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[communicated. J Mr. Editor—Why is it that the other 3ex can not let us ladies and our affairs alone? 1 sup pose, if questioned individually, each one would attribute the numerous articles on tight lacingt holding our tehee erect, &c., which appear in the public prints, to the interest which they, the lords of creation, (bah!) take in us and our well being. The dear obsequious fellows pay us vwits of four hours’ length, (I mean those who have no mode or measure in their visiting —the lack-discretion beys, and this class in cludes nineteen twentieths;) during which pe riod of martyrdom to us they are all devotion, *. bending (metaphorically speaking) “the pli ant hinges of the knee,” and acting a combi nation of what they deem the attributes of Apol lo, and the elegances of the Graces. They go ome and indite sag** homilies for our edifica ♦ion—read us prematurely lectures on the mys teries of the toilet, and pretend to know as much of the pliability of whalebone and shaved •ackory. and the toughness and strength of cot ; a cord, as the most experienced among us. Some of them, the deeper and the wiser gentry, s: e'ak of the deleterious effect on the animal economy (boo!); the injury attending an unna tural compression of the abdominal viscera (!! too much learning hath made thee mad!”); the depraved functions of the liver, the spleen, the stomach, and a thousand other things which but exist in their own rickelty fancies. Now, I ant a mild and even tempered young . lady—desirous of getting a well-ordered, gen- j tlemanly husband, but not a tartar, by the liv- j mg Jingo. I could not, however, help feeling a little vexed at the extract from Dr. Jackson’s book (old Sam Jackson’s, rather,) which ap peared in your paper a day or two ago, preced ed by some remarks signed “ M.w Now, who is this M tster “ M ”? Some medical tyro, I guess; for who else should be reading Dr. Jack son's lucubrations? The object of this commu nication, Mr. Snowden, (by the bye, you are a married man, and old aunt Judy says there is no harm in writing to you.) is to let nil the young medical fry in town know that l intend to keep a bright look upon them. 1 intend to scrutinize the countenance of every doctor that visits me between now jind the first of August; and if I see the slightest symptom of guilt ma nifested by blush ing{\) or otherwise, let the poor wight depend on having his knuckles well rap ped. Yours, till de »th, FANNY. THE BEAUTY OF LIBERTY. “ In all tilings that have beauty, there is no tiling to man more comely than liberty.” Milton. ■' When the dance of the shadows At day-break is done, And the cheeks of the morning Are red with the sun, . When he sinks in his glorv, . At eve from the view, » And calls up the planets To blaze in the blue; 1’here is beauty. But where is the beauty to see, More proud than the sight of a nation when free. When the beautiful bend Of the bow is above, Like a collar of light On tiie bosom ot love; When the moon in her mildness, Is floating on high, Like a banner of silver Hung out in the sky;— There is beauty. But earth has no beauty to see More proud than the front of a nation when free. In the depth of the darkness, Unvaried in hue, When the voice of the tempest At midnight is still, And the spirit of solitude Sobs on the hill;-— , There is beauty. Birt where is the beauty to see Like the broad beaming brow of a nation when free? In the breath of the morning, When nature’s awake, Ami calls up the chorus To chaunt in the brake; In the voice of the echo, Unbound in the woods; In the warbling of streams, Anil the foaming of floods;— There .s beauty But where is the beauty to see, l*ike the thrice hallowed sight of a nation that’s fiee? When the striving of surges Is mad on the main. Like the charge of u column Of plumes on the plain; When the thunder is up From his cloud-cradle sleep, And the tempest is treading The path of the deep;— l ier«> is beauty. But where is the beauty to see, Like the sun-brilliant brow of a nation when • free! i lie fire in the Treasury Department seems • kely tu answer much the same purpose for the t reasury officers, that the bonfire in the old castle n| Uavenswood, in the Bride of Lammer li'. mr. dio to the old steward, Caleb Balderstone: >'o»\ this fire,” said Caleb, “ for a fire it slmll oe, it l suld burn tlteold stable to make it mair feasible—this fire, besides that it will be an ex cuse for asking' ouy thing we want through the country—this fire will settle money things on an honorable looting for the family’s cre dit. that cost me telling twenty daily lies to a wheen idle chaps and queans, and what’s • worse, without gaining credence.” Boston Daily Adc. We perceive, upon looking into the late de b »te$ of the British Parliament, that the Right Honorable Secretary of the Colonial Depart ment, Mr. Stanley, has been TnUlojtized. Mr. Ronayne took occasion during a speech, on the Irish Tythe Bill, to rebuke Mr. Stanley for a certain indecorm touching the position of his legs, which we had hitherto thought an Ameri can vulgarism exclusively. “ The Right Hono rable Secretary for the Colonies might smile,” said Mr. Ronayne, “and might stretch his legs across the table as if he were in an American Coffee House, but he could could tell him that ^43 not the thing to satisfy the people of Ire land.’’ We sympathize the more sincerely with Mr. Stanley in this attack upon his understand-! ing, as it i9 an assault also upon the u usages of the republican party” in this country. „ iV. V. Cour. Wo believe there never were so many of our national vessels at any one Navy Yard, as thfere are at the present moment at Charlestown — Here are no less than 4 74’s, three frigates, and two sloops of war. The Vermont and Virginia seventy-fours, together with the Cumberland frigate under cover on the stocks; the Colum bus and Independence 74’s together with the Boston sloop of war, under cover, at the wharf or in the stream; the Potomac frigate, recently arrived, dismantling and about to be taken into dock: old Ironsides, just out of dock rebuilt and refitting; and the Erie sloop of war, Cap tain Perceival, preparing for a cruise, and nearly ready for sea, in the stream. The three vessels have been upon the stocks from eight; and ten to a dozen years, one ot them perhaps longer; are in excellent preservation, and might i all, probably, in case of need, be launched in 50 or 60 days. The 74’s are pierced from 102 guns. The Potomac and Cumberland frigates for 62, and Old Ironsides for 54—this is the only difference between them arising for the two former having four guns more on each side in their waist; neither of the frigates however in these “ piping times of peace,” carry more than 50 guns. The Boston sloop of war is of the largest class, mounting 24 medium guns. The Erie mounts 22. These nine vessels are pierced for, and ca pable of mounting upwards of 600 guns, it be ing equal to one quarter part of our whole Na vy.—Boston liuzette. The London Lancet represents the following dialogue to have taken place at one of the me tropolitan Hospitals: Mr.-[entering a ward, and calling one of his dressers]: “flow is the patient in warfM” Dresser: “ Dead, sir!” Mr.-: “ How is the man in the next ward?” Dresser: “ Dead, sir!” Mr. -: “Oh, very well!” (a pause.) “ How is the patient in tiie other ward?” Dress er: “ Dead, sir!” Mr.-: “ Oh! how is the man up stairs?” Dresser: “Dead, sir!” Mr. -: “Why, they’re not all dead?” Dress er: “ Yes, sir, they are.” Mr.-: “ That’s strange!” Sepulchral voice from below: “ Not at all!” A singular mode of Smuggling.—The officers of Customs at the town ofUesancon, in France, had for some time suspected that the hearses which pased the harriers contained more than the remains of deceased citizens. A certain respect however, for the melancholy cavalcade prevented the officers stopping it, until at last, one ot them, more sacriligeous than the rest, stopped a hearse at the barriers, and searched the coffin, in which he found not only one, but several dead—legs of mutton and choice pieces of beef. The articles were subject to a duty of one or two sous a pound, the payment of which the honest hearse-owner had often eluded under cover of the rrquiescat in pace.—French paper. Pithy Answer to a Short Advertisement.—A shop-keeper in Grand-street, the other day, stuck upon his door the following laconic advertise ment: “ A Boy Wanted.” On going to his shop the next morning, he beheld a smiling little ur chin in a basket with the following pithy label: “ Here he is.”—New York Transcript. A FURTHER SUPPLY OF V E II A N l) C II E A P GOODS. WILLIAM H. MOUNT & CO. are this mor ning opening the following articles, viz: 5 pieces Italian Lustrings, best quality 10 do figured Gro de Nap, very handsome G dozen green, whitebl’k Blond Gauze Veils 6 do assorted colors Blonde Gauze Hdkfs 5 do green and white Gauze Veils 10 do best quality Ladies’ Gloves 6 do fancy Twisted Silk Hdkfs 6 do do do do Shawls 10 pieces Plaid Muslins, new style G do Ginghams, do do G dozen white English Silk Hose 3 do Ribbed do do 3 do plain black do do G do Linen Cambric Hdkfs G do Hemstitched do G do colored borders do 3 pieces white Drilling, best quality 3 do brown do do 2 cases Corded Skirts 3 dozen Grass do Together with a general supply of DOMES TIC GOODS; all which, for the cash, will be uncommonly cheap. / jy 1—tf NOTICE. THE Bank of Potomac will be closed on Fri day next, the 4th of July. All notes in tended to be offered for discount will have to be put into Bank on Wednesday, the 2d; and all notes falling due on the 4th, will have to be paid on Thursday, the 3d of July, jv 1—3t CHARLES PAGE, Cashier. NOTICE. ALL pej^ons having claims against William E. Alexander, are hereby required to pre ! sent them to the subscriber, on or before the 1st day of September next, in order to make a final disti ibution of the Trust funds. CHS. HUN TON, Trustee for William E. Alexander ^ Duckland, July 1, 1834—wlm FOR RENT. . * I wish to rent the HOUSE which I lately occupied as a dwelling, for the unexpired term I hold in it. 1 have also for rent, for one or more years, several HOUSES and LOTS in that part of the town called the Village, jv T. W. HEWITT. THE TWO GRAND MORAL PICTURES, THE TEMPTATION OF ADAM & EVE] AND TUB EXPULSION FROM PARADISE. PAINTED BY DUBUFE. BIU Of EACH PICTURE—10 FEET 8, BT IS FEET & These sublime works of art, painted for Charles X., and exhibited at ; Somerset House, London, and most of the prin cipal cities in the United States, to the universal admiration of upwards of one hundred thousand visitors. Perfectly chaste and pure in feeling, they ' unite beauty of expression and poetic powers to the charm of truth-^such as cannot fail to make a lasting impression on the mind of every be holder. Admission 25 cents; season tickets $1. %#.Open from 8 A. M. until 9 P. M. Brilliant ly illuminated in the evening. W*s lington, June 12—eolm MARRIED, At Langollen, on Tuesday, the 17th ultimo, by the Rev. Geo. Adie, Dr. Francis T. Grady to Miss Jane Serena, daughter ofCuthbert Pow ell, Esq.—all of Loudoun county, Va. In Hampton, on Monday evening, the 23d ult. at the residence of Dr. Hope, by the Rev. Mr. Eskridge, Col. William Jett Westmore land, (Va.) to Mrs. Eliza E. N- Wills. Ori the 25th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. Post, John T. Holtzman, Esq. to Miss America B. Wells, all of Georgetown, D. C. At GreenleaPs Point, on Thursday evening, the 26th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. McCallum, Willam Davis, Jr. Esq. to Miss E. C. daughter of John Wheat, Esq. all of Washington. On Wednesday evening, the 25th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr. Hanson, Mr. Samuel Thompson to Miss Susan R. Hedges, daughter of Mr. Nicho las Hedges, of Georgetown. COMMERCIAL. Price of Produce In Alexandria yesterday, from Wagons and Vessels. $4 50 0 75 0 60 0 60 0 52 Floor, per barrel Wheat, per bushel, Cohn, white, Do yellow, do Rye, - Oats, from wagons, bush 0 40 Do from vessels, do 6 36 Corn Meal, white, do 0 Do do yellow, do 0 Flaxseed, do 1 Whiskey, per gallon, 0 Bacon, per cwt. - 7 Butter, fresh, per lb. Do firkin, do - Lard, do - 60 60 00 25 7 50 0 15 0 10 o o; a $4 CO a U 90 a 0 00 a 0 62 a 0 56 a 0 42 a 0 3S a 0 62* a 0 62 a 0 00 a 0 27 a 0 • 00 a 0 18 a 0 12 a 0 08 Plaster Paris, retail, ton, 4' 50 a o 00 Flour.—Saturday the wagon price for fresh ground Flour was $4 56. A lot of between 200 and 300 bis. of a good brand was sold from store on Friday or Saturday, we understood, at $156; and on Saturday, £>0 blij of recent in spection at 4 62 1-2. Yesterday the wagon price of fresh ground Flour ranged from $4, 58 to $1 60. Several lots of Stored Flour were priced at 4 50. The thiid quarter having now commenced, fresh Flour from wagons will command more than that in store, in consequence of not being subject to reinspection so soon, if from no other cause. All Flour received before the 1st day of January is now' subject to reinspection. ‘All since, up to yesterday inclusive, will be subject to reinspection on the first day of August, and all received in this quarter (July, August, and September,) on the first day of November. We heard of no sales from stores yesterday. Export for the week ending Saturday. 2Sth instant, 1.119 bbls-. coastwise. Quantity inspected during the same period: 491 bbls. King-street. SHIP NEWS, m FORT OF ALEXANDRIA. I). C. Arrived, Jcne 30, Brig Augusta, Curtis, Savannah; Timber for the Rail Road, and Ship Blank A. C. Caze nove & Co. Schr. Oi bit, Pcnuel, Vienna; Corn to Stephen Shinn. Sclir. lied Rover, Duncan, North Carolina, via Dismal Swamp Canal; Lumber. Sailed, Brig Old Colony, Crosby, Amsterdam. Brig Token, Eldridge, Boston. FOR FREIGHT. jrfjc The Brig AUGUSTA, Captain Curtis, tons burthen, will be ready for a cargo in a few days. Apply to the master on board, at Cameron street wharf, or to jy i A. C. CAZENOVF, & CO. LEMON SYRUP. X Boxes (one dozen bottles each) Burbeck’s jU tJ superior Lemon Syrup, a very desirable article for Temperance Societies, just received and for sale by jy l WILLIAM N. McVElQH. FOR NEW YORK. The Schooner SPLENDID, P. Cor ’sen, master, will sail in all the present week, and take fit ight low. Apply to june HQ W. FOWLE & CO. FOR NEW YORK. The Brig MONHEGA .V, Killeran, mas _'ter, to sail on Tuesday, wants some freight, w hich will be taken at a very low rate, on appli cation to june 28 W. FOWLE & CO. FOR NEWT YORK. The Packet Schooner PRESIDENT,\ __ E. Kihtlanu, master, will sail on Wednes day. -For freight apply on board, or to ju 28 STEPHEN SHINN, Januey’s wharf. FOR BARBA DOES. itHfl The new fast sailing copper-fastened AMULET. G. G. Nic kerson, master, w ill sail about the 1st proximo, and wants about 300 barrels on freight. Apply to june 25 W. FOW LE CO. FOR BARBADOES. The Schooner HOPE, Jas. Thompson, _ faster, wants the bulk of one hundred and fifty barrels to complete her cargo, and can comfortably accommodate a few passengers. Weather permitting, she will sail on Monday next. june 25 GEO. JOHNSON & CO. FOR BOSTON, (To sail in all not week,) rfK The Packet Brig WANKINCO, Ryder, iOifmaster, will take freight low; for which ap ply to june 24_W. FOWLE & CO. REFINED SUGARS. a Barrels Double and Single Loaf Sugar, 4U landing from sloop Friendship, from Phi ladelphia, for sale by june 28_ A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. BRAN AFLOAT. j Bushels, on board schooner Whig, __from Richmond, in lots to suit pur chasers, if applied for to-day or to-morrow, for sale by L. McKENZIE, Union wharf. ‘ 25 __ june DUCK. nt Pieces Heavy and Light Ravens Duck, received per schooner President, Kirt land, from New York, and for sale by june 25 L. McKENZIE, Union wharf. FRESH CHOCOLATE. A FURTHER supply just received per bng Token, from Boston, and for sale by jime 24 S. MESSERSMITH. CONGRESS. ' - Both Houses of Congress were busily engag ed all day yesterday in passing bills and the set tlement of unfinished business, up to the hour of adjournment—a full report of which will be gi ven hereafter. Thus has terminated a most interesting ses sion of Congress, rendered particularly so by the financial situation of the country and the high state of party feeling. , REMOVAL. Andrew j. Fleming has removed to the Store on Irwin’s wharf, formerly occupied j by H. B. Rose & Co.; where he has on hand, and offers for sale on very reasonable terms, a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GROCE RIES, &c. &c.__june 30 BANK STOCK. ON Sale—500 shares Bank of Washington 20 do Bunk of Potomac june 30'JA3. RIORDAN. HORATIO DAY INFORMS his friends and the public, that, in addition to a neat assortment of BOOTS & SHOES of his own manufacture, he has on ' hand a supply of low-priced Women’s and Chil dren’s SHOES, and Men’s BOOTS, SHOES, and SLIPPERS; all of which he will sell as low us any can be bought in the District, june 30—3t MILLSTONE MANUFACTORY FOR SALE. rilHE subscribers being desirous to close their JL present business, in consequence of the continued indisposition of one of the partners, (Thomas Morris,) offer for sale all their interest and stock on hand in their MILLSTONE MA NUFACTORIES, in Paca street, and on the j Falls Avenue, near Pratt street Bridge. The | stock is large and of recent importation, and has j been selected from the best Quarries in France. by a competent judge. The business is well known to afford a fair profit when well conduct ed. The subscribers have been favored, for many years, with an extensive and good cus tom; and no doubt, if well conducted, it will continue to command a full share of public pa tronage. Should the purchaser prefer it, one of the present firm (William Egenton) would have no objections to remain as a partner with a person having sufficient capital to purchase one half, provided the purchaser w’as a practical Millstone maker, and would take charge of the manufacturing part, and devote the whole of his time and attention to the business. Any person disposed either to purchase or be come an interested partner, will please make early application to the subscribers, either per sonally, or by letter, post paid, which will meet prompt attention. The subscribers having con cluded to close the business of the firm early in July, early application is desirable. There is bat very little old stock on hand. MORRIS & EGENTON. Baltimore, june 28—3t FOR NORFOLK. . The Steamer COLUM BIA, Capt. James Mitch ell, will leave LambelPs wharf, Washington, at 12, and Thompson’s wharf. Alexandria, at 1 o’clock p m., on Monday, the 30th instant, and on Friday, the 4th of July, tor Norfolk, arriv ing at Norfolk on Saturday, in time for the Stages going South, and the Steamboat Patrick Henry for Richmond. Returning to the Dis trict, she will leave Norfolk on Wednesday, the 2d, and on Sunday,the 6th July,at 2 o’clock, P.M. For the accommodation of persons travelling ! from Norfolk to Fredericksburg, or from Fro- • derrcksburg to Norfolk, an arrangement has i been made with the proprietors of the steam boat Sydney, (plying between Washington and \ Fredericksburg,) by which they will arrive at | either place, at an early hour, on the days fol- j lowing the departure of the Columbia, without any additional charge for passage. Passage and fare S3._june 27—dt4thJy DRY GOODS, BONNETS, LEGHORN HATS, STRAW MATTING, &e. SUPER and Common Prints, Corded Skirts Ginghams; Vestings, French Linen Boxes Spool Cotton Ladies’ white Cotton and Men’s Rib d Hose White and mixt do; Bukley Hdkfs Straw Bonnets; Tuscan do Men’s and Boy’s Leghorn Hats 4-4 and 6-4 Straw Matting With sundry other articles, just opened and for sale by june 27 ' GEO. YY HI TE. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL .& REVIEYV. No. 3, PUBLISHED in Baltimore. Received for sale by E. KENNEDY, june 25—eo3t_ WAS COMMITTLU fjpO the Jail for the County of Alexandria, D. _ C. on the 19th instant, as a runaway, a negro man who says his name is JAMES F HA ZIER. He appears to be about 25 years of age, 5 feet 6 1-2 inches high; had on when commit ted a striped cotton roundabout and linen pan taloons. He says he is free, and that he lived with a Mr. James Minor, of Northumberland County, Virginia, for the last two years. The owner is therefore requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him aw’ay; otherwise he will be discharged accord ing to law. H. MINOR, Deputy Marshal and Jailor for the County o june 21—eo2w _Alexandria. D. C. THIS 13 TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT the subscriber of Alexandria Coun ty, in the District of Columbia, has ob tained from the Orphan’s Court of said County letters testamentary on the estate of Lee Mas sey Alexander, late of said County, dec d. All persons having claims against said decedent are hereby warned to exhibit the same to the subscriber, passed by the Orphans’Court, on or before the 24th day of June, 1835, or they may by law be excluded from all benefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are required to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 21th June, 183^CEg 8WANfI) Executrix of Lee M. Alexander, june 21—2aw6w___ FRENCH INSTRUCTION. ] MR GUEGAN respectfully informs the lov ers of his native language that he teaches it in this town—to Young Ladles at the Semi naries of Mrs. E. C. Porter and Misses Muir— to Young Gentlemen at the Alexandria Board ing School of Mr. Benjamin Hallowell—and at private dwellings to pupils forming themselves into classes of two or mage. His terms are $0 per quarter. City Hotel, January 8—w3w _ TO HIRE, BY the day, week, or mont orderly SLAVE MEN. to may 6—w8w h, two capable and For terms apply CHR. NEALE. •===5=========—=9* H5* Gentlemen disposed to unite in forming a Civic Escort for the 4th of Julv, are requested to meet at the Town Hall THIS EVENING, at 8 o’clock._jy i—it fid* The Fourth or Jour will be celebrated at Fairfax Court House, by a public dinner, Ac. Jyj~3J__ fid* Notice.—There will be a public meet ng of the Piscataway Temperance Society on he 4th of July next, at 11 o’clock, A. M., when :here will be several interesting addresses deli vered on the occasion.june 11 S3* The Ladies of Christ Church, St. John’s Parish, Prince George’s County. (Md.) will hold a FAIR in Piscataway, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 23d and 24th of July next; the proceeds of which are to be applied to the pur chase of a Parsonage. june 23 S3* We are authorised to announce to the voters of the Congressional District composed of the counties of Westmoreland, Richmond, Northumberland, Lancaster, King George Staf ford and Prince William, that John Taliaferro. Esq., has, in compliance with the wish of many voters, consented to become a candidate at the next election of a Representative for that Dis trict in the Congress of the United States. AUCTION SALES. PUBLIC* SALE—77//S DAY. IN pursuance of a deed of trust, executed to me, and recorded in Alexandria County, Li ber P. No. 2, folio 68,1 shall offer at public sale, on Tuesday, the 1st day of July next, at 4 o’ clock, P. M., the following PROPERTY, viz: A LOT on Fairfax street, beginning at the north line of M. McLish, running north with Fairfax street 38 feet; thence west, parallel to Queen street, 90 feet; thence south, parallel to Fairfax street, 38 feet; thence east 90 feet, to the beginning. One other LOT, corner of Fairfax and Queen street, beginning 24 feet from the north line of the lot last described, and running thence to Queen street about 25 feet; thence, with Queen street, west, 90 feet;, thence, south, parallel to Fairfax street, about 25 feet; thence east, paral el to Q,ueen street, to the beginning. One other LOT on the south side of Queen street, beginning 90 feet from Fairfax street; running thence west, with Queen street, 32 feet 7 inches, to Richard M. Scott’s line; thence south, with said line, to M. McLish’s line; thence with said line, parallel to Queen street, 32 feet 7 inches; thence north, to the beginning. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, at the intersec tion of Water and Princess streets, beginning at the intersection, and running, with Princes:; street,- feet, to a twenty feet alley; thence, with said alley, south, 50 feet; thence west, pa rallel to Priucess street, to Water street; thence, with Water street, north, to the beginning. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, on Princess street, beginning at the corner of the above men tinned alley, and running with the same, south, 47 feet; thence east, parallel to Princess street, 54 feet; thence, north, 47 feet, to Princess street, thence, with Princess street, to the beginning. Also, A HALF ACRE LOT OF GROUND, less sixty feet; bounded by Royal, Oronoko and Pitt streets. Also, A LiUi ui' ukuuinu, situate on Wolfe street, beginning at the line of Doctor Charles Douglass, and running thence east, with Wolfe street, ——, feet, to the line of Thomas Irwin; thence, with said Irwin’s line, north, to the extremity of his line; thence, with his back line, parallel to Wolfe strco*, east, to Pitt street; thence, with Pitt street, north, to the centre of the squnrsj thence, west, parallel to Wolfe st., to the centre of the square; thence, south, paral tel to Pitt street, to the beginning. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate on Wa ter street, beginning 50 feet from the corner «»t Water and Princess streets, and running south 67 feet, to John Young’s line; thence, parallel to Princess street, to a twenty feet alley; thence, with said alley, north, 67 feet; thence, west, pa rallel to Prihcess street, to the beginning. Also, one undivided Inlfof a HALF ACRE LOT, fronting on Oronoko street, between Fair fax and Water streets, beginning at the centre of the square, and running east-feet; thence north, parallel to Water street, to Pendleton street; thence west, with Pendleton street, feet; thence south, parallel to Water street, to the beginning. The sale will commence at the lot first men tioned, and the terms then made known. COLIN AULP, Trustee. apr30—wtlstJy RENOVATING LiUUlD, Prej>arsd awl sold by ft. 8. BERNARD, Drug gist, Norfolk, Virginia. RECENT DISCOVEKY.—R. S. Bernard’s Renovating Liquid, for extracting all kinds of Oils, Paints, Tar, and Grease, from the most delicate colored Silks, Satins, Cloths, Bomba zines, or Velvets, without injuring, in the least, their color or texture. No danger need be apprehended in using it upon the finest and ino.-l delicate Silks—nor is it like the soaps so commonly advertised in our day, which, by removing one evil, almost in variably produce another of double size; nor does it require the preparatory means of all other renovators—such as hot irons and the like. Only a little clean water, according to the direction, is wanting. Oil or Grease of any kind can he extracted from the most delicate colored carpets, without the usual trouble of taking them up. II used according to the directions, it will at once ex tract every particle of grease from the finest Cloth, or most delicate Silks, without injur ing in the least the color or texture. jCTr* The subscriber has appointed Wili.iam Staiilcr, Druggist, Alexandria, his Agent for sellimr the above article. ROBERT S. BERNARD, 6th mo 26 . Norfolk, Va. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in the Superior and Inferior Courts of Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, and in the Superior and Quarterly Courts of Prince William. Ilis office Is a front room in the Hotel of William D. Wilcoxson, at Fairfax Court House. _ june 9— lin DR. ALEXANDER HAS removed to the building on King street formerly well known as the “ Mechanics’ Bank;” where he may be found at all hours, when not professionally engaged elsewhere, june 26—dl w&eotf __ HATS! HATS! THE subscriber has a/i Extensive Assortment of EXCELLENT HATS, which he offers for sale, wholesale and retail, and will take Al exandria Bank paper, and the notes of any ol the Banks of the District which have lately sus pended specie payment. *H. L. MAlt lift june 1