Newspaper Page Text
“ Fnis ce qu'il faiU, arrive ce qu'il pourra” *■ r&Si* sssav. iETrais2>^i ji©^sfot©» srjEgiKssEBSMi §©; tssa. hew sqtskbs W&&* s—et®. mm. \LEXANDRIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY EDGJR SJVOWDEJf, Ar 3 DOLLARS PER ANNUM. PAYABLE HALF YEARLY. ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE {FOR THE COUNTRY) 13 PUBLISHED REGULARLY OX TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY, AT5 DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. TVr-M of\>lttrti*ins:—Advertisements neat ly and conspicuously inserted at the rate of one KJ per square for the first three insertions, ind twenty-fivecents for every subsequent inser JJJ. A reasonable deduction will be made in the case of yearly advertisers. •/ All advertisements appear in both papers. FOR AMSTERDAM. The superior coppered Ship 1IR('I ...J vi l c W. Turner, master, will sail about Sr0f October, and take 200 hogsheads of to bacco or small stowage on freight, on which an *“ be maJe “{v1 UFOWLEPf cS. Alexandria, Sept. 9, 1834.___ FOR SALE, FREIGHT, OR CHARTER, The Brig ILEX I NURI A, 206 tons bur &l^thcn. a staunch, good vessel, about two vearsold, a fast sailer, and in order for an v voy a,re. sept 9 A. C. CAZENOV E &■ CO ALEXANDRIA AND NEW ORLEANS PACKETS. rfK Brig TRIBUNE. Captain Smith, and •Ja>»rig USCAS, Captain Boush, will resume their regular trips on the 20th of October; one of which will leave this port every thirty days throughout the shipping season. They are ves sels of the first class, commanded by experien ced masters in the trade, will at all times go up the Mississippi by steam, and every exertion used to promote the interest of shippers and comfort of passengers. Apply to the captains onboard, or to „ FRANKLIN & ARMFIELD. aug 30—t20thOct _ NOTICE. The Steamer COLUM BIA, Capt. James Mitch ell, having resumed her regular trips between Bal timore aiul the District of Columbia, will, dur ing the season, leave Baltimore for the District of Columbia every Saturday, at 4 o’clock, P. M.-, and returning, will leave Washington at 6, and Alexandria at 7 o’clock, A. M. every Wed nesday, for Baltimore. Passage 82. sept 19—tf FOR NORFOLK. The Steamboat CUE S. I PE. IA E, Capt. Wilson, will be run as a regular packet between Alexan dria and Norfolk; leaving Alexandria On Tues days and Fridays, at l o’clock, and arriving in Norfolk in time to put passengers for Richmond on board the Patrick Henry. Returning, leave Norfolk on Wednesdays and Sundays, at 2 P. M., taking passengers from the Patrick Henry, and arrive at Alexandria on Mondays and Thursdays, at 10 A. M. Passen pers (nr Baltimore can be carried through the same day. Fare from Alexandria to Norfolk, $6, exclu siveol meals, or $7, meals included. From Nor f"ik to Baltimore, 88, exclusive of meals; 89, meals included. The Chesapeake is amir Boat, particularly adapted to this route; is coppered, copper-fas tened, has a strong copper boiler, and is, in all respects, entitled to the confidence of travellers. Parties of pleasure and families will only be charged 88 for the trip to Norfolk or Old Point ^back. J. WILSON, Captain. sept It—tf CORN. Bushels Yellow Corn lbfM) do White do In store, and lor sale bv _sent>j STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf mPLASTER PARIS AFLOAT. ,,s l,*aster' ’he cargo of the schoon . er ’’'Hiam Henry, lor sale by jept £i s mESSERSMITH. aA wATKR PROOF cement. /Ik as'ksRosendale Hydraulic Cement,just q m *5?^ and for sale by frSVi . ROBERT H. MILLER. Cpmon* e^mLonia,s°f *he high character of this ment may t» seen at my store. R. H. M. 1/*VihA-R?’ MOLASSES, TEAS, Ac. ill 10 !iS %; O* and prime St. Croix Sugar ' k ^ English Island Molasses °xes prim** white and brown Havan Sugar ,o K,, Lump Sugar •alf cheats Y. H. Jj- Gunpowder Teai ia u °‘ PHme retailing quality ‘JJ ba8s Porto Rico Coffee 2, do African do J bale h‘?h flavored Mocha do ^bag„ old Java do 3 ’rails Almonds * ,bales English Walnuts J *eSs Malaga Raisins - bags Pimenta *9 dozen Corn Brooms 0 boxes Mould Candles , do Plug Tobacco, (12’s-) 3 case English Mustard 3 boxes Chocolate 10 bb^nn»e Pork, (N. Y. City Inspet 10 do No. 1 Boston Beef Sow iiC?. superior Goshen Cheese from v */ro,n on board schr. Presiden tmW k * or^’ an^ W’H he sold on reasonabl seJSf ANDREW J. FLEMING, On Irwin’s wharf. SHOT. QQX Bags Shot, all sizes, just received from OOtl the Phoenix Shot Tower Company, Baltimore, and for sale by sept 23S. MESSERSM1TH. SEED WHEAT. 75 Bushels prime White Wheat, for sale by2 sept 23 SAM’L. LINDSAY. PLASTER OK PARIS. -g /Ji'W Tons, the cargo of the schr. Edward, lUl/ for sale by W. FOWLE & CO. WHITE LEAD. Just received, per Sloop Union, -g AA Kegs No. 1 White Lead, Roberts’ JLArLF brand, Philadelphia, and for sale by JAMES W. SCOTT, Union street, sept 20—tf_ WINDOW GLASS AND FURNACES. ■g I'gf'l Boxes Window Glass, 8x10 and 10x12, AvrLr from the Franklin works, Philadelphia 50 Cooking Furnaces, cased with iron or hooped. Just received and lor sale by 9 mo 20th R. H. MILLER. 150 sept 19 NAILS. Casks, assorted sizes, received per Rgnger, for sale by W. FOWLE & CO. 70 PLASTER OF PARIS. Tons, on board brig Ranger, for sale by sept 19 W. FOVVLE & CO. RIO COFFEE, PEPPER, GINGER, ROCK CANDY, vie. vie. Bags prime scented Rio Coffee, part green □U 10 kegs Ground Pepper 10 do Ground Ginger 10 boxes Mustard, part half lb canisters [ 5 boxes Fell’s Extra No. 1 Chocolate 10 boxes fine Rock Candy sept 19 SAMUEL B. LARMOUR & CO. 1 PRIME SUGARS. QA Hogsheads prime Porto Rico Sugars, landing from brig Ranger, for sale by sept 19 “ VV. FOVVLE & CO. NEW ENGLAND RUM. rtp Barrels, received by schr. Emerald, for sale by A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. sept 18 SARATOGA WATER, from Congress Spring, BOTTLED in Inst month A large quantity just received and for sale by 9th mo 23d WILLIAM STABLER. FOUND, ABOUT two weeks since, near West End, on the Turnpike Road, a small SILK PARA-1 SOL; the owner of which will please apply to 1 sept 23 _WM. D. NUTT. LOOKING GLASS PLATES. JUST received, and for sale by the dozen or single one. Looking Glass Plates of the fol lowing sizes: 14 by 10; 33 by 13; 24 by 14; 30 by 18; 2b by 15. Any other sizes, as large as 36 inches by 20, can be procured in a short time, if wanted 9 ino 22d R. H. MILLER. I CHINA. NDIA China Dinner Setts and pieces separate French China Tea Setts, broad gold band English do do plain enamelled, very cheap. Just received and for sale by 9 mo 20 ' R. H. MILLER. ASTRAL AND MANTEL LAMPS. JUST received, a small but neat assortment of Astral Lamps lor the Centre Table J with Mantel Lamps S P*a‘n or rich cut glass shades Suspending and Wall Lamps for shops or churches; with a variety of Glass Lamps, plain and cut. 9 mo 20th R. H. MILLER. DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, rri WILLED Ravens Duck, Osnaburgs, and A Cambric; Seine Twine; Carpet Warp; Yarns, from No. 5 to 12. Full supplies constant ly on hand, and for sale at manufacturers’ rates, by sept 13 A. C. CAZENOV E & CO. SUGARS, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, Ac. | Hhds Orleans and Porto Rico Sugar 10 boxes \ vY'hite and brown Havana do 30 barrels S , 80 hhds f New Orleans and West India 30 bbls $ Molasses and Neuvitas Syrup, a superior article 110 bags Coffee, Rio, Cuba. Green Porto Rico, Maracaibo, Liberia and Java 100 chests, half chests and boxes Teas, Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, Young Hvson, and Pouchong, chiefly very late importation and fine qualities ^ 60 barrels superior Old Whiskey, part 5th proof Old Monongahela 2 hogsheads Cherry Bounce Wines, Liquors, and general Grocery assort ment, as usual. For sale, sept 8 SAMUEL B. LARMOUR &• CO. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. A SMALL lot of Shenandoah Brown Soap, an article which will recommend itself to allgooci housekeepers. 9th mo 16 ROBERT H. MILLER. WASHINGTON & ALEXANDRIA TURN PIKE STOCK. 1AM authorized to sell 22 Shares, of $50 each, Washingtonand Alexandria Turnpike Road Stock. Dividends for the last year seven per cent ROBERT H. MILLER. Alexandria, 9th mo 16, 1834. BUOYS IN THE POTOMAC. Custom Hoose, Alexandria, ) Collector's Office, September 4, 1S34. $ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at tnis office until 3 o’clock, P. M. of the 1st October next, for furnishing and placing in the River Potomac, ELEVEN SPAR BUOYS. The dimensions, kind of materials, &c. that are required they should be made of, and a draw ing of the same, will be exhibited at the office. Persons offering will endorse the words Onei for Spar Buoys/’ GEO. BRLNT, oept 5—dtlsjQct Collector. LAND FOR SALE. A TRACT OF LAND in the County o Prince William, Virginia, called “ Hazle Plain,” containing about 550 acres. A TRACT, adjoining the above, called “ Brown’s,” containing about 408 acres. A TRACT on Bull Run, containing about 1075 acres. A TRACT on Cedar Run, called “ Fitz hugh’s,” containing about 575 acres. A TRACT on Slater’s Run, containing about 940 acres. A TRACT called “ Champs,” containing765 acres. A TRACT in Fauquier County, called “ Hale’s,” containing about 1400 acres. With several smaller TRACTS, containing from 100 to 250 acres. On all these Tracts are good and sufficient Dwelling and Out-Houses. All of which will be sold on favorable terms, upon application to Bernard Hooe, Esq. or the subscriber, in Alexandria. jy 31 WM. H. FOWLE. A CARD. SAM’L. LINDSAY (of the late firm of Lind say, Hill & Co.) offers his services in the transaction ol Commission Business. He is pre-: pared to make liberal advances on consign- j ments. His Store is spacious, situated on Union,! between King and Prince streets; where he i would be pleased to receive GOODS on STO-1 RAGE. Persons sending FLOUR to this place (particularly by water) to be stored, would find it to their advantage to store on the wharf. If requested, each parcel will be kept separate, and the identical Flour delivered when called for. Alexandria, August 6, 1834._ WHEAT FANS, &c. LG. &. H. GRISWOLD have now on hand, . and will constantly keep, or manufacture to order, at their Establishment, corner of King and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch and Eng lish improved WHEAT FANS; Cockle, Cheat, and Rolling SCREENS, for Flouring Mills; 1 Window Screens, Riddies, Sifters, Mil. Shakes, Straw Cutters, and Safes; all of which they will ] dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They guarantee them to be made of the best materials and workmanship; and hope, by con stant attention to business, to gain a share of the public patronage. Flour manufactures and Wheat Fan makers will find it greatly to their advantage to give us : a call. . I A boy is wanted; as aw»«-''nlice±« the above t business, Hi or 17 years old, of good and steady habits. N. B. Repairing done on the shortest notice. | rrj- TURNING in Wood, Iron, and Brass, may 2S— ly __! A HOUSE FOR SALE, EXCHANGE, OR RENT. The commodious well finished two story _J”lBRlCK house on King, near Henry street, now occupied by Mr. l’hilip Ilooff, would be sold at a very moderate price, and on liberal credit for the chief part of the purchase money; or exchanged, upon fair .terms, for improved , property nearer to the proprietor’s residence; or | leased to a respectable tenant, at a reasonable rent, and possession given the 1st October next, j Inquire at the warehouse of mig4 SAM’L. B. LARMOUR & CO. I CHINA AND EARTHENWARE. HUGH C. SMITH has just reeeiued, per ship Maryland, from Liverpool, a hand some supply of CHINA AND EAR 1 HEN WARE, comprising the principal part of his Fall Supply of Fancy and Staple Articles. These, with his previous large stock on hand, will be sold on moderate terms, cash or credit. Among the Goods are: Handsome Dinner Setts, new and beautiful style and patterns Tea Setts, China, plain f gilt, a large variety India Dining China, in setts, or any article SeS5chUand common Cut, Plain, and Pressed Glassware, of every quality Castors, of common and superior quality Black Quart and Pint Wino^ Porter Bottles Demijohns of every size Slone Ware of an excellent quality Window Glass of good quality and every size Boston Crown Glass, procured at factory pri Hali and Shop Lamps and Lamp Wicks fees Britannia Tea Setts, of a superior quality EARTHENWAUE, CHINA, AND GLASS. rpHEsubscriber has now open, and offers for X saie, a large and handsome assortment of GOODS in his line, which he is anxious to dis pose of at moderate prices. Among them are: Blue, brown & purple Dinner Services « it “ plates^ other table ware u ii “ Bowls, Mugs dp Teaware ii ii “ Ewers & Basins & Toi let Sets , . , China Teasets and Cups Saucers, plain and gilt China Pitchers, Mugs, Bowls, &c. do do India China Dinner Service, dishes and plates extra , _ .. . Cut and plain Hall and Table Lamps, great variety Cut, plain, pressed and moulded Glassware Blue and green-edged, cream-colored, and painted or enamelled Ware, in all their varieties Stoneware of excellent quality, Alexandria manufacture . . , ,r. Furniture Knobs; Window Glass in halfboxes Cash sales being out of the question, a liberal credit will be extended^punctuel customers. Alexandria, 3d mo 27, 1834. WHEAT. I WISH to purchase Wheat in Alexandria; also at the Triadelphia Mills, situated three miles from town, on the Little Road. SAM’L. LINDSAY, On Union, between King and Prince sts. Griswold’s celebrated Wheat Fans tor sale as above, Alexandria, August 6. EDUCATION. MRS. PORTER’S SEMINARY WILL be re-opened, at the Dwelling of the Alexandria Bank, corner of Fairfax and Cameron streets, on the 15th of September, 1834. Encouraged by the success which has thus far attended the efforts of the Principals of this In stitution, they have continued to avail them selves of every advantage, which the various improvements in Europe and America have conferred upon the science of education. A Gentleman of liberal education and experi ence in the art of teaching, has recently taken the charge of the classes in Arithmetic, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and Astronomy. This acquisition, with suitable apparatus for exhibit ing experiments, and familiar lectures, which will be given on each branch, complete the ad vantages enjoyed within the limits of this Insti tution. B. Hallowell’s course of lectures are also attended through the winter season. The vigilant care and paternal watchfulness ever attendant upon the pupils, command oppor tunities for inculcating lessons on numerous Eoints of morals and manners, which can only e secured by that maternal interest which wins the regard and confidence of the pupils. Board and Tuition, in all the English branch es, one hundred and fifty dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance. Latin, French, Italian, and Spanish, each, S(5 per quarter of 12 weeks. Music on Piano, Harp, and Guitar, SIS do Drawing, Landscape and Flower > .. * Painting in oils > o o Wax-work, Transferring, Shell- j , , work, and Chinese do $ Velvet Painting, in oil and water colors 5 do Refer to ltev. Ruel Keith, Theological Seminary,Va. Rev. Edward Lippett, do Rev. C. Dana. Alexandria, D. C. Rev. Mr. Johnson, do John Roberts, do Bernard Hooe, do A. C. Cazenove, do W. Fowle, do H. Daingerfield, do I. P. Thompson, do T. Fairfax, do Edgar Snowden, do R. B. Mason, do Benjamin Hallowed, do Hon. Levi Woodbury, Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C. Hon. Muhlon Dickerson, Sec’y oftheNavy. Commodore Rodgers, Navy Commissioner “ C. Morris, do “ Isaac Chauncey, do Col. Bomford, Washington. Gales & Seaton, do Gen. George Rust, Virginia. Hierome L. Opic, Virginia. Richard Brown, Virginia, jy 31—dtlstOct BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. MISS MARGARET M. COLEMAN will, on the 1st of September, at her residence on the east side of Washington street, be tween Prince and Duke streets, open a SCHOOL for the instruction of Young Ladies in the vari ous branches of an English Education. She will endeavor to follow out the most improved systems in teaching which have been adopted or recommended, aiming to make her pupils well and practically acquainted with all that they learn. To inculcate correct moral princi ples, leaving to parents the entire direction of religious views, will be her duty and her incli nation. The text books used in the School will be those from the pens of the first scholars, and found, from experience, best adapted to answer the great end of acquiring knowledge. Music, French, Spanish, and Italian, Draw ing and Painting, will be taught by highly com petent masters. It is not thought necessary, in an advertise ment, to go into a detailed prospectus of Uie course of studies, &c. to be pursued. Reference can be made to Win. L. Hodgson and Edgar Snowden, Esqs. for any information that may be desired. T Kit ms: Board and Tuition, in all the English branch es, S150 per annum, bed and bedding furnished by the pupil; or -S160, and every thing provided, washingincluded; payablequarterly in advance. Tuition for Day Scholars, from St to 87 per quarter, according to their advancement. Music • - SIS per quarter French, Spanish, Italian each, 6 do Drawing and Painting - 5 do Alexandria, August 5. 1834—eotf SHIP CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. 1HAVE (or sale a Lot of Tools, of excellent quality, principally such as are used by Ship Carpenters; such as Broad Axes, Planes, Chisels, Adze, Aujnirs, Plains, one set of new Flooring Plains, Brace, Square, with many other articles, Chpst, &c. 1 would prefer sell in" the whole together, and to a young ship car penter the lot would be sold a great bargain. P aug 15_GEO. WHITE. second hand furniture. 1HAVE a variety of excellent Second-hand Furniture, which I will sell low. Among it, Mahogany Tables, Bedsteads, Sofa, Secretary. &c.* several Feather Beds, some kiln dried and clipped; Chairs, Looking Glasses, and Irons; Kitchen Furniture, &c. WM. D. NUTT. MISSING. A BOX OF MERCHANDIZE, marked Geo. Kyle, care of J. D. Kerr, Alexandria, was shipped from Baltimore on the 26th April last, and is supposed to have been delivered impro perly to some other person. If such a Box should be in the possession of any person that may have received goods by the steamboat of that day, or may have any knowledge of such, will please g‘ve information to any of the Agents of the altimore Steam Packets, or to the subscriber. Alexandria, June 12 B. WHEAT, AUCTION SALES. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. AUCTION SALES. WILL positively be sold, (if bidders,) on Sa turday, 5th October, at 11 o’clock, A. M.. MA FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and LOT, adjoining, on the east, Mr T. Pres ton’s late dwelling. Also, A VACANT LOT, adjoining, on the west, said Preston’s late dwelling. Also, One other VACANT LOT, on an alley, in the rear, of the first mentioned premises. I he dimensions of each, and terms, will be stated at the time of sale. • JAMES KEITH, Trustee, sept 12—2aw3w&dts BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. PUBLIC SALE. BY a virtue of two several deeds of trust re corded in the U. S. Circuit Court for the County of Alexandria, Lib. O, No. 2, fol. 99, and Lib. R, No. 2, fol. 52, 1 shall, on Wednesday, the 26th day of November next, offer at public sale, for cash, A LOT OP' GROUND in the town of Alexandria, beginning 57 1-2 feet from the cor ner of Princess and Union streets; thence South with Union street to Conway’s line; thence East with said line, and parallel to Princess street, into the River Potomac; thence North with the River to the line of John Adam; thence with his line to the beginning. Should the proceeds of such sale be insuffi cient for the purpose of the trust, 1 shall then proceed to sell, for cash, 1. A LOT OP' GROUND on Water and Princess streets, 118 feet on Hater street, and 136 on Princess street. 2. A LOT opposite the same, (1) on Prin cessstreet and an nlley, 48 feet by 46 feet. 3. A LOT OF GROUND on Oronoko st., being 1-4 of a square, running through the cen tre to Pendleton street, and opposite the late Mordecai Miller’s Bake House. 4. One halfofan undivided HALF 8Q.UARE, less sixty feet, on Oronoko, ltoyal, and Pitt streets, where the old Catholic Chapel stood, and opposite Hollinsbury’s late brick yard. 5. A LOT OF GROUND on WWe street, opposite the residence or John C. Vowell, and fronting on Holfeund Pitt streets,1-8 olasquare. The sale will commence at the first mentioned piece of property, and will then proceed on the promises of each lot as advertised. Should the sale be prevented on that day, it will take place the next fair day, and be con tinued horn day to day until finished. WM. LUDWELL HODGSON, sept 24—60d Trustee. HOUSE, FURNITURE, & ORNAMENTAL CARVING. WD. MINTON, bavin# commenced the • above business, on King street, a few doors below Washington, (in the house occu pied by Mr. James Carroll,) is now ready to ex ecute, with the utmost neatness and despatch, and on the most accommodating terms, all or ders in the above business. N. 13. The subscriber having had an exten sive practical knowledge of the above business, in most of the larger cities and towns in the United States, is with the greater confidence prepared to recommend himself to the public, sept 9—3mW. D. MINTON. FIVE HOLLARS REWARD. STRAYED away on the Gth inst. a large dark red and white COW, with a bell and the subscriber’s name on the collar. Said cow came from Loudoun about two months since. 1 will pay the above reward on the delivery of the cow to me, in Alexandria, sept 17 STEPHEN SHINN O BUENOS AYRES HIDES, F good quality, for sale by sept 17 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. CASH FOR 400 NEGROES, INCLUDING both sexes, from 12 to 25yeat^ of age. Persons having likely Servants to dispose of, will find it to be their interest to give us a call, as we will give higher prices in ca-h than any other purchaser who is now, or may hereafter, come into this market, sept 1 FRANKLIN & ARMFIELD. FRANKLIN HOUSE. The above TAVERN has been rented by jjj£the subscriber. It is well known as having been long occupied by Mr. Augustine Newton; is now in good repair, and every comfort that the traveller needs can be had. The Table is everyday supplied with the delicacies, os well as the substantial ot life. The Bar is well fitted with the best Liquors, and private parlies can be accommodated in the most delightful man ner. JOHN WEST. N. B. Beltzhoover’s Line of Stages arrive and depart daily from this House; and Gigs, Horses, and Hacks, can be had on the most reasonablo terms._ nov 5—c] TO THE GREAT FALLS. The Canal = Packet Boat +GEOHGE l WAS HI SO i ui\ nas commenced ner regular trips, on Tuesdays and Fridays, for the Great Falls or Crommelin, starting from Frederick Street Bridge, (Georgetown) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning the same day at or before sunset. Fare to and from Crommelin, 50 cents. The Canal is now in fine order, and the coun try presents a beautiful appearance. To those who are fond of a short excursion, and desire a short relaxation from business, a trip to the Great Falls offers a most delightful treat. 03- Parties, on any other days of the week, can be accommodated, by giving a short notice or application to the proprie‘“ m* rd JOB PRINTING neatly executed at this ofii-.e