfs, a large assortment, at reduced prices Cotton and worsted shawls and handkerchiefs Hernani, crape, silk, muslin, and other fancy handkerchiefs Linen cambric hdkfs, some very fine 6-4 French, German and English merinos 5-8 and 3-4 black and colored English merinos, a handsome assortment Plain Gro de Naples Best black Italian lustrings, very cheap Black and blue black Poult de Soie Black mode and colored Florences Black and colored silk velvets Ladies’ and men’s Hoskin gloves Cambric and thread edgings 6-4 Grecian nett and Grecian nett footings Boltings, a great variety Silk, cotton and worsted hosiery Black and blue black Italian crapes 5-4 do do do do for veils English and French black bombazines 09 pieces blue, blacK, mixed, Russel Drown, olive, mulberry, claret and green Cloths, cheap 10 p;eces plain, printed a* d ribh’d casshneres 150 do low priced sittinetts, very cheap 30 do superfine do very handsome White, red, green and scarlet flannels Green carpet baizes Rose, point, Ouffle and striped blankets A variety of coarse goods for negro clothing 300 pieces low priced prints Burlaps, oznaburgs and Russia sheetings 4-4 Irish linens and lawns 8-4 and 10-4 table diapers Russia diapers and crash. With 12 Packages DOMESTIC GOODS—such as Brown and bleached shirtings and sheetings Red, yellow, brown and leadcolM Canton flannels Linseys, checks, penitentiary plaids, tickings Cotton oznaburgs, &c &c.$ with many other ar ticles. Our assortment is very large, and prices low. We invite our friends and the public to call and examine For themselves. oct 29 Dr-j Doo&s. JAMES McKENZIE & Co. have received their usual Fall Supply of STAPLE FANCY DRY GOODS, md will add to it by the first New York arrivals. The :hange they have concluded upon making in their bu* liness induces them to offer every article in their as lortment at axnucED pbicbs. octl—dtf JCotice. rift: subscribers, intending a removal from Alexan dria to New \ ork in the course of a very short ime, have to ask the favor of all persons indebted o them to call and settle their respective accounts, as ;heir business must be brought to a speedy close; oct 1—dtf JAS. McKENZIE ig Q^, HOME MANUFACTURE. THE Washington Line and Cement Compa ny have the pleasure to announce to the public that they are now prepared to furnish Quicklime of superior quality, at their Kilns, on the Canal basin, near Georgetown. All the Company ask is, that full experiments may be made by the scientific and practical part of the community with the article they are now manu facturing, as they feel assured it will meet pub lic appropriation. As soon as the Canal navigation opens, the Company will also be able to furnish the Hy drate of Lime, or Water Cement, of a quality fully equal, if not superior, to any yet discov ered in this country, or imported from abroad. Washington, jan 20—d2w Jeremiah W SaUer^hite, CABINET MAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the pub lie generally that he has commenced the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS in all its various branches, at the north corner of Kinfr and Colu mbus streets, in the house formerly occupied by James &. Jacob Douglas, where he hopes, by perse verance and industry in connection with an experi ence in the above business for the last eight or ten years, to merit a share of public patronage. His FUttNITUKfi will be made by experienced jour neymen, after the latest fashion, and in the most du rable manner, which he will warrant to be equal to any manufactured in the District of Columbia. jan 9—3m _ __ ViYiina and fiartlienviare. HC SMITH has received, per Brig Belvidera, • from Liverpool, and offers for 6ale, on the low• est terms, wholesale or retail— « Crates of Earthenware and China JLdta! *£ 50 boxes English Pipes, 3 groce each A lust #in honrl 1 l&telv. making his assortment very complete and extensive— 150 crates and hogsheads China, &c. 60 packages Glassware, cut.phin and moulded 150 boxes German Pipes Window Glass, every size and quality Black Bottles, pint and quart Demijohns, from quart to five gallon Stoneware of an excellent quality India China, in complete sets or any one arti cle separately—a full assortment Boston Crown Glass, at Factory price Merchants and dealers are particularly invited to call and examine the ware and prices, as every atten tion will be paid to render satisfaction._sep* 16 Stephen 6. Sanger, IN endering his sincere acknowledgements to his friends and the public for past patronage, respect fully informs them that he still continues to manufac ture. and has now on hand, BEDS, MATTRASSES, SOFAS & CHAIRS, AND CABINET FURNITURE, of pood materials and workmanship, which he will di» pose of upon reasonable terms The public are solicited to call, before they pur chase elsewhete, at his UPHOLSTERING AND CABINET WARE ROOM, on King street, between Columbus and Henry streets, wlu-re he will satisfactorily execute all orders for arti cles in either of the above branches Repairs in either line done neat, cheap, and expeditiously. oct 8 —tf __ •S’olic*. The PIEDMONT MAIL, (Smith's Line) will, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, leave Warrenton at 7 o’clock A. M. and reach Alexandria at 4 P. M. This will save nigh tra veiling those days It will, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, leave Alexandria for Washington at half after 4 P. M punc tually. It will, on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, leave Alexandria for Washington at 11 A. M promptly, dec 14—tf_WM. SMITH. Cabinet, Chair am\ Sola MANUFACTORY, On King street, next door to Washington street. IEON aRD O.COOK respectfully informs his friends A and the public generally that he has commenced the above business in all its various branches. His Furniture, which, for neatness and workmanship, he warrants eqnalto any ever offered in the District, will j be sold low tor casn, or to punctual persons on me Host liberal terms. Persons wishing to purchase are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. TURNING & VARNISHING handsomely exe cuted Old Furniture neatly repaired, and all orders punctually attended to. oct 10—3m Virginia Real Estate Brokerage and Ge neral Agency Office, Fourteenth street, (a few doors from Main street,) near Byrd's Warehouse, RICHMOND, Va. 4 N Office under the above title has been recently A established, and is now open, in Richmond, Va , in connection with the Emigrant Agency Office, New York, for the purpose of making purchases, effecting sales and leases of and loans on Real Estate and other property; also attending to a General Brokerage and Agency Business. Also connected with an established Agency Office in the City of New Orleans, I.a., for mak ing purchases and effecting sales of NEGROES (male and female.) Therefore, owners who have Slaves cal culated for a Southern market, comprising stout, heal thy, and active Mechanics, Field Hands, General La borers, House Servants, and Family Domestics, from 10 to 25 years of age, can, through the medium of this Office, find speedy ca-h sales. N B. All personal or written applications will meet with due attention P.S. No letters or communications taken from the Post Office unless poBt paid. JAMES McFALL U Co. dec 10—3m Richmond, Va. Orloana Sugar. 8 Hogsheads good quality New Orleans Sugar M 20 bbls- prime Apples, “ free of Corporation duty Just received, and for sale, very low, by r|riflfl dec 30 __WILLIAM N- MclEIbH^ Ground AIutb Salt- , Bushels of Ground Alum Salt,.cargo t 8.500 "oon,r Armld*. Cpt. Ptnlbrook, f MW lr.nding, and for sale^by^ oA^BNOvp & Co-. r JUST RECEIVED, BY the late arrivals from Boston, the follow ing new and very interesting publications, and which are on sale low by W. M. MORRI SON, viz: Observations on Mental Derangement, being an application of the principles of Phrenology to elucidations of the causes, symptoms, nature, and treatment of Insanity; by Andrew Comb xM. D. Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice, and Physiology of Digestion; by Dr. Wm Beaumont, M. D. Surgeon in the United States: Army. Memoir of the Rev. Elias Cornelius. Diary of an Ennuyee. A Memoir of the Life and Philosophy of Spurz heim, by Andrew Carmichael, M. R. I. A., late President of the Phrenological Society of Dub lin; and published at the desire of that Society; first American edition, with notes: Friend of man—of God the servant: Advocate of truth divine; Nature’s Priest—how pure and fervent Was thy worship at her shrine! [Rev. Mr. Pierpont's Ode at the Funeral o Spurzheim, Nov. 17. 1832. Berkley the Banker, part 2d, by Harriet Mat tineau. Atlantic Tales, by Mrs. Lesly. Letters to a Daughter, by Mrs. J. A. Sargem on going to School, pointing out the duties to wards her Maker, her governess, her schoolfe! lows, and herself. Fall River, an authentic narrative, by the ac thor of Tales National, Revolutionary. &c. The Youth’s Sketch Book. This work con tains seven beautiful engravings on steel, and is filled with pieces mostly new, and from favorite writers. The care and expense bestowed upo> the volume, must give it high claims upon the favor of the public. Many of the designs are original, and ail are executed in a superior sty Ik of elegance.jan 24 MACKEREL. NO. 1,2, and 3 Fall-caught Mackerel, in 'ois to suit purchasers, for sale by jan 7 LEWIS McKENZIE, Union wharf: WANTED, A QUANTITY of White Oak Timber, suita ble for a vessel of about 160 tons. Person, wishing to contract for its delivery within three months, may apply to jan 15_A. C. CAZENOVE Cc. JUST PUBLISHED, AND on sale by WM. M. MORRISON, THE YOUNG MAN’S GUIDE, being r. practical manual for every day life. Price 75 c. We recommend the possession of this wort to every young man who wishes to become use ful, virtuous and happy.—Ar. H. Gaz. Its contents are of a high moral character, and it should be in the possession of every youn<; man.—Portsmouth Journal. The work is a good and useful one, and wor thy the serious attention of young men.— ChrU tian Register. It is written in a plain direct style, and enliv ened with anecdote and narrative.— Tht Bel gians Magazine. An admirable production, communicating sound and w’holesome truths.—Boston Trans I cript. jar 20 JUST RECEIVED ON SALE BY WM, J . MORRISON, ELLIOT’S Almanac for 1834. This will j found useful for every man of business, es it contains a complete list of all the Officers o ' the Government, as wrell as of the three Corpo rations in the District, including all incorporri ed companies, &e. Also, the Churchman’s t. i manae for 1834. jan i1 U. S. BANK BILLS7 OF $100 and under, for transmission, may ;c ahvays obtained of JAS. RIORDA v . Exchange Office, corner King & Royal sts. £13° American, French, Spanish and English Gold Coin purchased. Bank Notes of the va rious States discounted. jan 15 BELTZHOOVER & CO.’S PHENIX LIN a FUK YVASHING 1 UN do UAL T1MURH Fare to Washington 25 cents > “ to Baltimore - S3 00 \('n * For seats please apply cc Beltzhoover & Co’s Oilier Royal-street, five or six doors south of Newton’s Hotel; a. the Franklin House Hotel; and at R. H. Har rington’s SteamBoat Hotel, near the wharf. Passengers going to Baltimore will always find a Coach in Washington ready to take then: through without any delay; and every exertin' used ior the safety and comfort of those who may favor this line with their patronage. No racin', allowed._G. M. BRUCE, Agent A BARGAIN; ** I will let the DWELLING and STORi: • iSSlI HOUSE at the corner of Water and Prince streets at as low a rent as any property in « !r town, (considering location.) It is well calculr ted for a wholesale or retail grocery, segar la; tory, slop shop, <bc. &c. &c. jah 17 _JOSIAH H. DAVIS. HOUSE TO RENT. . The BRICK HOUSE at the intersection flof Cameron and Pitt streets, now occupied by Mr. Charles Gawler, is to rent. Possession inav be had 1st February. For terms inquire of fan 9 SAMUEL B. LARMOUR & Co. TO RENT, m A SMALL HOUSE north of the re?; pldence of Samuel B. Larmour. jan4_ JOSIAH H. DAVIS. WANTED, A S an Assistant in Grocery Store, an &c tive Young Man, of good moral habits; one irom the country would be preferred. Satisfac ory references, as to capacity, &c. will be re [Hired. Address, through the Alexandria poff ►ffice, (postage paid) «. p. Y Jan 2° / , 1 - - --——