Newspaper Page Text
Senate Committee for the investigating of post Office Department are now in daily , ,n at Washington, and we understand that T' pishey Thompson of Washington,andGeo. S Hough, of this place, have been appointed ?wks to the Committee.__ It is saUTThat Mr. Rothschild has recently , st y noo.000, by speculation in public stock. affecting scenes. #l / ifeof Alerander Hamilton, by John from J c Hamilton, his son. i » letter to Miss Schuyler, (afterwards Mrs. ,.liitnnJhe gives an account of the pursuit ^ he in company with others, had made to ,hd take Arnold, immediately after his defec °ver w-thus writes respecting the situation in tu?n h he found Mrs. Arnold: WaJh,w an amiable woman frantic with dis = tor the loss of a husband she tenderly lov Uf , totor to l>« country ami his fame-a dim to his connections. It was the most af ■•race i ever was witness |0. She for a ^ ideSe time, entirely lost herself. The S9 went up to her, and she upbraided him %!„„ in a plot to murder her child One "he raved, another she melted into JJS Sometimes she pressed her infant to her Em, and lamented its fate, occasioned by the imprudence of its father, in a manner hat would nierced the bosom of insensibility itself.— AlHhe sweetness of beauty, all the loveliness of innocence all the tenderness of a wife, all the fondness of a mother, showed themselves in her Inlarance and conduct. We have every rea believe that she was entirely unacquaint ffvShtteplan, and that the first knowledge ^ UwJ when Arnold went to tell her that he t banish himself from his country, and from her forever. She instantly fell into a convulsion, and lie left her in that situation. “ This morning she is more composed. I naid her a visit, and endeavored to soothe her bv everv method in my power; though you may imagine she is not easily to be consoled. Ad ded to her other distress, she is very apprehen sive the resentments of her countiy will fall up on her (who is only unfortunate) for the guilt of h‘er husband. _ u i have tried to persuade her that her fears are ill-founded; but she will not be convinced. She received us in bed, with every circumstance that would interest our sympathy; and her suf ferings were so eloquent, that l wished myself her brother, to have a right to become her de fender. As it is, I have entreated her to ena ble me to give her proofs of my friendship. Could 1 forgive Arnold for sacrificing his ho nor reputation, and duty, 1 could not forgive him for acting a part that must have forfeited the esteem of so fine a woman. At present she almost forgets his crime in her misfortunes; and her horror at the guilt of the traitor, is lost iu her love of the man. But a virtuous mind cannot long esteem a base one, and time will make her despise, if it cannot make her hate.” jCJ-Joiin Hcghes, Wm. D. Merrick, Wm. A. Dvlany, and James L). Carpenter, are the Whig candidates to represent Charles County in the next General Assembly of Maryland. Benjamin L. Gantt. Walter B. C. Wor THUiUToN, Thomas G. PHArr, and Philip Barton Key, Es'js. are recommended to the voters of Prince George’s County as suitable persons to represent them in the next General Assembly of Maryland. 83* Charles Jambs Faclkner, of Berkeley, will be supported as a Representative for the Congressional District compost'd of Hampshire, Frederick. Beikeley, Jefferson, and Morgan. jr^ Captain John A. Thompson w ill be sup ported as a Representative for the Congression al District composed ol Hampshire, Frede rick. Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan. We are requested to announce Philip N. Amiss as a candidate to represent the County of Rappahanock in the next General Assembly of ef Virginia. The people of King George County, Va. of all parties, are invited to assemble at their Court House on Thursday, the 2d day of Octo ber next, (being Court day) to consider upon the expediency of instructing the Senator from the District to vote for the re-election of B. W. Leigh as United States Senator from Virginia. We are authorised to announce to the voters of the Congressional District composed of the counties of Westmoreland, Richmond, Northumberland, Lancaster, King George Staf ford and Piince William, that John Taliaferro, Esq., has, in compliance with the wish of many voters, consented to become a candidate at the next election of a Representative for that Dis trie t in the Congress of the United States._ J. It. PIERPOINT’S SEMINARY ly ILL be rt‘-opeued on the first day of Sep timber next. In this Institution will be taught, besides the usual branches, the Latin, Greek, and French Languages, the Mathema tics. Natural Philosophy, Drawing, Jcc. The Classical Department will be under the special care of 1*. J. MiLacohun, a gentleman °l high literary attainments, of unexceptionable moral character, and who has had considerable experience in the instruction of youth. In tins Institution the Explanatory 1Mode of 'utrHrtiun is pursued; which is based upon the obvious principle, that abstract terms and defi i mns are less intelligible and pleasing to chil Jh-°K • real objects» and that the instruction men is given entirely in w ords, can never be ,nlerPsting and profitable, as that which is omniunicatej with the aid of visible and tangi , tnings. Dy thus explaining and illustrating . 0 subJects yf study before the students en 'uP°n tben>. they are well understood, and • ,r ProRress is thereby facilitated and much increased. Proprietor is decidedly of the opinion ,h Vomh are more easily led than driven in paths ofscience, and that order, in general, r , °.re effectually secured by a system of mo r Tr3| pbysical discipline. is Institution continues to be well support r .n ,S now 'n a flourishing condition, and ar 1 Aments have been made for the accommo ton of an additional numt>er of students. „ * * r,*prietor hopes that no exertions on his L on that of his assistants, will be neglect . at w ill tend to the moral and intellectual "nprovement of his students. A^xnndria, August 15. 1S34—2aw6w_ A FIRST rate herring fishery Tuio » . For Sale. . LANDING, which is equal—and the an* atc°mmodations for curing superior—to s( ' on Potomac River, lies on the Maryland r ,,,e’ about 20 miles below Alexandria. To it J auached a very fertile FARM, of about 100 , le improvements are a good Brick A.k k^LING, large Tobacco Houses, with other necessary Out-Houses, besides the ve ♦jp, i easive Buildings of the Fishery. For par ity ii,.an.? terms apply to George Mason, oi j ‘P Va. near Alexandria, P. G. COMMERCIAL. Baltimore Patriot Office, ) Friday, 1 o'clock, P. M. £ Tht Market is well supplied with Pepper— sales at 6 3 4 cents. No Pimento in first hands. Nutmegs plently, sales of prime at 1 40. 400 mats of Cassia brought same as yesterday—Rio Coffee 111-2 to 12 1-4 c; prime St. Domingo fiee ly commands 10 3-4 cts; other qualities 10 1 4 to 1-2 cts. Sugars, the private sales have been li mited—the trade are well supplied; not a hhd. of New Orleans in first hands—a good article would readily command 87 1-2 to 7 3-4. No Mackerel afloat—sales to-day of No. 2 at $6 1-4 —all kinds continue scarce. Teas—nothing of any importance doing in any descriptions—pri ces continue the same, with a sufficient supply for our fall business. Cotton and Indigo quiet. Trinidad Molasses is held at 28 cts. Flour.— In our report to-day we shall have to repeat our former quotations with regard to this article. The uniform price from wagons ap pears to be 85. We quote sales from stores, Howard street, at 5 12 1 2 a 5 18 3-4. We quote a sale of 700 bbls. at the latter rate: a few lots of a very choice article have been sold at 5 25. The demand is adequate to the receipts. Grain.—The operations in Grain brisk, and the supply moderate. We quote prime red Wheat at 81 a 1 02; strictly prime, l 03 a 1 04; fair to good 98 a 100 cts; white, 81 a 1 15; lami ly Flour, white, 1 12. Com, white, 65 a 66. Rye, 65 a 67 cts. Oats, 33 a 35c. Whiskey.—We quote the price of this article from wagons at 28 1-2 a 29 1-2—sales from stores, 32 a 33c. Beef on the Hoof, at 81 a 5 per 100 lbs.- -Hogs do scarce at 86 a 6 1-2 per do do. SHIP NEWS. PORT OF ALEXANDRIA, D. C. Arrived, September 27, Schooner Baltic, Nichols, Lubec; Piaster to order. Sloop Miller, Teal, Philadelphia; Freight for the District. Passed up, Brig Atlantic, Leavitt, Wilming ton; with Lumber. Sailed, Brig Remittance, Bears, Barbadoes. Schr. Julia Ann, Crowell, Portland. Schr. Good Intent, Smith, Savannah. FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. The Schooner FIRM, Spencer, master, sail on Wednesday, 1st October, and can take some light freight or passengers. Ap ply to LAMBERT McKENZIE, sept 29 Unionjvharf. FOR NEW YORK. The Packet Schooner PRESIDENT, Baker, master, will sail on Wednesday, and can take 200 bbls. Apply on board, or to sept 29 STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s whatf. FOR PHILADELPHIA, (Via Canal.) The Regular Packet Sloop MILLER, Teal, master, will sail on Thursday. For freight applytto the captain on board, or • to sept 20 STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf. PORTO RICO SUGAR. Q Q Hogsheads Porto Rico Sugar, just receiv OO ed per sloop Miller, from Philadelphia, and for sale by S. MESSERSMITH. sept 29 YOUNG HYSON TEA. Half Chests Young Hyson Tea, of supe rior quality, just received and for sale by sppt 29 S. MESSERSMITH. OIL AND TALLOW. I Tierce Linseed 1 2 barrels Fish > OIL 5 barrels Sperm ) 4 barrels Philadelphia Rendered Tallow Just received, and for sale, low, by sept 29—3tJOS. HARRIS & SON. AMERICAN QUARTERLY REVIEW, ~ NO. 31—Containing the following, viz: 1. Life and Policy of George Canning 2. Italian Lyric Poets 3. Kay’s Caffraria 4. Sherley’s Plays 5. Diplomatic Correspondence of the U. S. 6. History of the United States, by George Bancroft 7. Egypt and Mohammed Ali, by T. A. St. Johns 8. The Executive Power Just received by E. KENNF.D\, 5PPt 29—en3t Agent for the Publishers. BOOTS AND SHOES. JH. WHITE has just received a consider • able part of his Fall and Winter Supply of BOOTS AND SHOES, the greater part of which are from the best manufactories at the North, and well worthy the attention of country dealers and others. Among them are Men’s Calf Sewed Boots, 1st quality “ do do do 2d do “ Seal do do “ Nailed and Pegged do “ Thick Pegged and Sewed W ater Boots “ Calf Sewed Monroes “ Do Nailed and Pegged do “ Kip do do do “ Coarse Sewed and Pegged Brogans Boys’ Grain Sewed and Pegged Monroes “ Kip Pegged Q° “ Coarse Pegged Brogans « do do Shoos Youth's Sewed and Pegged Monroes Child’s Morocco f Leather Shoes,various k ds Ladies’ Morocco Walking Shoes, 1st quality h do do 2(* do u geaj do [cheap “ Morocco f Seal Slippers, some very « Lasting Jeffersons and Slippers “ Fur trimmed and plain India Rubber Shoes Misses’ Leather Bootees, Slippers f Jeffersons Also, . Seal Caps, Hair Trunks, &c. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices, particularly tor Cash. , . . . „ V Boots and Shoes (all kinds) made to or der, as heretofore.__ sept 29_ A CARD. DOCTOR HARRIS, being on a short visit to Alexandria, will, during his stay, per form any operation in Dental Surgei'y that may be wanted. His room is at Mr. Netc ton's Hotel. References: Drs. N. Potter, Thomas E. Bond, W W Handy, Samuel Baker, G. C. M. Ro berts, Baltimore; Drs. Washington, Fairfax, Alexander, and Richards, Alexandria. As his brother is associated with him in practice in Baltimore, he will be able to spend a few days in this city every five or six weeks. Those who wish his advice or services during his present visit will make early application. . DIED, At Strawberry Vale, Fairfax County, (Va.) Lucy W., daughter of William H. and Eliza beth C. Gantt, aged 18 months. “ Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not,” for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” ___ Alexandria Temperance Society.—The regular monthly meeting of the Society will be held on Monday evening next, at 7 o’clock, in the Session Room of the First Presbyterian Church, corner of Royal and Duke streets. Some interesting addresses are expected, sept 26—2t Q. A. Cazenove, Sec’y. FOR BOSTON. ^ The Schooner MOUNT VERNON, y&lfZENAs Marston, master, will have des patch, and take 500 barrels on freight. For terms apply to the master on board, or to sept 24 HENRY DAINGERF1ELD. FOR FREIGHT. rfrc The good Schooner WM. HENRY, $£H£Hatch, master, burthen about 1200 bbls., will take a freight to any port at a low rate; for which apply to S. MESSERSMITH, sept 24 Or the master on board. PHILADELPHIA AND DISTRICT OF CO LUMBIA PACKETS, (HAND'S LINE— VIA CANAL.) A vessel of this line will leave Philadel U&lJphia for the District of Columbia on the Thursday of each week for the balance of the season. For freight or passage apply to JOSEPH HAND, No. 7, North wharves, Philadelphia, or to STEPHEN SHINN, sept 22—2awl0wAlexandria. PLASTER PARIS AFLOAT. -g Ar Tons, cargo of schr. Potomac, from A \ ftJ Halifax. N. S. for sale by sept 26_ S. MESSERSMITH. RIO COFFEE. C A Bags, just received, and for sale by JU sept 26_S. MESSERSMITH. WHEAT. RYE, AND WOOL. PURCHASED by sept 26 A. C. CAZENOVE A CO. CORN. O A A A Bushels of Corn, for sale by ^UUU A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. sept 25_ SPERMACETI OIL AND CANDLES, rtx Barrels and ten tierces Sperm Oil, war & fJ ranted pure 50 boxes Sperm Camiles Received per the Mount Vernon, for sale by sept 25A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. MOLASSES. -| AA Hogsheads Retailing Molasses A vlAF 4 hogsheads N. E. Rum The cargo of schooner Julia Ann, this day landing, for sale by sept 24W, FOWLE & CO. SUGAR. -j W Hogsheads prime Porto Rico Sugars, A 4 landing from schr. Mount Vernon, for sale by sept 24 VV. FOWLE & CO. MACKEREL. Q A Barrels No. 2 and 3 i Mackerel 44 30 half bbls No. 1 and 2 \ Mackerel Received per schr. Mount Vernon, from Bos ton, for sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, sept 24Union wharf. SHOT. QQt Bags Shot, all sizes, just received from tJOJ the Phrenix Shot Tower Company, Baltimore, and for sale by sept 23_ S. MESSERSMITH. OCiTiU H IITjA I. «X Bushels prime White Wheat, for sale by #D sept 23 SAM’L. LINDSAY. " ' “ NOTICE. THE subscriber, having withdrawn his per sonal attention from his business in this place, finds it necessary to a continuance of it, to make it entirely a Cash business, and having determined to do so, feels it his duty to tender his thanks to those who have patronised and confided in him, and to inform them and the public that he continues the FLOUR and GRO CERY BUSINESS, at his old stand on King street, immediately opposite the Diagonal Pump, where he has on hand a good supply of PLAS TER AND SALT, and some other leading ar ticles in the Grocery line; all which he will sell low for cash, or in exchange for Country Pro duce. He will at all times pay the fair market price for FLOUR, particularly that which may be consigned to him, and when in his power make liberal advances on Flour and other arti cles stored with, or confided to him for sale on commission. In his absence, which will be ge neral, Mr. Joseph Eaches will attend to and con duct the business. Those indebted to him are respectfully desired to call and settle their re spective balances. B. E. HARRISON. Alexandria, Sept. 26, 1834—eo3t Leesburg Gen. Lib. and Warrenton Reg. 3t MISS HONEYWELL’S GALLERY OF CUTTINGS AND NEEDLE IVOIiK, IS now open, at the Indian Queen Tavern, on King and St. Asaph streets. This interesting lady, a native of New York, born without arms, has acquired such use of a common pair of scissors, by holdingthem in her .mouth, as to be able to cut out of paper, the most curious and difficult CUTTING ever at tempted; such as the likenesses of distinguisded Americans and Europeans, together with a va riety ot others; such as Watch Papers, Flowers, Landscapes, and even the Lord’s Prayer, perfectly legible; not only the outlines, but to resemble copperplate engraving. She writes, draws, and does all kinds of Needle Work, with the utmost facility and ease. An extensive variety of specimens of her elegant performance are for exhibition in the house she occupies. All her elegant works are for sale. She can be seen at her va rious occupations, from 10 o’clock, A. M. till 9 o’clock, P. M. (cut in a few seconds without hands, by Miss Honeywell,) 25 cents. Children halt price. N. B. Profiles neatly bronzed and framed by Mr. S. Starky. , . , Also will be exhibited, at the same time and place a variety of beautiful ENGRAVINGS: also, 20 Views of the Burning Mountains. Ad mittance, 25 cts. for the whole. sept 26—tf SEALED PROPOSALS WILL be received at this office, until the 5th day of October next, for the delivery of One Hundred Thousand Washington, or Alexandria ARCH BRICK. The whole to be delivered at Fort Monroe, Va. bv or before the 31st day of October, 1831. oy or oeiore CHARLES DIMMOCK, Lt Ast. Or- Master, U. S. Army. Assistant Quarter Master's Office, { Fort Monroe, Va. Sept. 19,1834. $ sept 24—tothOct NEW GOODS. FALL GOODS. WH. THOMPSON & CO. offer for sale, • at moderate prices, an extensive assort ment of French, Italian, English, and American Goods, received by late arrivals, and are now opening. Among them are the following: Black, blue black, and col’d Gro dc Naples Do and do Poult de Soie Black Italian Lustrings, Florences, and black Mode Blond Veils, Thread Laces and Edgings Jet black and blue black Lyons Velvets Black and colored Italian Crapes Plain and figured Swiss Muslins Linen Cambric and Linen Cambric Hdkfs Silk, Cotton, and Worsted Hosiery Gloves of every description New strip Dark Camhric Prints A Iso, Cloths, ol every shade and price, very cheap Cassimeres, Cassinetts, and Flannels Rose, Point, and Duffle Blankets Green Baizes, Drab Kerseys, # Negro Clolhs 6-4 English and French Merinos 3-4 black and colored Merino Circassians With every variety of Goods in our line, suit able for the Fall and Winter. We invite our customers and purchasers to give us a call, and see for themselves, as we are determined to sell at a small advance on the cost.sept 29 NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JUST received a large supply of Fall and W inter Goods, which will be sold unusually low’, viz: 50 pieces blue, black, brow’n, claret, green, mulberry, olive, mixed and drab Cloths and Cassimeres 5 pieces Wilkins’ super 8 4 twilled Cloth 5 pieces Petersham, some extra 10 pieces real Goat’s Hair Camblet 100 do Sattinetts 1 truss, containing 70 pair 9-4 to 14-4 Rose Blankets 60 pieces white, yellow, and red Flannels, some very fine 20 pieces 6-4 French Merino 20 do do English do 30 do black and colored Circassians and Bombazets 20 pieces black Bombazine, very cheap 5 do 5-4 French do 30 do Furniture Calico 15 do Twilled do a new article 20 do Oil-dressed do 80 do Fall Prints, in great variety 6 cases low priced Calicoes 10 pieces black Gingham 10 do Extracted do 5 do Plain do 50 dozen white and black, silk, worsted, and cotton Hosiery grgtaf Gent’s Lamb’s-w ool Hose and half Has# Do do Shirts and Pantti 1 bale Russia Diapers 1 do Crash, for Tow’elling Damask Table Cloths, Diapers, and Nap kins, very cheap Bird-Eye Diaper Russia Sheeting and Brown Holland Irish Sheeting, some 12-4 wide 30 pieces Irish Linen 100 do Cotton Fringes 50 lbs white, black, and brown Thread 100 do Orrell’s Cotton Balls 50 dozen Parsons’ Spool Cotton Gilt, Pearl, und Bone Buttons ^ Furniture Binding Madras Handkerchiels; Prussian Shawls 30 pieces Linen and Linen Cambric Hdkfs 6 dozen Hemmed-stich do do 5 do Colored Bordered do Bishop’s Lawn; Mull, Plain and Figured Book and Swiss Muslins Plain and figured Bobinet and Greciannet Bobinet # Greciannet Footings# Edgings Thread and Cambric Edgins # Insertions 20 pieces assorted colored Crapes 10 do black Italian Crape 10 dozen Corded Skirts Ladies’ best Kid, Beaver # Silk Gloves Gent’s Buck, Beaver, Kid, Berlin, and Worsted Gloves 10 pieces black and colored Silk Velvet 5 do Tabby Velvet 20 do Quilted, Valencia, Satin-faced, and other Vestings 30 do Silk Handkerchiefs 6 - do plain India Silk do Black Italian Cravats Bombazine, Silk, and Velvet Stocks Silk, Elastic, and Nett Suspenders 5 dozen black und colored Bead Bags 20 do figured, watered, # velvet Belting 50 pieces Lutstring Ribbons 200 do David’s best Galoons Jaconet Cambrics, Jaconet Muslins. Plaid Muslins, Cambric # Furnituie Dimity 15 pieces Curtain Muslins 20 do damask and watered Morenns 10 do new style Cotton, very handsome Also, 20 pieces plain and fig’d Silks, very rich 20 do black Italian Mateoni # Lutstrings 5 do Gro de Indies Gro de Constantine, pink and white 5 pieces black Mode 6 do English Silk^Serge 20 do Florences and Satins Black Lace Veils 6 doz Blonde Gauze Veils and Hdkfs Hernani and other Fancy Shawls # Hdkfs Thibet Shawls and;Ildkfs. in great variety Merino Shawls, Scarfs, and Hdkfs Cashmere do do do 10 doz Thibet Barage Hdkfs Together with a general assortment of Brown, Bleached, and Colored Domestics. Also, 2 cases large braid cottage-shape Dunstables sept 26 WILLIAM H. MOUNT & CO. NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby forewarned from hunting, shooting, or in any manner what soever trespassing upon the lots or lands be longing to either of the subscribers, situated northwest of Alexandria, south of the town and south of Great Hunting Creek; as they are de termined to put the law in force.a£ai™t any of‘ r'nJ;r27_N R FITZHUGti, THOMAS T. FAUNTLEROY, attorney at law, WILL practice in the Courts of the District of Columbia, and in the Superior and In ferior Courts of the neighboring Counties in Vir ginia. He will be in Alexandria by the 20th instant, and may always be found in the office formerly occupied by T. W. Hewitt, Esq. after the first day of October next. sept 18—dlw&wtf_ BLANKS AND PAMPHLETS Printed, with neatness & despatch, at this office AUCTION SALES. FURNITURE AT AUCTION. ON Thursday, the 2d October next, at 10 o’ clock, A. M., will be sold, in front of mv Auction Store, sundry artictes of HOUSE HOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, be longing in part to a person leaving town; such as Sideboard, Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, Feather Beds and Bed Furniture, Bedsteads; one largo Scale Beam; parcel Door and Window Shut ters, with hinges attached. Als<h a second-hand Gig, with Harness, a little out of repair. JCf* Regular sales of Furniture every Thurs day morning, at 10 o’clock. Persons desirous of having Furniture disposed of, are requested to send it to my warehouse, where it will be received free of storage, either before or early on the morning of the sale, that the same may be properly arranged for the sale. %* Sales of Dry Goods, Hardware, Books, &.c. every Wednesday and Saturday evening, throughout the season, sept 29GEORGE WHITE. TRUSTEE’S SALE. THE subscriber, having been appointed by the Superior Court ofFairfax County, V«.t to act as Trustee, under a deed executed on the 3d January, 1821, by the late George Mason, Esq., of Gunston, will, with the consent of the family of Mr. Mason, offer at public sale, for cash, at Mr. Samuel Catts’ Tavern, West End, near Alexandria, on Wednesday, 22d Oct. next, at 11 o’clock, A. M., a part of THE SER VANTS conveyed in said deed, consisting of FOUR MEN AND ONE WOMAN. RICHARD SMITH, Trustee, sept 20—dts_WM. D. NUTT, Auct. VERY VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale my LAND in King George. It borders on Potomac Creek, and is situat ed immediately adjoining the steamboat land ing. The tract contains a little upwards of 860 acres, and is well suited to the production of Tobacco, Corn, Wheat, Rye, and Oats. Red Clover delights in the Upland, and there is a full portion of as fine Meadow Land belonging to the tract as is to be found in Virginia. The soil is a dark.loam, easy to cultivate, and cer tain to produce. The locality of its situation, both natural and acquired, gives to the tract in calculable advantages. This Land will be of fered for sale, on the premises, on the first day of next month, to the highest bidder, on terms then to be made known, reserving to myselfon* bid. P. HANSBROUGH. Culpeper County, Va. Aug. 7—eotlstSep £3“ The sale of the Land above mentioned has necessarily been postponed until the 4th day of October next.aug 27—eot4thOct WAS COMMITTED TO the Jail for the County of Alexandria, District of Columbia, on the 2d of October, 1833, as a runaway, a yellow woman, who says her name is REBECCA SMITH. She appear* to be about 35 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, stout and well made. Sbe says that she belong* to a Mr. Freeman, a negro trader from th* South. The owner is therefore requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away; otherwise she will ba sold out to the highest bidder, on the 2d day of l>e cember, 1834, in front of the Court House door, as the owner has been notified before this ac cording to law. D. MINOR, Deputy Marshal, and Jailer for the County of sept 12—2awt2dDec Alexandria, D. C. FOR RENT, A comfortable 2-story FRAME DWELL flili ING on Duke street, near Mr. Anthony Co ver’* dwelling. To a good tenant the rent will be made low. Apply to GEO. WISE, sept 27—3t___ TO RENT, With possession 16th December next, The very desirable Two-Story DVVEL IwlLlNG on Union, near Princess street, with Kitchen, Bath and Smoke House, Sec. Also, a STONE HOUSE and spacious LOT, in a good situation for business, at present occupied by Mr. Peter Hewitt. Apply to Sam’J B. Larmour. _sept 27 SAM’L. B. LARMOUR Se CO. FOR RENT, The large and convenient two-story li£4BRICK HOUSE, recently occupied by the Rev. E. C. Hutchinson. It is pleasantly situated at the corner of Prince and Patrick streets. There is a large Yard, with a variety of Fruit Trees, a Stable, Smoke House, Sec. To a good tenant the rent will be moderate. Apply to WILLIAM WRIGHT, or june 17—2awtf CHARLES ROSS.__ _ SURGICAL NOTICE. DR. R. ROMAN would respectfully solicit an interview with all who are the subject* of HERNIA, (or Rupture.) The best Trusses hitherto in use have only been used with a view of preventing an aggravation of the misfortune. Dr. R. proposes, by the application of Stagner’s newly invented Truss, to effect a radical cure in the space of from two to four months. Thos* laboring under this affliction, and having any doubts of its application, are referred to the Physicians of Alexandria and Washington City, most of whom have examined the merits of the instrument. . n. u k. rx.inri at Npurton’s Hotel, until the 30th instant, during which time calls, either in person or by letter, will meet with attention. The following notices of this improvement have appeared in the Washington papers: “ It Is perhaps due to Messrs. Maxwell & Ro man to say, that they have exhibited to us tea timonials which leave no doubt on our minds of the value of the improvement advertised by them in the Truss—an article, we are sorry to learn, of much more extensive use and necessity than we had until lately supposedJnt, “ We invite attention to an advertisement, in this day’s paper, of Messrs. Maxwell and Ro man. The improved Truss, which it is their ob ject to introduce into use, has the recommenda tion of some of the most eminent surgeons In the United States.”— Globe. “ Persons in the city afflicted with Hernia, or Rupture, would do well to call on Dr. Maxwell, whose advertisement is in our paper of to-day. The Doctor has the most satisfactory evidence of radical cures having been made in an unpre cedented short time, by means of a newlv in vented Truss. Cases which were considered impossible to be cured radically, have been cur ed in a space of time that surprises both physi cian and patient. Some of the first physicians of the country speak in the most favorable terms of the Truss used by the Doctor. We are told that it has not failed, in scarcely a single in stance, ot producing a radical cure, where it has been applied, and carefully persisted in. sept 24—6tTelegraph. SARATOGA WATER, from Congress Spring, BOTTLED in last month A large quantity lust received and for sale by 9th mo ?3d WILLIAM STABLE*,