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(t?* Public .Mention* I S r»-*pectfull> •olicitei bv the subscriber. to an in* I. nluaHle preparation, the merits of which have been tested by time, an-’ ire sustained by undoubted testimony UK. KKkFE'S c? Botanical Drops! are every year increasing their loug established repu tation Thev have outlived many rival nrep*r»*‘ona» and are continually training upon public confidence. The Botanical Drop* have been successfully admin istered for many years, at a thorough remedy for that well known and prevalent cists of inveterate disease* which originate from a vitiated habit ot body, or an he reditary predisposition in the patient, and generally appear under the vanou* and distressing shape*of. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Leprosv, St Anthony • Fire, rever Sore*. White Swellings, Scurvy. Foul and Ob stinate Ulcers. Sore Legs and Eye*, Scald Head, an:! Venereal Taint. . In the last mentioned condition of the system, the Botanical Drop* will be found to eradicate the lurk ing poison, where mercury ha* totally failed,and thus prevent the patient from entailing the seeds of an he reditary disease on his offspring Dr. Relfe’s Botanical Drops are successfully used in cases of violent eruptions after th$ measles—red blotches—pimples on the face—festering eruptions on the skin—and'other diseases of the external surface! and are one of the best Spring and Autumnal physics known, to free the system from humors A physician of eminence, who had witnessed the ef ficacy of this article, had the pandor recently to ack oowledgc to the proprietor, that he considered it the medicine known, for the complaints fur which it is intended, and that 1t ought deservedly to stand at the head of the whole class of such remedies. Price f l a bottle, o~ 6 bottles for |5. WHITE TBSTH! AND HEALTHY GUMS! THOSE who would retain or restore these desirable personal advantages, ate assured that no compo sition can be obtained superior tc the_ BRITISH ANTISEPTIC DENTRIFICE. This is an elegant and pleasant preparation in every respect, ami has, for many years past, given universal satisfaction wherever it has been used ... The Antiseptic Dentritice is exempt from acul and other deleterious ingredients, which too frequently enter the composition of tooth-powders in common use. an J it whitens the enamel of the teeth without doing it the least injury. The regular use of this ad mired powder, by purifying the mouth and preventing the accumulation of tartar, operates as the best pre ventive of the Tooth Ache The Dentrifice removes discolorations, ami restores the beautiful native white ness of the enamel. As its application braces and strengthens the Gums, it secures to them their healthy and florid hue, and, by removing all offensive foreign accumulitions from tha teeth* preserves the natural sweetness of the breath. Pric-.* 50 cents •#s None genuine unless signed on the outside punt ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, T- Kidder, imme diate successor to the late Dr- W. T- Conway. For sale, with all the other “Conway Medicine,” at bis Counting Room, No 99. next door to J Kidder’s Drug Store, corner of Court and Har.over streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston THOMPSON KIDDER. And, by his special appointment, by WM. STABLER, Fairfax street, Alexandria. *•* Large discount to those who buy to sell again. Consumption! Asthma! £* Catarrh! IN that long train of disease* which seem to grew with the growth of civilized society, Consumption take* the lead in its relentless inroads upon human life; yet this dreadful disorder is easily overcome in its earlier stages. It is only when neglected thst it ar rives at the terrific maturity which so often Daffies the ngseitv of professional science- An obstinate cough isthe customary Forerunner of the pulmonary con sumption Improper neglect in the timely aJminia tration of simple and salutary remedies, is sure to be reproved by a dreadful succession of consumptive symptoms —oppression of the breast; greenish and bloody spittle; ulcerated lungs and hectic fever; shri veiled extremetiea, and general emaciation of the whole bodv; prostration of strength; flushed cheeks; swollen feet and legs; and at last, in the lull posses sion of the mental faculties, and while hope still whia | pers her flattering tale—cold extremities, and a pre mature death. . _ , For the various stages of this complaint, one ol the most approved remedies ever yet discovered is DR. RELFE'S ASTHMATIC PILLS. ] This exceedingly powerful, and yet equally safe and i innocent preparation, has effected thorough and rapid : cures upon patients supposed to have been far advauc cd io a confirmed Consumption, and who have exhibit* ed the appearances which usually indicate a fatal ter mination of 'he disorder. As the Tills require in ordinary cases no confine ment, they may be administered with confidence and safety to all ages an I classes of people. Unexampled success has hitherto attended their administration in a great variety of cases; and the proprietor can refer to a multitude, which testify to their efficacy in reviving the emaciated victim Jrom the bed of disease, and re storing him to the blessings ofaccustoined health and aC Pnce #1 for whofe boxes of 30 pills, and 50 cents for half do. of 12 pills, with directions Debilitated Females* Fl^llS complaints peculiar to the female part of JL community, ha>e been long successfully trei the * ----„ . pertxA by the administration of the Aromntic i ills^ onjinully prescribed and compounded by Dr. Uelfe. They cleanse the blood from those disorders of the femsle constitution, for which the pills are an effectual speci fic; they restores free circula ion, reform the irregular operations of the sanguferous system, an 1 rectify the disordered habiia. The proprietor’s confidence in the superior excellence of ,tbis equally inaocent and pow erful preparation, is founded on the moat decisive tes tiraony from many restored patients. He can as»nre this Dortion of the public, that when DR. RELFE'S AROMATIC PILLS FOR FEMALES are regularly taken, according 10 me directions, ac companying them, they revive and establish the desir ed healthy habits, and restore to the pallid counte nance the natural glow of health and good spirits Married ladies will find the pills equally useful, ex cept incases of paegnancy, when they must not be taken; ueither must they be taken by persons of hec tic or consuinpuve habits.'' They may be used success fully by either men or women in ail Hypochondriac, Hysteric or Vspounsh disorders. In all cases of this description, the pilla purify, invigorate, and revive the disordered system- Price 91 50 a box. •#* None genuine unless signed on the outside print ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, T. Kidder, imme diate successor to the late Ur. W. t\ Conway. For nle, with all the other " Conway Medicine,,” at bis Counting Koora, No. 99, next door to J. Kidder's Drug gt<>re,corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Cou rt Hall, Boston THOMPSON KlDUtlt. And also, by his special appointment, by WII. S, Fairfax street, Alexandria. %* L»rg« discounts to those who buy to sell again. To Rheumatic Invalids! PKRSONo suttering under Rheumatic Affection are respectfully assured that they can obtain of the proprietor and his sgentsa safe and admirable re me dvfisr Rheumatism, however obstinate the disorder may be, and in all its different stages. MPr. JeW* Liniment! will afford uomediate relief to the patient, end has sometimes been attended with such extraordinary sue cess as to cure the most distressing Rheumatism in tweaty-four hours, even wueu of years standing. ihu hiacidy valuable JLuument is recommended with • confidence founded on the experience of ma iy years, not only as a core for that excruciating d'S* >as“,hut as an excellent application for Stiffness oftne loints. Numbness, Sprains, Chilblain*, &c. (This article is considered so superior to every thing else, and to possets such uncommon virtues, that t is ordered from all parts of the country.] (XT An Agent recently writes: " Please send me a Further supply of Jebb'a Liniment the first opportum. ty—1 shall probably sell a considerable quantity, as it is recommended by some ot our physicians very high ly, although contrary to their rules and regulations to five encouragement to such (or, patent) medicines. But is a most decided proof of their confidence in ita invaluable properties Another agent writes: “I wish you to forward me nme more of Jebb's Liniment, which has recommend* ed itself very highly.” Price 50 cents a bottle. The Painful and Debilitating Complaint of THE PILES Receive* immediate relief, »na in numeroui mwim-c* , has been thoroughly cured, by the administration ot DUMFRIES’ REMEDY FOR i t? THE PIIiES. . T4IS approved compound also mitigates ana re move* the symptoms which frequently accompa ny that disorder, and increase the danger of the pa tient, vis: pains in loins, headache, loss of appetite, indigestion, and other marks of debility A relieved patient writes from a distance: “ It is but justice to inform you, that I have used your Dumfries’ Remedy for the Files for some time past, and have found it eminently successful.” _ The remedy is quite innocent, and may be adminis tered to all ages and both sexes. Plain and ample di rections, with a description of the complaint, acconi- ! pany each package, which consists of two boxes, one j containing an Ointment, and the other an Electuary. ! Price *1 for both articles, or 50 cents where but one is wanted DUMFRIES’ Itch Ointment! IB extensive sale and established reputation of Dumfries’ Itch Ointment, encourages the propri etor to recommend it with renewed confidence to the public, as a most innocent as well as powerful applica tion for this annoying disease The most inveterate cases have been cuuxn ix on* sour! by this esteem ed Ointment It contains no mercury, or other noxi uus ingredient, and may be confidently applied even to the youngest children, or to pregnant females — Price 374 cents. None genuine un’ess signed on the outside prin ted wrapper by the sole proprietor. T. Kradtr, imme diate successor to the late l>r. T. Conway. For sale, with all the other " Conway Medicines,” at his Coun ting Koom, No. 99. neat door to J. Kidder’s Drug Store; corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston THOMPSON KIDDKH. And also, by his special appointment, by •#» Large discounts to those who buy to sell again. jan IS WM STAULEH, Fairfax street, Alexandria. Albion Corn Plaster! rp||K Albion Corn Plastersoftens the corn, however 1. old and tough, and extracts it to the very roots. The relief afforded is gentle, immediate, and tho rough. . The proprietor begs leave to submit the following case, from Mr Stowell, who is well known to the in habitant* of this city, especially at the South Rod and South Boston, as * very worthy and respectable citi zen:— A Cas*. Sia -I d > not hesitate to give my most unqualified approbation in favor of your valuable Albion Corp Plaster. By the use of less than a box, Mrs Stowell has been cured of a corn on each foot, which had been exceedingly troublesome and pa>nful for years, and I think it but juatice to your invaluable preparation to add, (for the encouragement of those who, owing to repeated disappointments in the various remedies re sorted to, have finally despaired of a cure.) that your Plaster curs'd her corns, after trying other highly re- j commended remedies »o no purposes and what in j creases mv confidence in the superiority of your Plas ter. is the fact, that it has been used by several of my neighbors with equally good success (Signed) Seth Stowell, Keeper of the Toll house, South Boston Bridge. Mr. T. Kiunaa, Proprietor of the Conwmy Medicines. Boston, June lTtb, 1839. Price 50 cents SORE AND INFLAMED EYES. r|l!IK studious, the weakly, and o hers, who are JL troubled with soreness or inflimmalion of that delicate organ, will be able to obtain a most pleasant and invaluable application, in DUMFRIES’ 05“ BYE WATER! This well established Wasn for the Kye is perfectly innocent, and gives immediate relief, even in very ag gravated cases of soreness and inflammation. Price 25 cents THE TOOTH ACHE. THIS agonizing disorder is cured in its must painful stages, by one of the most simple as well as pow erful remedies known in modern practice I he CAMBRIAN TOOTH ACHE PILLS afford instant relief, without inflicting the slightest in jury on the teeth They are applied externally to the parts affected, with the great, si ease, and expedition, end generally operate as a soothing lenitive to the suffering patient. Price 50 cents a bo*. &#* Dyspepsia =£$ OF most obstinate character, after hav ng baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians and withstood the most highly recommended medical pre parations, has been checked, relieved, and cured, in a number of instances in and about this city, by using, for a short time, Dr. IIkife’s VEGETABLE SPECIFIC, AND ANTI-BI LIOUS PILLS, in connexion, according to the directions accompany ing the Specific It is also one of the best medicines known for Sick Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, Nausea, and Flatulences. Price of the Specific and Pills, 50 cents each. *#* None genuine unless signed on the outside prin ted wrapper by I t «ple proprietor, T. Ktddder, im mediate successor to the late Ur. W T. Conway. For sale, with all the other " Conway Medicines,” at his Counting Koom, No 99, next door to J Kidder's Drug Store, corner ot Court and Hanorer streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston. THOMPSON KIDDER. And also, by his special appointment, by WM. STABLER, jan 24 Fairfax street, Alexandria. • • Large discount to those who buy to sell' again. PAVE ST RIGHT SECURED. . BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. SHEPHERD’S PATENT SPECIFIC OINTMENT, (formerly Judkins’,) Prepared by C. HERSTOSS, near Frederick-, town, Maryland. Kicuxoso. Va- July 15, 18J0. THE public will be pleased to understand that 1 was the original discoverer of Judkins' Ointment, and •ole proprietor of the patent from September, 1817, ! until the expiration of the samei out, having connect-' ed myself with Ur. Judkins in the commencement, I • permitted the Ointment to bear his name. The term of the patent having expired on the 26tli June, 1 have ( made an improvement in the same, and taken oat a pa-11 tent thereon. N SHEPHERD !, (XT' Imposition having been practised upon the nub- \ tic by a spurious article, bearing the name of •• Jud- 11 kins’ Ointment,” the proprietor avails himself of the < authority granted to him iu his letter* patent, now to call the Ointment after his own name. Henceforth it will be known by the name of SHEPHERD'S PATENT SPECIFIC OINT MENT, (formerly Judkins'.) , When 1 firat made and prepared this Ointment, and bad, in several instances, experienced its Rood effects, I sent it to several physicians, with instructions in what casea to apply it, who were of opinion that the Oint ment would be a valuable public benefit. I concluded that the Ointment would occasionally fall into many hands, some of whom would probably undertake to make it, and knowing the difficulty of the proceaa—-ne vertheless, it might be progated in this adulterated^ si tuation, as it might in some degree resemble the origi nal—-and in this way ita good effecti would be oblitera ted Under theae consideration*, I aecured the origi nal and certain remedv for those obstinate diseases, tome of which have so long b&fflei the skill of me dical science: 1st white swes'ings or every uejcripuun, i 2d Sore lew and ulcers of long standing,. 3d Schirrus or glandular tumors, particularlythose j hardened tumors in wurn-rn’s bveasts, which oftentimes i terminate in ulceiated cancers; 4th Felons; or what some people know by the name of catarrhs, of every description. 5th Rheumatic pains ofthe joints; 6th Sprains and bruises of every description, or to whatever part situate; 7th Tetters of all kinds. In this complaint the pa tient, in applying the ointment, must keep the part out of water; 8th Chilblains or partsaffected bv frost. It is also one of the best remedies for burns and scalds. It eases the pain and draws the fire out in a short time. For inflamed women's breasts and glandular swel lings, it is superior to any medicine yet known to the in dical faculty. It is much safer than mercurial ap plications, (as it does not contain the smallest atom of any preparation of the mineral,) because it does not lay the patient liable to injury from exposure to cold. This Ointment has cured sores of msny years stand ing. Where it is impossible or imprudent to heal the external sore, in consequence of the bones becoming carious oi rotten, it will atop the progress of the.caries, the quantity of discharge, remove the offen sive smell, and ease the paina. It caret the worst Felods and Whitlows, on applica tion of forty-eight hours CERTIFICATES. From the [Jm. John Cocke, Member of the House uf Re presentatives in Congress. Wash■ kotow, Mari h 22. 1826 Sir -My son having been afflicted for five years with white swelling, and having applied every reme dy recommended bv the most eminent physicians within mv rpaeh without success, I at length procured one jug of Ur Judkins' Patent Specific Ointment, and made the application according to the directions ac companying the Ointment, and state, for the benefit of the afflicted, that before one jug was used, a perf-ct cure was effected. My son has enjoyed good health ever since. I have no doubt that tothe Ointment alone he is indebted* for nothing else was used for more than nine months before the application of the Oint ment. Uespectfully, Joan Cocke. Ur. Wm. Gunton, Washington City. From L P. IF Butch, E*q Counsellor at Law, F- ede. rick, Md Fubiismck, Md. May 6,1831. Mr. C Hcrstons—l deem it proper to state, for the benefit of the public, that, several years since, two of my children were affected with scald head of an inve terate character. My family physician, I)r John T. Wilson, of l.eesburg, Va who was very skilful and ju dicious in his practice, in vain endeavored by every means to effect a cure. At length Judkins’ Ointment was applied, and the affection was peimanently reliev ed. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, L. I*. W. From the Honorable John 'l’aliaferro, Member of Con gress, dated w ajum*ot<>9 , Janaa> v 21, 1829. Si*—It has been my wish, fora considerable time, to communicate to you the good effect with which 1 have used the Oinfment invented by a Mr. Judkins, and which I now understand is made and sold by agents appointed by yourself, I have applied this Ointment during the last three years to every species of tumor and wound, without failure to produce a cure in every instance. I consider it the most decided and efficient remedy in all cases of tumor, be the cause whatit may? and 1 have found nothing so good for wounds of any description It may be proper to add, that the cure of a tumor called white swelling, given overby the most lislinguished physicians as in* curable, and which th -y decided would, without ampu tation, prove fatalto the patient, was, under my imme diate notice, effected by t he use of Judkins’ Ointment, and the patient is in fine health His limb affected by the tumor being restored to a perfect state of sound ness. Also that the legofanaged man which had been wounded, and exhibited one dreadfully ulcerated sur face from the knee to the foot, and which, for more than two years,had been considered incurable, wasef feclually cured by the application of Judkins’ Oint ment. I mention these two cases, whichfellunder my immediate notice and management, as a decided evi dence of the efficacy of this remedy in cases of tumor and ofulcerst I have exneienced, as decidedly, the good effect ofthis remedy in the cure of Felons, and of every species of fresh wound. It seems to me that any one who wll observe on the operation of this Oint ment, must be satisfied $s to its beneficial effect lean with the utmost confidence recommend the use ofthis valuable remedy. lam, sir, very respectfully, John Taliaiebho N. B. To more fully guard the public, (the proprie tor) l). Iterston’s name will appear in his own hand writing, written through the circle outside the ointment pot vl (rj» Sold by appointment, in Alexandria, wholesale and retail, by W M. S 1 ABLKIt, oct is Druggist, Fairfax street. DR. LEE'S GENUINE PATENT .Vevi liimOUm XkWioua ViUa^ JUST received, a fresh supply »f the above useful Medicine, direct from Ur. Lee’s Dispensary 12lh mo30th, i83J. W. STABLER. The following extract is published by l)r.'s an thority, vis;— Extract of a letter, written by a very respectable gen, residing in Baltimore, to the subscriber, wiio deems it his duty, though unauthorised, to lay it be fore the public, withholding the writer's name, for particular reference, should any require it per>on- j ally. SAM. II. P LEE. Baltimorx, August, I8JB. Doctor S. II. P. I.EE. New London. Conn. Dun Sin—It is now upwards of twenty yean that I have used your New London Bilious Pills in my fami ly, and always found them an efficient purgative in al most every description of disease, and believe they sa* ved many a long doctor's bill by their early and timely use. I never found their accustomed certainty to vary in their operation and effects until a few months past; and having; since then, been sadly disappointed in eve ry instance of using them, I began tc conclude that you had made your fortune, and abandoned their manufac ture to mercenary and unfaithful hands. Under this impression, I accidentally saw an advertisement of yours in a New York newspaper, designating spurious imitations from your own manufacture, by having your WHITTEN SIGNATURE to each bill of directions, and that in no instance were the imitations signed with pen and ink, although a perfect copy in every other respoct Finding those 1 had without this teat, 1 be fan to suspect that “ all was not fair in medicine, as well as in politics, and called at several of our apothe :ariee for your pills, with your written signature. - I ound many without this teat, but noue with it, until I :ame to the Messrs Kcerls’, who aasured me they bad hero direct from you. I procured a box, and on using hem, found the aame effects from them I had always Experienced, and am to much rejoiced on finding my le'fin possession oF a medicine t so highly prize, that > th»t | cannot, in justice, refrain from gitm j you this | information. OCT To avoid the imposition of counterfeits and spu rious imitations, as related above, the purchaser has only to examine the bill of directions trv-ring each box, and if signed at fbot. in my own handwriting, im mediately under my printed name, they are genuine, and prepared by me; but if omvx the printed name is affixed, they are spurious, and to be avoided. g. H. P- LKE, New London, Conn. Dec. 1823. ' HTGEI A.NISM. I THE following testimonials of the superior efficacy ; of the HYGEIAN MEDICINES in the cure of our diseases, speak in a language which must carry conviction to the minds of the most skeptical:— ^ Bbowr Universitt, Dec. 25, 1813. To Mr. Samuel Young, Agent for the Hygeian Vege- i table Univ^raal Medicines, for the State of Rhode Island. Sib—Gratitude to the Great Preserver of Men c, n pels me, in compliance with your request, 'o giv a brief statement of a cure, which, I think, ! recetv-d from the Hygeian Medicines. I give publicity t" the same the more cheerfully, because thereby, p -'haps, l may be useful to some of my fellow-men, who may be afflicted with a similar disease. My complaint was called Pulmonary Consumption, and that my real condition may be explicitly tin er | stood, I state, in connexion with the relation ut the cure, some of the symptoms of the disease In 8» p tember, 1832,1 caught a severe cold, which settled -n | my lungs; I was confined to my room about one week, , with a fever, attended with considerable cough; my I cough soon abated, and apparently, I was regaining , my health; when, after about three weeks, in the course of the night, having returned the evening be fore in usual health, 1 found myself bleed ng at the lungs. I had not. to my knowledge, received any hurt ! or strain, to which the cause of this might he attribut ed. I spat blood, occasionally, for four dais; it left me with some fever, pain in the breast, very little ap petite, and withal, very weak A few weeks determined that I was in a decline I received the attention of the most skilful Physicians, who often seemed to check the progress of the di.s ease, and inspire the hope of a speedy recovery. But rel'pse upon relapse, and each bringing me lower than the preceding, seemed to bhffle all human skill, and warn me of an approaching dissolution. Thus, months after the first attack, a “ tubercle” [small ul cer] broke in the lungs, after which I spat blood, one •lay. I continued to decline twomonths longer, when I obtained the Hygeian Medicines I had now been unable to sit up a whole duy, for four months and a half. My feet were cold and lifele»s sleep unsound, ; cold night sweats constant, tongue furred, pulse in the afternoon from seventy five to one hundred per mi nute, food produced great distress, appetite very poor, pain in the breast directly opposite the heart, attended with some cough, fisc. Ike. Stic!) was my condition, when I first became acquainted with the Hygeian Medicines I commenced taking the medi cines. four pills at a dose, and increased the dose dai ly, one up to the number of twelve- Jn about ten days, my appetite became good, and fo >d produced no distress, sleep 9oon became sound and refreshing, and in about forty days the symptoms of the disease had nearly all disappeared I took the medicine sixtv days regularly every night, averaging about ten pills It a dose; the greatest num ber taken at any one time was fifteen. After this, I took about four doses a week, until 1 had taken about thirteen hundred pill-*, when 1 found my9elf restored to health. After I commenced the Hyg- ian, I took no other medicine. One year from the first attack, I was able to resume my studi-s in college, where I have since remained without any recurrence of the disease I lit If rto I have been convalescent; and it my strength is not yet fully returned, I am certain I liave less pains, and atn more free from temporary sickness, than at any time since my earliest recollec tion. Yours, with respect, HORACE T. LOVE. On H Sim hkabd Moat. Dear Sir—I wish to state tliat my sister, after severe suffering, ami employing a medical man tlirec years, was relieved by the use of the Universal Medicines. Her complaint was a violent pain and soreness in her side; indeed, to use her own expression, her .is on one side had turned in, actually deformed The pain was a violent burning p tin, almost intolerable; so see vere, that she could not ait up for upwards of three years- It was occasioned by over-lacing here o If, and perhaps, over exertion with it. After using % few, dose* of No. 1 and 2, alternately, about eight pit's for a dose, the pain decreased, and, by perseverance in their use, she is nnw restored to health; sod i have no objection to this CK*e being made public for tbe benefit of others; and am, dear sir, yours trulv, II. DYER. Lowell, Massachusetts, Feb 8, 1834 In justice to Dr. M. h<*r medical adviser, when he heard her improvement in heulth, he recommended perseverenee m the use of he medicines. This valuable Medicine, being composed only of vegetable matter, or medicinal herbs, and warranted, on oath, as containing not one particle of mercurial, mineral, or chemical substances, (all of which are un congenial to the nature of man, and therefore destiue live to the human frame,) is found to be perfectly harmless to the most tender age or weakest frame, <un der every stage of human suffering; the most pi asant and benign in it, operation, and at the same time the most searching out the root of every complaint, how ever deep, and of perfottiling a cure, that was ever offered to the world. This wonderful effect, too, is produced by the least trouble to the pain-nts, by merely swallowing a certain number of small pills, and being called a few extra times to the purposes of eva cuation, with the least possible sensation of pain, or exhaustion of bodily s’reogtli, and without the Icar of catching cold, or attention to dress or diet, in any way diff erent from their accustoim d habits. Those pills cure all cases, and cannot betaken to excess Experience, which is the touchstone of all human knowledge, has long borne testimony to the fact; and extensive use of them has already verified its truth in this country. These medicines cure by purging; and yet the weak, the feeble, the infirm, the nervous, the delicate, are in a few days strengthened by their operation, beca ise they clear the body of its bad humours, and invariably procure sound sleep. They are the safest and most efficacious menicine to take to seM; preventing scurvy, cosliveness, he, The Vegetable Cleansing Powders are of great as distance to patients, and facilitate the evacuation of bad humours; they soften, cleanse, and detach the acrimonious phlegm; are cooling, and allay the thirst. One, two, or three powders may be taken throughout the day, mixed in halfa wine glass of water. The genuine Medicines can be had of WM. POMEROY, Alexandria, Sole Agent for the Dittrict of Columbia and its vicinity, i By whom the Pilla are sold in packets of one, two, and three dollars each, and the Powders at 374 cent! per box, with printed directions; and also* by the fol lowingSub-Agents: It. W. Polkinhorn, between 9th and 10th -.treets, Pennsylvania Avenue; John Stillins, Navy Yard, Washington; and Thomas C. Wright, I Georgetown; of whom alone can the Medicines be 1 warranted genuine. By appointment of Dr, H. 9. Moat, H. P. M., M B. C. H , Brooklyn, New York,‘he sole importer of these Medicines. Morrisonia, or the Family Adviser, priee $2 75; Prac tical Proofs, illustrated by numerous cases of cure, third edition, price 37 j cents; to be had as above, apt 5 —tf BANK NOTES WANTED. IS. N1CHOLLS wishes to purchase Bank • Notes of all the Banks which have stopped specie payment within the District of Columbia, and will give the highest prices in specie—80 to 85 cents. Washington, may 0—dtf 4 Removal. Tim subscriber respectfully tutorms his friends and the public that he has removed his Book and Stationary Store a few doors east of his former stand, nearly opposite Jonathan Butcher’s Hardware Store, where he will sell at a very small advance, particularly for cash. He will also pay particular attention to keeping a proper stock for the use of Schools and Semi naries, having made such arrangements as will enable him to supply them with classical and other works generally in use. Books procured to order, with all possible dr spatch. junellAUG. JACOBS. BOOTS AND SHOES. AD. HARMON has just received, per brigs « Token and Wankinco, from Boston, a Farther Supply of Gentlemen’s Seal-skin and French-edged Mo rocco Boots, suitable-for summer weai Men’s fine Shoes and Pumps Do fine and common Munroe Shoes Ladies’ Lasting, Seal-skin, Kid, and Moroc co Slippers Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, various qualities Together with those iqanufactured in town comprising every variety, making his assort ment complete; which are offered, either whole sale or retail, very cheap._may 9 STEPHEN S. SANGER, IN tendering his sincere acknowledgements u. his friends and the public for past patronage respectfully informs them that he still continues to manufacture, and has now on hand. BEDS, MATTRASSES, SOFAS & CHAIRS. And Cabinet Furniture, of good materials and workmanship, which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. The public are solicited to call, before they purchase elsewhere, at his Upholstering and Ca binet Hure-Hoom, on King street, between Co lumbus and Henry streets, where he will satis factorily execute all orders for articles in either ofthe above branches. Repairs in either line done neat, cheap, and expeditiously. oct8—tf- _ EARTHENWARE, CHINA, AND GLASS rilHEsubscriber has no.w open, and offers for JL sate, a large and handsome assortment of GOODS in his line, which he is anxious to dis pose of at moderate prices. Among them are Blue, brown & purple Dinner Services “ “ tl Plates pother table ware “ “ “ Bowls, Mugs Tea ware a “ Ewers & Basins & Toi let Sets China Teasets and Cups f Saucers, plain and gilt _ China Pitchers, Mugs, Bowls, Jtc. do d«* India China Dinner Service, dishes and plates extra Cut and plain Hall and Table Lamps, great variety Cut, plain, pressed and moulded Glassware Blue and green-edged, cream-colored, and painted or enamelled Ware, in all their varieties Stoneware of excellent quality, Alexandria manufacture Pipes in boxes, 3 gross each, English and German „ Black lead Crucibles; Cooking Furnaces Furniture Knobs; Window Glass in halfboxes Cash sales being out ofthe question, a liberal credit will be extended to punctual customers. ROBERT H. MILLER. Alexandria. 3d mo 27, 1S34__ CHINA AND EARTHEN WAKK. HC. SMITH has on hand, and offers foi • sale on moderate terms, a full and hand some assortment of CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHENWARE. China Tea Sets, plain f gilt, various pattern Dinner Sets, blue, purple, and pink, printed India China, in sets or separately Lamps for Passages, Tables, &c. Castors, silver mounted and plain Pipes bv the box Window Glass of every size Stone Ware of an excellent quality WILLIAM STABLER HAS received the following articles, with others, in addition to his stock, viz: Fresh Chamomile Flowers Soda for Washing; superior Sal iEratus Butler’s Magnesian Aperient Moxon’s do * do Best Honduras Sarsaparilla Best Jamaica Ginger, bleached, in race and powder Best Turkey and India Rhubarb, in root Washed Sponge; Evans’s Lancets, genuine White Mustard Seed, very superior and fresh, for medical use Camel’s Hair Pencils, long and short, superior Pure English Mustard Opium, Turkey and Egyptian Bermuda Arrow Root Griffiths’ Adhesive Plaster, spread English do do do Fine Flake Manna; Prepared Charcoa’ Spanish Float Indigo Pearl Tapioca, a beautiful article Salad Oil, fresh Sheet Gum Elastice, for Rheumatism Silver grain Cochineal Calcined Magnesia, (English) Do do do heavy Do do Henry’s Acidulated Lemon Drops, (English) Ginger, Peppermint, and Fruit Lozenges*(do' Dr. Ambler’s Tooth Powder Low’s Double Distilled Lavender Water. very superior article, (English) Au assortment of NEW CHEMICALS, viz. Strychnine, Morphine, Quinine, Iodine, Ac. N\ B. SODA WATER, carefully prepare*; by W. S.“ with apparatus of the best construe tion, may now be had, and will be kept running throughout the season. Particular attention i paid to the Syrups, which are formed of the hr?: materials. _ _ ?1'. TO THE GREAT FALLS. The Cana. Packet Boa: (wi: oiini WASIIIS<< TON has commenced her regular trips, 01. Tuesdays and Fridays, for the Great Falls m Crommelin, starting from Frederick Street Bridge, (Georgetown) at 8 o’clock, A. M.. an : returning the same day at or before sunset. Far to and from Crommelin, 50 cents. The Canal is now in fine order, and the cou;: try presents a beautiful appearance. To who are fond of a short excursion, and desir* a short relaxation from business, a trip to the Great Falls Offers a most delightful treat. JEJ* Parties, on any other days of the week, can be accommodated, by giving a short notic* or application to the proprietor, living on Third street, Georgetown. Z. M. OKFUTT. SHELL COMBS REPAIRED. SHELL Combs, of all sizes, that have bed. broken or injured, will be cemented or re paired by the subscriber. Also, SHELL COMB*' made to order. JOHN CUDLIPP, Corner of King and Royal street* mar 25—6m