Newspaper Page Text
'JMUu 5SSS5S.W. Tuv3»sx>j&? xaimmro* swarar s» asm £!1W SI m ffi-sf®. em. tLEXANDRLA GAZETTE PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY RBG.tR S.YOtVDEjr, *r 9 DOLLARS PER ANNTTtt, PAYABLE UALr YEARLY. ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE (run THE COUSTRY) IS PUBLISHED REGULARLY ON TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY, vr J DOLLAHS PER AN*UM: PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Term* of Advertising:—Advertisements neat v and conspicuously inserted at the rate of one dollar per square for the first three insertions, tnd twenty-five cents for every subsequent inser tion. A reasonable deduction will be made in f*.e case of yearly advertisers. *.• All advertisements appear in both papers. FOR BOSTON. (To sail in all next week,) ^ The Packet Brig WA YA/.VO^Ryder, djj>master. will take freight low; for Which ap jtly to june 24_W. FOWLK & CO. NOTICE. The Steamer COLUM BIA Capt. James Mitch ell, having resumed her 1 regular trips between Bal timore and the District of Columbia, will, until the 1st day of September, leave Baltimore for the District every Wednesday, at 4 o’clock, P. M.; and returning, will leave Washington at 6, and Alexandria at 7 o’clock. A. M. every Sun day, for Baltimore. Passage $2. mar 31—tf BRAN AFLOAT. ^ Bushels, on board schooner Whig, __ _ from Richmond, in lots to suit pur chasers, if applied for to day or to-morrow, for sale by L. McKENZIE, Union wharf. june 25_' DUCK. QX Pieces Heavy and Light Ravens Duck, •SO received per schooner President, Kirt land. from New York, and for sale by june 25 L. McKENZIE, Union wharf. FRESH CHOCOLATE. A FURTHER supply just received per brig Token, from Boston, and for sale by june 24 S. MESSERSMITH. COFFEE, TEA, *tc. Bags Green Coffee 10 13 lb. boxes Gunpowder 25 6 lb. do Imperial 13 lb. do Hyson 50 1 IP 29 2 S-TEAS 6 1b. do Young Hyson.) ,, ^ Nutmegs and Cloves Received per brig Token, for sale by june 23 W. FOWLED CO. ST. CROIX SUGARS. | Hogsheads prime St. Croix Sugars, re IU ceived per schooner President. lor sale by iune23 W. FOWLE & CO. SICILY MADEIRA WINE. 10 Klf pipes lIl’8hara sbrand Received per schooner President, for sale by W. FOVVLF. & CO. tune 23 BOX TOBACCO AND MOLASSES. Boxes prime Plug Tobacco 10 hhds. Bright Retailing Molasses Ju^t received per schooner President, from New York, for sale low by LINCOLN CHAMBERLAIN, june 23 Vowell’s wharf. MOLASSES AND TEA. || | Hogsheads Cuba Molasses 1" JO half chests prime Young Hyson Tea Landing this day from schr. President, from New York, and for sale very low by June 23 WILLIAM N. MCVEIGH. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. OfN Hogsheads New Orleans Molasses, of prime quality, just received per schooner President, from New York, fur sale by june 23 CLAGETT & PAGE. SOAL LEATHER. Lbs. Country Tanned Soal Leather, for sale at a very moderate price. 0 mo 23 ROBT. H. MILLER. LIME. ^Nt-SLACKED LIME, for the removal o by nuisances and other purposes, for sale low june 23 JOSIAH H. DAVIS. COOKING FURNACES. CASED and Hooped Cooking Furnaces. A supply of these useful articles for econom ists, on hand and lor sale. 6 mo 23 ROBT. H. MILLER. WHITE BRAZIL SUGAR. \A Barrels White Brazil Sugar, of superior *9\J oiiiilitv hiniliniT nnd for sal»' hv quality, landing and for sale by June 19 S. MESSERSMITH. LOAF SUGAR. LANDING this day, from sloop Statira, from Philadelphia, and for sale by the subscri bers — 10 boxes Lump Sugar 10 do Single Loaf do mno 19 A. O. CAZENOVE & CO. HENRY DAINGERFIELD Hits in Store, and offers for sale: U A Hogsheads of prime Porto Rico Sugar CJvF 50 barrels of do do do 10 hogsheads of do Molasses 200 sacks of Factory filled Blown Salt 75 barrels of Mess and Prime Pork June 17 LIVERPOOL SALT-AFLOAT. \ bushels Ground AJum Salt, now landing, and for sale, in lots to suit purchasers, by Jy* 17_A C. CAZENOVE & CO. wines! OHS Port* Sici‘y Madeira, and Malaga ” Wines, in quarter casks, for sale by ,uae W W1UUM X McVEIGH, MOLASSES, WINDOW GLASS, COTTON DUCK, AND SALT, AFLOAT. LANDING from on board the schr. Santa* Anna, Williams, and for sale by the sab scribers-— 20 hogsheads West India Molasses 88 boxes Window Glass, various sizes 3 bales Cotton Dock, and 135 sacks of Fine Salt june 12 A. C. CAZBNOVE & CO. BOOTS, SHOES, PALM LEAF HATS, ±c. JH. WHITE has just received, per sloop • Statira and other arrivals, a very season able addition to his stock of BOOTS & SHOES, which enables him to offer almost every article is line at the very lowest prices ror cash, ong them are— Men’s fine Pegged Summer Boots Do Pumps, various qualities, (some very cheap) Women’s Seal, Lasting & Kid Slippers, do Do Leather Jeflersons & Slippers, do Misses’ $ Children’s Shoes, various qualities Fine Palm Leaf Hats, broad rims, (an ex cellent article) Coarse do do do A lot of.IIAIR TRUNKS, cheap #3* Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes, of all kinds, made to order, of the best materials and workmanship.june 19 NEW BOOKS. JUST published, and on sale by W. M. MORRISON,' Curiosities of Literature, se cond series, by D’Israeli. Life of Alexander Hamilton, by his son John C. Hamilton. The Complete Farmer and Rural Economist, containing a compendious Epitome of the most important Branches of Agriculture and Rural Economy by Thomas G. Fessenden, Esq., Edi tor of the New England Farmer. “ Agriculture is the art of arts: without it, man must be a sa- j vage, and the world a wilderness.” june 24 PENNY AND PEOPLE’S MAGAZINES. I JUST received, Nos. 10, 11, and 12 of the Penny, and No. 4 of the People’s Magazine, which complete the subscriptions for 1 S3;* of the two above works. No. 1 of vol. 2 also received of the Penny, which will continue to be publish- j ed regularly once a month at S3 a year. Per sons who may wish to secure this very cheap and valuable work, will please enter their names at W. M. MORRISON’S Bookstore, june 24 MISSING A BOX OF MERCHANDIZE, marked Geo. Kyle, care of J. D. Kerr, Alexandria, was shipped from Baltimore on the 26th April last, and is supposed to have been delivered impro perly to some other person. If such a Box should be in the possession of any person that may have .received goods by the steamboat of that day, or may have any knowledge of such, will please give information to any of the Agents of the Baltimore Steam Packets, or to the subscriber. Alexandria, june 12B. WHEAT. WHEAT FANS, Ac. LG, & H. GRISWOLD have nowon hand, . and will constantly keep, or manufacture to order, at their Establishment, corner of King and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch and Eng lish improved WHEAT FANS; Cockle, Cheat, and Rolling SCREENS, for Flouring Mills; Window Screens, Riddies, Sifters, Mil. Shakes, Straw Cutters, and Safes; all of which they will dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They guarantee them to be made of the best materials and workmanship; and hope, by con stant attention to business, to gain a share of the public patronage. Flour manufactures and Wheat Fan makers will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call. . A boy is wanted; as apprentice to the above business, 16 or 17 years old, of good and steady habits. N. D. Repairing done on the shortest notice. 53* TURNING in Wood, Iron, and Brass, may 28—ty___ JEREMIAH W. SATTERWHITE, CABINET MAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that he has commenc ed the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, at the north corner of King and Columbus streets, in the house for merly occupied by James &, Jacob Douglas, where he hopes, by perseverance and industry, in connection with an experience in the above business for the last eight or ten years, to merit a share of public patronage. His FURNITURE will be made by experien ced journeymen, after the latest fashion, and in the most durable manner, which he will warrant to be equal to any manufactured in the District of Columbia._jan 2—tf EXHIBITION OF J. G. CHAPMAN’S PAINTINGS. THE Exhibition of J. G. Chapman’s Paintings is now open to visiters, on Pennsylvania Avenue, nearly opposite Brown’s and Gadsby’s Hotels, from 9 o’clock until sunset. Admission and Catalogue - 25 cents Tickets for the season - * - 50 cents In a short time several of the Paintings will be removed to give place to additions that will be made to the collection.apr 10—tf MATCH HORSES WANTED. I WILL give cash for a first rate pair of BAY HORSES, of large size, young, and w’ell broke to harness. JOHN ARMFIELD. june 3—lm ___ PORTER AND ALE. THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub lic, that he intends keeping, through the season, at his Cellars on Cameron street, oppo site the Market, a constant supply of the best bottled PORTER AND ALE, in large and small bottles. Private families and taverns supplied at the shortest notice. Orders from the country will be particularly attended to—so as to ensure safe carriage. The highest price given for empty bottles, mar 4m JOHN *V. SMITH. | REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. BY virtue of a Deed of Tn»t from the Bank of Alexandria to the subscribers, for the purposes therein mentioned, the following de scribed PROPERTY will be sold, on reason able terms and liberal credit The WHARF and LOTS OF GROUND on the south side of Cameron street, now in the oc cupancy of Mr. Benjamin Waters. The WHARF, WAREHOUSE, &c. cal led Tucker’s. Alai ofW A three story Brick DWELLING HOUSE and LOT OK GROUND, on the west side oi Water street, between Cameron and Queen streets The Brick DWELLING HOUSE on the _north side of Cameron street, between Fair fax and Royal street, occupied by Mrs. Mills. The BRICK BUILDING at the intersec. flstttion of Cameron and Fairfax streets. The four-story Brick WAREHOUSE on lililRamsav’s wharf, occupied by Messrs. B. Wheat & Son and Mr. Thomas Sanford. MThe ACRE LOT and BRICK HOUSE, with several out houses, on Washington street, in possession of Thompson F. Mason, Esq. The large WAREHOUSES at the cor Jljlner of King and Columbus street, and an excellent FRAME DWELLING HOUSE ad joining. >4 A HOUSE and LOT near the “Village” Jjjjlformerly owned by Mr. P. G. Marsteller. A VACANT LOT on the south side of Prince street, near Pitt. MA DWELLING HOUSE and LOT F GROUND on Pitt street, opposite St. Paul’s Church, formerly owned by Mr. Gurden Cha pin. A vacant LOT OF GROUND on Water street, opposite the Farmers’ Bank. A FARM in Fairfax County, Va. called the “ Meadows,” containing 275 acres. Another FARM in said County, called “ Lo max” or ** Turkey Cock Run,”—352 acres. One other FARM, called “ Willow Spring,” near Centreville. Three small TRACTS OF LAND on Mount Vernon Road, containing, together, 307 acres. Particulars will be given on application to Mr. Isaac Robbins, at the Bank of Alexandria; and proposals for any part of the property, directed io the subscribers, will be answered by GEORGE BRENT, 'j BENJ. WATERS, 1 WM. H. MILLER, WM. C. GARDNER june IS—tf _ | Trustees. FOR SALE OR RENT, A convenient three-story brick DWEL __LING HOUSE on Duke street, in com plete repair, having a Carriage House and other out.houses attached to it. It is in a pleasant and healthy part of the town. As the subscriber is desirous of selling out her STOCK OF GOODS, she offers them at redu cod prices. REBECCA TAYLOR. 03* She also ofTers for hire, by the year, a valuable MAN SERVANT. june 13—dtf FOR SALE OR RENT, iK A small two-story FRAME HOUSE and M1LOT on Queen street, between Washington and St Asaph streets. To a good tenant the rent will be made low. Inquire of may 20-rtf CHS. A. NEWTON. TO RENT, A convenient BRICK DWELLING UfrlHOUSE on Henry street, with a large LOT attached. Also, one on Alfred street. The rents low, and immediate possession given. Ap ply to may 10_ W. FOWLE. STORE TO RENT. jgi. The STORE and CELLAR on King st., linear Fairfax, lately occupied by Aaron D. Harmon as a Shoe Store, is now vacant. It will be rented to a respectable tenant upon ve ry moderate terms, and possession immediately given. SAM’L. B. LARMOUR & CO. CABINET, CHAIR, AND SOFA MANUFAC TORY. JAMES GREEN, Cabinet Maker, has on hand, and will constantly keep, at his old stand on Royal street, Alexandria, and at the corner of Tenth street and Pennsylvania Ave nue, Washington, a general assortment of the most FASHIONABLE AND DURABLE FUR NITURE, which he will warrant equal, if not superior in quality, to any ever offered in the District; consisting, in part, of Grecian, winged and plain Wardrobes Gothic, pedestal and plain Sideboards Ditto, with cellarets and marble slabs French and plain Bureaus Dressing do with mirrors Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Secretaries f Book C Pier Tables, with marble and mahogany tops Pillar f claw Dining, Breakfast^ Card Tables Plain do do do do do Ladies’ Work Stands; Shaving Candle do Wash Stands, with marble <f mahogany tops Grecian Sofas; Mahogany Chairs Music Stools, Bidetts, Cribs, Cradles Portable Writing Desks, &c. With a general assortment of BEDSTEADS, of richly carved Mahogany, Maple, and Stained Woods. All of which will be sold as low, for cash, as they can be purchased of the same qua lity at any other manufactory in the Union. Also, An assortment of St. Domingo and Bay of Honduras MAHOGANY, a part of which is suitable for Handrails; Steam-sawed Curl and Shaded Veneers; Copal Varnish of a superior quality; Sacking Bottoms, Cords, &c. TURNING and CARVING handsomely exe apr 3 cuted. 200 June 6 WHITE LEAD. Kegs Pure White Lead, Lewis brand, for sale by ^ H MiLLER. NEW DRY GOODS CHARLES BENNETT HAS imported, by the ship Herald, via Bal timore, and offers for sale— Shoe Thread in bales, superfine and common Cambric and Shroud Muslins • Boys’, Misses’, and Ladies’ Cotton Hose, best make Ladies’ Black Cotton, Random, Angola, and Silk Hose Men’s black Silk, mixed Raw Silk, brown Cot ton, and Random Half Hose English Galoons and black Lustring Ribbons Fine Linen Tapes, in great variety Clark’s Mile-End Spool Cotton Tailors’ patent Black, Blue and W. B. Thread G-4 Book Muslins and Hdkfs, very fine Superfine white and printed Marseilles Vest ing, in small ends A few bales first quality Burlaps, 1, 2, 3, & 0 apr 29 GEO. S. HOUGH IS now opening a considerable addition to his assortment received a few days since, among which are Super Italian Lustrings and Poult de Soie; Gros de Naps, Florences, and Sattins; black Satiii Levantines, (cheap); Fancy Gauze Bon net and Cap Ribbons; Mantua ditto of all co lors and widths; colored Cambrics; Bonnet do; real Grass Cloth, for summer wear; brown French Linens; white and colored Drillings, some super; Vigonia and Summer Cloths; Las ting and Circassians; Russia, Damask and other Diapers; sort dressed Irish Linens; Linen Cambric; ditto Hdkfs; Fancy do., in great va riety; French and English Ginghams; a beauti ful assortment of Painted Muslins and Chintzes; Plain and Embroidered Silk Hose, Cotton ditto, for women and children; men’s Mixed do, very good; men’s and women’s super Hoskin Gloves; long white do; Hildick’s Spool Cotton; white, green, and black Blond Veils; Vesting; white and striped Satteen; fine black Bombazette and Bombazine; Umbrellas and Parasols; Stripes and other wear for boys; Bobbinette and Gre cianette; Feather and Leaf Fans; blue and yel low Nankeens; super Pongees; Bandanna and Flag Hdkfs, some super; Brown Hollands and Lawns; brown and white Russia Sheetings; Irish ditto; Burlaps and Osnaburgs; Fancy Hair Brushes; colored and white Knitting Cot ton; Knotted and Mersailles Q,uilts; Silk Velvets, all colors; black Tabby do., some very good; : Corded Skirts; a beautiful assortment of Tus [ can, Calimenta, Berlin and English Dunstable i Bonnets; very tasty Patterns; Artificial Flow’ ers and Sprigs; super olive, brown, mulbery, black, blue and dalia Cloths: with most other articles in his line, which renders his assort ment choice and general. 4 mo 22 SPRING GOODS. RECEIVED per schooner Washington, this day, a Further Supply uf STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. Among them are the following: 50 pieces blue, black, and fancy col’d Cloths Blue, black, and colored Cassimeres Merino and Vigonia do London Diagonal Stripe do Crape Camlets Black Circassians and Princettas English French bl’k Bombazines, very cheap 60 pieces 4-4 Irish Linens; among them some very fine, unusually low 30 pieces 5-8 and 3-4 Lawns 10 do Irish Sheetings 6-4 and 10-4 Barnsley do Brown and bleached Russia do Russia Diapers and Crash Huckaback and 3-4 Diapers, for towelling 3-4 fine Bird’s-eye do 6-4 and 10-4 Table do [some 8-4 and 10-4 do do Damask,very hand Damask Table Cloths and Napkins Table and Piano Covers, new style, and very handsome Brown Irish f French Linens and Hollands Brown French and Russia Drilling New style Light Spring Prints Ginghams, newest style, in great variety ' 50 pieces Jaconet Cambric and Muslins 34 do Check Cambrics 40 do French and English Muslins, very handsome Plain and figured Swiss and Book Muslins Cambric Edgings and Insertings Thread and Bobbinet Laces and Edgings Grecianett and Bobbinett; Bobbinett Footings Black Italian Lustrings, very cheap Black and blue black Poult de Soie Plain and Figured Silks Black Gro de Suise and Black Silk Muslins 30 dozen Hernani, Crape. Gauze, and Silk Muslin Fancy Shawls and Hdkfs Green, white, and black Blond Gauze Veils, some very rich Gauze, Cap, anu Bonnet niuoons Gloves of every description Cotton Hosiery, a large assortment, and very chcsp French and English Silk Hosiery; some hand some embroidered and clock’d Bead Reticules and Belt Ribbons 11-2 to 22 Lustring Ribbons Black and colored Italian Crapes Linen Cambrics and Linen Cambric Hdkfe Superior white and colored Marseilles Vesting Parasols, a large assortment, and very cheap Silk and Cotton Umbrellas English and American Tuscan Bonnets 30 pieces 4-4 and 6-4 Canton Floor Matting, superior quality, veru cheap 20 bales Brown and Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings 5 do Cotton Oznaourgs Penitentiary Plaids and Stripes Checks, Rouen Cassimeres, a variety of goods for boys Burlaps and Oznaburgs Canvass, Bleached Ticklenburgaand Ravens Duck, &c. 50 dozen Palm Leaf Hats, cheap With many other articles; all of which have been bought upon the best terms—and we are determined to sell as low as any House in the District. Our customers and the public are in vited to call and examine for themselves. We shall receive every week from New York further supplies of Goods, apr 14 W. H. THOMPSON A CO. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. WASHINGTON <fc BRENT have received a large and general assortment of SPRING GOODS, consisting, in part, of Black, blue and fancy colored Cloths Black, blue and colored Casimeres Ginghams, black and fancy Painted Muslins and Calicoes Checked and Swiss Muslins Cotton Hose, plain and fancy Linens, Lawns and Sheetings Damask, Russia and Birdseye Diaper Linen Cambric and Cambric Handkfs Italian Lustring and Gro de Naples Bombasins, English and French Satins and Satin Levantines Fancy Hdkfs and Shawls, in great variety Cambric, Thread and Blond Edging Crape, Veils and Belts Parasols and Umbrellas Men’s and Boys’ Summer Wear, in every variety Straw Carpeting, white and colored 84 packages of Domestic Goods With almost every other article of Dry Goods, all of which will be sold unusually low. apr 2 LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office, Alexandria, D. C., July 1, 1834. ’ Persons applying for letters in the fol lowing list, will please say they are advertised, or they may not get them. Wallis Adam WmB Alexander—2 Miss Ann Boots—2 Wm W Bell Wra J Botelar "H Bumbra Harrison W Bowers Wm D Brown James Bond Geo Carson—2 Capt Jessee Cole William Crook Geo Cudlipp Jefferson Duval Cornelius R Duffie John Darnell—2 John A Dixon George Deal John P Dulany Mrs Mary Deneal “ Mary A Drury James Thos English John P Emerson Chs Fletcher—2 John W Farrall James Fadley Juliana Fitzgerald—2 A Wm S Aubino Jas Atkinson B Miss Mary Burchell Rev Reuben T Boyd Lucy H Berryman Joseph Bailey—2 Mrs Mary W Bickerton William Bird C Mrs Louisa M Collins Nath’l Clark J C Creraer H Carlin D Mrs Hessey Drees Miss Jane M Davis Mrs Dan’J F Dulany Turner Dixon Miss Mary Ann Denty Mrs Sarah W Dudley Miss Emily E Dixon John Diggs E Caroline F Emerson James Every F Jos G Ferrell Fred Foote Miss Fagan G G H Glessing H Miss Nancy Hoskins John B Hubbard “ Catharine J Hodges Wm Howard Joseph Hampson Wesley Hamilton Miss Mary Hogkinson William Huntington Coulson Hieskill John D Harrison James Harris J E Jones Rhoda Javins Joshua Johnson Rich’d H King-2 Elizabeth Kidwell Nathaniel O Lock Thomas Lattimore K William Knight Nathaniel Lucas Moreau Lemoine M Miss Mary McEachern Miss Louisa Mead Wm D Minton—3 Mrs Eliza McCleao Col Wro Minor John Mills Charles Miller Mar> Marriott Mrs Sarah Minor William Mullen Miss Lucy Ann Mullen Theodore Meade Mrs MobalaMcKenny James Mitohell John Mugurv Mordecai Mullen William O’Neal Thomas J Peyton Ellis Price James V Pratt Littleton Powell Mrs Elizabeth H Marl) James W Osburn—2 P Daniel Payne Miss Jane Patterson Mrs Sarah Pelton John Rumney (dec’d) Miss Laura A Rhodes S Jesse Skidmore Chas P Shaw JasM Stewart (grocer) John Shakes Cary Selden Charles Scott—2 Price Skinner Rev R Smith Archibald Simpson Wm C Spillmen Miss Harriett Smith—2 Miss F E Settle Mrs E Sherren W Mrs Nancy Watson WJ J Wright M Worden Alexander West Amey Williams Wm Walker Wm Worthern DAN,¥L'BKy ’ Alexandria, July 1, i83**- 3t_ Henry B Whittington Henry Williams Richard Windsor William Ward Mrs Elizabeth Windsor “ Sarah E Wright Mary Warn' igh f p-M JOB PRINTING neatly executed at tM» office