Newspaper Page Text
ALEXANDRIA: FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1834. • EDITOR’S CORRESPONDENCE. Alb::marlk Cocsty, Va., Jcly 8, 1834. j /•„ the Editor of the Alexandria Gazette. L)kah Sir:—The Whig Festival at Charlottes ville on the 4th was a very spirited and success ful atfair. There has been nothing seen to ^ual it in this county since Lafaye tte’s visit \t 3 o’clock, about 400 gentlemen sat down to the table, Col. Preston of the Senate, Gen. Cordon, Mr. Kice Garland and Mr. McDowel Moore of the House, and Gov. Barbour, being among the invited guests present. The cloth being removed, after several set toasts, one j w l5 offered complimentary to Col. Preston, who arose and addressed the company for about. three quarters of an hflbr with a degree of ener-1 ity and eloquence, which enchained their atten- I tion and wound them up to the highest degree j of patriotic enthusiasm. No man, that had the soul of an American within him, could sit there, within sight of the grave of the illustrious Jef- j ferson, and listen to his glowing descriptions, , painted to the very life, of the corruptions and misrule of the times, without feeling his l irgi niu bl»od boil with indignation. His address, was, indeed, a treat; and could it have been heard by every man in Albemarle, Jacksonisin would doubtless have been, ere that sun went down, among the lost thines on earth, as far as co.tuty is concerned. Ali the leading to- ; jitcs were touched upon and set forth in their proper light;—the Post Office, the Stevenson af j ur, Kitohie’s letter to the K. C., and even the s nrrection man of musty documents received u v\ratch from his scythe, as he proceeded to , n:o v down the remaining satellites of Juckson ,s:u III the course of his remarks, the Colonel . n<t his eves rowurus me cuumvuvv ~.--- ; .Monticellu is situated, and called upon the spi - r of Jefferson to come down and break the • calf” they* were worshipping at the i.»ot uf the jnoimtain. His style and manner Wor« electrical on the audience, and excited the ereaust appl ause. Addresses were delivered by the other guests, which were well received, j Uue gentleman caUed upon the sons of the Old Dominion “toJwry all sectional differences-| to plant the Star Spangled Banner on the Blue j Ridge, and to rally to it from both sides of the mountain:”—othe T9 exhorted the Whigs to “ lay aside aK minor differences of opinion, and to unite in the grevit work of resisting tyranny, | and preserving the Constitution and our liber- , lies from pollution.” The spirit of the fathers ■of ’76 appeared toi t*e alive in their children: all appeared to b«- life and animation among the Whigs—while the other party appeared to be evidently cast down. The company sepa rated at about 8 o’clock in perfect good order, highly delighted, with the intellectual treat they had enjoyed. This affair has created a great •sensation in the county: people have opened th »ir eyes at the array of facts presented for th eir consideration, and they begin to see the trick that was played off on them at the late election Depend on it, the cry of “Bank! B> inkwill not take hereabouts any longer;— Mr. Preston has nailed that to the counter ef fectually: indeed, it is the general opinion that all the musty documents that can be paraded (though bound in marble paper) will not be suf ficient to revive it. Yesterday, being umui aay, v»**n. uuiuuu mi dressed the peopb in Charlottesville. He spoke j in a bold ami manly style, such as became a freeman. He told them that he went to Wash > lgton strongly prepossessed in favor of the administration, and that he had given it his support as long as he could do so consistently with what lie conceived to be the rights of his constituents; but that, when these were invaded, in* felt it to be his duty, his pride, to desert Gen. Jackson. Ills address was received with nuich applause. It is understood that a real set-to is to be made at this gentleman—extra pay and ••very thing else is to be brought to bear against him; and as Mr. \V. C. Hives cannot get into the Senate, he is willing to take a seat in the • ither House. 1 think, at present, that the tide of opinion is rising very strongly against the administration. 1 have conversed with several, who were up to the hub at the last election, who, having rid themselves of the bank delu are decidedly against Mr. Rives and his party. The people of this county are as patri otic as any on the face of the earth; and it is oalv necessity for them to view things in their proper light, to induce those into whose keeping '•ic ashes of a JeJ»*rson are confided, to come ml gallantly in defence of the Constitution and ’.‘unr country’s dearest ;utcrests. Yours, respectfully. • The Jackson men, with -Mr. W. C. Rives at ’heir head, had gathered atxwt 150 persons to gether. between MonticeHo am? the place where rhe Whig Jubilee was celebrated, under the guise of having a People’s dinner the number being too small to call it by its proper name. DISTRESSING ACCIDENT. Extract of a letter, daird ** Winchester, Va. Jury 8, 1834. We wore favored, ou Sunday eveoing last, with a passing visit by the Hon. Henry" Clay*, who was invited to partake of a public diuner. bat declined the invitation, and proceeded on his journey up the Valley next morning, by way of the White Sulphur Springs. He was waited 4>n by ntost of our respectable citizens during lit' stay. I am inclined to think that he would ha\ 'e accepted the invitation, but for a melan < hoi v occurrence which took place near Bruce •own about eight mile? north-east ot Winches ter. The stage in which he was travelling (aD aged lady ouly being in company) upset in-'as cending a hill near Brucetown, by which young Mr. Hemnesickbousc (son and agent ofthe stage contractor) was almost instantly killed. He was sitting on the seat with the driver; the hor ses started to run, which alarmed the young man; he seized one of the wheel horse lines, and j endeavored to check him, which had the effect of breaking the breast strap; this let the stage up on the horse; he became alarmed, and, by a sud den plunge, threw the stage from the track, drew the young man from his seat, and capsized the stage upon his head and neck! The front wheels became disengaged, which released the affright ed horses, and saved, doubtless, the lives of Mr. Clay and the Jady, who were within. Mr. C. and the driver instantly released the young man, , but life had nearly fled. Mr. Clay, while here, I appeared much distressed on the young man’s account, as he had become, he said, somewhat i attached to him, from a short acquaintance be I fore he left the inside of the stage. But for this occurrence, I think it probable that Mr. C. would have stayed to partake of the dinner. Mr. Clay himself, I understood, remained with the young man until he saw him properly attended to, and left him in care of his acquaintances of the line, to whom he furnished all means of information in his power, in order to apprise the neighbors of the accident “ Our town is, as it has been during the spring, very dull, and at present particularly so, it be ing the harvest hurry. Our Wheat crop is ge nerally very fine and heavy; Corn looks flou rishing; and the country enjoys, generally, to lerable health.” It will be seen, by an advertisement in this day’s paper, that the ingenious Artist, Mr. Finn, has commenced his wonderful operations in Fancy Glass Work. We can assure our read ers that a visit will belully repaid by the amuse ment and instruction afforded by Mr. F.’s per formances. The Heather.—On Thursday morning a brisk N. w. wind suddenly and unexpectedly sprung up, which was quite refreshing, after experienc ing for nine davs and nights in succession a ve ry” heated atmosphere. At the Museum, the Thermometer at 8 A. M. stood at 82, and at 2 P. M. at 85 degrees. However, the houses and pavements are so thoroughly charged with heat, that nothing short of a good rain will speedily cool them. An 80 feet Magnolia.—Those who are fond of flowers are advised to read the following ar ticle from Mobile, published in the New York Journal of Commerce: This is the land ol flowers, and moonlight evenings, and soft south ern breezes. Here we have flowersin in every variety, from thedittle picaroon rose to the lofty and most magnificent magnolia. The magno lia is an evergreen, rising to the height of SO feet, and often much more. The leaves are the deepest green, and so full that the branches are scarcely to be seen. Its blossom is of pure white, five or six inches in diameter, and of delicious fragrance. This magnificent tree grows in great abundance in the woods adjoining Mobile, together with the titi. the cucumber tree, which is a species of magnolia, bearing still larger flowers, the accacia, and many others.” Bonny Doon.—The history of the air to which the “ Banks o' Doon” was composed, is uncom mon. It happened that James Miller, a writer in Edinburg, was in company with Stephen Clarke the musician; the conversation turned upon the beauty of the Scottish airs, when Mil ler declared he would like much to make one. Clark* in a jocular way told him that nothing was more easy: he had only to keep to the black keys of the harpsichord, preserve some kind of rhym, and the result would be a true Scottish air. What the musician meant for a joke, Miller took seriously. To the harpsichord he went, applied his fingers with such success to the black keys, that* he speedily produced his tune, which, on receiving two or three touches from Clarke, was given to the world, an I with such applause,that Burns remodclN 1 his ‘-Banks and braes o’ bonny Doon,”and adapted it to the airf somewhat at the expense of its simplicity. Queen Elizabeth.—h\ her evasive answers to the Commons, in reply to their petitions to her Majesty to marry, she has employed an ener getic word. Were I to tell you that i did not mean to marry, I might say less than 1 did in tend; and were i to tell you that I do mean to marry, I might say more than it is proper for you to know; therefore 1 give you an answer, Anmcerles*!”—If'Israeli. DRA WS THIS DA ^ Literature Lottery of the State of Delaware, Class No. 2$ for 1831, To be drawn at Wilmington, Thursday, July 10 HIGHEST PRIZE $10,000. Tickets.$3 50; halves 1 T5; quarters 0 S7 1-2. Virgiuia State Lottery, Far the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Cunal Co. Class No. 13 for 1834. To be drawn at Catts’ Tavern, West End, on Saturday, July 12 1 Priae of $25,000 I 1 Prize of S1.000 j 1 do of 6,000 | 1 Prize of 3,GG0 15 Capital Prizes of 85.000! <tc. Tickets $10; halves 5 00; qrs. 2 50; eighths 1 25 On sale in great variety by J4S. KIORDAN. Uncnrrent Notes and Foreign Gold pur chased.__ DR A It’S THUS DA > Literature Lottery of the State of Delaware, Class No. 28 for 1834, To be drawn at Wilmington, Del. on Thursday, July 10 HIGHEST PRIZE $10,000. Tickets S3 50; halves 1 75; quarters 0 87 Virginia State Lottery, For the btnejit of the Dismal Stramp Canal Co. Claes No. 13 for 1834, To draw at Alexandria, Virginia, on Saturday, July 12 SPLENDID SCHEME: 1 prize of 825,000 I l prize of §4,000 l do of 6,000 | 1 prize of 3,660 15 Prizes of 5,000 DOLLARS! &c. &e. Tickets 10; halves 5 00; qurs. 2 50; eighths 125 Far sale, as usual, in great variety, by JOS« 1M* ('EtA.RKEy (*** *»* DIED, In Georgetown, on the 6th instant, MaAy P. Morton, of this District, after a protracted and distressing illness. COMMERCIAL. Baltimore Patriot Office, i Tuesday, 1 o’clock, P. M. \ The Market.—The “ experiment,” harvest, and the hot weather,"combined, have caused an almost entire suspension of all kinds of business. What few sales have been effected, are to a li mited extent. The Coffee and Sugar markets are inactive; Rio is selling at 12 1-4 to 12 l-2cts; Laguira 12c; St. Domingo is held at 10 1-2 to 11 cents. New Orleans Sugar, limited sales at 6 3-4 to 87; prime St. Croix at 89 to 89 1-2. We liave not heard of any transactions in Indigo or Spices. Salt is plenty and dull. Western pro duce is firm at last week’s prices. 100 hhds. Guadaloupe Molasses, sold by R. Lemmon & Co. this day, at 26 a 27 cents. Flour.—The price of Flour from wagons and stores is very fluctuating, the receipts having become irregular—we quote the price from wa gons at 85 a $5 12 1-2, in some cases a fraction more. Sales from stores 5 25. Some inciden tal sales at 5 37 1-2. The stock does not in crease. Grain.—Wheat—The transactions in this ar ticle being of no moment we cannot venture a quotation. Rye, 70 a 71c.—Corn, white, 65; yellow 66c. The amount in market small. Oats 35 1-2 a 36—very scarce. Whiskey.—The price from wagons 23 cents. Sales fropi stores at 27c. BOSTON MARKET—July 5. i Flour.—There were the usual transactions J for consumption, in the early part of the week, at prices corresponding to our last quotations, but this mornihg the market for Genesee be came more firm in consequence of a reported advance on the article in New-York, and sales were more readily made at former rates. The advices this afternoon seemed to be less flatter ing than holders had anticipated, and the mar ket we consider closes without any change on our last quotations. Grain.—The cargoes which have arrived since our last review have been taken at 72 a 73 cts. for Southern round Corn; 70 a 70 1-2 for white, and 71 for yellow flat. Should there be heavy arrivals the market would not probably sustain these prices, as the dealers are not dis posed to increase their stocks much beyond the immediate retail demand. Oats have gone off with more animation, at 40 a 41c. for North ri ver, and 35 cents for southern. No change of consequence in Rye, stock small.—Courier. SHIP NEWS. POUT OF ALEXANDRIA. 1). C. SaILFD, JlLY 10, Brig John Alexander, Berry, Rio Janeiro. MEMORANDA. Brig Casket, Davis, hence at Boston 4th. Brig Remittance, Bears, left at Halifax 25th ult. for this port in 6 days. Schr. Columbia, Knopp, cleared at New York for this port 8th. Schr. Mount Vernon, Marstoh, cleared at Boston for this port 5th. Schr. Isabella, Pepper, from Alexandria, via Salem, at Boston 6th. • FOR BOSTON The Brig AUGUSTA, Curtis, master, J&4ghaving part of her cargo engaged, Will sail in a few day's. For freight or passage apply to jy 7—eo3t • A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. M0LASSEf^ &c 70 71°barrel ( Prime Porto Ric0 SUGAR 5 hogsheads Molasses 40 barrels Mess and Prime Pork 140 sacks of Blown Salt. For sale by jy 10 HENRY DAINGERFIELD. FINE TEA. 8 Half chests superior Gunpowder Tea, for retailing. just received and for sale by jy o J_ _ _ JAS. D. KERR. LIVERPOOL SALT—AFLOAT. TH1E cargo of the brig Vimtrosa, W. T. Mar shall, master, from Liverpool, of 1i k a ||k Sacks of Fine Salt, “ Ashton’s,” in bleached sacking, filled 10 to the ton 6,000 bushels Coarse do. For sale by jy 6 W. FOVVLE & CO. 30 FRUIT. Boxes Oranges 60 do Lemons salt Received per brig Amulet, from Boston, for tie by jy 3_W. FOWLK & CO. LEMONS. •g aa Boxes Lemons, in prime order, land JLI_fl_r in<? rom the bri"Amulet, from Boston, W DA1NGERFIELD. ing rom the bri tor sale by jy 3 I'DW GUNPOWDER TEA. -g gN Boxes Gunpowder Tea, represented as superior quality, landing from schooner Virginia, and for sale by jv 3 WILLIAM N. McVEIGH. TV FRESH TEAS. Qfl five catty boxes Y’oung Hyson j o c y, Ol/ 2 boxes each 12 2 lb cann’s do | 20 five catty boxes Gunpowder ° 4 boxes each 12 2 lb cann’s do | h ^ ^ 10 five catty boxes Imperial J Hi S Just received per brig Amulet, and for sale by jy 3 S. MESSER SMITH. SUGAR, COFFEE, &c. %% Boxes Crushed Havana Sugar ^ 2 hhds New Orleans do 5 bags Green Coffee 400 bushels White Corn Just received, and on sale at the store on Ir win’s wharf, by „ jy 3 ANDREW J. FLEMING LEMON SYRUP. O X Boxes (one dozen bottles each) Burbeck’s superior Lemon Syrup, a very desirable article for Temperance Societies, just received and for sale by ___ jy 1 WILLIAM N. McVEIGH. A FIRST RATE HERRING FISHERY For Sale. THIS LANDING, which is equal—and the accommodations for curing superior—to any on the Potomac River, lies on the Maryland shore, about 20 miles below Alexandria. To it is attached a very fertile FARM, of about 100 Acres. The improvements are a good Brick ** DWELLING, large Tobacco Houses, with Hother necessary Out-Houses, besides the ve ry extensive Buildings of the Fishery. For par ticulars and terms apply to George Mason, or Hollin Hall, Va. near Alexandria, D. C. jy 3—wtf AIR SLACKED LIME, AT 75 cents per cask, for manure, removal of nuisances, dec, dec. dec jy 11 JOS1AH H. DAVIS. DR A WS THIS DAV Litcrature Lottery of the State of Delaware, Class No. 28 for 1S34, • • Will be drawn in Wilmington,Del. on Thursday, July 10 HIGHEST PRIZE $10,000. Tickets S3 50; halves 1 75; quarters 0 87 Virginia State Lottery, For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co Class No. 13 for 1834. Will be drawn at Catts’ Tavern, (West End,) Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, July 12 SPLENDID CAPITALS: l prize of $2,5000 I 1 prize of $4,000 1 do of 6,000 | 1 prize of 3,660 15 PRIZES OF $5,000 each! Tickets 10; halves 500; qrs. 2 50; eighths 1 25 To be had in a variety of numbers of J. W. VIOLETT, Lottery and Exchange Broker, Near the corner of Kin? and Fayette Streets, Alexandria, 1). C. DR A H'S THIS DA V Literature Lottery of tbe State of Delaware, Chits No. 28 for 1334, To be drawn at Wilmington, Thursday, July 10 HIGHEST PRIZE $10,000! Tickets $3 50; halves 1 75; quarters 0 S7 Virginia Slate Lottery, For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co. Class No. 13 for 1834, Will be drawn at West End, Va. on Saturday, July 12 scheme: 1 prize of 825,000 I 1 prize of 84,000 1 do of 6.000 | 1 do of '3,660 15 PRIZES OF $5,000 eaeh! Tickets $10; halves 5 00; qrs 2 50; eighths 1 25 To be had in a variety of numbers of J. COUSE, lottery $ Exchange Broker. Alexandria. A GENTLEMAN', NOT quite 25 years of age, of ordinary sta ture^nd good temper, by no means disa greeable in his general appearance, and posses sing an easy fortune, wishes to enter into the married state; but having hitherto found It im possible. from inveterate constitutional shyness, to make an effort in person to that end, is com pelled to adopt this mode of making his wishes known. Any lady, not quite as old as himself, who has a comely person, with a good temper, blue eyes and good teeth, and holding a respec table rank in society, would, perhaps, not do a foolish thing by addressing a note, stating when and where an interview can he had, to O. P. Q.., through the Post Offipe. All such communica tions will be treated with the most scrupulous delicacy and secresy. jy 10—3t* JOSIAH a DAVIS, BEING very desirous to close his former bu siness, earnestly requests those indebted to him to call and settle up. Wanted, a few Colored Apprentices to the pa tent ropemaking business. None but those of unexceptionable character need apply, jy 10_ J- H. D. STRAW MATTING, BONNETS, Ac. AN additional supply of 4-4 and 6 4 Straw Matting Tuscan Bonnets; Straw do A few pieces Muslin With a small lot of Blank Books Just received and for sale low by jy 10GEO. WHITE. NEW BOOKS. JUST published, Outlines of Geology, intend ed as a popular treatise on the most inter esting parts of the science; together with an ex animation on the question. Whether the days of Creation were definite periods; designed for the use of schools and general readers; by J. L. Comstock, M. D. author of an Introduction to Mineralogy, &c. <fce. Parley’s Every Day Book for Youth. Also, the first part of the 2d year of Parley’s Maga zine; and a new supply of Parley’s works genc rally, for sale by AUGUSTUS JACOBS. EXHIBITION OF THE ART OK FANCY GLASS BLOWING SHINNING. [Exhibition Boom, at the corner of Pitt and King streets ] V! B. FINN respectfully informs the public it 1 that he will exhibit, for a short time, his curious and interesting art; and can assure those who are disposed to encourage the fine arts, that the exhibition will be found worthy of their attention. The process of modelling fl ames of animals, &c. from Glass, in a state of Fusion, is so wonderfully curious as to fill the beholder with astonishment, and must be wit nessed in order to decide on its merits, as no description can convey an adequate idea of the pleasure it affords. The various productions of the Artist, which are rare and exquisite in their construction, are for sale, and well adapted as presents for relatives or a fair friend. Admission twrenty-five cents. Season tickets fifty-con ts. fdr* Open from 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. july 8—tf___ DU. ALEXANDER HAS removed to the bunding on King street formerly well known as the “ Mechanics’ Bank;” where he may be found at all hours, when not professionally engaged elsewhere, june 26—dlw&eolf _ _ ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria Cointy, ) June Term, 1834. $ JOHN JOHNSON, Administrator ot William Pascoe, deceased, exhibited to the Court his first account, as Administrator aforesaid, with the vouchers in support thereof; which will be allowed and duly recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in August next; of which all persons interested or concerned will take notice. A copy—Test: A. MOORE, Reg. W ills, june 21—w6w ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria Co™™, June Term, 1834. _ ROBERT BROCKETT, Jr., Administrator of Robert Erockett, deceased, exhibited to the Court his second account, as Admimstrator aforesaid, with the vouchers m support thereof, which will be allowed and duly recorded unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in August next; of which all per sons interested or concerned will take notice. A c'py-Test: A. MOORE, Reg. Wills, june 21—6w ___ WHEAT FANS. WE have on hand two Wheat Fans, of the most superior description, for sale. GEO. JOHNSON 6c CO. Also—A few boxes Pound Lump Tobacco, of approved quality, at reduced prices, to close sales immediately. June IEj* The Ladies of Christ Church, St John's Parish, Prince George’s County, (Md.) will hold a FAIR in Piscataway, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 23d and 24th of July next; the proceeds of which are to be applied to the pur chase of a Parsonage. jtine 23 ilj8 V\ e are authorised to announce to the voters of the Congressional District composed of the counties of Westmoreland, Richmond, Northumberland. Lancaster, King George Staf ford and Prince William, that John Taliaferro. Esq., has, in compliance w’ith the wish of many voters, consented to become a candidate at the next election of a Representative for that Dis trict in the Congress of the United States. AUCTION SALES. TRUSTEE’S SALE. BY a virtue of a Deed of Trust from James Morris and Henrietta his wife, to the sub scriber, bearing date the 27th of February, 1834, which said deed is duly recorded among the Land Records of Charles County Court, of Ma ryland, I will expose to public sale, at Littl«ton, in said CoQnty, on Saturday, tbeJOth of Julv next, the following TRACTS andTARCELS of LAND, viz: p* BACHELOR’S AGREEMENT, contain lifil ing 83 Acres. Also, 31 Acres, being part of a Tract of Land, containing 64 Acres, called Elgin’s Discovery. Also, 2 Acres, 3 Rods, 17 Perches, Ac.*, lying and being in said county. The terms are, one third of the purchase mo ney cash; the balapce in two equal instalments, payable in three and six months from the day of sale, bearing interest from that day,for notes with approved security; and on the payment of the purchase money, the subscriber will execute a deed to (he purchaser or purchasers thereof, con veying all the right and title of the said Nlorrip and wife in and to the lands and premises afore said. Such title as is vestpd in me as Trustee, * will be conveyed to the purchaser. JOHN H. JANNEY, Trustee, june 6— 2awGw NEABSCO SLATE QUARRY. JOHN HUDDLESTON respectfully informs the gentlemen of Alexandria and the public in general,that he has a quantity of SLATE on hand, which will enable him to slate as cheap as any one in the District. All persons wishing to have Slating done, may depend upon having it faithfully executed. JOHN HUDDLESTON, Opposite James Green’s Cabinet Factory, on jy 7—eo3m Royal street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. MWill be sold on reasonable terms, or ex changed for other real property in the town, The three-story frame DWELLING HOUSE and LOT of GROUND, formerly occupied as a tavern, situated at the corner of King and St. Asaph streets. Being on the most public street in the town, it is a very desirable stand for bu siness. For terms apply to jy 3—tf CATHERINE BRAWNER. WHITE SULPHUR' SPRINGS. The subscriber respectfully informs his illii friends and the public generally that the SPRING, formerly known os “DUVALL’S,” is now opened for the reception of company. Every attention will be paid for the accommo dation of those who may visit this Spring. The situation possesses many advantages,—located five miles west of Winchester, in a healthy and agreeable neighborhood, remote from any wa ter course. The properly has undergone a tho rough repair; nearly all the buildings are new, and sufficient room to accommodate about 76 persons. The water is highly medicinal, hav ing stood the test for 25 or 30 years. Many re spectablc certificates could be procured, were it necessary, to prove the value of this water. In dyspepsia, diarrhea, affections of tlie liver, cu taneous affections, suppressed perspiration, de bility, and many other diseases to which the hu man system is subject, this water, upon a fair trial, I hope, will not be less efficacious than any sulphur water whatever. The accommodatiOnf shall be equal to any other watering place; the most trusty servants provided, and our table shall be furnished with the best our markets af ford. I trust that a few weeks can be agreea bly and profitab y spent at this Spring. There is a Shower Rath of sulphur w’ater, and a Warm Bath for invalids. This Spring is but one day’* travel from Baltimore and the District; the stage passes it three times a week, from Harper’s Fer ry, by way of Charlestown. It is, also, but one day’s travel from Bath and Capon. Boarding only $6 per week, or $1 per day for a less time; children and servants half price. Dinner 50 cts; breakfast and supper 37 1-2 cents. The Sha nondale Wuter will be kept constantly. ALLEN WILLIAMS. Frederick Co. Va. July 2. 1834. Jy 4—lm PARLEY’S MAGAZINE—SECOND YEAlf. THIS day received, Part the First (making seven Nos. bound up) ofParlcy’s Magazine for 1834 and 5. Parents who wish to encourage their children to earning, can in noway fur ther their object better than by putting tliis truly valuable work into their hands. One year’s subscription, bound up in 4 quar ter parts, and delivered free of expense, $1. Quarterly Nos. sold separately at 25 cents. Subscribers will please call for their Nos. jy 4'_W. M. MORRISON. QUILLS! QUILLS! rilHE subscriber has just received a new A stock of excellent Quills, of all the different numbers; which he offers for sale at extremely low prices, jy 2 AUGUSTUS JACOBS. NOW IS THE SEASON FOR using DK. WEDDERBURN’8 STO MACHIC BITTERS, a grand restorative to health, and one of the grand preventives against Billions, Scarlet, and Intermittent Fe vers, and Cholera. The good effects of these Bitters can be proved by thousands. They are prepared and sold by him, at his Shop on King street, between Fairfax and Royal streets, one door above Morrison’s Bookstore. • Alexandria, July 2, 1834._ CARRIOLE AND HARNESS. A SECOND-HAND CARRIOLE, strong and well made, nearly new, with harness com plete, for sale by jy 2_GEO. WHITE. ARCHIBALD HENDERSON, JR. A TTORNE Y AT LA If, WILL practice in the Superior ar.d Inferior Courts of Fairfax and Loudoun Counties. . and in the Superior and Quarterly Courts of Prince William. His office is a front room in the Hotel of William D. Wilcoxson, at Fairfax Court House. june 9—Im HATS! HATS! HE subscriber has an Ertentire A**ortmrt t * of EXCELLENT HATS, which he offers for gale, wholesale and retail, and wjli take Al exandria Bank paper, and the notes of any of I the Banks of the District whfch T' pended specie payment, iune J