OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette. [volume] (Alexandria, D.C.) 1834-1974, July 23, 1834, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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fcjiiU is the coutir.ua!. everlasting " burthen ot
^Henceforth, .ben, wo think, no objection can
be reasonably made against the *«•«««*
once of the Bank. Deprived ol its aid, the Ad
ministration would get along as badly as they
would have done last winter in the Senate de
mised of Mr. Forsyth’s services-serv.ceo too
valuable, we have seen, to pass by without re
ward- _______
\ memorandum on a way-bill from Wash
ington, Indiana, states that Mr. Charles Slade, a
member of Congress from Illinois, died about
4-i<sl,t miles from that place, while on his return
home. Mr- Slade was a native of this place,
arid many of his triends and connexions reside
in this neighborhood._
Mr. Gibbs, the President of the Union Bank
of Tennessee, cautions the public against pur
chasing or receiving certain State Bonds origi
nally assigned to the Bank of Maryland, and
uhich that Bank assigned to the Union Bank
,f Maryland. These are the famous Tennes
M-e Bonds, about which so much has been said
, j connexion with the name of Mr. Ellicot, the
late President of the Union Bank of Maryland.
Since writing this paragraph, we have seen
tlie following in the Baltimore Gazette:
••On Saturday last, General G. W. Gibbs of
Tennessee, now in this city, was arrested a-, the
-mt of the President and Director* of the i a.on
It ink of Maryland, in an action claiming >' «m
to the amount of 8500.000, in consequence
an advertisement published by him in the
morning papers and may be seen in the Gazette
of Saturday, in which all persons are cautioned
i!.<t to receive assignments of the Bomls'holdby
the Union Bank. General Gibbs declaring
himself to be unprepared to give bail to the
amount of damage as required, was commited
s»aoi, where he remained, til! morning. The
circumstance becoming generally known, a
ui-vting of a number of respectable merchants
m l others was held at wliich it was determined
• > unite in giving the bail requiied, and about
• iirtv of them owning property worth three mil
lions of dollars, signed the Bail bond and effec
ted his release fiom prison.”
It. Mickle, Cashier of the Union Bank of Ma
ryland. has published, by authority of the Board
„f Directors of that institution, a aeply to Ger.
cliobs’ Advertisement. The Bank excitement
continues to prevail in Baltimore.
Win. Gwynn, E*q., the late proprietor and
able editor ofThe Baltimore Gazette, has sold
hi, establishment to Mr. Win. Gwynn Jones, and
retired from the station w hich he has filled for
the last twenty-one years, with credit to himself
and*advantage to the public. Mr. Gwynn will
probably, hereafter, devote himself exclusively
to the practice of his profession as a lawyer.
We welcome his successor as a member of the
. jitui ial corps, while we regret the loss of his
Mr' Leigh is extraordinarily abused in the
Globe, following, in this, the lead of the Rich
mond Enquirer. The Administration will leave
no*stone unturned to prevent Mr. Leigh’s re
election. Putched-up instructions from differ
ent counties to their delegates will be prepared.
Every expedient will be tried —but—in vain!
Mr McLane, the lute Secretary of State,
with his family, left Washington on Monday in
the steamboat for Baltimore, on his way to his
residence at Wilmington, in Delaware.
The Vice President le>t Philadelphia for New
York on Saturday moruir.g. During his short
?>kjy he was visited by a great number of citi
zens, and at his departure was loudly cheered
by a concourse of his ft tends, who had assem
bled to testify their respect for the “ Rejected
of the Senate.’’ He was accompanied by the
lion. C. C. Cambreleng.
The Hon. John Forsyth, Secretary of State,
arrived in Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon,
and has taken lodgings at Swords’ Philadelphia
House, Chesnut street.
Mr. Taney was to make hi?'public entry in
Baltimore about 3 o’clock on Monday last. We
learn from the Republican that the committee
of reception were “ to assemble at the Three
fan Tavern (corner of Pratt and Pace streets)
at 2 o’clock, and thence proceed on horseback,
;coompanied hv such of their fellow-citizens of
t io c.ty and neighboring counties as may r.ink
proper, to meet Mr. Taney at the lines of the
i uy. w hore he is expected to arrive at 3 o’clock,
an.I ,-scoit him to the public meeting,” at the
t' huiabian Gardens.
H •/</ Region of Pennsylvania.-—It is stated
m the Lancaster Journal, that veins of gold
having large deposites, have been found in that
county, which are thought to be as rich as any
mine in the South.
We are much pleased to learn that the corres
pondence commenced by the merchants of New
Yak with President Biddle, published in this
pj,'( e on Monday last, has had the effect, in a
gn >! degree, t>* relieve the m >ney market. The
Ba ik at Philadelphia, on its last discount day,
mere tsed its loans $200,000, and the New York
Branch 3100,000.
.1 Clipper indeed!—The Boston Mercantile
-hUlrical of Friday, hears, the following testimo
ny to the fast sailing of
1 Baltimore Clipper.— The most remarkable
instance of rapid sailing recorded, is probably
’ >e ease ot the brig John Gilpin, of Baltimore,
•' thorough clipper of course, which vessel left
Ba.timore about two years since, and arrived
to Batavia after a passage of S2 days—proceed
ed irom thence to Canton and Manilla in 16 days
- from Manilla through the straits of Sunda,
roirid South of Mew Holland, to latitude 48
h'g. or 50 deg. to Valparaiso, in 85 days—and
h orn Valparaiso to Lima, in 6 days 17 hours—
’ inking an aggregate distance of 34,920 miles
;,t 18C» days, 17 hours—averaging a fraction
more than one hundred and eighty three miles
P'relay! .
" * have the above from an authentic source,
incredible as tt may appear, it may be re
i.«'d on as correct.
•" e have found amongst the toasts given at
one of the celebrations of the Fourth, the fol
mg allusion to a late event:
1’hf. Boston Boys; If they can't “Go the
> Hog," they can “ Go z-ilead.''
i The Reporter for the National Intelligencer
concludes a report of Mr. Wise’s (of Virginia)
speech on the Harbor Bill with the following
“ Mr. W. said much more, which we are una
ble distinctly to report; for no sooner bad he
alluded to the Presidential question, than a
sound pervaded the Hall like that of a hive dis
turbed, and much of what he afterwards said
' was drowned and lost in the hum of private
Mr. Wise is not the only man in the House
who finds what be says “ drowned and lost in
the hum of private conversation.” In the same
debate, Mr. Lane of Indiana said he was a
friend to the bill in totoj and he had voted to
lay it on the table only because he had appre
hended that the West had been treated unfair
ly. He must repeat his astonishment at the
course of the gentleman over the way, (Mr.
Hawes,) when his own Salt River—
Mr. Hawes. The gentlemen must not attempt
to row me up Salt River: it was Green River, not
Salt River, for which I moved an amendment.
Mr. Lane. Well, be it so. Green water is of
ten salt, and perhaps the gentleman’s Green Ri
l ver might, fronqits name, be included in the salt
water rivers, to which some gentlemen were for
confining their constitutional assent.
Sending a Challenge.—The Boston papers
i mention that Robert C. Hooper, was arraigned
| at the bar of the municipal court of that city on
Wednesday last, on an indictment for sending
! a challenge to fight a duel, in January last, and
' pleaded not guilty. The case had been conti
; nued. and Mr. Hooper , held to bail in the sum
j of $1000, and two sureties for the same amount.
Tailors LooTi Out!—The annexed information
: we find in the Bath, Eng. Herald—if it should
prove true, we may expect in a short time, a
i lowering of the price of clothing. “ An ingeni
■ ous mechanic is niakinga machine for the pur
■ pose of sewing. It is to be upon the stocking
frame principle, and he has so far succeeded as
to form a straight strain, which when pressed
down, looks equally neat arid strong as if done
with a needle. Should the plan succeed gene
rallv, a suit of cloths, after they are cut out, may
be put together in one hour, by one man, with
the exception of working the button holes and
putting buttons on.
Burden's Boat — We learn that this boat is
about to receive a further alteration, which
will take several weeks to complete. Her wa
terwheel was considerably injured in her last
trip to Hudson. It was found too weak to bear
the enormous pressure of the engine upon it.—
Probably its diameter will be reduced. It is
said that her trip from Hudson to this city was
performed in two hours and three minutes, the
I tide being slack, and that no further doubt can
! exist of her ultimate success. She lies at West
; Troy, where crowds are attracted to view her.
Albany Dai. -1 dr.
; Literature Lottery of the State of Delaware,
Class No. 30 for 1S34,
To be drawn at Wilmington, Del. on Thursday,
July 24
Tickets $3 50; halves 1 75; quarters 0 87
Virginia State Lottery,
For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co.
‘Class No. 14 for 1834.
i To he drawn at Catts’ Tavern, West End. on
Saturday, July 26
1 prize of S30.000
l do of 12.000
1 prize of
1 do of
Du uapuai rrizes in ^ i.uw.
I Tickets 10; halves 5 00; qurs. 2 50; eighths 1 25
To be had in a variety of numbers of
Lottery and Exchange Bhokeh,
Xear the corner of King and Fauette Streets,
Alexandria, D. C.
Literature Lottery of the State of Delaw are,
Cluss Xu. 30 for 1834,
Will be drawn in Wilmington,Del. on Thursday,
July 24
Tickets S3 50; halves 1 75; quarters 0 87
Virginia State Lottery,
! Fur the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co.
i ‘ Class No. H for 1834.
| Will be drawn at Cutts’ Tavern, (West End,)
Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, July 20
1 Prize of $30,000
1 do ot 12,000
1 Prize of
1 Prize of
50 Capital rrizes ot $l,uuu: <vc.
Ticket* S10; halves 5 00; qrs. 2 50; eighths 1 25
For sale, as usual, in great variety, by
(Sign of the Flag of Scarlet and Gold.) king st.
Alexandria, i>. t .
Literature Lottery ot the State of Delaw are,
Class’ No. 30 tor 1834,
To be drawn at Wilmington, Thursday, July 24
Tickets $3 50; halves 1 75; quarters 0 87
Virginia State Lottery,
For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co.
Class An. 14 for 1834, v
To draw at Alexandria, Virginia, on Saturday,
July 26
1 prize of
l do of
1 prize of - 53,ouu
1 prize of 6,0u0
50 Capita) Prizes of *1,01)0! &c. c\c.
Lowest prize 812 . , , , nri
Tickets 10; halves 5 00; qrs. 2 50? eighths 1 22 .
To be had in a variety of numbers of
ItnUtry 4 K.rrhavse Broker. Alexandria.
Literature Lottery of the State of Delaware,
Class No. 30 for 1834,
To be drawn at Wilmington, Thursday, July 24
Tickets $3 50; halves 1 75; quarters 0 S7
Virginia State Lottery,
' Fw the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co
Class No. 14 for 1834,
Will be drawn at West End, Va. on Saturday,
July 26, at 2 o’clock, P. M.
1 prize of $30,000
l do of 1,2000
1 prize o! tf»,UUU
1 prize of 6,000
50 Prizes of 1,000 uullaksi *c. olc.
Tickets $10; halves 5 00; qrs2 50; eighths 1 25
On sale in great variety by
Uncurrent Notes and Foreign Gold pur
' £>IED,
j On Sabbath last, the 20th instant, Mr. Lincoln
Chamberlain, for a number of years a much es
teemed merchant and useful citizen of this town.
The loss of such a man will be felt by all who
knew him; while to his bereaved and afflicted
family, young in years, it can. never be repaired.
Yet they are not left comfortless: for though the
call was sudden, he had anticipated jts arrival,
and his end was peace. “ Blessed are all they
whom the Lord when he cometh shall find
At her residence in Frederick County, Va. on
the 13th of June last, Mrs. Elizabeth Griffin
Williams, in the 73d year of her age, daughter
of the late Colonel Leroy Peachy, of Richmond
County, Va.
To those who have known her, and partici
pated in the blessings such characters dispense,
a few words, not of panegyric, but such as merit
claims, will tell the general sorrow this dispen
sation of Providence has created. To a life ex
tended beyond the common lot ot humanity, was
added those social and Christian virtues, accom
panied with that sincerity to her fellow-beings,
and devotion to God, that, while we drop over
her grave the tear of sorrow, our hearts are
lightened of their griefby the reflection that a
life so long and so well spent, hasled to that hap
piness which is alone the reward of virtue. J.
On Sunday night, after a painful illness ot se
veral weeks, which he bore with singular forti*
tilde, Ropkiit Leckie, Esq. aged 59 years, a na
tive of Perth, Scotland, for many years a natu
ralized citizen of the United States, and a most
respectable and enterprising inhabitant of
At Baltimore, Md. on Tuesday evening, the
15th instant, in the 23d year of his age, after a
very short illness, Thomas H. Davidson, son of
Janies Davidson, Esq. of Washington. The de
ceased was on his return from the West to the
place (if his nativity, when the fatal messenger
arrested his progress, and blighted the fond
hopes of his parents.
Flour.—The demand for export is very limit
ed. only about 1300 bbls Superfine having been
disposed of at $5 1-4; 177 do Rye, at $3 62 1-2;
considerable parcels of Genncssee and other
Flour have been taken by retailers at S5 a 5 1-4.
The stock of Superfine Flour is estimated at
about S.000 barrels which is rather moderate.
Meal.—Sales of a small lot in hhds at l3 75.
We have been favored by the Flour Inspector
with the following statement of the amount of
Flour and Meal inspected for the Port of Phila
delphia, for the last six months, ending 30th of
June, 1831:
Wheat Flour
Do do
Corn Meal
Do do
134.600 barrels
3.977 half do
15.026 parrels
1.063 do
11,884 do
3.174 hhds
Grain.—The price of Corn has declined since
our last, and sales at the close of the week made
of yellow, at 62 1-2 a 63c, and white 60c. There
has been but little demand for shipping during
the week; the sales are principally to retailers.
About 10.000 bushels yellow have been sold at
66 1-2, G6, 65, 63 1-2, 63c, and dull at the latter
price. We quote Wheat at 05 a !j>1 09, and
no sales reported to us. 1000 bushels Oats, 25c,
from store.
Flour.—There has been some demand for ship
ping qualities, but the sales-jare not of much mag
nitude, and prices have sustained no essential
change sipc? our last report. Howard street is
in most request for consumption, and fancy
brands Petersburg for exportation. ,
Gntin.—No change in the demand has been
noticed within a few days, and prices are lower
for Corn than they were at the close of last week.
12 to 15000 bushels white yellow flat have been
sold at 67 a 69c. and northern round 72 a 73c.
per bushel. 8000 bushels Oats 40 a 4lc. for North
River, and 35c. forsouthern. 1000 bushels east
ern live at 66 a 67c. per bushel.
Aukiveu, July 22,
Rohr. Alexandria, Heald, New York, 90 hours;
freight for the District. *
Brig Remittance, Bears, cleared at Halifax
4th for this port.
1 fi Hogsheads Sugar and Molasses, repre
I U sented to be of good quality, to-day land
ing from the Alexandria, and which will be sold
low by J. &.J. DOUGLAS.
Who have lately received some very superior
fpp^A. jy —eo3t_
*** The Schooner BALTIMORE, Capt.
Waide. She is an excellent vessel, and
carries about 1000 barrels. Apply to .
rfgr The Packet Schooner II ASHIXGTOX\
jt^XoHN Knapp, Master, will sail on Saturday,
the 20th inst. For freight apply on board, or to
jv 2i STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf.
kk The Packet Sloop SflldljER. D. Teal,
Master, will sail on Thursday. For freight
apply on board, or to , • ,
jy 21 STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf.
The coppered Brig BEL \ IDE HA, f ap
^l^£tain Wf.yr. For freight of 100 hogsheads
or.sm,!! stowage, |fffrtopA|KgERFIELD,
5 000 PoUnds piin'e W"S,ert‘
_ 7 _ ceived per sloop Miller, Teal, from
Philadelphia, tor sale by n
jv 21 . W. FOWLE «• t'O._
8 Pipes old and superior Pori Wine, from the
house of Hunt, Newman, Roape & Co. of
0,.or|o, for sale by ^ p0WLE t c0.
National Intelligencer 2 a week 6 weeks.
•g o Half Chests, “Emily Taylor’s” cargo,
l,f, J".receiveJ “"r^mmsIromith.
-g Bags handsome quality Green Cotlee,
10 landing from schr. Washington, fioin
New York, and for sale by vrir„
Having a new Carrier for the upper part |
of the town, if any errors are made in the deli- j
very of papers there, subscribers would oblige i
us by leaving word at the office.
THE subscriber respectfully informs his,
friends and the public in general that they
can be supplied with MILK & CREAM, at nil
times of the day, at his dwelling house on Prince
street, between Fairfax and Royal streets; or
he would deliver to families morning and even
ing, by the week or month,
jy 23—eo3t EDW’D. A. MAY.
HAVING been duly authorized by the con- '
tractor of the 5th section, upon the 2d Di-,
vision of the Lateral’Rail Road from Baltimore
to the City of Washington, to lure 150 ABLE
BODIED COLORED MEN, to work upon
said section: For such men I will give SO" cents
per day. and pay them at the expiration of eve
ry 26 days they work.
jy 23—eo2w JOHN H. POTTER.
ANA WAY from the subscriber, living in
t/ Prince George’s Court/, State of Mary
land, near Horn Head, a negro woman, named
IIEN IVY. She runaway on the 2d instant, with
out an)' cause. Description: She is about 30
years old, of a common size, very dark skin, .
but rather likely; no lles-Jj marks recollected; a
down look when spoken to, commonly show
ing much of the white of the eye, by looking
sideways, or rolling the eye. Her clothes com
mon, not recollected. 1 can get no information
what course she has taken, but believe she in
tends to make her entire escape, if possible. I
will give the above reward if taken out of the j
State, and secured in jail so that I get her again; i
and will give thirty dollars if taken in the State,
and secured so that I get her, or brought home, j
for which 1 will pay all reasonable charges,
jy 19—tf NAYLOR D. WALLS.
SEALED Proposals will be received by the
subscriber, until the evening of the 26th in
stant, for erecting a BRICK BUILDING, to till
the space between the wings of the Theological
Seminary, near Alexandria.
The proposals will embrace the Building com
plete, which must be of first quality materials
and workmanship.
Gentlemen disposed to offer will receive eve
ry information, by applying to the subscriber in
Security will be required for the faithful per
formance, and the work to commence forth
'with. Payments made as the work progresses,
and as may be agreed on.
W. YEATON, Snpcrintendent.
jy 18— dt26th [Nat. Int.]_ __
TI1E Heirs of the late James H. Ilooe ami E.
T. Hooe having agreed to convey all the
estate which descended to them from the said
James II. and E. T. Hooe to Bernard Hooe and
T. W. Hewitt, for the purpose of paying the
debts of the said James H. Hooe and E. T. Hooe,
upon the assent of the principal creditors of the
said James H. and E. T. Hooe to the stipula
tions in the said agreement contained—we here
by request the said creditors to call at the office
of Bernard Hooe, where the said agreement is
left for their inspection and signature.
July 17th, 1834. B. HOOE._
PERSON'S wishing to gravel their yards, or
the walks of their gardens, w'ith fine gra
vel, can be supplied with GRAVEL, at Mil
burn’s Landing. _ MOSES HEPBURN.
THAT a General Meeting of the Stockhold
ers of the Fauquier and Alexandria Turn
pike Company will take place at Buckland, on
Friday, 15th August next, for the purpose of
electing a President, four Directors, a Treasur
er, and other officers of said Company.
BERNARD HOOE, Treasurer.
jy 18—t!5thAug_
A FURTHER supply of assorted Nos. just
received from the Phenix Shot Tower Co.
of Baltimore, and for sale by
jy ]4 S. MESSERSMlTil.
JOHN HUDDLESTON respectfully informs
the gentlemen of Alexandria and the public
in general,that he has a quantity of SLATE on
hand, which will enable him to slate as cheap as
any one in the District. All persons wishing to
have Slating done, may depend upon having it
faithfully executed.
Opposite James Green’s Cabinet Factory, on
jy 7—eo3m _Royal street.
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens and
visitors of Alexandria that he may he con
sulted at Mr. A. Newton’s Hotel on the first and
third Wednesday in every month, from 9 o’clock
A. M. until 2 P. M. All letters addressed to Dr.
G. at his Office, between the United States’
Bank and the President’s House, Washington
City, or left at Mr. Newton’s Hotel, Alexandria,
wlli be punctually attended to.
j^n 2—eWedtf _ ___
A CAMP MEETING will be held, under the
direction of the Ministry and Membership
of the Methodist Protestant Church, on tfie land
of Col. William Miner, in Alexandria County,
D. C. near the Old Falls Church, commencing
on Friday evening, the 15th of August next.
The Ministers and members of the Methodist
Protestant Church, particularly, with all other
persons who may feel an interest in the success
of the meeting, are respectfully invited to at
tend, and unite in its religions exerciser, jv 18
ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandra County, /
Jiue Term, 1834. $ I
Robert jamieson, wunam ;
and Thomas Sanford, Executotsof Robert I
Anderson, deceased, exhibited to the Court their
first account, as Executors aforesaid, jjhh the j
vouchers in support thereof; which w ill 1 al
lowed and duty recorded, unless cause be shewn ,
to the contrary, on or before the first Monday ,
in August next; of which all persons interested
or concerned will tune notice. A copy—Test:
iunc 21_w6w A. MOORE, Reg. Wills. 1
ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria County, ) j
July Term, 1834. $
Laughlin Masterson’s Children, exhibited
to the Court her first account, as Guardian afore
said, with the vouchers in suppoi t thereof; which
account is received, will be allowed, and duly
recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary,
on or before the first Monday in September
next; ofwhicb-al) persons interested or concern
ed will take notice. A copy—Test:
jv 11—w6v . A. MOORE. Reg "
AT the residence of the late Dr. Thomas
Semmes, (corner of Cameron and Fairfax
streets.) will be sold a variety ot Apothecaries’
Furniture, Glass, Medicines, Shop Fixtures and
Appurtenances; together with some other arti
cles. Among the latter are two pair of large
Copper Scales, a single GIG, Ac. Many of the
articles are worthy the attention of purchasers.
Sale to take place on Saturday next, 26th in
stant, at 10 o’clock, A. M.
B. HOOE, ^Executors
jy 23 S. J. POTTS, 5J!'xcculor8
Xt* ^at. Int. 3t, and send-account to thisjoffice.
On Tuesday, the 5th Au
gust next, will be sold the
' Steamboat P O TOMA C,
1 built at Norfolk. Virginia.
of the best materials, and most faithfully put
together; copper fastened, and recently re
coppered with heavy copper. The Potomac
is 129 feet seven inches in length; breadth 26
feet 6 inches; depth 8 feet 7 inches,—and mea
sures 261 36-95thstons: of a beautiful model, and
a most excellent sea boat, with a full inventory,
which may he seen at the Office of the Marine
Insurance Company of Alexandria. Engine
complete, with the exception of the boilers,
which have been taken out. Sale at 12 o’clock,
M., at Mr. Hugh Smith’s wharf. Terms made
known at the time of sale,
jy 21—3-iwts N. WATTLES, Agent.
frj* National Intelligencer, Baltimore Ame
rican, Norfolk Beacon, and Richmond Compi
ler, twice a week till sale. ._
UNDER the authority of a deed of trust from
Peter Hewitt and wife, and Jane Moxley,
at 10 o’clock, A. M. on the 30th day of July,
1831. will be sold on the premises, at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder, for cash,
/ a A LOT of GROUND, situate on Royal
Till street, in the Town oT Alexandria, with a
HOUSE. thereon,—.ormely belonging to Mul
thuin Perrin, late of said county,—and which is
parcel of a half acre lot, mentioned in the plan
of said town 45, and bounded as follows, to wit:
Beginning on Royal street, and on the west side
thereof about seventy-four feet from the corner
of the aforesaid lot, which points to the south
east: running thence northwardly on Royal
street twenty-four feet; thence westwardly, and
parallel to Cameron street, to the line dividing
lot No. 45 from lot No. 117 in said plan of Alex
andria; thence southwardly with said dividing
line twenty-four feet; thence eastwardly, and
parallel to Cameron street, to the beginning.
And also a certain other LOT, parcel of the
above-mentioned lot No. 117. beginning on the
east side of Pitt street onp hundred and ten feet
six inches and a half from the south corner of
Pitt and Cameron streets; running thence south
on Pitt street twenty two feet; thence east, one
hundred and fourteen feet live inches, to an al
ley of nine feet; thencr northwardly on said al
ley twenty two' feet; thence westwardly, one
hundred and fourteen feet five inches, to the
beginning. On which lot is erected a FRAME
DWELLING HOUSE, and which, also, for
merly belonged to Mr.' Perrin.
jy19—dtSOthJy__Trust? K
WILL be sold, at the Corporation Wharf, on
Saturday, the 146th instant, at 12 o’clock,
for the beuefitof whom it may concern,
awHOWARDi when and where the terms of
sale will be made known,
jy 17—t26th W. D. NUTT, Auct.
National Intelligencer and Baltimore Pa
triot will publish the above till sale.
TWO large Scows, suitable for transporting
goods or ballast, d-c. Ac.
/>-v The subscriber respectfully informs hi«
f:;if friends and the public generally that the
‘SPRING, formerly known as “DUVALL’S,”
is now opened for the reception of company
Every attention will be paid (m the accommo
dation of those who mav visit Spring. The
situation posses *••> many advantages,- -located
five miles west nl Winchester, in a healthy and
agreeable neighbor hood, remote pom any *vy
ter course. Tu<* property has uud -rjom a tho
rough repair; nearly all the tub! i . • t,'
and sufficient room to accommou; ■
persons. Tiie water is highly un dic i v*, 1
mg stood the test for 25 or 30 yean. Meey «
spec-table certificates could be pi ocurca, ss ere
i necessary, to prove the value of this wafer. In
dyspepsia, dim rhea, affections of the l.vir, cu
taneous affections, suppressed perspiration, de
bility, and many other diseases to which the hu
■ man system is subject, this water* upon a fair
I trial, I hope, will not be less efficacious than any
I sulphur water whatever. The accommodations
shall be equal to any other watering place; the
most trusty servants provided, and our table
shall be furnished with the best our markets af
ford. 1 trust that a few weeks can be agreea
bly and profitab y spent at this Spring. There
is a Shower Bath of sulphur water, and a Warm
Bath for invalids. This Spring is but one day’s
travel Rom Baltimore and the District; the^stage
passes it three times a week, from Harper’s Fer
ry by way of Charlestown. It is, also, but one
day’s travel from Bath and Capon. Boarding
only 86 per week, or $1 per day for a less time;
children and servants half price. Dinner 50 cts;
breakfast and supper 37 1-2 cents. The Sha
nondale Water will be kept constantly.
Frederick Co. Va. July 2, 1834. jy 4—Ira
OR Bowel Complaints in Children, Ac. for
sale by WM. STABLER.
Certificate from Dr. It'm. llacon, Pu/tor of the
Huptint Church at Pittsgroce, Salem Coanty,
New Jersey.
Having been made acquainted with the ingre
dients composing L>r. Jayne’s Carminatix'e Bal
sam, I believe it to be n very happy combination,
and a useful medicine in many complaints which
almost constant! / occur in our country, such as

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