Newspaper Page Text
o w Fnis ce qu'il fiarrive ce qu'U pourra jra'i* 2*3 r. « wisjpsrissK&iiT s$®ssmra snsmainsa a®> sshml RJW SttMHlS TWr. E-Sf®. \LE.VAvD!UA gazette PUBLISHED. DAILY, BY EDGAR SX'OW l)EK, „ S lOLLABS per annum, payable half yearly. vle\andkia gazette 4 (FOR TUB COUSTHY) IS PUBLISHED REGULARLY ON ri'ESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY’, vr5 DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 7Vr»rf of A leertiain?:—Advertisements neat ,, .... j conspicuously inserted at the rate of one i.lir per square for the first three insertions, ■ nil twentv-five cents for every subsequent inser ; > i A reasonable deduction will be made in -• case of yearly advertisers. • All advertisements appear in both papers. FOR AMSTERDAM. Tie' first rate coppered Ship MAH Y . 1 V/>, Petek Darrett, master, will be TTJjv for cargo in a few days, and be despatch ,1 ia all August, and take 200 hogsheads and dl stowage on freight. For terms apply to ?ug IS HENRY DALNGERFH5LP. \ WDRIA AND nkworl ANS PACKETS. iK Brig Tit IHUSB, Captain Smith, and iT-VBrig USCAS, Captain Borsii, will resume t :.*ii regular trips on tlu* 20th of October; one of wm' a will leave this port every thirty days tiiroasjhout the shipping season. Tiiey are yes w-isofthe first class, commanded by experien ced masters ill the trade, will at all times go up the Mississippi bv steam, and every exertion ;i>i*d to promote the interest of shippers and comfort of passengers. Apply to the captains onboard, or to FRANKLIN A ARMFIELD. aue SO—t20thOct _ NOTICE The Stcanmr C Wj i M HIAt Capt. James Mitch w ell, hauuir resumed her * regular trips between Bal timore and the District of Columbia, will, until the h! day <»l September, leave Baltimore for !|it> District every Wednesday, at 1 o’clock, l*. M.; and returning, will leave Washington at 6, mid Alexandria at 7 o'clock, A. M. every Sun day. for Baltimore. Passage S-* 100 sale by VINEGAR. Barrels Vinegar, of superior quality, landing at N owell's wharf, and for septa W. H. MILLER. TENERIFFE WINE. Quarter Casks TeneritTe Wine, represented *t to be .d'good quality, landing from schooner Alexandria, from New York, and for sale bv sept 2 S. MESSEUSM1T1J. LONDON BROWN STOUT. Ilk* i.s- containing 5 doz>-n each, Quarts, 1 vr ondon Brown Stout, lauding from hr. Alexandria, from New York, and for sale >>' sept 2 S. MESSERSMITII. PORK AND BEEF. i \ Barrels Prime Pork ) ,, ,, . , . i.) 10 do Prime B ->f \ Ro)’noWs Packing •Just received and for sale bv NVM. I). NUTT. - T* t:> ’ e wi a have! ought of this article ‘ in me, no recommendation is necessary; ■ > r-. wl. i want good Pork and Beef, particu >• > lor along vovage, would do well to call. ' W. D. N. FRUIT. \ Rnfflish Walnut-: *■* 2 frails Almonds 2 bags Filberts 5 boxes Citron 5 boxes Lemons Just received and for sale by LAMBERT <fc McKENZIE, Jl!?r.:?L_ Union wharf. PAPER. V%<| H.-.un-; Printing Tap m.l Post Paper f*3y. lwlYellow, Water laid. Rose, ;';;*»ted ami white letter Paper, received lr«»m tunufactory of L>. ,v J. Ames, and for sale bv " __ S. MKSSKRSMITH. SHOT. £ | Q si1''—'1 slZo ' r,‘°!‘ived from Phenix and for ^h >t Tower Company .ale bv ~ -1 1 <>l Baltimore. 'Ui<liQ4US III. TEAS. V'I'.m ^ IIyS°n-,'n ch’?8’ ha-'cheats, boxes, “■ cpiuMers. anti catty boxes y •^1'^ ,i„ ,„> anJ v tart-SUa «:«-.Vn!l f!!;‘S,0byi,"“',S ““ S"C "■ S. MB88ERSMITH. i^,u> _ SUGARS. PJwkISW** 0rlK,IH’ I" Ikhb. l;raz'1- "> barrels, in store. n„j 1 %- v— ,<US S. M ESSERSMITII. nUCFn * n °HWULATR m ' Vl!> n,vpured C.ocoa*»n boxes contain* Mate co‘taPnX'nS T* ?alfboxes fresh Cho .ui.r -K u n l> on hand< and for sale by —^- S. MESSF.RSM1TH. i tt*xe-K|P?HCKY TOBACCO. I , . s Kentucky wrappers i StunlS* St-,Doming° Ellers ( Tobacco iu»‘j*rcce,Ved anti on sale by --- ROBERT II. MILLER. UOO UUg gg _ CORN. ont,£\rUeCor"’jus,recei™ ANDREW J. FLEMING, On Irwin’s wharf. >fk Ra!fT?H?G fHYSON TEA. HI imSSSf*** “»» of the Panami T sale by T sMnK “hr* Washington, an aug 2) lambert & Mckenzie, Union wharf LIVERPOOL SALT—AFLOAT. 1 O Bushels Coarse 1,500 sacks Fine In best bleached sacking, extra size, tiie car go of ship Virginia, for sale by aii" 25 W. FOWLE & CO. 150 aug 25 PRIME GREEN COFFEE. Bags Prime Green Coffee, landing this day, from schr. Velocity, for sale by W. FOWLE &. CO. SPERM OIL, CANDLES, AND RICE. J Barrels Sperm Oil 20 boxes Sperm Candles, Judd’s brand 5 tierces and half tierces Rice Just received and for sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, aug 25 Union wharf. MACKEREL. Q | Barrels No. 2 and 3 Mackerel, receiving O 1 per schr. Velocity, from Boston, and for sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, * aug 25 Union wharf. MOLASSES, BEEF, AND PORK. 1 Hogsheads Porto Rico Molasses, of prime I. quality 25 bbls Mess and Prime Beef and Pork Received per Robert Gordon, and for sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, aug 21 Union wharf. N. O. SUGAR AND CUBA COFFEE. -g Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar 1 U 30 bags Cuba Coffee 1 bale, 12 pieces Twilled Sacking Landing from schr. Amanda, from New Yoi k, and for sale by LAMBERT &. McKENZIE, aug 21 Union wharf. COFFEE AND ALMONDS. X Bngs prime old Java Coffee 10 bnles Almonds * i Just received per sc hr. Washington, from New York, and for sale by j n tig 25 WM. N. MeVEIOII, Princest. whf. 39 reams Letter and Cap Paper f 10 bags Pepper and Pimento b bags Filberts, English Walnuts, and Brazil Nuts 0 dozen Tarpaulin Hats Landing from sclir. Amanda, from New York, and for sale by WM. N. McVEIGH, aug 31 Prince street wharf. ~~ SHEET IRON AND CUT NAILS. Casks of Cut Nails and Brads tjl/vr Sheet Iron and Boiler Plates German Steel. For sale by a,ur 18 A C. CAZBNOVE & CO. TO RENT, That part of the BRICK HORSE for-( !iH j merlv occupied by Capt. Edmonds, oppo site Mr. Smith’s Foundry, jiug 22 JOSIAII H. DAVIS. 20 SUGARS, COFF IUuls PortoKico»$c N. 4,000 lbs Loaf-V white 35 bags Cuba CoiFee EE. Ac. SECOND HAND FURNITURE, j HAVE a variety of excellent Second-hand 0 Furniture, which I will sell low. Among it, Mahogany Tables, Bedsteads, Sofa, Secretary, Ac.; several Feather Beds, some kiln dried and clipped; Chairs, Looking Glasses, and Irons; Kitchen Furniture, &c. sept l WM. 1). NUTT. CHINA AND EARTHENWARE. HUGH C. SMITH has just receiued, per ship Maryland, from Liverpool, a hand some supply of CHINA AND EARTHEN WARE, comprising the principal part of his I'uU Supply of Fancy and Staple Articles. These, with his previous large stock on hand, will be sold on moderate terms, cash or credit. Among the Goods art*: Handsome Dinner Setts, new and beautiful style and patterns Tea Setts, China, plain <jr gilt, a large variety India Dining China, in setts, or any article separately . , . Rich and common Cut, Plain, and Pressed Gr ass warty of every quality Castors, of common and superior quality Black Quart and Pint Wine dr Porter Bottles Demijohns of every size Stone II'are of an excellent quality Window Glass of good quality and every size Boston Crown Glass, procured at factory pri HjII and Shop Lamps and Lamp Wicks [ces Britannia Tea Setts, of a superior quality H.C. S. expects soon, by the ship Virginia,, sailed from Liverpool id of July, a further sup ply of Earthenware._Alexandria. anir S THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, rpiIAT the subscriber, of Alexandria County, 1. in the District of Columbia, has obtained j from the Orphans’ Court of said County letters of administration on the estate of Alexander M. Rose, late of the county aforesaid, deceased. All persons having claims against the said dece dent, are hereby warned to exhibit the same to the subscriber, passed by the Orphans’ Court, on or before the 20jth day of August, 1335, or they may, by law, be excluded from all be nefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are required to make immediate payment. Giv en under my hand, this 20th day of August. 1834. aug 21—eo3w D. B. S%HTH, Adm’r. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, rnHAT the subscriber, of Alexandria Coun X ty, in the District of Columbia, has obtain ed from the Orphans’ Court of said County let ters of administration on the estate of John Ma jor, late of the county aforesaid, deceased. All persons having claims against the said decedent are hereby warned to exhibit the same to the subscriber, passed by the Orphans’ Court, on or before the 20th of August, 1835, or they may, by law, be excluded from all benefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are required to make immediate payment. Given under my hand, this 20th day of August, 1S34. aug21—eo3w MARY MAJOR, Adm’x. JOB PRINTING executed at this office MRS. PORTER’S SEMINARY WILL be re-opened, at the Dwelling of the Alexandria Bank, corner of Fairfax and Cameron streets, on the 15th of September, 1831. Encouraged by the success which has thus far attended the efforts of the Principals of this In stitution, they have continued to avail them selves of every advantage, which the various improvements in Europe and America have conferred upon the science of education. A Gentleman of liberal education and experi ence in the art of teaching, has recently taken the charge of the olasses in Arithmetic, Naturai Philosophy, Chemistry, and Astronomy. This acquisition, with suitable apparatus for exhibit ing experiments, and familiar lectures, which will be given on each branch, complete the ad vantages enjoyed within the limits of this Insti tution. B. llallowell’s course of lectures are also attended through the winter season. The vigilant care and paternal watchfulness ever attendant upon the pupils, command oppor tunities for inculcating lessons on numerous points of morals and manners, which can only be secured by that maternal interest which wins the regard and confidence of the pupils. Board and Tuition, in all the English branch es, one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, payable quarterly In advunce. Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish, each, S6 per quarter of 13 weeks. Music on Piano, Harp, and Guitar, S18 do Drawing, Landscape and Flower jt , Painting in oils S Wax-work. Transferring, Shell- i - >n work, and Chinese do \ Velvet Painting, in oil and w ater colors 5 do Jicfcr to Rev. Ruel Keith, Theological Seminary,Vy. | Rev. Edward Lippett, do Rev. C. Dana. Alexandria, D. C. Rev. Mr. Johnson, do John Roberts, do Bernard Hoot*, do A. C. Cazenove, do W. Kowle, do H. Daingerfield, do . I. 1\ Thompson, do T. Fairfax, do F.dg;., *>nowden, do II. If. Mason, do Benjamin Hallowed, do Hon. Levi Woodbury, Secretary ol the* Treasury, Washington, D.C. Hon. Muhlon Dickerson, Sec’y ofthe Navy. Commodore Rodgers, Navy Commissioner “ C. Morris, do “ Isaac Chauncey, do Col. Bomford, Washington. Gales Seaton, do Gen. George Rust, Virginia. Hierome I.. Opie, Virginia. Richard Brown, Virginia, jy .‘1 I —dt 1 stOct__ LAND FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND in the County ot Prince William, Virginia, called “ Hazle Plain,” containing about 550 acres. A TRACT, adjoining the above, called “ Brown’s,” containing about 108 acres. A TRACT on Bull Run, containing about 1075 acres. A TRACT on Cedar ltun, called “ Fitz hugh’s,” containing about 575 acres. A TRACT on Slater’s Run, containing about 910 acres. A TRACT called Champs,” containing7G5 called icres. A TRACT in Fauquier County, ‘ Hale’s,containing about 1400 acres. With several smaller TRACTS, containing from 100 to 250 acres. On all these Tracts are good and sufficient Dwelling and Out-Houses. All of which will lie sold on favorable terms, upon application to Bernard Hooc, Esq. or the iubscriber, in Alexandria. jv 31 WM. H. KOWLE. A CARD. SAM’L. LINDSAY (of the late firm of Lind say, Hill & Co.) *offers his services in the transaction of Commission Iiusiots*. lie is pre pared to make liberal advances on consign ments. Ilis Store is spacious, situated on Union, between King and Prince streets; where lie would be pleased to receive GOODS on STO RAGE. Persons sending FLOUR to this place (particularly by water) to lie stored, would find it to their advantage to store on the wharf. If requested, each parcel will be kept separate, and the identical Flour delivered when called for. Alexandria. August 6, 183L _ WHEAT. I WISH to purchase Wheat in Alexandria; also at the Triadelphia Mills, situated three miles from town. on4he Little River Turnpike R0a(|. SAM’L. LINDSAY, On Union, between King and Prince sts. £3» Griswold’s celebrated IVheat Fans for sale as above. Alexandria, August C*. WHEAT FANS, &c. LG. & H. GRISWOLD have now on hand, . and will constantly keep, or manufacture to order, at their Establishment, corner of King and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch and Eng lish improved WHEAT FANS; Cockle, Cheat, and Rolling SCREENS, for Flouring Mills; Window Screens, Riddies, Sifters. Mil. Shakes, Straw Cutters, and Safes; all of which they will dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They guarantee them to be made of the best materials and workmanship; and hope, by con stant attention to business, to gain a share of the public patronage. . Flour manufactures and Wheat ban makers will find it greatly to their advantage to give us A boy is wanted; as apprentice to the above business, 16 or 17 years old, of good and steady habits. , . . . .._ N. B. Repairing done on the shortest notice. TURNING in Wood, Iron, and Brass, may 28—ly PROSPECTUS OF THE VI R 01 N1A \\ Ji E A Til. fllHE subscriber proposes to publish in Win JL Chester, (Va.) an exclusively literary pa per, with the above title. '1 he advantages of periodical literature are so well known and so highly appreciated at the present day, that the subscriber would be con tent that this prospectus should contain nothing more than a mere annunciation of the manner in which the contemplated paper will be con ducted—the editor’s expectation of assistance from many literary individuals—together with assurances of attention and diligence on his own part, if it was not that the prevalency of an opinion that a purely literary paper cannot suc ceed in this section of country, has been the cause of the failure of many such undertakings heretofore. It is only deemed necessary to ask the public to discard an opinion, which, predi cated on no proper grounds, is still the great and almost only reason of the depressed state of this branch of literature in Virginia and the South generally; for surely the fact that there is no part of our country which is not overflow ing with foreign literary periodicals, is an evi dence of an interest in and a spirit to support li terature. And most certainly, when it is recol lected that the South has ever relied with honor and success upon her own resources in every other respect, no one will doubt her ability to build up and maintain the character of literary | works within her own boundaries. Let it there-1 fore be seen that u spirit to support and the ta-1 lent to maintain should be the only reasons of the absence of these literary repositories in any country; and let a liberal patronage furnish the benefits of an extended circulation to the trea sures of Southern genius. The columns of the Virginia Wheath will con tain much good original matter—many indivi duals of high merit, some of whom have alrea dy distinguished themselves in the literary world, having tendered their assistance—with selec tions from the best American and British perio dicals, comprising Tales, Essays. Reviews, Poe try. Literary notices, 4c. This paper will be issued weekly, neatly exe cuted on fine paper with small type, and con tain in each number 9 quarto pages, at S3 00 per annum, payable at the end of six months, or S3 50 if not paid within the year. Postmasters, editors, and others, who act as agents, will lie entitled to an eleventh copy gratis, or ten per cent, on all moneys forwarded. The first num ber will be issued as soon as an intimation is had of sufficient patronage to defray the expen ses of publication. JAMES R. GARDNER. Winchester, August 29, 1834._ BOOTS, SHOES, PALM LEAF HATS, &c. JI1. WHITE lias just received, per sloop . Statira and other arrivals, a very season able addition to his stock of HOOTS & SHOES, which enables him to offer almost every article in his line at the very lowest prices tor cash. Among them are— Men’s tine Pegged Summer Boots Do Pumps, various qualities, (some very cheap) Women’s Seal, Lasting & Kid Slippers, do Do Leather Jellersons & Slippers, do Misses’ Children’s Shoes, various qualities • Fine Palm Leaf Hats, broad rims, (an ex cellent vtk'le) Coarse do do do A lot of HAIR 1 HUNKS, cheap rCj* Ladies’ and Oentlomen’s Boots and Shoes, of all kinds, tr ade to order, of the best materials and workmanship._june TO THE CHEAT FALLS. The Canal I ■ Packet Boat \(f J] OB 0E ' h as inxa TON has commenced her regular tups, on Tuesdays and Fridays, for the Great Fails or Crommelin, starting from Frederick Street Bridge, (Georgetown) at 3 o’clock, A. M., and returning the same day at or before sunset. Fare to and from Crommelin, 50 cents. The Canal is now in line order, and the coun try presents a beautiful appearance. To those who are fond of a short excursion, and desire a short relaxation from business, a trip to the | Great Falls offers a most delightful treat. 53* Parties, on any other days of the week, 1 can bo accommodated, by giving a short notice or application to the proprietor, living on Third ■street, Georgetown._Z. M. OFFUTT. _ JEREMIAH W. SAT TER WHITE, CABINET MAKE If, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that he has commenc ed the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, in ! all its various branches, at the north corner of J King and Columbus streets, in the house for merly occupied by James & Jacob Douglas, where he hopes, by perseverance and industry, in connection with an experience in the above business for the last eight or ten years, to merit a share of public patronage. His FURNITURE will he made by expcriem ced journeymen, after the latest fashion, and in the most durable manner, which he will warrant to be equal to any manufactured in the District of Columbia.___jan 2 tf A HOUSE FOR SALE, EXCHANGE, OR RENT. fffTStl The commodious well finished two story lililLBRlCK HOUSE on King, near Henry street, now occupied by Mr. Philip Hooff, would be sold at a very moderate pried, and on liberal I credit for the chief part of the purchase money; or exchanged, upon fair terms, for improved J property nearer to the proprietor’s residence; or leased to a respectable tenant, at a reasonable rent, and possession given the 1st October next. | Inquire at the warehouse of j aug4 SAM’L. B. LARMOUR & CO. WHEAT WANTED. rIME WHEAT wanted by _ aug 19 A. C. CAZENO\ E & CO. AUCTION SALES. PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of a deed of trust from James L. McKenna and Ann Cecelia, hir wife, to Jonah Thompson, for the purposes therein men tioned, recorded in the County Court of Lou doun, lib. Ill, fo. 13S, will be exposed to sale, in the Court Ilouse Yard at Leesburg, at 12 o’ clock on Monday, the 22d day of September next, being the first day of the Superior Court, A certain TRACT of LAND, on which Jliiihas formerly been in operation a Grist and Saw Mill, lying and being on Broad Run, in the County of Loudoun and State of Virginia; containing by survey thirty-three acres and ten poles, and adjoining the lands of William and George Shed. Terms of Sale, one-fifth Cash; the balance in four equal instalments of six, twelve, eighteen, and twenty-four months. The deferred payments to be secured to the satisfac tion of the Trustee. I. 1». THOMPSON, Executor of Jonah Thompson, dec’d. auglS—ts [Leesburg Genius of Liberty ts] CASH FOR 400 NEGROES, INCLUDING both sexes, from 12 to 25 years of age. Persons having likely Servants to dispose of, will find it to be their interest to give us a call, as we will give higher prices in cash than any other purchaser who is now, or may hereafter, come into this market. *<>pt I FRANKLIN & ARMF1ELD. CHALLENGE BLACKING. JUST received, Taylor & Mason’s wMpnra/ leled and inimitable Challenge Blacking, de cidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever offered to the American public. It is an effec tual preservative of the leather, and affords, with Infinitely less than the usual labor, a dry, lasting, and brilliant jet black polish. For sale, at the price of ordinary Mucking, by sept 1 ' GEO. WHITE. DR. WHARTON’S REMAINS. rilHE Remains of the Rev. Charles Henry X Wharton, D. D.; with a Memoir ofliis Life, by George Washington Donne D. I). Bishop oi* the Diocese of New Jersey. Just published, ami fur sule hy aug 29 W. M. MORRISON. V PARKS’ AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. OL. 1st. just published, nnd for sale by W M. MORRISON, containing the Biogra phy of Generals John Stal k, C. B. Brown, R. Montgomery, and E. Allen. aug20 MADEIRA WINE. ~ rilHE subscribers have received, per the schi. X Village, from Madeira, 10 halfpipes 20 quarter casks of finest old high colored Madeira Wine, from the house of Murdoch, Shortridge &, Co. And have in Store, oj previous importation, f> pipes and 20 half pipes of the finest wine of Murdoch, Yuille <fc Co., part of which has had the benefit of a voyage to the East Indies. All old, and warranted of the very best quality, aug 0A. €. CAZKNOVE <fc CO. OLD L. P. MADEIRA WINE. G) Pipes ) Old high colored L. P. Madei 4 qr casks > ra Wine, of “ G. D.Welsh’s” 4 eiglitii do ) brand Received per sclir. Village. Newcomb, mast<T, direct from Madeira, for sule by aug 5 W. FOWLE & CO. MADEIRA WINE. Cases, containing 1 to 2 dozen bottles " each, of Newton, Gordon. Murdoch &■. Co’s superior old L. P. Madeira Wine. 1 qr casks i ~ . . 8 half qr casks $GrapcJmce Just received per schr. Village, from Madeira, and lor sale by_S. MESSERSM1TH. MADEIRA WINE. THE subscriber is now receiving, and offers for sale, an importation of Madeira Wine, per “ Iyanough,” via New York, consisting of 6 hhds ) Of the finest old L. P. Madei 6 qr casks > ra Wine, ofNewton, Gordon 4 half qr casks ) Murdoch &, Co.’s celebrated brand; and'he wifi receive and forward orders for their Old L. P. Madeira, superior Bual, Tin ta. Burgundy, Malmsey, and Grape Juice, aug 2 S. MESSERSMITH. WASHINGTON IRVING’S COMPLETE WORKS. THE Complete Works of Washington Irving, in 12 volumes, containing the Sketch Hook, Knickerbocker’s New York, Bracebridge Hall, Tales of a Traveller, Conquest ot Grenada, and the Alhambra. Just received and on sale by autr28AUG. JACOBS. SHIP CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. I HAVE for sale a Lot of Tools, of excellent quality, principally suck as arc used by Ship Carpenters; such as Broad Axes, Planes, Chisels, Adze, Augurs, Plains, one set of new Flooring Plains, Brace, Square, with many other articles, Chest, &c. I would prefer sell ing the whole together, and to a young ship car penter the lot would be sold a great bargain. _j»ug 15_GEO. WHITE. FRANKLIN HOUSE. jgv The above TAVERN has been rented by JIlLthe subscriber. It is well known as having been long occupied by Mr. Augustine Newton; is now in good repair, and every comfort that the traveller needs cap be had. The Table is everyday supplied witli the delicacies, as well as the substantial of life. The Bar is well fitted with the best Liquors, and private parties can be accommodated in the most delightful man ner. JOHN WEST. • N. B. BeltzhoOver’s Line of Stages arrive and depart daily from this House; and Gigs, Horses, and Hack’s, can be had on the mosg reasonable terms. ___ ?.n?v. ® ^ ALEXANDRIA MUSEUM OPEN, daily, from 10 to 12 o’clock A. M. an<4 from 3 to 5 P M. • jUn 24