Minutes pass—The anxious husband paces
s owly across bis study. He is a lather, a man
, hild is born into him. Minutes pass—Ihc child
i „ been blessed by a parent, whom it cannot
,,'coenize. and pressed to that bosom, to which
i alone guides tor sustenance—the young
’.fe too has faintly answered to a husband’s
questions, and felt his warm kiss on her tore
' I fours pass.—The low moaning from the
c'osely covered cradle, tells of the first wants
t,l its ittlant occupant. The quiet tread of the
nun}e speaks of suffering around her; while her
,,iaj countenance, says that the veiy suffering
which she is trying to alleviate, is a source of
,and the nameless articles, which from time
k. tune she arranges on the hearth, tell of a new
c aimant for the courtesies and attentions of
who have progressed further on the path
wav of existence.
[)ays pass.—Visiters are thronging the cham
ber, and the mother, pale and interesting after
her recent sickness, is receiving their congra
tulations, and listening proudly to their praises
of the little treasure, which lies asleep in its
r.>cking-bed at her feet. The scene shifts, and j
the father is there with her alone, as the twi-1
,ic»ht deepens about them, while they are plan-1
fiTi1' the future destiny of their child. I
\\\rks pass.—The eyes of the young mother |
iiro sparkling with health, and the rose blooms I
,i Min on her cheek, and the cares of pleasure |
!md home engage her attention, anil the fa- I
ther is once more mingling with the world; ,
vet they find many opportunities each day |
j() visit the young inheritor of life—to watch i
over .'is
jiLs dreamless slumber—to trace each
other's looks in his countenance, and to pon
_r upon tfte felicity, of which lie is the bearer
'' i/o"a« pass.—The cradle is deserted. But |
»| . chamber floor is strewed w ith play tilings,
’ 1 there is a little one loitering among them, j
aIiom? half lisped words, and hearty laugh, and I
vmnv countenance tell you, that the entrance (
intu life is over a pathway of flowers. The era
ju ;s e-unty. but the last prayers of the parents ■
aiv uttered over the small crib, which stands ,
b. th**ir own bedside, and theii latest attention j
s •dven to the peaceful breathings pi its occu-,
' Years pass.—Childhood has strengthened i nto
novhood and gambled along into manhood.—
Mid connexions are broken—parents art* s»eep
i»in their graves—new intimacies are formeo
_~i new home is about him, new cures distract
(Uin. He is abroad, struggling amid the busi
ness of lilt*, or resting from it with those whom
ha> chosen from his own generation. Time
t> beginning to wrinkle his forehead, and thought
is fobbed his looks of their gaiety, and study dimmed his eyes. Those who began life,
utter lie Had grown up, are fast crowding him
out 0f it, and there are many claimants upon
bis industry and love, for protection and sup
port. ,
Years pass.—His own children have become
men. and uie quitting him. as he also quitted
the home of his fathers. His steps have lost
their elasticity—his hand has become familiar
with the cane, to which he is obliged to trust in
his walks. He has left the hustle which fatigued
him. He looks anxiously in each days paper
among the deaths—and then ponders over the
name of aa old friend, and tries to persuade
himself, that he is younger, and stronger, and
has a better hold upon life than any of fiis co
Months pass.—He gradually diminishes the
circle of his activity. He dislikes to go abroad,
where he finds so many new faces: and he
grieves to meet his former companions, after a
short absence, they seem to have grown old
and infirm. Quiet enjoyments only are relished,
—a little conversation about old times—a sober
game at whist—a religious tr eatise,—and his
early bed, form for him the sum total of his
IIe»'.V.f puss.—Infirmity keeps him in his
chamber. His walks are limited to the small
space between his easy chair and his bed. His
swollen limbs are wrapped in flannels. His
sight is failing—his ears refuse their duty, and
his cup is but half filled, siuce otherwise, his
shaking hand cannot carry it to his shrunk lips,
w ithout spilling its contents. His powers are
weakened—his faculties are blunted—his
strength is lost.
Days puss.— The old man does not leave
?us bed—his memory is failing—fie talks but
c innot be understood—he asks questions but
they relate to the transactions of a former ge
relation—he speaks of occurrences, but tl.i re
collection of no one around him car' go back
to ti ir scenes—he s**cms to commune with
coin* ados, but when he names them, it is found
that the waters of time and oblivion have long
^ overed their tombs.
/Jmrs pass.—The taper grows dimmer and
>! i in it* er—the machinery moves yet more and
mure sk'wlv—the sands are fewer as they mea
- re the .allotted span. The motion of those
. oiit him k unheeded, or becomes a vexation.
K u i fre>h inq liry after his health is a knell. The
i rings of life c an i'O longer force on its wheels
—the' -silver chore! is i’nst untwisting—the pitcher
k bi often at the fountain -and time "is a burthen.”
lli> childien are about h.m. but he heeds them
not—his friends are near, but he does not re
cognize them. The circle is' completed. The
course is run—and utter weakness brings the
damp, which ushers in the night of death.
Mians pass—His breathing grovs softer and
lower—his pulse beats fainter and feebler.—
Those around him are listening, but cannot
tell w hen they cease. The embers are burnt
oid—wid the blaze flashes not before it expires.
His three score years and ten” are number
ed. Human life‘‘is finished.”—V H. l*al.
■PROPOSALS will be received by me until
«■ die lstot September for the supply of Two
Hundred fords of good, sound, merchantable
''AK WOOD, (one-third to be green wood,) at
r"tt \\ ashington, Md.; one-half to be delivered
i>v 1st of November, the other half on or be
'ie Dt December. 1834. The wood must be
onivered and corded on the Hill, and at such
p! iee as the Acting Assistant Uuartcr Master
■ 'iuy designate. Sufficient security for the faith
t '1! performance of the contract will be required.
I reposals to be endorsed “ For the supply of
aug 4—aw_A. A. Qr. Mr.
—LrtRlCK HOUSE on King, near Henry
street, now occupied by Mr. Philip Hooff, would
e sold at a very moderate price, and on liberal
redit for the chief part of the purchase money;
u- exchanged, upon fair terms, for improved
property nearer to the proprietor’s residence; or
cased to a respectable tenant, at a reasonable
‘•'nt, and possession given the 1st October next,
hi pure at the warehouse of
The commodious well finished two story
On Tuesday, 29th u)t., by the Rev. S. Corne
lius, Mr. Josiah W. Cobb, of Greenville, (S. C.)
to Miss Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. Samuel
Catts, of West End, (Alexandria,) Virginia.
In Washington on Friday last, Susan C., wife
I of David H. Burr, in the ?3d year of her age, re
cently from New York city.
On the 1st of July, after a severe and protrac
ted illness, at the residence of Georoe Thomas,
Esq., St Mary’s county, Md., Mary Locke, in the
41st year of her year.
At Louisville, Ky., of apoplexy, on the even
ing of the 23d July, Mr. Thomas Hilson, long
known in various parts of the United States as
one of the be3t Comedians of the day. He was
apparently in perfect health until within 15 mi
nutes of his death.
Baltimore Patriot Office, }
Friday, 1 o’clock. P. M. $
Flour.—The fluctuation in the Flour market
is so great, as to render it difficult to give a cor
rect quotation. The receipts, which consist
principally of Flour from new wheat, are very
light, and not near equal to the demand; conse
quently, the slock on hand has dwindled to a
! very small amount. We quote good old Flour
i from wagons $5; new do. $5 12 1-2; sales from
stores, Howard street old, $5 12 1-2, dull; new
i do. $3 25. This quotation we give as the cash
1 price; there have been some sales since our last
report, on time, at S3 37 1-48.
Grain.—Wheat: The operations in Wheat
have become brisk, though we find no advance
in the price, which appers to range from Si 00
a $1 10. ltye, new, 60 a 62c.; little or no old in
market. Corn: Scarce at 68 a 69. Oats: The
price continues to decline; we quote to-day at
31 Me.
Whiskey.—We find no change in this article.
We quote as before, 23 a 21c. from wagons;
sales from stores 27 r* 28c. dull
_FJt/lT OF 1LB ATI Mill /.l. D. C.
Arrived, August 2,
Schooner Village, Newcombe, from Madeira;
Wine to Phineas Janney. A. <J. Cazenove &, Co.,
Win. Fowie & Co., and S. Messersmith.
Ship. Eagle and an Hermaphrodite Biig, off
Holland point, bound up.
Schooner Alexandria, Heald. New York.
tr=sv The Schooner FIRM., Spencer, master.
take freight low, if applied for innne
*uff4—3t _Union wharf.
1 A Bags Green Coffee, and
1 U 1200 lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar
Just received per schooner President, from
New York, and tor sale by
au<T 4 Irwin’s wharf.
A FARTHER supply of “Colt’s” Cotton
Duck, assorted numbers, received perschr.
President, from New York, for sale by
aug4 W. FOWLE & CO.
JOHN H. BRENT has just received afresh
supply of New Goods, consisting in part of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Cambrics
Checked Muslins, Plain and fig‘d Swiss do
Book do Scots Lawn
Irish Linen. Silesia Sheeting. Diapers
Table Cloths, Fine Flannel, Fur Dimity
Vestings, Italian Lustrings
B'ack and col’d Crapes, Gloves
Siik 4 Cotton Hose, white Satin Florence
Patent Pins. Footing. 4-4 Bobinett
Corded Skirts, extra super Shirtings
Plaids, Checks, Linen Cambric Hdkfs
Fancy lldkts, Veils
With a variety of other Goods, which will be
sold CHEAP. aug l -eo2w
SUPERFINE and French Calicoes
Do Ginghams
Real Damask Table Linen
Super Bleu' lied and Brown Cottons
Bleached Cotton Drill; * tape do ^
Bronze, Feather, and Palm Leaf Fans
Rouen Cassimere and Canton f ! lOtiel
Corded Skirts, Pins, Boot \\ eb
While, e.noted & ribbed Hose; do do A do
Twill- d and common Tape. Millinet
Combs, Cotton Bails, low priced Carpet
With many other articles, just received and
for sale at reduced prices by
niiir _i GEO. WHITE.
A ST AT El) Quarterly Meeting of (lie Me
chanic Relief Society will be held at their
Hall, on Wednesday evening next, at S o’clock.
Bv order of the President:
aiig l—31 J- CORSE, Sec y.
INTENDING to move to another Farm. 1 will
sell the FARM on which 1 live, situated w’itb
in one mile of Oak Hill, and adjoining Messrs.
Thomas Marshall and Richard Blackburn, and
immediately on the main road leading from the
Hollow (Mannasses Gap) to Middleburg, con
taining 442 ACRES OF LAND, the quality of
which is inferior to none in the county for farm
ing or grazing, being well watered and very
productive. There is an excellent chance to
fallow of about 11*0 acres of clover, which has
been standing two years. The IMPROVE
MENTS are new, and not quite finished, w hich
have cost upwards of two thousand dollars, and
beautifully situated, commanding an extensive
view in every direction. I deem it unnecessa
ry to say any more respecting the land; but
persons wishing to purchase are invited to exa
mine for themselves; resting satisfied that, with
all judges of land, the property will recommend
itself. A fair price will be taken for it, and the
terms will be, one-fourth in band, and for the
balance, the purchaser, by paying the interest
annually, can fix his own time of payment, from
one to ten years. Possession can be had at any
time and an unquestionable title made for the
land! Any further information w anted, directed
to Oak Hill. Fauquier County, (postage paid)
will be punctually attended to.
aug 4—2aw3w
Pine eenuine Sicily Lemon Juice for sale by
Sf'k/W'k Lbs. Prime Bacon, Hog round,
,UUU just received and for sale by
THE MISSES MUIRS, grateful for the con
tinued and liberal patronage of the public
towards the School under their charge, would
take this method of giving notice that the Sum
mer vacation will terminate on the last day of
August; and that, as they are making arrange
ments to secure the constant services of another
competent assistant, they shall then be prepared
for the reception of an additional number both
of day scholars and of boarders.
The branches taught in this School compre
hend all that are generally deemed important to
a solid, useful, polite, and ornamental educa
tion; and the mode of instruction such as to se
cure this object in the pleasantest and easiest
way, and in the shortest space of time. Besides
the common branches of Reading, Writing,
Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, Rhetoric,
Philosophy, Chemistry, Composition. Painting,
Ornamental Wax, and Needle work, to which
they attend themselves, and which—except
Painting and Wax-work, which is an addition
al charge—is S5 per quarter; there is taught
Music on the Piano and Guitar, by Mr. Carusi,
SIS 00
French, by Mr. Guegan, frgm France, - G 00
Drawing, by Mr. Gibson, - - - - G 00
Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, by the Rev.
Elias Harrison,.5 00
who also has the general superintendence of the
whole School, and three times a week carefully
examines it on all the higher branches of study.
For a small additional compensation, the pupils
have the privilege of attending during the win
ter on the Philosophical and Chemical Lectures
of Mr. Benjamin Hallowed, who possesses an
extensive and excellent Apparatus, adapted to
all the purposes both ofillustrution and experi
Boarding alone is $100 per annum, paid quar
terly in advance; each pupil finding her own
bedding. The situation is pleasant and airy;
and no attention is wanting, to preserve both
the health and the moral> of the young ladies
entrusted to their care.
Alexandria, August 2, 1834—2ew2w& w2w
MARY ANN CAMPHYK, of Pennsylvania,
late of Baltimore, at which place she resi
ded for eight years, is now in Alexandria, in
destitute circumstances. She has been, lor two
years past, much afflicted with fits. This no
tice is inserted, in order that her relatives and
friends may know where she is, and provide for
her comfort. James Wilson, (a carpenter) of
Baltimore, married her sister, Catharine Cam
phyer, and about three months since left that
place for Washington. ajig 4j—3t_
The superior coppered Brig ED II All D
1800 barrels burthen, is now ready for the
reception of cargo, and will take freight or char
ter at a low rate. Apply to
The Packet Schooner COLUMBIA,
s&i^KNAiT, master. For freight or passage .ap
ply on board, or to
STEPHEN SHINN, Janncy’s wharf.
Who has received by said vessel, 5 hogsheads
prime St. Croix Sugar, from New York, for
sale on reasonable terms.__aug 1
wr; The Packet Sloop NEPTUNE, Scott,
SS^nastcf, will sail the first of next week. For
freight only applv on board, or to
au2 1 STEPHEN SHINN. Jannev’s wharf.
The Brig REMITTANCE, SamuelS.
* Be 111$. master. She can take 1 or 200
barrels on freight, if offered soon. Apply to
rf*;- The Schooner POTOMAC, Asa Beaks,
master. She has a part of her cargo
engaged, and will he despatched without delay.
For freight or passage apply to
rfNlIE subscriber is now receiving, and offers
JL for sale, an importation of Madeira Wine,
per “ Iyanough,” via New York, consisting of
6 hhds ) Of the finest old L. P. Madei
6 (.r casks > ra Wine, of Newton, Cordon
4 half qr casks ) Murdoch & Co.’s celebrated
brand; and he will receive and forward orders
for their Old L. P. Madeira, superior Bual, Tin
ts, Burgundy, Malmsey, and Grape Juice.
0 rf'w'irk I-bs- Prime Bacon, Hog round,
just received per steamer Colum
bia fer sale on reasonable terms, by
aag 1 STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf.
•g rw Bbls. prime Cider Vinegar, received per
1 U schr. Columbia, from New York, and for
sale low by ANDREW J. FLEMING,
;,n!r i On Irwin’s wharf.
'TlIIE subscribers will hereafter transact bnsi
l ness under the firm of Lambert & McKen
zie. B. H. LAMBERT,
August 1,1334._L. McKENZIE._
WILL l*c paid for the apprehension of
THORNTON B. STORKE, an indented
apprentice-to the subscriber, who runaway (for
the second time) on Thursday evening last. He
is stout built, coarse featured, with a downcast,
surly countenance. All persons are hereby
cautioned against harboring or employing said
boy, at their peril. JAMES GREEN.
Alexandria, 2d August, 1831—tf______
RAN A WAY from the subscriber, living in
Prince George’s County, State of Mary
land. near Horse Head, a negro woman, named
-HENNY. She runaway on the 2d instant, with
out any cause. Description: She is about 30
years old, of a common size, very dark skin,
but rather likely; no flesh marks recollected; a
down look when spoken to, commonly show
ing much of the white of the eye, by looking
sideways, or rolling the eye. Her clothes com
mon, not recollected. I can get rio information
what course she has taken, but believe she in
tends to make her entire escape, if possible. I
will give the above reward if taken out of the
State, and secured in jail so that I get her again;
and will give thirty dollars if taken in the State,
and secured so that I get her, or brought home,
for whichl will pay all reasonable charges
jy i9—tf NAYLOR P. WALLS.
INCLUDING both sexes, from 12 to 2a years
of age. Personshaving likely Servants to
dispose of, will find it to be their interest to give
us a call, as we will give higher prices in cash
than any other purchaser who is now, or may
hereafter, come into this market.
Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 14 for 1934,
To be drawn at the City Hall at Washington,
on Tuesday, August 5
2 PRIZES OF $-2,000 eacfl!
70 Prizes of 5,000 DOLLARS! Ac. Ac.
Tickets $5 00; halves 2 50; quarters 1 25
To be had in a variety of numbers of
Lottery $ Exchange Broker, Alexandria.
Drawing Literature Lottery, Class No. 31:
32 12 13 30 43 21 24 50 11 39
Ditto, Virginia (Petersburg) Lottery, No. 11:
56 43 9 53 33 65 14 31 62 23
Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 14 for 1834, I
Will be draw’ll at the City Hall, in the City of j
Washington, on Tuesday, August 5
2 PRIZES OF $2,000 each!
70 Capital Prizes of $1,000! Ac.
Tickets $5; halves 2 50; quarters 1 25
On sale in great variety by
Drawn Numbers in the Literature Lottery of
the State of Delaware, Class No. 31:
32 12 13 30 43 21 24 50 II 39
Ditto, Virginia, Petersburg, Class No. 11:
50 43 9 53 33 05 14 31 62 23
Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 14 for 1834,
Will be drawn at the City Hall, in the City of
Washington, on Tuesday, Augusta
2 Capital Prizes ol #5,0GU! 70 do of 81,000! Ac
Tickets 85 00; halves 2 50; quarters 1 25
To be had in a variety of numbers of
Lottery and Exchange Broker,
iWear the corner of King and Fayette Streets,
Di awing Literature Lottery, Class 31: '
32 12 13 30 43 21 24 50 11 39
Ditto, Virginia (Petersburg) Lottery, No. 11:
50 43 9 53 33 65 14 31 62 23
rn^» CLARKE AGAIN!!—Combination Nos.
14 56 62, a Prize of 200 Dollars, was sold at
Clarke’s Lucky Office, Friday, Aug. 1, 1S34, in
the Virginia Petersburg Lottery, No. 11.
Drawing Virginia. Petersbug, Class No. 11:
56 43 9 53 33 05 14 31 62 23
Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 14 for 1834,
Will be drawn at the City Hall, in the City of
Washington, on Tuesday, August 5
•2 PRIZES OF $-2,0(H) each!
70 Capital Prizes of $1,000! A c.
For sale, as usual, in great variety, by
{Sign of the Flag of Scarlet and Gold,) King st.
Alexandria, L). C.
WILL be re-opened, at the Dwelling of the
Alexandria Bank, corner of Fairfax and |
Cameron streets, on the 15th of September, 1834.
Encouraged by the success which has thus far
attended the efforts of the Principals of this In
stitution, they have continued to avail them
selves of every advantage, which the various
improvements in Europe and America have
conferred upon the science of education.
A Gentleman of liberal education and experi
ence in the art of teaching, has recently taken
the charge of the classes in Arithmetic, Natural
Philosophy, Chemistry, and Astronomy. This
acquisition, with suitable apparatus for exhibit
ing experiments, and familiar lectures, which
will be given on each branch, complete the ad
vantages enjoyed within the limits of this Insti
tution B. Hallowell’s course of lectures are
also attended through the winter season.
The vigilant care and paternal watchfulness
ever attendant upon the pupils, command oppor
tunities for inculcating lessons on numerous
points of morals and manners, which can only
be secured by that maternal interest which wins
the regard and confidence of the pupils.
Board and Tuition, in all the English branch
es, one hundred and fifty dollars per annum,
payable quarterly in advance.
Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish, eac h,
86 per quarter of 12 weeks.
Music on Piano, Ilarp, and Guitar, SIS do
Drawing, Landscape and Flower / G do
Painting in oils S
Wax-work, Transferring, Shell- f ,
work, and Chinese do $
Velvet Painting, in oil and water colors 5 do
liefer to
Rev. Rnet Keith, Theological Seminary,Va.
Rev. Edward Lippett, do
Rev. C. Dana. Alexandria, D. C
Rev. Mr. Johnson, d«>
John Roberts, do
Bernard Hooe, do
A. C. Cd7.enove, do
W. Fowle, do
H. Daingerfield, do
I. P. Thompson, do
T. Fairfax, do
Edgar Snowden, do
R. B. Mason, do
Benjamin Hallowell, do
lion. Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the
Treasury, Washington, D. C.
Hon. Malt Ion Dickerson, Sec’y ofthe Navy.
Commodore Rodgers, Navy Commissioner
“ C. Morris, do
“ Isaac Chauncey, do
Co). Bomford, Washington.
Gales & Seaton, do
Gen. George Rnsf, Virginia.
Hieroine L. Opie, Virginia.
Richard Brown, Virginia,
jv 31—dtlstOet _ -
To Old Point. Norfolk, and Cape Ifennj.
_m_ Mitchell, will make a Pleasure Excursion
to OI»l Point, Norfolk, and Cape Henry, ™ Mon-,
day, 4th of August, leaving Lambells *hjrjj
Washington at \2 M., and 'I honipson s wharf,
^exandria ’a. 1 o’clock, P M. She .IIII leave
Norfolk for the Cape on Tuesday, the 5tn, at i
o’clock P. M., returning the same evening to
Norfolk and leave Norfolk for the District of
Colombia on Wednesday, the 8th, at 2 o'clock,
P. M. She will call at the different landings on
the Potomac to receive and land passengers.
Passage and fare for the trip. $8._
THE co-partnership heretofore existing at
Pernambuco, Brazil, between John Ma
thces and Henky Forster, trading under the
firm of Mathues $ Fortier, was dissolved on the
15th of the present month. June, hy mutual con
sent. The Commission Business will be conti
nued at Pernambuco by JOHN MATHUES,
who is at all times prepared to grant the usual
facilities to vessels touching and trading at that
p0rt. Pernambuco. June 2X 1S34.
aug 2—dim
ON Tuesday. 5tli instant, at 4 o’clock, P. M
will be sold at Tucker’s wharf,
The Schooner JOHN Q. ADAMS, with
_her Tackle and Apparel. She is of sixty
seven 70-95 tons burthen. aug 2
ON Tuesday next, (5th August,) will be sold
at the late residence of Captuin Alexander
M. Rose, deceased, his HOUSEHOLD AND
KITCHEN FURNITURE, consisting in part
of Sideboard, Sola, Tables, Chairs, Beds, Bed
steads, Brussels and other Carpets, Cut Glass,
Dinner Setts, Mantel Glass, a handsome Clock,
&c. &c. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock.
By order of the Administrator:
jy 31—t5tliAug WM. D. NUTT, Auct.
PURSUANT to a Decree of the Chancery
Court for Fairfax County, we, the Commits*
j-ioners therein named, will sell at public auc
tion, on Saturday, the 9th day of August next
said deed mentioned, belonging to the estate of
Samuel Eger, deceased, containing about 65
acres, subject to the widow’s dower.
The above land is situated on Pemmitt Run,
about four miles from Georgetown, D. C.; lies
well for improving, and is at present in a fine
state of cultivation. There is a good
DWELLING HOUSE on the premises
and all other necessary out houses.
Persons wishing to purchase would do well to
examine for themselves.
One-third of the purchase money will be re
quired on the day ol sale; the balance in two
equal instalments of one and two years.
jy 25—eotOthAug_ Commissioners.
BY virtue of a Decree pronounced on the 30th
day of May last, in a cause depending in
the Circuit Court of Alexandria, D. C. between
James Harris et al. complainants, and Nancy
Craig et al. defendants, 1 will proceed to sell, at
public auction, for ready money, on the premis
es, in Alexandria County, on Saturday, the Cdt
day of September next, at 12 o’clock, M. a cet*
tain TRACT, or PARCEL OF LAND, con
taining One Hundred Acres, more or less, lying
on Brecken’s Branch, and the drains of a brand)
of Four Mile Run, called Lubber’s Branch, be
ingthe land whereof Chariot Craig died seized.
I will convey s*rch title only as is vested in me
by the Decree of the Court.
BERNARD IIOOE, Commissioner
jy 30—eotfiSep
National Intelligencer eots.
IN consequence of two Deeds of Trust execut
ed to me, and recorded in Alexandria Coun
ty,--the first in Liber N, folio 410, under date of
11th July, 1800; the second in Liber V, folio 440,
bearing date 8th January, 1812,—I shall offer at
public sale, on Saturday, 23d day of the present
month, (August) at 4 o’clock, P. M. the follow
ing property:
A LOT OF GROUND, with the IM
IsliiiPROVEMENTS thereon, situate on the
north side of Duke street, and to the eastward
of Water street; beginning upon Duke street
100 feet 4 inches to the eastward of Water street;
running thence east 23 feet; thence north 88 feet,
to a 10 feet alley; thence westwnrdly 23 feet;
thence southwardly 88 feet, to the beginning.
A LOT OF GROUND on the east of Water
and north of Duke streets; beginning at a point
upon the eastern line of a 20 feet alley, 123 feet
5 inches to the east of Water street, and 100
feet to the north of Duke street, and running
from thence northwardly, with the line of the
alley, 48 feet 4 inches, to a 30 feet alley; thence
east 28 feet 7 inches, to the line of ground be
longing to the heirs of David Arel), deceased;
thence south 48 feet 4 inches; thence, with a
straight line, to the beginning.
One other LOT OF GROUND situate on the
north side of Duke street, and to the eastward
of Water street; beginning upon Duke street,
54 feet 4 inches to the east of Water street, and
running thence north 88 feet, to an alley; thence
east 23 feet; thence south 88 feet, to Duke street;
thence west to the beginning.
Terms to be made known at the time of sale.
Norr. -Such conveyance will be made to the
purchasers as the Deeds of Trust authorize,
aim I—po2\v&dt23 iAus?
A TRACT OF LAND in the County of
Prince William, Virginia, called “ Hazlc
Plain,” containing about 550 acres.
A TRACT, adjoining the above, called
“ Brown’s,” containing about 408 acres.
A TRACT on Bull Run, containing about
1075 acres.
A TRACT on Cedar Run, called “ Fitz
hugh’s,” containing about 575 acres.
A TRACT on Slater’s Run, containing about
910 acres.
A TRACT called “ Champs,”containing765
aC*A TRACT in Fauquier County, called
« Hale’s,” containing about 1400 acres.
With several smaller TRACTS, containing
from 100 to 250 acres.
On all these Tracts are good and sufficient
Dwelling and Out-Houses.
All of which will be sold on favorable terms,
upon application to Bernard llooe, Esq. or the
subscriber, in Alexandria,
jy 31WM. If. FOWLE
HAVING been duly authorized by the con
tractor of the 5th section, upon the 2d Di
vision of the Lateral Rail Road from Baltimore
to the City of Washington, to hire 150 ABLE
BODIED COLORED MEN, to work upon
said section: For such men I will give 80 cents
per day. and pay them at the expiration of eve
ry 20 days they work,
jy 23—eo2wJOHN H. POTTER.
JOHN HUDDLESTON respectfully informs
the gentlemen of Alexandria and the public
in general,that he has a quantity of SLA I E on
hand, which will enable bim to slate as cheap os
any one in the District. All persons wishing to
have Slating done, may depend upon having it
faithfully ex’ cutedj0HV HUDDLESTON,
Opposite James Green’s Cabinet Factory, on
jy 7—co3m _Royal street.
-Alexandria museum
OPEN daily, from 10 to 12 o’clock A. M. and
from 3 to 5 P.M. jam 24