Newspaper Page Text
- -- A LEXAN U RIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY E DGAR SJYO IV f) E JV\ AT S DOLLARS PER ANNUM. PAYABLE HALF YEARLY. ALEXANDRIA- GAZETTE (FOR THE COUXTRY) IS PUBLISHED REGULARLY O.Y TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY, vr 5 DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Terms of Adverliting:—Advertisements neat ly and conspicuously inserted at the rate of one ijnllar pur square for the first three insertions, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent inser tion. A reasonable deduction will be made in tiie case of yearly advertisers. V All advertisements appear in both papers. FOR AMSTERDAM. rrf? The first rate coppered Ship MARY &&LAXD, Peter Barrett, master, will be ready for cargo in a few days, and be despatch *d in all August, ar.d take 200 hogsheads and small stowage on freight. For terms apply to ang IS HENRY DAINGERF1ELD. | NOTICE. The Steamer COLl'M B/A, Capt. James Mitch | ell, having resumed her | reirular trips between Bui tuuoie and the District of Columbia, will, uutii i the 1st *Jny of September, leave Baltimore for I the District every Wednesday, at 4 o’clock, P. i M.; and returning, will leave Washington at 6, and Alexandria at 7 o’clock, A. M. every Sun lay, for Baltimore. Passage S3. LIVERPOOL SALT—AFLOAT. I .) i k| k Bushels Coarse I 1,500 sacks Fine In best bleached sacking, extra size, the car goof shin Virginia, for sale by aug25 ~ W. FOWLE & CO. PRIME GREEN COFFEE. 1 Pr*me Green Coffee, landingthis d.iv, from schr. Velocity, for sale oy aug 35W. FOWLE & CO. YOUNG HYSON I'EA. k Half Chests, ol'ihe cargo of the Panama, &\j just received per schr. Washington, and for sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, mg85 Union wharf. ~~*PEKM < Ml.. CANDLES, AND RICE. IX Barrels Sperm Oil *J 20 boxes Sperm Candles, Judd's brand 5 tierces and half tierces Rice -.Just received and for sale by LAMBERT-& McKENZIE, aug 25_ Union wharf. MACKEREL *> | Barrels No. 2 und 3 Mackerel, receiving O 1 per schr. Velocity, from Boston, and for 'ale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, aug 25 _ _Union wharf. COFFEE AND ALMONDS. X Bags prime old Java Coffee •J 10 bales Almonds Just received per schr. Washington, from New » ork. and for sale by ■ :g25 WM. N. McVElGH. Prince st. whf. LONDON BROWN STOUT. 8 Casks, containing 0 a 7 dozen bottles each, U'larts and Pints, of Dunbar’s best Double and Brown Stout, just received and for ^ by augaaS. MESSER SMITH. SUGARS, COFFEE, Ac. OA Hhds Porto Rico & N. Orleans } 0 * * -1.000 lbs Loaf * white Hevana \ bu«ar:i bags Cuba Coifee reams Letter and Cap Paper lb bags Pepper and Pimento *j bags Filberts, English Walnuts, and Brazil Nuts 0 dozen Tarpaulin Hats L mdmg from sc hr. Amanda, from New York, and for sale by WM. N. McVEIGH, w aug di __ Prince street wharf. MOLASSES, BEEF. AND POHkT " (•> Hogsheads Porto Rico Molasses, of prime — quality *“’J bb’s Mess and Prime Beef and Pork Received per Robert Gordon, and for sale by a»e -»i LAMBERT A McKenzie, -5_ri_Union wharf. * H CUBA’COFFEE. HI Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar 1 U JO bags Cuba Co flee 1 bale, U pieces l'willed Sacking l»indmgfroinschr. Amanda, from NewVork «nd for sale by LAMBERT J, McKENZIE, «ug ! 1_. Union wharf. * CEDAR POSTS. I 000 t’ood Cedar Pusts wanted by ■ yuif a 21 A. c. CA2EN0VK vv'co. •V.-W * i ®22i»*KD COFFEE. - -gsheaas New Orleans Sugar v V d° Porto Rico do A o boxes Havana white do .. 2" bags Cuba Coffee 10 do Java do um " on*L fell f,ci^0ner Amanda, for sale by —" ^ ^fEPHEN SHINN, Janr.ey’s whf. Qi\*\Er VR?£ AND CUT NAILS! oOO ut A'ails and Brads ' heet Iron and Boiler Plates IQ 0erman s‘*el. For sale by A. C. CAZF.NOVE & CO. a'!1 p0N 11 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO oS °oxes Pound Lumps, la’s and 16’s, of va • efebr^^ oas brands, the greater part from the •s2PS ant0ryofS- Myers & Co- (» Part schr mJ!i? ^attnt Cut,”) just received, per au' *Jhan»c. f°r sal<* on pleasing terms by -^igJS GEO iOHNSON & CO. WANTED A ^!a reasonable price, a pair of new or se Shni. * .d three or three and a half Mill ApPly to the Editor. aug 23 BONNET BOARDS! BONNET BOARDS! JUST received, a small supply of No. 1 and 2, which will be sold very low for cash by aug 2fiAUG. JACOBS. TO RENT a* That part of the BRICK HOUSE for liiH-merlv occupied by Capt. Edmonds, oppo site Mr. Smith’s Foundry, aug 22JOSIAH II. DAVIS. CHINA AND EARTHENWARE. HUGH C. SMITH has just receiued, per ship Maryland, from Liverpool, a hand some supply of CHINA AND EARTHEN WARE, comprising the principal part of his Fall Supply of Fancy and Staple Articles. These, with his previous large stock on hand, wiil be sold on moderate terms, cash or credit. Among the Goods are: H tndsome Dinner Setts, new and beautiful style arid patterns Tea Setts, China, plain gilt, a large variety India Dining China, in setts, or any article separately Rich and common Cut, Plain, and Pressed, of every quality Castors, of common and superior quality Black Quart and Pint Wine<£ Porter Bottles j Demijohns of every size Stone Ware of an excellent quality Window Glass of good quality and every size j Boston Crown Glass, procured at factory pri- ; Hall and Shop Lamps and Lamp Wicks [ces Britannia Tea Setts, of a superior quality 1 H. C. S. expects soon, by the ship Virginia, j sailed from Liverpool 2d of July, a further sup- | ply of Karthenirare. Alexandria, aug 8 MADEIRA WINE. I ri^HF. subscribers have received, per the sc hr. A Village, fcom Madeira, 10 half pipes 20 quarter casks of finest old high colored Madeira Wine, from the house of Murdoch, Shortridgo & Co. And hare in Store, of precious importation, 5 pipes and 20 half pipes of the finest wine ot Murdoch. Yuille & Co., part of which has had the benefit of a voyage to the East Indies. All old, and warranted of the very best quality, aug 6A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. j OLI) L. P. MADEIRA WINE. 2 Pipes 4 Old high colored L. P. Madei 4 qr casks > ra Wine, ofG. D. Welsh’s’* 4 eighth do ) brand Received per snhr. Village. Newcomb, master, , direct from Madeira, for sale bv ang 5W. FOWLE A- CO. J MADEIRA WINE. XI'I Cases, containing 1 to 2 dozen bottles j OU each, of Newton. Gordon. Murdoch J Co’s superior old L. P. Madeira Wine. S half^casks j ^rape Juke Just received per schr. Village, from Madeira, and for sale by S. MESSERSMITH. MADEIRA WINE. j THE subscriber is now receiving, and offers j for sale, an importation of Madeira Wine, per “ Iyanough,” via New York, consisting of j 6 hhds ) Of the finest old L. P. Madei 6 qr casks > ra Wine, ofNewton, Gordon i 4 half qr casks ) Murdoch & Co.'s celebrated ! brand; and he wifi receive and forward orders j for their Old L. P. Madeira, superior Bual, Tin ta, Burgundy, Malmsev. and Grape Juice, aug 2 S. MESSERSMITH. NOTICE. rptHE co-partnership heretofore existing at L Pernambuco, Brazil, between John Ma thces and Henry Forster, trading under the firm of Matfines 4* Forster, was dissolved on the 15th of the present month, June, by mutual con sent. The Commission Business will be conti nued at Pernambuco by JOHN MATHUES, who is at all times prepared to grant the usual facilities to vessels touching and trading at that i poit. Pernambuco, June 23, 1831. aug 2—dim_ LAND FOR SALE. A TRACT OK LAND in the County ot I J\ Prince William, Virginia, called “ Hazle J Plain,” containing about 550 acres. A TRACT, adjoining the above, called; “ Brown’s,” containing about 108 acres. A TRACT on Bull Run, containing about 1075 acres. A TRACT on Cedar Run, called “ Fitz lniirh’s,” containing about 575 acres. A TRACT on Slater’s Run, containing about 910 acres. A TRACT called “ Champs,”containing765 acres. A TRACT in Fauquier County, called ;{ Hale’s, ’ containing about 1400 acres. With several smaller TRACTS, containing from 100 to 250 acres. On all these Tracts are good and sufficient Dwelling and Out-Houses. All of which wili be sold on favorable terms, upon application to Bernard Hooe, Esq. or the subscriber, in Alexandria. jv _WM. H. FOWLE. MISSING, A BOX OF MERCHANDIZE, marked Geo. Kyle, care of J. D. Kerr, Alexandria, was shipped from Baltimore on the 26th April last, and is supposed to have been delivered impro \ perly to some other person. If such a Box should be in the possession of any person that may have received goods by the steamboat of that day, or may have any knowledge of such, will please give information to any of the Agents of the Baltimore Steam Packets, or to the subscriber. Alexandria, june 12B. WHEAT. WHEAT. I WISH to purchase Wheat in Alexandria; also at the Triadelphia Mills, situated three miles from town, on the Little River Turnpike Road. SAM’L. LINDSAY, On Union, between King and Prince sts. Griswold's celebrated Wheat Fans for sale as above. Alexandria, August 6. AUCTION SALES. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. ' UELIC SALE. N Saturday, the SOth inst., at 10 o’clock, A. M., will he solti at the Soap and Candle Factory of flu late John Major, all hi= STOCK jN TRADE, together with the Fixtures and Implements us( d in that business. Terms* All sums of $20 and under, cash; o\er$20 ami not exceeding $1!>0, sixty days; over the last sum, four months credit; with approved en dorsed notes. By order of the Orphan’s Court, aug 21—ts . MARY MAJOR, Adm’x. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of a Deed of Trust to the sub scriber, from Thomas Preston and Ellen his wife, for the use of the Bank of Alexandria, re corded liber II, No. 2. folio 235, will be exposed to sale, on the 5th day oi September next, at 12 o’clock, M. aa One moiety of the TAVERN HOUSE IMand WAREHOUSE called the Bear Tav ern, situated at the north-west corner of the intersection of King and Fayette streets, in the Town of Alexandria. Also, a moiety of the LOT occupied as a Wagon Yard. Terms of payment: One fifth cash; the balance in four equal instalments of 6, 12, 18, and 24 months, with interest from the day of sale; the afterpay ments to be secured by a deed of trust on the premises, or such other security as will satisfy the Bank. By order of the Bank: aug 7—ts WM. HERBERT, Trustee. ~ PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of a deed of trust from James L. McKenna and Ann Cecelia, his wife, to Jonah Thompson, for the^purposes therein men tioned, recorded in the County Court of Lou- : doun, lit). Ill, fo. 138. will be exposed to sale, j in the Court House Yard at Leesburg, at 12 o’-, clock on Monday, the 22d day of September next, being the first d . of the Superior Court, f v A certain TRACT of LAND, on which jliihas formerly been in operation a Grist and Saw Mill, lying and being on Broad Run, in the County of Loudoun and State of Virginia; containing by survey thirty-three acres and ten poles, and a<tjoin»nthe lands of William and George Shed. Terms of Sale, one-fifth Cash;! the balance in four equal instalments of six,' twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four months. The deferred payments to be secured to the satisfuc tion of the Trustee. I. P. THOMPSON, Executor of Jonah Thompson, dee’d. i aug IS—vs [Leesburg Genius of Liberty ts] HEAL ESTATE EUR SALE. BY virtue of a Deed ol Trust from the Dank of. Alexandria to the subscribers, for the. purposes therein mentioned, the following de- j scribed PROPERTY will be sold, on reason-j able terms and liberal credit: The WHARF and LOTS OF GROUND on ■ the south side ol Cameron street, now in the oc-1 cupancy of Mr. Benjamin Waters. M The WHARF, WAREHOUSE, Ac. cal- j led Tucker’s. A three story Brick DWELLING HOUSE ilia and LOT OF GROUND, on the west side of Water street, between Cameron A- Queen sts. ^ The Brick DWELLING HOUSE on the north side of Cameron street, between Fair fax and Royal street, occupied by Mrs. Mills. ul The BRICK BUILDING at the intersec H?ii.tion of Cameron and Fairfax streets. The four-story Brick WAREHOUSE on j •Hi Ramsay’s wharf, occupied by Messrs. B. j Wheat & Son and Mr. Thomas Sanford. — The ACRE LOT and BRICK HOUSE | ilim with several out-houses, on Washington street, in possession of T. F. Mason, Esq. The large WAREHOUSES at the cor-; Jiil,ner of King and Columbus street, and an excellent Frame Dwelling House adjoining. /-v A HOUSE and LOT pcartlm*' Village1' ! iiM formerly owned by Mr. •*. G. Marstvller. A VACANT LOT scull; side o! | Prince street, near P:*f (-a A DWELLING ... .* LOl OF IlillGROUND on Pitt street, up; . . sj Paul’s Church, formerly owned by Mr.Gurricr. Chapin. A vacant LOT OF GROUND on V\ ater street, opposite the Farmers’ Bank. A FARM in Fairfax County, Va. called the “ Meadows,” containing 275 acres. Another FARM in said County,, called “ Lo max” or Turkey Cock Run,”—352 acres. One other FARM, called Willow Spring,” near Centreville. Three small TRACTS OF LAND on Mount Vernon Road, containing, together, 307 acres. Particulars will be given on application to Mr. Isaac Robbins, at the Bank of Alexandria; and proposals for any part of the property, directed to the subscribers, will be answered by GEORGE BRENT, ^ BENJ. WATERS, ! Trustees WM. H. MILLER, f trustees. ju IS—tf WM. C. GARDNER, J U35* The above property will be sold at Auc tion, on Monday, the 1st day of September next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. at the Bank of Alexandria. Terms of sale: One-fourth cash; balance at 6, 12,18, and 24 months. an* 14—tlstSep WAS LOST OR MISLAID, A YEAR or two ago, the Record Rook of the Washington Society, <fcc. &c. It is proba bly in the possession of some one who has over looked or forgotten it. If it fs found, or any in formation can be given of it, u favor would be conferred by leaving word at the office of the Alexandria Gazette.__aug 26— 1 w SARATOGA WATER, GENUINE,from Congress Sprintr. for sale by 8th mo 13 WILLIAM STABLER. ‘ LOOKING GLASSES. A FEW handsome Mahogany and water proof Gilt Mantel and Pier Glasses, for 'sale low by aug 13 GEO. WHITE* THOMAS SEMMES, AT TO li ATE Y AT L A IT, WILL pructice in the Courts of the District of Columbia, and in those of Fairfax and Prince William Counties. Office on King, one door west of Washington street, in the rooms formerly occupied by Bernard Hooe, Esq. Persons having business connected with the estate of tiie late Dr. Thomas Semmes, will be attended to by T. S. at his office, aug 18—eotf _< 'Trench instruction. MR. GUEGAN respectfully informs the lov ers of his native language that he teaches it in this town—to Young Ladies at the Semi naries of Mrs. E. C. Porter and Misses Muir— to Young Gentlemen at the Alexandria Board ing School of Mr. Benjamin Hallowell—and at private dwellings to pupils forming themselves into classes of two or more. His terms are §0 per quarter. City Hotel, January 8—w3w_ THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, rpHAT the subscriber, of Alexandria Coun X ty in the District of Columbia, has obtain tained from the Orphans’ Court of said county letters of administration on the personal estate of Lincoln Chamberlain, late u^'the county aforesaid, deceased. All persons having claims against the said decedent are hereby warned to exhibit the same to the subscriber, p issed by the Orphans’ Court, on or before the 25th of Ju ly, 1835, or they may, by law, be excluded from all benefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are required to make immediate pay ment. Given under my hand this 25th July, 1834. MARY CHAMBERLAIN, Administratrix of Lincoln Chamberlain. Notice.—I have employed my father, Joseph Harris, to act for me in all matters relating to the estate of my late husband, Lincoln Cham berlain. MARY CHAMBERLAIN, jy 25— 2aw4w Administratrix. CAMP MEETING. A CAMP MEETING for the Stafford Cir cuit, under the superintendence of the Me thodist Episcopal Church, commencing on Fri day, 5tii September next, will be held on the land of Thomas Towson, Esq. distant about 2 miles from Stafford Court House, 12 from Fre dericksburg, 10 from Dumfries, 22 from Brents ville, and 2 from the navigable part of Aquia Creek. The necessary arrangements will be made to accommodate the punted and veil disposed (who may not tind it convenient to bring tents) with board with private tent-holders. And, as many persons habitually attend such places exclusively for gain, by the sale of such articles as may well be dispensed w ith, viz: such as Cider, Porter, Beer, Confectionary, &c. &c. &c. the Committee of Arrangements embrace this early opportunity of notifying all such that they will not be permitted to canyon such traf fic within the limits of their jurisdiction, which is extensive, as the citizens of the neighbor hood, with their usual liberality, and reverence for such assemblages, have placed about 7,000 acres of land under their control. The ministers and members of the aforesaid Church, and all others who are friendly to such meetings, are respectfully invited to attend, aug 0—dt5thSep __ _____ WHEAT F A NS, 4 c. LG. & H. GRISWOLD have now on hand, .and will constantly keep, or manufacture to order, at ii.etr Establishment., corner of King and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch and Eng lish improved WHEAT FANS; Cockle, Cheat, and Rolling SCREENS, for Flouring Mills; Window Screens, Riddies, Sifters. Mil. Shakes, Straw Cutters, and Safes; all of which they will dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They guai antee them to be made of the best "materials and workmanship; and hope, by con staid attention to business, to gain a share of the public patronage. Flour manulactures and Wheat Fan makers v. .it find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call. A hoy is wanted; as apprentice to the above business, 1G or 17 years old, of good and steady habits. N. B. Repairing done on the shortest notice. fCr* TURNING in Wood, Iron, and Brass, may 28—ly_ HOOTS, SHOES, PALM LEAF HATS, &c. JH. WHITE has just received, per sloop . Statira and other arrivals, a very season able addition to his stock of HOOTS Ot. SHOES, which enables him to offer almost every article in his line at the very lowest prices lor cash. Among them are— Men’s fine Pegged Summer Boots Do Pumps, various qualities, (some very cheap) Women’s Seal. Lasting &. Kid Slippers, do Do Leather Jeffersons & Slippers, do Misses’ $ Children’s Shoes, various qualities Fine Palm Leaf Hats, broad rims, (an ex cellent article) Coarse do do do A lot of 1IA1R TRUNKS, cheap 53=* Ladies’ arid Gentlemen’s Hoots and Shoes, of all kinds, made to order, of the best materials and workmanship._june 19 A HOUSE FOR SALE, EXCHANGE, OR RENT. The commodious well finished two story jtiiLBRICK HOUSE on King, near Henry street, now occupied by Mr. Philip Ilooff, would be sold at a very moderate price, and on liberal credit for the chief part of the purchase money; or exchanged, upon fair terms, for improved property nearer to the proprietor’s residence; or leased to a respectable tenant, at a reasonable rent, and possession given the 1st October next. Inquire at the warehouse of aug 4 SAM’L. B. LARMOUR & CO. SCOWS TO HIRE. TWO large Scows, suitable for transporting eroods or ballast. &c. &c. jy 21 JOSIx\H H DAVIS. MRS. PORTER’S SEMINARY WILL be re-opened, at the Dwelling ol* the Alexandria Bank, corner of Fairfax and Cameron streets, on the 15thof September* 1834. Encouraged by the success which has thus far attended the efforts of the Principals of this In stitution, they have continued to avail them* selves ot every advantage, which the various improvements in Europe and America have conferred upon the science of education. A Gentleman of liberal education and experi ence in the art of teaching, has recently taken the charge of the classes in Arithmetic, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and Aslrondmy. This acquisition, with suitable apparatus for exhibit* ing experiments, and familiar lectures, which will be given on each branch, complete the ad vantages enjoyed within the limits of this Insti tution. 13. Ilallowell’s course of lectures are also attended through the w inter season. The vigilant care and paternal watchfulness ever attendant upon the pupils, command oppor tunities for inculcating lessons on numerous points of morals and manners, which can only be secured by that maternal interest which wins the regard and confidence of the pupils. Board and Tuition, in all the English branch es, one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance. Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish, each, „ . -SO per quarter of!2 weeks. Music on Piano, Harp, and Guitar, $18 do Drawing, Landscape and Flower ) Painting in oils \ ° do | Wax-work, Transferring, Shell-{ . . work, and Chinese do \ 5 do Velvet Painting, in oil and water colors 5 do liefer to Rev. Ituel Keith, Theological Seminary,Va. Rev. Edward Lippott, do Rev. C. Dana. Alexandria, D. C. Rev. Mr. Johnson, do John Roberts, do Bernard Hooe, do A. C'. Cazenove, do W. Fovvle, * do H. Daingerfield, do I. P. Thompson, do T. Fairfax, do Edgar Snowden, do K. B. Mason, do Benjamin Hallowell, do Hon. Levi Woodbury, Secretary of tha Treasury, Washington, D. C. lion. Maliion Dickerson, Sec’y oftheNavy. Commodore Rodgers, Navy Commissioner “ C. Morris, do “ Isaac Chauncey, do Col. Romford, Washington. Gales &, Seaton, do Gen. George Rust, Virginia. Hierome L. Opie, Virginia. Richard Brown, Virginia, jy 31—dtlstOct CHALLENGE BLACKING. JUST received, Taylor <fc Mason’s unquali fied and inimitable Challenge Blacking, de cidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever offered to the American public. It is an effec tual preservative ol the leather, and affords, with infinitely less than the usual labor, a dry, lasting, and brilliant jet black polish. For sale, at the price of ordinary blacking, by aug 20__GEO. WHITE. SHIP CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. IIIAV'E lor sale a Lot of Tools, of excellent quality, principally such .as are used by Ship Carpenters; such as Broad Axes, Planes, Chisels, Adze, Augurs, Plains, one set of new Flooring Plains, Brace, Square, with many other articles. Chest. &c. I would prefer sell ing the whole together, and to a young shift car penter the lot would be sold a great bargiie. aug 13___GEO. BAROUCHE AND H ARNES P. A SECOND-HAND Barouche, wit: .-a. ness in good order, having undergo. t thorough repair. Also, two second-hand Gigs, with Harness, for sale, low. by aug 15 QEO. WHITE. WHEAT" WANTED. PRIME WHEAT wanted by a ug 19_A. C. C AZENOVE & CO. TO THE GREAT FALLS. The Canal Packet Boat GEORGE MARRING TON has commenced her regular trips, on Tuesdays and Fridays, for the Great Falls or Crommelin, starting from Frederick Street Bridge, (Georgetow n) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning the same day at or before sunset. Fare to and from Crommelin, 50 cents. The Canal is now in fine order, ard the coun try presents a beautiful appearance. To those who are fond of a short excursion, and desire a short relaxation from business, a trip to the Great Falls offers a most delightful treat. Parties, on any other days of the week, can be accommodated, by giving a short notice or application to the proprietor, living on Third street, Georgetown. Z. M. OFFUTT. FRANKLIN HOUSE. aa The above TAVERN has been rented by iljjlthe subscriber. It is well known as having been long occupied by Mr. Augustine Newton; is now in good repair, and every comfort that the traveller needs can be had. The Table is every day supplied, with the delicacies, as well as the substantiate of life. The Haris well fitted with the best Liquors, and private parties can be accommodated in the most delightful man ner. JOHN WEST. N. B. Beltzhoovcr’s Line of Stages arrive and depart daily from this House; and Gigs, Horses, and Hacks, can be had on the most reasonable terms We are requested to announce Philip N. Amiss as a candidate to represent the County of Kappahanock in the next General Assembly of ‘of Virginia.