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are frustrated by their uwr. divisions, and the culpable neglect, open treachery, or disaffec tion, of those who are in the front ranks, and will be looked to for direction, support, and encouragement. We have spoken in this article freely; but the occasion demands that there should be no room for doubt in the important matters which we have been discussing. We are aware that the Telegraph finds its excuse for what we complain of in°the comments of a respectable journal for merly supporting Mr. Clay, on a late letter of Mr Calhoun’s. But suppose every friend of Mr. Clay were to pursue the Telegraph’s course,after tle perusal of some of the So ith Carolina papers amJ ,.Ven the Telegraph itself, where would be the mnl of crimination and re-crimination?-where would attack and defence end? Ft is obvious that there must be mutual forbearance. More specially ought such a journal as the Telegraph to forbear. Who asks it to surrender its princi ples?-*^0 blames it for supporting Mr. Cal houn. and defending Nullification? Who ob ects to its daily enforcement of its views and opinions on any and all disputed points? Will it not allow the same liberty to others? Will ■t not permit others to approach the altar of Li bertv without exclaiming, “ Stand off, I am ho )ier than thou?” Yes! we repeat it, more espe cially ought the Telegraph to forbear—the Te lrgraph, the uncompromising advocate of Jack in and Jacksonism—the former supporter of “rewards and punishments”—the organ of Ex ecutive power!-the Telegraph, which so pow erfully aided in fastening upon us the evils which it now admits, and which we all deplore! It does seem to us, therefore, upon every view of the c«ve, that the remarks which we have com ,m-nt“d upon are highly improper—that the par ticular course of which we complain is not to he defended—and we trust that a calm review oftho whole ground will induce a reconsidera tion of the former and a change of the latter. The August number of Mr. Ruffin’s Farmer’s Register has made its appearance with punctu ality It is full of useful Agricultural matter and articles interesting to the Farmers of Vir uuiia. from whom it ought to receive a most liberal support. __ Has the Post Office Department any particu lar objection to the circulation of the New York Commercial Advertiser? We should think so. How unenviable must be the situation of Com. Elliot—with all Com. Perry’s old charges r.iked up and brought “ in dread urray” against him?___ Another Suuict of Wealth.—The Boston Transcript states that a merchant in that city shipped on Tuesday last, ten tons of Anthracite coal to Constantinople. MARRIED, In Providence. Fairfax, Va., on Thursday, Cist July, by the Rev. Mr. Parkinson, Mr. Spen * er Jackson to Miss Mary Ann Err Ricuardson, both of Fairfax County, Va. On Thursday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Un gerer, Mr. Leaven Soper to Miss Martha Ann Davis, both of Prince George’s County, Mary land. _ DIED, Suddenly, of anpoplexy, in Warrenton, on the 2$th nit. Mr. Thomas Foley, of Rappahan ock county, Va., aged about 54 years,leaving an amiable and affectionate widow, and five devo ted children to lament their irreparable loss. On the 16th lilt, in the 18th year of her age, after a severe illness of about two weeks, Eu /vbeth E. Carter, daughter of George Carter, of Fauquier county. BO A U DING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOl'NU LADIES. MISS MARGARET M. COLEMAN will, (*n the 1st of September, at her residence »ii the north east side of Washington street, be tween Prince and Duke streets, open a SCHOOL hr the instruction of Young Ladies in the van e.i' branch- s of an English Education. She will endeavor to follow out the most improved \vsfenis in teaching which have been adopted •*r recommended, aiming to make her pupils well and practically acquainted with all that th»*y learn. To inculcate correct moral princi leaving to parents the entire direction of leligious views, will be her duty and her incli nation. The text book* used in the School will th»»*e from the pens of the first scholars, and t m l. from experience, best adapted to answer tiie great end of acquiring knowledge. Mii*ic. French, Spanish, and Italian, Draw ing and Painting, will be taught by highly com petent masters. w J It is not thought necessary, in an advertise mcnt, to go into a detailed prospectus of the course of studies, &c. to be pursued. Terms: 1 nard and Tuition, in all the English branph per annum, bed and bedding furnished ■V the pupil; or $160, and every thine provided, Mashing included; payablequarterly in advance. Tuition tor Day Scholars, from Si to 87, ac cording to their advancement. ' • . •*, * $18 per quarter r rench, Spanish, & Italian, each, 6 do Drawing and Painting - 5 do Alexandria, Augusts lS3t-eotf LEGIONARY COURT. 4 LEGIONARY Court Martial, for the re 1 mission of fines and other business, will be ,(,|d at the Town Hall, on Friday next, coni i iencing at 10 o clock, A. M.; when and where * mse interested can attend By order J*ug5-t8th JAS. DUNLAP, Clerk R. C. \V TWENTY CENTS REWARD ,.7 given for the apprehension of ", ASHINGTON BODKIN, an indented *1! entice to the subscriber, who absconded on ^aturday evening last. He is about 20 years of ^,’Jather slender> w»th light, curly hair, pale tn . ter>ance, and sheepish, sneaking look. He ‘ ,-K, away *dh him one suit of brown and one mni!t C oth’ w‘th other apparel, sufficient to All e ‘"ni aPPear (what he is not) respectable. I persons are hereby cautioned against em • > ing or harboring said runaway, at their pe HARRISON BRADLEY. aug 5—eo3t T„_ NOTICE. HE subscribers will hereafter transact busi ness under the firm of Lambert & Me Ken B. H. LAMBERT. Vqgust 1,1834. L. McKENZIE. COMMERCIAL. Price of Produce in Alexandria yesterday, from Wagons and Vessels. Floor, per barrel - $4 37$ a %4 87$ Wheat, per bushel, 0 90 Corn, white, - - 0 70 Do yellow, do 0 00 Rye, - - - 0 60 Oats, from wagons, bush 0 40 36 Do from vessels, do 0 Corn Meal, white, do 0 80 Do do yellow, do 0 75 Flaxseed, do Whiskey, per gallon, Bacon, per cwt. Butter, fresh, per lb. Do firkin, do - Lard, do - 00 27 10 00 0 15 0 10 0 07 Plaster Paris, retail, ton, 4 50 0 95 0 75 0 00 0 65 0 42 0 38 a 0 85 a 0 80 a 0 00 a 0 30 a 10 50 a 0 18 a 0 12 a 0 03 a o 00 Flour.—Yesterday the wagon price of New Wheat Flour was $4 85 $4 87 1*2. Nothing do ing from stores, in either new or old Flour. Export last week, none. Quantity inspected during the week 3% bis King street. Grain.—We quote Wheat 90 a 95 cents. Corn is in demand: on Saturday we understand the last Cargo sales were at 75 cts, and from stores 85 cts was asked. RICHMOND MARKET—Aug. 2. No change in the Wheat market—prices 110c. for Red and 115c. for White—at which, sales are daily making. Sales of City Mills Flour, “Haxall” and “Gallego,” have been made at $6 50 per barrel. Two ships in the river are now loading for South America, with a cargo (rom each of these mills. Two other cargoes of tire “ Haxall,” we understand have been sold, and on the same terms. PHILADELPHIA MARKET-Aug. 2. Flour and Meal.—The sales are 500 brls. su perfine, of superior brand, ground to order, at $5 50; 600 brls. fresh ground at 35 25; 350 brls. old at $5; 550 do New York at $4 87 1-2; 250 brls. Rye at $3 75; 300 brls. Corn Meal, at $2 87 1-2; old stock Flour is dull at $5. Grain.—6,000 bushels Genesee Wheat at 105c; 2.000 do Penn. 106c; there is very little new wheat as yet in market, it will command 103 a 103c; a parcel of Rye brought 63 a 65c; the sup ply of Southern yellow Corn is small and sales have been made at 66 and 67c., afloat; about 3.000 bushels yellow brought the above; white we quote at 63 a 64c; 1,033 bushels Oats, sold lor 33 cts. on the Schuylkill; and 500 do, deli vered on the Delaware at 35 l-2c. NEW YORK MARKET-Aug. 2. Flour.—For the first time in two months we jre enabled to quote an improvement of full 12 1 2 cents a Or 1. Large sales of common brands Western have been made at plump §5, and fancy brands bring 12 1-2 cents more. For Southern descriptions there is but a very mode rate demand, and no improvement in price; no new crop Southern has yet made its appear ance. Grain.—There have been extensive sales of Corn, but prices have rather fallen ofl. South ern sold freely at 67 a 68 cts.; and a parcel of new crop North Carolina Wheat sold at $1.12 1-2; Oats, 39 cts. # SHIP NEWS. ^ PORT OF ALEXANDRIA, D. C. Arrived, Avgust 4, Ship Eagle, Soule, Boston; Coffee, Molasses, Tea, and Hemp to Wm. Fowle & Co. Brig Albert Henry, Bibber, Eastport; Plaster to S. Messersmith. Schr. Declaration, Rogers, Patuxent; Tobac co to Wm. Fowle & Co. Schr. Mary Ellen, Travers, Patuxent; To bacco to William Fowle & Co., Henry Dain gerfield, and Edward Daingerfield. Schooner Orbit, Penuel, Laurel (Del.;) Corn to Stephen Shinn. Schr. Thomas Chilton, Coats, Bladensburg; Tobacco to William Fowle & Co. Steam Boat Fredericksburg, Jenkins, Balti more; Freight and Passengers. Steam Boat Columbia, Mitchell, Norfolk; Pas sengers. Sailed, Schr. Potomac, Jennings, Wilmington N. C. Steamer Columbia, Mitchell, Norfolk & Cape Henry. MEMORANDA. Brig Wankinco, Ryder, cleared at Boston for this port 29th ult. Schooner Virginia, Hamilton, cleared at New York for this port 7th. _ FOR AMSTERDAM. The coppered Ship EAGLE, Socle, master, will sail in all the present month, and take 50 hhds. tobacco and small stowage on freight: Tor which apply to aJjoS W. FOWLS & CO. FOR BOSTON. ►grr The superior Schooner VILLAGE, R. tfSyNewcomb. Jr. master, will have despatch, and take freight low, on application to_ auc 5 W. FOWLE & CO. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The first rate, (new) copper-fastened, _Brig MARY BERNARD, John Beetty, Master, will stow about 1,350 barrels; now m complete readiness to receive a cargo. Apply to aug5 GEO. JOHNSON & Co. FREIGHT WANTED. The Schooner OSCAR is now in Ral etDtimore and will leave there the latter part of this week, and would take freight, low, to this place. Enquire of Capt. Marks on board, or to Messrs. John Trimble & Son, Cheapside, Baltimore. GEO. JOHNSON & Co. aug 5 _ . _ FOR SALE, The Schooner DOLPHIN, in good or a^^oer and well found, carries about one thou sand bushels grain or fourteen cords wood. Ap ply to Janney &. Russell, at Dumfries Mill, or to P aug 5 _GEO. JOHNSON & CO. COFFEE AND TEAS. -g AAA Pounds Rio Coffee io boxes 2 lb canisters Impe rial Tea. Received per ship Eagle, from Bos ton; for sale by W. FOW LE & CO. aug 5 PORTO RICO SUGAR Hogsheads, of prime quality, landing W from ship Eagie, & CQ ST PETERSBURG HEMP. Tons Clean Hemp, received per ship Ea tfU fir, for sale by w FOWLE ft. CO. OLD L. P. MADEIRA WINE. 2 Pipes ) Old high colored L. P. Madei 4 qr casks > ra Wide, «T “ G. D.Welsh’s” 4 eighth do ) brand Received per schr. Village, Newcomb, master, direct from Madeira, for sale by aug 5 W. FOWLE &, CO. MADEIRA WINE. Xrk Cases, containing 1 to 2 dozen bottles each, of Newton, Gordon. Murdoch & Co’s superior old L. P. Madeira Wine. 8 half qr^caaks \ GraPe ^u'ce Just received per schr. Village, from Madeira, and for sale by aug 5 _S. MESSERSMITH. MADEIRA WINE. 7 Pipes 1 Consisting of Sercial, Tinto, 3 halfpipes ! Burgundv, Grape Juice, fine 30 qr do { old London Particular, and 33 half qr do J a few casks of “ extra good” old London Particular Madeira Wine. The above mentioned Wines are from the well and favorably known house of J. Howard, March <fc Co. who state that this collection of Wines is equal to any ever sent to the port of Alexandria. For sale on accommodating terms. 6 mo 4-e«57t PHINEAS JANNEY. JEJ* Nat. Int. eo7t; Winchester Rep. and Fre dericksburg Arena 3t._ PLASTER PARIS. Tons, the cargo of the brig Albert Henry, from Eastport, for sale by S. MESSERSMITH. 190 aug 5 500 LAMP BLACK. Lbs. just received and for sale by aug 5 WILLIAM N. McVEIGH. FOR NORFOLK. AND RICHMOND. The Schooner FIRM, Spencer, master, ’will take freight low, if applied for imme diately. LAMBERT & McKENZIE, aug 4—3tUnion wharf. ' FOR FREIGHT. The superior coppered Brig El) MAR D __j>l800 barrels burthen, is now ready for the reception ofcargo, and will take freight or char ter at a low rate. Apply to ENT aug 2 HENRY DAINGERF1ELD. FOR NEW YORK, The Packet Schooner COLUMBIA, _Knah*, master. For freight or passage ap ply on board, or to STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf. Who has received by said vessel, 5 hogsheads prime St. Croix Sugar, from New York, tor sale on reasonable terms._aug 1 FOR PHILADELPHIA. The Packet Sloop NEPTUNE, Scott, g^mastef, will sail the first ofnext week. For freight only apply on board, or to amr 1 STEPHEN SHINN. Janney’s wharf. FOR BARBADOES, The Brig REMITTANCE, Samcei. S. Bears, master. She can take 1 or 200 barrels on freight, if offered soon. Apply to jy 30 S. MESSERSM1TH. FOR HALIFAX, N. S. The Schooner POTOMAC, Asa Bears. T_. >Jr. master. She has a part of her cargo engaged, and will be despatched without delay. For freight or passage apply to jy 3n ___ 8. MESSERBM1TH. SUGAR AND COFFEE. p;»or. ( J* en Coffee, and a 0 1200 lbs. Loaf and Lump Sugar Just received per schooner President, from New York, and for sale by ANDREW J. FLEMING, aug 4 Irwin’s wharf. COTTON DUCK. A FARTHER supply of “Colt’s” Cotton Duck, assorted numbers, received perschr. President, from New York, for sale by aUg 4 W. FOWLE & CO. LEMON JUICE. IPine genuine Sicily Lemon Juice for salo-by aug 2 SAM’L B. T ^ LARMOUR & Co. BACON. Lbs. Prime Bacon, Hog round, just received and for salejry aug 1 WILLIAM N. McVElGH. MADEIRA WINE. rHE subscriber is now receiving, nnd offers for sale, an importation of Madeira Wine, >er “ Iyanough,” via New' York, consisting of G hhds ) Of the finest old L. P. Madei 6 qr casks [ ra Wine, ofNewton, Gordon 4 half qr casks ) Murdoch & Co.’s celebrated irand; and he will receive and forward orders or their Old L. P. Madeira, superior Bual, Tin a, Burgundy, Malmsey, and Grape Juice, aug 2 S. MKSSERSMITH. BACON. 3aaa Lbs. Prime Bacon, Hog round, just received per steamer Colum bia, for sale on reasonable terms, by aug 1 STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf. CIDER VINEGAR. -g A Bbls. prime Cider Vinegar, received per J. v schr. Columbia, from New York, and for sule low by ANDREW J. FLEMING, aUp j On Irwin’s wharf._ MORE NEW GOODS. SUPERFINE and French Calicoes Do Ginghams Real Damask Table Linen Super Bleached and Brown Cottons Bleached Cotton Drill; Crape do Bronze, Feather, and Palm Leaf Fans Rouen CasMmerc and Canton tlannel Corded Skirts, Pins, Boot Web White, colored & ribbed Hose; do do i do Twilled and common Tape, Millinet Combs, Cotton Balls, low priced Carpet With many other articles, just received and for_sale at reduced prices by ^ WH,m MECHANIC RELIEF SOCIETY. A STATED Quarterly Meeting of the Me chanic Relief Society will be held at their Hall, on Wednesday evening next, at 8 o clock. By order of the President: aug 4—3t_J. CORSE, Sec’y.— HENRY w. THOMAS, attorney at law, PRACTISES in the Superior and Inferior Courts of Fairfax and Loudoun Counties, and will punctually attend to all business en trusted to his care. His office is in the house adjoining Allison’s Hotel, Fairfax^Court^House, Virginia. FOR RENT, ^ The large and convenient two-story iSiBRICK HOUSE, recently occupied by the Rev. E. C. Hutchinson. It is pleasantly situated at the corner of Prince and Pa*rick There is a large Yard, with a variety of Fruit Trees, a Stable, Smoke House, &c. To a good ,en.nt the rent will b^moderete. ^ june 17—2awtf CHARLES ROSS. ' NEGROES A FAIR price will be given for TEN YOUNG NEGRO MEN -AND WOMEN, delivered in Charleston, in Ken&hwa County. They are to be placed on a plantation in that neighbor* hood, and are designed for the purchaser’s own use. It would be desirable to purchase them all of one person. N. B. The above Slaves might be convenient ly furnished from the Valley of Virginia. For particulars inquire at this office, jy 30—w4w A CARD. MARY ANN CAMPHYR, of Pennsylvania, late of Baltimore, at which place she resi ded for eight years, is now in Alexandria, in destitute circumstances. She has been, for two years past, much afflicted with fits. This no tice is inserted, in order that her relatives and friends may know where she is, and provide for her comfort. James Wilson, (a carpenter) of Baltimore, married her sister, Catharine Cam phyer, and about three months since leA that pjace for Washington. __aug 4—3t ~ NOTICE. THE co-partnership heretofore existing at Pernambuco, Brazil, between John Ma thues and Henry Forster, trading under the firm of Mat hues Forster, was dissolved on the 15th of the present month, June, by mutual con sent. The Commission Business will be conti nued at Pernambuco by JOHN MATHUES, w ho is at all times prepared to grant the usual facilities to vessels touching and trading at that port. Pernambuco, June 23, 1834. ang 2—dim MRS. PORTER’S SEMINARY WILL be re-opened, at the Dwelling of the Alexandria Bank, corner of Fairfax and Cameron streets, on the 15th of September, 1824. Encouraged by the success which has thus far attended the efforts of the Principals of this In stitution, they have continued to avail them selves of every advantage, which the various improvements in Europe and America have conferred upon the science of education. A Gentleman of liberal education and experi ence in the art of teaching, has recently taken the charge of the classes in Arithmetic, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and Astronomy. This acquisition, with suitable apparatus for exhibit ing experiments, and familiar lectures, which will be given on each branch, complete the ad vantages enjoyed within the limits of this Insti tution. B. Ilallowell’s course of lectures are also attended through the winter season. The vigilant care and paternal watchfulness ever attendant upon the pupils, command oppor tunities for inculcating lessons on numerous points of morals and manners, which can only be secured by that maternal interest which wins the regard and confidence of the pupils. Board and Tuition, in all the English branch es, one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance. Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish, each, S6 per quarter of 12 weeks. Music on Piano, Harp, and Guitar, SIS do Drawing, Landscape and Flower Painting in oik Wax-work, Transferring, Shell work, and Chinese do Velvet Painting, in oil and water colors 5 do Refer to Rev. Ruel Keith, Theological Seminary,Va. Rev. Edu’ard Lippett, do Rev. C. Dana. Alexandria, D. C. Rev. Mr. Johnson, do John Roberts, do Bernard Hooe, do A. C. Cazenove, do W. Fowl*. vto II. Daingerfield, do . I. P. Thompson, do T. Fairfax, do Edgar Snowden, do R. B. Mason, do Benjamin Hallowell, do Hon. Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C. Hon. Mahlon Dickerson, Sec’y oftheNavy. Commodore Rodgers, Navy Commissioner “ C. Morris, do “ Isaac Chaunccy, do Col. Bomford, Washington. Gales & Seaton, do Gen. George Rust, Virginia. Hierome L. Opie, Virginia. Richard Brown, Virginia. jy 31—dtlstOct___ TO THE PUBLIC. DR. HOUSTON, successor of the late Dr. John Thaybold, Fellow’ of the Royal Col lege of Physicians of Persia, tenders his profes sional services to the citizens of Alexandria, D. C. and the public in general, and is ready to be consulted GRATIS in all cases of disease inci dent to the human frame, but more especially in that virulent and almost yet unconquerable dis ease the CANCER, as unquestionable authority can prove the cure of the most awful case which ever afflicted one of the human family. To those afflicted with this direful scourge, with hundreds of others, he particularly refers to the cure of James Bond, a slave, formerly the pro perty of Miss Sally Griffith, of this city, w*ose desperate situation, though for a series of years laboring under this affliction, yielded to his skill, though it had baffled the science of most of the faculty. Hopeless of relief, in a reduced situation, abandoned by his friends, and seek ing alms of the public, whose eye must revolt at a sight which would shock the finer feelings of mankind; at this time, fortunately for this ob ject of pity, Dr. H. felt confident that he was his Creator’s instrument to effect his cure, and is now a living witness of the truth of this asser tion, by proper medicine, properly apphed. ’ 7 A. HOUSTON, M. D. N. B. Dr. H. is ready to receive all orders, post paid, at his office, at the Boarding House of Mrs. Mills, Cameron street, Alexandria. n jy 24-eotf A. H., M. P-_ LAND FOR SALE. 1 A TRACT OF LAND in the County of Prince William, Virginia, called Ilazle Plain,” containing about 550 acres. A TRACT, adjoining the above, called “ Brown’s,” containing about 408 acres. A TRACT on Bull Run, containing about 1075 on cedar Run, called “ Fitz huirh’s,” containing about 575 acres. A TRACT on Slater’s Run, containing about 040 cicrps* A TRACT called “ Champs,” containing765 A TRACT in Fauquier County, called u Hale’s,” containing about 1400 acres. With several smaller TRACTS, containing from 100 to 250 acres. On all these Tracts are good and sufficient Dwelling and Out-Houses. All of which will be sold on favorable terms, upon application to Bernard Hooe, Esq. or the 5Ubscriber, i- Ale,andr,aWM r pOWLE JOB PRINTING executed at U*tf office We are requested to announce Phiur N Amiss as a candidate to represent the County of Rappahanock in the next General Assembly of of Virginia. AUCTION SALES. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT—TO/S DAT ON Tuesday, 5th instant, at 4 o'clock, P. II. will be sold at Tucker’s wharf, rtK The Schooner JOHN Q. ADAMS, with §iE££her Tackle and Apparel. She is of sixty seven 70-95 tons burthen. aug 2 BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. HANDSOME FURNITURE AT AUCTION. ON Tuesday next, (5th August,) will be soid at the late residence of Captain Alexander M. Rose, deceased, his HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, consisting in part of Sideboard, Sofa, Tables, Chairs, Beds, Bed steads, Brussels and other Carpets, Cut Glass, Dinner Setts, Mantel Glass, a handsome Clock. Ac. Ac. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. By order oi the Administrator: jy 31—t5thAug WM. D. NUTT, Auct. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. STEAMBOAT POTOMAC AT AUCTION. un i uesaay, the 5th Au gust next, will be sold the Steamboat PQTOMAC, 1 built at Norfolk, Virginia, oi tne Desi materials, ana most laithtully put together; copper fastened, and recently re coppered with heavy copper. The Potomac is 129 feet seven inches in length; breadth 26 feet 6 inches; depth 8 feet 7 inches,—and mea sures 264 36-95ths tons: of a beautiful model, and a most excellent sea boat, with a fullinventory, which may be seen at the Office oflB Marine Insurance Company of Alexandra^ Engine complete, with the exception ofiithe boilers, which have been taken out. Sale at 12 o’clock, M., at Mr. Hugh Smith’s wharf. Terms made known at the time of sale, jy 21—3awts N. WATTLES, Agent. PUHLIC SALE. IN pursuance of a deed of trust, executed to me, and recorded in Alexandria County, Li ber P. No. 2, folio 68,1 shall offer at public sale, on Tuesday, the 1st day of July next, at 4 o’ clock, P. M., the following PROPERTY, viz: A LOT on Fairfax street, beginning at the north line of M. McLish, running north with Fairfax street 38 feet; thence west, paralle to Queen street, 90 feet? thence south, parallel to Fairfax street, 38 feet; thence east 90 feet, to the beginning. One other LOT, corner of Fairfax and Quee street, beginning 24 feet from the north line of the lot last described, and running thende to Queen street about 25 feet; thence, with Queen street, west, 90 feet; thence, south, parallel to Fairfax street, about 25 feet; thence east, paral el to Queen street, to the beginning. One other LOT on the south side of Queen street, beginning 90 feet from Fairfax street; running thence west, with Queen street, 32 feet 7 inches, to Richard M. Scott’s line; thence south, with said line, to M. McLish’s line; thence with said line, parallel to Queen street, 32 feet 7 inches; thence north, to the beginning. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, at the intersec tion of Water and Princess streets, beginning at the intersection, and running, with Princess street,- feet, to a twenty feet alley; thence, with said alley, south, 50 feet; thence west, pa rallel to Princess street, to Water street; thence, Wlltl ^Victcr nirooij mv* tli, t%* tfic OCEliiiiinr. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, on Princess street, beginning at the corner of tne above men tioned alley, and running with the same, south, 47 feet; thence east, parallel to Princess street 51 feet; thence, north, 47 feet, to Princess street; thence, with Princess street, to the beginning Also, A HALF ACRE LOT OF GROUND, less sixty feet; bounded by Royal, Oronokoond Pitt streets. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate on Wolfe street, beginning at the line of Doctor Charles Douglass, and running thence east, with Wolfe street, -, feet, to the line of Thomas Irwin; thence, with said Irwin’s line, north, to the extremity of his line; thence, with his back line, parallel to Wolfe street, east, to Pitt street; thence, with Pitt street, north, to the centre of the square; thence, west, parallel to Wolfe st., to the centre of the square; thence, south, paral lei to Pitt street, to the beginning. Also, A LOT OF GROUND, situate on Wa ter street, beginning 50 feet from the corner of Water and Princess streets, and running south 67 feet, to John Young’s line; thence, parallel to Princess street, to a twenty feet alley; thence, with said alley, north, 67 feet; thence, west, pa rallel to Princess street, to the beginning. Also, one undivided half of a HALF ACRE LOT, fronting on Oronoko street, between Fair fax and Water streets, beginning at the centre of the square, and running east-feet; thence □orth, parallel to Water street, to Pendleton street; thence west, with Pendleton street, feet; thence south, parallel to Water street, to the beginning. The sale will commence at the lot first men tioned, and the terms then made known. apr30—wtlstJy COLIN AULD, Trustee. The sale is postponed till Monday, the 8th September next, at 4 P. M. jy 7—wt8thSep 50 DOLLARS REWARD. RANAW'AY from the subscriber, living in Prince George’s (bounty, State of Mary land, near Horse Head, a negro woman, named HENNY. Sheranawayonthe2d instant, with out any cause. Description: She is about 30 years old, of a common size, very dark skin, but rather likely; no flesh marks recollected; a clown look when spoken to, commonly show ing much of the white of the eye, by looking sideways, or rolling the eye. Her clothes com mon, not recollected. 1 can get no information what course she has taken, but believe she in tends to make her entire escape, if possible. I will give the above reward if taken out of the State, and secured in jail so that I get her again; and wiil give thirty dollars if taken in the State, and secured so that I get her, or brought home, for which I will pay all reasonable charges, jy 19—tf_NAYLOR D. WALLS. NOTICE. THE Heirs of the late James H. Hooe and IE. T. Hooe having agreed to convey aJi the estate which descended to them from the said James H. and E. T. Hooe to Bernard Hooe and T. W. Hewitt, for the purpose P*>_|nK_ debts of the said James H. Hooe and E. T. Hooe, upon the assent of the principal creditors of the s^d James II. and E. T. Hooe to the Simula tions in the said agreement contained-we here by request the said creditors to call at the office of Bernard Hooe, where the said agreement is left lor their inepection July 17th, 1834. B. HOOE.