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• * k‘‘ 41-j . ' PUBLIC ATTENTION IS respectfully solicited by the subscriber, to an in valuable preparation, the merits of which have been tested by time, and are sustained by undoubted “*‘dr7relfe’s botanical drops are every year increasing their long established repu tation. Thev have outlived many rival preparations, and are continually gaining upon public confidence. The Botanical Drops have been successfully admin istered for many years, as a thorough remedy for that well known and prevalent clas9 of inveterate diseases which originate from a vitiated habit of body, or an he reditary predisposition in the patient, and genera v appear under the various and distressing shapes o Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Leprosy, St. Anthony s Fire, Fever Sores. White Swellings, Scilfvy, Foul and Ob; stinate Ulcers, Sore Legs and Eyes, Scald Head, and VTnCthe1 ^mentioned condition of the system, the Botanical Drops will be found to eradicate the lurk *T?™on *h're mercury has totally failed, and thus prevent the patient from entailing the seeds of an he- : reditary disease on his offspring. Dr. Relfe's Botanical Drops are successfully used in eases of violent eruptions after the measles—red blotches—pimples on the face—festering eruptions on the skin—and other diseases of the external surface; and are one of the best Spring and Autumnal physics known, to free the system from humors. A physician of eminence, who had witnessed the ef ficacy of this article, had the candor recently to ack nowledge to the proprietor, that he considered it the best medicine known, for the complaints for which it is intended, and that it ought deserved y to stand at the head of the whole class of such remedies. Price *1 a bottle, o- 6 bottles for $5. WHITE TEETH & HEALTHY GUMS. TrtOSE who would retain or restore these desirable personal advantages, are assured that no compo WTISH° PTllC tDENTRIFICE. This is an elegant and pleasant preparation in every respect, and has, for many years past, given universal satisfaction wherever it has been used . , The Antiseptic Dentrifice is exempt from acid and other deleterious ingredients, which too frequently enter the composition of tooth powders in common use. >nl it whitens the ensmelof the teeth without it the least iniurv, The regular use ot this ad* mired powder, by purifying the mouth and preventing Ihe accumulation of tartar, operates as the best pre ventive of the Tooth Ache. The Dentnhce removes discolorations, and restores the beautiful native white ness of the enamel. As its application braces and strengthens the Gums, it secures to them their healthy and florid hue, and, by removing all offensive foreign accumulations from the teeth, preserves the natural sweetness of the breath. Price 50 cents • * None genuine unless signed on the outside print ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, T. Kidder, imme diate successor to the late Dr. W. T- Conway. For sale, with all the other “Conway Medicine, at his Counting Room, No 99, next door to J Kidder s Drug Store, corner of Court and Har.over streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston. THOMPSON KIDDEli. And, by his special appointment, by WM. STABLER, Fairfax street, Alexandria. Large discount to those who buv to sell again. CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA & CATARRH. IN that long train of diseases which seem to grow with the growth of civilized society, Consumption takes the lead in its relentless inroads upon human life -. yet ihis dreadful disorder is easily overcome in its oarher stages. It is only when neglectea that it ar rives at the terrific maturity which so often bames the sagacity of professional science. An obstinate cough is the customary forerunner of the pulmonary con* sumption Improper neglect in the timely a.lmmis tration of simple and salutary remedies, is sure to be j reproved by a dreadful succession of consumptive symptoms oppression of the breast; greenish and i bloody spittle; ulcerated lungs and hectic fever; sliri j veiled extremeties, and general emaciaiion ot the whole body; prostration of strength; flushed cheeks; swollen feet and legs; and at last, in the full posses sion of the mental faculties, and while hope still whis pers her flattering tale—cold extremities, and a pre mature death. For the various stages of this complaint, one ot the most approved remedies ever yet discovered is DR. RELFE’S ASTHMATIC PILLS. This exceedingly powerful, and yet equally safe and innocent preparation, has effected thorough and rapid j cures upon patients supposed to have been tar advanc edio a confirmed Consumption, and who have exhibit ed the appearances-which usually indicate a tatui ter mination of he disorder. As the Pills require in ordinary cases no confine ment, they may be administered with confidence and safety to all ages and classes of people. Uuexampled success has hitherto attended their administration in a great variety of cases; and the proprietor can refer to a multitude, which testify to their efficacy in reviving £lig emaciated victim from the bed ot disease, and re storing him to the blessings of accustomed health and activity. Price $1 for who/e boxes of 30 pills, and 50 cents for half do. of U pills, with directions. DEBILITATED FEMALES. THFj complaints peculiar to the female part of the community, have been long successfully treated by the administration of the Aromatic Pills, originally prescribed and compounded by Dr. Kelfe They cleanse the blood from those disorders of the female constitution, for which the pills are an effectual speci fle; they restore a freecircula ion, reform the irregular operations of the sangu femus system, and rectify the disordered habits. The proprietor's confidence in the superior excellence of this equally iimocent and pow erful preparation, is founded on the most decisive tes tiraony from mvny restored patients He can assure this portion of tUe public, that when dr. RELFE’S AROMATIC PILLS FOR FEMALES are regularly taken, accor-ling to the directions, ac companying them, they revive and establish the desir ed healthy habits, and restore to the pallid counte nance the natural glow of health and good spirits. Married ladies will find the pills equally useful, ex cept in cases of paegnancy, when they must not be taken} neither must they be taken by persons of hec tic or consumptive habits. They may be used success fully by either men or women in all Hypochondriac, Hysteric or Vapourish disorders. In all cases ot this description, the pills purify, invigorate, and revive the disordered system Price $i 50 a box. • • None genome unless signed on the outside print *d wrapper by the sole proprietor, T Kidder, imme diate successor to the late Ur. W. T Conway. For sale with all the other “ Conway Medicines,” at his Counting Room, No. 99, next door toj. K.dder's Drug Store corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston. THOMPSON KIDDER. \ud also, by his special appointment, by WM. SI’ABLER, Fairfax street, Alexandria. Large discounts to those who buy to sell again. VjY\fca\i for Caata. OZBN JOSSELYN, Agent, (corner of King and Royal streets, opposite Wright & Maddox,) re spectfully iniorms his friends and the public, that he has on band, and continues to manufacture, first, me dium, and low quality, SUPERIOR BLACK HATS, which, tor color and durability, will compare JK3 with any found in the District. JLM), A variety of CAPS of the different fashions. A share of patronage is respectfully solicited All kinds of Furs purchased. Old hats taken in part pay for new ones. dec 2 Cook YittUteit. A FEMALE COOK ts wanted, either by the month or year, where liberal wages will be given, and one from the country preferred. Apply to the Printer. L,_____ NOTICE ro RHEUMATIC invalids. PERSONS suffering under Rheumatic Affection are respectful)? assured that they can obtain of the proprietor and his agents a safe and admirable reme^ dv for Rheumatism, however obstinate the disorder may be, and in all its different stages. DR. JEBB’S RHEUMATIC LINIMENT will afford immediate relief to the patient, and has sometimes been attended with such extraordinary suc cess as to cure the most distressing Rheumatism in twenty four hours, even when of years standing. This highly valuable Liniment is recommended with a confidence founded on the experience of ma ny years, not only as a cure for that excruciating d s ease, but as an excellent application for Stiffness oi the Joints, Numbness, Sprains, Chilblains, he. (This article is considered so superior to every thing else, and to possess such uncommon virtues, that it is ordered from all parts of the country.] CTT An Agent recently writes: “ Please send me a further supplv of Jebb’s Liniment the first opportune tv—I shall probably sell a considerable quantity, as it is recommended by some of our physicians very high ly, although contrary to their rules and regulations - give encouragement to such (or. patent) medicines But is a most decided proof of their confidence in its invaluable properties Another agent writes: “I wish you to forward me some more of Jebb’s Liniment, which has recommend ed itself very highly.” Price 50 cents a bottle. The Painful and Debilitating Complaint of THE PILES Receives immediate relief, and in numerous instances has been thoroughly cured, bv the atjm'n.strat.of DUMFRIES’ REMEDY FOR I HE PILES. TITUS approved compound also mitigates and re 1 moves the symptoms which frequently accompa ny that disorder, and increase the danger of the pa tient, viz; pains in loins, headache, loss of appetite, indigestion, and other marks of debility. A relieved patient writes from a distance: ' It is but justice to inform you, that I have used vour Dumfries’ Remedy for the Piles for some time past, and have found it eminently successful ” The remedy is quite innocent, and may be adminis tered to all ages and both sexes. Plain and ample di rections, with a description of the complaint, accom pany each package, which consists of two boxes, one containing an Ointment, and the other an Electuary. Price $1 for both articles, or 50 cents where but nna ia DUMFRIES’ I ICd OINTMENT. miiB extensiv sale ai d established reputation of l Dumfries*Itch Ointment, encourages the propri etor to recommend it with renewed confidence to the public, as a most innocent as well as powerful applica tion for this annoiing disease t he most inveterate cases have been cured in one hour! by this esteem ed Ointment It contains no itk rcurv, or othi r noxi ous ingredient, and miy be confidently applied even to the youngest children, or to pregnant females — Price 37£ cents. None genuine un ess signed on the outside prm ted'wrapoer by the sole proprietor. T. Kidd«-r, imme diate successor to the late Dr. I Conw.iv. I*or sale with all the other “ Conway Medicines,” at his Coun ting Room, No. 99, next door to J. Kidder’s Drug Store, corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston THOMPSON KIDDEU. And also, by his special appointment, by VVM. ST A LER, jan 15 Fairfax street, Alexandria. *#* Large discounts to those who buy to sell again. ALBION CORN PLASTER. rnHE Albion Corn Plaster softens the corn, however |_ old and tough, and extracts it to the very roots. The relief afforded is gentle, immediate, and tho rough. The proprietor begs leave to submit the following case, from Mr Stowed, who is well known to the in habitants of this city, especially at the South End and South Boston, as a very worthy and respectable citi zen:— A Case. Sir-I do nut hesitate to give my most unqualified approbation in favor of your valuable Albion Corn Plaster By the use of less than a box, Mrs Stow'd! has been cured of a corn on each foot, which had been exceedingly troublesome and painful tor tears, and 1 think it but justice to your invaluabl- p-eparation to add, (for the encouragement of those who, owing to repeated disappointments in the v inous reno dies re sorted to, have finally despaired of a cure.) that your Plaster cured her corns, after other highly re commended remedies to no purpose; and what in creases mv confidence in the superiority of your Plas ter, 19 the fact, that it has been used by several of m> neighbors with equally good success (Signed) Setb st well, Keeper of the foil house, Soutn Boston Bridge. Mr. T Kidder, Proprietor of the Coinvay Medicines. Boston, June- 17th, 1829. Price 50 cents SORE AND INFLAMED EYES. tE stuUiouh, the we k y, an i o lurs. who are troubled w ith sorent->s or infl imma'ion of that delicate organ, will be able to obtain a most pleasant and invaluabh application, in DUMFRIES’ EYE WATER. This well established -Vas tor tne Eye is perfectly innocent, and gives immediate relief, even in very ag gravated cases of soreness and inflammation. Price 25 cents THE TOOTH ACHE. frVHlS agonizing disorder >$ cured in its most painful stages, by one of the most simple as well us pow erful remedies known in rr *dei’n nrartice ( h - CAMBRIAN TOOTH ACHE PILLS afford msuiu relief, wiin mti.ifiic mg he si siiest 'n jur> on the teeth They are applied externally to tne part9 affecte i, with the greatest ea9e and expedition an/I .rH.wralli; imPMlf AS H SOOthitliT IpIlltlVP to tile suffering patient. Price 50 cents a box. DYSPEPSIA, OF most obstinate character, after hav ng buffl *d the skill of toe most eminent physician,, a id withstood the most highly recommended medical pre parations, has been checked, relieved, and cured, in a number of instance* in and about this city, bv using, for a short time. Ur Relfk’s VEGETABLE SPECIFIC. AND ANTI BI LIOUS PILLS. in connexion, according 10 me directions accompany ing the Specific It is also one of the best known tor Sick Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, Nausea, and Flatulences. Price of the Specific and Pills, 50 cents each. %• None genuine unless signed on the outside prin ted wrapper by t e sole proprietor, T Kiddder, im mediate successor to the late Ur. W T. Conway. For sale, with all the oth-r ** Conway Medicines,*' at his Counting Room, No 99. next door to J Kidder’s Drug Store, corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston. THOMPSON KlUUER. And also, by bis special appointment, by WU. STABLER, jan 24 Fairfax street, Alexandria. %• Large discount to those W’ho buy to sell again. V\.o\>e- Walk. JOSIAH H. DAVIS respectfully informs his friends and the public that his PA PENT ROPE-WALK s now in complete operation, and he will thankfully execute all orders at the shortest notice Inasmuch as t nave got this business up at great cost and trouble, I hope to receive all the support I may be found wor thy of. Alexandria, January 3, 1834. Fur WRIGHT & U \DDOX have received an addition al supply of HANDSOME FUR CAPES, of various colors, which are offered at reduced prices. They have also received more CLOHiilk which makes their assortment very general. jan i PATENT RIGHT SECURED. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. SHEPHERD’S PATENT SPECIFIC OINTMENT, (formerly Judkins,) Preparcdbya HERSTONSnear Frederick town, Maryland. Richmond, Vr- July 15, 18 >0. ffiup nublic will he pleased to understand that 1 wag TtMtfnd di.coVerer of Judkins’ O otmen. and sole proprietor of tl.e patent from September, 1817, until “he expiration of the same; but, having connect, ed myself with Or. Judkins in the commencement, I permitted the Ointment to bear his name. 1 ne ter of the patent having expired on the 26th June, I nave made an improvement in the same, and taken out.a^pa tent thereon. N. SHfcPHhtiD. ijj5* Imposition having been practised upon the nub ile by a spurious article, bearing the name of “ Jud* I kins* Ointment,” the proprietor avails himself or the authority granted to him in his letters patent, now to call the Ointment after his own name, Henceforth it will be known by the name of SHEPHERD'S PATENT SPECIFIC OINT MENT, (formerly Judkins'.) When I first made and prepared this Ointment, and had, in several instances, experienced its good effects, I sent it to several physicians, with instructions in what cases to apply it, who were of opinion that the Oint ment would be a valuable public benefit. I concluded that the Ointment would occasionally fall into many hands, some of whom would probably undertake to make it, and knowing the difficulty of the process —ne vertheless, it might he progated in this adulterated si tuation, as it might in some degree resemble the origi nal—and in this way its good effects would be oblitera ted Under these considerations, I secured the origi nal and certain remedy for those obstinate diseases, some of which have so long bafffe J the skil. of me dical science: # , 1st White swellings of every description; 2d Sore legs and ulcers of long standing, . 3d Schirrus or glandular tumors, particularlythose hardened tumors in women s breasts, which oftentimes terminate in ulceiated cancers; 4th Felons; or what some people know by thename of catarrhs, of every description. 5th Rheumatic pains of the joints; 6th Sprains and bruises of every description, or i n whatever part situate; 7th Tetters of all kinds. In this complaint the pa tient, in applying the ointment, must keep the part ...r_,. 8th Chilblains or parts affected bv frost. It is also one of the best remedies for bums and scalds. It eases the pain and draws the fire out in a short time. , , , , For inflamed women’s breasts and glandular swel lings, it is superior to any medicine *et known to the medical faculty It is much safer than mercurial ap plications, (as it does not contain the smallest atom of anv preparation of the mineral,) because it does not lay the patient liable to injury from exposure to cold. This Ointment has cured sotes of many years stand ing Where it is impossible or imprudent to heal the external sore, in consequence of the bones becoming carious 01 rotten, it will stop the progress of the caries, increase the quantity of discharge, remove the offen sive smell, and ease the pains It cures the worst Felods and Whitlows, on applica tion of forty-eight hours CERTIFICATES. From the Hon. John Cocke, Member of the House of Re presentatives in Congress. vvasuiwoTOM, Mar*, h 22, 1326 Sir—My son having been afflicted for five years with white swelling, and having applied every reme dy recommended by the most eminent physicians within my reach without success, 1 at length procured one jug of Dr Judkins9 Patent Specific Ointment. and made the application according to the directions ac company ing the Ointment, and slate, for the benefit of the afflicted, that before one jug was used a perf.-ct core was clFected. My son has enjoyed good health ever since. I have no doubt that to the Ointment alone he is indebted; for nothing else was used for more than nine months before the application of the Oint ment. Respectfully, Joax Cocke Dr. Wm Gunton, Washington City. From L P. IV. Batch, Esq Counsellor at Caw, F ede rick Md Far.n£AiCK, Md May 6,1831 Mr. C Herstons—1 deem it proper to state, for the benefit of the public, that, several years since, two of my children were affected withscald head of an inve terate character My family physician, Dr John 1 Wilson, of Leesburg, Va who was very skilful and ju dicious in bis practice, in vain endeavored by every me ins to effect a cure- At length Judkins’ Ointment was applied, and the affection was permanently reliev ed. Very respectfully, v our obedient servant, L. P- W. Balcu. From the Honorable John Taliaferro, Member of Con gress, dated W AsmiroTox, January 22,1829. Sir—It has been my wi6h, lora considerable time, to communicate to you the good effect with which 1 have used the Ointment invented by a Mr. Judkins, and which i now understand is made and sold by igenls appointed by yourself, I have applied this v)intment during the last three years to every species of tumor and wound, without failure to produce a cure m every instance. 1 consider it the most decided and efficient remedy in all cases of tumor, be the cause whatit may; and l have found nothing so good for wounds of any description It may be proper to add, that the cure of a tumor called white swelling, given over bv the most distinguished physicians as in curable, and which they decided would, without ampu ation, prove tatalto the patient, was, under my imme diate notice, effected by the use of Judkins’ Ointment, ind the patient is in fine health. His limb affected by .ht nrrw.r n^inrr restored to a perfect-itate of sound ues*. »Iso that the leg of an aged man which had been wounded, and exhibited one dreadfully uicerated sur face from the knee to the foot, and which, tor more th m tw<> years,had been considered incurable, wasef* fectually cured by the application of Judkins* Oint ment. I mention these two cases, whichfellunder my immediate nolice and management, as a decided evi dence of the efficacy ollius remedy in cases of tumor and of ulcers* I haveexpe lenced, as decidedly, the good effect of this remedy in the cure of Felons, and of every species of fresh wound. It seems to me that any one who wll observe on the operation of this Oint ment, must be satisfied as to its beneficial effect lean with the utmost confidence recommend the use ofthis valuable remedy, lam, sir, very respectfully, John Ialiavehho. N. B. To more fully guard the public, (the proprie tor) C. Herston’s name will appear in his own hand writing, written through the circle outside the ointment pot. rry Sold by appointment, in Alexandria, wholesale and retail, by WM. S l ABLEK, oct 18 Druggist, Fairfax street. Cask in .Market. WE will pay Cash for any number of LIKELY NEGROES, (of both sexes) from 12 to 25 years of age, Field Hands. Also, Mechanics of everv de scription. Apply to It C Ballard St Co. Kichmond, Va. J. M. Saunders & Co. Warrenton, Va. George Kepheart & Co. Fredericktown, Md. James F. Purveis & Co. Baltimore. John Ware, Port Tobacco, Md. William Hooper, Annapoiis, Maryland A. Grimm, Fredericksburg, Virginia. Or to the subscribers, at their residence in Alexandria. Persons having likely Servants to dispose of, will do well to give us a call, as we, at all times, will pay tMgher prices in Cash than any other purchaser who s now or may hereafter come into market. All communications promptlv attended to. FUANKUN AliMFIELD. oct 1—tf dr. LEE’S GENUINE PATENT j lioniou Bttiowft V v\Vs. j JUST received, a fresh supply of the above useful j Medicine, direct from Dr. Lee’s^18P«n**ry 12th mo 30th, 1833. VV. S l ABLER. The following extract is published by Dr. Lee’s au thority, viz:— Extract of a letter, written by a verv respectable gen tleman. residing in Baltimore, to the subscriber who j deems it his duty, though unauthorized, to lay it be fore the puhlic, withholding therwriter s name, fur particular reference, should any require it person ally. SAM a. P LkE. Baltimore, August, 1828. Doctor S. H. P. Lee, New London, Conn. Dear Sir—It is now upwards of twenty years that I have used your New London Odious Pills in my fami ly, and always found them an efficient purgative in al- j most everv description of disease, and believe they sa ved many a long doctor's bill bv their early and timely use. I never found their accustomed certainty to vary in their operation and effects until a few months past; and having, since then, been sadly disappointed in eve ry instance of using them, I began to conclude that you had made your fortune, and abandoned their mxnufac ture to mercenary and unfaithful hands. Under this impression, I accidentally saw au advertisement of yours in a New Yorft newspaper, designating spurious imitation" from your own manufacture, by having your WRITTEN SIGNATURE to each bill of directions, and that in no instance were the imitations signed with pen and ink, although a perfect copy in every other respoct. Finding those I had without this test, I be gan to suspect that 44 all was not lair in medicine, as well as in politics, and called at several of our apothe caries for your pills, with your written signature. 1 found m*uy without this test, but none with it, until I came to the Messrs Keerls*, who assured me they had them direct from you. I procured a box, and on using them, found the same effects from them 1 had always experienced, and am so much rejoiced on finding my self in possession of a medicine I so highly prize, that that 1 cannot, injustice, refrain from giving you this information. (Xj* To avoid the imposition of counterfeits and spu rious imitations, as related above, the purchaser has only to examine the bill of directions covering each box, and if signed at foot, in my own handwriting, im mediately under my printed name, they are genuine, and prepared by me; but if orly the printed name is affixed, they are spurious, and to be avoided. S. H. P. LEE, Now London, Conn. Dec. 1823. __ Cabinet, tVVwvir, and auia MM 1\ OI'M L 1 vji j . JAMES GKEBN, Cabinetmaker, hasonhs* l, and will constantly keep, at his old stand o* Royal st., Alexandria, and at thecorner oflOth st.f i ennsyl. vania, Avenue, Washington, a genera asso4, ^ent f The most fashionable 4* durable FURNIj IRE, which Ue will warrant equal, if not superior, in quality, to anv ever offered in the District:- Jonsist ing, in part, of Grecian, winged and plain wardrobes Gothic, pedestal end and plain sideboa Js Ditto, with celiarettb and marble slabs French and plain bureaus Dressing do with mirrors Ladies’ and gentlemen's secretaries and book cases Pier table, with marble and mahogany opt Pillar and claw dining, breakfast car tables Plain do do do do do Ladies' work stands Shaving and candle stands Wash stands with marble and mahogany tops Grecian sofas; mahogany chairs Music stools, bidetts, cribs, cradles Portable writing derks, &c. With a general assortment of BEDS! EADS, y mctily carved mahogany, maple and stained woods All of which will be so,d as low, for cash, as they can be purchased of the same quality a any othe r manufactory in the Union. Also, An assortmen of St. Domingo and Ray of Hon duras Mahogany, a part of whicl is suitable lor handrails; steam sawed Curl and Shaded Veneers* Copal Varnish of a superior quality; Sacking Bottoms, Cords, Sic. TURNING 4- CARVING handsomely executed oct 25 _ ftvy\emViA Vueniture. CHARLES KOONKS, Cabinet, Chair and Sofa Maker, King, next dooi to the corner of.Wred street. | S AS nil hind, and constantly manufactures a gene & 1 ral assortment of FASHIONABLE CABINET FURNITURE Which,for elegance and durability,defies competition. Hisstock, genorally consists of Grecian and plain sofas, couches and lounges Mahogany and all kinds of drawing-room chairs Grecian, winged and single w’ardrobes Pedestal-endsideboards with marble tops and mircr# Gothic and various other ditto Pier tables, with marble and mahogany tops Filler and block dining, card and breakfasttables do claw do do do do Plain do do do do do Centric or loo 00 French and variou other bureaus, with anu without mirrors Ladiesdressing tables, with and without mirrors Ditto workstands and music stools Dittoand gentlemen'6 abtnet, secretaries and book cases Washstands, with marble and mahogany tops Richly carved and plain mahogany, bird eye, and curl maple and common beadsteads Cribs, cradles,candlestands.shavingdo, po-tabledesks and every otherarticle in thecabinetline. LIKEWISE, Mahogany of various kinds, steam sawed, curl and shaded veneers,copalvainish, sacking bottoms,cords, bsos, MaTraA33B3,scO. The above articles will be disposed offor cash or to punctual persons on the most liberal terms, A very extensive patronage from VVashingtonindu cesme tosay,that I vili leliver Furniture to any pur chaser^ that city free ofexpence. Turning & Carving executed in l hebest manner* may 20 __ HAVING taken his brother, THOMAS T. HUR DLE, into partnership, will continue at the old stand, south west corner of King and Columbus streets, to carry on their business as CHAIR MANUFACTURERS AND ORNA MENTAL PAINTERS, \nd where they will mate, and keep constantly for sale, at fair prices, A general assortment of Gre cian, Fancy and Windsor CHAIRS. The public are resp ctfully invited to call and examine their present as- j sortment. They feel assured that they will be found not to be inferior, either | in the durability of their materials or the neatness of their execution, to those of any other manufacturer in the District. They will execute Sign and Ornamental Painting and Gilding, in all their various branches, on the most accommodat. ing terms. OLD CHAIRS will be taken in part payment for new ones, or will be repaired or re painted at the shortest notice. Chairs purchased at this manufactory will be sent, free of expense, to any part of the District nov 23—tf YieaVih Secured, BY the use of the Hygeian Vegetable Universal Medicines of the British College of Health, Lon don, which have obtained the approbation and recoin mendation of thousands who have been cured, in con sumptions, cholera morbus, inflammations, internally or externally; dyspepsia, fevers, ague, indigestion, bi lious or nervous affections, and all diseases of the liver; yellow fever, gout, rheumatism,lumbago, tic doloreuir dropsy, St. Vitus’9 dince, epilepsy, apoplexy, paraly. sis, palsy, green sickness, and all obstructions to which the female form is so distressingly liable, and which sends so many of this fairest portion of the creation io their untimely graves; small pox, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, asthma, jaundice, gravel, stone’ and all urinary obstructions; fistula, piles, strictures’ ruptures, and syphilis in all its stages; constipated bo-/, els, worms, scurvy, itching* ol the skin, king’s evii, and all cutaneous disorders; in short, every complain* to which the human frame is so direfully subject, un der all their varied forms and names; as the Ilygeixi« conviction is, that man is subject to one onlv rtui Disease- that is, TO THE 1MFUR.ITY UFT/H BLOOD, -from whence springs every complaint th,. can possioly assail his complicated frame; and that it is the perpetual struggle of this vital, pure stream of life, (the gift of Almighty power) to disencumber i;. self of its viscous, acrid humours, with which it come commixed, through the negligence of paren the ignorance or maltreatment ot the Doctors; or *hv vicious or gormandizing propensities of ut: all. This valuable Medicine, being composed only vegetable matter, or medicinal herbs, and warranted, on oath, as containing not one particle of rneicurial, mineral, or chemical substances, (all of which art un congenial to the nature of man, and therefore dectru live to the human frame,) is found to he perfectly harmless to the most tender age or weakest frame, un der every stage of human suffering; the most pi inn', and benign in it-, operation, and at the same time th-; most searching out the root of every complaint, hov ever deep, and of perfoiming a cure, that was ever offered to the world. This wonderful effect, too, i; produced by the least trouble to the patients, by merely swallowing a certain number ot small pills, sne being called a few extra times to the purposes of c , cuation, with the least possible sensation of pain, o: exhaustion of bodily s’rength, and without the tear of catching cold, or attention to dress or diet, in any w ay different from their accustomed habits. These pills cure all cases, and oannot be taken . excess Experience, which is the touchstone of c'! human knowledge, has long borne testimony to the fact; and extensive use ot them has already verified its truth in this country. These medicines cure by purging; and yet the we dr, the feeble, the infirm, the nervous, the del cate, b e in a few days strengthened by theiroperatio.i, they clear the body of its bad humours, an ! invariably procure sound sleep. They are the safest u*.d rr.o:' efficacious menicineto take to sea; preventing scurvy( costiveness, he, The Vegetable Cleansing Powders are ofgres* as sistance to patients, and facilitate the evacuation t' bad humours; they soiten, cleanse, and detach tl.c acrimonious phlegni; are cooling, and allay the tlniv. One, two, or three pow’ders may be taken through the day , mixed in half a wine glass of water. Extract of a Letter to Dr. Mont. Sm: The motive which ha> induced me to writetu.. letter to you, is, that I might be instrumental in the recommendation of Morrison’s Universal Vegetable Medicines to the afflicted, w hich, by the Divine bless ing, has cured me of the Scarlet Fever. My case ua as follows: Whilst returning from Washington to Alex andria, I was taken very ill, which obliged me, on it; arrival, to retire suddenly to bed, but could not sleep and 'he next day my throat became sc much inflame... that I could scarcely swallow; and my face, breast,: body, presented evident symptoms of the great L ger 1 was in, and I knew not what to do; c.uloir.cD Mercury 1 abhorred as poison, and therefore desire: no assistance from the Druggist; but my mother, had experienced the good effect of the Hygeian Fil in a case or two of her own, most strenuously advise-’ me to try their virtue, which, with reluctance, I coi sented to, and commenced by taking eight No. 1 pl at night, and eight No. 2 the next morning and con tinued taking, increasing daily, morning ami evening until I took sixteen No. 2 at a time, which were ch solved in water, as, by means of my sore throat, 1 could not otherwise swallow them. 1 confess the nose nv. l me feel somewhat qualmish, 8tc.; but the pills an cl powders, of which l took one or two tea-spoonsful! » day, operated well, and the final result wjs, that i It*, into a sound sleep, of which I had been deprived, the next morning awoke in a state of perspiration,fret. from fever, cool and comfortable, and my reason 1 I had been deranged in mind) returned; and on trie 9th day from the time I was first taken, 1 left my room, and have ever since enjoyed better health than 1< J before. You have my leave to make what use you please of this. I wish you success, and am, sir. obedient friend, MARY ANN FUWLklh Alexa. U. C. March 14 183-1. The genuine Medicines can be had of WM. POMEROY, Alexandria, Sole Agent for the District of Columbia and it* vk'.nv. By whom the Pills are sold in packets of one, is * and three dollars each, and the Powders ut o7i ce:■;* per box, with printed directions; and also by llie 1 lowing Sub-Agents; K. W. Polkinhorn, betw een * and 10th streets, Pennsylvania Avenue; John Si-i ' Navy Yard, Washington; and Thomas C. "ri£‘ Georgetown; of whom alone can tiie Medicine* J_r warranted genuine. By appointment of Dr. ' Moat, H. P. M., M B. C. H., Brooklyn, New York, . sole importer of these Medicines. _ Morrisonia, or the Family Adviser, price l2t i, • ‘* . « « n II ... , _ I 1___r,__I. i , T rillfi^ kicai rrOUISJ, CIIUSUUICU vy iiuihciuuj cond and third editions, price 25 and oT i cents; t had as above.___ __ FraukUn Vlousfc. a~M The above TAVERN has f; rpnt<,<l by the subscriber, it isWlk* 'HmSiIISo118 having been long occupied !,y_ wr atgu8tine Newton; is now in gotH- ll and every comfort that the traveller nedsi can * i The fable is every day supplied with thu 1 ^ as weil as the substantial* of hfe. 1 lie Ha' 1 . fitted with the best Liquors, and private P»r>-t3' be accommodated in the most delightful niunrtj JOHN V\ r' \ N. H. Beltzhoover's Line of Stages arrive an. part daily from this House; and Gigs, Hor5t#’ J Hacks, can be had on the mos* reasonable ts. n nov 5—d _ Notice to V\a\wrnie». , , I WILL sell out my FISHING unexpired Lease of one year, with the Pm‘ , the lease being extended from three to five >L"*V j .5l moderate rent. The shore is a first rate Hvrrl11^ Ck ery, situated on the Maryland side of the fotnrn ^ ^ led Sandy Point, next shore above Doctor lncl " ■ .. McPherson’s Fishery. The Seine i* 2-0 ‘jji; fishing 32feet deep, with Boats, Captions, m fact every article necessary to carry OIj inquire of MCHAIIU BU *** Washington, near the Long oct 7—eotf____— To V\\e tireot FfttVa. ; The C»-‘ j Packet B°!, r y Ofi6 TUN has commence i her regular trips, and Fridays, tor the Great Falls or Crommehn. . 0 \ trom Frederick Street Bridge (Georgetown | clock, A. M,, and returning the same day a10 " sunset. F'are to and from Crommelin, 50 ce" • ^ The Canal is now in fine order, and the co * {£l.v seuts a beautiful appearance. To those w ffiJ I of a short excursion, and desire a short reia « business, atrip to the Great falls oficrs a m ful treat. . , f 4. „ tvPPi, <*?.’ I gj* Parties, on any other days of th ^ N J accommodated, by giving a short notice tiontothe proprietor, living en JhadHire <ffTf tows. L%